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    Filmed and edited by Garrett Horner
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    welcome to beyond the cover John Chris hor today’s edition we want to go into a little bit of the story with Jonas vineo and can the riter the two-time tour to France Champion get himself ready for this year’s tour to France what could go wrong what does he need to go right what has to be perfect when you look at viz M Lisa bike as a whole right now when we’re looking at their Tor to France Squad that’s listed on Pro cycling stats at this moment this morning when I looked at it before we came on video here they got eight Riders on that team yonis fos listed as there as one of their eight of course on the top of the list two-time defending Champion W van AR not even listed on their tour to France roster right now now they got other guys on that team that when you look at the roster at this moment moment Kristoff leaport has not performed throughout the 2024 season really he’s had issues with being sick and underperforming throughout the season then he went to the jural he crashed the jro left the jural he’s on the roster for the torter France I don’t see that happening when we see Yan tratnik on the roster he did the jro he performed decent in the jro covering some early attacks but always getting dropped in those attacks late into the jro so I don’t know if he’s going to make the tour to France we start looking at sep cus sep cus season hasn’t been that bad guys have been in the comments on beyond the coverage they’ve put up there that sep hasn’t been that good he hasn’t been that he hasn’t been that bad guys he’s got himself right around 10th places throughout most of the season of the results he’s been doing been at the bass country won the K Jersey there he was in the final split with Steven kwick on the last Mountain Stage of uh stage six there at the bass country so sepkus is in the right place not at sepkus level I agree with the comments as we saw there posted up if you want to go back and look at the comments from yesterday’s beyond the coverage I agreed that he hasn’t been sep cus that we’ve saw last year when he’s riding at the front for Primos rogl at the Juro when he’s riding at the front at the torto France for jonis Veno and of course when he won Tour of Spain last year in 2023 he was on flying form I saw some other comments about SE C being gifted that win there at the Balta Spa in 2023 the way you guys had posted it some of the comments in there that he had been gifted at the win from his teammates that’s wrong that’s not what happened at last year’s walta ESP if you want to say it was a gift you would have to say it’s a gift from pseudo quickstep because it was Rimco eipo and the tactics from his director sportif in the car that gifted the time gap on stage six from Pudo quick steps the director or you can say that that is the correct way to say sebus was gifted the win there at the buas if you want to it was not a gift to be clear it was a tactical mistake from pseudo quickstep to allow a rider of climbing ability that sepkus has to give him time in a breakaway that went up the road that he ended up winning stage six putting himself in the race leaders jersey at stage eight after that stage eight once he was in the red jersey of the Balta espa in 2023 he was capable of following his teammates if anything the managers on viz molisa bike did not gift him any any walta espan win because they allowed yonis Vino and Primos rogach to attack him left and right while the American hands were tied back there because he can’t chase his teammates down and it was only the last Mountain Stage after the Press debacle there from yumbo visma on that final Mountain Stage where they said hey everybody’s going to now race for sep cus which they should have done as soon he was in the race leaders red jersey and especially after Remco blew himself up and dropped that a general classification no gifts given from viz meisa bike was the opposite way if you really want to be correct with your comments when you listed there talking about sep cus okay now let’s get back on the to France again sorry for my little rant but I had read a bunch of those comments it wasn’t fair to the American he won the Bol to ESP last year in 2023 no doubt about it and no gifts giv now when we’re talking about 2024 for Jonas Figo the main thing when I’m looking at his form I had a friend of mine text me he says hey does does jonis feno have to pull seven watts per kilo for 20 minutes in order to be 100% for the tour okay my friend is 100% right you do have to pull those kind of numbers yonis Figo and nowadays pelaton to perform with t pagach here I don’t know if the exact number seven watts per kilo but when I won the ball to espa in 2013 for 40 minutes I held 390 Watts average which is about 6.3 watts per kilo that won me the Bal to espia but I didn’t have to race again against T paga Rimco the Primos Rog Orono at that Year’s Bal ESP I did have to race against a very good second place finisher vinu nii Valverde and Hakim Rodriguez who are the two best ranked riders in the world multiple times for five six seasons throughout those two Riders career and of course we know venzo nibbi won one torto France one walta and two Jos so legendary Riders I had to be very good but I’ll even admit those Riders were probably missing that 1% at that Year’s W to ESP now when we look at yonis Fino and we go back to what my friend was saying does he need to pull 7 watt 7 point watts per kilo for 20 minutes nobody he has to be really good I can take you back to 2000 when I won in Malaysia okay we’re not talking about the Tor France but I can tell you at training camp I was getting dropped every day at training camp holding on to the team carback there I had Floyd Landis as a teammate and he was drilling it on the climbs left and right all over the place and I was just drop out of the group go back there from the Mercury team and I hold on to the car and he tow me up the thing and I remember asking after the training camp in January and telling the director sport hey maybe you don’t want to bring me to Malaysia I’m not any good and he said no you have to go I said no I don’t want to go take me off the list he said no you got to go I got there the weather was incredibly warm why do I want to bring that up keep that in mind because I’m going to go back into some of yonis Vino’s training right now when he’s at altitude but sticking on topic here when I got in Malaysia I was really bad we started training around the island it was incredibly warm Malaysia is warm I mean incredibly warm 95 95 humidity it’s blistering out there and every day I just started getting a little bit better a little bit better we started racing and we were there on the island of Malaysia probably for by or island of Lan excuse me the country of Malaysia and we were there for 3 four days and then the race started by stage four we were going up this monster climb not super super complicated at the beginning but about 50 km long we’re talking 30 plus miles long and always kind of stair stepping a little bit hard a little bit stair stepping we’re halfway up that climb and all of a sudden I could feel my legs just open up and they opened up like you had flushed out the toilet your toilet was all clogged up and someone had come there with a plunger and it had opened up just like when you flush the toilet and you see all the water just dropped down the toilet bowl that’s what it felt in my legs it felt like they just flushed out all of a sudden everything bad had just flushed out and they had opened up halfway up this climb and from that moment I was on incredible form I mean it was flying and it had switched that fast on stage four I believe it was so that’s what I was talking about yesterday and Beyond the coverage in terms of jonis vineo not needing to start the Tor to France 100% on form but he’s got to be solid he’s got to be completely healed it’s not the tour of Malaysia it’s the tour to France so where I was granted a few easier stages and then we went into I believe it was stage six like I was telling you of that monster climb then all of a sudden it flushed out but the weather was incredibly warm was ideal training scenario all the way from SoCal all the way in to the tour of Lena I keep calling it tour of Malaysia but tour of Lena and as we got into that stage it just flushed so yonis Vino needs to have enough form to come into the Tour of France and of course he has to survive stage one stage one’s already going to be a bunch of climbing in Italy a bunch of sharp steep climbs so he has to be good but possibly possibly probably not but possibly UAE team memor aren’t super aggressive with t pagach are in stage one probably will be because they know yonas is coming in here and it could be a question mark on his form but if Tod pagach is really aggressive he blows up the field he goes over the last climb drops down The Descent there’s a little bit of time for yonas Vino if if he has a solid team wrapped around him to get him over that last climb and then start pacing and do damage control up there the Tad pagar rim coab and the P Primos Rog if those three Riders were to go over the top if y v Go’s lucky those three Riders play some tactical games up there they don’t work perfect with each other Figo has teammates back there that can pull him back on the problem is though when I start looking at yonis yonis Figo right now and his team at the Tour of France we know sep cus hasn’t been perfect throughout the beginning of the season but like I said I’m not worried about that hasn’t been as great for him but sure he’s going to be targeting the tourto France coming in the dolphan as I said maybe we see something spectacular out of sepkus that’ll be important marker for yonas Figo to decide whether or not if he goes to the Tor of France not 100% because if he’s not 100% he still needs his teammates to be 100% to look after him and close those gaps at to of Lan when I was racing that teammates all wrapped around me they were doing all the work I wasn’t didn’t have to cover all the attacks at the finish of the Races by myself from legendary Riders like TY pachar but I covered one or two here or there and they of course got better like I told you the story Jonas Figo needs his team to help him out throughout the first week to see if that one more week of racing and that sharpness of racing can get his legs and his Fitness back and ready for this year’s tour to France so he can defend the third title okay some other concerns besides yumo vizmo yonis Figo and looking at his team well as I told you w vanart is not even on the roster and you need W vanart to be on the roster to be able to look after him throughout the those crucial moments and you need W vard to be 100% on form like we’ve seen in years past we don’t want him to come in like with the pendex where it was cut and sliced and his form kept getting better and better W vard needs to be good on stage one subus needs to good on stage one yenson needs to be good on stage one and when you look at their roster there’s some question marks because as I told you christop port hasn’t been on form Yan tratnik finish the jro if he does start to tour to France he’s had crashes throughout this season already we don’t know if he’s going to be 100% Dylan Van barley okay he’s done a ton of work for different Riders like w van art and Jonas Migo all already during the season so it’s hard to tell where his form is but you wouldn’t think that Dylan Van barley would be up there with the top 10 going over the last and final climb when we’re talking about stage one and he needs riders with him so when yonas go sitting at home right now training well is it in teens at altitude but when he’s with his team at altitude training right now when he’s deciding about the tour to France he’s got to think okay if I’m not 100% I still need my teammates are 100% around me so is stepen chwick going to be 100% to help me through the first week and close those gaps up to the GC favorites that possibly leave him on the first stage one and of course when we’re talking about the Gia if he was to get dropped there he needs sep cus to be able to set the pace for him to do damage control so that he can find that that 100% Fitness because he’s not pulling a seven watts per kilo I don’t know the magic number whatever it happens to be if he does get dropped though on cig gbia he has to have sep cus he has to have Steven kwick he has to have Matel Jorgenson someone and hopefully multiple Riders are close to him to do the pacing because the other competitions back there is going to go well yonas you got dropped I remember you dropping me two times three times at the tour to France the last three years back now we’re not going to help you out you you’re under form we’re not going to give you any help you’re our competitors but his teammates will always give him help so if his teammates are looking sharp at Dolan at torf Swiss whoever he’s bringing at tour SS and whoever he’s bringing at dolphan if those guys leave those races and look sharp then yoris F Go’s decision to start the tour to France again gets a little bit more height and where he says okay my team’s around me I’m not 100% when I get into this stage one I know I don’t want to blow myself up trying to follow T pagar if I have sep cus back there if I have Steven kwick if I have my climbers like Matta Jorgenson and he’s flying on form we don’t even know what Matta Jorgenson can do in the big mountains but stage one isn’t big mountains it’s more like perne stages where it’s going to be hard steep climbs so Mato Jorgenson should be good on stage one but we don’t know how good he’ll be when we get into the big big mountains of a grand tour where they’re backto back stages but can Matel your orson’s abilities that we’ve seen because they have increased in 2024 he didn’t went Perry for no reason at all his Fitness has increased so he could be the writer that gets yonis Vino through stages one two four all the way into the individual time trial on stage seven looking after him the first week and then his other pure climbers sep cus Steven kwick can come into their own on the bigger bigger climbs but Matteo Jorgenson could be the glue that helps yonis Vino stay close to T pagach are if he was to lose a little bit of Gap to the Slovenian early on stage one and on stage two and on stage four so keep that in mind now one other thing I want to cover because I saw of course on on the websites and Instagram and whatnot that we see that t that yonas fineo is up at altitude and teens right now and waiting for his teammates to come up and then he’s going to be training with his teammates the problem I have when you go up to altitude when you’re on the fitness level that yonas fi goes on where his Fitness needs to be going like this every day the whole reason yonas Vino isn’t at dolphan or won’t be doing the tour of Swiss is because you don’t want to go into that race and then get devastated so much from the work effort of that race that your form actually drops a little bit you want your form to continue continue St stepping up you want it to continue to Peak and get as close to as best as you possibly can before the Tor to front starts if he goes in races he could dip and form and drop down and then you actually lose days of training when I see the picture here of Jonas Figo he’s dressed up at altitude in teens and he’s dressed up head to toe in warm gear I understand the benefit of why Riders want to go to altitude I don’t agree with it I don’t like it at all I prefer heat and warm and I’d rather be at sea level where the weather is predictable every day than to be at altitude I believe altitude training works for the Riders because they’re no longer at home they have their mechanics their swine years they have their directors always looking at them and they have the program that it always stays the same because their friends don’t call them up say hey let’s have a beer so I believe when we’re looking at Jonas fineo when you’re going up to weather talking about teens I remember doing the the tour to France for NBC in 2019 and they had to cancel that stage remember Aon rol was getting ready to win the Tour to France and then they canceled it he was up there with the Yates with one of the Yates up there they canceled the stage and then of course Egon Bernal went on to win the Tour to France because they gave the stage finish on the clim before but they canel it so you’re like what are you talking about why do we care well every day yono’s form has to continue to increase increase increase if he’s up there in teens and you get a really bad day you cannot go out and do the same six-hour training so yonas Vino will have to of course use Swift or hop on his trainer and find other ways to get through that training day so that he doesn’t have that dip and form doesn’t have that loss of training because it always needs to continue to go up so right now there’s a lot of cards on the table for yonis vineo and bis meisa bike because their team when we’re talking about their eight Rider roster at the tour to France it’s not looking exactly shiny and bright right now with w vanard y his F go out sep cus not being as sharp as he would Kristoff leaport crashing Yan tratnik doing the jro there is a lot of question marks going into this year’s tour to France for viz molisa bikes Jonas Figo and I think right now when I see him in altitude I’d rather be down in heat warm sunshine getting a tan baking leaning out and getting ready and having every stage of every day of racing getting me ready so that I can go into the Tor of France 100% that’s my take up here on beyond the coverage hope you guys like the information little bit detailed maybe a little bit over thehead for some but hopefully everybody appreciates the effort put in from yonis fego Vis M Lisa bike all trying to get the rider the two-time torter France Champion ready for this year’s 24 torter France like And subscribe I’ll see you guys real soon


    1. None of this is gonna matter. UAE will employ the same tactics that Jumbo did last year. They will put so much TSS on Jonas that he will eventually crack. It was just math last year. Pog didn’t have enough time to train and they knew the maximum effort he could handle. So they put him over that limit.

    2. Here are some facts and predictions. Tadaj has had bad days in all his 4 TDF.(especially in high altitude and heat) Jonas zero in his 3. Jonas has beaten tadaj in week 3 in all 3 TDF they rode against each other. When tadaj has dropped Jonas it has been seconds each time, when Jonas has dropped tadaj, well minutes. remco and roglic are not on their level in my opinion(if all 4 had perfect preparations for the tour. Jonas is clear no 1 tadaj clear no 2.Roglic clear no 3 Since this year(accident for the 3 and tadaj doing the giro(might be the closest tour in a long long time, maybe ever.We can only hope. Love all 4 of them, but in my opinion Roglic and tadaj, if roglic is at his best and tadaj has lost some % from the giro participation. Those 2 are the favorites with tadaj being the no 1 favorite in my opinion.and roglic 2, which is the most likely scenario right now. Jonas if he had not had his crash, would have won by minutes again this tour(with a route that in week 3 is very hard, So Jonas would have destroyed them by minutes on stage 19, 20 and 21. Now though we don't know if he will be even ready, if he will be, he will not be 100%, and he might or might not peak in week 3, it can go both ways. If he peaks in week 3, it will be spectacular seeing if he can gain back the time he lost to the others in the first 2 weeks. My prediction. Jonas if he participates will be minutes down before stage 19 and then he will start gaining time on them( winning minimum 2 out the 3 last stages). Remco will loose big time on 1 or 2 of those stages and be out of top 5. Tadaj if he has not improved since last year and it will be hot on especially stage 19, can loose the tour on this stage. Roglic will drive his usually defensive style. maybe winning a stage or 2(if he beats Tadaj in uphill sprint stages in a few of them) other then that I think roglic will be no 2 in the tour. Tadaj 1, roglic 2, Ayuso 3. Unless Jonas will be high level week 3. Then he could podium it. Most likely then. Tadaj 1, roglic 2, Jonas 3. If the miracle happens and he will be 95% at tour start then he will win and roglic 2nd and tadaj 3rd. Why tadaj 3rd. It Is only Visma pushing tadaj all tour long(and they will only do that if Jonas is fit for that, that will make tadaj break on stage 19 and since roglic is a very clever driver, he will take minutes on tadaj on that stage when he cracks and become 2rd.overall. What do you guys predict. can't wait, please let all the top riders be fit and strong.

    3. I've had similar experiences to Chris, being a pure climber, I could be creeping leading up to a race, then hit the huge climbs and my form would transform and I would suddenly be absolutely flying.

    4. Also, with Jonas, training in the wet always puts one at risk of picking up a chill which is not good leading up to the Tour De France.

    5. It was a gift from Jumbo Visma to Jumbo Visma.
      Having the big 3 races won by 3 different riders is an accomplishment. Is as successful and as dominant as any team can be .
      As for the win for Sep Kuss, nobody knows what the orders were from the team, still we have to wonder the reasons for Jumbo Visma to let Primoz go.
      As a team manager or owner I wouldn't dismantle a winning team. Something to think about.

    6. So much has already been said i''ll Just add this:Tadej is already in such a form that he can spin the waves like Jonas did last year at Tour the France. Haven' t you noticed that Tadej lost few kilos and now Tadej is going to altitude training to lose a few more kilos, which in Turn means that he will be evan better, because we all want the tour the France to be exciting, but unfortunately this is not possible succeding year's, because Tadej Pogačar will only get better, we have to pour ourselves some clean wine and admit that we live in the era of Tadej Pogačar one of the greatest ever to site on a bike. This year tour the France will be decided for 1week unfortunately it's like that it won't help Jonas even if 100% heaven is enough for Tadej Pogačar.

    7. Stage 1 Tadej will attack 100%. As now no one can follow him. Roglič was never on that level, was/is good but not no.1, Remco always has one or two bad stages, Jonas is the only one who can follow Tadej if if Jonas is at best. All others no way!

    8. Super excited to see your TDL jersey and that you actually rode to Penang Is on Stage 2 where I live now since 2011. Several of us rode our bikes up to the iconic Teluk Bahang hill climb to watch the riders ride up from the other side, then ride down after the peloton had left. Was a treat for us Islanders to have the tour come to us! Amazed at the speed the guys rode up!! We ride these hills almost weekly. Yes, it's always warm so we ride in the early mornings, unlike the TDL. Please come back to visit Chris, cycling has grown bigger since.

    9. Chris if you look at Jorgensen’s race on Puy de Dome last year does that show he is talented on the larger mountains? He was able to stick with Pogacar and Vingegaard up that climb and like you said he’s even stronger now.

    10. Matteo Jorgenson or Sepp Kuss should be the Visma-leaders at Tour of France! Jonas Vingegaard could be a great help for beeing a little bit competitiv against the best team ever seen at the Tour of France …UAE Emirates

    11. Kuss won because of a tactical mistake and after he was presented a gift cause of the media stuff. Both Visma teammates could have taken him. As a matter a fact, its the reason Roglic left and Visma is most likely without a contender for the tour. Kuss was a knecht and always will be.

    12. Call it what you want but Vuelta 2023 was not decided on the road. If it was Sepp would not have come out on top. Roglic or Jonas – my guess is Jonas – would have won it. But we shall never know..

    13. Chris, you said some team/riders won't pull Jonas up the climbs because they still remember being dropped by him last year. But, have you accounted for all the nuckleheads?

    14. I have no doubt UAE will test Jonas in the first week as they should. But it's a precarious situation, isn't it? I mean, what we've learned from the last 2 Tours is that Jonas retains so much power during those 3 weeks that his kick in that last week is extremely dangerous. How brave is UAE and especially Pogi? Could it be another scenario of Pogi setting himself up for yet another third week collapse by exhausting himself in the first two weeks?

      Interesting times.

    15. @Chris Horner: If somehow he would get dropped, there's also a big chance that Movistar is there. Who will go knucklehead style do the chasing likely for them. 😂 Interesting analyses like always though!

      Kruijswijk in a Dutch interview a few weeks ago, said that he was perhaps better right now then back in 2019.

    16. We don’t know if Jonas will do any heat training or not. He still has time to do so.

      Doubt he’ll be ready though, if he’s not on form and loses time the he’ll probably drop out.

      Pogacar will probably win by minutes. I am sure they will try to put it away early and let him wear the yellow to the end. Pogacar is aggressive and wants to put his stamp on his legacy.

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