#tdf2024 #remcoevenepoel #evenepoel #dauphiné #tourdefrance #julianalaphilippe #soudalquickstep #cycling #cyclisme #pogacar #tadejpogacar #roglic #vingegaard #jonasvingegaard

    Après avoir participé à Paris-Nice au mois de mars, Remco Evenepoel va donc découvrir l’autre grande épreuves par étapes d’une semaine disputée en France. À quatre semaines du Grand Départ du Tour de France, ce sera l’occasion pour l’ancien champion du monde de faire des kilomètres sur des routes françaises qu’il a eu très peu l’occasion de pratiquer en course, mais aussi de voir où il en est, lui qui n’a plus couru depuis le 4 avril dernier et ses fractures d’une clavicule et d’une omoplate subies sur le Tour du Pays basque. Présent en visio-conférence de presse ce samedi après-midi à la veille du départ du Dauphiné, le Belge de la Soudal Quick-Step s’est à nouveau montré très prudent sur son niveau pour la semaine à venir, confirmant qu’il n’avait “aucune attente” en terme de résultat et qu’il verrait au jour le jour.

    Video : @soudalquickstep

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    long time not seen I have uh a question uh what is for you the personal Target of this week uh when do you be happy uh when you’re a PL the CER what do you want for yourself uh honestly no Targets this week just um just uh get into the race rhythm again um see where the shape is is at for the moment um but no no specific Targets in terms of results or um yeah expectations so uh day by day and uh think we have uh two guys in a good shape here with Elon and and Landa and I will uh if I have the chance I will try to support them as much as possible but for myself there is uh no big expectations to just uh get into the rhythm again and uh try to get out of this race in a better shape than I uh will get into it then it will be a successful week for me Remco can you just talk a little bit about the route this week and where you see the time being won or lost obviously we’ve got three big stages at the weekend but there are only two stages where we’ve got the three kilometer Ru so does that mean that time could be won and lost on the other stages as well I think I will have to disappoint you because I didn’t look at get the rooted off oh God uh I only know that this fourth stage is a time trial and the last days are going to be hard but um I didn’t check at the specific routes to be honest so uh that’s uh I think a good example of uh with what expectations I’m at to start so uh I have to uh to apologize to you why why did you keep this calm and not trying to rush uh to get back on your back which every Rider tries to do um but apparently you say you you found it necessary to wait until you felt okay yeah honestly the I mean maybe the injuries were in the biggest ones uh with the collarbone and the scapula but I have to say that the the impact of the crash with at a high speed and quite a long uh slide in the over the grass and um had quite a big impact on on my body um also the the surgery uh first time under Naros so uh for me it was quite a big impact overall let’s say um and just yeah my shoulder my muscles everything was uh was uh quite damaged so I have to say that um I really needed that time because I think um the day I started outside is really the first day that I felt ready for it so um I think yeah also with the the experience of my uh lombardia crash in the past where we rushed things maybe a bit too much um I wanted to to count things down and then really never skip any step of uh yeah of the stairway let’s say so uh just really day by day step by step and I think uh it was the good decision to do it that way because in the end um still the main goal of the season is is the Tour of France and it only starts in uh in a small month and um it ends in in only seven weeks so there’s still uh a long way till the end of the tour so um that’s why we didn’t rush anything uh with the with a bigger goal in mind and uh always uh paying attention to not get uh in extreme fatigue or um yeah Rush myself too much so uh maybe it was not the best approach to get into this race but of course I think and I hope it will be a better approach or the best approach to go to the tour after a big crash um beginning of April um are there remainders of that in in the way that maybe you risks will you will try to avoid risks or uh is there anything left of that crash in your head um according to danger and how to deal with it uh well I hope not I think uh first day place in SRA Nevada it was still a bit of uh uh let’s say stiff descending uh not feeling super comfortable on the bike but I think uh every day it got better and better and I think I’m uh I’m gone of the the scared feelings so that’s good um and then uh yeah I mean the injuries are still a bit uncomfortable sometimes especially in the in the Hop plot it’s still a bit uh in the scapula is still a bit uh a bit strange sometimes especially on a TT bike there’s a lot of pressure coming onto my shoulder so there it’s uh it’s a bit a bit strange um but I think it should be it should be good enough to race and um also good enough to take risks again um so yeah we will see day by day like I said but of course uh if my body wouldn’t have been good enough to race I would not have been at the start so I think my body is good enough to race uh but the shape will be another story probably there’s a chance that Jonas vingar will race the tour to France not having done any preparation races I was just wondering was that an option that you considered and how would you have felt about that uh I think in in my uh in my situation it was never going to be the case um the only uh thing that could have changed was that I was going to do a longer prep training preparation and then ride through the Swiss so uh um I think I never had uh I never had the option to uh to not race or I never wanted that option so I think um for me it was the best to still have a race because yeah um also before um I mean till B I didn’t race that much so uh I needed a race um for sure and uh if my shape and my feeling was not going to be good enough then I was going to do two but I think uh yeah the answer is given um because I’m here at the start of do so uh yeah I think the feeling is good enough to race here um so that’s that’s positive that’s a a good Evolution how important is it for you to write to to ride a time trial at that stage in your preparation for the tour yeah I think it’s going to be an important one to see how the the pressure on the shoulder feels um to see if I can handle uh the pressure for a long time because I think uh I think class or Dre told me that the TT is not super technical especially in the first part of the race so it will be uh a lot of uh yeah position um work and I think um it’s going to be a good test to see how the shoulder reacts uh to force the muscles to get really uh narrow in the shoulder so I think uh it’s going to be a good step in in uh yeah I’m not going to call it a rehab anymore but an next step into my uh upcoming shape or growing shape towards the tour so um yeah it’s uh it’s going to be a good test and uh yeah we will see about uh the legs and the results but I think uh my feeling in day by day will be the most important for this week and uh not necessarily the results so it’s an unusual situation with yourself and pros and yonas all crashing in in early part of May um going and seeing um Ted paga dominating the Jalia in that the way that he did what do you think the dynamic is going to be like at the tour fronts uh good question I think um yeah all pressure will be on on team UA for sure um if you see how T was racing um on a very impressive way in in the jro then with all their co-leaders coming in their team as well on the tour I think uh they have the man to beat and they are the team to beat and um next to that is Yas of course because yanas is the back-to-back to France Champion so um yeah I think uh yeah especially for myself and for my team there’s uh no big pressure I think all the pressure is on the other teams and um yeah we will have to try to follow I think that’s the if you can follow tday one day I think it’s going to be like a victory but of course yeah we will have to see that maybe he’s already going to attack first day win the stage with five minutes and then the GC is over again so uh I mean it’s uh it’s a special guy it’s uh best rider in the world so uh you never know with him and um yeah it’s going to be a a process and also uh a big question for everybody how he’s going to be recovered after the jro but I think uh yeah he he did great race and he will be ready for the tour that’s for sure so it wouldn’t surprise me if he wins the tour to France after winning the jro so uh yeah I think uh that’s a bit the answer to the question e e p is also coming in uh of all of those guys you know him best I wonder how you look at uh yeah what you and Primos have going on for the the recent years how would you describe it it’s rival rivalry probably but in a good way I wonder how you uh how you how you would describe him and uh your relationship between the you two of you on the on the bike uh well I think uh primy much is one of the big champions in the in the bunch of the I mean in in modern cycling so um all the all the results he has achieved and the the palar he he has build up over the years I think it’s very impressive and it’s something that every Rider can dream of so um I think um it’s not necessarily a rivalry between us because it’s somebody I look up to and that I uh I have as an idol so um yeah it’s just uh I mean it’s it’s a champion and champions are always a bit special in their own ways um they all have their own ideas their own approaches to races uh their own tactics so I think uh it’s uh fair to say that pmos is also one of those Champions that likes to approach things in his own way and uh I think we only have to respect that and uh just praise him for his uh uh for his results for his career and um yeah like I said it’s somebody that that I look up to and that I always like to race with um because it’s it’s somebody somebody that I learn a lot from espec especially in uh in tactics and uh race strange race situations so um I think it’s perfect that he’s here again to to learn from him and to see how he goes one month ahead of the tour so uh yeah looking forward to it again


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