An epic adventure on ONE WHEEL….We were planning on completing the COAST TO COAST on electric UNICYCLES. We didn’t book anywhere to stay in Bridlington and didn’t realise it was Bank Holiday. We had a caravan to stay in approximately half way ( Knaresborough) but after leaving this the next morning we got caught in a massive thunder storm. We still had a good few miles left and wouldn’t be getting to Bridlington until around 8pm WET and cold….and if we couldn’t find anywhere we would be fooked. That’s when we decided to travel back to the caravan and then ride back to Morecombe. It was a nightmare getting the phone out to film and definitely too wet and windy for the drone so that’s why hardly any footage. ( especially home stretch) Anyhoo….hope you enjoy what has been taken….Don’t forget to check out our other videos and SMASH THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON and don’t forget to press the bell so you get notifications on new videos #listentolee

    You can buy Lee a coffee 👇😊

    every we are at way of the Roses mesday going to do Coast to Coast again so this is where we are here now Mor and we’re doing all this all this right across the co right across the country Coast to Coast on these one wheels so let’s see how that goes just a full Brey before we start charging up for the first time in settle and we’re just going to get something to eat just trying to get a video okay I wouldn’t like to be doing this on a pedal bike like these poor guys here for [Music] me um me look time hell look e [Music] me [Music] [Music] pap the fishing town of pstone with wild Mor deportment fire Market w w [Applause] what you think Ste um you got the scissors you get scissors to cut the blood unbelievable that’s the first time ever so I do apologize if you wanted to see the whole root but as the thumbnail says says fail because we didn’t do it it’s not that we um we didn’t have the energy to do it or the willingness to do it what happened was I do say on the um description if you’ve read it but some people might not read it we didn’t plan anything we were we were laughing together saying it was an adventure and it was going to be fun and everything sometimes you’ve got to plan a little bit cuz you know the old saying um fail to plan plan to fail we really forgot it was a bank holiday when we were working our plans out to do it only when it approached and we said it’s next weekend and and then we realized it was Bank holid too late because everything was organized then but we’ve actually done more mileage than what the route is the route is about 170 I think it is we’ve done 240 so we’ve done plenty of miles we rode back from about 3/4 are the way there but we really really wanted to do it just to say we’ve done it but um it was fun and everything but one of the main things I wanted to say was we’ve already done Coast to Coast we’ve done Southport to hornsey and we made it we we got there then we had to ride from hornsey to Hull for the train so we done extra miles again I’ve put a video up of part one of that and the reason why I didn’t put part two up is it took a lot of film and a lot of time a lot of effort the editing was unbelievable because you know there was a lot of film and it didn’t get any it didn’t get many views I think it’s been up about well I don’t even know how long few months three months four months five months I don’t even know but he had something like 1100 views it’s just pointless it’s waste of time so I didn’t even bother editing part two I’ve still got it all there on the footage so I may do it one day but no one seems interested anyway so I’ll be honest with you we definitely wned or I wasn’t going to video this trip for for YouTube that’s not that’s why there’s not much footage we didn’t take the 360 uh cameras we took a drone I used it once and no I used it twice and just me phone and when you rideing and you got gloves on and you’re trying to get the phone out and you’re trying to keep it steady and when you see it something worth taking a picture of you’ve already sort of passed it or approached it and then you think it’s just too late plus Steve was in front of me and I didn’t want to keep stopping him all the time so you just go past something you think oh that would have made a lovely picture that would have looked a lovely view that was so it didn’t get done and I’ve noticed on watching other people’s videosos not many people video things from morom to settle which is quite not halfway but it’s it’s supposed a third of the way there’s not really much to look at really so every keep saying oh it’s a wonderful route and um that recommend it and things well I personally wouldn’t I didn’t like it don’t think St liked it either that’s why we were just saying let’s go home it wasn’t there some lovely views but when we do the trails when we do the trails on the um trans penine Trails I think every views go just it’s just brilliant so bit disappointing that we didn’t do it but we still had a good laugh still had a good time and I’ve put a little video together anyway which I wasn’t going to but when I looked at the footage when I got home I thought why not and it’s just to prove that all the videos are going up saying they’re doing it I don’t think I’ve ever seen a video a video that says fail so I just thought I’d show ours um we’ll probably do it again not this route another route Coast to Coast even if we make our own route but that said don’t let me put you off just because I didn’t like it do it for yourself try it you might might love it um watch the videos that’s another thing I watched I think maybe two videos before I went and I just decided I wanted to go because I heard it was lovely I never watched any videos till I’ve got home and now I’ve watched them I’m thinking we didn’t see that route and we didn’t see that route and must add though I must add we because we were on one wheel on the main roads the a roads and the cars can go past it at like 60 mes an hour it’s quite frightening I mean one little false move and you’re off it’s not as steady as a bike so we tried to avoid them so Steve plotted in his own um wasn’t go was it Google anyway his own um what’s it called when you do me did not ordinance surve or anyway we planned our own route so we were avoiding as many roads as we could um but we still saw the scenery we weren’t going into a different country we were only going like a couple of miles different or up a bit or down a bit so it was basically the same route but just trying not to um use the a roads and when I watch the videos there’s not many people on the aoad so I don’t know where where where they’ve gone but anyway as to say try it yourself um I hope it was a little bit of interest to someone and we did have a laugh um we’ll try another one so yeah check out our other um coast to coast and well part one anyway and I will try and put part two up I think it’s no good just having it sitting there and I can’t bring myself to delete it all all the all the bits like um delete them all so I’ll edit it see you all soon so yeah check out our other um coast to coast and well part one anyway and I will try and put part two up I think it’s no good just having it sitting there and I can’t bring myself to delete it all all the all the bits like um delete them all so I let it see it all


    1. Cheers Lee. At least you got out with your mates for a couple of day's on the wheels and had a decent breakfast. 👍😁🦘🇦🇺

    2. That was spectacular Lee. Stunning scenery. Unfortunately, personally, I couldn’t have completed 100 yards!!! Balance issues!!! Glad you and Steve enjoyed, apart from the weather. Many thanks for sharing with us 👍👍👍

    3. Loved this video! Countryside reminded me of Scotland, lived there for 2 years, so brought back very happy memories! You guys did a great job, a real challenge! And a full English too! Enjoy every video Lee! Take care!👏👏👏👍😊🙏

    4. Great experiences with your mates, beautiful scenery and first time I’ve seen this type of vehicle. True memories most important thing in life. 😀

    5. You had a lovely trip as the scenery was lovely. Old bridges, horses, towns and stone walls. It's a different country for me. ❤ from Queensland

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