24 Hours in A&E – S16 E30

    Follow Alicia’s inspiring journey to recovery after a bike accident and her enduring strength amidst personal loss. Witness Jeffrey’s battle against a severe infection as he navigates love and life-threatening circumstances in this gripping episode of 24 Hours in A&E.


    24 Hours in A&E plunges viewers into the heart of a bustling UK trauma center, presenting a raw, real-time exploration of life inside an emergency department. This British documentary series reveals the relentless pace of emergency medicine, touching patient stories, and the heroic efforts of medical staff. It’s an unscripted journey through critical care, personal trials, and the resilience of the human spirit.


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    the world might feel a bit more chaotic and a bit more divided it’s easy to forget sometimes that there are constants your home still your home your family still your family and all the structures of our society is still there to look after you if you need it here we go George’s resource adult male code red TR about 10 minutes activate the helipad there’s been an explosion on a building site part rad 200 Open Your Eyes Open Your Eyes imagine having to work here hello Annie can I help St George’s London it’s all going to kick off now one of Britain’s busiest A&E departments are we ready to roll carry on CPR goodness me it’s all happening isn’t it we need to fix that or you won’t survive he said uh a place where life would you say I was fit doctor honestly I think think I’m quite fit love you are my everything I love you and it’s okay and lost oh M I’m so sorry unfold every single day for every bad thing that you see there is something equally wonderful out there filmed across one 24-hour period these are the stories of a nation and its Health Service I thought I was going to die you did definitely not going to die you’ve got too many good doctors and nurses here when people experience really significant illness or injuries we see people pull together we see relationships get stronger and we see people reflect on what really is the most important things in their life whatever happens it’s going to be okay I love you love you [Music] too [Music] 0:01:59.840,1193:02:47.295 [Music] know what happened to him but he couldn’t [Music] walk see the guy these the two guys in front um oh he’s in golf gear so he’s having been hit in the eye with a golf ball so those two guys over there yeah so they’re engulfing out H he’s holding it his cheap Dr it he either a bull’s hit or he’s been hitting the he been hitting a nut by a club and he he what do he I just heard that oh it’s like a comedy in heing it St George’s recess a 14-year-old girl is being rushed to St George’s after falling head first from her bike yeah female did you say yeah okay cheers thanks B pediatric CH ETA 10 minutes at 14y old that’s falling over the front of her handle bars on her bike and no helmet no loss of consciousness but she’s got pain on C4 and C5 and old sensation to my right side on shift is consultant lucianne it’s a 14-year-old who’s been in a push bike come off and complain of C4 C5 pain so Joe’s going to stay in see that push bike injuries can be very serious it can be a range you can knock your knee just bruise yourself or someone Falls over the handlebars can be severe head injury neck and spine injury chest injury cardiac contusions so a whole Myriad of things can occur you need to prepare for the worst case scenario the girl’s mom is traveling with her in the ambulance at least we have taken our bike with that boyfriend Charlie I was just walking back after a dog walk just as I got back with the dog Charlie pulled up on his push bike in tears just saying it’s Alicia it’s Alicia and I just froze thinking it’s Alicia what just come off her bike she’s not moving when I got up to the scene of the accident just saw her laying in the middle of the road and it just sheer Panic horrified shocked she said I can’t feel my legs everything hurts everything hurts mom hello I’m Joe I’m one of the doctors um we just needed to go through a few bits and pieces top to toe assessment okay and then we’ll make a plan of what we’re doing okay okay there we go so we’ll just we’ll stay on the scoop and then we’ll take hand over and then we’ll go from there so this is Alicia 14-year-old female this evening she went over the handled bars of her bike no hel helmet worn she land her face down she’s complaining of pain around C4 C5 aial palpation and also altered sensation on her right hand side down her leg thank you very much thank you and we’ll assess her neck and that then we’ll go from there I’m very sorry my darling my name is Joe I’m one of the doctors we’re going to have a little feel of your neck and then we’re going to see if we can get you to move your neck having spinal injuries can be hugely significant because they will affect quality of life the spine is a very important part of the body if there’s disruption anywhere it can cause problems in terms of function like movement sensation to the parts of your body that are affected so we’re going to roll you over to your left hand side but what you need to do is stay completely still and then once we’ve rolled you onto your side doctor’s going to have a look at your back and then he’s going to have a feel down your back you don’t nod or shake your you say yes or no Ready Steady roll well done well done no no there was the painful yeah thic yeah still s here S no here S no here here here okay and we’re going to go back down Ready Steady [Music] roll I tried to be Cal and and collectives not to let her say I was panicking I was just devastated for [Music] her I was going to play who’s the best looking person in here if you had to after him after the going in the gwn maybe 27-year-old Johnny is in A&E with his girlfriend after slicing open his hand at work I didn’t even open my eyes I never thought I would get someone as good as Johnny he is a very goodl looking person and I think I am punching in that aspect and people say no you’re not but I’m I know I am when I met him I thought surely you’re a model surely you do something like that I didn’t expect him to be a plaster when you see a plaster you’re covered in dust you don’t smell great because it’s all in your hair it’s all in your beard but anything else it’s got to be clean I would be devastated if I left someone’s house and it was a mess there blood all over the house cuz as soon as I did it like I fell just looked at me hand and it was just gushing like all over and I was just like I didn’t know where I didn’t know what to touch I think imin likes my job I think she likes the fact that it’s like hands on and quite a manly job stop fiddling with it J just leave it there Jonathan here we go come through Jonathan have a seat on the bed for me cheers my name is Rachel I’m one of the practitioners lovely to meet you nice to meet you talk me through exactly what happened so like fell off the stool had me troll plom troll in my hand um dropped it fell on it you’ve basically done that on it just slice through me H take off this wonderful dressing yeah it’s still bleeding isn’t it sorry yeah it is still bleeding a lot yeah just don’t bleed on my floor I may just grab a second pair of hands can I borrow you for 30 seconds 29 28 come this way I just put on some gloves I just need you to apply some pressure in a horror film or something I know right I never would imagine I’d be with someone from up North cuz I live near Portsmouth so either ends of the country expecting that we should put a pressure dressing on yeah we met through mutual friends on Instagram and my friend came in one day and he was like oh I’ve met I’ve met the man of your dreams so I had a little stalk and he got a follow from me and I just remember like every time that she came up on Instagram I saw she does cheerleading she does modeling like underwater modeling I was like God I I wish I knew her I wish I could talk to her and things that but at the time obviously I was living in Newcastle she lived down south arm elevated and just squeeze I did screenshot a couple of his photos and sent them to my friend and I was like I’m going to marry this guy and i’ never met him in my [Music] life sorry about this no you’re all right we’d been chatting for a while when Imaging was closer for the weekend like in Glasgow I then thought right enough enough I go I’ll go and take her out do you want to see as well I’ve seen most of it there we go I was nervous obviously driving up there but when we first started talking and things that we just it was never like a moment where it was in an awkward silence nothing it felt like I known her forever as soon as he told me everything about his life and him and his family I realized then I was like I feel like we’ve had like the same life so far and I was like it’s a bit weird back in the SL back in the sling thank you so much problem thank you really appreciate it you’ve gone through ATT tendon yeah certainly so what does that mean so it means that the tendon is going to need to be repaired um it’s going to need a really really decent wash out depends on what on what the hand team say when they see you it may well be that they need to take you to to theater tonight to do that or it may well be that they take you to the in the morning to do that so let’s get you around to see the hand team thank you very much cheers are we still blood on my [Music] floor right we’re going to take you around for those x-rays 14-year-old Alicia needs an urgent x-ray to check for injuries to her neck and spine she’s in recess with her mom her mom’s partner and her boyfriend after being thrown over the handlebars of her bike she got for xray oh bless I should be a while she don’t know pretty quick yeah hello my name is j hi doing your xrays okay okay oh radiation measur in SE vers is it oh how do you know I do triple science oh wow Alicia was always um always clever clever anything she never found anything difficult I’m always getting corrected about how I SP or our spell things she’s wise day years just very sensible are you in a right now y we’re just going to have to cut it no please don’t in that case that’s fine yeah that’s fine to sa nice bra it’s fine yeah yeah she’s a lot more sensible than me so we’re we always come and say goodbye we don’t just disappearing I had no schooling my childhood wasn’t structured or stable at all I was around 11 or 12 years old when when we left dad he was quite violent we sort of had to run away from him basically and he chased us around the country so we had to keep moving that’s it now Flex this up towards your head keep going it’s very important you to do this well when I became a parent I didn’t want my kids to experience anything that I had I wanted them to have a proper father figure I think there always important for children to have a relationship with both parents we’ve got to do your neck from the side to do that I’m going to gently pull your shoulders down I must have been around 31 when I first met Alicia’s dad he was um motorbike mechanic Road fast motorbikes quite quite handsome just that bad boy image that I think sometimes can attract somebody would’ been together four years that found I was pregnant he wanted to be there in Alicia’s life and rightly so Alicia was his only daughter and and she was his princess he did adore her really adored her he had her name Ted all the way up his leg egg so we’re just going to do side view of your next and you’ll be out of here okay Alicia was always happy to spend time with Dad they would get up to all sorts of Adventures as well feeding ducks and going out shopping or car rides he was a good dad so it was good that they they got to spend the time they did together there she comes oh that’s quick [Music] 0:15:58.600,1193:02:47.295 [Music] [Music] hio and Georges what kind of air we compromised hello you just had a pre-alert from l so patient is 15 minutes away a 56-year-old man is being urgently transferred from a nearby hospital after suffering an infection causing severe breathing difficulties I to call you 50 minutes his fiance is traveling with him in the ambulance I’ve gone to work work and Jeff came to pick me up and he wasn’t well just knew something was wrong he was tired he had a temperature his jaw was swollen he doesn’t get sick so that was a worry after he saw the doctor doctor realized it was serious they had to transfer into St George’s that was scary need to get a e to Stone can maybe the ENT I’ve already believed ent ent Dr Katrina is on duty when I’m called to recess it’s normally an extremely serious situation so if someone arrives without being incubated and they have Airway compromise they need intervention immediately the worrying factor of swelling is that it can cause compression of your Airway and ultimately it can block off the airway so that people can’t breathe work just in The Relic room okay so this is Jeffrey 56 years old he’s got 4 Day history of swelling in the left side of his neck just below his jaw so he’s got lwigs onina increasing swelling in the last 6 hours Ludwig’s angina is an infection in the floor of the mouth that’s rapidly Progressive and causes swelling of the upper Airway the tongue and the structures in the upper neck question is where is that infection coming from have they done any any Imaging haven’t imaged it just look Ludwig’s angina is extremely time critical this is not a condition that you’ve got time to think okay thank you very he’s everything to me he’s my life in a month’s time we were going to get married so I was praying that he would come through [Music] it Jeffrey what’s your partner’s name Gail is it Gail yeah do you want to come through Jeffrey is in recess with his partner Gail after a severe infection left him with pain and swelling in his neck hello hi how you doing are you um relative Beyonce okay nice to meet you so my name is Katrina one of the ENT registar so what we need to do is we need to have a really good look at you so I’m going to have a good feel of your neck have a good look in your mouth and then what we do together is we need to have a good look at your what we call your Airway this top top part and the way we do that is we put a fine little camera through your nose and we’ve got a screen there so we can all watch together and have you been on well have you had fever temperatures you’ve been feeling G you mean since since this happening since the swelling yes yes have no pain in the teeth you’ve got no broken teeth or teeth are infected you would have to really look on that because that te I I haven’t had any pain in it at all okay mhm you only have one tooth yeah just the one tooth on that side yeah I I I is it possible just to pop your on the other side yes and then you know what just what we’re doing we are sitting up here a little bit more if it’s possible no no I’m helping you don’t worry don’t worry I’m okay good first priority is establish whether the patient has a safe Airway and have a look at the top part of the airway in order to see what other structures are swollen beyond what I can physically see thank you so just open up as much as you can okay okay so is there any space for them to breathe around the swelling is there any pus collecting is there any obvious source of infection how is that tooth all right it’s not sore if I so what we’re going to do is now put a little bit of spray in your nose if there is an airway compromise and you make a decision is this Airway stable is it safe do we need to intervene and how quickly do we intervene yeah start recording okay so this is a bit that feels a bit funny well done my love do really well fantastic amazing beautiful so that’s a really good view no massive Distortion good view of the cords they’re not just say e count to 10 perfect that’s okay just breathe away nicely now so my G feeling is what’s happened is that one tooth that you still got there has probably started to get infected around the root and it started to swell um and then what happens sometimes that swelling and infection can develop and it just progresses and then starts to sort of come down into the floor of the mouth and it lifts that tongue up and you can see that already creates a lot of Edema lots of swelling what I need to do is get you into the CT scanner we need to get image of this and see if there is actually any P there that needs draining is that all right all right you’re like a Ms or you’re a hamster Jeffrey is everything to me he very caring very loving has got a good sense of humor sometimes too much you know someone told turn me into a [Laughter] bullfrog he always making fun but I wouldn’t change it for nothing where’s the princess mon kiss whenever you’re ready so I can jeffre is from Jamaica he come from a a poor background there were 13 of there it kind of changed his outlook on life he had a hard time but it wasn’t like how my growing up was they went without whereas I’ve I’ve never gone without right we’re going to go around for the CT scanner okay I leared a lot from my parents they were married for 58 years they were happy and I I wanted to be like them my intention was not just married for a few years and you get fed up and get a divorce no my intention was forever but been married twice things weren’t working it was disappointing hello sir my name is Ian when I met Jeff he was going through a hard time he just got divorced they had been together a while and it affected him very badly cuz he had loved his wife and and his and his family very much to him is something that he wanted to last forever so he had been very hurt sir can we just bring your head straight is that okay that’s perfect well done I think we met each other at the right time you feel that you’re too old your past having relationships and then I met Jeffrey I went to my friends we used to have a get togethers we’re just oldies you know that was the only place I went and there was Jeff and we started playing Domino’s he came beside me and was looking at my hand and showing me where to put it I just like the way he came to help me breathe in and hold your breath at the end we exchanged numbers and so started from there really okay so we’re all finished we’ll get you off now okay are you okay [Music] Jeffrey what happened uh I got EIT by a golf ball oh okay did you blow your nose uh no I didn’t cuz if you blow your nose it will become big big big no no I didn’t I didn’t James oh yes Bingo yeah so kind of feel the fingers I know but just try to think about it doctors are concerned that 27-year-old Johnny might lose the use of his hand hello my name is ring I’m from the plastic team oh so before I take the dressing down I just need to check your you can you can feel me touching yeah yeah little finger not so much okay let’s go and have a look how long you’ve been doing this plaster in 6 years never done it in 6 years is this the first time you had the injury first time ever yeah okay have a seat here so we’re going to take the dressing down going to put your hands just right through there we’re going to do the assessment first um and after that we’re going to give a local anesthetic then we’re going to give a good clean and wash me Imaging I know we’ve known each other for a long time like on social media but you don’t really noral person say it’s because social media is terrible you’re looking at things and they’re not real so I can feel that just a bit but it’s like numb so our second date was in London for the first 3 4 hours we just sat and chattered okay lift your hands up a bit this person that you’ve met only twice in your life and you just talking for hours and hours and hours and hours it’s made us realize a lot of things I kind of matched family setup is a lot of the same like she has a younger brother an older sister I have a younger brother older sister she doesn’t have a dad a dad died and it happened at the same time as my dad left 12 years old I’m just going to give a Lo anesthetic growing up without a father that F guys is massive and I think we understand things that we both experienced it felt like yeah this is the person that I was meant to meet but you’ve got to work at things if you want things to happen quite nasty C isn’t it Terry come Terry is my colleague oh yeah so definitely he cut he’s Palmer Arch you can see the pulation got tendon there okay so I will just close for a temporary basis because we don’t know when the theater space is and we can’t leave your wound open okay not from around these parts no from Newcastle no it was just purely to be closer Imaging better than being like 5 hours away when I moved to London the plan was basically just to to get a job and get working and see how a relationship worked when you meet someone like I met imag just made you feel like why not it’s just just felt right so we’re going to put your hand on the plaster living close I’ve been able to see each other a lot more often than we would have if I was living in Newcastle it was just unbelievable and then we got plans to to move away uh to Australia New Zealand move away start a life here you go thank you very much but I see imagin is my future and as long as I have imagine I see the bigger picture and I see the rest of me life with her Johnny will now stay in the hospital overnight ahead of surgery on his hand to get ready tomorrow might as well start sing to work [Music] now how you [Music] fading Alicia is in Reas after falling head first over her push bike doctors are concerned she may have injured her neck and Spine and are awaiting the results of her x-ray hello just sitting there I’m in St George’s with Alicia she came off a bike Charlie pulled up with his bike and just looked at me didn’t even say anything did he he just said like his head in oh they put in gas in a cow oh my God she said you’ll either be sick or you just laugh while she started singing old jams songs hello hooray there a price to pay for eat rles thank you hello hello how you going on good yeah the x-rays look okay so we’re going to what we’re going to do is we’re going to take this off all right and see how you get on okay cuz otherwise you get really really stiff and then that adds to the pain okay but we’re making slow little steps forward oh sorry sorry and we’ve ripped out enough of your enough of your hair you’re lucky you haven’t smashed your head in cuz you weren’t wearing a a helmet your head of hair on there so we’ll see how it goes all right we’ll see what you’re feeling like if everything’s feeling okay and you’re moving your neck a little bit more we might be able to set you up and see how you go the other thing we’re going to do is an ECG so a tracing of your heart just to make sure that that’s all okay cuz you had a big bang to it okay all right give us a minute we’ll just do quickly do the train you stay um yeah my death what we got to do we just put this down I ended the relationship with um Alicia’s dad so I didn’t really realize what was going on in his life but still Alicia and dad had such a great Bond one day quite early in the morning we just had breakfast my phone had rung a family member just be all over your chest all right they said are you home the police need to come and speak to you police’s dad had passed away [Music] suddenly he had an accident he had a few operations we’d been poorly and his body shut down h i just stood in the garden I just said how am I going to do this what how am I going to tell her I was in bit shock I think how how do you tell a child that you know your parents your dad’s passed away and so suddenly can you not look mom where the fu darling silly I felt useless she’s got a headache I can give her a painkiller if she needs a hug I can give her a hug but I can’t take away the pain of the loss of someone in your [Music] life hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life was to sit and tell a 10-year-old your dad’s passed away it devastates me because she doesn’t have a dad to walk her down there the aisle she doesn’t have have a dad to see her succeed in life that’s they did have a lovely relationship and it’s just it’s taken away and and I can’t make it better no matter what I do I can’t make it better don’t cry tired yes I want to go home all things kicked in now till they know you’re safe and sound we [Music] go hello how’s the neck feeling good yeah going to sit you up ever slightly and we’ll go nice and slow okay ready is that all right that better yeah you feeling okay yeah you feeling sick no dizzy yeah yeah but we’re making slow little steps forward softly softly slowly slowly yeah when Alisa’s dad passed away she was just subbing and sobbing it’s a hot day the funeral she had made a big um letter to him that she read out of the side of the Grave which was really grown up for a 10-year-old with a lot of adults around her just that she loved him and she’ll always love him that was really touching heartbreaking to watch feel a bit laded Yeah 5 years down the line since she lost her dad we still have bad days it’s just those waves of grief when they get her it’s it’s quite sad I think she became a bit of a recluse at school her grades did slip a bit quite a lot and she’s probably really tired you’re right yeah sometimes she won’t speak to me she says you have enough to deal with but I always say to him I do need to listen to you and you do need to tell me think some sometimes she keeps it a little bit locked away I don’t think she likes the thought that I see her upset you tired she’s not small how are you doing good feel a bit lie headed yeah we’ll get you moved out of here around to our pediatric area okay yeah all right cool thank you I wanted to wrap her in the cotton wall but anything I can do is to cuddle her and reassure her and never want her to feel bad that she Grieves just do it with me don’t do it on your own let’s go baby the things that have happened to Rel has made her grow up very quickly probably taught us some good life skills really along the way so I’m hoping she use them tools and have a good life make it a happy life I got [Music] hiccups 56y old Jeffrey has a severe infection which has endangered his Airway doctors have referred him to the specialist Max fax team morning hi there morning morning my name’s Elizabeth I’m one of the facial doctors and I’ve got my Mr Miss who’s the consultant on call today we’ve had a look at your uh scans okay you’ve got a you’ve got an aoste absis it’s not just at the cheek or under your jaw but it’s gone elsewhere it doesn’t need an operation okay and I’ll speak to you in a minute about it but we just need to uh have a look inside the mouth just have a quick feel underneath your jaw that’s mandibula is definitely tense open as much as you’re able for me good so lots of Edema floor of the mouth lots and lots of the flow of the M yeah right what that naughty tooth what it looks like is uh you’ve got this absis related to that back M okay to that’s last one that you’ve got and the whole floor of your mouth has tinted up and tined up with what appears to be a lot of inflammation and maybe P okay it’s all contained within a space that we need to allow it to open and we need to make incisions under your sure um this is of course is an operation it’s done under a general anesthetic and the cause of the problem is likely to be this tooth so we’ll take it out but when you wake up you’ll have drains sticking out allowing things to drain okay um we will need to keep an eye on you the last thing we want is when if we were to finish and take the tube out and things swell up even more that it may cause a problem with your breathing so we will keep the tube in place after surgery and we keep you in itu okay would that be done today yes so it’ll be a few days with us okay I’m selfemployed so I can’t be sitting in yeah but you you come first yeah I know I know what I’m saying to I can’t be you know we’ll get you sorted as soon as we possibly can but we need to be as safe as possible for you cuz these things can be very nasty and you’re too precious to you know mess around with is that we’re getting married next month oh W congratulations there you go you need to be you need to be sorted by then mhm Jeff and me we jelled straight away we spoke to each other every single day just talking and getting to know each other all right thanks thank you we went to Richmond Park you know I walk in the park it was beautiful with all the deers what time to keep quiet what time to keep quiet no no no we were holding hands and looking at the flowers you just kind of get close you know yeah just had a little kiss thought oh my goodness what’s going on with me it’s like you’re behaving like a like a young girl and you’re not a young girl it was strange but it was nice go can work here M can work here from there it got more serious on our engagement that was amazing he sang to me and then presented me with the ring will you marry me say goodbye too bye I don’t think there’s there’s an age limit to Falling in Love cuz we’re we’re human beings we all want companionship we all want someone to love are you doing right leave huh jump [Laughter] on you better hold up until I get [Music] upstairs kinging right [Music] the accident taught me to be more grateful of the people in my life because they’re all there and cared for me at the time my mom always showed me that she loved me she’s the best person in my life she helps me through everything she’s amazing and I love [Music] her I’m going to college to study criminology law and public services and then I’d like to do a degree in criminology and then become a police officer I think my dad will be proud of me because he always wanted me to have a good future remember the doctor coming in she said your hand is never going to be the same again I was a bit like okay yeah this isn’t going to be okay I knew he was going to be off work for a long time and that’s what was concerning I knew something was going to have to change cuz he wouldn’t be able to live in London and pay his rent without no work [Music] we hand at the minute I’ve got uh full movement um still numb on the little finger and the ring finger but honestly like compared to what the injury was was good but obviously if I’m not working I’m not earning money so I couldn’t afford to live and stay in London which resulted to was moving home I was waiting in the hospital doctors came and said that they had [Music] finished he’s just rigged up to all these machines that was scary I just found my perfect person and it could have been taken away from me I thought that perhaps he may not have been well enough for us to get married but I said to him even if I push you in a wheel in a wheelchair you’re coming we got married and we had a fantastic day although I was married before I must say I never enjoy another day like that day the cake was big by G she makes very good cake she look beautiful couldn’t have chosen [Music] [Music] better [Music]


    1. Why do they insist on rolling a potential spine injury esp with the reduced sensation reported?! X-Ray is a wonderful thing!! Their negligence could cost her her movement. Permanently.

    2. Will the creator of the universe guide strenghten and protect you doctor ..and let me say the whole hospital staff for saving the lives of people ..stay blees u guys ..

    3. My question with the 14yr old bike injury. If it’s her neck that is injured why didn’t they take her for scans before moving her? I love watching this show and that’s what they have shown in the past is scans first then palpate. So wondered if they just show things out of order or they decided to do it differently this time for different reasons.

    4. Imogen and Johnny are a cute couple. I will agree that he looks like someone who could do modeling. He honestly reminds me of a couple different actors…maybe that’s a road he should check out!

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