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    [Music] [Applause] [Music] y I’m here at the bottom of the Monte graa a monster of a climb 18 km at over 8% and the pros are going to be coming through here in just a couple of days as part of the Jiro ditalia here’s what I want to do I want to find out how long can I keep the same Pace as the best climbers in the world guys like taty pagach are let’s find out but first we have to find out how fast do those guys actually climb and the truth is we don’t even have to guess it’s more and more common these days for pros to publish their power data and also their weight and those are the two ingredients that we need to know to understand climbing performance it’s the ratio between your power and your weight in other words watts per kilogram and guys like taty pachar and the best climbers in the world are around 6.5 watts per kilogram for an hourong Beast of a climb like this one so for a guy like me the math is simple I weigh 73 kg and that’s a lot of Watts that’s 475 Watts for an hour if I want to keep up with the best in the world on this climb how long can I hold that power let’s find out so you guys know my routine one shot right before a heart effort I got one mixed in the bottle I am so caffeinated right now you don’t even realize Italian espressos all morning long I’ll see you guys in a few minutes wish me luck [Music] 3 minutes 3 minutes is all I lasted at 6.5 watts per kilogram 475 Watts could I have gone a couple more minutes if there’s a gun to my head or if there’s a Finish Line just up the road yeah maybe could I have gone 57 more minutes like taty and others will in just a couple days time absolutely not not even close so here’s a thought I had as I was dying a million in death a moment ago I want to set up a hypothetical I’m leading the jro and it’s stage 20 and my team has given me an armchair ride to the bottom of Monte graa um how much time would I give up if I did my absolute best power for an hour compared to the pros um there’s only one way to find out wish me luck see you guys in a second [Music] I’m just kidding I’m not doing an hour of threshold work you guys must think I’m crazy I’m not here to enjoy it look how beautiful it is look at that but here’s the good news I don’t have to do that hour long at threshold cuz I know what my hourong at threshold is it’s not that impressive it’s about 350 Watts which is just under 5 watts per kilo I think it’s around 4.8 so if we plug those numbers into one of those calculators and we compare it to what p is doing um I would lose a considerable amount of time on this climb something on the order of 16 minutes now keep in mind they’re doing this climb twice in a couple of days so I would lose 32 minutes so in my hypothetical Not only would I give up the lead in the race on the final stage and disappoint my teammates I would get booted from the team I would lose my contract so safe to say I think I’m going to stick with being a sprinter from now on guys and another thought I had you know these guys are able to produce these mind-blowing numbers after 3 weeks of riding throughout the Alps and throughout all of Italy 5 hours a day 6 hours a day and they’re still able to hit these numbers like 6.5 watts per kilogram I think this new class of ultra specialist climber the vingos and the Tates I think that they’re going to be closing on seven watts per kilogram pretty soon and they’re really going to start toppling those records that were once held by your your Marco Panton and your Lance Armstrongs and the ultra doers of 20 years ago 30 years ago so um I don’t know just a thought I had uh I’m so glad that uh I can lean on my Sprint to win races and I don’t have to lean on my climb cuz clearly I don’t have what it takes in order to go toe-to-toe with the guys even in my racing District this is um the numbers these guys are producing in the jro I mean I’m going to go out on a limb here guys we’re two days before the tour or the jro comes through here and I’m just going to say that Tat’s going to win it he’s won what five stages so far anyway getting a little rambly here if I have cool descent footage once I turn turn back and descend the other side I’ll share that with you guys now and thanks for watching catch you in the next one


    1. Two thoughts…
      1. you think Pogi is producing 7.0 w/kg clean? Faster than Pantani and Armstrong clean?
      Most that know anything about cycling don't. In fact, my belief is Vingegaard if healthy for the TdF this year, Pogi will beat him at his own game by upping his rocket fuel like he did to blow everybody away by 10 minutes in the Giro D'Italia you are previewing.

      2. Pogi is a climbing specialist? I would bet the farm he could beat you in a sprint.
      Lastly, you are a great amateur bike racer and probably faster than 98% of all who ride a bicycle.
      The world is a big place and the best is worlds faster.

    2. Super cool video! I think we sometimes forget how ridiculously lightweight these guys are at race weight. Easiest way to boost the watts/kg, drop some kgs!

    3. "Let's see how long can i keep up w/ Tadej", then proceeds to upload a 6 minute video LOL they're out of this world for sure

    4. What's wrong with you guys? Have you ever tried running at 13mph? Marathon runners do it for 2 hours.
      Can you imagine deadlifting 500+kg? 1100 pounds.
      Elite athletes are in a completely different class, it's genetics.

    5. How small the world is. I was there myself at the race day on Saturday, what an atmosphere! I have ridden various stages of the Giro over the last four years and was happy every time I completed individual stages. Before we drove up by Monte Grappa, we had a ride of 57km and 700m of climb, then we drove quickly, but still able to enjoy the scenery and atmosphere, to the top. It took us an hour and 50 minutes. I'm 1.93m and 98kg, my steel gravel bike weighs 12kg plus luggage, so it's all the more fascinating for me to see the professionals riding up the mountain after 19 stages at twice the speed of me. They are monsters!!!
      Greetings from Austria!

    6. Call me petty.. 5 seconds in the video and the shoes on the seat.. You can do better, be a good role model as a cyclist and influencer. Show the world that cyclist are better humans. Remember Rule #43 😉

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