Coaches must be aware of their athlete’s anthropometric measurements and must keep track of training load, training days, training frequency, and competition preparation. Athletes’ diet consumption should be measured based on their competing phase (calories). If the competition is held somewhere else, the coach will need to know what kind of local food is available. Coaches must also be aware of the types of supplements that might be given to athletes in order to improve their performance.

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    [Music] hi coach my name is ryan fernando i’m a sports nutritionist you may have heard about me i practice at kua nutrition clinics where we have one of the best sports nutrition programs in the country what i have done is taken my experience with two olympic medals with sushil kumar and built a proprietary software in our company to handle the diet planning for athletes whatever your sport i take the input of the athlete i take the height the weight the body fat percentage the muscle percentage the blood test the genetic test the fitness test i take the microbiome stool test i take the food allergy test i take the omega-3 test i put all of this together and then i take your inputs as the coach how much training does the athlete do when does the athlete do the training what volume of training does the athlete do what is the cycle of training of the athlete is he in in season training off-season training is he pre-competition post competition based on this the calorie load protein carbs fats changes every week every month every quarter keeps changing so the nutrition has to change according to that we also work on if you are going to uzbekistan if you are going to croatia if you are going to cuba if you are going to australia to train for two three months what is the nutrition your athlete needs under your coaching so when they go abroad they want to eat whatever they want to eat but is it scientific please understand you are investing for the next olympics the sweat and blood is the thought process food is very important because athlete eats breakfast lunch dinner pre-workout post-workout morning session afternoon session evening session so almost 11 times there is a perspective of food or supplements from a doping perspective do you know which supplements to give the athlete a lot of times the people are saying don’t take any supplement your athlete is just eating dal travel roti no don’t have fear there are specific supplements you can take which are tested under informed choice ban substances group i know those supplements my team at quad nutrition knows those supplements so why don’t you get in touch with us and enroll your student in an olympic level sports nutrition plan for one or two years you will get the government funding you will get the corporate sponsorship if you have a talented athlete get to kwa nutrition allow me and my team to help you get to the next level you may say to me that yes but there is a psy dietitian sports authority of india dietitian with due respect to that dietitian i only ask you to ask this question does that dietitian or sports nutritionist have the experience to build a champion has he or she won a medal in the olympics has she or he or she won a battle in world championships at quan nutrition me and my team have won two olympic medals represented over 40 olympians going to the olympics we have cutting edge scientific thinking and core nutrition which will enable your athlete to get that edge i promise you this much if your athlete’s heart rate is 55 beats a minute when he wakes up in the morning or she wakes up in the morning i can make it 50 or 49 weeks by improving recovery by changing the food so all i need you to do is click on the link talk to my team at kua nutrition and we will take you to the next level and hopefully you and my team of sports nutritionists can win an olympic medal at the paris 2024 olympics god bless you and please call me if you need any advice

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