Another edition in the Day in the Life vlog series, this time we get Nostalgic…

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    hello everybody and welcome to another video on the channel excuse my voice um I’ve been streaming a lot and I’ve been trying to make a lot of videos and content so my voice is very strained at the minute but it’s currently uh mid Sunday afternoon should we say and people have been saying P we like kind of like another sort of say day in the life Vlog type video so that is what we’re doing today it’s another like day of the life sort of I say typical day um some of you probably all know that I am like nocturnal and I stream at night and at the minute the heat is absolutely ridiculous now the problem with that is in the summer is during the day lot and days like today the weather is ridiculous but I’m planing on streaming tonight so I need to try and sleep uh but I can’t sleep so I thought you know what I’m going to take a few things off get a few jobs done do a few bits and kind of as I say bring you another day in the life Vlog sort of 12-hour period of what whever we’re going to do um um not got a crazy amount of stuff to do but that’s the hey that’s the day of life uh I have got some PL of videos coming up as well I always say this so no I actually do there’s a lot of places in the southwest I want to go there’s a lot of places in Europe I want to go so stay tuned hopefully coming to the channel soon so after this I’m going to head to S breze but before I do I’m actually going to head to the house that I grew up in for about 15 to 20 years which I’m going to reveal more in a minute the one perker today is the weather is absolutely lovely the good thing is it’s there’s a little bit of a breeze you know and it’s not like properly sort of like still heat I remember we went to France around this time last year um I did I’ve got me Crocs on actually I did some of Crocs at like twitchcon and honestly excuse the train honestly I got off the Eurostar and like I thought the initial heat was coming off the train it was absolutely ridiculous like I mean ridiculously hot horrendous absolutely horrendous and I like I hate the heat I know some people love it I burn and when I say ridiculously like I need like Factor 50 I got my hat on like I will I will burn I need the kids Nivea whatever is other varieties of sun cream are available Factor 50 or I’ll turn like red as anything yeah honestly but I got to go outside like anyone that sort of does a nighttime thing we’ll understand what I mean about how bad it is in the summer and some people will say simply are change it but unfortunately that’s kind of like the time I stream and that’s still the time I like to do stuff so you kind of just got to deal with it really for like 3 months I guess but I mean you know at the end of the day I kind of like the way we do things as a FIFA sort of Creator is most of the year and then the summer is kind of like a few months to leniency I guess so hey it is what it is we just got to roll with that but I mean bloody hell the undergrowth in that round there is like ridiculous ironically actually I’ve got to go and like I’ve got to pay some like cancel tax bill CL city council any any gardeners about cuz I’m sure this is Lord knows I play football down here all the time as a kid anyone that knows these cages like this is like pure nostalgia they’ve done these app so this used to be here behind me this never used to be fenced and that used to just be like open all the time used to be concrete it was like two courts five as side like seriously the amount of nights that I spent down here not gaming not inside not on Tik Tok or whatever doing stuff like that same as East courts never used to have Nets playing tenis and that in there messing around every night it’s certainly a uh bit of a Nostalgia trip today don’t know if you can see it but basically the Railway Depot in there pretty much live next to that and a railway line for multiple multiple multiple years that is where my granddad used to work actually took me in there guess who done the most Pie Face actually no I’d call it the most Jack thing ever I went to the house cuz it needs sorting like so much work like the garden I got to sort all the inside of it out and I left the key home brilliant so yeah that probably have to wait for another Vlog it’ll end up being like um what they used to have it on TV with bloody nickn NOS DIYs SOS will be what it end up like but we have continued our Nostalgia trip I actually like grew up here uh in this part of Plymouth I mean literally probably spent a good 20 25 years of my life like around this area I actually so me mother actually worked in there for a little bit that’s now a salon it’s been like a load of stuff like a gym and that over the years just down there used to be a chip shop again which my mom used to work in and then up that hill behind me is literally we went to school and Nursery I mean honestly it is a uh yeah it’s an absolute proat mate so there you go that is literally where I went to school Larry Green primary school and before anyone makes a comment because I know you will it’s a Sunday and there’s no kids about all right CU I that’s what going to say why you filming schools silly people this here be me by the way it’s a sad day actually that used to be the best after school news agent SL Tuck Shop known to man anyone that was ever from around this area will know these dud like remember like and this is a throwback like lucky mix bags for like 10 P used to get about 20 sweets for 10 P nowadays you car and buy Fredo for 10p that’s how bad the situation is it’s crazy I mean this whole place has changed so much I’m going to flip it around here like this used to be like a church Hall should we say I’ve been done so much in there like you know like kids clubs and after school stuff um I don’t even know what it is actually now to be honest with you but yeah no used to have loads of stuff I also used to do iido don’t don’t know if anyone has ever heard of that iido it is a martial art but it’s actually a martial art that focuses on self-defense um I yellow I think was one of the early belts like white belt I think is one of the early belts as well uh in iido and used to get like little red stripes that add into your belt as I uh as you kind of like moved up the ranks that’s one thing I used to do as well as a kid who knew pie with a bit of Japanese martial arts I’ll tell you something that’s very very sad honestly I’m having a mad Nostalgia trip here I can’t lie is behind me here the Spy Shop has been boarded up and so is The Barbers so Andy used to have a Barbers there top lad shout out to Andy used to cut my hair for years and years and years when I was a kid unbelievable place you know like sky on football on shirts everywhere and that SP shop literally served this community for years and years and years I can’t believe it sh I know to some people that’s nothing but but you know what it’s like with like local little hubs like that you kind of meet people and chat to people even if it’s just a brief while in the morning normally what I had was my dad Fe me in the morning cuz I drunk all his milk that he wanted for his coffee cuz I was probably a night but no I say probably I was a nightmare to deal with with a child so shout out to my parents cuz they grafted uh to make sure you know we had food on the table and a lot of you know my past I definitely was a nightmare but they raised me very well so shout out to mother and father pie I’ll tell you what also are around it down here I would go down there but it’s a big hill and I can’t lie I can’t bother to get back up it there’s a basically a social club at the bottom of there if any of you have seen like Phoenix Knights I’m talking it’s called the railway club like proper old school Social Club you know watched England games in there remember watching England Portugal I actually watched the David Beckham remember uh was it against Argentina where he kicked his back L up back uh back leg up got sent off remember watching that in there proper I don’t know if any of you have seen the videos of me playing darts as like a kid and stuff on YouTube some of you may have done I mean they’re on Tik Tok or whatever um all the pub quiz machine that was in there that’s probably all started snooker pull proper place to hang out um to be fair yeah probably is where ay issues as a kid started playing on that playing on everyone remember the uh like the pl make prizes and B eye like 50p ago spending me pocket money in there for 4 hours a night after school or like after a dummy macki shift it’s all coming back to me honestly it’s all coming back to me it’d be good to able to uh actually show you guys some stuff of the house when I managed to get in there that was me just being stupid I’ve just it’s all it’s all flun about just remember like Sunday afternoons I remember like meat Raffles and stuff you used to have all that down there 50p ticket quit a strip end up with end up being like 16 years old with a leg of lamp what are you going to do at 16 with a leg of lamp especially when all especially when all the good prizes have gone what are you going to do I think back to all those Sunday evenings like when uh Coast would come on or planet Earth it was at hoppy pop DEA the music from planet Earth the heartbeat music played and you knew it was going to be school in the morning and you had to do it all over again if you were lucky you got to stay up and watch match the day to have tonight to much of the day to with Adrian Charles was a terrible impression if you know like the thing is if you know if you know you know and that like to me it’s crazy to think that that was all so long ago now like I’m 32 now this is probably happening when I was like you know 13 14 15 16 like 15 16 years ago I’m so old oh finally got a little bit of shade excuse the audio by the way if it goes really bad this bit cuz I didn’t bring the mic here I’m like on a sort of main road now I’ll try and show you like through the fences but over there it’s bloody lovely let me just flip this around there so nice so that’s a place called sutrum can actually go on a really nice walk sort of like round walk around there if you live locally give it a go loads of dog walkers that sort of thing really really nice place they got like a I mean it’s not my sort of thing but you know like the UK trust or whatever I don’t can’t remember what it’s called but it’s got like one of those Like Houses sorry I’m just on the lookout the cyclist they’re hammering it down here all the time but I always say on these Vlogs on a nice day it would look nice we’ve actually found a nice day which is ideal uh I have honestly and I’ll say this in every Vlog cuz people know it but I will try and get out about more stuff I kind of want to do another daily lifestyle one but there are so many nice places in the southwest like people have said P get up to dmore P get down to flambards get the C Ives like it’s all on the list I promise but I don’t drive so wherever I go it’s a distance for me train hey again apologies if the audio is not great on this bit um no I I don’t drive so a I need to learn but for me to get anywhere I got to like work it out logistically and again like I’m going to have to try and maybe stream a couple days less to make more Vlogs to I do Bloody love making these sorts of videos and like I want to be able to go places and explore places and try places out and in order to do that it takes time so coming soon we’re on we’re on the early working should we say the early days of the channel and I really do appreciate everybody that’s um come in dropped a comment like subscribe I can’t believe we’ve got over 25,000 Subs uh just watching me do silly things and sometimes doing very boring and pedantic things like going back to where I used to live and walking to sainsbury but you guys say pie we like to see every day now and again I thought I’d give you every day I only just realized actually cuz I’m an idiot even though I said it it’s Sunday I’m going to go and watch man united Arsenal after this it’s close to closing which a I nearly forgot and B it looks busy I am very like British in the fact that I hate queuing like hate busyness and when I say I hate queuing I actually hate queuing when I went to butland they went Lucas cook I actually paid him to to go and get food cuz it was Ram but’s deliverer [Music] Edition during the week I’ve been trying to eat well and like trim as much as I can on the weekend oh dear now I’m old I always like find myself like shopping in the home the home section let’s get a bed Strokes brush set I know that’s actually just a do sorry I thought that was some sort of like Posh Posh Posh thing how about a habitat bottle glass tea light holder for £350 I’d drink out of that reminds me of like do you remember the McDonald’s um Coke cans I can’t lie as well I’ve been having a lot of like steak eggs and chicken recently these things are quite good these medallions extra lean got a couple of them where’s the chicken man I tell you I is class anyone else love these Seafood sticks crab sticks Tesco is own of the best ones though these young one mate they’re like they’re like too good there too much good stuff isn’t there they’re only crab sticks if they’re like not crab this is the best pasta in the land oh my God my Troy’s going my Troy’s going any will stay that’s what I’m currently going in by the way and yes that is craing down now scam scum scum scam SC sco I can’t lie I’ll probably get about four four or five buck of it I haven’t had this stuff in ages I can’t lie that’s a good hole man sorry about that literally I come out of blooming sabes um and oh Jesus I want to talk about this so I come out of sabur I had to like Run for the taxi firstly because the lady in front of me there’s nothing worse like honestly she took so so so long like I always scan the aisles in Saints breze I’m like right what’s going to be the best one to go on she had about two items left I thought easy peasy get me in Happy Days she had to look for about seven vouchers she then got the voucher that was out of date she was like pleading for it to be used I just thought please just pay I’d like to get out of here at some point today my food is literally going to be in the trolley for so long in this heat it’s going to go off so there was that and then secondly what has happened to Uncle Ben where has he gone why is it now just Ben’s original like he’s not on the packet anymore who makes this stuff what’s the company called proudly P Mars Mars bring back Uncle Ben where’s he gone this is a petition right we’ve had a nap we’ve watched Arsenal beat man united I’ve got my cup of tea those that watch my streams I don’t know if you do uh basically I can’t stream without excuse me lovely like four cups a t night like seriously I need I said I need te I’m very routined as you also may know so I got to have me bruised while I’m streaming gives me a little bit away from the desk sorry that a lot of this Vlog has been me at the desk but again it is literally A Day in the Life the time is currently halfast 8 p.m. just so you know so I’m probably going to stream now for 5 6 hours I was going to try and finish a little bit I say earlier today cuz I got some stuff I need to do tomorrow whether I do or not who knows but I’m planning on going to the gym after the Stream So the plan is to continue the Vlog later on to see if I actually go which I am planning on um I don’t know see this is the thing because we’re trying to kind of move things into this IRL style content I don’t know how many of you know about the drama and that in the FIFA community at the moment so yeah stream at the moment is a little bit like I I just enjoy streaming um it is a little bit weird at the minute and today is probably going to be like I don’t know hopefully the start of the stream isn’t too bad I just kind of want to have some fun with the gang you know have a good chat if you do want to watch my live streams I believe there’s a link in the description if you want to check it out uh I normally stream like five sometimes six nights a week at night so yeah please come and uh say hello if you do I like people come in and say watch the Vlogs and stuff so honestly I do really really appreciate it I know today isn’t like a world on fire type video but I think it’s nice to have a balance between kind of like when I say challenges more say bigger Challenge videos or if I’m away doing something or if I’m planning to go somewhere just to keep things flowing nicely on the channel shall we say right anyway I’m going to crack on the live stream drink me Brew do some business and I’ll see you guys in a little bit wow that was a long night it would have been milliseconds for you but it was nearly 8 hours actually since I last you it’s now 4:28 a.m. uh I can’t lie I’m knackered but cuz I’m on the Vlog I’m going to the gym I’m going to I’m doing it I’m sending it I’m going I’m Manning up I’m very tired and I have so much to do today like I’m going to get like no sleep but that’s a problem for later I guess right I’m going to go and sort my life out literally great stream tonight the Champs video is going to be good I think that was we went to war in Champs with R9 uh yeah thanks everyone that hung around in the Stream tonight it was great fun I’m going to go and get changed sort myself out and go to the game if you know you know it’s mornings like this and like sessions like this when l I would rather be in one place and that is my bed or on my sofa watching a bit of CSI eating some and I am going to eat after this cuz I’ve got to go up later and I know I lot things to do I’m literally going to destroy after this some steak chicken and eggs and probably some veg as well will go down pretty lucky at the moment as you know earlier the weather was like really nice it’s it’s been a weather warning all night don’t know if you watch the United uh Arsenal game started out beautifully and the end it was hammering it down like it’s nearly 5:00 I it won’t be busy now but there’ll be people in there like if I go at like 3:00 a.m. I’ll probably be the only person in there so I’m a little bit conscious of like filming cuz with obviously other people there I don’t necessarily want to but I’ll try and pick one of the bikes um that’s like out the way I’m I’m really weird I have got like certain machines that I like to use so for those that ask what I do in the gym literally cardio I don’t bother with anything else um I go for like 30 45 minutes I normally cycle like 15 16k or I like cycle 51k go for a couple of k run incline walk something like that I just think to be honest with you at the minute I’ve been trying to just balance it like I’ve not been eating perfectly but I have been having like healthy meals and I am going to the gym to keep myself balanced as I say the weekend wasn’t great but hey it is what it is on that front so think if I was to go hard at it you know what I mean give up a good hour full send it harder that would be doable but just the action I think of going I mean I hate it like I actually I I hate and love the gym it is the best and worst place like as I say right now would I rather be EA me dinner on me sofa after a long day yeah I would but I know that feeling afterwards of oh I feel good it is worth it people it is worth it it is proper like blowing it’s got that Fe it has got that feel that it is going to hammer it down soon like hammer it down I hope it doesn’t when I’m on the way home that’ll be vile [Music] right I’m going to lock in try and start off with a heavy 5K and I’ll catch you in a little bit um sitrep 5K down thing is it’s so hot but that was a good 5K I pushed myself I’m normally in the middle of it like chill out a little bit like while I’m cycling just read a few messages and stuff awesome sorry the camera is like it’s hard to keep it steady when you’re like I mean I’ll show you me legs are what’s the gimbal doing here oh my God mate um I try to couldn’t figure it out all right that’s 10K starting to get a little bit cooked up I can’t lie there we go not bad going nearly 16k I probably get to 16 just to finish off and there we go that is 16k done I can’t lie I reckon I probably could have done like another 5 10K there but cuz it’s so late it’s nearly 6:00 I need to get home I need to eat I need to get to bed the next one the next vid I do I might have to come here and try and do like 25k 27k something like [Music] that oh the doors of heaven when I see people arriving I’m like I’m or leaving and I’m arriving I’m like so jealous I feel like the feeling of leaving and know I’m going home is wonderful the birds are chirping the sun is out this is the excuse the state of Me by the way I’m an absolute mess here but obviously session done oh get me my dinner or sapper or breakfast whatever you want to call it and boom shaka laka there you go stream done gym done eating done Day in the Life done done right I’m going to go watch some CSI I’m going to eat me tea thanks for watching the day end of life don’t forget if you are new please do subscribe and don’t forget to drop a like and I’ll catch you in the next one much love gang peace out


    1. pie, if possible, please prioritise your sleep. or make it as content before it become your lifestyle. sleep at 11, wake up at 6/7.

      i cannot stress enough how important sleep is. It's as important as diet and exercise.

      anyway love your content as always

    2. pure talent pie my mum went to laira school and i went to the old efford school happy times there . its no longer there .the social club known as the railway club ,happy times again, thanks for reminding us of this special area with special people , keep it comeing you are pure talent mate😊

    3. Getting old sucks, Pie! I’m 32 as well and I do love a good old nostalgia trip. I moved back to where I used to live in Sunderland and I’ve been to loads of old places I used to hang out when I was younger. Keep up the great videos! 🫶🏻

    4. Getting old sucks, Pie! I’m 32 as well and I do love a good old nostalgia trip. I moved back to where I used to live in Sunderland and I’ve been to loads of old places I used to hang out when I was younger. Keep up the great videos! 🫶🏻

    5. If you're wanting to go for a walk on Dartmoor you should consider getting a train or bus to Ivybridge. Then go for a walk on the Puffing Billy track. It helped me get fit on my MTB a few years ago. I need to get myself back up there.

    6. you should go to Dawlish and see the seawall that famously collapsed in the sea. if the tide is in, you sometimes see waves come over the trains.

    7. What a stunning channel and lovely person you seem. I feel a bit guilty as i've only just found the channel but will be doing a lot of binge watching, thoroughly enjoyable and engaging content.

    8. Would be so good if you buy a emtb and do some trips out and about this summer. up to burrator, or you could even ride to paighton charge up overnight in a hotel and ride back after spending the evening/morning in paighton. I'm not the fittness person in the world but a ebike makes riding bikes so much more fun and are able to get further afield. just takes the sting out of the hills!

    9. Where you played football I rode a bike on a track made from the burnt cinders created by steam trains. The whole of Lipson Park was a once a tip and the arena was build by US GI's in WW2 for baseball.

      The small park on your right in Laira Narrows was where the church that is opposite (before becoming a play school) was located, I played there when it was a bomb site.

      At 8:00 you are outside the house where I was born and where I watched England win the World Cup on a black and white telly in 1966. On the other side of the road was Laira Villa, a large house that was bombed in WW2.

      At 10:53 there was a tiny village named Crabtree with a small, tidal harbour and a pub that I think was named the Rising Sun(?). The houses and harbour were demolished to widen the road. There was also a tramway that brought China Clay from the moor, into Plymouth.

      Where Sainsburys is there was once a brewery, it occasionally lost the odd barrel!

      At 23:40 you are approaching what was once the banks of the Plym.

      Ironically, where your gym is located was once a Bowyers Pie factory!

      A good video that brought back a few memories!

      Green Army!

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