00:00 Intro & Moving Off
    00:30 Leaving the test centre area
    02:40 Sparcells roundabout
    04:11 entering the Cheney Manor area
    05:18 Woodhall Park
    06:00 Akers
    08:00 School zone
    09:37 Thames Avenue
    13:26 Rodbourne Cheney
    14:25 St Mary’s
    17:25 Ferndale Road
    20:27 Bruce Street Bridges
    23:08 The Meads
    24:09 Mannington Roundabout
    25:34 West Swindon
    26:00 Toothill Roundabout
    26:43 Tewkesbury Cross
    27:33 West Swindon Roundabouts
    30:30 Hallelujah

    hi everyone thank you for always tuning in to my channel we just going to do another test route um from Swindon test center this is one of the harder test routes that’s got a lot of Corners turning and stuff like that into it so just pay attention to it so you’ll be you’ll be able to um see more of it when you actually get this test R just pay attention to it like I will say okay so I’m coming to the junction right now we’re going straight into the test route now coming to the junction we’re turning left according to the snav but at a junction we have to be able to be checking our right left right left my right is clear after this car so I will go but still keep looking at the left because there are parked cars over there which forces oncoming traffic to come and you borrow the go left on the roundabout and take the first exit B 45 34 Midway okay we will just do that so before we get to the Runabout we can see it we can signal so we check Center and the left we signal left we approach nice and slow with a walking pace so we can check our right left right left look for blockers from the left and then make sure the right is clear don’t go over the giveaway line only cross that giveway line when you’re actually committed to going okay I can see a blocker coming on my right side so boom I’ve taken that turn and I’m gone straight away I’m going to check Center and the right before I pick my speed up to the speed limit which is 40 looking ahead there’s a lot of traffic there so it’s not very safe for me to do 40 m an hour here so I would just go with a traffic and bearing in mind after 200 like I my prev the second Exit B 4534 Midway like I said in my private uh previous videos when you the traffic is got to be TT tires and tire mark you don’t want to keep too close to that the roundabout and take the second exit Okay so I’m coming to the Runabout again I can see that Runabout it wants me to go ahead I can see my left I can’t see ahead very well I can see the right now I can see ahead nobody’s coming so I’m just going to my left lane on the Runabout signal left by checking Center and the left and then protecting the right check Center and the right and pick the speed up to the speed limit which I can’t actually go 100 y cross the roundabout and take the second Exit B 4534 hton Road okay so if you look at a Runabout board we coming to Spa sales Runabout it wants us to keep following sat up um siren sister sometimes the test route they will say to you today we are just going to be driving without any sadna that you got to be prepared to be able to follow the directions they would just ask you to follow signs for for example siren sister you should be able to just follow the signs wherever they get the roundabout and take the second Exit B 4534 Pon Road wherever they need to change the direction they will give you plenty of time so you can actually um prepare for that so I’m coming to the roundabout again the traffic in front of me is moving I’m looking ahead I’m looking right left ahead right left nobody is coming so I’m going to my left lane I’m checking Center and the left signal left protecting my right center the right and I pick my speed up to the 40 speed limit after 800 y turn right B 4534 10 St Drive okay so I am familiar with this area so I know what’s coming ahead so I can forward plan but if you’re not familiar with the area just make sure that you look at all the signs it’s not just that familiarity as as such but you’ve got to be able to look at your road signs at all times when you’re driving okay after 300 y starts turn right okay so the snav is prompting me to go right I haven’t seen the right yet so the the safest thing is position myself to the right I can see the board the right says chin Mana I still can’t see it but on the next board here is four lanes but I’m concentrating on my right so I expect my right lane to open again so check in center and the left Center and the right my right lane is open it’s always easier to maintain the first Lane because it takes you to your normal driving lane 9 n times out of 10 you will have the right lane emerging so if you pick that one you will have to do a full emerge which is your Center your left and your left blind spot signal more or less you begging the people that pick the normal Lane to come back in so don’t go and force your way into the in front of them because they did the right thing okay so I’m just following the traffic down here checking my center and the right to protecting uh protecting myself checking Center and the left every space you have you have to keep checking with the mirrors the speed limit down here is 20 we’re now going into 40 because of this road work I’m checking Center and right to protecting my right the lane is merging cross the roundabout and take the third Exit B 4587 hurton Road okay so I’m coming to a roundabout here he wants me to go right the roundabout and take the third exit third exit W Hall Park um Park Runabout third exit is past 12:00 so I’ll position myself to the right check Center and the right put my signal on I am approaching slowly whilst I read the traffic from the right the position of that vehicle is going left so I can take it first exit gone once I’m reaching second exit I’m checking Center and the left signal left and then protect my right center and the right and I pick my speed up to leave cross traffic line here swinden we’re very familiar with that every after every round 100 y go left on the roundabout and take the second exit buron road so on that board there you can see the dead end which is the red side there second exit is that small turn over here people lose it a lot and this is your second exit Ming Ming okay right so up here by the lamp post on the left they normally ask you to pull up on the left say I’m not going to pull up but you can see this lamp post here it’s a popular one it’s a Hil start for the ones doing manual and then sometimes the automatic they can they can take back as well so it’s important you know how to um work out your way out of that situ after 200 yard go left on the roundabout and take the first exit the street okay so there’s a roundabout coming I’ve got a prompt I can see the map on the round on the sadna is where I’m going that roundabout is there looking ahead there’s nobody coming so I can just take it nice and smooth and get out there if you look on the left in front of that car park there they normally ask you to pull up on the left over there it’s also a hill start also how to get yourself out of that place there is traffic coming we have to share the road I’m checking Center and the left to go back to my left lane looking at that Crossing there’s nobody coming but I’m aware of it I’m forward planning okay I’m looking at the snia is telling me in 420 yards I’m going to have to turn right so I can keep driving confidently and smoothly looking ahead I got priority I’ve seen the vehicles waiting for sometimes all of them that you got to bear in mind then turn right okay so I’m just going up that hill it’s is told me to turn right I know that area if you don’t know it just follow it as soon as you see the junction you can signal so Center and the right turn put the signal go on and then approach it nice and slow because it’s a slope when it’s a slope the car picks up speed automatically look ahead it’s clear check my right blind spot and I can go if you look at the board over there it says school 20 when light shows and the light is flashing so it’s got to be 20 M an hour not anything more than that because the um there’s a school in this area here you can see there’s Park cars everywhere here you just have to be careful as you approach this area here here they will ask you to pull up on the left ignoring the double yellow lines just do exactly what they ask you to do and then the school okay so if you look ahead there parast on my side of the road and it’s a Bend dead bend over there anything could be coming so fast from that place over there so I just need to make sure that I approach with a caution and as soon as I get to the last car check and turn the left and go straight back into my lane like now I’ve gone back in and follow my curb to just carry on it’s a car reversing in the middle of the road I checked my mirror there’s another so that we don’t actually put any pressure on them just respect them let them do what they do check Center and the right and pick my speed up it’s a bend on my left I can’t see the cars coming over there so I have to approach carefully as well roundout and take the second exit temps Avenue it’s all about visibility if you can’t see don’t stare okay there’s a vehicle in front of me parked cars on this side but he’s already in just respect them just let them go that’s a roundabout coming after 100 y go right on the roundabout and take the second exit Okay so with this Runabout here the right is restricted but you got to be you got to be very confident to check in your right because that’s your priority and scan the left after that and do it nice and slow because the mini run about down here so you don’t go into the next Lane okay that’s it’s all about safety safety here the might ask you to pull up on the left ignoring when it’s safe the bus stop on my right this place is always safe to pull up here just bar in mind of the driveways okay if you look at the kids there it looks like they’re about to step in the road but yeah you got to pay attention to all that kind of stuff just pay attention to your speed limit as well where it’s the street lights it’s always 30 unless it’s stated at otherwise coming into this area here they normally ask you to pull up on the right by the second lamp post which is this one here so always just do exactly what they’ve asked you to do and that will be reversing the car two car lengths finishing off relatively close to the [Music] curb I’m I keep forward planning ahead I can see there’s a chicane waiting area there there a person pass um someone trying to cross the road I don’t need to scare them I need to give them plenty of room for them to finish Crossing before I check my mirrors and go he’s off the road now on the pavement so thank you very much okay I if I look ahead there is a priority Zone coming there and it’s I will read it out always read it giveway to the oncoming traffic now if I look ahead that traffic that red car is coming very fast so I’ve got to respect their priority because they have priority and if you look at that side there that’s the last car check Center and the right blind spot and just carry on pick my speed up but I can’t do any more than 20 because that’s is a school time now and it’s the track the board is flashing so 20 is the maximum I can do keep looking at these cars Sometimes they come into your lane because of of the obstacles on your side the moment I pass the scool Zone I have to check Center and the right and pick the speed up to the speed limit of the road okay so that board on my right here is the the finishing of the school so I check Center and the right and I pick my speed up if I look ahead I can see a h in the middle of the road there’s a triangle warning me as well well so bear in mind sometimes the examiners find it so uncomfortable when people just ignore and they go so fast on that and it just throws you through the roof of the of the car thank you very much okay looking ahead there’s a run about coming I’m going right so Center the right right blind spot signal right it’s a pedestrian trying to cross that place there I’m checking my right right is clear scan the left and keep going you got priority there’s scar van coming he will wait for you because it doesn’t want to cause any issues because you got to give way to your right keep checking Center and the right and just keep your picking your speed up bear in mind the time of the day is school pickup times so it’s it’s quite busy on the roads after 200 Ys go left on the roundabout and take the first exit b406 China Mana Road okay so this run about Rod borne Chini it’s a tricky one because it’s a Runabout where everybody sits there they don’t know who’s going so it’s important to use the correct Runabout rules where right has priority whoever touches that mini Runabout claims ownership like now I’m going because that my right is blocked and straight after there’s a crossing over there so approach it nice and slow like I just did check Center and the right and pick your speed up okay just keep checking scanning in between the parked cars like I said keep looking at the time of the of the of your test anything could be stepping out y go left on the roundabout and take the first exit Beach Avenue then turn right okay so this is one of the reasons why I said this this test route is a little bit wind it’s winded you know you you can just go in between and all that instead of going on the main road so now taking me to the back again so he wants me to go left the left put a signal on the first exit then okay I’m scanning my right ahead left right ahead left right is clear so I can just carry on look at the speed limit over there 20 M hour so I’ve come from all those winded areas and it brought me to another 20 M Zone you’ve got to be very very switched on with this test route or else you’ll get yourself in trouble for no reason because maybe you it’s easily to over I mean to go over the speed limit and they will not they will not forgive you for that because you’re on a test after 80 yards turn right Northern Road okay so it’s the test um I’m turning right here Center and right signal right I’m looking at that car coming ahead he’s got priority so I need to respect that priority let him go once he’s gone I check my right always use the mirror line for Your Right hands make sure the mirror is in line of it’s in the middle of the road you want so you can have a good visibility of the road you are going into to make sure there’s no obstacles in your way so you can take your T speed Limited cross the roundabout and take the second these HS you don’t break for them you just Center them underneath your car and once in between you pick your speed up so I’m just well I I can’t pick any speed because it’s only 20 but I take my foot off center it there’s another Hamp in the middle of the road there you can see the new speed limit is coming it’s 30 but you’ve got to wait till you reach that before you increase the speed limit here it’s very likely for them to ask you to pull up on the left cross the roundabout and take the second exit Northern Road okay so just normal roundabout scan my my right ahead right ahead and left nobody’s coming so I can just carry on pick my left set Center left mirror signal left good looking ahead there’s um double kind of double parking over there so I’m not in a rush I’m just going to take my time and make sure it’s safe check my center and the right and I’ll just pass those two parked cars over there expect that because during the pickup time School pickup times parents just the car anywh they don’t want to get roundout and take theit sign here again warning me still 20 so it’s not 30 anymore theit checking my right my right is busy so I’m just going to have to give way to my right when he’s gone the next car is going ahead so I just follow that car there check my center and the left mirrors and Signal left check my right and then Center and the right to pick my speed up which is still 20 I haven’t reached the school warning board yet now I have check Center and the right and I pick my speed up after 200 have to still that time and there lot of um kids walking out about as well there’s a run about coming so the right is very is hidden as well down here this area you got to be very careful buses come from the right over there so it’s important you approach this place very very um carefully because the Right comes so fast and the left you turn in like this and there’s a bus or some sometimes there’s lores coming trucks coming down here so got to be very very careful looking on the right there’s a lots of path cars but right now there’s nobody I’ve seen that pedestrian there that’s um walking there the parent looked over the shoulder but they didn’t cross I’m keeping an eye on that child there thees like if you look on the map on um the sna the blue sign or the blue markings is telling me I’m need to go right on both routs but on both runabouts the distance is too short for me to go into the left lane and change lane so always from here this is Fender Road maintain your right on the first Runabout to the right to go to the next Runabout so you can actually avoid getting yourself into a situation of trying to change lane when someone the German crew will not let you change lane German crew are the Mercedes the BMW the Audi the um VW polus that’s why I call them because they don’t care whether you Le out or not ahead is traffic is still building because we know this this could be your test time when it’s your test time like this should be able to deal with on my left so I need to exercise patient it’s moving now but still you have to keep the mirror checks going because the Uber delivery guys the motorbikes they could be coming in the in the um in your blind spot so I’m going right here I need to make sure I can see that right because of the wall now my right is clear nicely take that turn keep it to the right don’t bother signaling left to exit on the mini Runabout because the space is very tiny okay look at on the map here like I said we’re going right on the next round right on the roundabout and take the third right 4289 when we go right there it’s a it’s a je Carriage Way so where they’re coming from is where we we going okay so it they’re gone now I can cross is far away but as soon as I get to the second exit when I signal I should defend my left lane and go into the left lane straight away don’t get caught staying in the right lane for too long because the German crew Miss see BMW Audi’s they will be sticking behind you in the right lane and you will not you will not be comfortable so just always soon as you you can just move back to your normal driving lane which is your left lane okay that car is just coming in front of me I’ve take my I’ve taken my foot off to create that safety distance in front of um the me and the car in front yeah so create that safety distance looking ahead you you can see the Lanes on the board over there we going to the M4 according to the map if you look at the speed limit is 30 so pay attention to that it’s written on the floor by the time you reach that Circle go left on the roundabout and take the first exit B 4289 then turn right okay good so this is Bruce Street Bridges the people that are in Swindon they know this is one of the Monstrous runabouts here but it’s very easy you just follow the lanes you’ve good that you got whichever Lane you’re in just maintain your lane just drive in your lane exit then turn right okay so this one just wants me to go left there’s a little land attached to the Runabout over there which I don’t find it very very um useful but um I don’t know why there well it’s there they want you to go there but we’re just going to go ahead on this one that land is the land over there just basically drive around the land and go back so this is a part-time signal here is off now so the line doesn’t work so I’ve given I’ve come to the giveaway line my right is clear now when I this is the first exit here first exit is got two a signal left first it’s got two exits one go to outlet center the spending area and then one goes to um rodor okay good we just following the the sadna crossing here keep scanning for more hazards ahead of you the speed limit bear in mind it’s only we’ve passed a long time ago and that’s how you get in trouble when you pass it and you forget about it you will just go with this speed of the other drivers that are not fighting for a license you are fighting for a license so you cannot forget yourself if you look on the left there’s a run about coming bfield run about it’s heading the corner over there here all you got to do is it’s an open run about you can see right you can see ahead you can see left right left right left the car in the inner side of the Runabout is coming right I’m giving way to that one after that then all the rest are in the left lane so I can go Center and the left signal left okay remember it’s still 30 it’s not 50 yet now I reach 50 Center and the right and I check pick my speed up to the speed limit which is 50 okay I’ve reached the speed limit of 50 so I’m just maintaining that speed limit looking at the S now forward planning in 600 yards it wants me to go ahead and that’s all I’m doing the next Runabout which is a popular one as well we call it the meats Runabout it is the same as the 00 y looking ahead I can see the Run warning traffic light is there I can see the speed limit which is 40 I’m maintaining my Lane my I’m doing 35 now head there’s a crossing over there look at the arrows on the floor they are talking to you whichever one you take maintain it and be confident to you use it okay tires and time at the Crossing light is on red keep checking your mirrors don’t just switch off keep checking your Center and the right center and the left now the lights is gone off taking my fot off the brake the car is rolling checking a bit of the blind spot for any um cyclist or anything coming motorbikes and stuff like that going ahead so this is my first exit Bridge me after that I check the mirror signal left make sure they’ve stopped protect my right to see who is on over there look at that one over there you see that van you just almost came into my lane cuz he couldn’t be patient to wait for his Lane to clear and it’s a van driver yes they they they form part of the German crew okay good looking ahead I’m going ahead I’m going right on the next Runabout this Runabout is one of the golden um deciders for your test Manton Runabout there’s a part-time signal over there I’m going right so I need to do a lane change first and first 1 2 3 West is my right according to the to the right if you watch my other videos I’ve done these roundabouts separately you can just look at them look at the board or over there put a board on the floor West Wind is written on the floor and take the third if you look at it very well it’s there so I’m in my West sing Lane now you will see on the floor there there’s a dotted lines over there and ahead of the dotted lines the lane has split into two I always say the easier one is the left one so I’m just going to pick my left lane but be careful and check your blind spot because people do cut that lane so I’m in my first of the two lanes which is the left one I pass this I’m passing the second exit now I can signal left and follow the giveway lines broken Lin Che the right and then carry on cancel my signal from here it wants me to carry on normally it asks you to Bear left into twail speed limit is 40 that 30 is for two tail that slip that Offroad over there this one is still 40 it’s a pretty nice weather it’s the sun is not out it’s not wet so the stopping distance is normal stopping distance but when the road is stretched like this it’s so tempting to also do your speed over and take the second Exit B 4553 tunbury away and I keep saying they’re over speed is the quickest way to lose your license we come into a two TI Runabout that two Runabout we just go in ahead speed limit is 30 so I’m watching my speed right now make sure it’s 30 I’m checking my right to make sure my right is clear I’m waiting for that one to go so if I’m crossing the giveaway line I’m committed to going checking my center and the left I signal left protecting my right check my center and the right make sure no one is trying to cut me from that area there now and speed new speed limit is a big circle the big one is always the new one it’s a 40 mph check Center and the right and pick my speed up to 40 I’ve already R8 cross the roundabout and take the second exit tudbury way okay so this is chsb cross Runabout another deci of your your pass or field this one when you’re coming from ahead which is the slope it’s split into three at the giveway line so pay attention speed limit is 30 I’m checking my right ahead left right ahead left it’s all clear I can go signal left make sure he stopped check my right there’s a car there but he go in on my right straight away speed limits gone back to 40 Center and the right and pick my speed up if you pay attention you will see that the speed limits goes from 30 quickly to 40 40 that kind of stuff it keeps changing that they need to know that you are ready to drive Al loone independently so if they give you the license they know you’re not going CR the roundabout and take the first exit hury away okay so looking at the map the blue line on the map is giving me confidence of where I’m going so I’m preparing myself I’m coming to a Runabout he wants me to go ahead it’s a two a um exit round about ahead and my right right is clear so I’m just following all ahead follow your cap and put your signal on to help the guy coming so he doesn’t need to break It’s always important people say I’m going I’m going first 200 y go right on the roundabout and take the third exit R more way okay so we’re coming to this round about here we going right center and the right we put the right signal on all right you must drive like you’re hitting the concrete the yellow post that we just passed over there checking the right the right is clear join the right C get to the right C drive to the tip of it and then when you get to the second exit check Center and the left signal straight away check Center and the right speed limit there repeater the small one it’s repeater pick your speed up y cross the roundabout and take the second exit Okay it wants me to go ahead I’m coming to a roundabout you see the speed limit just change again to a big circle which is a new one is enforced then it’s enforced which is 30 checking my right ahead there someone coming from the right there look at where I stopped at behind the line not too far not too close okay check Center and right it’s clear Center and the left signal left straight away protect the right and pick my speed up speed limits is changed again to 40 pay attention to that it’s a big circle so turn the right and pick myed after 300 y cross the roundabout and take the second exit okay good that triangles is warning me there’s a Crossing coming traffic light there’s nobody there this is an open Runabout from the right I can see my right and ahead I keep checking there’s a car coming very fast but he’s got his left signal on I can see that one is not coming this way so I will just carry on to my left lane put my signal on protect my right to make sure the car behind me is not trying to overtake me big speed limit which is 40 again so I just check Center and the right and I pick my speed after 300 y go right car on my right is going to force oncoming traffic to come into my road so at the moment I’m paying attention they not they didn’t move so checking Center and right it wants me to go right on this run about over here my foot is off the gas because the road is a slow Center and the right put signal on to looking on my right there’s nothing coming but it’s a crossing over there so the moment I finish that roundabout there might be someone at the crossing over there signaling left down here okay keeping an eye on the crossing it’s all clear check Center and the left the guy behind me looks like he wants to overtake me check Center and the right and pick my speed up to 40 after 100 y cross the roundabout and take the second okay so I’m coming to a Runabout again I’m checking my right center and the right okay there’s nobody coming going to my left Center and the left signal left keep protecting my right check center right again and pick my speed up to the repeater sign it’s a small circle 40 hallelujah we’re coming back to the test center if you did it beautifully like that you are going home with your license I’m going left the cars behind you always come very very close but you got to give them enough enough signal so they know that you are actually coming to um the test center when you get here will ask you to slow right down it is on your left and this is the end of your test

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