Maria from Manchester here now living in Australia I am going to the BV RT today British Val British Brisbane Valley uh rail track it’s 1.6 kilm from here so I’ve just made my way to wraa uh so come with me and uh we’ll have a bit of a ride down there thank you see you in a bit [Music] hi so I’ve picked up the bvrt from Gregory Street Reserve um opening and I have just come down from where you can see those bards down there that’s that’s the opening so I’m now on the track um which is very pleasant it’s good I’m sitting on this um bench and it’s a special place where Anthony John new nent uh used to wander may it always remain March 1963 to January 1987 don’t know who he was maybe we could find that out but uh he walked to a very pleasant place I will speak to you in a [Music] bit don’t tell me how you feel so quietly next to me the silence letting you go letting you go keep giving you the say you don’t want me like touching for some he set of on it forever won you hold me now won’t you hold me oh cuz baby I try try to tell lies now I can spell them out if I still tried cuz I don’t care as long as you’re there as long hello okay so I have got as far as Pine Mountain um and that’s as far as I’m going to go today because we start now on the rough track and my bike won’t handle that the tires will pop so I’ll have to come back another day on um my mountain bike that I’m planning to get okay but it’s been very pleasant and um we’ve come to a really nice expanse Open Fields and what have you yeah so this is where I’m going to have to leave you I’m afraid okay signing out [Music]

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