Explore the charming city of Den Bosch in North Brabant, Netherlands, known for its picturesque streets and vibrant culture. Join us on a bike ride through this Dutch city, as we discover hidden gems and local hotspots. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Holland and experience the unique blend of history and modernity that Den Bosch has to offer. Whether you’re a cycling enthusiast or simply love to travel, this Den Bosch vlog is sure to inspire your next adventure. Cyclists of all levels will enjoy the scenic routes and cultural richness that this city has to offer. So hop on your bike and join us as we uncover the secrets of Den Bosch, the Netherlands’ coolest city.

    I’ll you get the onions all I’m going to eat that all in one no two or three bites okay I don’t think I’m going to manage more than one bite you know we got a go ready 3 two 1 good morning chops can you guess where I am today let me give you the clue this country has got more bicycles than what it’s got people yeah that’s right we’re in the Netherlands in the city of demos the Netherlands has got over 24 million bicycles and only 18 million people so I thought it’ be rude not to explore the the city byby on the wrong side of the road there yeah it’s it’s flat as a pancake the Netherlands so I’ve just rented the bike I’ll show you what we’ve went for let just pull over there so where she is a thing of beauty it’s a Tre an electric Tre now with The Neverland’s being so flat I mean it’s not really needed an electric bike but that’s all they had to rent from the shop so even though I wanted like more of a traditional Dutch City bike one of those Swanky ones um you see them everywhere but H this is all the had to rent an electric bike so it’ll do but anyway we’re going to we’re going to go on a bike ride around demos and the surrounding area north breand and um who knows what we’ll get up to so D BOS let’s go I’m just out in the subbs of den Bosch that and I must say I’m having a great time it’s so clean I absolutely love the Neons I could I could live here it’s that nice and it’s flat as a pancake and on this makes things is twice as easy W what are they check out this those houses that’s crazy it looks like something out of a sci-fi movie doesn’t it yeah they house wow aliens have landed here in demos wow they would you live in one of those strange then I suppose it beats the the highrises in C Farm doesn’t it they’re crazy look at them a little UFO Community it’s like dozens of mini Epcot wow I wonder who lives in hello do you do you live on one of these yeah wow what’s a what what’s it like it’s really free what a unique little Community right on this River or Canal well would you live in one of those I’ve just been speaking to a a local who lives in one off camera she didn’t want to be on camera and I asked her can I have a little look inside she said no that’s expected but um I asked her what it’s called this place she said it’s called b bval or something like that um but yeah uh she said she loves living here she had to Reg got to register for one of these there’s a big waiting list apparently but um some of the things you find on your travels that’s what I love so much while traveling literally hide a bicycle just pedal wherever you feel like and stumble across places like this you may have noticed at the very start of the video a that were in the Netherlands and the reason why I never said Holland is because Holland is actually only two districts of the Netherlands North Holland and South Holland that’s where you’ll find Amsterdam in the north of Holland and rdam in the South but we’re in demos North braans so this is the Holland it’s the Netherlands there you have it pretty boring fact well if you didn’t know now you do so this must be the center of demos the main Square and whilst we’re here in the Netherlands we’ve got to try some ducks food haven’t we but the question is what do the ducks eat I know they eat that cold fish heading is it but not a chance I’m saying that we uh we’ll find something bear with me I’ll be back with you very shortly with some ducks food what’s that cold fish that you is over there hering hering I’m a little bit scared to try I give you one for free and then I make a film of you that you eat okay okay we’re going to try some heading why not why not the way I’ll have it the exact way the DU she it so how you e it you just tangle like this okay how you get the onions just I’m going to eat that all in one no two or three bites okay I don’t think I’m going to manage more than one B you know we have go ready 3 two one not for me no not for you there there is the beIN well thanks anyway B the face on last time Che thanks I’ll tell you what B I’ll buy a a c off you C Jerry Co Jero yeah please pleas get rid of that taste that’s better never again still tasty you Ducks really are crazy woo well the sun’s came out now here in Den Marsh and it’s absolutely glorious the Netherlands I love it it’s so clean I don’t know civilized everything just works like these cycle lanes for example one of my favorite countries I could happily live here so as promised we’ve stopped for some traditional duch food we’ve got got C kipor specks there and some fries with a peanut dip and a CH mil so let’s give it a go we go for the specs neck first it’s hot it’s all deep fried the dut aren very known for the cuisine ay let’s give it a go let’s try these chips on or FRS what the called over here tastes like chips with peanut butter that sauce is basically peanut butter and finally the C kipc corn let’s give it a go n it’s not nice it’s like a sausage with I think it’s cheese this isn’t much better chicken Sal and peanut butter with chips is just they’re nice though but let’s move on anyway a beautiful neighborhood this look at the size of these houses absolutely gorgeous I wouldn’t mind living in one of those look at that this city just keeps getting better and better just a quick stop here in this neighborhood because you can’t come all the way to the Netherlands and not visit the windmill can you look at that it’ be like going to Rome and not visiting the coliseum in fact that’s what my sister did she went all the way to Rome didn’t bother with the Coliseum she went to the Magnum Factory instead each to their own I suppose some people like history and of us like ice creams for um look at that a windmill an oldfashioned windmill we can’t go up there unfortunately or can we go down this way no that’s not I don’t actually know why there’s so many windmills here in the Netherlands maybe I should have reared it before I came I didn’t unfortunately maybe someone let let me know in the comments but it’s pretty isn’t it and a very nice neighborhood as well by the looks of things I wonder what’s inside right let’s hop back on the bike anyway here she is and uh we’ll continue with the Vlog see you soon oh would you I know we keep banging on about this city but it’s great they’ve even got their own Beach not exactly the males but it’s a beach nonetheless just been cycling down this canal and I’ve stopped because I seen this it looks like it’s a ship but it’s a cafe some little boats outside shall we go over see what it’s saying come on so here we are in bway and this here is a Bosch ball BOS ball this is the local dessert looks all right doesn’t it we got a little stoop off them as well to go with our our tea or coffee so let’s give it a go oh wow just use me H it looks like a big Prof very ni BOS ball oh very nice yeah yeah it’s nice I’m from England Liverpool yeah yeah I’m just I’m just visiting D BOS but it’s a Beau lovely city very nice yeah just a couple of the locals watching makes things that all the little bit more Awkward oh that’s fil the [Music] cream that’s enough reason alone to move over here to them BOS so this has been D BOS the nin being a small YouTuber unfortunately I don’t have the luxury I’ve gone to the other side of the world for every video but you know what I’ve enjoyed this just as much as anyway and I hope you have too so as always remember to like subscribe and leave me a comment and I’ll see you all in the next one from demos Holland see you next time


    1. You mentioned Pancakes at the start then later on you go wonder what the Dutch eat ha ha! lovely Pancakes that's what! and lots of Cheese also you should go to FEBO and eat there i used to love it also visit Groningen in the North i lived there for 2 months it's the city with the most cycles

    2. The bolwoningen, sphere houses, are social housing by a private not for profit housing association, but this was the result of government funded experimental architecture, to try something new.

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