A Expedição pelo Planeta Terra de Moto segue espetacular. Estamos em Marselha rodando com a Pantera Negra, nossa Harley Street Glide que está comemorando 70.000 quilômetros. No vídeo de hoje visitamos o Palais du Faro, que teve sua construção em 1858 a mando de Napoleão III como um presente para sua esposa a imperatriz. Depois fomos conferir um lugar chamado Valon des Auffes, que uma pequena vila de pescadores ali pertinho de Marselha. O dia terminou com um por do sol incrível do Porto Velho de Marselha.

    No dia seguinte, dia de fazer o checkout no hotel e seguir viagem. Subimos na Pantera Negra e seguimos para o parque Calanques de Marselha, uma região de desfiladeiros em pedra e o mar Mediterrâneo entrando por entre as formações. Um espetáculo. Porém, para chegar lá precisamos passar uma estrada muito íngreme e estreita. Mas isso também foi muito legal.

    Depois de conferir os Calanques continuamos nossa viagem. O objetivo é chegar a Nice. Mas antes, passaríamos ainda por uma pequena cidade chamada Bandol, onde almoçamos. Também conferimos a famosa cidade Saint-Tropez, lugar de gente rica, com seus carros luxuosos onde tudo é caro. Apenas tomamos um vinho branco, andamos por ali e já seguimos viagem.

    #motovlog #motovlogger #mototurismo #motociclismo #harley #harley-davidson #roadking #streetglide #fatboy #fatbob #heritage #electraglide #motociclismo #motociclista #motocicleta #viagemdemoto #viajardemoto #harley #harleydavidson #expediçãoalasca #eueminhamoto #marseille #marselha #sainttropez #calanques

    Let’s leave Bellear behind. Look, how beautiful, huh? La Maior Cathedral. Wow, man. Oh the size of it, man. Look what a spectacle, my friend. Spectacular image. Welcome to the Planet Earth Motorbike expedition. A real adventure on two wheels. Goal, explore every corner of the earth. My name is Rodrigo Azevedo and this is me and my bike. We have already discovered all the countries of the Americas, passing through some of the most spectacular places. Roads, mountains, seas and air, heat, sun and rain, three continents, fifteen countries and sixty-five thousand kilometers driven. Let’s travel the entire planet and now let’s go together to the old world. We have a lot ahead of us, so let’s get going while we can still get going. I will fly to the Cathedral. Too much and this one is the Faro Palace, now from above the Faro Palace you have a spectacular view of Marseille again, look there, now the Faro Palace was built and began construction in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight at the behest of Napoleon III. as a gift for his wife Empress Altamir, we arrived at a place called Valon De Off. Valon De Off was a port, originally a Greek port, then it was converted into a shipyard and today it is a picturesque place with colorful houses, bars, it has become a place not very frequented by tourists, right? Kind of hidden, but it’s really cool, man. Oh how cool. Several boats, fishing boats, tour boats under this magnificent bridge, the colorful houses . Valon De Off, And our friend huh? I mean, we rode with the panther, we saw some of the main tourist attractions here in Marceli, we didn’t have lunch here, the restaurant closes at two in the afternoon, so finding a place to eat is difficult, except at these tourist spots. We are in front of Porto Velho, we stopped here at the Italian and we are eating a Ramon for a change, a rubber, while the pasta comes out there. It’s very good Marcele, huh? Last role tomorrow, we’ll be leaving, more or less on the way, there’s a phenomenal park here near Marcele, we want something out of this world, we’ll go there and see it and then we’ll continue our journey, the sun will set around six o’clock in the morning. It ‘s too late, huh? Look at this crazy motorcycle sunset, my friend, it’s so crazy . Magnificent. Ah So we’re on vacation, we wake up, we’ve had breakfast, we’re preparing our bags. Now, see what an interesting thing, this thing about you not making many plans on long motorcycle trips, for me it is essential, because my idea yesterday was to go to a place called Borges do Verdan, which is a gorge here in France, very beautiful , then. Imagine, if I had a very complicated, very predetermined plan, I would have a reservation there, I would be forced to go there. But I just looked and it was raining like hell in the region this afternoon, but tomorrow all day long and the temperature will drop to three degrees there, three, four degrees. So, instead of going to Verdão, we go to Saint Tropeco, which is closer to the coast, warmer and there is no rain. And here’s the thing, I found a Handula flag, which I hadn’t placed here yet, okay. Now this side here will be all for Europe, right? The South American side , North Central. So, two flags have already fallen here. I’ll find a better solution. Okay, let’s go back to our little hotel, let’s head towards Marcele’s calanques, pay attention. We are walking here in the suburbs of Marsele. Calanques National Park, is it worth it? There’s this climb, people walking. Let’s go, shall we? There is nothing written that you cannot enter a motorcycle. Can’t you? It’s their Tijuca Forest here. Whoa, a car passed by. Now yes. Adventurous Panther . She was jealous of the pandemic, now she wants to show off too. The pandemonium going on in that desert, along the Atacama roads, right? Right Panther? You do it too, right? Almost the same, right Pantera? Just the two hundred kilos heavier, that made it complicated, boy, you shouldn’t be able to see that in the video, but it’s super steep is very steep now we have to go down and I didn’t fill up, beloved, I forgot to fill up, motorcycle, friend. Look at this look man. Cool. I think we’re getting there, let’s see what this is all about, the calanques. So, these calanques are a forest park in the Marseli region, it’s free to enter and there are a lot of trails and the best part of it here is climbing these mountains, hiking, going up all this and looking at the rivers from above, right? ? Because the sea is entering, the Mediterranean Sea is entering the rocks, so it looks very beautiful, so a game for you to spend like this all day, go to a forest park in Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, we have the Tijuca Forest and go there explore, right? We wanted to do the road, which is very cool, the road is really cool, very challenging because when we were on the road coming to Marcele, we saw these formations, these mountain ranges, these rock formations accompanying us on the road, now we walked inside it. Now from here, Santo Tropeiro left, now let’s find a gas station, I have one hundred and three kilometers of range, okay, let’s fill up soon, right? So as not to get choked up. Let’s get some gas, Cheers. Our friend, we stopped here by surprise in a small town called Bandol, Bandol which has the main beach with the same name Bandol is a very small town, a coastal town here in France, several of these little bars on the waterfront, little shops everywhere and we’re going to have lunch here, sweet beloved, she’s already seen the little shops and she’s excited, I don’t know why she’s so excited if she has nowhere to put anything, but she’s excited, right? That’s how you see the little shops. It comforts me that Now we’re going to try to get to just one stick, not just one stick, because there are a few stops along the way, but let’s try not to sleep beforehand, right? Because one thing, it’s getting late, it’s already two hours and thirty minutes. On the way from tem to tem, we’ll have to stop by these two little towns. So, this is the way, it’s Saint Tropez, then and then Nice, let’s go So, how do you like it? So, come to Garupa. Sign up now to continue receiving your weekly dose of fun, knowledge and inspiration. Fancy cup or not? Very chic, I’ve never seen a glass like this. Toast tropeiro anointing, you’re a saint now. We here on the road, what a spectacle this little road here, right? And it’s one vineyard after another, one winery after another, there are so many wineries, you can’t **** it’s no wonder the guys are good at coming here man, they make a lot of wine. Saint Tropez, a community located here on the French Riviera in the region called Costazul. Now imagine that Saint Tropez was once a humble fishing village in the beginning of things. And for us here at Eu e Minha Moto, Saint Tropez is just tickets, we had a drink, I bought some to stick here on the panther and then we continue Ah, you thought I was going to film the pole, right? Not even a stick, I’m much more the panther, there’s a lot more story to tell and now I’m stuck with stickers. Very cute but now it’s time to say goodbye. Simple situation, **** We have to go to Alice. This microphone of mine is giving me one problem after another. So I’m screaming. Did you go for it?


    1. Rodrigão, tudo muito show! Essa temporada na Europa tá fantástica. Para ficar mais legal e divertido (pra gente é claro), só faltou o Edinho reclamando de tudo e miguelando gasosa na motoca 😂😂😂.

    2. Uma bela cidade, ótimas estradas um visual de se tirar o chapéu, um belo carro atrás de vcs um Bigatti Vernona, mas deve ser uma cidade bem cara, ou seja para poucos. Bora Rodar.


    4. Você que já rodou bastante com sua street glide e com a Panamerica… Qual você acha mais confortável paras as viagens? Abraço

    5. Rodrigo, é no "susto" o trajeto ou alguém sussurra os lugares maravilhosos para você conhecer. Cara só lugar super! 👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻 Em off, tem vídeos "X" das praias de saint tropez Kkkkk

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