In this series from James May, we see him on a mission to save modern man – from themselves! From his Man Lab HQ, James and his team set out on a series of action packed challenges that will help modern man relearn some of the vital skills, once cherished by his forefathers, that are now in danger of being lost forever.

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    here it is the world’s first Swiss Army bike still a bicycle I’m still enjoying a pleasant ride through leafy Cambridge here but it has added functionality it’s a wield multi-tool let’s see how it works I wonder if anybody in this traditional fenland Village needs my help yes this tavern landlord lacks the statue needed to buff up his windows to a fine polish luckily one of Sim’s first breakthroughs was to utilize all wasted spaces on the bicycle even the ones inside the tubes give me a moment by turning a few levers I release the Swiss Army bike’s secret UND saddle squeegee and scraper which can reach the top floor windows with ease within minutes they were sparkling like the East anglian intellect if you’re happy with that sir I’ll be on my way thank you very much and have a very safe journey don’t thank me thank the Swiss Army bicycle


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