Part 6 of Our love of Indian Motorcycles, I have a local dealer who damaged my bike & has refused to make it right, then the main importer of the bike into the UK has decided to bury their head in the sand. Even when it concerns rider safety!! Bit of the back ground to the story & then what happened in a meeting in December. Did not want to share this but I have no option!!

    Indian Motorcycle owned at present by Polaris Inc, I own at the moment an Indian Scout & an Indian Darkhorse Roadmaster. Filmed using a Go Pro Black 10 & an Insta 306 one x 2.

    #indianmotorcycle #motorcycle #polaris #quinntales #polarisinc #biker

    [Music] [Music] hi my name is Stuart quiny welcome to part six of of my love of Indian Motorcycles which to be honest has been a hell of a rocky road um mainly because the current custodian of um the Indian Motorcycle name in my last video I stated that I would share a video I did the day after a meeting Polaris Britain limited had with me um down here in Cornwall in December some of you know I had a mild stroke last August so I wasn’t in a condition to travel I wasn’t really in a condition to have a meeting I’m still in recovery now so I’ve put together some footage from that video um I think it will run through two episodes uh so bear with me I’ll um see how it goes I thought it’d be easier if I did you a quick video going over um Polaris issue it’s just easier with my state of mind at the minute obviously after the stroke I’m getting very anxious I do feel this situation cuz it’s been going on since 2021 and how much the bikes and the whole Indian thing mean to me this is probably the cause of why I had the stroke in the first place very badly done by I don’t think polar Britain are treating its customers very well at all right fighter I quickly go through the issues obviously this started back October 21 when I had the wheel bear and go at 14,000 we do a lot of two up riding that’s the whole point of getting the bike we go touring the tires will be have flat spots on the bottom not the sides there’ll be no scrapes on the footboards exhausts so the thing’s not not abused it’s ridden sensibly and most of the time when we’re traveling it’s cruise control so that disperses all the comments about barington go if if if there’s no ifs I’ve been told there’s bikes out there that do 70,000 50,000 whatever but 14,000 it should have rung alarm Bells certainly shouldn’t have had the dealer turning around to me and saying that’s normal to Polaris if if if their big tours aren’t built for touring I don’t want to publicly disrespect the brand but I’m put in a position now where basically Polaris is separate to Indian Motorcycles in my head Polaris are not doing Indian justice all they need is a bit of customer service which wouldn’t cost a lot but the effect of the bearing then cause issues with the um engine which again has never been um sorted that looked at or explained propably to me this has all been putting writing to the dealer and uh explain to him via email text and verbally but he doesn’t want anything to do it he won’t put anything in right in whenever he does an invoice he won’t list the parts as separate items he just puts the total so you never know what a part has cost you warranty work he doesn’t give you any paperwork at all so you’ve got no proof that you’ve had warant work done because I ride it all year round I was fully aware I might end up with a few more um slight issues in anybody else but I was fully riing on that dealer he knew I was using all year round so I’m in his hands as to what to do so the first year it was Winter coated he charged me £250 for that and then I got it ceramic coated now I was not advised to do anything else or any any other preventative maintenance to it and obviously since I’ve brought these issues up I’ve been told I’ve misused the bike I’ve also had the starter solenoid corod I’ve had two starter Motors fitted and I’ve had three batteries replaced one under warranty I’ve also had the wall Bonnet on the front the bottom plate rusted up so in general the service is been shocking then we come back to this caliper issue each service he’s not done anything with the caliper I then had the 35,000 M service done by another dealer bearing in mind it had been in the the local one two months before he then found a new battery had fitted he didn’t do hadn’t done the um bolts up properly on the top hadn’t installed it correctly hence I was still having starting issues he hadn’t um serviced the calipers at all and it actually States on his sheet that he serviced the calipers he said the rear calipers hadn’t been looked at for months he said the seals are hanging out they they were terrible and I’ve even got emails from when I picked it up from when he serviced the caliper saying that I was getting a slight knock in in the rear brake it didn’t feel right and all I was told oh that’s the ABS settling in so this dealer has knowingly let me ride that bike away that hasn’t been repaired hasn’t been looked at he since said that he doesn’t do cleaning he just replaces Parts yet I’m paying him to do that on a service so it’s Sublime to ridiculous either I’ve got completely the wrong end of the stick um I bought a premium um level bike from brand new and I’m using the main dealer so then this caliper issue or the brake issue and and the brake discs had a knock on effect I had all that time with lost fuel consumption I don’t know what else it’s done to the bike whether it’s caused any other problems with it I obviously had the clutch go on it as well during that period um so I’ve had to pay for all this and it’s down to poor service it started off with warranty work that they wouldn’t put through and then it’s down to poor service and now I’m getting still getting the ABS issues and now I’m being told they’re no longer covered under the warranty I then searched out on the Indian page Etc couldn’t find any complaints procedure which I think in the UK’s a legal requirement so then I as I said I followed the correct procedure um dealer didn’t want to know own actions didn’t want to know UK Tech didn’t want to know polish Britain UK whatever you want to call them they didn’t want to know started basically emailing anybody that I thought would listen to try and get to the bottom of this situation that’s when I started getting results I then had um Jim Clark contact me and he then wanted to meet with me now obviously I’ve had this mini stroke so it was difficult to put that together but in the end they agreed to come down here to see me which was very kind of them they arranged to come down on Monday the 4th of December on the Thursday prior I had an email off them wanting me to sign a confid confidentiality agreement and to try and change the location of the meeting so I went back to them Friday said look I’m not happy signing anything because you’ve not answered any of my questions um since last octo October 21 I said I don’t know what approach you’re taking and I said at the moment my wife’s my carer I might sound okay I got short-term memory loss sometimes I forget what I’m saying I can’t walk properly and I can’t use my arms properly so changing the meeting was out of the question so they came to the meeting and basically their um priority was to get me to stop stop sending these emails he then said that face-to-face meetings were a priority and it helped sort things out quicker I said to him that’s a bit of a joke because I think on the third or fourth occasion I wrote to him I asked for a sitdown meeting to get this sorted out they refused I said they had put me in this position that I hadn’t had any form of customer service none of my questions had been answered directly at all and I explained to him that I was actually getting threats but he didn’t seem concerned about that whatsoever the thing that really shocked me was I’ve got a brain injury so they’ve arranged this meeting he comes down and he does his starting statement including the thing about the face to face he then turns around to me and says we have been given the authority you to buy your bikes back and for you to have nothing to do with Indian ever again I was so insulted by I did not know what to say and bearing in mind this is from a legitimate complaint about one of their dealers who’ve charged me for work they haven’t done they’ve said they fitted things they haven’t fitted and they’ve allowed me to ride the bike which they’ve said’s been repaired and hasn’t been looked at so they’ve let me take a bike in a dangerous State onto the main road and then to verbally VI abuse me and to threat me and just to say we want you to go away we’re not interested I just cannot believe that that lot of I got asures so a lot of things go through my mind certainly that one didn’t I was after an apology from the dealer for their poor service some sort of reassurance from Polaris that going forward they would do what they could so I would get my confidence back in their brand that’s what I was after now 3 years of owning that bike I’ve paid out over £1,000 for service and parts this isn’t customization anything this is purely to keep the bloody thing on the road now I know the standard cost would be about 3 3 half th000 I spent over 11 and they’re still turning around to me and saying I misuse the bike I don’t look after it I had all the evidence with me he did not want to see it he didn’t want to see the letters to prove everything I’m saying is correct he stated to me that he wasn’t bothered about the 14k that is normal he then stated that on the design of the bike they wouldn’t test a part of that ilk they would not know the parameters that should be working and they would not know what torque it was under I mean again sounded me to actually come up with that I know Standard Bearing on the motorcycle rear rear wheel you’ll be expecting at least 50 ,000 out of it yeah if you got a trials bike and you’re off-roading and you’re beaching and yeah the bearing lasts as long as it lasts you repair a bike of that elk as it this is a premium Touring bike we we are using a lot of the time in cruise control when it’s working I even did a data subject access request on Polaris for anything containing my name or either the uh registrations for both motorcycles they sent me one page which didn’t contain half the information of what’s been done to the dark hor and that’s it now throughout this process UK Tech owners connections and Jim Clark have always referred to pictures and reports that they’ve been sent from the dealer LED them to the conclusion that I misuse the bike I’ve repeatedly asked asked them for copies and they’ve refused the subject access request is a legal requirement so now they’ve broken the law I I really do not know what else I can do I don’t want to make this public I don’t want to I love the product it’s theing Services Polaris UK do not care about the rider one bit you go to events they do not talk you they do not engage you once you’ve got that b they slam the door behind you I even spoke to an engineer in in America when I was out there and he confirmed that you should be getting a lot more out of the bike out of those bearings he confirmed that that there are certain issues that would cause that Baron to go quicker but again that’s all stuff that should have been looked at as soon as they knew about it but then he then made a statement that oh I wouldn’t take any notice of what I’m meic told me I was also told the most likely um cause of the bearing would be the rear color has been setting correctly so there’s no evidence of a 4mth issue with rear brakes is there God again he he just kept going on about how I wanted to satisfy my complaints how how basically how I would shut up so I again said I wanted Thor motorcycle calls to apologize for their poor service for the abuse on the phone and and compensation because I shouldn’t have been paying 11,000 to keep the thing on the road now what I did say to him was that serviced on the dot every time I’ve had no notes on the service sheets other than the one service that went to more speed racing where they gave me a little advice but they did say what they did to the bike so there’s been no notes to any wrongdoing whatsoever so if they want to get to this situation they should then standardize the paperwork they’re using so then they have a reference well you were told on this day you didn’t do this you were told there you didn’t do that but there’s nothing there’s none of that whatsoever I had once had a handwritten note on one of the service sheets that I had about 1,000 miles left in me rear tire so when we got to this stage I said look at the end of the day you’ve not answered any of my questions you should have a a rough idea of how long a bearon would last you should you’ve got enough evidence in front of you to know that they’ve done wrong over that 4mth period when they’ve had it in so many times to sort a specific issue out and didn’t sort it out so then Jim Clark turns around to me and says well or Thor motorcycles are the top five of their dealers which they’ve got 21 and and then he turned around and said anyway Polaris we’re a very big company we’ve got lots of solicitors and we will throw money at you to make you go away which bearing in mind at this stage this was a three-hour meeting this stage my head was down I’d had enough my wife stood up basically tears coming out of her eyes and just saying if you just threatened us you’re doing nothing to help this situation and you refusing to accept anything we say and you’ve got everything in writing in front you you’ve got all the evidence you need and you’re completely ignoring it and you’re basically started the meeting with we’ll buy your buy bikes back have nothing to do with the brand anymore and then you end up with well do what you like we’ve got big enough solicitors we will throw money at you and make you go away and then we reacted to that as I said my wife stood up reacting to that and then um he oh I didn’t mean it like that so yeah I’m very worried where this is going if Polaris America is happy with all this then yeah I I will work walk away but I won’t walk away quite I’ve put my heart and soul into this I I want the brand I want to do whatever I can to promote the brand shout from the rooftops they should be shout from the rooftops I ride all year round I can do so many miles that this bike is is stayed and I will keep it in the condition they ask me to keep it in or they recommend me to keep it in there is no evidence at all that I have not looked after that bike no evidence whatsoever so th this attitude they’ve got which is just basically started from me making a complaint about a dealer but yeah so anyway sorry to B you but I just thought it was easier it’s helped me get off my chest and hopefully I haven’t roted too long cuz I don’t really want to put this on YouTube because that’s not the angle I’m after I am just after being treated as a customer who spent a bloody fortune and not being I don’t want to be threatened and yeah I’m I am certain this is this has put me in the position I am in now I’ve now lost my businesses I’m trapped at home for four months because I can’t do anything my family suffering and all because I’m obsessed with this and it’s it’s it’s a major issue anyway the that’s for you to take away I could play a million mind games but instead of say something not a logical something that is topical rub it on and watch it go make yourself Unstoppable Dre are irresponsible but they’re always possible if you just believe you could be so remarkable thoughts in my head a coll they spread I’ll be great one day going off of my meds no I’m not giving up no I’m not giving in I will make it to the top taking off in the wind I got to make it I’m saving every day to taste it I’m patient but my mind it can hardly take it I’m chasing a dream I’ve had for several ages of bacon modern Kingdom for the Tak now that I’ve been put through out I’m never got anyone’s help I had to do it all myself I don’t never scow up no I don’t take I got no love for the fak

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