uh is leaning over here let’s put this over here a bit right so just experimenting with the setup here today quick experimental where my car cameras there there we go quick experiment uh if anyone’s here so I will welcome you I’m just going to do a few things here on my laptop so hope you’re all well if anybody’s with us it’s a very flash stream it wasn’t uh planned or anything so I’m just starting up my logger here and stuff on on the uh on the computer and we’re just having a little bit of fun just an hour or so maybe something like that so B well I’m not engaging with the camera I’m just sorting my computer right here so do apologize I just want to get my chat up here in front of me as well so shampion Min I don’t want that I want that and uh there we go thumbs up and somebody’s here so hi oh there we go I seem to be live that’s nice so if I go oh I’m going change that account shamp be Min all shamp be in and somebody said hello I didn’t quite catch that so I should be with you in a second thank you for coming in to see me uh where’s my stuff new channel new channel will be good and I’m live there we go and it’s playing of an advert very good hello to Nick uh hello there from the states and hello Muhammad hope you’re all keeping well guys I’m very good um we’re going to go on 40 m there we go there we are good I can see you all now I can keep an eye in the Stream as well just about hey Scott gu Charles is now Charles or Steve Mark yeah we’re okay we’re okay here so um right got the camera in slightly different position today got it on the steering wheel with one those wrappy sort of malib little stands which can wrap around something to keep it nice and steady so it’s fairly steady bit wobbly um so I’ll I can switch you around I think hang on yeah I can and I can do this and hopefully you’ll be able to to see the the radio a bit better uh slight flickering there know if you can see can you see the frequency well let’s have a look just about so I apologize for the flickery display just how it is hello Andy and uh two Andes in fact Jonathan’s there hi Jonathan hello from northern hello to Northern irand so um yeah so I can switch back to me we can do it like that so there we are a bit of fun bit of experimentation today thought it be nice for you to see the the radio closer a close hand so you can see what we’re doing we’re using the uh it’s a shame that’s not as quite not in Focus that’s probably better but I can’t keep very good actually is it never mind okay you just about see the frequency anyway can’t you I think uh let’s so a look yeah okay just want make it out uh there we go anyway 7164 we’re going play around there somebody on that frequency just going have a little shufty around see if there’s anything happening on 40 m uh another radio be a bit louder than usual so hope it’s not to be too loud sorry so when I turn the radio up in volume wise can you let me know um can you let me know if it the radio is too loud all right so hang on let me know how that radio sounds is it too loud or is it okay okay let’s just try a different band here listening to me yesterday and we’ve got this technique of using mod modern technology sound okay link between us he lives about 20 minutes by car away from me so it’s not too far and can they can listen to me and we pick a frequency that we think is clear and we have a bit of a call on it let be with me a second folks great at the moment 58 59 and my [Music] no sure there was a qrp station but never mind okay qz Mike whiskey zero whis listening uniform kilo who the GOL uniform okay looks all [Music] right find a clear one see what we can do shall we a bit of fun anyway okay go with me guys sort myself out here this isn’t very professional is it okay no wores where’s your setting okay fine thanks [Music] interesting maps are very useful things right okay uh just checking the frequencies CLE G5 TM uh mobile uh is the frequency clear G5 TM mobile uh cq40 cq40 golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile cq40 cq40 gol 5 Tango Mike 40 CQ and standing by cq40 golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile cq40 cq40 golf 5 Tango Mike mobile cq40 and standing by cq40 cq40 gol 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile cq40 and stanning by cq40 cq40 M golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile cq40 and standing by CQ 40 gol 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile CQ and standing by CQ 40 m golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile CQ and standing by uh just a 9t whip today Jonathan and a CO cq40 cq40 golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile CQ and standing by cq4 cq40 golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile CQ and standing by put a few shout outs yeah 40 hasn’t woking up yeah seems to be getting stronger in evenings these days G uh again yeah there’s somebody there not quite sure you’re just too too low for me at the moment let’s keep trying Golf five Tango Mike mobile L thing on 40 ah James m0 gqc not very strong James about a three and three over [Music] okay James no problem got wallbury Hill uh yeah bit of qsb with you but no problem you’re in the log with a three and three James I won’t hold it but 73 thanks for the call okay qrz 40 golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile calling CQ and standing by [Music] okay thank you James 73 a pleasure thank you for the call good to get you in the log qrz 40 golf 5 Tango Mike mobile yeah probably will CQ CQ golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile CQ and standing by cq40 cq40 m golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile CQ and standing by okay 40 sounds very quiet there’s qsy we’re going to try uh 50 I think golf 5 tangle Mike mobile qsy to 15 thank you okay just going to jump the 15 M uh 10 yeah we can I need to change the antenna cuz I’ve only got the scollar on for 40 20 sorry and 15 uh so yeah we can do we can do 10 a pinch let me just go out and uh move the jumper to 15 M guys we’ll try 15 all right so bear with Me 2 seconds sorry about that we clumsy that there you go one one let okay that’s cool well we hope so hope go some good prop but uh this doesn’t sound too hopeful I looks like a it looks like a Japanese St Queen hotel that sounds like a Japanese station on there that one guys 5×6 how are you my friend and very please correct my this is Sierra Papa number one Norway Queen Hotel how are you my friend I copy your signal 5 by7 57 and name Steve Q [Applause] gol five Tango Mike mobile gol five Tango Mike mobile uh golf 5 Tango Mexico mobile oh well jf1 ehm that is um you can’t hear me let’s good going SEC [Laughter] jum uh is the frequency news 21285 is the frequency clear is the frequency news please is the frequency use 21285 uh CQ CQ cq5 CQ CQ 15 M golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile cq5 cq5 CQ CQ CQ CQ cq5 golf 5 Tango Mike mobile Germany 5 Tango Mexico mobile while calling 15 and standing by okay uh cq5 cq5 golf 5 Tango Mike mobile golf 5 Tango Mexico mobile cq5 cqcq cqcq Golf five Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile CQ and standing back by cq5 cqcq CQ CQ golf 5 Tango Mike mobile gol 5 Tango Mexico mobile calling 15 and standing by CQ CQ CQ golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G 5tm mobile calling CQ and standing by well this is going well CQ CQ CQ golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile CQ and standing by qrz uh was we station trying golf 5 Tango Mike mobile listening again again you’re just too weak I’m hoping there’s not another frequency on here we did callau try uh you’re just too weak my friend I will keep listening maybe the propagation will change uh golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM Mobile cq5 in listening I think there’s somebody there not sure there for me uh golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile CQ and standing by this a kilo something in there the kilo uh November two November two November 2 I’m not stopping on somebody else’s frequency here am I I can’t stand on the cluster for 25 and I have checked as well uh cq5 Golf five Tango Mike mobile Germany 5 Tango Mexico mobile cq5 and stunning by uh cq5 M gol 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile cq5 and standing by H sorry just not enough propagation oh I got number two oh dear it just wasn’t enough there not just how it is uh let’s illustrate go around 15 osar 2 Hotel kilo Victor station with osar station with Oscar go ahead delar okay ital United it ited Queen osar Delta it sounds like South America to me this one oh no it’s not it’s uh Indonesia yb1 eao point to the cluster okay that be a nice catch it’s Indonesia isn’t it than you very it Germany 5 Tango Mexico mobile Germany 5 Tango Mexico [Laughter] mobile mod very very loud andle yeah I can’t stay up that late Chris I got things on so uh staying up after about 8:00 on the radio ain’t going to happen we’re okay Andrew thank you and hope you toate Germany 5 Tango Mexico mobile gol five Tango Mexico mobile lots of cars in the car park here today especially lots of RVs momes all the assedic crap they bring with him sadly yeah Andrew are good hope you’re good as well mate sir okay Roy cheers for the contact for the report mate never mind sorry about the flicker on the screen as well guys I can’t about that uh don’t know that maybe something Germany 5 Tango Mike mobile Germany five Tango Mexico mobile Germany 5 Tango Mexico mobile JY 5 Tango meico mobile Germany 5 Tango Mexico Mobile station stand please station thank you Golf five Tango Mike mobile stand by stand pleas call mobile s would you like to spell your slowly please thank you golf 5 Tango mik repeat golf 5 Tango mik mobile golf 5 Tango Mike mobile ah was me oh well wasn’t me okay thank youmany 5 Tango Mike mobile Germany 5 Tango Mexico mobile golf 5 Tango Mexico mobile we’re try once more and we’ll move on cuz time is precious and life too short he’s not a new country for me anyway so you know whatever nice to meet you again so long time not to meet you your is very very L and clearly osadi y my is remember I do remember I do remember yeah that was by the way that was a totally M calling him oh good man well if he comes to be I owe him osar Henry station okay thank you thank you for I’m mob I just mob from uke thank you g five Tango Mike mobile Mexico 5 Germany five Germany 5 Tango Mike mobile oh Mexico 5 again uh Germany 5 golf 5 golf 5 Tango Mike mobile Tango mobile uh no Tango mik it’s tango Mike gol five Tango Mike qsl oh go Mexico Tango what’s negative Tango Mexico it’s tango Mexico qsl Roger Roger qsl qsl you’re 5757 over sorry is very very weak because my your this moment uh my friend St Germany five Mexico you Roger Roger no problem thank you for the call I appreciate you bringing me in 73 and good luck okay thank you be careful your car byebye thank you take care that I’ll do um I’m not sure whether the station in Finland who alerted this station is watching the stream or listen to me on the air if you’re watching the stream thank you very much and in case you do come across this stream and it was you thank you very much that was really kind of you so there we go thank you guys that was a nice one right uh good idea yes good ide well that makes it I probably made it worthwhile switching the radio on anyway but a DX doesn’t hurt does it sorry if the camera shakes a bit but it’s on the steering wheel and I’m resting my hand on the steing wheel to turn e the Vos is a little wobbly I do apologize production value is as good as ever got two big motorbikes behind me making a lot of noise3 don’t know who this is again for quec uniform again Just moment for Queen United repeat again your prefix please that’s our man in Indonesia again [Laughter] Sy is and how much for you about walking [Laughter] very R thank you for 5673 all the best Delta hotel don’t know who this guy is all the this is y osar Germany 5 Tango Mike mobile okay right uh what’s 10 m like folks is it worth I can take this an i’ be too long me uh sorting out another collar for it what I could do cuz the antenna is too long anyway what I could do is just plunk the quarter wave I’ve got for 10 and just shove it on basically uh shall we see what 10 is like uh the cluster seems to think that we’ve got uh okay looks like it’s decent actually to the cluster which is not always the right thing do you have a go on 10 m uh looks like it’s decent for South America bit of North America as well should we try 10 come on let’s have a go 10 I’ll be a couple of seconds having to replace the uh the thingy you know the antenna thing stop me from getting too Technical and uh okay you’re already on 10 right hi Tony and a few other people just popped in always have a go damn right okay right bear with me I’m just going to put the laptop down so I can’t see the chat for a second they got to pop out and shove on the quarter wave so I might be able a minute or two so I have a put the cattle on that’s a good idea put the cattle on all right hang on for excuse I’m sorry don’t up here um sorry a second guys a lovely day for it for right excuse them Rodney right right guys I’m back H yes must get an assistant yeah you’re right there yeah he was strong to to me Jonathan yeah he was right let’s see if I got DEC SWR I should have yeah we’re all right okay we should be fine all right good B’s dead that was worth it then oh dear yeah B’s dead oh dear it’s a shame it’s too nice a day to be stuck in the radio isn’t it you can blame people propagation is rubbish as well during the day fortunately we’re going through the do jums aren’t we but I don’t know about you but I’ve been distinctly underwhelmed by the current Sol the cycle I have to say almost yearning for the day of solar minimum and just going on 40 and 20 you know car United 4 x before Tango America uniform calling and standing by is coming through shall [Music] is that right Ry not very not very busy is it [Applause] yeah next to car you don’t flash your headlights for God’s sake [Applause] a r which is annoying put them on the 28 as well and we use the other V literally the only signal I’ve got here need [Music] let’s put some shout outs in let’s just double check we not the double check the cluster make sure there’s not somebody I might be stepping on we can’t here I doubt it uh let’s try [Music] 49 uh is the frequency news 28492 is the frequency clear please could do 27185 D CQ CQ CQ10 seeq 10 m hello 10 this is golf 5 Tango Mike mobile golf 5 Tango Mike mobile CQ10 CQ10 CQ10 CQ10 M golf golf 5 Tango Mike mobile golf 5 Tango Mexico mobile calling CQ on 10 and standing by CQ CQ CQ CQ CQ 10 m CQ 10 m golf 5 Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile while CQ10 and standing by CQ10 CQ10 M gol five Tango Mike mobile G5 TM mobile CQ10 and standing by no joy can’t hear me okay i p a few automated shout outs because I’m lazy it’s all good fun typical isn’t it you get the doll drums on the nicest part of the Year hopefully September will wakeen up again just in time for the Dark Knights to come in uh qrz probably interference actually I thought I might have heard somebody cut just keying up down but it wasn’t didn’t think it was but I thought worth a check well you got to try and actually just getting out here and having a a bit of a know a sesh is not a bad thing is it it is warm though look the light it is warm I should have brought two met up shouldn’t I next time and there is always a next time I will make sure that I’m carrying a 2 m rig and antenna he’s probably dead as well he’s got more chance of making a few contacts on 2 MERS FM on a day like today which tells you something about the state of the Bands it’ll all open up tonight it always does but unfortunately my situation is that I can’t come on the air in the evenings so let just how it is few more goes it’s back home for a bit of gardening oh you’re selling a 706 well I’ve got a dedicated yau FM rig which I use it’s good little good little thing actually never part with it I’d love there’d be a nice new shiny Shack in the Box coming out soon I don’t really want to buy the [Music] 991a um and 700 I don’t know it’s a nice rig but I suppose but but it looks like a clock radio hey Brian okay no problem thanks for sticking around my friend little spin on the band the dull set Ry be called be called Welsh this and Welsh up I never D it Welsh some [Applause] 142 I think he whiskey why you really have me on well if you can see me once I finish give me a shot ni you’re [Laughter] armed sorry jeez it’s dead okay I think he’s Flor whiskey you know I’m just having a little think he might be Floy whiskey Flor whiskey yeah yeah oh this is Indonesia as well low though Indonesia on 10 YC Z oh yc0 irh well we’ll get him in we’re getting typed up just in case we work him he’s not going to hear me though is he’s now just for giggles and nobody call the band police please I’m just going to go down oops my vfo slipped and let’s just see what’s going on down here should we I know I know I’m irresponsible so and so but what can you do SSB oh I’m on I didn’t do that did I oh what a what a plunker sorry guys oh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry very loud right just a listen to see what’s going on that’s all I’m doing murmur the triple nipple the bands are awful D the bands are about as awful as Michael Gove um that’s what happening and that’s a lot anything happening on the uh CPT [Music] B Be a.m. then oh can’t be cut knock that Dy [Laughter] [Laughter] okay Tang whiskey 9 is 100 kilm from Berlin anden Station from do your copies there was a bit of skip happening Germany to the UK it’s funny isn’t it how how how 11 can open up hang on is problem find signal yes I spotx class I SP the contact INX class byee back to some memories let me uh should we go up to the mad house it’ be fun if 19 was full of uh UK I don’t think it will be uh this 78125 isn’t it 781 be close enough with a go there so we go back to there see this guy’s working [Music] spad [Music] e it’s funny spaic e how the spad g s of kicks into 11 doesn’t quite reach up to 10 really is strange I find sometimes [Laughter] Side Band there anyway there we go bit of fun building is six floor hello [Applause] [Music] John if only I had a typ of proov set to operate on 11 there you go ah no hang on hang on hang on hang on you told me you’re right next to me now you ask me which car park I’m at now I think you may have blown your cover there uh no I’m not at kit Hurst no I’m not I’m not at my regular haunt well not quite regular these days again but yeah I’m not up my favorite place although I have scouted out another alternative I will tell you more about that maybe in J in August you lot right I don’t think there’s much happening as there okay oh well we a bit of a laugh uh me turn this around you can see my mug sorry about that you got I should have given you a 5sec warning in case you had kids in the room uh there you go that’s radio goes like that probably come out at the wrong time today it be a lot better later but uh there we are you got to work it around what you do don’t you so what did we use today the antenna we used initially we got this into Indonesia on 15 which is probably just about worth it wasn’t it uh was the SL um Mad Dog coil with the 9t tank whip so it was you wasn’t far off a quarter wave anyway very lightly Bas loaded and then uh for that well did I make a contact no I didn’t for that flick around uh 10 11 I used the military uh multi-section whip from uh M1 ECC which is basically a quarter wave on 10 m so somebody else getting into the car there next to me and that would basically give me a good tune on 11 I’m pretty sure about that you recognize that view do you John well John and park as you come into the the car park you know where I am uh basically you turn in you turn right don’t you to get into the car park I’m basically very near uh that that turning so not deep into the car par it’s absolutely Randy today there’s a meeting up at Goodwood today Goodwood race course oh I said where I was and um it’s rammed in here for those of you who know this car park and you’ve probably seen my videos before I usually park a bit further down that way so the view is basically just grass Greenery uh that’s all taken up with cars today uh so it’s absolutely uh rammed here today but there we are good thing is there’s hardly anyone around because they’re all watching the horses and the meeting is on until about half 5 so uh actually I’ve timed it pretty well to come up here but there we go so showing the bands didn’t play B us but we got one contact into Indonesia there we are my DX fix um has been successfully met so there we go how am I powering the radio well there we are should we show you hopefully might I’ll be able to show us to you without everything falling off so uh with this bad Bo is this is this back yeah it is there we go my trusty old and it is old it’s a life pole 4 battery 22 was it 24 amp hour 24 amp hour 12vt see light it is one hand no problem had this since 2016 so 8 years hasn’t missed a beat uh phenomenal not cheap they’re much cheaper now I use an ultra Max now which is about half the price this was less that less than that there’s another car pulling up next to me um so yeah I just power up with that with power pull connectors and job done easy easy peasy um oh you’re at kitur so you are you actually operating at the moment are you just up there enjoying the view and he must be pretty busy up there tonight I wonder uh oh okay you a k that’s a shame well well enjoy it up there and if you are up there operating enjoy it’s a nice spot up there you’re mad dog card is stuck in in us oh okay is that in the um the Postal Service I presume okay uh yeah I mean for the battery um i’ WR to smoke an ultr you go to eBay Ultra Max so advertisers golf golf cart batteries um 22 H hour just get one I mean they’re they’re great I mean they last I mean that one’s lasted me a few years no problems at all this one here has last me eight years ultr Marx are good make uh I know dozens of people who used them and they they they they they they they’re great they’re great I would recommend one you can get one which is about 130 quid now I think there’s one as well which is 10 quid more that has a USB charger incorporated into it as well in case you want to charge up your device maybe you got a phone you need to keep charged up or something or a tablet then um you’ve got that I mean to be honest with you I’ve got 100 Watts on SSB and I find one of these or the ultrax whatever I’m using 22 24 amp hour uh I can be out for six seven hours and it’s power it’ll power the radio and life pole fall is the way to go because it goes right to the very end near the end of its charge and any finishes where was a lead acid you got General degradation you can only really run a lead acid around you should only really run lead acid around 50% of his capacity because once it goes below 12 volts it doesn’t do the battery any good and of course your radio is not getting the power whereas with the life with the life pole four it’ll go to about 90% charge 90% discharge near 10% left of your battery and you’re still getting well over 12 and a half Vols so it’s kind of for it’s kind of for your um rig it’s also not really hurting the battery whereas the Le I said it’s heavier yes it’s cheaper but it’s heavier it doesn’t last as long and you could really kill a lead acid if you tried to push it for too long so there we are uh I’m no expert I just stuff I found out stuff you find out when you go through stuff you know so that’s that’s good uh good morning Scott oh are you up on the 144 thing that’s going on today yes excellent well done good yes John um they they are great mate you you’ll love it good I’m glad I helped that’s brilliant okay well I suppose I better head off then I’ve got um stuff to do got my dad’s taxi service happening later which is what you have to do and it’s been a busy time not really been producing any videos lately I’ve been active on the air at all it’s just been busy and uh yeah uh maybe I think hopefully maybe next week I’ll do a couple of things we’ll see and then it won’t be anything then probably until the second half of June I will not be on the air much at all in July at all AP in the first few days maybe and but August onwards I’ll be back in the back on the saddle all right so there we are that’s the very potted history here uh right so it’s uh a lovely warm day here on the south coast I’m a typical Welsh boy uh a redhead or kin as we call it in Wales which means my tolerance to heat is zero so I’m going to head off now uh start the engine put the old airor on and just a shame it didn’t work out today with the bands but you know the old adage if you don’t know you don’t try we did get some DX so I guess it just well mix up for the uh the lack of activity on the bands anyway yeah 73 Ry you take care mate you have a good sleep and it’s late on with you C I know you’re late you’re a night out so there we are mate I’ll we have a good good uh good early morning in New Zealand there uh I’ll see you later but kitur and yeah take care watch the pheasants and the odd uh the odd deer as you come down by deer I mean the four legged version not some old lady was wondering down the path um bye-bye to you in Central Florida all the best to you and to all of you 73 now as you know regular viewers or anybody who’s watched the stream before me well remember that I have to poke you in the eye to finish the stream and uh okay Dom yeah well I hope you’ve uh uh I hope you have a good good one Dom uh 200 points okay 200 points for a de yes a pheasant’s only 50 but if you get two at one goal you get Triple points for a pheasant uh plus you have something to eat tomorrow for Sunday lunch I didn’t say that 73 I’m going to poke you in the eye and end the stream all the best take care bye now


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