Hi and welcome to this new bikepacking series. Today I leave hannover/ Hildesheim and head out for Bad Harzburg. A relatively short ride after my adventures at the dentists..
    Hope you like it, enjoy your rides and stay safe out there !
    * More on Goslar: https://youtu.be/2gVfYH0DbWs
    * More on brocken: https://youtu.be/4OVFwP7agxk
    * If you like the music, unless listed below, it is on epidemic sounds.
    – Six O ‘pluck – Candelion
    – Like a Child’s Dream – American Legion
    If you use the referral below you get a nice discount:

    00:00 intro
    00:28 the plan
    02:05 Hildesheim
    05:40 open field
    09:45 Goslar
    11:35 Flugplatz Halt
    12:07 route

    hi and welcome to WannaGoBiking I’ve just left this hotel, Osterberg which is near Hildesheim just south of Hannover where I left you guys a couple of days ago at least a couple of days ago for me as I was going out for a eastbound trip from my hometown Groningen but then a tooth ache acted up and I returned home to see my dentist for good old fashioned root canal now that’s all sorted so I’ve returned for more and I actually have a destination in mind that is to say I want to go to Prague in about a week’s time and yeah today’s the first stage from Hannover/Hildesheim towards Bad Harzburg where I hope I will be met with some warmshowers hosts so very much looking forward to that almost finished packing, always takes ages with me so it’s uh 10:30 again which seems to be the only time I can leave is never possible for me to leave before let’s just jump on the bike and see what’s out there yeah I’ve never been to Hildesheim so let’s see if that’s there’s any good all right see you later cool I reckon they’re doing some kayaking here right? I think I’ve seen those things at the Olympics that’s going to be tough, going against the stream on that one that’s a big old church already in the sort of outskirts of the inner city of Hildesheim so sure there’s a market square somewhere it’s always a good start all right see you well there’s enough tourists here for a Thursday morning and what a beautiful house that is or that one, beautiful who knew? so there’s a few UNESCO sites here but I’m after this one Rosenstock it should be a 1000 year old rose tree yeah so the entrance to the rosenstock is inside which always leaves me with a bit of a a worry cuz I’ll have to leave my bike outside with all my stuff and lock it up ah so tedious so I’m not going to do it I’ll just look up a picture of the 1,000 year old Rose and that’s that so I’ll be making my way out of Hildesheim I think it’s a lot of off-roading today so we’ll see how that goes but I have plenty of time which is to say I have to be at my host before 17:30 I believe so well that leaves me about 6 hours 7 hours, so should be all right all right see you Brockenblick nice bridge though right that’s more like it right, a bit of single track for good measure time for a little break an hour and a half in already did more than 30k so I have plenty plenty of time today as the total ride is only going to be 68 or so yeah so that’s the easiest ride I think of the trip see you later next road block well I’m going to chance this one cuz I don’t see it a good detour probably not supposed to do this but it saves me quite a huge detour we are very much at the crossroads here at what used to be Eastern Germany and of course the west and that over there is Brocken the highest peak in this area stands at 1142 M I think well I should know I climbed it last year but still have to edit that video yeah and I think near Brocken were a few listening posts from the Communist era nowadays of course you can cycle and hike and ski to your heart’s content so that’s so much better I’ll now be making my way towards Goslar hope to to be able to make um little stop in between and then yeah contact my host see what time I can see them so see you later what a cool spot for a little break so I’m only about 10K or so away from Goslar which is a world heritage site or at least has some buildings that are on the list so I’ll just have a quick look there as I have plenty of time for a change weird feeling that so yeah I’m going to take a a break now and see you later cycle path oh looks like this is an official cycle path or there would not be a bench and a few standards for your bikes well let’s see what we have here the cycle path along the Innerste river Hildesheim where I started pretty much yeah I’m largely following it as well wow this looks like a remnant of East German Road surface it’s not good it’s not a fun climb I’m already dreading the descent motor brake test and all that well I think this used to be a playground but so this house here, used to belong to the rather well-known I should say- Siemens family yeah it’s not an unknown name in Germany nor in the rest of the world I would imagine so much history here in Goslar I don’t have enough time of course to yeah check it out it is a UNESCO world heritage site the whole Center is so just makes it worth the visit I think and the the surrounding area, the Harz is absolutely stunning as well right I will be making my way now to Bad Harzburg which is I think a little less than 10K but should have a climb in between so then that should be that all right see you later that’s a rather large building well that’s a good tip when an airplane starts to land from the right hand side you have to stop here I’ll obey that rule ,sounds like a sounds like a good one right yeah it’s dead quiet, so think I can chance it there is some tarmac

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