The rumours were true… a HUGE fish lives on this canal and it’s time to try and catch it. 2 days fishing, loads of action and we even meet a local expert down on the bank. But can I catch the fish of a LIFETIME that has been right beneath my feet for the last few years? After travelling all over the country pike fishing, and even further, I’ve never managed to catch a pike this big. Lure fishing for pike is always great fun, especially canal pike fishing, but i’ve never caught a really huge one. Maybe today is my day, maybe not. Watch to find out!

    As always, thank you very much for watching. I really hope you enjoyed the video! If you can, drop a like and a comment below, it really helps me out. And make sure to subscribe if you want to see more!

    For updates on the online store and northern lights perch, follow my two pages on instagram:
    adventurefishinguk .+. georgelambfishing

    Big thanks to Jamie from @reellures2770 who let me borrow some of his footage, and a big well done for catching the fish. If you’ve got time, go check his channel out and you can find the full version of the video here:

    Get 5% off all the Rigged and ready gear I used here with code AFUK5 at checkout! Links below:

    Rod/reel combo:

    Unhooking mat:


    I have fished this canal on and off for about 3 years now and one thing that’s always remained constant is very occasionally I’d get someone telling me a rumor of a huge legendary Pike that lives here yeah well done you just caught your first Pike there we go fish up until this point I thought this fish was a myth I didn’t think it actually existed I mean how many times do you hear Wild stories of things that so obviously aren’t true and in this canal the fish don’t get huge anyway I mean they must average at about3 a double figure fish is pretty much unheard of so one pushing on 20 seems impossible but very recently somebody caught it definitely wasn’t expecting this today his name is Jamie from the YouTube channel Real L and luckily he caught it all on camera so there could be no doubt he was out targeting perch at the time I believe with got some cool footage to show you from that now it sees M Goodness Me 18 or 17 or 18 guys now not only have I fished on and off here for about 3 years I’ve also traveled far and wide to try and catch a really big Pike I’ve been all the way up North all the way down south I’ve been to the Lake District some of the biggest lakes in the country I’ve even been all the way to the Netherlands and to hear that a fish that lives on the same stretch of canal I walk every day that is bigger not only than any Pike I’ve ever caught but also any Pike I’ve ever actually seen in the flesh absolutely blew my mind so today I’m down here and I’m going to try and catch it so my plan is I’m going to make us start fishing this stretcher Canal that I know really well it’s not where that one was caught however it is on the same sort of couple of miles stretch and then as the day goes on we’re going to slowly but surely head to where that massive fish was caught and try and catch it now the lure I’m going to be using today is something very very special and that’s because I’ve designed it myself this is the 8 cm Northern Lights perch first time I’ve ever used it for pike but I’m thinking it’s going to absolutely smash them so let’s get to it I’ll tell you a little bit more about this Rod later on because I’ve not used it for a while but for now we’ll just focus on getting it set up and starting fishing because I am so excited about today fish on Fish on yes yes come on on the Northern Lights perch come on yes it’s not the huge one we’re after but it’s it’s a fish that did not take long at all in the net come on oh w what a result that is it’s a fish just going to get my unhooking M out get it nice and wet well here we go this is my first Pike in quite a while yeah it’s a pike um not a very big one but it was on the Northern Lights perch so excited about this only been fishing about 5 minutes let’s get it back oh wow well I am absolutely thrilled about that fish after 5 minutes on the Northern Lights perch it’s not the huge one here after though and they get much much bigger than that the day has only just begun oh it feels really good to be home I mean Canal fishing was how I started really doing Canal Pike and stuff like that and I’ve oh I just had a nibble then I’ve not done it for a very long time well we’re in that expected midday slow spell right about now I’ve not had a bite for about uh 40 minutes to an hour or something like that however I’m still plugging on because it’s really going to be a matter of time to try find that huge fish that lives on this [Music] stretch I’ve just hooked a fish it feels a little bigger than the last one however my camera was turned off oh sorry about that so we missed the strike but the fish is still on very very lightly hooked too right let’s get the net I can just see the hook just in the corner of its mouth there we go well it’s obviously not the huge fish we came here for but it’s bigger than the last and it’s another fish on the Northern Lights perch what a result that is what a little Canal stunner there we go what an ABS absolute Beauty just coming in at about 60 cm 65 cm something like that so as I said earlier I’m just going to tell you a quick little bit more about this Rod so the rigged and ready World traveler it’s really compact it’s sort of like some of the other rigged and ready rods I use just a bit simpler more for spin fishing and bait fishing but uh mostly low fishing so there’s two different tips the tip that I’m using today which is this uh longer one casts 5 to 20 G which is good for my 8 G crankbait I’m using but there’s a shorter tip which when you put that in it takes the cway up to 15 to 40 G so it’s sort of like a twoin one fishing solution all in a really compact little case that comes with this reel the RR 3000 there we go there’s another one come on just a tiny one this one so I’m probably not going to worry about my net there you you go another lovely Pike the smallest one of the day so far on the Northern Lights perch yet again off you go oh that was a better fish that one just didn’t hook up straight after that tiny one so this big bridge here is probably going to be my uh my last spot for now then I’m going to stop have a bit of a rest grab a coffee and then move over to where that big one was caught it’s going to take a lot to drag me away from [Music] you well don’t tell anyone about the coffee in the Kit Kat because I’m supposed to be on a bit of a diet but uh some days you just need the Boost don’t you just heading down now to the place where this fish was caught which is pretty much exactly here well don’t worry we do have a backup plan if this fish isn’t here or if we can’t catch it here I’m going to try just through this bridge here alongside all the boats and then there’s a big Bas and sort of tur and circle thing up there which is actually where the rumors origin ated it was always said that this monstrous pack lived in there and I’ve never caught it in there I have tried but um to know that it’s been close it’s a good of place as any so you might be wondering do I actually expect to catch this fish of course I don’t but I know that I’ve got a chance which is more than enough for me I’m actually still in shock that that fish was caught in the first place especially considering it was while Jamie was BFS fishing for perch on the tiniest little thing as well there we go fish oh it’s not the big one we’re after but it’s not a bad size one again shouldn’t have left my net all the way over there really I’ve just Disturbed this whole swim because I’ve had walk this bike over to my nette this Northern Lights perch though it’s just putting in such a shift on these Jacks there we go well again it’s not a huge fish but uh it’s a beautiful little Pike not the one re after obviously I mean the one re after probably eat a fish this size but it’s still good to be catching him anyway let’s get it back oh well I S I knew that today was going to be a bit bit of a matter of trolling through a few small fish before we get to a big one or if we get to a big one but oh it’s still puts a smile on my face catching Pike whatever size they are I kept fishing the canal for hours that day absolutely determined to cross paths with that huge pike unfortunately it never ended up happening but I wasn’t ready to give up just yet I was going to need some help from someone who really knows what they’re doing so I’d organized to meet a local expert down on the canal Alfia are you going to help Daddy catch some fish yeah are you going to get them in that net yeah so where should we try and catch the fish where will the fish live in water in the water yeah well now I’ve got a bit of expert guidance by my side I’d say my chances of catching that monstrous Pike of significantly increased right I need your help with the rod Alfie come over here you’re going to go fishing now yeah here we go we’re going to [Music] cast and then you can reel good boy well here we go another Bridge you’ve always got a good chance under a bridge don’t you so unfortunately my fishing guides decided to have a bit of a break huh I thought you were supposed to be helping me catch fish yeah yeah will we do that after yeah fish on Fish oh we have got one does it look well hooked o don’t to help me hold this you hold the net y well done you just caught your first Pike and here we go a pike all together as a family on the canal it’s obviously not the big one we came here for but look at that it’s got a bit of an injury on the side of it um that could be evidence that the big ones around anyway we’re going to get this one back well done Alfie for being net man do you want to touch it no okay I don’t blame you no Daddy and of course this bad boy doing the job once again these will actually be for sale soon on a website I’m starting and uh if you want to be the first to know about updates go and follow adventure fishing UK on Instagram I’ll leave the exact name below well that was a nice wholesome family moment wasn’t it can you tell everyone to subscribe to the channel well there you go so Alfie’s had to go home both to play with his extensive collection of Hot Wheels cars and have a bit of dinner but I thought you know what instead of giving up I’m going to have one more chance fish in the place the exact place of that big one was caught and then the big uh turn and circle Basin type thing that that fish is known to live in as well don’t know what you guys think about this but to me some of these garden decorations are quite uh deeply unsettling especially those two in the middle over there [Music] I suppose it adds a bit of character to the canal doesn’t it fish there we go there we go feels a little better than the last one too oh no it’s just another small one very lightly hooked too but it’s another fish it’s another tally there you go another beautiful little Pike so important to have an unhooking mat with you wherever you go and this uh rigged and ready wants a great bit kit oo that fish just absolutely swiped at it at the side so while I’m fishing this Basin there is actually something else I wanted to talk to you about um I know you you guys already know that I’m trying to lose a bit of weight at the moment but right now I am sort of struggling with it so what I want you to do is suggest a workout idea for me to do at the end of the next video I make so if you all get in the comments and suggest a uh a fun fitness challenge for me to do at the end of the next video I will try my best to do that and the one with the most likes wins so even if you don’t want to suggest one go and like one like which one you think would be funniest or you think that you’d like to see doing the most obviously I’ll have to exclude any that are just completely unreasonable so you’ll have to use a bit of Common Sense there but might be a fun way for you guys to help me out well I’ve given it a really good go there but unfortunately I think I’m going to have to call it a day it just wasn’t quite meant to be this time around but trust me I know this fish lives near here somewhere and one day I’m going to catch it as always thanks for watching and I’ll catch you down the road


    1. Great singing, george! Looking healthy and happy our kid! Your new lure has definitely earned its keep. Im 100% certain you will get the giant of the cut. Great to see the family on the bank with you. I’d try dead baiting for that behemoth. Keep at it my friend!

    2. nice video mate, love the family moment! Alfie already looks so much bigger from the last time I saw him! Lure looking very good too! I think for an exercise idea, lets have a race!!! 😉

    3. There is a legendary pike story for every water and if there isn't someone will make one up!
      I had one guy start to tell me about a massive grand daddy pike that lived in a water I had been fishing for 40 years, I corrected him, for one the males don't grow very big, for two the water was netted 2 years prior for repairs to the bed to be made and the largest pike in there was only 17lb, I found out later the guy had only just moved into the area yet he was trying to tell me he had seen a 34lb pike come out. he soon departed after me correcting him and refusing his BS.

    4. …Wonderful video. Have you ever thought of using a fly rod for Pike? Have used a fly rod for catching Smallmouth Bass here, they are tremendous fighters. To lose weight I wait till fall to pheasant hunt, walking the fields all day will wither those pounds right off…

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