Ronan Dunne just won his first ever UCI Elite Men’s World Cup in Bielsko Biala, Poland and we sat down with him the following week to chat with him about his come up, his new Mondraker team and experiences with Downhill Mountain Bike Racing.

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    sweet here we are you want to see like where we are I’m R and dun and we’re in schladming in yeah sleepers Gaff doing a podcast [ __ ] yeah how’s the laps been yeah pretty sick what we did 10 today we’re at Leo gang day before and then yeah slatter today yeah I think so something like that yeah some crack oh tracks here just dreaming just flat out just let off the brakes and then yeah you can hear Andy Co up your ass the whole way down just squealing away so yeah it’s good crack sick and we’re five days after the win yeah in Poland has it sunk in yet what’s it like um yeah it’s kind of sunk in I’ve pretty much just I’ve had really bad brain fog to be fair actually first day riding was pretty weird just like cuz you kind of completely forget about it until you look at your phone you’re like oh wow I actually won a World Cup like in between that if you’re not on your phone really you kind of just like it doesn’t seem like reality so you’re kind of just like oh done a race but yeah once you look at your phone then you see like all the followers or just like the post and you’re like oh yeah I actually yeah I won a race it’s pretty crazy yeah yeah yeah pretty wild that’s amazing then walk us through the weekend from start to finish yeah so yeah po a new race we seen all seen kind few photos of it and like I think it look kind of bike Parky and just natural and stuff and everyone’s like Ah that’s like it looks I thought it look kind of cool we all SE that dodgy track preview I think like four pixels and everyone was already complaining I was like all right if everyone’s complaining that’s pretty good cuz when you hear I mean all the Riders like to whine it’s a new trend of World Cups whining and then when you hear them whine it’s good for the confidence because you’re like okay I’ll just pretend I’m having a great week and and like if you pretend you’re happy you’re going to be happy eventually so yeah uh but came in track was Savage it was so sick um proper looking track fresh ler and then practice first day practice a bit bit dodgy like I’m not big I like lone for riding fun but not racing cuz it’s just too loose and then once she started raining and got cut up properly I was like right we have a proper race Shack in her hand and yeah it’s pretty she went from there and quali hang on at the end of that first day were you feeling like I saw most of the Raiders were after it rain they were struggling like it was got good and then it got dry and then it rained again and it was like a lot of people didn’t know where they were at with it like they were left at the end of the day a bit like deflated yeah no I liked it when it rain rain to be honest usually um I much prefer dry tracks now but it’s just cuz it was so loose alow me and there’s no lines once it rained tank big up the B practice they they took the hit for us and cut her in nicely and then yeah once we got back out it was Savage it was pretty slippy and then it dried a bit and we had like I think one run one or two runs of prime and then I was like right we can do something with this track it’s pretty good and then come qualis I think P3 and I was like right uh run felt all right but we still have more and then semi P4 and then once you’re like consistent to that top five you’re like okay then we have a Podium on our hand so yeah definitely yeah it was pretty pretty sick to be back kind of knowing you can get on the podium on a proper and coming for Fort William as well I was like love Fort William but the track I just can’t that gravel stuff is just not my Alleyway as well so I was like pretty pretty hungry for a proper result like a Stoke P1 but yeah you always want more really so yeah the the end of yeah Sam was P4 so you’re waking up you’re feeling like okay we’re on here practice runs in the morning yeah prime prime practice runs every they were just I think I got three in and they’re all just yeah they’re fairly good practice I think I snap the chain last one so I was like just had a cruiser just tried to like hit stuff without sprinting out of it I was like race runs were kind of like the weather was being a bit bit of a bollocks and I was acting up a bit but I think once she came out to Sun I was yeah we were like R fast dry R it should be yeah should be pretty sick so and when the when the runs start happening do you like Watch The Life feed to like see what the track’s like or do you just kind of look at it from the gondola and they like no it’s PR dry a few people are saying this they’re like oh like do you look at and this week I did look at it and I got kind of addicted cuz what was it where did ushing using came pretty low down in semis and he put down a storm R run I think he was in the hot seat so he was finished his run before I was going up and I seen him on hot seat I was like oh [ __ ] yeah like big up do on that but I was also like right like I need to beat him CU like I love the fellow but he’s probably one of my biggest competitions being the fellow country I’d say I’m one of his biggest as well and we both like pretty sure I’ve told him that anyway but yeah I stoked to see him up there but I was like right and I seen his I was like I wonder what time he did I know he put down a stor cuz I rode with him in practice and he was up my ARS for a fair bit of it like I couldn’t shake him and like you never can really shake him to be fair he’s like and same when I follow him we’re not we’ll get to the bottom we’ll be like oh nice cruisy run even though we’re sweating and probably nearly took the front about several times but yeah I was like so I knew he was going quick and he was riding Savage at the Irish National before as well he were you there as well yeah I was there that was yeah Savage week but he was just was riding some boy there and so I knew he was riding he’s he was riding really good that and plus P five in qualies in Fort bill as well so when I seen him on the hot I was like right I have to see what time and I think he put down a what he put down 58 maybe I could be wrong 58 or something so I was like quick all the time what was your samis uh three three flat so I was like oh he’s got me there so I was like right I’ll aim for a 56 then I’ll try like try put him in his place or something so I was thinking at top and then I was like then I kind of got addicted to look at at times which and then I seen benoir beat him I was like oh now we have a new faster time and then Bry came down and wiped the ass with everyone and what you do 55 and I was like [ __ ] H but I was just like yeah I I seen the time I was like that was yeah pretty rash time that was fairly quick I was like right we need to put down an absolute Stormer but then I kind of stopped looking at it after Brun ready yeah so yeah that’s still pretty late though it’s funny cuz I most people like I was sitting watching everybody I really wanted to watch that race for some reason but I was shooting at the top so I was getting all the dropin and it was perfect three minutes gaps for a three minute track so I could watch an entire run shoot them coming at the gate Watch the watch the rest of the Run yeah and uh I was in the view of someone I can’t remember who it was but the mechanic turned my phone away really yeah cuz it’s like don’t let them see yeah I don’t know if i’ look at the live stream now cuz then You’ see someone crash and that would cuz that if they crash in a section even if you could tell they probably took the front or clearly crash that’ll probably be always in your eyes but the times you can’t so yeah right so you just looking at times not yeah I was just looking at times and not splits just Times Really and just seeing who was there because there’s always Riders you want to beat really but like it was good to see the time really and see okay what I need to do and I thought was quite helpful like just I might I yeah I could see myself doing it more really looking at times Well it worked out quite well yeah it worked out I think it just set a new goal cuz like I think I got three flat and the semis run I knew I could take three or four seconds off I was pretty confident with that and so I was like right when I seen five off I was like or that would have been about four and a half I think but yeah when I seen that I was like right that’s a fair fair ask like so yeah your your sort of attitude towards race runs is really aggressive um just like watching you come out the gate in semis I was like just at the end of the the sort of Sprint off the boardwalk yeah and you were like [ __ ] come on to yourself out the gate can you just like talk about what sort of mind frame you try and get in because it it seems like you’re you’re going to war yeah a good few people have asked me about this even when I said was about the hel like going home in a helicopter or we’re winning like um yeah I think like mindset now they racing I think we’re all such equal Riders but it’s the mindset now and like I kind of I I suppose like yeah like watching even Fighters they have the mindset like it’s literally win or die like you beat the [ __ ] out of this lad or you’re dead even though you’re not going to actually die but yeah I trying to get myself in that mindset really like this run is well it’s the most important thing in your life at that moment like when you think it like that that’s like a different two seconds could be changing your whole career really so but like I was just thinking yeah um everything’s on the line for this run but my riding I was thinking about to say I’m not I wasn’t riding all out but I had my mindset to be all out like it was like we failure wasn’t isn’t an option like that you can’t be coming down and be like oh like that was like nice run I was like No we’re going for it regardless but the r yeah riding felt steady enough but I had the mindset to I felt the mindset to battle like fight someone really be yeah like you have your adrenaline so high coming into the start it’s not like first interal heart rate bumps I’d say my heart rate’s already out the roof true the gate cuz I’ve just hyped myself up so much already yeah so I don’t know it’s a weird one but I think it’s helping I’m really liking that mindset of just pure aggression and just like if you don’t do this your life’s over really yeah yeah yeah it’s and you’ve had that have you had that same mindset over the past few years because you were definitely writing more ragged yeah like the years years before and now it’s like everyone was saying how clean your own was this time yeah no I definitely didn’t have that mindset before it was just racing okay it’s a race result but then like like after the run you realize okay it’s just a race result but for that period now it’s just like it’s more than race result it’s everything everything everything else like in your mindset just is out the window it’s like this is the most important thing in the world right now is winning this race so like yeah no my mindset definitely wasn’t like that before and I think right now I’m I’m loving that mindset it’s pretty it’s helping for sure it just gives you that aggression just you don’t I don’t know I’m not getting that fatigued really because it’s just so you’re just so hyped and just you can that’s why people always see me pedling everywhere it’s just I’m not really I’m not thinking I just need more speed everywhere I can get it so it’s just it’s helping really yeah it’s a weird one but yeah liking or not yeah a few Riders want to chill set I’m like [ __ ] that no I want to snap the crank SC out the get I want to I don’t know fight a commentary at the start just get into that yeah kind of mad state but yeah it’s helping really that’s sick yeah it’s a weird one I think a few people are like [ __ ] he’s looking I was it like I’d be Shadow Boxing I be be beating the [ __ ] out of a tree before to start my run I’d be looking like a stank nobody’s F Red Bull isn’t filming or something like [ __ ] this kid’s this kid’s I there yeah but yeah I’m just bring the F sping Gear Up literally I’d love that I’d love to fight my mechanic if be sping gear just be Savage I think me and usan did it where was it Fort Williams yeah I saw I saw he from a distance like kind of wrestling with each other yeah I went up to him and like I went up to say good luck um I don’t like I don’t go up to R to say good luck really it’s really just using unless they’re right beside you but I went up to him say good luck and the I think one of the TV cameras there was thinking we just come shake hands and then we just [ __ ] and start baiting the [ __ ] out each other just getting each other in headlock and stuff and then we just stop shake hands and go on really I think it must have been kali’s yeah CU he he smoked it in kali’s and yeah it’s pretty yeah it’s pretty gas but it just it just gets you fired up really and yeah don’t really yeah it helps anyway with the run but the riding then once you get into the Run you’re super aggressive and like super motivated but I’m not going like stupid I’m I feel still think like I’m riding safe enough so yeah like and it makes a good GoPro because just like the breeding and shouting at your TT at yourself it definitely helps yeah that’s class and then when it’s all over it’s like it must be a mad feeling when it’s all it’s all said done it like from the the Lifey footage or whatever it was like the the post race interviews it was almost like just disbelief yeah from you like you couldn’t you were you weren’t even like really fully there it seemed like you were just like yeah it’s a bit shell shock for sure cuz they come like especially seeing bruny’s time and coming down and actually beating bruny on a fair dry track is definitely a weird feeling really cuz like I came down I was like the Run felt really good but I didn’t think it would be enough to beat that time really or beat him so I came down and when I see in green I was like holy [ __ ] I was yeah I was buzzing it was pretty yeah it’s pretty wild it was just weird it yeah Didn’t I wasn’t expecting to get my first win like there it was quite it was just weird but I definely yeah it was quite cool so did you have a you have a hugee afterwards in terms of like a night no not really I honestly I wish to be fair cuz we’ve know with this week off but there wasn’t much going on I think there’s that pizza shop and there’s just loads of riders in there drinking but yeah it wasn’t um any massive one which was a bit of a you’d love to go to a big big Club after winning a race to be fair um yeah bit this point on that one but I mean it’s more motivation to go do it again proper night out afterwards maybe maybe Le that’ll probably be the best one to do yeah a good but yeah it wasn’t nothing too crazy fair and plus once you get racing and I haven’t really I’ve been letting the irishness of me down with the drinking so after a few drinks you’re smoked it’s such a big weekend now it’s like with semis and all your body is just yeah you’re pretty smashed to be fair and then you think you have one pint you’re like Jesus [ __ ] but yeah you you’d miss it though to be fair yeah cuz in the past you’ve been definely been like at the the After parties and all that has has that sort of calmed down over the last little while yeah 100% like first year first year Elite like we were oh it’s great crack well because it wasn’t my job it wasn’t like I was just an Irish kid getting to do this like I really didn’t see it like I know I did well at my first few races which was crazy but I didn’t think it would be enough to be having a salary just never so I think I remember was a Le 2021 so my first year my second World Cup ever I think we went out partying the night before practice I think I was up till 4:00 in the morning just like in the bowling Andy in J and I and then I qualified 20th like on a dry track like full full private P respect which even now I’m just like how the [ __ ] did that work but I mean like I wasn’t getting paid I didn’t have a like I wasn’t sponsors weren’t relying on me people’s jobs weren’t relying on me like I wasn’t so I think it was fair I was like well enjoyed myself so as a kid for well I mean when I say a kid it was three years ago was really was that long ago but I mean now it’s like there’s a massive factory relying on you there’s mechanics engineers and their sole job and income is for you to win races and even myself like it’s my job now so it’s literally it’s like all right time to cop on and get the job done and if you get the job done then go have a bit of crack like for sure go have some go have some fun really um but yeah it’s um and I think that’s definitely helped as well like even this offseason kind of still went out it would be rude not to go on a few nights here and there but we had the head down and like if you went for a night out you’d be in the gym next day or doing downhill run so it pretty good except the the night me usin went out in Dublin after snow shoot or mon n yeah there was no gym after that one but yeah n it’s was that the end of the year last year yeah we a bridge incident no no we had like when we got back to Dublin there was like a welcome home oh [ __ ] yeah like interview and party stuff and that was great crack so hopefully we end the season on high we get another one cuz that would be nice but yeah like I think you see some of these first year Elites and it’s just like like man your first year Elite go go enjoy it well unless they’re not getting paid I suppose and sponsors relying on but the situation I was in I thought it was a it was a great situation to be in like full like private TI spe but so you could go and have fun with it and if you didn’t qualify you just get on the piss and enjoy it like it was a race but now it’s like if you’re not performing it’s like right we need to think re rethink some things really yeah so it’s a weird way to look at it but yeah I yeah it’s nice to cop on a bit and put the head down really yeah it I feel like the parties used to be like a real main factor of the World Cups and now I think the parties have kind of calm down it is like the sport is sharpening up a little bit with that yeah like which is a shame to be fair you think with the whole semi-final things and qualify After parties are huge the whole field really so but I don’t know I suppose we only into Fort William and from experience of Fort William After parties it wasn’t I don’t know I wasn’t I wasn’t even a big f f fun of that to be fair but like I think it’ be cool if there was actual official After parties it’s I think that’s L good for the fans of nothing else I mean everyone’s there to have fun in endend of the day fans are coming here to drink and like if they had a cool party I don’t know to be honest Maybe maybe before Race date you could have it on the venue but like it just makes it cool and all all the Riders love it as well like it’s great crack like back toback races now no because you you’re straight to work next week but like if there’s a I know after I think after the J we have a good break so everyone I’m sure Le it’s that’s like the mech of After parties so yeah I mean it’d be cool if there’s more official ones I know monan they had that official one which was pretty sick until the bridge shot the bed and fell over but yeah that was a pretty cool one it was cool to see I think this the boy like the event organizers do that so it’ be cool to see more of that really because like if you don’t qualify and like you’re just like okay let’s go have fun it’s pretty sick it’s yeah it’s good crack yeah do do your parents own or run a pub have I heard no we my mom has a pub at our house her little shine it’s like a it may as well be a pub uh but literally just like it’s a small sh had full pubs spec like two Pine pores and the full selection of Irish goodness so yeah but that’s it may as well be people up there but they just don’t pay for anything so if you’re ever in an irand the boys need to come see it that’s sick so it’s there’s always been kind of like a a host sort of mentality with your family so yeah I think with any Irish family it’s kind like if someone’s in your house you got to yeah you got to host it so like and plus I always like I remember even high school and stuff I always had cool parties and stuff so it’s always kind of cool to host cool stuff when it especially when it’s not in your house cuz then [ __ ] just gets people just smash up your belongings which isn’t the best but yeah um yeah so a lot of people well I maybe they do know now I’ve not really been paying attention but um after your podium in Snowshoe in 22 with oin yeah um is it true that you how not have gotten on the podium there you were going to enlist in the Army yeah I remember hearing you boys say this before yeah it was a funny one so when was it Leo gang um was it I remember always talk to my parents about the Army because I mean like I’ve always had like I think previous family members were always in the Army and stuff even when before there actually was a proper Irish Army but yeah always lik the fact of joining the Army even though our army is I don’t think there’s much of it to be fair but yeah I was like [ __ ] it would always be pretty cool something to do before getting a proper regular job so I remember always saying to my parents and then I think it was Leo gang just as I didn’t qualify where I think we’re having I think it crashed my splits were pretty good and crashed into the tape got stuck we were having a few beers and then I just got an email from the Army saying congratulations you’ve been accepted like H for the Irish Army I where is my phone oh well I’ll show you later anyway the email there it’s brilliant and and his like report to I think it was some barracks in Dublin for like a further assessment and I was just like I showed the boys I was like this is how much Faith the parents had in me when racing even though my parents literally supported me the whole funded my whole years of racing until I finally started getting it paid for but it was just funny at the time and then I like was it the season was not going great well I mean like BX bag is tops 30s but nothing to make a salary off so I was like right and then went did the exam I think pass the exam then all I had to do was just go to the barracks for the final like thing and then that was like Snowshoe and I got Podium I was like right [ __ ] get out of here Army we’re going we’ve got a job now which is pretty cool but yeah I think like it it’d be pretty sick job to be fair I always like the idea and especially like the Air Force and stuff so thankfully for Snowshoe because I probably I mean it’s still riding bikes but I mean you can do programs with the Army where they’ll pay for your riding but unless we get into something then you get shipped off probably but yeah it was always a cool idea but it was just funny how like once I didn’t qualify as like an hour later email come true I was like [ __ ] sake yeah it pretty pretty good that’s class but it’s a it’s definitely a specific mentality of somebody that even wants to do that so to you did you just sort of like want the the life experience of going to the Army CU it’s yeah it seems like teaches you a bunch of cool skills I’d imagine like discipline and everything like that no I just think it’d be a really cool job like I know the Irish Army like it the part of the UN so they’re over in Lebanon just like doing peacekeeping missions and stuff and it’ be cool to see that part of the world and plus I think it’s always good to I think it’ be pretty cool like here in Austria like they all do was it um everyone has to do a certain amount of service I think it just it sharpen you up and put this like like put you in your place really but it would be cool I think it’d be cool to serve serve the all Irish Irish Army but I don’t think it would be a while until something kicked off and then we’d have to put the bikes in the back burner but yeah I think every every kid always wanted to join the Army at some stage and I just kind of went a bit close to that step and I think the main program I would have tried get to was being a fighter pilot yeah I’ve always wanted to do that yeah like you go doy or something you see those Jets you’re like holy like loose me that is insane yeah now I don’t think we even have Jets I think I think they’ve only bought them so that was the whole point that’s they were going to buy a few so I was like right in a few years if we do it properly maybe maybe but yeah it would have been it would have been cool but I mean this is the best job in the world so I’m kind of happy here now yeah yeah you’ll be right it’s it’s definitely you’ve carried that mentality sort of into your right notes like what you’re saying about sort of the going to war sort of mentality in your race runs yeah like that’s the thing was it like there’s the saying I think it’s like burn the bridges or burn the boats it’s like once that’s done there’s no going back so that’s why like with race like once you go to the start H There’s No Going Back you like that’s like that’s it you have to have to do it like even if you don’t ride all out like which I felt like a lot like with Poland it wasn’t all that riding wasn’t like I was getting super sketchy or riding out of my ability like I’m sure I could have gone maybe a second quicker but and also I could have crashed straight away so I felt like I was within those lines but just in the mental state I was like everything was for that so it’s kind of cool just it makes it so much better as well when you cross the line you’re like I’d myself ready to die for this but and I didn’t die so it’s cool yeah and is that a common sort of mentality in in Ireland you hear about the Fighting Irish sort of mentality where are you from in Ireland by the way so I’m from Wicklow but like North wicko so I’m only literally like 10 minutes away or like 5 minutes away from County Dublin right so that’s why my accent isn’t crazy strong but then also people say I’m like from Dublin cuz I was born in Dublin I’ve gone to school pretty much my whole life in Dublin and I’m in Dublin every day for like gym or just going into the city but then I live in the countryside and live on a farm in wiow so that’s kind of like yeah I’m like I’d say a hybrid between the counties but like obviously wiow is my favorite County and yeah much but fair wickler over Dublin but that’s why I’m kind of like in between both really is there a lot of people there that are kind of like you um not really yeah not really wickler I’d say it’ be more duing because there’s a lot of well a lot of Fighters like a lot of the fighters that’s kind of what was I say McGregor really um like I’m sure he’s he’s not the best role model but I mean he is it’s a cool role model for arand McGregor like just how cocky he is and how like he doesn’t give a [ __ ] about anything really so it’s kind of it’s I think for racing it’s good to have somewhat of that mentality as long as you’re not a prick to everyone else but yeah I think it’s a yeah it’s somewhat but I mean yeah I’m big David goin’s fan as well I suppose and I think he’s he’s got a pretty [ __ ] mentality but yeah I’m not trying to try to take a few of them and also be a good bloke as well at the same time but I say before race runs like yeah bit like yeah you kind of forget about all your friends and all that it’s just like yeah you’re making the ring walk so they yeah making the ring walk when you’re not actually fighting someone really I think it’s just yeah you’re making it but like the track is the person you want to beat the [ __ ] out of so yeah somewhat like that yeah we seen we’ve seen the the McGregor walk at the end of Snowshoe yeah I I I should have done that for Poland to be fair it would have been pretty funny ah I thought you were going to do it yeah I know I thought I was going to do it as well cuz I kind of walk with like you walk when you right there you walk with your shoulders back it would have been a perfect time to actually do cuz I won and but yeah I did a little McGregor walk in sowo I think pretty funny but yeah I I’ll do it again properly I think it would be pretty good and like yeah I must must meet the fella so thing yeah yeah that’ be sick yeah to be honest sick and terrifying as well yeah [ __ ] me yeah see catch him on a night out I [ __ ] I I don’t know if I’d be enjoying that too much yeah yeah yeah no that’s cool it’s it’s it’s cool how you’re you’re able to do the the kind of cultivating of the mentality before the Run yeah through also like the external as well it’s like sometimes you have to do the external yeah you know you see it’s like when you’re having a conversation like pull your shoulders back like having a business conversation sit up straight face the person that sort of stuff it’s like doing those things to make yourself believe yeah like you’re even more confident than what you even should be you I mean it’s like yeah top swinger really but then also like for RAC R’s like [ __ ] I’d probably have I don’t know how much grams of caffeine would be going through the system as well so and then also like the music I listen to like if I didn’t have those key aspects as well it you wouldn’t be as confident as well like like it’s it’s always that’s why I love the sport it’s humbling as well I think it was was it mon n after Snowshoe I was like I said it on like a year UCI post I was like I’m not settling for anything else but a Podium or the I’m only saying from the ground or a Podium and I [ __ ] smashed myself up twice in that weekend so I was like that was a good humbler so he came out too cocky I think I was second on the first split like going hard for it and and just tucked it but I was like there was no way I was going to make down the rest of that run without crashing if I didn’t crash there I was going to 100% crash in the Rock Garden so like it’s a good humbl to sport like if you if you act two big balls it’s going to put you on the ground and literally it’s going to put you on the ground so it’s pretty funny yeah that’s sick um you it’s been kind of a quick come up for you as well like in terms of like you’ve I was just scrolling your Instagram I don’t know if you notic I was like deep in there like doing the research but it seemed like it went from like in 2020 you were riding a Vitus yeah big Vitus and uh you know racing some Nationals and doing some bits and you went to a World Cup in mon an and yeah was so you got 18th in junior yeah worlds yeah 18th in juniors but I did three World Cups before that as well I think my first year Junior so before that I never ra I think I raced one BDS National died wow so it was all just Irish National all Irish Nationals all just Irish races and like I always had that like it wasn’t like like I’d be the kid who’d Rock up like I never really went abroad i’ went Morzine for two weeks maybe and that’d be the only abroad trip and then the rest is hard and push up we didn’t have any bike parks or anything and then like I’d always Rock up to Irish races with like a little tent and stuff and just really want that like pretend like pretend factory look even though I was nowhere near no sponsors maybe like Bike Shop sponsors that helped me out and I always wanted that kind of thing and then did that and I did my first year Junior was it marbor I don’t know where I I think I was I think I was like 22nd or something and that’s when I was top 20 qualif didn’t qualify I was like I’ll bummer but like you know we that was my first proper BW race was the World Cup and then Le didn’t qualify oh Fort William didn’t qualify as well as a junior so didn’t qualify for any of those ones and I was just like okay next one trust the trust the process even though the process wasn’t even happening cuz I wasn’t going abroad and riding proper tracks all I ride is irland and push up and you’d probably do 10 minutes of actual downhill riding a week when you think about it so like [ __ ] all riding and then um yeah then I went to monsam Worlds and got 18th I was like I’ve made it I am I am Jesus Christ I got one photo of some photographer like that was the only photo I could get like one shot and I was like professional shot at a World Cup I’m this is it and then I was like okay the year after we’re we’re doing this like my second year Junior I have to make it work and then Co hit and since I wasn’t on a factory team or anything they wouldn’t our cing arm W let us race so I was like well this career gone sick and then I kind of came into like then like start riding in t-shirts and kind of G not gave up on the dream but like it was like I’m not allowed to race I next year I’ll be lead so I’m just going to get absolutely dusted and I’m have my final year and like leaving s and then it’s just like it wasn’t even like a idea or like a reality to be profession mountain biker cuz I just you couldn’t see it really so it’s kind of like I’d go morsing for a month I think was F was like one of those morine kids just sneaking into bars underage as [ __ ] with bleach blonde hair from that Co thing and then it was like yeah and that was kind of it really and they just like [ __ ] we’re not going to be racer really so I kind kind of it was sick and then I remember when aen won worlds that like killed me I was just like I I remember I was the same speed this guy I was like [ __ ] I was stoked for him obviously because he was world champion but I was like [ __ ] this is my I’ll never be able to do that because I don’t have a team and I was like it was cool to see an Irish kid do it obviously but he was way quicker than me at that time as well so I was like [ __ ] this is there goes that dream so I was like kind of right let’s get into reality really that’s interesting by a quick comment what I mean is that like it seemed like in 2019 you weren’t actually even that good no like I like I think I was a good Rider but like I didn’t have an insane bike and I just didn’t really couldn’t show it like I I wasn’t a good Rider because I couldn’t do it but yeah like compared to the first year Juniors now I would have been [ __ ] like I wouldn’t be anywhere really so yeah and then once I kind of I think it was with the Cummings then with setting up the KY nuk proof team like I think it was was for Chris really they’re setting up the team and then they’re like well we need another rider for it and I was like oh and then I think Chris was wondering like what I was doing so like with our fames like pretty much split it so my side paid half and then their side paid half we went racing so it’s pretty cool we like cool little setup set up I I was like did a bit more I went think we went Portugal to gon solos did like a Portuguese race or something I think I got fifth of that as well which is a bit of a surprise cuz it was actually kind of stacked I was like wow and that nuke proof was a pretty good bike I think with Fox 40s like I came from the lowest of the lowest end Rock shock that were blown to Fox 40s which I was like especially 29er front wheel as well I’ve always been running full 27 to that point as well so there just these things and then yeah then we went to the first World Cup so yeah it was just such a quick change around from a few months of not thinking about even racing to yeah we’re at a World Cup as an elite and that was 21 yeah 2021 first Elite so yeah it was um yeah it’s pretty pretty sick so going back again like the vitus like hook up what was so there was that a bike shop yes it was a bike biking H which is a rental like a trail center around me there’s like two two round me and then ran by Nile Davis and he he was the first guy like hooked me up oh no was biking dirty was the first bike shop that trying to shout out all these bike shops so bikeing dirty I don’t think it’s round anymore and I actually rode aand Drake on that no way yeah which is pretty cool and then it was biking IE which they gave me like a bike and I did well at the Irish races so I just gave me a free downhill bike free inur bike which was sick the inura bike was a really good bike cuz like for it was like an Irish brand so well yeah it was a it was nuk proof kind of sister company yeah yeah but they weren’t developing the dino bike there’s no point like Dino bikes weren’t selling and at that time was inura was top top stuff there’s no point but they had a down bike and it was pretty outdated daro bike like you’re not going to do crazy results on it but good fun to ride so they gave me like free bike and stuff which is still insane like you can’t complain there but like no like funding or parts or anything which because I don’t I didn’t deserve it really and yeah then I like it just yeah it just didn’t didn’t really make it really on that that bike to be fair yeah and they went on to the new proof how much be was the nuke proof oh it was Game Changer cuz the nuke proof was like it was it Jamie Edmonson got a Podium on it in Loser yeah that was the walk the to year again yeah so like he he got the podium on the new crew so it could not be a bad bike CU he was I think he got a few top 10 as well so I it was still like even now I’d still think the new proof would and the new wish this was the alloy one so like still good bike real good bike so it compared toas it was W she was she was a g Game Changer yeah what did you were you kind of like sad when you saw that company swort well for both companies as well like even though I was changing brand like it’s the Irish run brand like I know the owner and I know all the guys who worked at it was which it just didn’t make sense like Vias they’re not a small brand like they’re everywhere in Ireland and the UK like they’re pretty good trail bike and then new proof they were selling huge like the brand was on even when they were making not very good bikes like they were s such a good price point everybody had them and then they started making good bikes for cheap price point like great and like now the bikes are Savage like that that new down bike was great bike like we I I like to think I kind of proved it was a good bike it was a really good bike and then the trailer bikes were sick and the EB the new ebike was insane it was just like really good bikes like and so that’s why I just I know it’s not it’s a company and so higher up higher up is the reason why I folded not from them selling so hopefully I’ve heard hopefully some rumors are true that they’ve got bowed out by someone which because I mean I felt like the brown was doing really good for its image and then just so it’s bit really [ __ ] to see but hopefully yeah cuz and it was UN like that the first bike brand that I got qualified and then also got a Podium for so you always got to remember those things really yeah yeah yeah so the downhill scene in Ireland what is that like cuz it seems from a distance to be really passionate yeah but lacking infrastructure oh yeah like you go to I think Irish downhill is just is it’s Savage it is so good and like I wish obviously it’s lacking infrastructure because our government is wank and they don’t believe in any any other sports like you’ll go to Ireland we’ve got mountains what people don’t believe we actually have some mountains like we’ve won Bike Park which is privately owned Glen col Aventure Park which is sick bike park I always go there like it’s bes on the Dublin Hills right beside the city and I always go there a good bit but it’s a privately owned bike park like it’s no government maybe I don’t know maybe the government gives something but it’s not like when you come here and there’s [ __ ] 74 gondolas in one Hill so like we just don’t have the bike parks or even in the UK like there’s heaps of bike parks you got doy [ __ ] bike park Wales you’ve got proper tracks as well so there’s just so much so the IR seen like you go up and you can tell it’s a national race like the uplifts are in tractors and stuff Stu but the fields are stacked I think there was 60 juniors in the last one and those kids were [ __ ] moving I’m pretty scared to be honest when they get older might need to go start sorting them out so they they don’t they don’t come up and take our spot but like they are riding rapid and I I think they going to give like in a few years when they all come to Juniors there’s going to be [ __ ] heaps Irish Flags in those results to these like I think we’ve got Dar Ryan and Callum Callum Mars callum’s in junior so he’s actually racing in the World Cups I think he’s always on the brink and I know he’s on the exact same way I was when I was a junior just never have like proper time away training he was I think he just came off theas as well so he’s came off the same bike I was on I think he just got a polygon which is a good bike but he literally got it I think Poland was his first race and I think he was only point something off qualifying so like he’s going against these kids who are pretty much have Modo parents which I’m sure you know what that means like parents who just like hugely invested which is not crazy crazy thing in Ireland like when you go to Ireland it’s like chasing your dreams isn’t really a thing I think this is pretty sure McGregor said the exact same thing once you’re in school it’s like you do your Secondary School do six years go College [ __ ] spend four years in that and then you’re in a trade like a bricky or labor or you’re in an office somewhere and that’s it’s not known the system of like crush your dreams it is crush crush your [ __ ] dream it’s similar in Scotland as well I think maybe a little bit less so Ireland is actually on its own so feels a little bit more like isolated but in Scotland it’s it’s the same and as soon as you start doing something yeah people like will talk down on it but because you’re just breaking the mold a little bit yeah like I remember in school getting slagged for riding bikes for the crack but like it’s just like in the teachers won’t like they’re not there’s just no follow your dreams it just sounds too cringey and I think Irish people are just so brutally honest and just will say anything it’s like you say follow your dreams you’re like go that’s fair fair soft like why would you do that go work on go work on the farm go on the building side and become a brickie it’s just so simple so like yeah it’s just not and but I think kids are now starting like they’re basically saying [ __ ] that I want to go ride bikes and make money so it’s quite yeah they’ve got the internet so it’s you can see it happening yeah they’ve got the internet and they can see it and I like to think we’re slightly playing a part in that just kind of showing right a few young fellas and girls as well like you can actually do it with Ireland Hills like I just love to see some big races in Ireland that’s what we need like the races are stacked I think the last race sold out an hour and I don’t know if you’ve seen videos of the crowds the Crowds Are Sav crowds yeah CH like full chainsaw jobs the tracks like that last track did scare me it was just flat out with not a pattern in sight great crack like Savage track and the guys that gra you BC did a great job on it Jesus you’re [ __ ] moving I was like right well I want to make it this season I want to survive but uh yeah it’s like it’s just getting there so it’s and it’s getting there so fast as well so I think we just need a big big race in Ireland which is possible if the government ever got their hand out of their hole and invested in something besides I don’t know what the [ __ ] they be investing but stupid [ __ ] but yeah it’d be cool to see maybe a Hardline i’ like to yeah that’ be sick well that that’s pretty possible to be fair Hardline in irand would be pretty possible maybe so we’ll have to we’ll have to see sick and your your parents were they kind of like pushing you like you said they were supporting you so yeah at the start and no not really cuz we have horse farm so it’s like like and then we did motor Tri like we did trials for five years and then sacked that off cuz we’re like there’s just no future in it but it’s more just cuz I wanted to go I always wanted to do motor cross or um I think I was offered a spot when I was a kid as well on a Motocross team so I was like I just wanted to go fast and then like my parents were like not CH I think my mom was always she’s actually kind of like on the looser end like my dad he’s just flat out farmer full like he paid for it so he didn’t care but he was just it was coming out of his bank account but as long as it was doing something right but uh yeah it’s started they’re like School College you have to do all that cuz my sister’s a vet my brother’s doing engineering and stuff so they’re like you have to have to do that and then once I actually started doing well I’m like showing them I can actually do this so like all right Fair even though I think my first year elap must have costed [ __ ] 30 grand maybe more even more I think it’s insane money and like they yeah they definitely like funded all of that I I I did go to a building site to try and make some money but that was only I think I could only work for about three or four months before I actually had start racing I think I only made [ __ ] maybe five or six grand there and I probably blew it in the space of a month at World Cup pretty so but that’s pretty good though for a few months work yeah pretty I was [ __ ] they had me like I was doing laboring but [ __ ] I swear I was a advanced labor like they had me Brick Lane doing electricity Plumbing I [ __ ] all those jobs by the way I had no idea what I was doing yeah I was doing a bit of Plumbing as well not a good one yeah like I I remember drilling holes Like Houses just completely our squ as [ __ ] our ways and I remember doing like the like in in ation in the roofs and stuff I think it my last week of work so I was like just going up the roofs doing the insulating and just making sure like the toggles were in the wall properly like I didn’t see daylight for [ __ ] the straight week because it was in winter so I’d go there it’ be dark I get in the roof and it’s dark and i’ get my 10 minutes of daylight to go get my H [ __ ] spicy chicken rail from the shop and then get back in the attic I mean it was great cracks you have banging tunes and you be up on some roof but yeah it was it was nice to leave there and go go racing ready but I mean that I think I’ve had insanely easy upbring some of these Racers have worked way harder to me but like to come here like with side jobs and stuff but I like to working on the building SES I think it’s good good to show you right you need to make this work where you’re going to [ __ ] you’re doing this you’re going to end up here so it’s nice to see that like I mean well I mean working on building site if you’re making good money is pretty good but I was I was cleaning toilets and [ __ ] and just doing all their shite work so I don’t want to be a labor yeah yeah I think some of the people that I like most I respect a lot of people and like meet so many cool athletes and lots of inspiring people around but some of the people who I have the most respect for are Trad trades people yeah [ __ ] some of the people that I’ve seen when I was Plumbing I’m just like mad respect and they’re enjoying it as well like you know you see those joiners and they’re actually enjoying it and the electricians and they’re enjoying it it’s like to be fair electrician and enjoying it they’re making good cash and they’re not too bad but [ __ ] the brickies were like their backs must be blown out to [ __ ] it’s the scaffolders you SC like those boys I’m just like Fair [ __ ] they’re adding element to the electricians like so I’ve heard few my M electricians I’m like [ __ ] they’re making more cash than I am Savage but uh they’re they’re rolling around pretty nice cars yeah it’s the sca the scaffolders man they’re scary they’re actually SC scary I’ve heard them having scream matches and lobing [ __ ] down from the roofs like monkeys just [ __ ] hammmer screaming each other it’s brilliant crack now for me but yeah as long as you don’t get hit by Crossfire yeah big [ __ ] 2×4 coming down at you but yeah there are moments where it’s enjoyable though like I remember I was under a floor yeah I had to crawl I was I couldn’t fit in my my boss couldn’t fit in so I was the only one that could get under the floor yeah I had to crawl from one side to the other side of the house like through like little tiny holes and my job was to hammer a wall on the other side down and I remember just underneath this thing like full dust mask on just swinging and it’s like the rough concrete and I remember I was just like dying and I just like bursted bursted like laughing just cuz I was like this is so ridiculous this is like how is this even legal you know what I mean it’s mental that was one time I wonder I was like how Fu can we imagine buying a gaff and having me doing some important jobs on it as well like [ __ ] Brick Lane I’m like geez how the [ __ ] am I that lowed some Cowboys going on but yeah no can’t can’t complain I did this one uh really bougie house yeah everything was like cream and white everything like that taking the radiators off oh yeah and you can bleed the radiators dry but there’s still like sediment left yeah and it’s black like absolutely black as [ __ ] so I’m like lifting this radiator up and I slip and I pour all the black sediment on the white carpet [ __ ] I spend the next like 6 hours trying to clean it up but it just wasn’t it just didn’t come out like this mad house I’ve just completely [ __ ] it like the boss is Raging like what is going on you know out here yeah that’s sick yeah so Motocross oh yeah [ __ ] love Motocross going to get me sick of me talking about Motocross oh it’s great yeah I’ve always wanted a modo just could not afford one till I actually started making money of my own and then actually the way I bought that bike I didn’t didn’t even cost me that much that’s a funny story but yeah um is can you tell story or yeah I will like it wasn’t anything bad but well anyway just because I’ve love I’ve seen Reese’s videos and just all the boys just rioto in the winter it’s just so sick and I live on a farm so like I literally bu my own track is right beside my house it’s pretty handy but yeah for buying a bike they’re just so expensive I was looking at Shops I want something fresh enough I was like right and checked around shops I think it was like seven grand for a moto I was like [ __ ] that Facebook Marketplace this is where I bought my car even though the gearbox after the first [ __ ] 20 minutes of owning the thing but I was like I have faith in the second by had to look at Moto motocross bike and I was like right found him husky 2022 for 4,000 I think 20 hours I was like Savage [ __ ] yes this is brilliant stoked messaged Bo I was like right be there I told like some part I don’t know why the location had it there some part down the country I was like in the country side I was like gr it’s not dodgy cuz like your [ __ ] motorbikes are getting stolen all the time and yeah I like not dodgy and then the location just changed I was like [ __ ] sake and it just went into some I think estate in North Dublin which is lovely spot but not the best spot of the city especially where this was wasn’t a great spot either I like a [ __ ] but I was like it’s too late now I need see it through rocked up there with my mom and the horse box in the back and like I remember just going to the state and like smash bottles burnt out cars and on and we’re like and my mom was just like are you sure about this and I was like ah no be grand slad he he’s got motocross bikes in the I did a little Facebook profile scoop I like he’s got Motocross Bikes Grand I get to St mes like I’m I’m here and then some like here and he’s like oh drive down there in the state I’m like oh we got to tra we can’t he’s like gr and then some bloke boms up on a brand new Yamaha Monster Energy Edition bike full Northface tracky Runners no way little B clav and old Fox helmet I was like oh bollocks like I I these are just the boys who bomb around Housing State greens and stuff just ripping he bombs up and down and he’s like real deep North D A he’s like I hear board yeah my mat’s down there in the road here come down and meet us like I was like oh I can’t get the box here like you know come up and he [ __ ] tears off like just middle estate like top spec yeah I’m like where the [ __ ] did he get that thing and then um was it and then other blow comes up on the bike on B and he bombs up about three or four times banging off the limiter I was like what the [ __ ] you know just popping wheelies the and then just rips up in a skin and he stops and he’s like little short BL Again full tracky job Runners like the runners with the Bubbles as well and then no helmet and then like and he’s like yeah bro the bikes M like and all this I’m like look I’m looking at the bike and the bike is min like back tire is bald on the top I was like a [ __ ] sake I was like a maybe he just doesn’t want it like it it he did say he ripped a track a few times but you could tell the track was probably sh in it was mainly just around the housing estate and then these two other blocks just appear as well full tracky job again I’m like [ __ ] sake and then I was like look at the bike I could tell like you see lock tight in the bolts and almost 20 hours on it I was like I’m too I’m too far deep I need it I need this bike like a Savage deal and then I was like right could I have a bounce in the bike and he’s sitting on the bike he’s like yeah gives us the cash first while sitting on the bike I was like quit electric start bike I was like ah you know like and I was like actually I look around I was kind of like back to forth try not to say like you’re just going to rob me and he’s like and he’s like well you could and then he and then my mom actually came in she’s like oh what’s the problem and then he’s like and he was like well he won’t give me the cash I won’t let him on the B we’re like we have a horse box here and like you guys are a bunch of motorcross bikes you just chase us straight away and eventually she stands in between these two Lads while I just quickly bounced on this bike start it up and I’m like right but the suspension isn’t sees things me I was like Mom give him the money put the bike straight in and like just drove home just checking and see if they’re following us and stuff and then like check the bikes for air tags check the VIN number on the side as well to make sure she wasn’t nicked and like wasn’t stolen wasn’t like was nothing it was just no way it was just so sketchy all right cuz like it’s so but we were go me and my joke is like probably every three sales he did to that bike he probably robbed the 200 people but a bargain like €4,000 for 2022 husa 250 like unheard of I probably still sell the bike for more than I bought it right now yeah yeah I was buzzing and I was more waiting for him to come back and take the bike back for me but she’s still there in the house yeah but yeah it funny it was just a funny story it was just like stoked to see it true and came out with a nice bike probably could have got robbed but yeah we’re and then yeah it was a good life lesson to be fair cuz then when I bought my Audi I met like a real nice guy is like super friendly and then the gearbox blew up on me like 20 minutes into to drive home and they found out they like filled the gearbox up with real heavy oil to like mask the noise of oh right grinding and [ __ ] [ __ ] so but then anyway back to moto yeah yeah yeah back to your that that’s the story anyway if people are wondering what was it’s good story I’ll definitely be buying my second by golf Marketplace for sure could get robbed but back to the estate for a FR back to the estate I’m sure the boys will hook me up with another one yeah that’s class so have you done any Motocross Racing no I’d love to I’m think I’d love to do a grass track or something but I’d just be like worried I’d plop over and some massive [ __ ] would just mow me out of on a 450 it’s def not safe ring up all jge yeah I tried to be Ken roxon and got [ __ ] smoked but yeah it would be a good crack I think if I like I’ve been to tracks and the track days and stuff it’s great I’m not I wouldn’t say I’m shy now I’m pretty dodgy but I think I like a grass track race could be good crack maybe or something so I I think I definitely will do one for the laugh um because it’s just so fun and the train is insane like you rock up to World Cup you’re just getting no arm pump or just fatigue and your whole body position just stays the same cuz I mean similar body position really yeah what you were saying about the 10-minute like pushing your bike up the hill I was wondering like as Moto came into it but you saying trials as well like yeah so trials as well like I think trials perfect for the skill just all that janky awkward stuff made you quite loose and lanky really uh but Modo is is also it’s just so fun and it’s also just good for the mind like if you get fatigued and it’s good to ride fatigued as well downhill we just can’t do that we’re there’s no tracks you get fatigued and you keep riding I know you mean if you go do 15 or 20 minute Moto you’re going to be super fatigued and then just but you can keep right yeah just keep going through and then your arms are going to be smoked but it’s just I think it’s Savage training and it’s just great and so something different to do as well really but yeah I’m looking forward to more um probably probably H to for a change in soon but uh yeah be I know track at home is great COC just making new features every now and then sick yeah you getting the diggers as well make some I need to get a digger into the old tractor is she’s having a hard time this is a bit of like a left turn but I was going to ask are you are you religious at all um yeah i’ be a little bit like I think Irish Catholic Family like you’re pretty you’re brought into it and my dad like you going to church like regularly yeah I actually went to church like well with my dad I when I’m home i’ go to church my mass every Monday Sunday with them like most time would be listening to a [ __ ] thing the priest is saying but I am a little bit like it’s more nice to go with my dad because [ __ ] if I didn’t go with him either he’d be going by himself or my little sister would go cuz she us should get but as kids like you’d not be missing Mass I think I missed a race to go Church once really W yeah like we’re not crazy religious Nutters but like I think it’s good to have some Bit of Faith there yeah I’d always pray before run as well or you know bless yourself up cuz I do it every run I feel like [ __ ] I don’t want to not do it in absolute eat [ __ ] so um yeah I didn’t yeah I would say I’m a little bit religious as well feel like a lot of the writers are but they just don’t say it yeah well that’s the thing that’s why I kind of want to ask yeah I know I remember hearing that Gwyn was and then it was interesting cuz he he he didn’t talk about it either yeah like I think people like a you say you’re religious they like oh it’s crazy give a [ __ ] like come say it to my face like it’s um it’s it’s weirdo it’s like a taboo even even at home like like nowadays it’s like oh someone’s really like if they like I don’t mind people slagging religion but just don’t slag me for being religious really yeah but like I wouldn’t be crazy like following I’m definitely not following whatever the Commandments are I’d say I’ve definitely broken them all but I mean no but there’s a way to yeah like I still go to mass and I won’t like I’ll still believe in some of the stuff they say not everything so I’m my own little version but yeah I would always say a prayer most nights and yeah seems to be doing job I’m really loving my life at the minute so you know touch wood thanks thanks to me yeah but I think irel Ireland was such like a religious country like probably 20 years ago was like the church was everything now not so much because younger Generations are cheeky bollocks and but yeah well it’s probably a good and bad thing the religion Church isn’t so much in control but yeah it’s uh I think I think most Irish people are a little bit or are religious so yeah that’s cool um yeah so I wanted to talk about the sort of your attitude towards bike setup as well yeah because you strike me as the type of person that would be like a real set and forget yeah type of character like not really give too much of a [ __ ] about it yeah I’m starting to get that way like beforehand like what you were more of a Puzzler before no no no [ __ ] no like i’ ride a race run which you let and actually not PSI but Chang in completely compression size like for Snowshoe my first Podium I copied the Aon setup right yeah just copy their setup I think the day before race day stuck with it even though we weigh completely different completely different bikes and I could tell from the videos the bike was not working at all but I mean yeah and then like throughout the winter I wouldn’t really care too much about settings are set up as well I just ride the bike as long as the front end like the cockpits right and stuff I’m kind of happy but now definitely now racing a bit more puzzling like we have the Telemetry and the bikes and stuff but that’s more like our engineer would just be on the team he’d read data he’d ask you how you feel change something if you’re happy [ __ ] job’s done not but if like if first day practice is done I still can’t get the bike completely the way I like it [ __ ] [ __ ] the settings go ride faster and forget about right like that’s kind of same with lions as well like got give away the the first day unless a whole new Line opens up I get myself first day if I’m happy with those lines won’t change just practice I’m riding those as fast as you can even though if it’s the slowest line it’s the fastest line I can hit it so it’s kind of like unless a brand new [ __ ] freshy line that was insanely quicker notice be quicker than maybe swap to it but same with settings I wouldn’t be changing much quality days I kind of just like even Poland the bike didn’t feel oh bike felt amazing but not I felt like we could have had it better but there’s a stage just to forget about your head and remember think about the race now so well I feel like some Riders get way too way too caught up in that stuff like pipe down there Lads enough of the clicks just go ride the bike yeah it’s it’s like having the conviction to be like this is enough like yeah like it’s it’s it’s down to me yeah yeah I’m going down a rabbit hole for no reason here like I’m sure we could all have a perfect bike setup I’m sure I’m I could be nowhere near it but I mean I don’t have it so so hard luck that’s what winter the preseason testing is really for so like every race I’ll put to lemetry on but it’s yeah it is super helpful but yeah after a while it’s good to take it off and just worry about riding really yeah it’s a sport word like the lack of thought is important as many thoughts as you can remove is actually better like you were saying in a rur it’s kind of like you’re not really thinking you’re kind of taking it Taking It Off yeah like right now my setup of price stay the same for the whole season like a few clicks here and there but I mean I’ll probably run the same spring the whole season unless I just get way fatter somehow but like same cockpit height and then that will lead to same Fork pressure but then to like compression will mess around except Hardline that’s where you whack on the [ __ ] heavier stuff but yeah be from now on I’d say like Leo I’ll probably run the exact same setup I’m running here because it’s it’s working on this track so it should work somewhat now way we will to see what the Dage says but I won’t be changing anything crazy I don’t really want to yeah yeah you were in New Zealand yeah was that like was that your first time in New Zealand yeah first time [ __ ] Savage Place Savage yeah so good did that help you a lot you think coming into this year in terms of just ride time yeah and like I don’t think I’ve rode a bike so much in my life like in New Zealand like just yeah this winter I just rode I I don’t think there was a time like 100 time maybe more in Ireland it’s crazy M riding we like I think one day I did 20 laps from Skyline to cornet Peak and like they’re proper runs and that is literally a week’s worth of riding in Ireland which is insane to think about and dry fast proper riding so when you came into this season like I started off the season with my best result and in the second race I won so obviously it was say due to the new team and proper setup and proper bike but also I think pre-season proper riding as well like it was sick just it’s nice being there in summer it’s such a nice place it’s so safe everyone’s so sound all the lads are down there it’s just great crack and hard in the winter I’m sure same with you guys it’s pretty miserable like it’s just it gets dark at 4 you power wash your kit [ __ ] knows how many times a day and you’re at the chance of injuring yourself so easily as well slippy tight conditions so yeah I’m looking forward to getting back down pretty soon yeah you go back out there you yeah pretty much once New Year’s ends I’ll so once season ends I’ll do a little holiday down in South Africa with Jackson Ike Tao and the boys by Gonzalo as well and little holiday down there and then um yeah for a week and a half then get the gym program for milway get the new bikes get team camps done and straight down exact same way the way we did it last winter probably bit more in New Zealand a bit more testing really yeah look forward to it you mentioned Hardline yeah have you seen the you presume you seen the photo yeah I just seen the video of Bernard hitting it oh he hit it yeah he hit it yeah I just see not that long ago so [ __ ] if Bernard hears this Fair [ __ ] as H it look sick it look I’d say it it this year looks sick and I was so stoked with tazzy that such an insane track was so sick proper race and to win that was [ __ ] insane like the reaction as well like from social media was just insane for it and then just it was such a proper race as well I felt like we’re lacking a few World Cup Racers I would have loved it if bruny and a few of those boys came down cuz I think everyone talked to hzy it was going to be super gnarly but it was actually an insane track so it looks so fun I really want to shot on that one it’s looks so good probably the best track I’ve ever like the features are still too big to be a World Cup but not like Wales and it was a bit more like we were lapping it out which was just the best laps ever which is pretty rare for ourland you don’t really do laps because you’re going to die at some stage but this one was like laps and then we’re like actually doing line choice and [ __ ] which is pretty crazy like to be thinking in that racer mode and stuff now I wasn’t on the same bike I was on I’m on now so it didn’t it was kind of hard juggling with that yeah was that just the standard old one yeah so Standard carbon M but there was a prototype but like probably don’t run it for Hardline type it yeah so I was on the Prototype um all winter like that was the only MRE Road and then I hopped they didn’t want me riding the Proto for TI line but just because that bike hasn’t been put through those kind of Impressions I we they changed a bit since the MS bike as well just a few tweaks but they didn’t know how strong would be which is fair I mean last thing you want is a bike breaking on live TV so I was like I can’t argue with that even though I was on the same bike the whole time in Queenstown and [ __ ] trust me in Queenstown we’re doing some nardy [ __ ] but that yeah so it’s was a bit annoying hopping on that bike I only got three days of riding before racing it now was it a big difference yeah massive difference it looks somewhat similar but like from the flex in the stiffness and then just how the Bike Works like it was yeah much PR Fair the new one but I mean we still won so I can’t really complain but it still a sck trip but thankfully I’ll be on the Proto for Wales which would be nice back on the prop and then yeah it’s a proper race bike really be interesting to see how it does in the big jumps because right now we have a set up in such a race way it yeah I don’t think a lot of people think race bikes don’t jump and hit by par stuff that well at the minute I have to change so I’ll go doy for beforehand to get her used to the all big big GS up the lips yeah yeah that’ be sick did you raid much on the old bait when when you got cuz you seen when did you so when I I’ve been talking to MRE a good while through the winter so I was kind of like in the works talk I wrode the Prototype like a version of the Prototype a few laps and before I signed just to make sure that like and I could tell kind of straight this thing works like it was nowhere near my setup it was front end was super low I think the bike was too small for me but you could tell Ryan was like right this thing is this thing goes so and then that was and I’ve only rode the Prototype and then I only hopped on the old carbon bike 3 days before Hardline so I didn’t exactly have a lot of time on it but yeah and then we did a little bit practice hardlines to help there yeah still managed to win yeah yes I’m look yeah it was still a good bike but I think the other bike we would have definitely put faster time in like just cuz it’s actual race bike and it’s the bike I’m used to so it’s yeah it made made sense and did win in that did that sort of help your like belief that it was like possible or to do it in the world cups or um definitely not win in the World Cups because we didn’t have everyone there but I mean I still beat burner George and like some top Racers there as well so wasn’t like yeah there wasn’t some big Racers and it was a proper track it wasn’t like it’s a Hardline like classic Hardline track where everyone goes to everyone was going flat out so yeah definitely helped the confidence a lot and then also through social media like I think I got like 10 10,000 followers even just from that and it just made the profile so much bigger like you you get more notice at bike parks it was quite cool and stuff but in also I was kind of like yeah I need to back it up now like if I go to a World Cup and [ __ ] do [ __ ] it’s like people be like a Hardline was just because it’s Hardline so yeah it’s pretty nice to back it up but I love Hardline it’s probably I think that’s my ideal of a proper race I don’t the World Cup should have jumps like that I think is it it’s what what World Cups need really yeah it’s hard I guess so the the kind of tight schedule yeah and the wind on jumps and you know yeah like it would be hard but I get I get you it’s like just bigger features even if they’re I think if they made features obviously that they can’t get wind affected but like just in a wood like imagine Poland you just have those sick Woods Poland’s sick race but just maybe like a nice big 50 foot double somewhere which you have a ride around but it is quicker to hit the double yeah or bigger jumps it just make it force all the other Riders to do it as well you had a double double that was [ __ ] massive obviously you had a good ride around or you could triple it or like or you double single or something like National Motocross really yeah it just f of riders to actually have to hit those things and I could see a complete shift of the results which I think would be great because I’m think sure there’s some Riders who are really fast now that wouldn’t want to do big jumps like that a 70 or 80 foot double on a World Cup race obviously you’d have to have a proper track maintenance crew and probably the same Builders going into each World Cup but I mean it’s just kind of right step and hopefully we’ll get a Hardline Series so I don’t have to keep complaining yeah when I was scrolling on your Instagram there was some [ __ ] big jumps that you were doing in like 2017 like tiny tiny kid there these sketchy looking massive doubles you’ve been doing yeah I’ve built all those ones myself so yeah they’re pretty sketchy but like I mean you look at motocross national or Supercross the [ __ ] size of jumps they do and those things like I know we’re not on a 450 that you can seat bounce the [ __ ] out of but I mean come on you look at Hardline whales and those 90 foot doubles they’re safe as like they’re so chill well you got to Sprint into them but you can hit them on a race run I just think that’s a perfect example why we can’t have those in the world cup but I know we have I don’t know 180 Elites and 100 Juniors rocking up and then like it’s just so much more into it but I think that’s what World Cups need is it would just be so much spectacular but maybe that’s why Hardline does so much better in the viewing because so many Raca has those so yeah it’s just my I just want big jumps in a proper RAC trck would be sick yeah yeah I said this into the Riders Union but no one no one responded to me but yeah it’s h but that’s why I love Hardline so much because the tracks are just proper the sick tracks yeah so your um your ins Inspirations in terms of athletes like you mentioned McGregor he’s obviously really inspiring but yeah he’s in a certain way in a certain way you it’s like he’s a funny bloke but uh I don’t think I’d want to be the McGregor of mountain biking because I think a lot of people hate him as well but um you got to respect what he what he did yeah you got like he I don’t think he’s had an insane upbringing I think like he was was he a plumber beforehand and stuff and like I’m sure he puts in the work I know a lot of I’m it sure a lot of his thing is an act as well maybe I don’t know well he said that after the I’m a bit of a McGregor fan like I get I see the toxic parts of him and you you kind of like take know no one’s perfect s yeah but the like the money brought in for UFC is insane yeah like it’s and like even if it is act he’s probably happy at home maybe he’s a sound bloke with a [ __ ] rake load of cash in his bank account now downhill I don’t think I think we were saying this before you could do it in the press conferences being a bit of a cocky [ __ ] to bring people in and call people out like you could do that but then I don’t think it’s a sport because we’re not smacking each other in the face we’re lining up by ourselves or it’s not like Motocross I think Motocross could really do it McGregor I think it’ll be funny as [ __ ] yeah and because they’re actually lying up and they are smacking into each other but downhill we’re just we’re all so friendly because we’re all mates like I get along with everyone on circuit so friends with them so I can’t really go calling anyone out yeah but I mean it’s just like it it would be cool if there was something like that in the sport but I think somebody needs to do it someone needs to be to comp but I’m sure that comp will make they’ll have a good image then for sponsors and stuff so it’s quite yeah it’s a funny one yeah you had like your Sean Palmer I guess back in the day yeah but it’s nothing like that as you say it’s so friendly me and me and reys I mean ree wrote Supercross and was like and Supercross Motocross and was six and uh the pits the Vib in the pits oh I say terrible oh man it’s like families fighting each other it’s like really enemies across the way yeah even went to went to a track day [ __ ] me I was just I just kept pulled the Husky out of a horse box and [ __ ] Redlin the [ __ ] a few times to get warmed up and like I I had a pretty nice like Alpine side set Alpine s hasn’t gave me Moto kits I look like the dogs follows yeah yeah the [ __ ] stairs I was getting from these Lads yeah holy [ __ ] I was like what the [ __ ] star and then they’re kind of like almost tbing you on the track as well like like I wouldn’t like I’d be just having bit of crack out there and just was getting awful stairs and you rocked it downhill like through the pits you like I’d feel confident to walk into any pits and chat away with anyone for a good while like I’d be in Aton pits talking sh with the boys all the time like Charlie Andi like my best mates so like it’s or The Syndicate I just waddle in steal a few cans of Red Bull and then waddle out like it’s just probably they probably might be getting pissed off I don’t know but it’s h it’s it’s just a great Vibe and you have mates and all these different pits and you walk over say hi to your friend and say hi to their manager and like it’s just such which is sick it’s so friendly it’s the best part about it yeah we just enjoy it like I think any ryer could come into our pits and I’ll make him a cup of tea but I think if it’s motor motor cross [ __ ] you be nearly getting into scraps in the way like I’d always wondered i’ be like I could imagine what if we were all motocrossers exact same was what would it actually be like yeah I’ve always wanted to see a motocross race just from downhillers I I I said that as well be great crack that be unbelievable it’ be it’d be a good video like I’d hun I’m sure we were saying where were we saying this in Poland we were saying we should get motocross race in like that place in Italy or something now I mean we could end up losing half the field cuz we all like we’re all super competitive so yeah but that’s it want to lose that it doesn’t seem realistic cuz it’s that dangerous that who’s going to sign the dotted line all the teams are going to say no yeah like I’d be lining up trying to keep up with Dakota and [ __ ] he knows how to rip Modo and [ __ ] I I’m there just [ __ ] Ronnie macking the just banging off the limiter yeah I know Reese would be lining up for that P1 for sure and I know like I’d say Dak Gwyn there’s so many of these boys who are just rapid on Moto so would be sick it’d be a good video maybe pit bikes I think you would need like yeah pit bikes would be like ttrs but you’d want a proper race [ __ ] yeah you want a proper race with all our own mechanics but also like cameras on every person like if there is any like little weird interactions or whatever or like a bit of beef on the track like it’d be so it’d be S such good content n it’ be pretty or four bring four like four cross back I’d be ke for that that’ be good crack but yeah it is it is crazy cool how good downhill is in that sense and like I know I said like it be be cool if there’s beef for the story but only for the story like we’re all having such the best time out there because we’re all just mates you practice with anyone you want you follow lines like help each other out because you’re helping someone but then also you’re gaining something as well so it’s like it’s yeah it’s the pretty dream setup I think as well for the sport really it’s pretty it’s pretty cool yeah sick um your favorite we’ve talked about Inspirations for athletes films so like both writing wise and non as well so we’ll start with writing films like was there any like yeah writing films I remember was it my neighbor Matt Jarvis he he got me into M kind into mountain biking in the back of his Jeep had like a little TV and they discs and it must been UK boys just ripping I forget the name maybe it’s unearth that yeah that’s one real old school [ __ ] I must watch that talking about 20 20 times or something cuz I didn’t have a phone like it didn’t I think Rankin’s been releasing Parts in of Earth that weren’t in earth as Unearthed on Earth yeah yeah but [ __ ] I don’t know you don’t know the name of it I honestly don’t know I wish I did and it wasn’t like a Tommy C thing could be old syndicate videos as well yeah they I must have watched them this is p as well yeah this is PD as well I must have watched them 400 times that was the same it yeah the the old syndicate videos were one of the main ones I’d watch yeah I’m pretty sure kept watching them until last year we watched them we had Bry and Greg and all was just so sick yeah and then like with pety retired and all it’s just like it didn’t feel real it just like a TV show it was so sick yeah and like um death grip as well like obviously the first one was just sick I I was kind of getting more into the not seeing but biking then as well but yeah all those old school British stuff as well cuz we know Irish downhill riders or like Racers or Pros so it’s was like we looked at the UK guys cuz the closest BLS to us that spoke English so yeah I was like I’m like always looking up to those ones were pretty and all the 50 to1 boys and all like it was pretty crazy like the 50 to1 boys were at my farm there not that long ago I was like [ __ ] it’s just insane like how quick it just changed ready become a m of these guys to like idolizing over them as a kid it’s pretty pretty cool that’s sick did you watch W back down the PE yeah watch yeah watch that that was yeah I remember that was sick yeah that was really cool I love that one as well pretty emotional as well yeah really cool yeah they were they’re all pretty insane those shows yeah sick and for like films that aren’t to do biking or like what’s [ __ ] probably the Top Gun ones they’re [ __ ] Top Gun have you seen the new one yeah I seen that I watched that about four times already it’s [ __ ] Savage um yeah um without bikes then that really nothing like that I’d be looking up to really I like the McGregor series that was pretty sick actually that was quite cool um that was only recently I was watch like well I mean Rec like two years ago so nothing yeah nothing too crazy I was like looking up to but yeah I just the Man bike series was just like never crazy watched World Cups as well that was the one thing Hardline I did love watching so it’s kind of that was a sick race to watch but World Cups maybe when AR and GW were having their series like their battle Yeah from then on I kind of started getting R into before that not not insane map and did you go to Fort William to watch never no I never watched uh watched the downhill race until I did one so no way yeah yeah pretty cool yeah that’s sick and uh there was this foot as well just a [ __ ] sick footo it was the one where like big puddle Splash 4 yeah oh bouncing through it yeah yeah can you what was the story with that pH yeah so it was me and Tommy were filming um yeah um doing like just a video for nuk proof and I was like well we’re down in Carlo my mates tracks and they’re literally just a sponge with [ __ ] muck on top and you’re just riding down this Waterway and we like we always B I remember posting Instagram video before that same puddle bouncing out of it and then we’re like right we can I knew coming into I was like get six shots I built up a little Dam and just yeah was Savage and yeah was it Biggy Smalls got that one and bigy Smalls yeah big old P for getting that shot was insane really good shot that shot went pretty pretty like viral almost everywhere I’m like it’s cool to see because photos usually haven’t done yeah like recently yeah that was like my I think the best photo ever posted like besides a Podium shot with comments and stuff was pretty sick really cool yeah sick and you yeah you’ve done quite a few little bit and bols with the films you yeah I I need to do more I want to do more edits more Pro like projects I just yeah that was probably the first proper one that was just an Irish Mock and then I did the vital roll with John but I need to do like I want to do one in a style like motorc style track but for a mountain bike just wide whoops I think we need whoops in downhill you’ve seen that hurricane edit with Fricks and Tom oh yeah those boys [ __ ] me that is insane like that something like that but just wide there big mass of jumps ready and just you watch it you’re like I want to one buy that bike because the abuse it’s just taking and then just yeah like just something would be cool to do more projects let’s get that lined up yeah whoever’s watching yeah get that lined up playing stars get that going yeah it would be yeah it would be cool just need to build a track a few spots around me that would be sick to build design your own kind of track so it would be pretty sick sick yeah it’s build budget yeah if he are made to like well one Ali Davey his parents own the bike parking and he’s a [ __ ] weapon on the old Digger so like I have good mates who like are really insane Trail Builders are digging so it would be like it’s not I have a good crew ready to go and I have a mate who [ __ ] owns a hiring company for Machinery probably still charge me a bit but yeah like it’s yeah I’m ready to go I just I I have a bit of I have an idea of a land to use as well that would be possible it’s like an old Moto track on up on the side of a mountain so it’s like yeah I just need to get the diggers up and just [ __ ] get shoveling really would be pretty sick let’s do it yeah it would be [ __ ] cool sick I mean that’s that’s all I’ve got yeah um yeah try not to SW swerve too far away I remember few podcasts I done before I’ve listened back to them I’m like [ __ ] me Ronan just answered a question just like talking [ __ ] it’s been banging yeah and uh yeah I guess just good luck for good luck for Hardline oh yeah we need you need that one B parachute and swimsuit for that one yeah at least the Jump’s possible yeah yeah [ __ ] thank [ __ ] we we’ve seen that we’re like off it comes down to practice day and that’s when yeah Hardline is just the best thing ever CU Practice Day you’ve never seen you can see in everyone’s eyes just how [ __ ] they are is but everyone’s in it together though it’s like yeah it’s all yeah everyone’s in together and it’s kind of like there’s always that little huddling like penguins just [ __ ] terrified so it should be this year should be pretty sick though we like from the new jump down and we already know everything so it should be pretty good so sick it was yeah best of luck thanks for coming on Cheers manate yeah stok to be on it yeah really happy sick man sweet thank you that’s a wrap sweet bangang in


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