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    Thanks for watching my latest video. All procedures are undertaken using endoscopic microsuction by registered nurse prescriber Richard Isherwood, who is a CQC regulated healthcare provider.
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    hello good evening good afternoon good morning and welcome it’s nurse Richard the wax wizard thanks for joining me uh three good ear in this one today um first one is a thick dead skin peel which I know a lot of you like and the second two from the same patient is just some big old chunky plugs that I managed to get rer shot for uh for a change for me um so let me tell you about this first one because this uh it was a lady a young lady who came see me and she’s having been terrible trouble with itching it was was um really driving around the bend it was um absolutely driving a c what say can you get for driving a crackers it was driving that that crackers driving run the B run the twist up the wall you name it um it was doing a reding that reminds of a joke what do you um um f goes into a doctor said um I think I’ve got a steering wheel in in the Underpants what do you mean you’ve got a steering wheel in your underpants he said well he driving me nutes there you go Dad joke of the day um uh making me it you know talking about itchin which leads me on to and the the reason why this happens uh I think she has uh psorasis um an ecma and you can get over production of skin quite commonly uh with those conditions makes this thing really thick and quite difficult to peel away I think we had to go to some oil in a bit which which did help cuz I’ve got the fine in tub it’s always best for peeling um but it’s extremely thick uh so it makes it more difficult it would have come out quite easy probably with a fullsize tube but it probably would have been squeaking and been very uncomfortable and unpleasant for the patient which obviously we don’t want um but the fining tube whilst it doesn’t do all that squeak it’s just a bit less powerful so it’s a bit trickier um to peel this off when it’s as thick as it is so that’s why I’ve put the oil in like I have now um but you can see gone all blurry got the old the old dream sequence again um anyway itching the medical term for itching if none of you know if you’re interested is Prius something if something’s pric it’s itchy um now you can see the difference the olive oil makes it when I lift it up kind of seeps down underneath it and makes it bit easier to peel away um but itching can drive a lot of people nuts it really can um because you can often get this thing you might well have heard of it I’ll try and explain it to you in a bit of detail not too much um you can get the itch scratch cycle um know what’s that you might already some of you might know what that is if not um the the the long and short of it is you get an itch you scratch it you and then you kind of actually make it make it worse it becomes it becomes itchier because you’ve scratched it and you’re thinking why is that it should relieve it shouldn’t it um doesn’t always happen you get this itch scratch cycle where what can happen is um when you when you itch when you scratch um it causes some minor just some minor trauma very minor pain which releases uh serotonin um serotonin’s body’s feel good chemical makes you feel good when you get plenty of serotonin in and but what serotonin also does it I think it reacts with some some neurons um and it can actually send itch signals from the brain again so then it goes constantly round in a cycle because you’ve caused that minor damage um it’s becoming more itchy because of you’re scratching it all the time um how’ you get out of that now it’s important to find out what the cause of the itching is to start with the cause of hers was certainly this thick dead skin in the ear um anywhere else on the skin usually um steroids steroid creams are very effective at relieving itches again depends what the cause is but those are those can be very effective uh but for this it’s just obviously peeling it away cuz she did ask me how she can manage this going forward you know um now sometimes regular olive oil just might moisturize it make it less less dry and itchy or sometimes some acetic acid spray can help to re acidify the ear and help with that itching look at that nice and clear um and hopefully she notices a big a big difference but she did ask me what you can do to relieve the itching as a lot of people do like I said depends on the cause if it’s a minor irritation sometimes acetic acid can uh acetic acid spray can help um other things that can help give some quick tips on itching you can grab one of these things if you want shove that right in there get it deep in there and give it a right good scratch with that or you can get some of these get the sharpest one you can find and maybe dig that right in there give the right good scratch I am joking of course um sometimes just not putting you should know about it not to put anything inside your is but sometimes scratching just if you put your finger on that there and just give it a really good rub around there sometimes that can help or just behind it like that give it a good rub um and again if you need to put some spray in um you some spray either retic acid spray or some olive oil spray like this is just obv say tilt lift your head up couple of squirts give it a bit of rub uh allow it to sit in there and then gra the opposite way to allow it to drain out can sometimes help while I’ve been waffling on you’ve missed this monster of removal haven’t you I thought that was it when that first one came away for this chap um but it wasn’t again an incredibly dark thick chunk down at the bottom of this guy’s ear which is just turned itself sideways and popped out another wax baby safely delivered now if you’re a fan of seeing every little speck in ears removed I suggest you stop now and do not watch the second one now I’m going to tell you why big old chunk as you can see um but there was a few specks left two or three specs quite deep in the air excuse me and um obviously I show the patients on the screen uh what they look like and and after I’d removed it and we got to the end which you’ll see very shortly I couple of specs there and I explained to him said now I can go and get those if you want uh but that comes with some risks and it’s probably not going to make well definitely not going to make any difference at all um to your hearing and obviously there’s a a sharp metal object in your rear um and I said if you want my opinion I said it’s not really worth it said just put a couple of squirts of oil in it’ll probably loosen it and then it’ll naturally Mig out and um he said do you know what I just leave him there then that’s absolutely fine uh so if it’s an informed decision so I explained to them what what the risks of it were you know punch of the adrum Graze the air Canal um and then let the patient make that decision then but I probably wouldn’t have done it anyway even if it said yep get it out I was trying to lead him in that direction so like I said it’s it’s going to bug a few people on these videos but I don’t care this is a medical procedure this is not uh made for entertainment I know you find them entertaining um that as do I um but the whole purpose of it is to relieve the symptom now the symptom was this chat couldn’t hear very well after I removed this one here he could hear perfectly again and yes there was a couple of spots left are they affecting is hearing are they given him any symptoms not one bit um so we both agreed that um absolutely no reason to go down there with a sharp tool in a very sensitive part of the a canal near the eard drum to get those things out just because it might um but just because it looks good on a video that’s not why do this it really isn’t so you can already see the little spec there if they were in like a spot that I thought was uh you get potential problems in you know if I thought it was on the air drum and possibly could be creeping into a pocket then yes obviously I would but uh none of them were so as you can see we can see the whole e drum there and those specs are microscopic they’re really tiny oh camera shot again uh ruler shot for once y me I actually remembered with this one cuz they were fairly substantial chunks very dark too anyway I hope you enjoyed that um for those of you with a bit of OCD who like every spot being removed I hope you can sleep well at night anyway um but for now take care of yourself and I’ll see you soon taada


    1. Doctor, Doctor I feel like a pair of curtains . . . Well Madam pull yourself together!!!!!!! I'm so sorry but it's the cleanest doctor joke I know 😛

    2. Sir, I enjoy hearing you talking about the ears you're working on. Not other things. That has nothing to do with ears you're working on. God bless you, Richard ❤❤❤

    3. I knew scratching an itch, like a mosquito bite, would make the itchy worse, but never thought about a serotonin release…just thought the scratch released more of the “bite juice” causing the itch in the first place. Always learning from Teacher Nurse Richard!

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