Michael Black of Triathlon Ireland joined Ger Gilroy and Dave McIntyre on Monday’s OTB AM to run through some cycling tips as Team OTB continues their preparation to #RunandRide4Pieta.

    BMW are supporting mental health and encouraging you look after your well-being by staying active and fit. The Duathlon Cycle & Run challenge supports Pieta House, and is proudly supported by BMW Ireland.

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    right so I’ve been away for the two weeks that we’ve started the BMW run and ride and I kind of feel like I was duped a little bit it says duathlon and it’s actually ruined cycle run I thought it was like ruining then cycle it turns out you’ve got a ruin get on the bike get off the bike and run again so it’s a it’s essentially triathlon Dave I feel a little bit cheap the one thing that I’m actually definitely gonna be able to do though is the cycle and I’m delighted to say Michael black is the cycling coach with wrath and Island here to give us some hits and hints and tips Michael good morning see how you doing you would think that running and cycling are fairly similar but actually anybody who has waddled off the bike and realized that everything is seized up after cycle it’s not it’s not the case why is this such why is it so mechanically different when they look so fairly similar Ronen always say is a lot more intense here you know your bones and your muscles are Evan is getting a demands from the pavement on the ground or whatever surface you’re running on so it’s a lot more physically challenging than being on the bait being on the bait here your width is bared on the bike very similar to just woman you’re not taking that abuse that you would normally get from from being on the road so that’s why and as you said yourself that Duathlon aspect of it when you get off the bike and try and run it’s it’s not a pleasant experience especially if you’ve if you’ve went pretty hard on the bike previously and then trying to run fairly hard off the bike so it’s just a different type of training stimulus program if you go hard or pretty much tomorrow what what you’re on is there actually a different way of training for the cycling in a triathlon when you know you have to do the run after it then there would be if it was just a pure cycle race yeah and any kind of multi multi disciplinary sport like that so yeah you you know typically the strong bikers would would push the bike pretty hard because they know that they’re disciplined and they can gain a lot more time on it but they have to be well aware that they have to run off a bike so the trainer doesn’t doesn’t really change that much until you get under the real recent end of things when you started talking about times and distances and really really get into the nitty-gritty of trying to pace yourself so that you can get the best of yourself once you go onto the wrong but typically no it’s much the same type of training especially a beginner level we’ve been getting a bit of advice about the running and everybody was apparently gone out running too hard and too fast so yeah they’re kind of same pace on each training room but actually the advice is to go slow slow so fast and and do one fast one every three or four goes yeah like I don’t know I don’t know what that’s called if that’s a train or a you’ve got suppose you can look at in terms of periodization where you’re you’re trying to break your week or your month or year and certain elements of different types of fitness you’re working on but yeah it’s an endurance sport no matter no matter what the distance does you’re gonna be on the bike and running and everything else for can be a person are even more so it is it is typically in a Jer sport and if you’re not having callbacks briefs or comma from a jurors background you’re gonna have to build up that and that cardiovascular fitness just to be able to get used to the distance that you’re and the time that you’re on your bike and on your feet after their own so yeah generally people start off way way too hard and just gas themselves right so they’re basta by the time they even come to come to even doing the run or even have you here maybe some people talking about you know pumpkin on the bike or the wall in a marathon as that type of feeling where you’re just you’re just nothing left I’m not GRA turn to two things maybe nutrition’s bad but more so that you’ve went too hard at the start and you just don’t have that fatness yet to be able go with that speed so slowing down a little but at the start you’ll find yourself warm enough you’ll find yourself getting a lot more used to the pace and you can actually start fully enjoying it maybe guys are besties yet right now well with the weeks and months to come on hopefully we’ll start to enjoy a little book michael way Jarrod’s getting off the bike there and everything seems like it sees dope and for some people who are maybe getting the bike for the first time or the first time in a long time is there a way to mitigate the effects of being in that lock position where you’re slightly hunched over your hands on the handlebars and your body isn’t necessarily moving outside of your legs I tried to get on the bike and go a bit over the course of the lockdown because my knees were starting to hurt from from a little bit of running high oh yes we mitigate that because it stopped me getting back on it yeah my back was started to seize up to things that you know one you’re going to get a lot more used to it the more times you practice at which you know was something like a bit of a con fight but the more times you do you will get used to secondly a lot of you know your mobility and your own flexibility and stop you know on the bike so again you know make sure you’re setting on your bank and fun it on the bait properly so even taking your way to your local bait shop and actually telling the guys on there you know can you just check me over to make sure I might be positioned on this paper ectly you know it’s Macedo key is Mahalo bars okay and that will take out any kind of don’t see you might have that it’s not just you could be I’m just not setting on the bait properly and flexibility more boldly yourself so working on your lower back especially so stress in that lower back oh it was much as possible when you’re off the bike and even your hamstrings and your quads and your hip flexor so any general can a stretched and tight program that you could do every day will massively massively help your comfort on the break and when you get off the bike even the most experienced people are going to find it really hard to get that jelly legs type feeling where your brain tells you you want to go with your body’s hand not a hope here I’m not going any further type thing you know you try and put your leg forward and it just doesn’t go where it wants to go and you feel you’re gonna fall in your your hands no so you do get a lot better on it I find that you know once you get off the bike the quarter you can try and get under your own entire the better so sometimes that means for the first you know thirty Seconds forty seconds you know we put more effort and first and trying to get back into your natural straight if you keep it very very short and contained you’re only just gonna stick to that type of short levers and short muscles and everything so train extend your extend your running as much as you possibly can when you get off the bank and do your straight and keep things moving as much as possible but I find that you get you get a lot more bang for your buck once the deficit starts to get longer and longer but you will get used to it but it’s not a pleasant pleasant experience for the first couple of minutes when you jump off the bike and try and run for sure what about the actual striking itself are there is there a is there a difference in the body position like where should the handle where should you grip your bike on your handlebars like what is the most efficient and what is the best way to do it once you eat your based on their typically you put your two hands just on your two hands of frontier put your your back your hands facing up to the up to the sky more or less that’s probably the most operate position that may not be the most Aero position you’re gonna be taking a lot of one than that but it’s typically the most comfortable as you get used to it and as I say your back position data but you can move on to the drops which is if you’re on a row thing where you’ve got the handlebars can occur to the front you can kind of move your hands down there a little bit closer to the brakes and it’s a little bit more Aero so you’re not taking as much one and you might go a little bit faster but it does take a little bit mobile in flexibility and you may not be as stable going there as you are when you have your hands up there if you’re on a hybrid and a big you’ll definitely have just your handles on it on the standard position the whole time and but it’s really about the personal preference whatever is comfortable to you you’re very getting comfortable first and you’re gonna push your hell of a lot harder and feel a lot more comfortable rather and trying to gain you know whatever five 10 percent and getting we but more Aero but you’re absolutely Boston just Tony just trying to stay in that position yeah and I pins needle that grace know sometimes you tend to find it maybe in your pinch points around your ankles or in your wrists and if you’re getting or even in your tools and things you know it’s generally turned bad either session that you’re on the bank or bad equipment so your shoes or your shorts and that’s another thing if you can invest in a really good pair of shorts it’ll be the best investment you make in terms of abate I would say don’t getting a serviced and looking after it if you’ve got a nice padded pair of shorts that you think you’re massively expensive to attain that’s the best buy you can you can definitely get you your butt your backside it’s gonna be it’s gonna take you know it’s gonna be sore for a little while until you get used to be just on that position on the saddle so a nice pair of comfortable shorts are some very very good investment if you can we’re all doing this great distance how far should we be going at this stage so it’s 20 K cycle run a cycle and then the cycle is the Sprint is gonna be 20k so sure I like to doing 20 K most days at the moment and it’s it’s okay that’s fine a couple people before just you know treat us like a bit of a training you’d be very surprised at the distance that you can achieve and that split your week up if you find it very comfortable doing 20k maybe the weekend you’ll push it out to maybe another tanky extra 30k but again just look after your pace and you know try and enjoy you know the senior NGP night and you’ll get a longer time cycle so that’ll make your 20k is a little bit easier than if you just keep going to the one just install the time that’ll be your limiting factor and you’ll find that that would be the hardest you know just to break past that Peyer so break past that barrier and go a little bit further don’t need more in too much about the the distance just go for time just say I’m gonna go for a couple of hours here stay in a nice safe flip so if you do get a little bit tired you can be like halfway through just like think you getting tired but the bait gives you so much freedom and what the the areas you can explore fantastic and it gets you inside your borders we normally just walk or drive – and then you can put a little bit a fast one and if you want during the week if you’re doing 20k you know simple warm-up for a 5k do a little bit harder for 5k go easier than for five get and then push the last 5k hard so it just breaks it up a little bit until intervals and what I’ll do I’ll make your 20k at the very end feel a lot easier and because you’ve actually worked past you’re supposedly limit from the previous ones so as much as you can mix it up as much as you can but again just treat it like training and you know you’re naturally gonna get federal the over the six weeks and the 20k will be no problem to use Nando I hope you’re a good stuff good good clear advice for us there thanks Lilia for joining us this morning

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