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    Filmed and edited by Garrett Horner
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    welcome to beyond the coverage I’m Chris horer today’s edition we got to start talking about dolphin a it’s coming up 2024 dolphin a comes up on Sunday so we got to bring it up here on beyond the coverage because of course I’m going to cover it for the butterfly effect we have Primos Rog and Rimco Abol coming together it’s one of two it’s two of the big fours that are coming together here at Criterium de Doan a so what do we need to see here out of these two writers and what do we need to see out of maybe some of the second page writers we have a really good starting list here at dolphin a for sure we have of course sep cus for vimol Lisa bike showing up what can the American writer do he said after winning the tour of Spain last year that he wants to come in he want wants to start winning races yonis Vino is not here for Vi molisa bike he’s still training he’s still trying to recover from that stage four bass country crash Primos Rog glitch Rim coiple went down in that same stage four crash at the bass country but of course had less damage in body effects than we’re talking about Jonas Figo and certainly less than jayvine who’s just now starting to get back on his bike hopefully jayvine my best wishes here from Beyond the coverage and the butterfly effect to jayvine to heal up quickly because he is a back on his bike some of the news have said but let’s focus a little bit here on dolphin a because along with those three Riders we got some other other riders coming in here like AO AO won that bass country now he won the bass country after those three Riders crashed on stage four wasn’t wearing the race leaders jersey until the very last stage and crossing the finish line of the last stage where he put the race leaders yellow Jersey on just before everything was all said and done but he won the bass country now he’s starting here for UAE memor and we saw T pagach here win the Jal so he’s not here so AO has green light to go for overall win here at DOL if he has the form we have a fabulous 34 km time trial that’s coming up on stage 4 here at dolphan a and it’s going to be a bit of a hilly one not super flat so it’s not necessarily ideal for AO but IO can climb he has power he can put on a fabulous time trial especially if we take Prost roll glitch and rim coev the pool and we say hey that’s stage four crash at the bass country is still affecting those two Riders they’re not 100% maybe they’re rid 90% maybe 95% I’ll show you a picture here of Ritch he looks incredibly thin this picture was posted up this last week so we we know for sure in terms of diet Primos roget is ready to go he’s not a few extra kilos heavy Philippa York if you remember that from Criterion from excuse me from if you remember that of course from Perry n where Philippa York said he was a few few kilos too heavy okay he’s clearly not a few kilos too heavy but has he had the training has he had the training dialed in to come in the here dolphin a and has he had that training that will handle the racing coming from the week here the dolphin a where they only have two and a half weeks to get ready for the tour to France now there’s one other riter that’s four Riders there’s certainly going to be one or two more and the next Rider has to be Carlos Rodriguez from Enos Carlos Rodriguez been solid gone top five at the tour to France and now he’s coming in here the dolphan a he can shine here at the dolphan A and then go into the torto France with really good form ta gagh Hart little Trek sixth Rider how can tail gagen har go if I take you back to the bass country I can I can show you him riding the front on the last and final stage there of the bass country while he was trying to secure the overall classification for skilos his teammate at liell Trek now they came up short that day liel Tre tactically they fell apart a little bit on the last climb on stage six the last category one climb there was still another category three after that and we know that a Uso went on the win that stage like I already told you but here ta gagen Hart has the green light of course to go for the go for the win that gives you six quality Riders from different teams should be a magnificent dolphin but there’s one more writer I want to add in there tberry remember tberry well you won the young leaders jersey at the at the Juro DEA that was just a week ago so tberry could come in here at Dolan that’s adding a seventh Rider on a seventh team man Richard plug the manager and director there at violis bike thank you for trading Primos rogl has made my whole 2024 season here when I’m talking about how this next race is going to develop here at dolphan and of course at the torto France where you traded Primos Ro over to borans girl and then left it where Jonas Vino now is crashed so there’s no backup rider for viz molisa bike unless of course it’s the American sep cus Now American has said he wants to come in he wants to start winning let’s say we’re looking here at the dolphin a and it was 2023 I have told you guys when the dolphin a started on beyond the coverage and the butterfly effect I said hey it’s not the Beall end all before the torto fronts you could come to the dolphin a you could be riding really soft really easy use it just for training because you normally still had about three and a half weeks to get ready for the tour to France that’s a ton of time that’s a solid two weeks worth of training a little bit of rest after dolphin a even and then a solid two weeks of training and then a few days rest before you started to Tor France but 2024 is a different year Richard BL traded pretty most Rog so everything’s changed but on top of that the Tour of France has been shortened a little bit the rest period between dolphan a and Tor of France where it used to be three and a half weeks this year because the Tor of France has been brought in a little bit earlier starting the 29th of June instead of getting into the third fourth or fifth of July like it would normally do because of the Olympics this year though they’ve had to shorten it up that means your form has to be a little bit sharper here at dolphin a I’m not saying you have to win dolphin a but it needs to be a little bit little bit sharper than what I’ve said in past years on the butterfly effect where I’ve definitely throughout my time riding Fato remember doing Dolan and riding it just for training remember doing it of course one year with estana when Yanni brovich won the general classification my teammate that year we were all sharp we’re all ready to go and we were all getting ready for the tour to France afterwards and I was in better shape you don’t lose shape after the dolphin a before the tour to France but you can still gain shape so when you’re watching here at dolphin a remember if somebody is to win the Tour to FR win Dolph excuse me not the tour to France but win Dolph then you know that he is at least that good if someone comes second third fourth or even 10th here at the dolphin a and is riding in the group back there kind of like we saw at the Juro where you had six seven guys back there chasing Ty pagota if you’re in that group and you’re hanging on the back there you’ll be okay you still have a solid week of training and a little rest solid week little rest start the tour to front but you need to be at least getting sharper in terms of your Fitness so Primos rogus I told you he look sharp but I don’t know his training we go over to Rimco abool I pulled up his straa I don’t know if this is the Holy bable Grail hair of bike racing training when I’m looking at the straa records here for Remco Evol because when I look back he has about three weeks that are sitting at about 450 one at one at 530 550 whatever it was he had a shorter week and then his first week a first coming back from the bass country I think it was about 150 miles little bit softer week then he had a couple medium weeks at 450 and like I said one at 500 it’s not the biggest weeks of training it’s not but remember he had the crash at the bass country so you’re building You’re Building You’re Building I would have liked to seen a few more a few more miles put on there but again maybe there is some more miles that he hasn’t put on straa so maybe he’s not telling everybody what he’s doing maybe his training was specifically done in each of his zone two zone three zone five whatever you want to call I’ve never trained with zones but but I know how to train but when I look there at Rim coab in the pool his training seems to be a little bit on the softer side than I personally would like but like I said as long as his Sensations have been fantastic as long as he can come and start dolphin a make it through the dolphin a really solid and not get fatigued from the dolphin a he can still get in that solid week of training maybe even we can call it8 nine 10 days of training depending on how you would come out of the dolphin a but he needs to be in the picture now I would expect Primos Rog glit and rim Co the pull highlight the dolphan a but as I just got done explaining they don’t have to what I expect is Primos rogach to come into the dolphin a and win the dolphin a well why do I expect that well we look at years past not last year at the dolphin a where we saw Jonas fineo dominate the dolphin a but the year before Primos Rog win in the dolphin a he won the overall classification that year was the coming out party of course two years ago where jonis Figo won the last Mountain Stage then later went into the T of France to win his first Tour of France and then back that up with a second Tour of France so we know if you come into the dolphin a with good form it’s not going to drop before the tour to France but as I said it can still come up now when we start looking at the individual time trial at 34 kilometers it’s a lengthly time trial we know Primos rogach is good at that distance he is the Olympic time trial individual time trial Champion we know Rim coiple is a time trial champion because he’s wearing the rainbow bands across his chest so we know he’s good we know I Uso is good so when we look at the first four days the first one looks like a Sprint the next two Mountain stages two and three they have Summit finishes their category three climbs one of the stages I believe is stage two had a category two coming up and then into a category three that’ll Summit so two and three Summit so they have to be sharp right away in this first week if they want to win the overall classification at dolphan a Primos Rog Rim Co theol that is they have to be really sharp because those two guys are really going to get looked after when we’re talking about the other competition guys and they should be getting attacked now both teams have come with their Ace lieutenant Bros roget has FL off next to him and he has ji Henley who you want to pick as his number one ace Lieutenant I’ll leave it up to you guys I can flip it either way if ji Henley is 100% on form I could take ji Henley as his first lieutenant but blasts off every bid I believe and in some senses I think more consistent than ji Henley but certainly ji Henley is not a Juro detali winner because he’s some scrub out there they can’t ride the bike so he’s got two Ace climbing lieutenants next to him we go over there to REM coiple we start seeing the same kind of scenario where he has his solid guys he has Mel Landa and Elon Van Wilder there that backing him up Ian Van Wilder is not quite that first first sharp sharp Lieutenant but Ian Ian V Wilder has shown marvelous form looking after Rimco to pull deep into the mountain stages and when I take you back to the Balta espa that Rim kapol won ilon Van Wilder was fabulous that that year and was basically as close to being the first solid Lieutenant like we saw like a Rafa Micah guy not quite on that same level but almost there so we know Rim Co theol with Mel land he’s on form and Elon van Willer he’s got two guys solidly back them up both teams are going to highlight for sure here at the dolphin a if they’re going to go come out of here with the victory Bor Hans grow Su all Quick Step we’re going to highlight the next team so when we start talking about SE when we start looking at se cus American Rider right now his chance is here to shine he doesn’t have yonas vino in the race we all understand he’s crashed out he’s still recovering but right now if sep was to say win the dolphin a let’s say he goes into the individual time trial on stage four he pulls out some marvelous time trial there puts himself in the race leader leaders running there after the individual time trial doesn’t have to win but he’s in the running now we start getting into the last stages when we’re talking about six seven and eight six and seven both finished with a HC category climb those are going to be monster climbs and of course eight is going to finish with a category one climb so you have three big mountain stages at the end of 8 days of racing if sep cus was to stay close on the individual time trial on stage four let’s say the American Rider comes into that stage six seven or eight could even be on stage eight Primos R glitch Rimco EV thepool are watching each other they’re not 100% sharp but they’re very good they’re watching each other keeping an eye on each other they don’t have a quite the support that brings them deep into the climb so they don’t have a teammate on the front setting Pace all of a sudden we got look at just those six seven riders that I highlighted at the beginning in this video they start attacking the two favorites in the race REM coab and the P Primos Rog and then they those two Riders start playing some tactical game let’s say sep cus rides away and wins dolphan a well if he was to win dolphan a now this race starts setting some huge importance for the r for the American writer SE cus because no one’s going to know exactly except for the power meter that is if yonas F go before the torto France tires proper exactly where he’s at so if that power meter is not reading off the chart for Jonas Figo all of a sudden SE cus right here at the dolphin a if he was to win here and win by something some kind of impressive something impressive that look something that we saw out of the last two dolphin a from Yambo visma team Primos RIT and yonis vineo where yonis vineo dropped everyone in Solo where Primos Ritch along with yonas Vino dropped everyone in Solo if seep cus was to pull something like that here at the dolphan a this race could have a huge mag magnitude effect when sep cus is starting the tour to France because no one’s going to know exactly where yonas Fino is so we have to pay attention to Sunday’s race because dolphin a could be big for the American sep cus and I can take you back when we start looking back at at T pagach team UA team Emirates AO if he was to win here it’s not going to change anyone’s opinion we all know Ty pagach is going into the Tour of France is the outright leader so we know early in that first week aayo Adam Yates Solair Tim wellin all their big favorites COV that are that are going to start here at Dolan and go to the tour France no matter what happens over there at UAE team Emirates no matter how much they dominate T Pacha is the leader there at UA team Emirates but sep cus b m Lisa bike may be the leader if he was to win here at Dolan so lots of reasons to tune in now let’s go a little bit deeper into some of the tactics that we might see here from some of the sprinters because there’s not a ton of sprinters here starting dolphin a but there is one Matts pson so when we look at stage one of course we see little truck’s going to want to control stage one or have some kind of help in control on the pelaton because mads P’s here so they’re going to want a Sprint the next stage the only other stage I see that could come into effect for Mad pson winning a stage and little Trek being able to take out one or two stage victories here at dolphan a has to be stage five normally I’d call stage five a stage for the Breakaway Riders but when you got a climber and a sprinter like mattz Pon okay not a climber let’s call him a little hill hill climber he can get over some solid little sticks from time to time so mads Pon if he’s on form and normally he would be starting to get come back on form with a tourto France starting especially if you watch Johnny Milan from Little Trek winning all those three stages at the jural to tell you got to believe mads Pon is wanting to put his stamp of approval back there with all the managers and the DS’s there at little Tre that hey I can win bike races too don’t forget about me just because Johnny Milan the Italian Rider won three stages there at the jro so we start thinking stage one stage five personally I think those are stages for Li out Trek to really control those stages and try to bring them down to some to give some kind of opportunity for mads Pon to take one if not two stage victories here at dolphan a okay when we start looking a little bit further and we start looking at other Riders there’s not the whole depth of riders that I see when we go further down there’s Davi godu of course from fdj he’s mentioned of course that he wants the podium at the tour to France he’s gone solid in the tour to France before and last season he was in the top 10 so a rider like Davi godo is someone to pay attention to here at dolphan to see if he’s recovered he’s had some accidents and crashes throughout the beginning part of 2024 season that’s why he hasn’t been as super sharp remember he’s gone Podium there at Perry last season when he went there right in between second on the podium between pagota and Jonas Fino and last year’s Perry but this year he’s had more crashes more more setbacks in his training and his racing so now start start paying attention to do goodu from the fdj team and whether or not if he can get a little bit sharper here at dolphan so he’s ready for the tour to France and of course coming from a French team fdj you know they want to go well in the Tour of France because Mark mtio if I remind you guys Arnold Demar their Sprinter he got rid of Arnold dear and I got to believe it had something to do here with Davi godu where their Chemistry Between the Sprinter and the climber was not anything anything close to beautiful and so we know there’s a little bit of pressure on DAV goo to go good here at Dolan and then get himself ready for the T of France this next this next week of racing here at dolphin a should tell us who’s certainly sharp and of course remember to pay attention to the writers even though if we see Rim coab the p and Primos ruggish not winning dolphan as long as they’re up there in the picture they have just enough time after the dolphan to sharpen up that form get ready for the tour to France and remember when we’re talking about that seven eight nine days of training solid training between dolphin a and the torto France once the torto France starts proper you still a few stages in the tour to France to sharpen up your skills but if to pagach is coming in there 100% And we look at the first stages of the tour to France being a little Hillier than what we’re normally used to you got to believe you got to come into the first week of the tour to France good which means we need to see Primos R which from Rimco the pool at least with the front guys here for this next eight day stages here at dolphan make sure you guys like And subscribe I’ll bring you some more coverage before dolphin a starts proper and then it’s the butterfly effect all over again for dolphin a 24 see you guys real soon


    1. Great preview! Now you've got me all hyped up for the Dauphine! 😀 You didn't mention Joao Almeida or Isaac del Toro for UAE… I know the team is stacked with good talent but I'm sure Almeida wants to contribute… assuming they're on the Dauphine/TdF squad? I think Sepp's chances are realistically not very good at either race, but hey! Stranger things have already happened. 😉

    2. Watching this, I couldn’t help thinking that this is the golden age of cycling. There is so much talent across the teams. Thankful that we’re getting to watch it.

    3. I'd take Jorgenson and Kelderman any day as my mates against any other team's GC supporting cast in the Dauphine. That's a solid supporting act!

    4. I think Pippa York meant Rog being overweight in the same way that UAE are now saying Pog will be 1kg lighter at the Tour than he is at the end of the Giro.

    5. But…..isn’t there like a curse that who wins Dauphine doesn’t win the Tour afterwards?
      I‘ll have to take look in the winning list 👊🧚‍♂️🦋

    6. As much as i adore Sepp, this sounds like wishful American thinking. I will definitely be rooting for Sepp thought!

      Go GC Kuss!

      Sincerely – a Danish Vingegaard fan 😉

    7. Love Sepp but against Pog he has zero chances. Zero.

      EDIT: Ah sorry, I thought this was about the Tour. Criterium-nobody cares…😂😂

    8. NO!…………….but SAVE is a relative term, save them from having a 'Giro type' performance, then yes, Pull out what Vinnegaard or Roglic (in previous years!) would have, and I suspect this is where Pluge would want it, then I doubt it given the competition! That's not to take away from Kuss as a rider.

    9. I think focusing on Kuss would be a mistake Jorgenson is on fire this year I think a equal leadership of the two with vingegaaard playing as a quasi domstique and looking how it goes if he is good they can swich later they wont have to pace so they dont need a deep team because they dont have a real in form favourite

    10. The short answer is no Sepp is not. The sad fact is that after the terrible crash early in the season caused by an inattentive rider who should not have been with the front group, the Galactico level of the 2024 season is a wash as a real competition.
      Watching the Giro made it clear that Pog the only Galactico not involved in the crash was far ahead of any of his competitors in the Giro and do his win in the was ‘easy’.
      Vinnegaard, WVA, Roglic have all had their preseason prep massively ended and if press reports are right Vinnegaard’s injuries are effectively season ending and its 100% certain that in no way will he be 100% prepared for the start of the TDF.
      Hence clutching at straws commentaries like this one – full of ands, ifs, maybes, and buts when the reality is that the TDF is already won by Pog.
      The sad fact for Pog is that he knows this and that his win in the upcoming TDF is effectively meaningless as his real competition is either not present or not fit.
      In my opinion VLB should end the charade and send a development team and plan for. Jonas in 2025

    11. Do you think Matteo Jorgenson will try to compete for a GC position at Tour the France or go for stages? Assuming Vingo isnt going to the Tour

    12. Pedersen is not the only sprinter – there is Sam Bennet. And he demonstrated at 4 Days of Dunkerque that he sure can climb, so I expect those two to show some solid battles in the first two stages.

    13. Kuss will save nothing… He's a great rider who did get the biggest present ever from his teammates… Do not forget that others didn't attack Kuss in last Vuelta because he did have Primoz and Jonas as helpers. It was more or less the same situation as we have seen with nobody attacking pogacar this last Giro…

      Sep will never ever get close of such a situation anymore, and a top ten result will be the highest that he will ever achieve… I would love to be wrong, but making Sep any kind of favourite is American wishfull thinking.

    14. Apparently Roglic is in great form, after all in the crash at the Basque he didnt really suffer any fracture as opposed to Remco and Vingo, just bump and bruises and he recovered quickly.

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