Q&A From Cannes Film Festival. Just finished walking the red carpet and chatting with you guys!

    stay tuned for the Cannes Vlog and more on Mitch’s Channel @MitchellPhun

    [Music] one all right there we go where how was taking our virginity from the famous red carpets it was interesting there was so many people on the carpet yeah um it’s not as long as it looks like 20 30 m I know it’s very short T can we actually do a live on Tik Tok while we’re doing this sure let’s go for let’s go live on Tik Tok so we’re going live on Tik Tok just like I I said we would and we’re going to make this happen so be me guys here where you need the tripod no it’s kind to lean it up against that you sure yeah okay so I want tank are the person that actually brought us here the brand and the person Killian he’s the one that brought us here to the red carpet he’s the one this the second time I’m doing the red carpet so it’s all because of Kon I want to thank him want to than the whole team the team is amazing and couldn’t have a better better oh there you go okay so I think right now we’re going live on Tik Tok yes we are and then we’re going to go we’re going to talk about it we’re going to talk about everything everything everything you got room Ser service no I haven’t no my phone was there hello everybody we are live on Tik Tok we are actually what the phone’s over there yeah well we ordering Ro service after because I don’t have the manual we are live on Tik Tok we are actually recording the podcast right now me and Mitchell we’re just yeah we just got out of the red carpet and we’re celebrating right now what time is it in in 10 p.m. it’s 10 p.m. in K we’re about to pop a little bottle of champagne have some food and maybe go party I don’t know you want to go party party or sleep party or sleep there’s two options what do you guys think we should do but anyways we just wanted to do this live after the red carpet we want to thank Mr kilan the guy that made everything happen you know the brand the name uh that made everything happen Esther Lauder that made everything happen uh thank them for inviting us to you know make like it’s it’s always a great opportunity it’s always a great thing to do come to K do the red carpet not possible without them no how was your your first experience in red carpet even if you you didn’t do the roll call you’re like more are like helping me go through it I was like just making sure people don’t get in your way but you were just stepping on everybody’s dresses yeah exactly it was yeah this this this red carpet actually was a little crowded for my taste but it’s okay yeah it was fine um yeah okay guys let’s Pop Let’s Celebrate one two three and hey we have no glasses oh yea let’s go we took we took Mr Mitchell virginity out of the [ __ ] red carpet boy I been to a red carpet before just not this one well that’s the red carpet that’s the one that everybody want to come exactly okay so nevertheless let’s thank Killian you know I want to show some fragrance that they gave me where is it where’s the fragrance it’s over there yeah they they actually showcasing a few fragrances this this season and I want to go show tell show you guys this is the main one Angel share by kilan that’s actually very good one you laughing why you laughing that’s [Laughter] actually look it’s making very weird sounds with the chair the chair is making weird sounds cuz thinking I’m fny I’m not but anyways uh there you go that’s a very good fragrance that’s the one that’s the one that I’m wearing right now oh there you go restrictions because we’re holding a bottle champagne I’m so sorry guys but anyways this one is the one I’m wearing right now it’s called Angel share by Kian it’s great you guys should definitely go by and get it there’s some other fragrance that they that the they gave me right now but this one is definitely by far my favorite from tonight and the one that I’m wearing and wear in the red carpet anything you want to say about it tell me how was your experience Mitch it was good it was good good to see the behind the scenes of getting ready from getting ready to getting the photos done video done and then walk in the carpet it was good yeah yeah so we actually yeah so we actually did a lot of content um we did the get get ready with me content me showing this is all actually let’s shout shout out lvan lvan is the one that got me all the s got me all suit up and shout out Jimmy shoe the one that got me the shoes so Jimmy shoe shoes L suited up everything thing is amazing actually good what you what what you keep laughing she said Jimmy Shu isn’t it Jimmy cheu it’s Jimmy cheu not Jimmy cheu no it just sounded like you said Jimmy Shu yeah but I sorry I’m Brazilian so I did I say Jimmy Shu what are you doing I’m calling room service yeah but you don’t know what you ordering you want steak no no stop stop stop stop stop well I want water first okay you don’t want to go downstairs me oh sure anyways no room service for us it’s a big mess right now so let’s talk about everything that we did so we went to the red carpet that was just done we actually met this morning I just flew in from from uh New York City and arriving k um and uh I flew in yesterday yeah Mitchell flew in from Singapore yesterday had some trouble at the immigration yeah they didn’t want to let him in because you know obviously they were like where is Singapore racial profiling like where’s Singapore French French PE look sorry I don’t want to say okay let’s let’s jump this let’s jump there let’s not say let’s not say anything about it uh so yeah um we actually saw each other this morning I’m very tired from the very like terrible flight that I had but we’re still let’s go let’s let’s keep pumping it’s 10 o’ right here in New York as well like 6:00 no 4 4:00 in New York I don’t know it’s like the thing is New York is 6 hours behind Europe time and Singapore is 6 hours ahead so your 400 p.m. is my 4: a.m. right now is your 4: a.m. right now oh yeah so yeah we’re all messed up we’re both really tired but we’re messed up in the time but I don’t believe in this whole time situation I believe in living in the day by day in the noun so like just go through it you know there’s some [ __ ] that’s going to [ __ ] around just like Mitchell did doing right now he clapped me twice today so his payback but it is what it is yeah that’s um you want to answer okay so actually why don’t you take the Tik Tok phone and we can answer some questions from the yeah we can we can we can read but just come closer come come closer they’re sharing if you guys want to ask us some questions that will be featured in the podcast we’re recording the podcast at the same time right now so ask us anything on this live and we will ask we answer actually this live right now the one that we’re doing at this moment it’s going to be available on my yo Cho podcast YouTube channel I don’t know actually maybe maybe webe we’re going to cut some things off since it’s a live one but it will definitely be available um we want to answer every question you guys want to you want to ask uh I do want to say I’ve been a little bit off the whole yeah I’ve been a little bit off the whole podcast situation because of like um traveling you know many things moving in my life actually Mito actually being very busy with his own life so since we need each other to do the podcast uh we’ve been a little bit off but we’re definitely planning on moving back and like making the podcast a lot more freaking so if you guys want it yeah we can definitely do it more often but if you guys don’t want it we can Al Al also like just shut it down what you feel like feel like keep going I think we should keep going because people keep asking me every every week they’re like when’s the next episode yeah like I don’t know but you guys have to keep asking me to bring Jordan in like I’m G to bring whoever I want to bring in I’m not it’s not I I I love Jordan he’s my friend I think he’s great but you know I’ll bring people that I want to bring in maybe Jordan don’t want to be part of it so I don’t want to push it so if you guys want I’ll bring other people in you can name other people and that’s how it’s going to go and um uh what else what else give me some life updates other than us being here in KH I mean life updates not not not much you’re in New York in New York for a bit and then now after K tomorrow tomorrow my last day in K like I said we are um working with kilan right here kilan is a fragrance brand uh this is actually the fragrance that I’m wearing right now is Angel share by Kon and um he’s the one that brought is here and this is what’s happening tomorrow we going to the kilan party and um after tomorrow I’m going off to Germany in Berlin I have a job in Berlin I’ll probably stay in Berlin for a few days and um yeah that’s going be fun and then I probably stay in Europe I probably stay in London for some some weeks until I go back to Brazil to my family because I miss them a lot and uh and that’s the that’s the hard part about the job I guess you know traveling a lot and being away from the family um I guess a lot of people of that are watching right now guess that thought thought that I’d like retire modeling or some some you know something like that but I never retired I guess I can take some breaks on like you know going to Brazil and um but I’m never I’m I never stopped doing it I’m always traveling I’m always doing my thing um I am most likely going to go to Fashion Week now in June this Fashion Week in uh for men’s in um in Milan and Paris I probably going to go there watch some shows maybe walk some shows but I’m definitely not pushing to walk I’m definitely pushing more to watch the shows but if some some brand want to have me walking I’ll walk no problem this is your favorite part of fashion is actually yeah it’s actually one of my favorite things to do is walk the shows but now now with my you know I can’t really be walking manyi shows why your size yeah it’s it’s just it’s just uh I don’t know it’s just I guess you know marketing thank you for subscribing yeah guys okay uh send questions all the subscribers they out there I guess the I guess subscribers only questions yeah so all the subscribers are out there send questions we are live on Tik Tok and we actually recording live for the podcast so you do the question we answer live and it’s going to be in the podcast when you’re coming to Singapore uh actually Mitchell is trying to make me go to Singapore in September in September to watch the f one the night race the night race so we’re working on it while working on it so keep your fingers crossed for another Chico and Mitch take over mhm more question people let’s go more question I can I can keep talking I mean k is great I love K it’s a great place um how do you like K Mel cool I’m a big fan and okay you got have okay here go okay M’s gonna start trying to read some questions yeah ask us anything I need go up there’s somebody say like whatever whatever they’re just saying that say hi hi are you in London right now no we are not in London we’re in France we’re in K Film Festival that’s why we’re dressing like this wow oh W oh had ballons Riverside it does the same thing as WhatsApp so you do like this and whoa uh Dan all right guys ask us any questions we’re going to be here for a bit before we go buy some steaks yeah we’re pretty hungry and we’re kind of tired and we’re trying to figure out what we’re going to do if we actually regards fromy bro oh yeah regards what is your skincare routine from 2010 Ed water from 2010 I had I never had a skincare routine to be honest with you um I I actually have to I I do use moisturizer and like a toners sometimes but I don’t really have a skincare routine I’m actually starting I’m trying to start something with jazz that we do skincare skin care routines you know with different products see let’s see if that’s GNA you know catch but yeah that’s it any other question are you still going to do the podcast with Jordan he answered that earlier yeah I just answered that I mean the podcast with Jordan is more if Jordan wants to do it than me uh I’ve been talking with him lately but he’s seem pretty busy so we see what happens how do you handle missing your family while being away since you travel a lot it’s hard but you know it’s it’s it’s it is what it is for them to live in a very good place like in Brazil it’s worth it it’s just worth it but it’s hard how much water did you drink in 2010 in 2010 how like how do you how do you want me to answer the question like this is like a terrible question to be honest with you I never I’m not I’m not a very big water Drinker I drink a lot of water at night what is your phone wallpaper right now it’s the world the GL the globe it’s the globe do you have any advice or motivation for someone have starting exams soon exams like what like test oh advice go study I’m terrible exams like I always been very bad at exams so I always study my ass off to try to make the like at least break through the exam so yeah if you’re if you’re terrible like me go study but study a lot like when I say study a lot study a lot because yeah I have friends that they didn’t even had to study and they would get great great like grades but that wasn’t my case they’re saying I’m not studying because I want to watch your live oh [ __ ] sorry you should stop watching my live and go to study that’s for sure what else oh someone asked something about jump rope do you still enjoy jump rope I love jump rope how often do you do it I mean I’ve been doing the jump rope challenge so I have to do it every day unfortunately because the last few days has been a little busy so I haven’t done it but like that’s not an excuse so usually when I don’t do it a day or two I I just like add the time to the next few days that’s how I do it who is your favorite M musician I don’t have it doesn’t have one happy birthday Rodrigo Rodrigo I guess you’re Brazilian phers Georgio happy birthday Georgio when did you start modeling I I started modeling 2019 no 2009 sorry oh my God I’m like L boss right now I start M 2009 in Paris he’s Portuguese but close enough who’s Portuguese Rodrigo jgo okay F anniversar I cannot what else have you met Neymar yeah I did but whatever [Music] uh hi Tahir hi Tahir is tah his name do you think becoming a fight did I ever think becoming a fighter no if you remember me I was the one who changed the wallpapers at the phone store [Laughter] no I changed my own wallpaper did somebody change who’s the nicest celebrity you’ve met Ken you West silence criet okay so we have a couple of projects that we’re working on together we have a few videos coming out we have two we’re gonna have two Vlogs no I’m good thanks we’re gonna have two Vlogs one celebration night part one and part two he’s forcing me that Sound help that sound stop look how abusive he is my face you guys saw it here here there’s another one I can’t this um so we have two projects that we’re working on we still have to do his skincare routine his catwalk video well skincare routine I’ll leave it to Jess tomorrow we have the whole day tomorrow we the catwalk video tomorrow we have a party and 900 p.m. so like literally we can sleep until 12 and still have nine hours to do whatever you want that is true uh what’s my favorite fragrance right now is Angel share by kilan this is my frag F favorite fragrance it’s actually great yeah actually does smell really good does I mean it’s a little more to the sweeter side if you like if you like something a little more strong and sweet like it’s that’s your fragrance uh I like it for you know special occasions like tonight red carpet night yeah red carpet night what favorite collar I guess black but it’s not a collar it’s a shade okay so my favorite shade black hi Isaac who do you think is the best model ever me I’m not joking me Cho why you spending the two years spent oh my God this to many wait go go go go go go he said what are you going to give me for the $2 has spent subscribing saying hi love I don’t know love we did this I did this on the car carpet yeah me too we were in the carpet and we did like this together so we look like a boy band from Korea only one of us is Korean I’m not even Korean even if we’re not Korean Chico do you trim your eyebrows no I never trim my eyebrows ever it’s just just like this how did you get into modeling he has an episode about that so you guys can go back and watch it episode one yeah it’s yeah there’s a whole episode about how I got into M link it actually just happened say yo alas yo alas yo would you ever grow your hair out like how how long the problem is like my hair is very thick like and like if I let it grow it’s not going to go down it’s just going to become like a [ __ ] ball so I can’t really grow my hair out I tried before but like right now it’s like if you look at it it’s actually very long it’s like on my KNE on my nose already on your knees on my knees but it’s because it’s so thick it’s it doesn’t fall you see it’s kind of like it’s kind of like a straight dog hair okay okay do you like Star Wars yeah actually haven’t seen I’m not like I’m not like a fanboy but I do like it I’m not GNA be like oh my God Star Wars someone gave us this Kawaii Japanese how do it say how do it say Kawaii I don’t know how say Kawaii Korean thoughts about edits what do you mean edits ah the edits that you guys do of me it’s great I love it keep doing it I think it’s very funny I love make it very comic I’ll laugh my whole as off someone said someone said mogged great uh can you say happy birthday Rodrigo I already say happy birthday Rodrigo uh favorite combat fighter favorite combat fighter okay that’s a good one um I would say uh now right now is uh Alex Perera from UFC MMA definitely him Jess says I want to see his outfit what do you mean she texted me I want to see his outfit tell her to go live I said we’re live right now call just maybe she’s maybe she’s not a subscriber right now call just can see my calling just we’re live say hi JZ Jess is Jess is so pretty J is working okay J want to see my outfit here it’s l Von L Von yeah yeah we’re live we’re talking with people okay bye she CH has to go okay jazz is working uh you definitely have to check my edits it made funny okay uh what’s her name let me go back up funny on for go pit pit psycho okay we’re gonna check her ated sweet cycle uh yo Isaac and Alex yo Isaac and Alex [Music] yo Alex yo lant oh my God I’m just going to be saying yo right now favorite outfits Warr Jesus warant time modeling um you like this no actually my actually that definitely when I was doing um Jano shows um that was my favorite outfits there were crazy I loved it I like the craziest they are the the the more I love it and also when I did um the square show um that I was like all blooded up that was actually very nice also kind of like Fight Club style um but I would say definitely my favorite one when I was uh when I did Jung galano and I was like kind of like a a samurai type of character I don’t know that was definitely my favorite one huh stop with this [ __ ] okay I can’t read stop stop say [Music] W who’s your favorite actor Oh that’s oh I don’t know it’s just like music I don’t really have a favorite actor I like I like actors for different reasons um you did to my hair uh I don’t I don’t have a favorite actor to be honest I like I like I like a lot of actors for many different reasons so like I don’t really have a favorite one okay that my question um do you guys think I should become an actor or do you guys think I should just go with my life and do something else I I I’ll leave you guys the judge of it this is like you know this a serious questions serious question they said yes to come an after because it takes a lot of time I already I’ve done it I’ve done a lot of uh classes and things like that it takes a lot of time it takes a lot of struggle uh but yeah okay they will watch my movie what’s your diet I don’t have it I’m literally drinking W shend right now and I just ate a burger and we ate what we ate today french fries and two a ton of bread basket a lot of bread and and like four eggs salmon yeah no yeah eat anything I just eat and work out that’s what you have to do if you have eating disorder and then maybe and like if you have like a like facility on like gain weight maybe like don’t eat so much but that’s not my case what food do you hate uh what food do I hate um I would say I don’t like mushrooms when is like very mushroomy like mushroom mushroom you know I don’t like it room service what food would you recommend the most uh I don’t know whatever you like exactly what is your opinion about Luke maxing we also have an episode about that so when my opinion about Luke maxing is like if you’re doing it the right way the soft way it’s all good but if you’re doing the hard way like the bone crushing bone crushing and like and like surgery and stuff I don’t s that so you do what you will what else I’m tired of reading question can you start reading questions I’m tired of reading questions as well okay what time is it how long are we in on this live minutes we 40 minutes on the live already 30 minutes okay let’s do 10 more minutes 10 more minutes okay we do 10 more minutes of Live And then we out because we have to eat we have to eat my J lagged and we have to hydrate and we have to you know whatever have to do do you like Mexican food I love Mexican food love love a nice burrito a nice Taco a nice nice cadila a nice guacamole just naming everything now no it’s but yeah it’s good man if I had it right now I would [ __ ] love it have you ever wanted to be a pro football player no maybe tennis yes favorite tennis player jovic Indian or Chinese food Indian rapid rapid hour questions have you ever wanted to be anything than a model no no I started way too early have you been to Albania no when did you start jump rope when I was a kid can you get Marlon on the podcast maybe maybe best and worst part about being a dad best is being a dad worse is being a away what is your favorite midnight snack um dark chocolate or ice cream ice cream actually vanilla only I don’t eat anything else with the vanilla I hate flavor ice cream when it’s too sweet I don’t like it I like savorite [Music] stuff someone says bro I need to see Chico vers Mitch on FIFA do you only play fortnite I only play fortnite I tried to get Chico to play fortnite but he broke his monitor pled it in for like 10 like 10 minutes I had my monitor I broke it and I was like you know what I give sign I give up yeah that’s a sign that’s a sign I’m not a gamer he almost became one almost maybe we can maybe we can do it yeah maybe Mitch have you ever considered modeling cycling or tennis oh that’s a tough one gun to your head because cycling if you say cycling it can be like I I’m into every type of cycling I’m like I love Road cycling I love mountain biking uh I love mountain biking more than road but danis um yeah I don’t know it’s a hard question if you say like you have to like give up one sport for your whole life what would you give up cycling or tennis like not even commuting can I commute to different places I no you’re making the rules right now um if you have to give up one of them I think you would give up tennis no no I mean there are other bracket Sports yeah I’ll give up tennis I’ll play [ __ ] tennis instead or pickle ball squash no squash why I keep trying to open this OB bottle I’m like keep like would you play lacrosse no all right so no no keep asking they’re nice CR7 or Messi CR7 keep ask keep asking the rapid questions I like rapid questions London or New York New York how much do you bench press I don’t remember I haven’t bench pressed in like months what wedding season it’s not wedding this is like can red carpet dude we’re not at a wedding like we’re like literally in the most famous red carpet in the world right now and it’s not a wedding did you turn off the AC indoor Outdoors Outdoors all day long uh what keeps you motivated and you guys yeah motivated um IPA or light beer IPA IPA all day actually I feel like drinking IPA right now order one they don’t have it do they do you use sunscreen yeah I have to 50 I mean I don’t I I always forget but I have to because I have ques of uh cancer skin cancer in my family so I should beer wine beer if you could be any age Italy or Germany Italy of course crazy Drake or Kendrick Kendrick actually that’s a very hard question I love Drake I’ve like but lately Drake has been putting a lot of [ __ ] albums I don’t really like it um Co Kendrick’s definitely the my favorite cor definitely Co peps sucks I know you’re German I love Germany but like you can’t compare with Italy I’m sorry there’s a question up here that we missed Germany’s just Germany’s great but Italy is is is just greater if you could be any age in your life which would you choose age yeah I don’t know 19 which one would you choose this this age really yeah because I’m not [Laughter] fat I don’t know it’s hard it’s a hard question because I like I like I mean I I be I was a father very young I was a father at 21 and that’s definitely the best year of my life when I became a father um but like being 19 was great because it was we Jazz and we were having the time of our life um it’s a deep question it’s a very deep question because there’s a lot of like like variables involve it but maybe yeah maybe now now it’s a good age I mean I don’t really have a favorite age but I like I like all my ages I think I had a great life like I’m going to die tomorrow yeah like you had a great life someone said when is the next L Jordan Barett or Shanel pry [ __ ] is this question pancakes or waffles pancakes waffles definitely waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles waffles and fried chicken who’s your favorite person to be onet with Mitchell what’s your favorite brand car brand Audi RS what the best champagne um I don’t know I don’t really care I drink all them as long as they’re good Mitch is being held hostage by Chico no actually what you’re being held HED by the force we got we got K TRW to drink our champagne how my drink got go how’s I don’t think we can how’s your day so far nasty how’s your day so far favorite favorite anime Dragon Ball Z all day what espresso or cappuccino he drank both today at breakfast coffee I don’t have a favorite for coffee I like all coffees don’t don’t get me started he drank three different types of coffe coffee person of like the biggest coffee person you ever like think of your life Mitch looks like a model in that suit but he’s short anyone is short compared to [Laughter] Chic all right okay I can read it do you think have kids okay there’s a lot of deep questions right there CH with 66 I’m not 66 I’m 64 63 actually sorry can you go can we go check Mitch looks like a member of the BTS and me we’re both the new members okay what else those somebody there do you think you had kids at a good age or do you think it look away for experience on your own life no I I mean look you had you your life your life is I I believe in destiny you don’t control it it just happens like my life would be just as is if I tried it or not tried it whatever happened with my life right now it’s great I love it like it’s it’s just meant to be so like I had kids Young young age and that’s how it meant to be and I don’t know I don’t know if you guys think but I think I’m a great father and I think I was born to be a father and I wouldn’t even imagine my life without my kids like it’s not even a question I wouldn’t even be like oh if you if you were not a father in such a young age like how would your life be as like I don’t know maybe maybe it’ll be a homeless right now I have no idea but like I don’t imagine because they’re literally my life they’re literally my soul they’re literally like literally what I trive to be and I I my role right now in the world is just to make them be a good person and that’s it you know I love it it’s like that’s that’s maybe that’s how what I born to be I born to be a father not a model not an actor not any of that but you know I got my side gigs like you guys like to say I Aspire you to learn Portuguese okay got favorite favorite Dragon Ball character Dragon Ball character Mau Vegeta Vegeta is my favorite sorry everybody but Vegeta is my favorite how do you like your steak done me and rare rare than meting uh yes I would actually allow my kids follow my steps if they want to um I love modeling I love my job and I think it’s a great opportunity to travel the world and to meet other people and to see different cultures and to learn different languages to literally like open up your horizons and like to be a better person um and we do have a very good and easy entry way for them if they decide to be a model ever we can provide them like the best agencies the best the guidance so yeah I would 100% like let them do it I I would not be opposed I’m a free thinker what’s a freeth thinker what’s a free thinker like no religion like I don’t know I believe in Jesus do we believe in Jesus I believe in Jesus Jesus but I don’t know yeah I guess I’m a free Tinker but I do I do I yeah there you go I do I I I I have a very big religious background uh from my parents so I would lie to you if I say I’m not religious uh but I I don’t go to the church I don’t follow my kids are not baptized um I would like for them to sick whatever they are they they want to Seck you know I don’t want to choose for them you know and at the same time I do believe there’s someone out there that’s looking for us you know that’s it what’s your favorite game me fortnite my favorite game it’s um GTA like for Miles Away the mo GTA is the only game that I ever finished it’s the only game that the when it comes out I’m just going to be obsessed with it December is it yeah no it’s not it’s not like next year or something no man GTA 6 gonna be crazy one me on fortnite favorite GTA character uh I mean there’s so many I don’t really have a favorite this way way too many all right we’re at 45 minutes okay he wants to leave I actually enjoying this thing I mean you can stay I’m going to order some stay you want to order here you want to go downstairs you think they’re open what time is it I think they’re open call call them call where is that menu thingy no no call no don’t call ask if there is like a restaurant open sorry guys we’re like having like first world problems right now h ask hey is there any restaurant open is the restroom downstairs open or should we just order room service because I’m hungry and I’m a Kardashian just not even opening it’s fascinating how many fans I have actually I do also think that I also think it’s fascinating how many F I have and I and I do want to thank all you guys and I’m GR f for all your support um to be honest to be completely honest with you I never really understood why um but I’m thankful I I mean you know like I love it I I love the love you know keep giving love I will I’ll receive the love I will give back the love if you guys ever meet me in the street come up to me ask a picture ask a hug ask anything you one I will be there for you you know I I I have no problem I’m a very normal guy I’m a very down to work guy and I like you know I I’m just grateful skateboard no board it’s no board def no bo one second can you what’s happening hello hello no they they hang up on you [Music] hello it’s ringing again how often do I get recognized actually quite often yeah even in the middle of nowhere in the middle of nowhere it’s true s MO can you check the the the questions yeah they’re so busy they’re not even answering should we go downstairs okay but there’s so many people there there’s like 1,800 people I know my battery is dying okay Mitchell wants to finish the live say goodbye I don’t say I want to my laptop is dying bye Mitchell I’m under hostage bye guys I love you all thank you very much we’re going to do this again tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow before the party we’re going to dress up again very chic and nice you know and clean this whole thing someone’s at the door and we’re going to do it again okay see you guys someone’s at the door I know I [Music] know so


    1. these two are lowkey fucking each other or something. they are both highly irritated with each other throughout the whole video, like a married couple. or someone isnt getting the pay he thinks he should get. idk.

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