Maximal speed or maximal comfort? In cycling, it seems like you have to prioritise one over the other, but both are essential! In today’s show, we discuss speed vs. comfort on your bike and the importance of finding the perfect middle ground.

    We’re also covering a NEW glow in the dark bike, environmentally friendly wheels, new A.I. features from Strava, Pogačars pink bike, Jonathan Milan’s “Ciclamino” bike, as well as comments of the week and bike vault!

    00:00 Welcome to the GCN Tech Show
    00:30 Why is comfort more important than speed?
    05:44 How do you find comfort on a bike?
    07:51 Hot And Spicy Tech
    07:54 Met’s brand new custom GCN helmets
    08:32 Hunt’s new sustainable wheels
    10:28 Strava are using A.I. to catch cheats!
    12:30 Glow in the dark bikes!
    14:24 Pogačar’s pink Giro bike
    15:35 Jonathan Milan’s Trek Madone SLR “Ciclamino”
    17:24 Comments Of The Week!
    21:10 Bike Vault

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    welcome to the gcn tech show coming up this week we’ve got a glow-in-the-dark bike we’ve got new environmentally friendly wheels and new AI features from straa pagat pink bike John the Milan’s chick lamino bike as well as coms of the week and the bike VA we’ve got a lot to get through but we’re also going to be discussing why Comfort is more important than speed well it’s not though is it speed is more important no no no no no right this week’s main talking point we wanted to discuss why Comfort is more important than speed because I think if we’re going to be totally honest about this most cyclists out there really should be prioritizing Comfort over speed and I know I’m in the small minority that loves speed and think it’s the most important thing ever but in reality Comfort should come top of the list yes definitely and I feel like it kind of depends what sort of cyclist you are I feel like there is quite a big line whether you’re you know racing or you’re a Leisure cyclist or you know you might do the occasional race but you still need to be comfortable on your bike and when we decided we were going to talk about this topic one of the first things that came to my head was when I raced on the track um doing team Pursuit we were in like super Arrow positions and it was all about getting our CDA as low as possible and I remember working on my position on the bike getting my CDA really really low and I was made myself so small on the bike so Arrow but after about 2 minutes of riding my hips would get so tight cuz my hip flexes weren’t very flexible I just couldn’t put the power out but it is kind of that line of you know you can be super arrow and super fast for a few minutes but you need to be able to sustain that well and you want to enjoy cyclon like I know like okay it’s like the GC and Tech show and the tech Channel we’re obviously generally focused on the tech and the bike and stuff like that but and I do have a natural like tennessy to gravitate to speed but comfort really is more important than anything else because the most important thing is for people to be riding their bikes and if you’re uncomfortable well you’re not going to R going to be very enjoyable no I think things there’s lots of different elements that you can do to change your bike to make it more comfortable you can use wider tires you can use lower pressures like you can change your body position like you said to maybe be a little bit more upright rather than really low and aggressive but I just think people should be a bit more aware of comfort rather than trying to constantly think about going for Speed and upgrading their bike with that in mind definitely and it depends like how long you riding your bike for as well I think you know if you’re you know if you’re in a race if you’re maybe a casual racer you’re in a race and you get on your drops and you’re attacking and you get super Arrow you can hold that for you know 10 15 minutes but you know you couldn’t hold it for hours and hours I think again still if you are racing you still need to be comfortable on your bike but do is there kind of like a line where where it’s like you have to accept that you might not be comfortable for the whole thing I guess I don’t know you’re racing as well now yeah for ra if you’re going to go racing you can’t have I don’t think the two things can go together you can’t have maximal speed and maximal comfort right I just think it’s physically impossible someone will probably argue probably like a sweet spot though but there is a sweet spot and I guess you need to tailor how your um like speed and comfort varies depending on you know what you want to prioritize the most and also I want to throw out there it really falls down to what kind of bike that you’re buying as well yeah I think again I and the tech Channel we’re often talking about like race bikes that we see the pros using and the most expensive Hightech fancy lightweight AO stuff but that’s not necessarily got like Comfort no in mind and something that when I was speaking to Jake bike fit Jake actually um he was saying lots of people tend to come to see him with their bike and go I want to make it more comfortable and he goes well you’ve you’ve got like a really aggressive race bike like it’s already as high as it could go so the solution really you should be using a more relaxed geometry bike um you could also go as far as saying lots of people don’t even actually need a road bike no it’s true and I think from you know following races and watching races oh that bike looks sick I want that you might get that bike but it’s going to be so aggressive that it’s not going to be comfortable for you you don’t need that bik but it is kind of you know what you see is what you want but bu you buy a race car to go do the as the big shot you I mean like watching formula one but not going to drive that to Tes yeah well you’re not are you I think there’s a lot to be said for um like hybrid commuter style bikes maybe even flat handlebars that are going to be good for shorter um like shorter Journeys and bike rides because to to be a cyclist you don’t have to be going out and doing 100 miles every day at the weekend it might be that you want to ride your bike into work or you want to go get into town and go for a coffee stuff to the C take me to the cafe always but then then I can link speed back into it because if you get the right B you get to the cafe quicker oh for God sake um can’t win actually we have done some videos about like comfort and speed and stuff you made a good one with like six different ways to get your bike um set up perfectly for comfort and also olle did this like fairly Uber deep dive in they into um the science behind why comfortable is faster I think I’ve got that right um so what would if you could give like people one bit of advice about Comfort on their bike where would you s of what direction would you say to look at first definitely body position I think um that’s like the main thing I think we’ve all been there when we’ve been uncomfortable on our bikes especially like now we chop and change bikes quite a lot um and you know you might get on one bike and you can feel it’s not very comfortable and you’re like oh can’t ride this for hours and hours but then you get on you know a bike that’s really comfortable and you could go all day so I think that is the there is a big difference between being uncomfortable and being comfortable CU it’s just going to totally change your whole experience on riding you’re going to be able to ride for longer you’re probably going to be able to ride faster because you’re comfortable you’re going to put more power out so definitely body position and as you said there’s videos that we’ve got on the channel that you that’s just little little tweaks that you can do even just like how you hold yourself on the bike that make a big difference to how comfortable you are so what about you what would you say I’ve actually well I completely agree with you I think that’s the most important thing but how I’ve actually started approaching it I guess is slightly different because understandably we’ve got access to lots of different bikes and equipment and I’m in interested in all that stuff but more recently I’ve always been I’ve always been one to say aerobike every time always choose the aike always choose this because it’s faster it’s the quicker option but more recently right I’ve gravitated to using a more traditional style of bike so I’ve been riding the canyon ultimate lately I’ve been riding the or Orca more recently so when I’m going out for long weekend rides I’m not really quite so focused on speed and those bikes are really comfortable to and they’re still fast and then maybe if I’m going racing in the week or something I might use the bike that’s a bit more Aero focused like the the pinell F but um all amazing bikes but just tailor it to what suits what you’re doing and then when you jump on your superh bike it might be a bit of a treating maybe I’m even faster again yeah bit motivation I don’t know I mean we’ve all said I’m not as fast as the pros anymore see as um we we get dropped to gfn while the weekend um never mind but yeah do let us know in the comments section down below whether you prioritize Comfort or speed and if you try and blend them together how do you kind of achieve that yeah where’s the balance nice now before we get into hot Tech I need to tell you all about our brand new bike helmets hot off the prep met have literally just delivered these to us two custom gcn helmets we got the Trenta and we got the Manta which is the more AO version these are super blooming cool best bit about it is they’re going to be available for you to purchase too if you really want to so head over to shop. Global cycl is you want to get your hands on a helmet that is uh as cool as mine uh back to me and hot Tech it’s not rude to interrupt if you interrupt yourself it’s now time for hot and spicy techniqu technology and we’re going to start it off with Hunt’s new bike new bike they’ve gone from making wheels to bikes start big old St and we’re going to start off with Hunt’s new sustainable wheels so they’ve got three different new Wheel sets tell us a bit more Alex okay well I’ve got the stats obviously because see as I do the stats the stats um okay so there’s three new wheel ranges as youve said there’s a 42 carbon discar Four Seasons all Road and a trail wide so you’ve kind of got three different categories of cycling C for and Hunter saying they’re trying to aim to reduce the company’s environmental impact which I think is a good thing definitely a good thing um and they’re partly using recycled materials the amounts do vary depending on the wheel set so the 42 carbon is made from carbon fiber understandably and that wheel set let me just check the stats is using 10% recycled material so they’re taking um off cuts and stuff from different Industries using carbon fiber and then repurpose it into a carbon fiber wheel which is cool apparently the carbon ones are an industry first so and it might not sound like a lot 10% but it’s a start yeah you got to start somewhere and it’s a step in the right direction but um the aluminium wheels are using a much higher percentage of recycling materials so the all Road and the trail wide uh 75% recycled materials there 30% of which comes from recycled postc consumer Alloys such as get this drink cans which I think is amazing but doesn’t sound quite as cool if you say my wheels are made recycled cans of coke like it doesn’t sound cool does it but I think it’s serves a really good purpose yeah no it is yeah next time you drink a can of Coke you’d be like that that okay that cool yeah you I’ve made it cool yeah you you have made it cool but no really cool stuff though I think we should definitely be seeing more of this in the S we should do and I think hope I hope other companies take the same kind of initiatives to try and reduce their impact I don’t think it’s an easy thing to do but no got to start somewhere okay um next up in hot Tech stra are using AI to catch cheats is that right that is right and um yeah so they’ve basically got this new AI thing that will flag your rides if the AI thinks you’re cheating basically if you forget to pause your white computer yeah and you get in the car oh that’s good yeah I was I was just thinking where you’re going so I if you forget to pause it what’s going to happen but if you get in the car yeah you get in the car put you bike in the car and then you drive off and then get I know 120k an hour n of my rides have been flagged presumably because the AI doesn’t deem the performances to be anywhere close to abnormal or too good do you know whose rides have been flagged recently G on T Pacha yeah I don’t know do you think this is what it’s who’s been flagging it I don’t know I really hope so I think I don’t if it’s been every stage but yeah if you haven’t heard the story um basically every time pagat has uploaded his like efforts from the race in the Jiro someone’s flagged him maybe it’s the AI maybe it’s just someone that’s got something against it yeah maybe there’s also another cool feature which is using heat Maps Yeah so straa basically on a mission to make the app you know a little bit better for women and one of those things is having um kind of a nighttime heat map so if you know you’re going back late from work you can look at the map on stra and it’ll tell you kind of the safest most used route at night time as well not just during the day yeah um which yeah hopefully will’ll make it a little bit sa I think that’s a really good feature and it’s not something that i’ necessarily thought about one because cuz I don’t tend to ride at night very often but some of the bike paths and bike routes do go through some pretty remote places don’t they it doesn’t necessarily feel the safest yeah but in the night time it’s a different story and you said this is something like that your mom might yeah I think it’s a really good feature yeah so like my mom would definitely make good use of that but it’s not a case of like just making it about moms is it but I think it’s like i’ use it yeah I think it’s a cool feature to help make people feel safer when they’re outside um yeah what’s next in hot tech oh um glow-in-the dark bike oh you know what’s next you wanted to steal that one this is exciting right so we actually have a story over on the GCM website all about this and it’s called uh let me see what the actual name of it is Photon glowi in-the-dark ebike I I was too wowed by the images of glowing bik to know the name um right so do you know any information about this do you want me to Le through you go through okay this is a CR it’s a crowdfunding um bike platform basically where it’s essentially an ebike that has different glow-in-the-dark colors to choose from there’s four different op options so the unique glow-in-the-dark colorways include mint glow stick globber Arctic glow or glacia glow what do you go for I got no idea how those colors even differ I like the sound of glow Berry yeah whatever that is I’ll have that one um so they’ve smashed their crowdfunding target meaning that we’re a little bit Clos to having glow in the dark ebikes um is using the Shimano alus drivetrain it’s currently um available with a couple of different build options for just under $1,000 and there’s even a microshift version that is 749 version that’s not too bad is it dollar sorry um yeah but those are like early bird prices so presumably when the whole thing if and when goes to market price is going to be a bit higher I think that is a really cool concept because the amount of times that I’ve ridden you know home at night time and I’ve gone to my bike and my light isn’t charged or something and I mean for the whole the bike is the the whole bike that is that is super cool I like that I think I’ve seen something similar a little while back with uh I think it might have even been Volvo that developed a glow-in-the-dark paint so I don’t know if this is using that kind of similar technology the cars um not specifically for the cars but they were involved in developing the glow do paint very cool um yeah it’s cool um what we got next sorry got some very cool bikes that was it yeah so patas um I don’t know if you noticed this but UAE team emits were kind of when did pagat go into the leaders jersey stage prob from like no probably from like minor stage to before even started so basically they were I I felt like they were quite reserved on the amount of um pink accents and details that they put on the bike um but they’ gone to town for the last couple of days cuz that’s reserved is it yeah no this but I thought they might have gone a bit Bolder like this earlier on in the race but they reserved it for the last couple of days maybe they didn’t want to be too confident don’t I don’t think they should have been worried about that true um what do you make of it do you know what it needs a pink chain does a pink chain even exist I don’t know but someone needs to make it happen that would that would be the cherry on the top I don’t want to disagree but I kind of do disagree and then maybe like pink decals on the tires that would be nice oh that you could that that would should have been an easy one maybe like pink pedals as well oh you’re really not happy with it are you no I love it it’s cool I like it right okay well if you if if this was the bite Vault would you super nice that or nice do right I don’t know if this is a coincidence go on but whoever took this picture do you think they watch the BB because that is textbook perfect I’m going to say I don’t think they do what I think they just I’m going to get the Bell out I think they’ve just taken the time to present it nicely super nice reverse me yeah I see I I think they watch it’s not even in the bik vault yet anyway um next up Jonathan Milan’s um Tre madone with the so he was in the Chino leaders jersey for the the Sprints basically purple if you ask me it is purple yeah um yeah what do you think of the bike okay well this is just taking up another level isn’t it it’s Chrome this yeah this is is way more this is pretty special yeah that is I think it would have been cool to for it to be a slightly deeper or darker color the bike well it’s probably quite hard to get the color right because even if you look at his like Jersey to his shorts that’s a different color isn’t it yeah okay so maybe well it looks absolutely boss I’m a huge fan of that if I could ever have a bike that was done in that like chrome color it doesn’t even matter what color to be honest I’m not even picky I just want the Chrome they they’ve done track have done so many cool bikes with little track the when they the T of France and the T France Farm they had all those special colorways all in like chromy glittery color they trick out both the men’s and the women’s teams in like the same like Mega way yeah well exactly um did you see that John the actually got a fine and Doc GCI points after he had a bike change 7K from the Finish made it back in finished second place but I don’t think he’s going to be too bothered about the final the UCI points I think the team’s got enough yeah just mind under the carpet right it’s now time for comments the week uh first up a couple of comments underneath last week’s show man on you can read them out so this one is from Aaron Hill the lengths that the teams teams went to for blood doping this doesn’t seem too far-fetched at all okay before give some more content yeah we should give some cont I presume did you see the show last week we were talking motor doing so yeah the theory is or some people’s theory is that people are hiding Motors in bikes and I guess yeah it doesn’t seem too farfetched when you consider the length that people went to yeah I I think it’s I think it could be quite a bit harder though with technology and you know I feel like a lot of bikes get checked whereas when when you when you get um anti doping you’d it’d be a very select view I don’t know I mean I don’t know that’s that’s the issue with it I don’t think anyone actually knows the answer another comment is from stevenh he says thanks for the super ni on my bike don’t worry not a single scratch was caused by the bush it was a nice and soft one there you go and we were upset Bush we were upset let his bike a bushes and scratch it um at the weekend OE and I made a video about um taking a Clos look at the cono bikes we use for gfny feedback zop says well tried to quote me but I’m not feedback not actually said this no Alex previously why I’m ditching J Ace Alex now here are two bling bikes with j a oh you can’t win can you you just walk into all these things straight away I mean so do I um but yeah the J they were nice yeah they look lovely um one more comment from that what we got um great bikes Alex how long did it take you to make those mods in the workshop thanks mods in the workshop took approximately uh I bet you’re there for weeks no no no it was like a couple hours or something okay there’s a big difference here between like actually fitting the parts of the bike and then also filming fitting the parts of the bike it takes like three times longer to film any job basically there you go R thum yeah um so yeah all right and then also we had um a video from Ollie taking a closer look at the new plli P0 race tlr RS with the world’s longest Tire name V2 Maximus says a lot of people here don’t seem to be getting it pellia saying that they’ve nudged the puncture resistance down to match that of their immediate competitors in doing so their tire is now the fastest because of the new compound um I think yeah there’s a lot of confusion with people not understanding why a company would make their Tire less puncture resistant go I I feel like when you’re looking at a race Tire yeah you obviously you want it to be a little bit puncture resistance but that’s not top of the list when you’re looking at so you want it to be fast if you want something puncture resistance they’ve got a lot large punks of resistance there’s three four other tires gin Tire where they’ve gone hey let’s just make this tire really punct resistant and robust and the tradeoff is is a little bit slower well that’s that’s why they’re make different options of Tire um it’s still it is probably still quite puncture resistant yeah well the answer is that pelli in their like testing they found that their race tip was more puncture resistant than competitors they’re hey to increase the speed we can nudge the protection down to be in line with everyone else um anyways sweet Apple C says would you run these in the UK winter um it wouldn’t be my go-to winter time no I think you would choose you don’t want a Performance Tire in the winter unless you’ve got um a support vehicle following around and unlimited money to just buy tires if you trash them cuz they’re expensive tires right oh yeah um okay it’s now time with the bike Vault even though you jumped the gun yeah sorry we bit Keen to that B’s ready and prepped I feel haven’t done the bik in a while I’m excited you going be a bit Rusty you’ll be all right no God no I don’t know why I put this near me you you take control of it okay um right go on kick we’ve got B2 g g j8 s k HF with BMC brick wall BMC against the brick wall oh wow I thought it was a new bike with the BMC brick wall Very rustic brick wall it is a very nice brick wall I like that that’s had some some work done to it um anyway let’s take a closer look at the bike um very nice um I like it I like it too but do we do we super nice it or do we just nice it I mean what tell me find me some faults find fa fault I might be able to see are we in Biggy Smalls I can’t quite no but it’s close but it looks from afar it looks quite nice um I yeah I can’t see the as [Music] WR you are Rusty on that you can get better than that you do it then no um next one vd6 MFD N5 T9 why are these usernames so great like I’m not sure anyway it’s a track and sl6 in um apparently she’s a sexy ninja of a [Laughter] bike not my words if you wondering um this is in Japan located just east of Co coyot I mean very non Drive side it’s a very nice backdrop it’s a incredible backdrop how is this bike standing up that’s a sexy ninja of a bike that is a sexy ninja of a bike it’d be an even even sexier Ninja it was the other way around and we had some you know we were in biggy small I can see some Biggy Smalls even from here well actually yeah no it’s in smallsy big oh yeah it’s small to big cuz the picture is the way around the valves aren’t around and oh okay it’s just a nice afraid but that could that a lot of potential every bike has a potential cycling chicken next these are the usernames I get these are these are bizarre usernames it’s a Sello R5 and this is taken at the gfny where oie and I were last did you go to the gfny yeah I mentioned it I don’t know if I mentioned it or not yeah Ollie and I went really yeah went and then you came back and then you just moaned about the jet lag well Ollie did yeah don’t put that on me no you were fine Ollie Ollie Ollie’s a bit stoppy when he came back he was so grumpy he to say holiday that’s why you were in that’s say was and tired um anyway love you ol um so as a climbing bike they said they need all the help they can get at gfny the rais that Ollie and I attended umra do2 zip 33s I needed more than a CL a that was Savage for me that was Savage sorry that’s cut me deep that no you did great you did great yeah what I did you take a picture of your bite like this against the big gfn NY no I did I wish I had that’s Co backrop I like judge the bike now okay judge the bike okay okay I mean the only thing I can see from here is that the cranks unlined yeah I mean it’s a great picture I think it’s it’s in between a nice and a super nice so it’s just a for me okay I’m in agreement with that actually um Gregory lockart 13 next snow finally melted in Canada but the bugs are so bad I can’t remove all the gobbins huh not sure the bugs yeah that’s what it says there’s a lot of gobbins on this bike wow three water bottles w w I have never seen three water bottles on a bike before a giant saddle bag a top Che bag and a bar bag we’re clearly off on an adventure you’d hope so yeah You’ so say star in a 10 10 Mile commute right if we take a closer look at this picture we can see that Gregory has clearly gone to a lot of effort because very unstable surface but he is made sure that he is in Biggy Smalls and the valves are aligned and you know it is looking quite neat it’s a nice backdrop I might I might give this a super nice all the bottles match the bottle cage match they match up with a Bart tape um anything’s got better color coordination than I’ve got yeah okay that super nice it please yeah beld doing a very good ring I need a new Bell right um next one in from DMZ r z r v TT C time like SLA um what do you make of it oh that is absolutely boss that is gorgeous can we just supervise that yeah I don’t even think we need to say thanks wers look how look how sharp that s looks that is like paper on that talking about our main talking point actually probably not a bite that’s focused on comfort more than speed no but it might be comfortable riding it yeah you never know Anthony next with a storm track bike this is our last one track bike you’ll be all over this yeah I look how look how aggressive the fork the blading of the fork is oh um that is speed of comfort that is that is it is that is a nice bike that is would you say that they must be their training wheels surely they would have like boss race wheels for that yeah imagine that with double discs in yeah that would look would it look um chef’s kiss that would that is I mean yeah super nice all right um that wraps up this week’s show it’s been great to have you back loved it um it’s been brilliant please do get involved in the comments section down below letting us know your thoughts on Comfort versus speed and um well that’s it is it yeah that’s it’ll same time next week see you later bye bye


    1. Bravo for Strava using AI to help clean up KOMs. I'm old and out of shape these days, so my remaining KOMs are few, but it is annoying to have your KOM taken by someone in their car, on their E-bike, etc.. and have to repeatedly flag riders to get back your KOM or trophy.

    2. I would prioritise comfort over speed, but those don't have to be contradictory things. If someone has enough flexibility for a race bike, then with proper saddle and bike fitting one can probably feel quite comfortable. So I would say 'choose to be faster as long as you are still comfortable'.

    3. Manon. I thought this was tas the GCN Tech channel. Not the GMBN Tech channel. Hunt do wheels. Privateer do mountain bikes. I proritise comfort over speed. Which is why I bought Blake Samson's old bike and Pinkeye's cousin has 29×2.6 inch tyres. As for speed. Just rail the berms better.

    4. I prioritize comfort by riding a race bike with a slammed 130mm stem. The faster I can complete my ride, the faster I get back to the couch, which is more comfortable than any saddle. (Not a recommendation)

    5. In all this discussion about bike comfort, what I'm not hearing is that if you're uncomfortable, start incorporating a daily stretching or yoga routine to improve your flexibility so that you can be both aero and comfortable. Manon said that she was uncomfortable in that aero position because of her hips — why is the conclusion that the position is to be abandoned instead of to be accomodated via improved flexibility? Why doesn't GCN have Manon do yoga or whatever for a few months then send her back on that bike to see how much better she fares?

    6. You should do a commuter bike bike vault special. Encourage folk to show off their everyday bikes with bonus points for matching mud guards, good pannier capacity etc.

    7. Sadly most people can either never afford their dream bike, or only afford it when they're too old to properly enjoy it. We buy it anyway and put up with some discomfort because it is our dream bike. Or maybe it's just more affordable than the car that normally comes with a midlife crisis…

    8. I am a sweetspotter, and have downgraded my 11 speed fullsuspension gravelbike with 45 mm tyres to a 22 speed roadracingmachine with 38mm tyres. Those big gears(46/30-11/34) and skinny 38 tyre is fast and fun on asphalt, but doesnt feel so good on loose gravel as the 45 tyres. 56mm tyres on the mtb is even better when its loose gravel. I go this summer with this 38 mm roadsetup, but probably upgrades to bigger tyres when I wear out the 38mm.

    9. Alloy rims and cans are made from very different aluminium series. I doubt Hunt is using the same alloy. It's just another marketing BS.

    10. If you get your frame powder coated, glow-in-the-dark clear coat exists. My frame was powder coated chartreuse with a glow-in-the-dark clear and it definitely works!

    11. I can totally relate to the "comfortable vs uncomfortable" difference. My first road bike was a tad bigger for me, and with changes like a shorter stem and short-reach handlebars, I was never really all that comfortable riding it. OTOH, I can ride my current one super comfortably. No saddle sour. No numb hands. No stiff shoulders. The difference is night and day, and as the result, I ride a LOT more now than before.

    12. I think in the long run, even recreational cyclists are better off training their bodies to get accustomed to a semi race position. Upright bikes in my experience are pretty painful after an hour, but I can ride a drop bar bike all day. It's important to remember it's not just the bike, it's also you. Anyhow, I raced as a youth and only valued speed. Nowadays I'm much older and I'm somewhere in between.

    13. I go for looks, then speed, then comfort as long as it won’t be uncomfortable after 30 minutes. Only so much time in the day to ride with two kids.

    14. My personal rule is that if there's anything that will force me to get out of the saddle (steep climbs, fast traffic), I will prefer drop bars.

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