Bryan Hayes, Jeff O’Neill and Jamie McLennan play confirm or deny and debate whether Sheldon Keefe and Craig Berube will have long tenures behind the bench of their new teams, whether Rory McIlroy winning this year’s RBC Canadian Open is the best outcome for the tournament, and much more.

    hour overdrive continues brought to you by fandu bringing you everything from the opening line of the final score live from Hamilton Golf and Country Club RBC Canadian open the 13th hole the rink hole we’re here all week and it’s been uh great afternoon so far we had Sheldon Keefe join us earlier this afternoon we had Lawrence applebomb of golf Canada Rex hogard join us Mike Johnson confirmed with deny coming up this hour and Angel Hernandez announcing his retirement or at least it was reported upon so everyone’s excited about that right everyone’s excited that Angel Hernandez will no longer be bothering people around baseball which is always good I can’t wait to see his Greatest Hits it’s just crazy to think of how mad he made people everyone was so bothered and the thing is about sports people benefited from his buffoonery because the opposite side was like hey that’s great hey thanks man I guess that is a third strike even though it’s 2 feet outside you know like there should be people that love him you would think like someone has benefited from Angel Hernandez to the point where they’re like I think we won that World Series cuz he screwed up that badly you know what I mean like why isn’t there someone out there that loves this guy but would he be a guy that called World Series or would they been like okay only regular season no he actually sued Major League Baseball at one point claiming I think it was racism that he wasn’t he wasn’t umpiring World Series and they’re like dude you’re Angel Hernandez yeah you’re the worst like that’s why why you’re not if you put together all the clips what are we talking here a 45 minute roll in oh I I think it’s extensive do you want to do you want to hear the HW need to hear it I need to hear it just for a laugh so this is this is the Chicago White Socks Hawk harelson he was a former player he’s a dieh hard fan he’s a homer he loves the socks right and uh this was in the 10th inning a turn double play from our vantage point it looks like Angel got this wrong needless to say Hawk thought he got it wrong this is how it played out uhoh uh-oh can’t get in oh no can’t get him he was safe at no Noel hernandz Angel Hernandez blew the call and the infield being back have cost him the game it didn’t right there he’s safe he isfe there he’s safe the and another blown call by Hernandez so he just he’s so been at it for years yeah that was years ago I don’t think Hawk Harrelson’s been calling games for a long time look on his face though just what are you going to do I’ll toss you come on out have a chat I’ll toss you whenever you’re ready I’ll just throw you out but it was like he would do those things and he just he he he enjoyed the reaction of people losing their minds and he was just he was just pan like nothing to him not my issue I’m a professional there was one i’ I’ve said this before there was one NHL referee Paul Stewart did you ever have Stewie lots and he would be he was about the show he had no bucket on out there be skating around Ray Ferraro almost had a like an aneurysm on the bench like yelling at him because Stewie he would like challenge guys he would say like you’re not that tough like cuz he was an old tough guy yeah like it was get into yelling matches I didn’t have I love Stewie he was old school one time in Washington he didn’t call a penalty the whole game no penalties Darius casparius Keith Jones was punching him in the face in front of I was playing the game punching him in the face in front of me he was yelling at him get up get up you’re soft and I was like oh my God this ref is and then he called we’re in Washington he called the worst call against Washington and we won an overtime on a power play so he finally decided I’m going to take the whistle out now that’s where it gets greasy because c not one penalty in the regular season or in the regular you know game and then overtime he makes a greasy call and then skating off with the smile on his like he’s just it was something else well like that’s the thing like no one wore helmets obviously back in the day but but refs didn’t either for a long time they’d be bombing around no helmet Fraser is obviously the most famous cuz he had the hair right and like he made sure that hair was dialed in he did not go on the ice with one hair out of place he would not accept it uh all right Best Bets brought to you by FanDuel later in the hour you guys ready for confirm or deny let’s do it I can neither confirm or deny that uh that this is infect to Signature Austin trades Andrew R to Toronto in exchange for the rights to tuker Ras it’s been my honor and a privilege to serve as the general manager of the Tron map Poli Hockey Club it’s time for confirm or deny do you regret uh giving all those gentlemen the no trades or no movement Clauses well I I can either confirm or deny that I can’t confirm or deny all right confirm or deny brought to you by Summit Ford in South Lake Ford Lincoln where there is no such thing as a no trade clause any make any model any time visit Summit or Southlake today confirm deny statements are made we go around the table we confirm them or we deny them very simple stuff yeah confirm or deny Sheldon Keefe and Craig baru will both last at least three full seasons with their new teams how could you possibly say that the way coaches get fired in 20232 24 are you kidding me no coach last three years you don’t move and Shake in two years you’re gone all right so you’re denying I’m totally that’s an insane thing to start with I’m confirming you’re confirming just based on how new they are on the job no you’re not confirming noodles because if you were confirming you would be thinking that it’s just on the players and the players got to figure it out it’s never the coach’s fault it never happens you guys know how many coaches have been fired the last year it’s crazy both these guys have been fired in the last year 19 in the last calendar year 19 Co All Fired a few of them you know bonuses step down you know Jim Hiller slides in there all of that type of stuff 19 coaches you make a good point but I’m saying these guys are new coaches in new new environments Sheldon keeps signed a four-year deal he’s got a young team I think he might have a longer leash based on that’s a team with expectations that are just starting to come out young young team I think he’ll have a longer leash there he’ll have three years barui here in different situation based on what do you do with the core right if the core isn’t broken up maybe you have one more kick at the can again year nine years and then you do it I just think that both of their settings I could see them being there for three years well they could get through three years and then be let go and it would still be a confirm right like it’s it’s three full seasons I don’t know where are you at then cuz he’s he’s adamant they’re gone well listen statistically he’s right yeah he’s right he is right I just you can’t trust it it’s like these players if they want to fall asleep for four months a coach gets fired yeah regardless the those two J coach you just mentioned are close to us in this market yeah Jay Woodcraft turn things around at Edmonton they start slow they’re garbage see you later it’s your problem yeah that’s that’s actually I I’m actually counter counter arguing my own point I’ll I’ll deny it because of that I mean the math would indicate in the way that the league operates right now is it’s not the players fault coaches are disposable move on I I like both guys I think both are good coaches I think both have good setups don’t K yourself the other factor is GM separate from it too it’s like hey we put it together good team you’re a bad coach get lost right not our problem it’s it’s somebody else’s problem and yeah from that standpoint I I guess it’s a morbid take but I I think I’ll deny it as well they’re both do we think they’re getting through two you think would you be willing to guarantee they’re getting through two each both yes no I would guarantee to no I would I would guarantee too dude this League’s insane one slump and you get fired yeah yeah but yeah they’re not getting fired this year no we don’t think everyone gets a one pack everyone generally gets one but it could I mean if it gets really ugly all bets are off yes Jay Woodcraft is a prime example came in after Dave tippet save the day the next year they stink see you later Jay yeah yeah that’s that’s a valid one recently I mean Craig baru won a cup and then a few years later they’re like sorry we’re out of here man yeah I I’m I’m two pack yes I’ll sign two you’re giving a guarantee on okay I think I’d confirm that too I think i’ confirm a two pack three is might be AIT a tricky number uh confirm and deny Rory maroy winning this week would be the best outcome for the tournament maroy winning confirm or deny compared to all the other Canadians everyone else wrong Corey Connor pendrith in a playoff that’s the king D all Canadian playoff well what do you think you want the needle mover are you going to are you confirming it I’ll confirm it because you know what it does he’s coming back next year i’ guarantee that if he wins it he will have an obligation to repeat and return I think he loves coming up here I think he will continue to come here in the future let me clarify one thing Rory mroy with the way things are going in his own life and with golf and everything he doesn’t he’s just going to say I’m doing what’s best for Rory I don’t think he carries obligations anymore he’s going to say you know what whatever is best for me he would love to win here he loves Canada be great for the tournament but I don’t think moving forward any of these guys say I have an obligation now possibly not they’re following the Sun and they’re following the bank it’s an inkling it’s a move in that dire it’s an understanding that you love it here that you win here that you’re supported here the Canadians are coming back every single year Nick Taylor will play here for the next 30 Years right they’re all coming they’re all playing and I’m not I’m not downplaying how great it would be to see another Canadian I’d like to see Nick Taylor come back that’s an interesting back to back a back to back by Nick Taylor our boy boy that is an interesting thought but I think it’s maroy like he maroy is a different Beast if he wins your tournament the buzz here over the weekend with maroy charging there’s nothing like it or Adam bads is that his name Aaron badley Aaron bads Aaron badley we we do we are a fan of him we would like to Aaron Bley he’s in the lead on Friday I’m I’m coming over the top rope and I’ll jump on that te and yell while he swings 5:30 on Friday Aaron badley is sitting there he better not be he better not be cuz I’ll cause problems for him well let’s find out his tea times I mean at some point he’ll be coming through here he’s either early late like he you know he’s he could be a late early guy it could be tomorrow we could be coming on the air at 4:00 tomorrow or on Thursday in Aaron valle’s teing off I think it would be awesome I think it’d be if we show up in this booth on Thursday and he’s tied for the lead I I I don’t know if I can handle it I want to see and you yell to him again and he turns us back on you like just he actually now knows it’s bothering you that’s and he thinks it’s helping him he when I you know tell this pigeon you’re a pigeon basically with my body language it’s helping me play um yeah I’m I’m confirming it though maroy I’m denying it because I would like to see um Nick Taylor win back to back back to back by Taylor would be incredible I’m G to confirm it because Maloy is just that guy as much as I want to see the Canadian I’m sorry like this guy’s just he is the true needle mover yes he is he is a different Beast confirm or deny steuart Skinner is terrifying Oilers fan right now wow that’s confir dude that’s all right where can what else can we say terrifying Chris noblock right now is he terrifying everybody on Earth confirm or deny this this is what it is confirm or deny steuart Skinner again gets it back on track to save the day for the Oilers a second series in a row but like listen got off track last night a bad goal and he he his team hung him out to dry last night that performance the first time minutes of the second period was outrageous so it shouldn’t be the the confirm or deny shouldn’t be steuart Skinner it should have been the Oilers in the second period scared the hell out of the Oilers fans get I will say it’s confirmed because of the Canadian Instinct I can you can see it I’m reading it today fans out there like here we go Ken Holland doesn’t know what he’s doing Dar know n stinks like they’re freaking out every loss they’re freaking out but but they you know what they are because like we were talking about I think yesterday or two days ago like people in Eon could smell it like they’re like hey we’re we’re that close but you’re actually pretty far away because Dallas people in Dallas are going we can smell it too Dallas they’re two wins away from being in a cup final they can smell it and Ebon like McDavid you called it yesterday I was chuckling five minutes into the game I’m like this guy is going to have a seven-point game Legacy night and Legacy night and Dallas goes not on our watch so it’d be interesting to see but the people freak out regardless because it’s like okay who who’s at fault who you know who screwed us tonight while Skinner with the bad goal nurse and cce’s a pairing that you can’t get done you know Ryan mlau didn’t block that shot the other night when you win it’s like hey no problem everyone’s great well they should be freaking out because they had an opportunity last night and had that game man you’re up two nothing on home ICE studmuffin Jamie Ben start the second period just shot the puck right off the face off into Z out of Canon and went and just chased it down like a dog that’s a Dallas is a good team what a stud what a stud Dallas is a really good team and I I still think this I think it’s going deep I thought it was going deep I I I was leaning seven I might go six like I I think but I I I Edmonton there’s you know this series is tomorrow really they got to win tomor you know it’s a scary proposition tomorrow and a Ander you’re not scoring on me night tomorrow cuz that could happen and if that happens it’s uhur curtain yeah you go down 3-1 back to Dallas you’re you’re probably done pack your trunks but they got to figure figure it out so that’s I don’t know I’m yeah I’m confirming whatever we just came we’re all confirming that they’re terrified out there uh confirm of deny the trio of Schneider Atkins and shapy will all make it to the end of the season this year with the Jays how could you possibly you coming up with some dudes who writes these these are just layup you say confirming deny how could you possibly it’s confirm absolutely it’s confirm what if they haven’t done it by now when are they going to do it dude if it gets real you you said yesterday there’s a possibility that it gets worse than it is right now they’ll be calling for heads the fan base people stop showing up to games and stuff you got a serious problem on your hands and if you don’t do something fans will Revolt well listen the the manager they just brought him in two years ago what do you I guess you have mading le there you can possibly move someone else in there I don’t know what that’s going to do though cuz the roster is is n good enough that’s on Ross Atkins GMS don’t get fired during the season and chaparro’s not going anywhere they’re not firing Mark shyro during the season so it’s shapy co Atkins is his boy he’s been here for a long time he was with him in Cleveland I don’t think he’s going to fire the GM during the season and if they’re not going to fire the GM they’re probably like what do we why would we fire Schneider yeah I I’m going to confirm it I think all three are going to get through I think it’ll drive people crazy if they finish with like 68 wins and at the end of the year all bets are off yes but during the season that’s a different story dude if they keep up this yo-yo act you can’t keep Wheeling the skip out there every night saying wow that was a tough new guy going to do though this this lineup isn’t good enough like they’re not good enough that’s the problem like I get I’m not saying John Schneider is you know Joe Tori all of a sudden he’s not I’m not I’m not suggesting the lineup was supposed to be good enough and it’s not good enough that falls on the GM absolutely and the president Mark shyro is not like the president in the city have worked out beautifully where they’re all like oh we’re not even involved between shyro Shanahan and Messi it’s like oh no no go talk to the other guy go talk to the GM I’m just up here working on stuff with the owners they’re all involved it it all lands on their desk they all should be taking just as much heat as everybody else shapy included shapy is a baseball guy that’s what he is that’s what he was in Cleveland yeah he’s not a Rena guy he’s not a he’s not an engineer you know like yes he had a lot to do with the stadium Rena clearly that was a big undertaking yeah he’s a baseball guy msi’s a basketball guy Shanahan’s a hockey guy that’s what they are like that’s that’s what they do they they run the the teams and what happens on the ice the court and the field they’re here 100% I I through the through this season they’re here yes but at the end of the season depending on the results I all bets all bet all bets are it would be shocking if they all all return confirm or deny the Florida Panthers are an absolute lock to win tonight lock to win tonight oh man the Rangers make that really tough but I’m going to say confirm because I know the Florida Panthers have a belief in what they did the last game that’s good enough and it’s like you you just don’t let you stirk and beat you that’s the one thing you got to rely on Bob and Bob’s good [Music] [Applause] enough okay thank you good stuff come on now we’re live on the air you could have gave us a warning they just I don’t know is there I was telling everyone to get off the course yeah that’s basically scram except for us and do and G unfortunately it means we have to end the show as well which is very difficult we can’t confirm that’s the end of the road for us it’s been an absolute pleasure great I’m going to confirm a Panthers win for sure okay I’m concerned about the goalie that’s really I mean you think Bob’s and no no you’re saying sturen makes it impossible to say it’s a lock exactly because if if shurin just puts his hands up and goes I gave up what was it four last game and I was still great I’m giving up one tonight not a lot of not Jamie not a lot of go tender performances where they give up four they talk about how good the goal he was but he he got his he that’s why I’m denying it too man I I think the Panthers will win tonight but a lock I don’t think you can say that against the Rangers and CH like New York’s a good team they’re very good team these four I don’t I don’t see any locks right now with with these final four teams there just no locks but there’s question mark it’s like that guy can steal a game that guy can do that that power play can do so that’s that’s why I’m denying it confirm and deny the Inside the NBA crew we’re talking Charles and Ernie and Shaq and Kenny the Inside the NBA crew will remain intact and broadcasting regardless of where the NBA rights go in the future we think they all survive no I I deny it as good as it is stupid things happen in television where it’s like the right thing where it’s just should be a slamed dle were these guys are the best I mean you see it all the time ridiculous I’m not even going to get into it but I’m going to deny it yeah I I’m going to confirm it just based on the one thing that you know is it Charles that has the he’s got a company or production company like I think he might say we’re keeping the band together but we’re going to do this we’re going to do that and and they might be wise to have that because it has such a following oh Massy we’re gonna put it out there to bids or we’re going to do this we’re gonna do that so you might Force some company to go hey we’re we’re coming as a package and you’re going to pay a boatload of money for us yeah so that’s where I’m going I’m going to you’re confirming from that standpoint I I think you’re honor something I I will deny it because Ernie I think is the outlier Ernie Johnson’s been at he TNT for 25 years 35 years yeah he also does what basketball or he’s done baseball NCAA and you know he’s not a young man like I could see him just saying hey that’s enough next year’s the end of the Row’s a counter point though for they might go you just do basketball with our panel and everything else twice as much money doing that like they might actually be able to talk him into it and going you don’t need to do all of this other stuff you just stick with us Shaq and um and Charles Kenny and Charles yeah like they might they might actually take care of him better well for Less work yeah I mean I don’t think like I think Ernie’s done pretty well I don’t think Ernie’s in a bad place and you know I get the impression he’s loyal to that company he’s been kind of he’s been the sports guy there for like 35 years um it also you know you’re dealing with egos you’re dealing with different guys at different stages of their career I I don’t know I mean and you’re also deal with other companies that like their people right like it’s not just as simple as well those guys are there so we’re just going to go get them yeah and also I’ve always wondered like how the NBA feels about it because like they have car blanch to say or do whatever they want unlike basically any other panel I can think of where they will go they will say things that are wild outrageous say I’m not watching this game covering this game I’m not watching this game I’m watching that one he and and the guy you can’t miss it like it’s incredibly compelling but that doesn’t mean like Adam Silver loves it all the time or owners love it all the time you know and that that factors in as well is it pouring it is pouring but it doesn’t matter it’s about the viewer the viewer loves it man I agree with you well exactly what it should be is the content cuz the content is spectacular yeah if they want to continue to work in the NBA they will like Barkley’s going to work somewhere Shaq will work somewhere Kenny like if they want to and next year they’re still around the year next year will be a celebration right it’ll be like a studio tour celebration all right confirm with the I brought to you by Summit Ford in South Lake Ford Lincoln where there is no such thing as a no trade clause any make any model anytime visit Summit or South Lake today we’re in Hamilton and the reason the horn went off is it’s starting to it’s a monsoon right now starting to rain and I I guess they’re thinking you know is it possible thunderstorms are coming through here oh okay that’s great great thunderstorms we’ll be the only guys out here at we covered in like metal we’re like we could be in a place the Gap man’s just going to he’ll sneak right out of here it’ll be the three of us there is someone on a walkie-talkie saying get all the golfers off the court the seven losers out at overdrive they can stay yeah leave them Aaron badley is out there saying make sure those guys stay’s rber grounded at least he’s wearing rubber boots everyone else is he’s grounded so if all hell breaks loose he’ll be fine yeah he’s not getting fried we are that’s a good point the carts are going to disappear we’re walking back to the there’s no waying lot no way make my last day here if there’s no card rid doie you I don’t this may be like a you got to go out there sure find one man this is a protest go get get the key doie you understand that right doie we believe in you man if you have to lay down in front of that card you got key got the KE he’s got the key’s got the key we have a cart everything’s going to be fine everyone just breathe everyone relax everything’s going to be fine all right Best Bets brought to you by fandu later in the hour overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on TSN 2 overdrive continues live from the RBC Canadian open and coverage of the RBC Canadian open on TSN 1050 is brought to you by Subaru Embrace Spring weather with the Subaru all weather Drive event visit your local Subaru dealer to book a test drive today we’ve had a fun show so far we’re here all week and we haven’t mentioned the Memorial Cup where London and Saga they’re undefeated they’re going to go at it was that fight last night the fight cam was out there I love the fight was outstanding I thought it was unbelievable I know that they probably aren’t going to do it or whatever or make not make a habit of it but it gives a unique offended some people Jamie okay uh but fighting offends people you know like there’s oh I know everything off there’s a line in this in the sand where people like fighting in hockey or they don’t like it you’re never going to change people’s minds that way but the fight cam I thought was fantastic like and it was you want to talk about that got play like that was in the states trending in the States was that Julia to Sherry with the camera like julius’s got skates on I forget the guy’s name but he’s at the world juniors and he’s got the white gear on everything’s white like he’s got the white he Blends in yes he’s in the back apparently it was Gretzky’s idea like get the guy with the camera and put him in all white I I don’t know but I see him every World Juniors and he just wheeled out there and started recording that I thought it was cool that was a really really cool like vantage point something you don’t see a camera on the the hurt feelings crowd is going to say is if there’s ever a fight and something scary happens we don’t want to see a closeup of it because that will really scare us but think about that though there’s 12 camer like they’re going to see it any going see it you’re you’re just going to have a different vantage point I’m just telling you what the her feelings Crow talks like and thinks like but can we get what about on a penalty shot why can’t you get someone out there the penalty shot can because one time it’s going to be the Usain Bolt with the guy on the fourwheeler France yeah the tour to France car can you imagine let me set this up for you guys with the camera a guy’s going on a breakaway and it’s just Angel Hernandez the ref says no goal cuz the guy the camera guy wiped out the player so he just says no goal I think it would be just incredible content and I I want it so badly Like A team’s trying to get in the last game of the season it comes down to a shootout and the and Julia with the camera wipes out McDavid and and it the ref says no goal wild it would be a wild you know what happen you know on some of these penalty shots the guy goes like really slow and the camer just doesn’t pick up on how slow they are perception the net stop just RS right or blows a wheel takes the Achilles out and you’re like yeah come on you can’t do that you saying Bol bolt one is absolutely ridiculous the seg that guy could have blown his knee out like blown that could ended his career yes like those those legs were insured like maybe it was an inside job and Bolt’s like hey man I want the 15 mil just take me out cuz I would have to think his legs were insured more than any other body part of anyone else in the world I I would I don’t know if we could pull it up but I would love I want to see it again like the Segway is the great watch a million times bolt getting run into by the seg Yeah and his leg actually bends like a little bit it looks awkward and bolt kind of gives them like it’s okay doesn’t he check on him because that guy blew a tire and was down that guy was worried you’d never see him again like someone was going to tap on the shoulder and say way come underneath the stands never see him again ever cuz you have one job it’s get up close and personal with Usain Bolt but there’s one stipulation don’t touch the guy don’t run into him you cannot touch him in any way or fashion but get up close that’s got to be the segue guy for us St Bolt’s one of the great great great videos of all time but it’s got to be a segment you had one job yeah and that’s what because in the tour to France they the guy they were the car was riding they just got to be faster than they they had one job and they couldn’t do it the Hussein bolt segue driver couldn’t do it couldn’t do it man so Jamie you’re between the benches with the dude in the white gear would he have gone out there on his own or someone said go take Segway there’s a segue guy this guy oh that’s a oh my God that’s Usain Bolt’s knee in his hands D and he’s got Capri on which is I mean that in and of itself is a poor decision guy’s got a pair of capri pants he’s on a seg way with a giant camera giant camera bolt just won the race and he basically he almost ended his career like that would not have been surprising if that ended his career blew out both acl’s mcl’s pcls AES just like ended him people would have rioted well that guy’s he’s he’s Bartman that guy’s Bartman like that guy Bartman Bartman times 100 time 100 that guy is is Outcast he can never I don’t know what country that was in doie look that up look look up where that guy was a from B where the race took place cuz that guy that’s the scenario like you know when you blow a wheel like on ice or something on the you know on your driveway and there’s there’s people watching you’re like I got to get up right like you could have a broken back and you’re like I have to get up I’m so embarrassed that guy that segwick could have run right over his head he could have broken both legs that guy was getting back up like there’s no way he was sitting there waiting for someone to help you I got one out there for you do you remember the guy I think his name was Mark Connelly or something the anthem singer in vancou with the suit on that was the first game of the year yeah no he had the three-piece suit he had a black he had the mullet going he was Wheeling around the ice and thought he was so cool with his skates on I was that in the NHL or in the AHL no that was the national first game of the year cuz he hit the carpet he didn’t see the carpet I’m pretty sure that’s a minor league one that they brought him out oh are you sure I thought that guy was a big guy the carpet and then he goes to get up while he’s still singing and he ends up biting it again goes around and I remember the story where people were like when they interviewed him I don’t I feel like we had him on we did interview we interviewed him like a few days later and we started with like what the hell were you thinking he’s like I I didn’t want to break stride I just kept singing the song yeah I was with that was one of my first shows with you guys talking to that what an interview that was was his name Mark Connelly I don’t remember the guy’s name I just he got himself in some trouble I think he was you know they they parted ways with him put it that that way yes but I just at the end of the day that was one of the funniest video is I’m telling you this isn’t the is hey how are you okay hey how are you doing he just absolutely eats it he keeps it together though he’s still singing he’s still singing he’s trying to get up and the boys on the line they can’t handle it the guy imagine trying to play a hockey game after that I swear I think that was like a a junior team that was not the national Hoy yeah and but he did the whole loop around and ate it oh like why do you have to be in a suit too you know what I mean like I get it you got your skates on you’re trying to do something else but why do you have to be in a tuxedo if you’re skating around singing The Anthem I do remember he’ had that was his move he had like a well he was a really big guy and had a huge weight loss and then he decided he went on this come on to I didn’t have La B you [Laughter] just two peas in a pot yeah just a couple lap [Applause] banders I just see the two of you together sorry Noles so no I mean he had he I remember him telling us he’s like you know I had some weight loss and I decided I wanted to get on the skates or whatever and I I made it my thing and then he just eats it he just he got caught up in the moment cuz you know it’s not easy to Sing the anthem even if you’ve done it a million times you still need the lyrics to be with you right and generally speaking singers are standing still you know sure there are Rock shows you get Mick Jagger doing whatever he’s going to do but if you’re singing The Anthem let alone in front of a crowd he need your breath get your breath it doesn’t look like you know he looked like he can skate but it wasn’t like a strong suit of his so he’s probably thinking man I got to I got to stay upright here like if I blow a wheel I’m toast remember he said that he came came out of the tunnel and it was dark like they had a spotlight right and then he didn’t realize as he crossed over through the middle there was they were do a cereem puck drop puck drop that’s what he hit it yeah that one that’s an all-tim the segue the Usain Bolt segue that one the the the tour to France is brilliant cuz the guy’s in the truck it’s like you just need to be going faster than a guy bike there’s a guy do it they couldn’t do it you just got to go faster than the guy on the bike yeah you know um anyway we’re here at the uh RBC Canadian open we are literally the only people on the course there’s nobody else here D get me a four iron and let me hit a couple onto the green I’d love to see you hit the green what did you hit here cuz you hit the green we didn’t play from this deck though I think this we play from that deck about 10 ft up from where those Mar we probably played at 2115 it’s playing 230 where the blocks are right now you could do that right now and nobody would stop you right I know but we need to find a club I don’t think they want you to take the cart and go steal somebody back go see if you can find Rory M maoy for iron see if you can find M they take the card away from him now we don’t have a ride back to the car oh we’re we’re getting a ride back to the car yeah we’ll get an Uber out here if we have to we’re on the rink hole we’ll send you we’ll we’ll pin drop you yeah pin drop you right we need what was it uh who was the guy in Happy Gilmore with this punch buggy we need him out oh Joe FL Joe FL who just passed away a little while ago love Joe FL absolutely all right we’ll come back with our Best Bets brought to you by FanDuel we got uh Rangers Panthers tonight the NBA playoffs I mean Boston Indiana had game 1 three and four it was over like you you we always talk about the statistics you know 90% chance when the leas were up 4-1 it was 99.9% game one three and four they had a 90% chance of winning all three games in the fourth quarter they lost all three like they could easily be up 3-1 right now easily going back to Boston looking to close the series in that just shows you that’s that was a team that bluffed it it’s just probably what it was sooner or later you get to a point and I lived it you get it to the finals against the Detroit Red Wings and basically it was kind of a bluff it’s like they they kick your ass and it’s like you shouldn’t be there you just face a team that’s just simply better than you and you face a team where they’re like the joke is over for you youve been bluffing it long enough and you’ve bluffed it this far and we’re going to kick your ass and you’re going to go home that’s what did and now they’re waiting for Dallas and I think Dallas will do the same thing to Minnesota it’s going to be Dallas like again like we talked about last week it could be Stars map like back to back to back in the final just like it was heat Panthers last year which is wild what do you think about all the talk and all the flowers going Kyrie’s way saying that he’s turned around his career and kind of I don’t think he has from a playing he’s been very good what he’s done is he’s just stop talking and promoting stuff I’m almost like I I watch it and I’m like this guy’s getting props for not being a complete loser exactly that’s all he’s done is quiet it doesn’t you know he’s still he’s entitled to whatever opinion he has like everyone else in the world like he he’s free to think the way he wants to think say what he wants to say what he’s doing is there’s no more live streams there’s no more I’m leaving for events you know remember that when he missed games cuz he was like I’ve got a family event I’m going to and you’re like what are you talking about here man like right right he was a distraction and now he’s not a breaker up of super teams as well yes but he’s on his listen the guy’s got rings and he’s a win away from going back and he might get another one and like as a number one and that’s not what he was necessarily in Brooklyn he was in Boston a number one it doesn’t work if he’s a number two talk to LeBron man that guy can help you win if he’s a number two he can help you win yeah and Luc is obviously paying dividends off that uh Best Bets brought to you by FanDuel still to come overdrive continues TSN 1050 and on TSN to


    1. It's gonna be hilarious watching the Devils look lost in their D zone not knowing what to do because their lite beer loving AHL coach doesn't know how to spell 'DEFENCE,' let alone coach it.

      People think it was the core four in TO that was the issue, it was their scoring prowess that carried Keefe to his lofty little record.

      I hope Devils fans are fine with regular season success built off the backs of Hughes/Hischier and then floundering in round one of the playoffs because they don't have a solid defensive foundation to rely on.

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