All I can say is thank you Redbull that weekend isn’t going to be forgotten for a while!! So grateful for everything.

    Erzberg up next lets goooo!!


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    Lee (STAN):

    l v i in you want me eating this Taco spotl I know how to get what’s mine CU I night so you Bri everybody’s making way hey yeah oh [ __ ] big city life anyway I’ve been in London the last 2 days had a check up with a surgeon all neat very happy with that so that’s good then done the ride Companion podcast today fly at 6:00 a.m. to Monaco to Formula 1 which is where this vlog’s actually for but I thought I’ll start early just see what’s happening tonight after a place called the bike shed where I’m doing something for Red Bull which I’m not entirely sure what is that was a good test test up anyway got no idea what’s actually happening here although although the red bulles to come and they picked up one of my Championship bikes to have on display don’t know if I’m talking about it standing there smiling waving I’ve actually got no idea well it turns out this event still don’t know what it is been organized by the bike shed was not at the bike shed back on the line back got a 15-minute pedal to do now I’ve actually just thought I didn’t actually stop this bike so it’s a good job come back out otherwise someone could have been just out on the prow this fell come in the wrong direction just run a red light I’ll follow him through one my god oh goodness gracious me can you do any more tricks or just that one Instagram Instagram Superman KD London live 11 minutes in it you can just start one of these pedal along up what speed I’m doing well they probably meant to wear helmet I suppose baffles me a little bit really brother sorry beds everywhere there only this many around little London that’s see Congress does deliver room wonder what he’s got on board oh left tell you what Google Maps when you’re cycling is a bit unresponsive iive whoa hang Gods nearly there P what are you delivering yeah what food have you got on Board Pizza Pizza nice see that could be the life for [Applause] me do this all shop that pizza is still going to be warm got be giving a good tip oh no that phone needs to recenter itself oh the further down I’m on the right street I’m on the right Street 9 quid red buling out that expense bit underdressed didn’t bring me leather jacket I see I don’t know what the [ __ ] coming up next I don’t know how much longer this is going to last for but we’ll be at Monaco soon if that’s all you’re here for [Music] this place ising massive I mean it’s not ecma size but I think I’m under the third Hall just had to do like a little video thing I’m sure you’ll see it somewhere if you’re a really Avid fan and you want to go and find it basically said hi my name is Billy motorbikes I’m fantastic just F have a little look around the rest of the shore any it’s cool in it Joy Dunlop whip is it Joy Dunlop I think it is top B thank you very much appreciate it lovely to meet you you thank [Music] you go so it’s a face swap so if you um if you I don’t know I don’t know if the camera works but basically pop your details in so you choose a picture now so if you it’s a lot of effort going into stand for for that in it thanks anyway than there you go it’s a good job your tires are good mitching cuz your pictures are I’ve actually really enjoyed walking around here not going to lie I wasn’t that Keen on coming I’m pleased I have I still can’t tell you what the name of this thing is it’s I’ve learned it’s a 3-day Festival that happens once a year organized by the bike shed so it’s here for the next two days but by the time this Vlog comes out it finished so look out for it next year that’s all I can see we doing this some f me while I’m still sleep this actually not even that bad we’re on Crispy Cream coffee because everyone else was that busy and we’re not in a rush but I also didn’t want to miss the flight cuz this is quite a nice weekend we about half a thinking I’d rather not started off on a negative foot at least snacking just carry nothing so take my handbag you want N I don’t know darling looks good on you we didn’t come to an F1 race last year but I think this has made up for [Music] it what do you think it is chocolates don’t know should we have a bit just open it what’s that how do you know you could eat it look that was [ __ ] good whatever it is it’s like a it’s a posh maltier if I ever seen a posh maltier it’s shiny what a privilege multiser that is L who was winging in the podcast about is saying that I only like going to events if I get special treatments really not going to be enjoying this Vlog this weekend I am very appreciative and I do realize I am very very very oh yes oh God yes she was why do then he get himself a red bll sponsorship then see how easy that was not easy to get one of them go on Ro enjoy your laugh babe enjoy your laugh and this also was actually a wedding present from someone who probably wants to remain anonymous but people that know him probably know who it is but yeah thanks mate knock on the door Alpha turri box yeah we need to go these for us Bion window get up quite Scenic yeah like so and if she starts getting mad at me I’ll be that all right um this pie is mental I don’t even know what I was expecting but this is more impressive than it is I’m not even joking I honestly feel uncomfortable like I need to be dirty and oily I think my eyes can’t fathom what’s actually going on I I can’t stop videoing cuz I want you to I want to portray how mad this actually looks anyway we’re here it’s Saturday it’s about 12:00 I think the Sprint race is at 4:00 it’s lunch time and coffee time up this is up this is the Red Bull station this is amazing lrv in if I just hold my glass up someone I’ll refill it that back smash getting on a boat darling can I grab a red red bll please than thank you very much on a b normal look at the size of them things it’s not real life any of this he’s gone for it pin it oh I wasn’t expecting s seems [ __ ] it out that was me driving this P you’d be going [ __ ] ballistic right now oh my God that a c for that feel like about look at the McGregor sometime soon 20 a hi hi right we got some tickets for a grand stand I’m not sure which one just been told there a map work that out tell us they are so where where is this this one this one here perfect thank you we’re in how we doing oh you can watch them just come P here last time maroxy came to F1 we actually got so lucky was at Silverstone 2 years ago because there was a crash at the beginning there was so much chaos and we were in the garage for the first part of the race we seen three pit stops so I feel like we’ve ticked that box off we don’t really need to worry about see p stops anymore they allowed to flog stuff do you reckon I mean they are turns out F1 doesn’t actually do a Sprint race let sat here on turn two thinking we’re going to have a mint view of the start of the Sprint race cuz they’re all going to be together we don’t have a Sprint race also it turns out we’re not actually set at turn two ticket says T2 so I’m letting myself off with that one just shut up for the rest of the day then Hamilton [Applause] know might as well stand up everyone else is got underbob sweat feel like Andy [Applause] [Music] [Music] bro move yeah this his answer story you professional [Music] good morning that blow out right really I’m really trying my best send me in a hoodie good morning hurry now [Music] blowout pick one of the 32 vclasses waiting at the front of the hotel sh look at this little devil the Mitchell and Chef wasn’t hitting the spot yesterday I starving all day like little funny children’s meals are goes better does it I’m not going to lie I’m spotting the other one for me though so definitely more law enforcement out to do go get some We Go Again how’s it feel on the second second day entrance these are the ship boats okay that’s a cushy little job is it lobster for a look in the garage which I’m happy about because I thought we um’s that fell [ __ ] no [Music] idea well that don’t look like Max oh sh get [Music] up any good don’t like theise just no filming inside the garage is that right definitely Vlog the Vlog stops here for it but time’s expired [ __ ] in there though see full engine that’s a few questions about that feel a lot more horm on this side well not being on the water and just being amongst mechanics and then in the back tent which is literally just a tent um and I felt right home was almost going to ask for coffee out the coffee machine I don’t really know who many famous people are I think there’s a lot floating around judging by how many cameras are poting Here There and Everywhere if he weren’t here I would have just disappeared and she’d be on a wild goose chase looking for me in there I just think she’s done well to get oh just walked past Will I Am enough for that right video meting this tackle 8 out of 10 [Music] [Applause] go fast take risks I’m okay thank you a big mess going on out there any race is happening you obviously know what happen in the race this Vlog was never intended to putr the I think it’s actually going to be rather [ __ ] long cuz I think back it started on Friday so anyway watch on the top I mean unfathomable what’s actually happening very appreciative anyway I’ll see you after the race hopefully red win although I don’t think it’s likely cuz Max is quite far back does win he’s going to come and do a belly flop and that super pool down there apparently which will be nice and that’ll be a nice end to my Vlog so I’ll see you later on this afternoon for whatever happens next [Music] yeah beep [Applause] beep it is chaos out here now any good fabulous darling anyway I reckon that’s probably going to end proceedings I don’t even know how much of a vlog we’ve got we started a few days ago um yeah after urg next week commentating so I’ll do a vlog from that sburg week and then hopefully he’s not too much longer to I’m back on a motorbike I seen the surgeon on Thursday he’s very happy well KNX yes probably going to get your hopes of a b well actually I don’t want to get your hopes up too much still still a bit but ser is very happy with how things are looking anyway more on that in the near future thanks for watching in a bit [Music]


    1. Enjoy it Bill for all the hard graft and bikes you've pushed up big F ing hills. Laughed so much, your humour really resonates 😆

    2. Good news your knee is getting better will you be ready for the he Enduro GP at Rhyder Wales August 2-4 happy healing
      Jonny walker been doing mad down hill jumps

    3. Class vlog!! Here we have roxy in her natural environment, and billy feeling like hes broke in! Lap it up billy lad, you've done the graft to get there.

    4. Sadly Bill my hatred of F1 is only beaten by Premiership Football but looking forward to seeing you back on a bike soon.. My first unwatched 57 vid hopefully my only one. See ya in a bit.

    5. Nice to see but think they should have let you ride your bike on the mega yachts bet you both had headaches I know I did just watching ! Your sport is superior in every way!

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