Bob Roll and Tejay van Garderen preview the 2024 Criterium du Dauphine, discuss Tadej Pogacar’s historic Giro d’Italia win and more. #nbcsports #cycling
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    Criterium du Dauphine Preview: Primoz Roglic vs. Remco Evenepoel | Beyond the Podium | NBC Sports

    he won more stages in the jro than Eddie mer he puts himself into a very rarified amount of racers and it was beautiful to watch but I do just think that he still needs to mature a little bit and think like am I spending energy in the right places for the right reasons and thinking along the term what do we what do we need to see from rogich or a a pole to I I don’t know not reassure is not the right word but to uh to give us hope that they’ll be competitive in the tour to France a little bit later in the summer I I there’s no shame in just giving yourself a little bit more time aiming for the welta go and win the welta and uh make sure you’re fully healed fully recovered rather than risk setting yourself back even further everybody Welcome to beyond the podium I’m Bob R I’ll be joined in a moment with TJ Varden we’re going to get into T at the Juro of course that’s Don and dusted Unchained the documentary about the tour to France is also going to be released on June 11th we’ll talk about that a little bit the sprinters big battles in the dro as always in the Sprint game and of course the doofan coming up and Remco a in a pole and Primos rogl are going to make their comebacks to racing after that big crash in the tour of the pay bass country all of that with TJ Vanguard and TJ how you doing after a long jro away from home I’m doing all right you know a little tired little hagger but you know was only for the thing it wasn’t like I was racing it that’s I wanted to ask you about that what’s it like to be a director in the team car what does that do to you physically compared to doing a grand tour H it’s I mean you you finish the thing feeling kind of pretty much the same like uh racing a grand tour get in the car it’s just the mental fatigue the the stress the all of that but um but but the only thing is you can’t complain and nobody gives you any sympathy because you’re just like what you were just sitting around the whole time can’t win for losing when you’re a team director unless of course you win like T Pacha and his team UAE one of the most dominant performances I’ve been around cycling for a long time that I’ve ever seen we have to go way back to the 1960s to see a bigger margin he won more stages in the jro than Eddie Merck he puts himself into a very rarified amount of racers and it was beautiful to watch but I’m wondering if uh the whole world would agree with that assessment that I took away from the Juro it was all about taty Pacha this year no he definitely stole the show man I mean it was a it was just kind of a oneman thing and um you know his team was so dominant he was so dominant uh there were a couple of times when I was like all right did that really need to happen like did you need to put your team on the front you’re winning by already by eight minutes do you need to win by nine like by putting your team on the front like that and which I don’t I don’t fault him for it I mean he’s hungry he wants to win he’s young and he’s excited and you know he’s winning the g-ro but I just wonder like is are those sort of efforts G to catch up to him come July that’s a very good question and time will tell uh I wondered the same thing he spent 20 days in the pink jersey and I asked myself well maybe today UAE will give the Jersey away but TI explained I have to be behind the podium anyway for the points or the king of the mountains Jersey so why not just stay in pink so I thought that he had a pretty good explanation of that but let you’re right the time will tell in the during the tour to France and we might be we might be questioning how dominant he was without needing to be in all honesty in the jro yeah and you look to be honest there was a lot of times that you know the stage was just there for him to take and uh and if it’s there for him to take go ahead and take it like so the stage to after the fir after the second rest day after the lavinho stage the one that was shortened you know yes nro canana just finished second the day before the rest day right and then there was a break away there was a way that had ala Philip we had our guy Andrea Piccolo in there um and it was a strong break and M Star they got really excited looking um you know about nairo’s second place and they were like okay we’re going to pull this break break back and I was thinking well if you pull that break back then the stage is just open for pojar to take then pojar if he takes that no problem no problem stage eight was the one that I was more like okay you put your team on the front nobody’s up there on GC you’re wasting a lot of energy like your team is wasting a lot of energy and I even saw some of those guys in the group pedo some days I was like they’re kind of TI not doesn’t need to just think about himself he needs to think about the effort that his team is made because if he says I want to win today puts his team on the front they’re going to pay for that um so yeah it was a very dominant display super impressive loved watching it you know he’s definitely climbing the ladder on that whole goat conversation we’re talking about goat greatest of all time um but I do just think that he still needs to mature a little bit and think like am I spending energy in the right places for the right reasons and thinking long term well I wanted to give you some congratulations there’s 23 teams that started the jro only nine teams got a stage win and you guys came up with the goods with gor steinhauser congrats on that that must have been thrilling oh yeah man that was that was super cool I we were in this Breakaway and um you know there was a few dangerous guys in there and uh I think it was Bahrain that was pulling it back for um for uh tii and they came back to like 20 seconds and then gayor was just like like I think he was just going for the red jersey or something he just attacks and then all of a sudden the pelaton sits up and we’re like okay let’s keep going let’s see how much we can take because the teams were weakened at that point and uh we’re like okay let’s push push hard now let’s take all this time once we get on the final climb we know the GC gu is going to wake up and he might lose they’ll have to manage that Gap so let’s take all this time now recover on The Descent and see if we can hold that Gap and uh when you look at the result sheet at the end of day it was gor Stein Houser first T poaka second so pretty cool looking result sheet if you ask me and uh some champagne that night in the hotel obviously I mean you know how we do it when we have a victory we we celebrated so Tobias steinhauser his dad teammates with Yan rrick where did you guys find uh gayor how did you recognize the talent and all that I mean he has the pedigree the name and everything but how was it came to get a chance to start the G Talia 22 years of age not out of the ordinary in this day and age but a pretty big result for a young pro his first win by the way absolutely no uh well he’s he’s had a couple of wins already in some smaller races some 21s um he’s just he was one of those kids super talented as a junior I think he only did one year in the amateurs and like we snatched him up uh I mean JV Jonathan V is our uh general manager that team you know he spotted him and he kind of came in the same draft class as like the one I Usos and you know super competitive against those guys he had a string of bad luck like some illnesses some injuries and this year he’s just finally gotten this clear run of uh of just races and so now he was finally during this jro able to show the world like what we already knew internally but um I think he’s only G his Stock’s only going to grow from here and he’s just going to take off after this jro that brings up another question I have for you did you guys spot any riders that might not be on people’s radar that might step up to the World Tour that you guys would be interested I mean I know you can’t disclose maybe everything about that but uh some young guys that never heard of pelari comes to my mind that could be big factors in cycling moving forward that was that was the first name that came in my mind too you sold the words out of my mouth that’s that Julio pitar I mean he the day that he finished second he finished second in the mountains classification to today um no he’s he’s going to be a name to reckon with uh right now he’s Racing for bani but I I just think it’s a matter of time before he gets snatched up by a world tour team and uh and you know get gets put on the on the big stage and the races that he he belongs in let’s start talking about the sprinters a little bit the jro featured a number of Sprint stages and uh two big sprinters battling it out merer and Milan what did you make of the Sprint stages I thought they were really intriguing and often times it didn’t look like was going to come down to the Sprint they finally caught the Breakaway uh they were really exciting and uh I was very surprised impressed with Milan but merer you had a great jro also yeah no those those two were they were kind of going head-to-head um so it was really fun to watch uh I I was rooting for Caleb euan I know that he hasn’t shown like great form in the past years but like I still want him to get up there again um but no Miler and Milan definitely still the show in terms of sprinters but us being a breakaway team I was always rooting for the sprinters to party to get spoiled so like I think it was what stage five uh we had ven they finishing second place that and they just yes yes that’s right yeah they stole the show from the sprinters on that day it was everyone thought that that day was like 100% a Sprint day but we uh we’re able to wreck their party too bad we only got second on that one but super happy to see ven back up there too yeah I think you guys had a fantastic Juro so congrats on that let’s talk a little bit about the podium at the judity Talan and a lot of people have said U that t didn’t maybe face the toughest competition uh but Garen Thomas and daddy Martinez some of the best cyclists in the world come on oh absolutely I mean honestly I was expecting a little bit more from Ben o Conor I know he got sick but when I saw him at the tour of the Alps he was looking like a different Rider it was looking like he was ready to step up and really be a contender uh he had a great hero finished fourth um I was expecting him to be a closer second to T now Garen Thomas you can’t say enough about him I mean he’s a crowd favorite I mean everyone loves to see him up there 38 years old that kind of makes me think like damn I maybe I should have stuck it out for a few more years but uh he’s making us all old guys all look bad for like giving it up to being lazy yeah he is just the coolest dude he’s always the fan favorite and uh just so humble and he’s just kind of has this I’m just gonna get on with it mentality so really really happy to see him I used to train with him a lot when I was living at n he lives in Monaco um just just an allaround great guy same thing with Danny Martinez I was teammates with him on EF and I I knew the talent that he possessed um I think he just needed to to get that right fit have a team 100% devoted to him I don’t think this is going to be the last grand tour Podium finish that you see from Danny Martinez I think he’s only gonna uh take off from here um but yeah that being said there were we were missing the Primos road glitches the Evan a pools and those guys and the vingo like so there wasn’t like that five star favorite that he went up against but uh I I wouldn’t say this this hero was just given to T let me this is the question on everybody’s mind and it will be through most of the tour France probably did taty Pacha do anything during this year’s jro that would indicate to you TJ that he’s not capable of winning the tour to France no I mean I think I think sometimes he was just a little bit too Cavalier with his team and uh riding that on the front when it was unnecessary in order to win a stage that he didn’t need to win and that’s going to cost his team energy and in in this jro maybe you can get away with that in the tour you really can’t afford those mistakes and sometimes you know you have to know when you just have to let it go and that you’re secure in the Jersey without having to just get that sixth stage win um that’s the only cautionary tale that I would I would tell them uh come July now the only thing that could stand in his way is how those other guys are recovering from their injuries because after the bass country like he might really not have any rivals in July um time will tell I really hope that we see a fully loaded uh jonis vinga go and I hope that Evan a pool and rogl are firing on all cylinders because that would just make for a great show but we don’t know that yet I mean I we’ll probably learn that in the do that brings up a question I have for you t amongst those four guys seems to to be to have the ability to avoid those catastrophic moments he seems the most Armageddon proof out of the World War four guys aan aole rogich and vingo is that an accurate assessment on my part or maybe that’s just a question of pure luck up to this point no no no come on there’s that’s not luck man I mean the dude won Flanders the dude won strata biani like you he is a highly highly skilled bike rider um I mean he can work his way through the he can he can create his own space create his own gaps like you saw him on the final day he was trying to lead out moleno for the Sprint finish and he was up there until the final like 500 meters like you don’t typically see that GC guys like usually you have to baby your GC guys to the line and make sure that your closing caps he doesn’t need that like he he is so highly skilled that uh he creates his own luck that way all right time will tell on that also um the Unchained series of documentaries is going to return to Netflix from I believe it was last year’s tour to front something I’m looking forward to seeing behind the scenes it’s a great insight into the sport and uh you’re looking forward to seeing the unchain the I think it’s the second uh iteration of that covering last year’s tour to France yeah no that’s going to be cool I I definitely like seeing kind of like the peak behind the curtain like what goes on in the bu what are these guys personalities like because you see them with their helmets and their glasses but then uh you kind of see them at home and they’re and different just a little bit different Dynamic and I think it’s uh it kind of adds a human element to to all these guys that we see that really are just like comic book superheroes but uh I think that they Unchained they did a really good job with that Series so that’s June 11th and uh it might be a good reminder before this upcoming tour to France and to update or just to remind ourselves of what last year’s tour to France was like going 100% in the way of yonas vingo and the visma squad different story this year since vingo and wal vanard crashed earlier in the spring TJ yeah I mean uh where was it wer he just made a return at like Norway or something like that yeah he’s he definitely did not look like the V we’re accustomed to I mean there’s definitely still time there’s plenty of time to get that form before July but uh and I hope he does I really hope he does because you know no wants to see a diminished tour because of people didn’t show up with the proper preparation everyone wants to see like everyone’s fully loaded firing on all cylinders and may the best man win and you know let’s get it on in July like um so I’m I’m holding out hope that all these guys are going to show up fully loaded well yonas vingo has said he’s not racing until the tour to France but in the doof upcoming um starts on Sunday we get a chance to see Primos rogich and Remco aan aole two of the pre-ra favorites all things being considered uh in the tour to France should be a great doin when those two guys have a big Showdown give us an idea of how well they’re recovering from a pretty devastating crash for everybody concerned in the tour of the bass country yeah I mean I I clearly I don’t have any inside knowledge into uh into Bor um dcoic Squad so I don’t know how they’re training or what’s going on there but I I think that they’re going to be good and uh you know there has that 34k TT in the dolphan a so I would give the slight nod to Evan AOL assuming that they’re both healthy um but yeah I think it’s it’s going to be a real test to see how they’ve recovered from that bass country crash I mean uh if they’re who knows maybe like Carlos Rodriguez or someone like that is going to step up and win the dolphan and he’ll be the closest uh the closest Challenger to today come July there’s a big time trial and of course the final weekend of the doofen Eds you know well big mountains uh does a course favor roget or aan aole or maybe Juan a Uso and like you said Carlos Rodriguez more than anybody else and what do we what do we need to see from rogich or aan aole to I I don’t know not reassure is not the right word but to uh to give us hope that they’ll be competitive in the tour frons a little bit later in the summer I mean we’re just going to need to see you know what we’re accustomed to seeing from them I mean if we uh because you forget that even before uh the crash in the bass country Primos the only memory I really have with of him is Perry and he was we can admit that he was not great there so I mean we’re going to have to see like just a Primos that we’re accustomed to seeing I mean uh I don’t know his teammate vlov might end up uh might end up getting the nod and the dolphan and who knows and and yeah also Juan a Uso we know how big of a fan I am of him the uh the token American I think he’s gonna be up there that’s right is Seth cus racing the dolphan he must be he’ll be there yes with Matteo J so that’ll be a good riter to follow also see how SE is doing you know I actually heard somebody say uh just the other day because sep cus has been a little bit quiet this year he did race all three grand Tours last year I wonder if he’s holding on to some residual fatigue from doing all three grand Tours last year and you know B basically being a part of the winning team and also winning himself yeah like sometimes that kind of energy like you don’t even realize that can carry over into the next year uh hopefully he’s worked that out with his coaches and he can show something in the do that’ll lead us to believe that he can have a good tour but um I don’t know I I’m not going to say I’m concerned because I know he’s such a big talent and class but uh let’s hope that’s not the case that he’s not just too tired from last year so there’s some pretty significant injuries uh Primos maybe in from the bass country crash the the least affected but rco and yonas most certainly had some significant um I didn’t really face anything like that when I was racing but it’s got to be a factor when you consider the extent of the injuries um even though it’s a long from bass country to T front like a different career almost but uh how long does it take nowadays like the Riders are so skinny um and they’re so uh they’re so they’re so exceptional at just riding their bike it makes me wonder if it doesn’t take a little bit longer to recover from some of the injuries that we saw yeah I mean I don’t know I if this had happened in the welta and they had the entire offseason to recover then I would think that okay they’re going to start next season and they’re going to be fully loaded they’re going to be healthy and it’s not going to be a problem but bass country to the tour that’s you know if you say it takes you know six weeks to heal a bone I mean V broke some ribs and that’s that’s not just like a breaking you know a color bone you can kind of put some pins in there and it’ll be stable and you can be on your bike in like three days those ribs like they’re expanding every time you take a breath I mean that’s just that’s rough I mean that’s something hard to come back from um I mean especially I think it’s it’s telling that he’s not actually racing before the tour I think those injuries are a bit more serious and I we might need to wait till the welta before we see thing could go fully healthy um I hope I’m wrong but I just think it’s too quick of a turnaround I I think he could show up to the tour and race it but if he’s not going to be 100% it’s kind of like what’s the point you know why don’t maybe just give yourself until the well to go Inn the welta and it’s a it’s a successful season um but yeah that but then again I I really don’t know I I I’m only speculating here that just shows you what kind of pressure the Riders put on themselves in modern cycling there’s just uh tour is so massive for your career and for your team and I mean everything that goes around it do you think that Jonas is maybe giving into that a little bit sooner than he should do I think he might be I mean uh you know his team they’ve you he’s won the Tour the past two years he was part of the most dominant team the tour is obviously the biggest race I mean it’s hard to pass up the tour and but the thing that I would caution about is sometimes you can you can see numbers in training and you think that you’re as good as you are based on like because I just popped a 20 minute test but the question is can you do that under load can you do that 10 days of fatigue and I think that depth might be what he what he’ll be lacking especially if he’s missing the doofan because the doofan just gives that huge load and that racing boost that you need before the tour and look I cycling changed so much um people train their way into form uh much more than they used to they used to have to race uh incorporate racing a lot more um so I don’t know maybe I know he’s a smart guy and he has smart people in his corner and he wouldn’t be showing up to the tour if he didn’t think he could be competitive but um I just hope that that decision is being made you know without without stress or pressure and more like okay what what is the real goal here what’s the AIM um I there’s no shame in just giving yourself a little bit more time aiming for the VTA go and win the VTA and uh make sure you’re fully healed fully recovered rather than risk setting yourself back even further I I agree 100% what what do you make of I mean team visma wouldn’t be the first Squad to use some subterfuge going into a big race what do you make of the sound bites from that Squad we’ve seen recently about yonas I I I didn’t see this what was this I must although the team released a video where Jonas is training he’s going to be he won’t do the tour unless he’s 100% ready um so maybe that’s still a story that will unfold but still I don’t it’s not how I would have approached his recuperation yeah I mean I don’t know I I actually heard that yonas is in my Orca right now maybe I uh maybe I should try to reach out to I mean I don’t I wouldn’t know how to reach out to him he proba has no idea even who I am but uh you’ll see him flying by the house soon probably yeah I’ll just maybe I’ll try to look at him and I’ll just kind of do some spy work see if I can see you gotta go I’ll find TJ I’m gonna go on a mission now I’m gonna go find Yas go I’m gonna followa see what hotel he’s staying at and uh see if I can clock his times up sck L bro see if he’s gonna be ready yes exactly all right well doof is next and uh TJ thank you I hope you’re recovering well in mayorca and and you have some time off now to ride the bike and recuperate from a hard Jero yeah I got a little bit of time I do tour of slovania next up and um that’s a Fed day race it’ll be cool never been to slania so be an interesting you know new part of the world to explore but uh yeah I’ll try to get on the bike try to sweat out some of that you know five kilos of pasta that I was eating every day me too but I don’t have any excuse like you do well thanks TJ and thanks everybody for watching good to see you Bob you too man


    1. It's funny that Horner is gone. Probably a result of his clash with Christian over who was the better rider, Jonas or Tadja and Horner was firmly in the Tadja camp. The new guys are likeable and give great insight on the NBC coverage but since I see more cycling on HBO I'm more accustomed to their coverage and it will be hard to pry me away.

    2. TJ talks about Pogacar as he is still a rookie. Come on! He has won tours and other numerous important races. Besides, you win when can because tomorrow is never ever guaranteed! 🤪

    3. Everyone is complaining about TJ mispronouncing Pogačar's name, but can the actual NBC commentators(except Phil) pronounce Roglič's name correctly for once? (raw-glitch).

      Side note: Bob is also dropping the 'r" in Pogačar, which also sounds off.

    4. Great episode. I enjoyed this discussion. I agree it is concerning that Jonas isn’t doing the Dauphine as a “tune up” race. But we’ll see what happens at the tour. As a viewer, I want to see both riders (Pog & Jonas) going at it at full strength.

    5. Crazy how TJ talks as if he was ever even close to Tade's level. He repeatedly made super stupid decisions on the bike and rarely had the fitness to back up any thing. What ever it is he has against Tade, it is pretty bogus to sit there talking smack about stuff he never did. I all ways thought TJ was a decent guy, but since he has been blabbing away on NBC, im kinda starting to hate the dude. What a looser!

    6. I know no one wants to talk about it but it does seem strange how quiet it has been for several years now on the doping front. I mean the numbers are all off the charts but we never hear of anyone testing positive. It would seem to me if the testing protocol was doing it's job then we'd have some folks being caught. I just find the omission strange. I will say this current younger generation of racers is way more likeable and have a kind of positive sportsmanship that is the opposite of the EPO era racers. I like that part. I just find it hard not to wonder what they are doing to keep shattering the race records both individually and as a group.

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