This week felt like a looong one! Including a Bridgerton themed picnic, lots of Girlies IRL duties, buying my boyfriend’s birthday presents and planning out a surprise night away. We stayed at The Ffolkes in West Norfolk and it was absolutely brilliant! We had so much fun playing all the games and the bath was absolutely unmatched. And finally, we headed back to London for a dose of reality after far too long away from my silly little routine.

    What have you been up to this week? Let me know in the comments because I’m nosey!

    Girlies IRL events (own brand):


    good morning everyone and welcome to a brand new weekly Vlog if you’re new around here my name is Amy astred this is my vlogging Channel where I Vlog every single week of my life this is week number [Music] 18 you join me on a Sunday this week which is very rare normally I do these Vlogs Monday to Friday but I am just on my way to aby’s birthday party and I think this week is going to be a bit of a week of birthdays because like I just said it’s aby’s birthday party today she’s doing a Bridget and themed party which is very fun the cake looks insane I’ll show you in a bit when I get there and I was really fapping about what to wear I kept looking online I couldn’t really find anything I liked and then I remembered I had this dress from mby I don’t know how much you can see it right now but you’ll see it later on but it is like floor length it’s puffy sleeves it’s got like a square neck and it’s floral and even though black as a base doesn’t give Bridge turn I think everything else about it does enough and I love this dress makes me feel great so we’ve gone with this dress and it was good because it meant I didn’t actually have to buy anything new I’m really making an effort to wear What’s in my wardrobe rather than just assuming I have to buy something new for every special occasion at the moment so yeah I’m seeing the rest of the girls there which will be nice cuz I’ve been in Norwich all week so I’ve not seen them in a while and then later in the week is my boyfriend Charlie’s birthday I said right at the end of last week’s Vlog I’ve never been in a relationship when it’s been their birthday before so I’ve definitely been overthinking like making sure it’s a nice day for for him but I’m sure it would be lovely I’ve got a little surprise planned it does involve a night away but it’s quite like lowkey and chilled hopefully he will enjoy it I’m going to try and throw him off the scent but he’s not great with surprises he just keeps asking me to completely ruin it but the surprises part of the fun yeah that is the plan of action for this week I will see you once I get to aby’s house I actually can’t wait to see what everyone else is wearing I don’t know or any of them are wearing I don’t think apart from Abby oh my God look at set up it looks amazing just wait till you see the cake it’s ridiculous oh my God these little Bridget themed cupcakes stop it oh I think these are from Piglet’s Pantry actually I’ve seen these look how ridiculous this cake is it is like a wedding cake it I love it it’s stunning birthday girl herself i’ like to say that I made myself I really did did you not no I’d like to see you attempt making something like that though oh I could oh but I I want to watch the whole process of it you know what I really want us to do go to that Great British Bake Off tent but I want to compete against each other I want us to be a comp yes well I actually was meant to take Lizzy for her birthday so because we were an odd number we could go with Lizzy that’s very true I’ll pay for her and that’ll be our birthday present and we all beet against each other that actually sounds very fun I’m I think we’ do a good job at that or a good a good job in the sense that we enjoying yeah we have a fantastic time and the outcome you know when they go oh well it’s the effort that counts it would be our effort that really counted and we would put effort in we would oh we would even if the outcome leaves a little to be desired the effort would be there I would absolutely love that happy Monday yesterday was so fun that cake was absolutely insane but my phone ringing hi Gad how are you oh you’re cutting out sorry I can’t hear you honestly the signal here nor signal is no joke umen found it too bad this time it’s every time my granddad Rings me specifically it must be a bad combination I was ringing again anyway so what I was saying was I got a delivery that I was waiting for literally all of last week so I’m very excited that it’s finally here but basically I’m working with Lululemon on Instagram I literally could have screamed when I got the DM I’m so excited I love Lululemon my like black fled trousers that I wear to be honest anytime they’re not in the wash that’s why I wear they’re absolutely fantastic and they are from Lululemon but this time they wanted to focus specifically on shorts so I pushed myself up my comfort zone a little bit and I got something quite bright um let me show you so I’ve got these little shorts this is like the campaign focus and I think yeah these are the Align shorts which means that they’re the same material as the trousers that I love so much but they’re just like little cycling shorts this waistband bit is exactly the same as well so I know they’re going to be really comfy and then I’m going to wear sports bra with it and I got this white t-shirt it’s just like oversized cuz because of the like cuz of tight cycling shorts I just wanted something that was going to be loose so just an oversized plain white T-shirt it feels really really lovely quality and then I also got this jumper to match the shorts which is one of their quarter Zips and I already have one of these you’ve probably seen it before if you watch this channel in a cream color and I love it so I decided to get this in the Pink as well love and then I got some trainers which I’m very excited about because to be honest Charlie’s been banging on at me for ages about getting some supportive trainers because he’s he’s like cheering um I I’ve literally just completed that level Oh I thought you were I thought you were cheering about my trainers no I’m cheering cuz I’ve just completed that level that I’ve just spent was on we’re having a bit of a competition on a game called two dots it’s like a stupid mobile game um and we were both stuck on the same level for ages and I did it this morning and he’s just done it as well anyway um I’ve had a slip disc in my back since I was young and it flares up fairly often and causes me a lot of problems and Charlie’s been bagging on at me to get some decent shoes um because the the ones I wear aren’t particularly supportive so I decided to take this opportunity and get look how bright white they are oh I love it they look so nice there is actually nothing in the world more satisfying than brand new trainers I’m convinced but so I’ve got these and then to kind of tie it all in well what’s more satisfying than working with Lululemon well exactly he’s on commission and I also got these socks to tie it all in so exercise Barbie is here and she’s ready and we’re going to go for a little um a brisk walk the nor broads which will be very nice is that your phone now God we’re very popular today okay I’ve got my outfit on apart from the top actually I’ve got a different t-shirt on for the moment because we’re going to the city for some lunch and there is just no way that if I was wearing a plain white T-shirt it wouldn’t end up all down me so I’m not tempting fate today this is where we have come for lunch it’s on norch Market we got a s in here it was a few weeks ago wasn’t it and they were so good so we’re trying a different one today this is the Studio 64 which is a club sandwich but it’s also got hash browns in it sounds very good look fanging Charlie’s so hungry he’s like Angry Angry just realized that’s that’s literally what you are sandwiches acquired these are absolutely gigantic you happier now I haven’t had food yet but yes go on give us your first impression how am I going to eat this good it looks really good last time I had the lasagna one and that was really good as well but I wanted to try something different right sandwich eaten and I’ve left Charlie for a bit because I’m going to buy him a couple of little birthday bits and I need a card and I think I’m going to get him a Jelly Cat cuz he keeps about jelly cats and I have also got him something else as well but I need to pick that up here we have a wall of jelly cats I’m quite drawn to the Frog um and I think the Sushi’s very funny as well I actually really like the little heart one but I don’t know how he would feel about that oh the mle’s quite cute it’s very dark but look presents acquired but I actually got a few more bits than I thought I was going to but I’ve realized it he could see straight into the bag so I’ve put my jumper I’ve like taken my jumper off and put it over it we’ve just been for a very long walk why did it looks so milky don’t know about that sorry guys um what is going on with this camera a bit better we’ve just been for a long walk to film my Lulu lemonade it was very nice actually how long do you think we’re walking for like an hour and a half it’s definitely longer than an hour cuz I had to update the parking I don’t know but cheers bump for the money my afternoon snap he keeps quoting this apparently it’s like an OG is it Vine or Tik Tok I think it’s Vine I’ve never heard it but anyway um yeah that was fun I think the ad came out well you can look at it on my Instagram if you want I don’t know if it’ll be posted by the time this is but I’m just going to get changed in the car back into my OG t-shirt cuz I feel quite sweaty now um and then we’re going to the HB to see Charlie I don’t think he’s ever been on this channel obviously not this Charlie another Charlie Charlie used to be in my Vlogs all the time so maybe I’ll get him to make Cameo appearance Char is the goat yeah those two love each other Amy hates it the fact that when Charlie and I met we’ve been in sepal I knew they’d be very similar they’ve got a very similar sense of humor um I think I’m hilarious but they speak like I’ve been friends with Charlie for like oh my God like 17 years or I’ve known him for 17 years we weren’t friends at first but um God that is disgusting how am I old enough to have known someone for 17 years yeah um but anyway uh can’t remember but yeah we’ve had fun I’ve taken a few photos for my t TI Tok I’m not going to tell you what my Tik Tok name is but if you want to do some digging stop selfpromo on my girlfriend’s account I mean you can just give them your Tik Tok name if you want do you want to keep it mystery do they deserve it though what do you mean I mean oh I’ve got a good game what somewhere in this Vlog is my Tik Tok username and so you for you to find it yeah there’s somewhere on the screen at some point in the video it would be my Tik Tok username yeah Charlie’s been posting like daily photo dumps basically on Tik Tok haven’t you yeah you enjoy it yeah I think it’s nice to just have a bit of a creative Outlet really I so I’m quite surprised one of my videos has done really well and like yeah it’s got like 40,000 views or something has it 37,000 200 that’s amazing and like I know it’s like oh I’ve got an influencer girlfriend and all this but it’s like she that one I did we well we did that together that one I’ve just realized there’s foundation on the roof of my car from clearly where of at some point just like head buttered the ceiling that’s was a bit like when you head buttered the ceiling in the uh in Disney the Disney transportation thing I headbutted the ceiling and broke my sunglasses like I headbutted that ceiling hard in front of so many people it was so embarrassing Amy was she wasn’t happy with me laughing because it was just quite funny I was I was I was laughing but yeah anyway right you need to get changed oh do that thing where you can like you pull up the t-shirt and then you’ve got it on and then you’re right let’s go right ready stud I mean you’re not going to be able to see any differ cuz it’s just another white top no just like but the camera needs to stay exactly the same place okay right ready what oh no right yeah that’s the thing it’s not going to work right do you reckon it’s going to work like that maybe yeah ready ready steud done taada I don’t know how that will have come out um anyway I need to go and pick up one more birthday present for Charlie and then we’re going to the PB wait do these guys know what my birthday what’s presents my birth what I have for my birthday not exactly no but do they know more than I do at the moment yeah Charlie’s rubbish with surprises he just keeps asking me questions stop trying to ruin your own birthday well the bad that celebrations begin tomorrow so um oh can you see me maybe so Amy’s just gone in to DFS I think um I’m very confused apparently it’s part of my birthday presents I don’t quite understand what she’s doing um I can only imagine it’s like I don’t can I imagine like un let’s say she’s buying me a big like sofa I don’t understand um but yeah I’m very tired um but yeah very confused um we’ve just come back from that really nice walk and then as Amy said we’re going to see Charlie um in a minute I don’t know whether I want a beer or not I might do I might not depends what Charlie’s doing because Amy doesn’t really drink anyway I’m just waiting for her very intrigued um I had to pinky promise that I wasn’t going to Google anything before wait I wasn’t going to Google anything while she’s in there um but I’m still very intrigued I’ve got two more days to my birthday which I’m looking forward to um I’m going to be 27 so yeah I’m excited just had a very nice Pub dinner um I had a pie it was great and now there’s a pub quiz going on so we ran away just in time but yeah here’s Charlie I’m the other Charlie yeah I’m the better one I’m the more handsome one so I love you I love you get room don’t don’t don’t be so je he’s taking me he’s taking me anyway I’m going home I’ll leave do it all right well nice to see you nice to see you I thought you still talk to the camera hello okay I like your T-shirt thanks it’s Lucy and Yak oh is it is it it is isay # SP # SP # ad never tried anything from Luc yet it’s really it’s really comfy it does look good yeah the dungar especially I’ve heard yeah you heard it here first heard it here first good morning welcome to W day is it Tuesday it’s Tuesday this week feels quite long already just realized I haven’t got any jewelry on I’m just in my car but it’s parked up because I didn’t want to take Charlie’s birthday presents into the house because he’s nosy and he’s determined to find out everything that’s going on with his birthday um but we’re going away today so this is like the last stretch basically I’ll let you in on the secret this tissue paper is huge basically I was going to work with this hotel on Instagram and normally Charlie doesn’t get to come to like the fun work stuff that I do obviously cuz he is busy with work but he is off work at the moment so I thought well in that case I can try and tie it in so basically I haven’t paid for like the actual night stay at the hotel Earth I just put that c tape because I’m working with them but then I’ve like paid for the extras on top um we’re going to play round of mini golf I think they also have a shuffle board thing there they’ve got like a food market um and then I’ve planned a couple of activities for tomorrow which is his actual birthday as well and I’m pleased because I wanted to do like a special day but um with having just been away and with living on my own now I can’t afford really to do anything too extravagant um so being able to tie it in with like work stuff and then he can have like the benefits of that just works out so well to be honest I feel so lucky to be able to use that as an option so yeah we’re going not far out of Norfolk it’s called folks but it’s in like kingslin and I have a family member in kingslin so I’ve told him that we need to go there to pick some stuff up first so that I can put a Kings linard dress into the Saab and not raise suspicion so I think he’s prepping himself for a really long drive but actually it’s only like an hour from here which is pretty good I’ve done such a terrible job of happiness so yeah that is the plan now you guys know he keeps getting Cambridge and we’ve been to Cambridge together before really early on in our relationship so I think that’s why he’s thinking it and I suppose we’re not that far from Cambridge in Norfolk but it’s not quite on the money I mean I wouldn’t tell him even if he was to be honest but yeah I have bought him a milk frother because he keeps going on about wanting to make coffees with like nice proper milk in the flat so I bought him there I bought him a terrarium which I think he’s going to really like that one’s actually already like in paper so I don’t think I’m going to wrap that one the little Sushi Jelly Cat and I B him a bar of Tony’s chocolate as well and like I said I’ll do like the activities in the dinner this evening and I think that will be really nice so yeah that’s the plan of action oh my God what’s the time I’ve just realized I’ve got girl’s IRL call in a minute okay I’m back in the house I’ve got my laptop I’m just sitting with tnle cuz she’s still recovering from her operation aren’t you monkey she’s not very happy with me cuz she’s still got the cone on twinkle is my family dog by the way if you didn’t see last week’s Vlog and she’s had an operation on her back leg so she’s having to mostly stay in a crate at the moment she’s got Con on she’s very unhappy about the whole thing um but if I sit here with her she can come out of the crate so I’m going to do a quick call about a gir’s IRL idea that we’ve had if this is the first time watching my Vlogs you don’t what gir IRL is I just spiled Lil all over my jumper G IRL is an events company that I run with four of my best friends um and basically we put on events all up and down the UK hoping to bring together mostly young women in their 20s and 30s to make new friends doing like wholesome activities so we do like py painting we do theater trips we’ve got Heathers cominging up if any of you are interested I think there are three tickets left for that and I’ve been discussing with a brand about doing a potential little tour of a few of their ven menu over the summer um but it’s so confusing over email so we’re just going to jump on a quick call now I’m just waiting it’s that hello hello how are you I’m good thank you how are you I’m good thank you good that went so well I always get really nervous um but I think we might have another tour coming up in the summer so now I just need to work out where we’re do you have any predictions yeah leads 31 on Sunday any predictions that aren’t football related yeah Rich suac will be at the football that’s still football related what sort of thing do you fantasy for dinner Amy you’re asking me this is 10: to 3: in the afternoon you ask me what I want for dinner I’m already thinking about dinner well what do I want for dinner my final suffer is a 26-year-old yeah I’m just lucky to have a girlfriend that would take me away for an evening um and then tomorrow yeah I don’t know what we’re doing tomorrow all will be revealed I’m just I’m I’m intrigued the fact that your followers know more than I do yeah I had a good chat with them earlier actually earlier yeah when I was wrapping your presents I tried to look from the window I couldn’t see anything how’s everyone’s week doing yeah let us know in the comments let’s have a little catch up yeah what did you do this week what were your highlights for this week I know that sometimes each week can seem like it’s gone by and the Flash some weeks can seem like it’s gone really slowly and I’m just intrigued to know what you’re doing what your hobbies are this week I know my hobbies changed like there’s no tomorrow so what what what are your hobbies this week Tik Tok my hobbies this week are fighting Tik Tok # influencer # fam you’re coming for my job I am coming for your job and also this isn’t # spawn or # ad I’ve been playing a game two dots have any of you been playing it I was talking to them about it briefly yesterday we are both absolutely obsessed with two dots because I’ve got to like 100 I think it’s 100 at the level 100 yeah I think or is it level 101 because I think I’d beat 100 thinking I’m on like 95 or something and I woke up this morning and I looked over at Amy’s phone because I was seeing whether she was trying to beat me because that’s what she did yesterday morning she woke up early and started going through all levels when I was asleep which but you’ve got the advantage that you play it when I’m driving and I can’t play it then or you play it when I’m doing my makeup and I can’t play it then so I’ve got to get the hours in somewhere that just seems like a you problem we have arrived it was so funny I said to Charlie oh I need to go into this specific s cuz I really need a Weg and I want a coffee and he went there and like about 5 miles away he went the sa be there I went no no no it’s like it’s a specific one idiot but we’ve arrived this is called the folks Arms Hotel and Country Club but basically as you can see behind me they have like container mini golf they have like I believe a little food market type thing Stables that’s some of the the the rooms um yeah so we’re going to go check in we are in this building called The Muse there’s a shuffle board table and here is our room we’re in number 11 stop it look at this bath I bought like a bath muscle soak thing it’s got no bubbles cuz I know you don’t like bubbles we can a proper shell what’s in here oh separate toilet as well that’s good dressing gown yeah dressing gown slippers and then a very nice double sink which looks lovely shelving around here and then let’s go upstairs here is the room with a nice big bed and a stunning big TV so we can have a little movie night and we’ve booked in for dinner which looks lovely so yeah happy birthday thank you it’s so cute and H and is so quiet as well I love norol for that we’ve just well I’ve just taken a few photos of everything for Instagram and now we’re going to go for dinner we’re going to go for dinner in the hotel um cuz it looks lovely so come with us to see what that’s all about food is here I very happy right now what have you got I got wings and a chicken burger stunning yeah the salt and pepper wings sound really good and then I got a chicken and smoked bacon pie with mash it comes with pigs and blankets on top and a little jug of gravy very happy with my decisions right now it’s finally stopped raining look how fun this climbing area looks but anyway we are going off to do container golf come back right grab a stick we’ve already picked the ball colors I got a pink one what’ you get [Applause] my yellow ball smooth this is so cool what so what you got to do is you got to get your ball all the way out there and then it comes down here so what it so you’ve got to then get your ball and then you got to maneuver it and then like pinball yeah and then you got to fire it back up some oh that is very cool and then it goes down this shoot and then either gole is there either goes that way or unlikely I would say roll down there yeah okay right you going first I’m going first oh that was with Force what what shes oh this is that looks so hard eight n he’s chosing an alternative method 10 yeah go on then 11 12 13 this is the hardest game of mini golf I’ve ever played I just did it in four let’s change the game I think sometimes in mini golf you’re supposed to cap it at six but that seems too boring so we’ve just kind of going 1 46 remember that 46 for you yeah 7 add 10 add seven add five add four add three add four I’m winning by six was it 46 did you say yeah that that round changed everything I actually can’t believe it like we drew did we we did we played by the rules so if you go over sex it’s six and now we’ve drawn 42 and 42 absolutely and there’s this waggle celebration it looks so fun ready okay [Laughter] you got I feel like I can’t aim it oh so close we’ve come back to the room now I won the pool but only just Charlie’s just absolutely thrashed me at UNO we had two games of pool thank you very much yeah and I beat you at one oh yeah oh you you didn’t tell them that did you conveniently forgot that bit and now we just ordered some dessert to the room I got a small sunde and Charlie got boffy pie yeah this is fantastic this is actually such a fun Hotel like with the mini golf and the pool there’s like darts as well the shuffle board outside that we haven’t played yet but I think we’re going to settle in like have a bath each and watch bridg Charlie got to choose what he wanted to watch and out of everything he chose Bridgeton I think that means I’ve chosen very wisely I love bridg good morning welcome to is it Thursday today I didn’t Vlog anything yesterday because I wanted to give Charlie his birthday like just to not be on camera and and I sort of took most of the day off as well you actually joined me from my my brand new office sofa which is actually sofa bed I’m very excited about it um more that later I think I’m going to show you like loads of changes I’m making to the house in next week’s Vlog but you’ve got a little sneak peek here and right now it’s directly in front of the window so it’s like perfect for lighting but I don’t know if I’m going to keep it here cuz originally I wanted it on a different wall but yeah we just got back last night well no we got back like Mida afternoon yesterday from Norfolk and I have not spent I spent 2 Days in this flat in the last month and my God I am exhausted I’m so pleased to be back here but yeah we woke up in the morning we had a really nice breakfast we loved playing all the games the night before we get so competitive for things like that don’t we um it was so so nice it was it was really nice to go to a hotel that had like activities to do because I am someone who if I’m given too much time to relax I can’t switch my brain off I know some people go the other way but for me I have to have like something to do which is why I love going to Disney World so much cuz that’s the only way I actually get to like stop thinking about real life um but but this hotel was much cheaper than Disney World I mean I didn’t pay for it obviously but looking at the prices it was very good value for what we got so we will definitely be returning there at some point in the future because we wanted to go around Sandringham yesterday which is like one of the royal residences but they do like this tour of the house and Gardens and I just thought it’d be really nice cuz it’s in north and I’ve never been but the weather did not allow it so we didn’t end up going did we no so we’re going to have to go back um oh what a shame I know what a shame maybe we’ll have to go back to the hotel as well cuz it was so nice but did you have a good birthday very good birthday I’m so tired though we went out for a really nice Italian meal last night that pizza was ridiculous but did you have a good birthday yeah it was really good it was really good I’m just like back to reality today and I’m just feeling a bit yes um yeah I’ve got lots of work that needs doing today I feel like I’ve not really got my teeth sunk in to work in like probably about a month maybe even slightly over because before the Florida trip I was not doing great mentally and also was trying to sort out all the stuff of the Florida trip so it’s time for a bit of a rude awakening although I will say when it comes to all the declutter stuff I actually having been away for a month and not really missed much of the stuff that’s here I’ve realized I can probably be a lot harsher with my declutters than I have been so I’m going to try and do some of that today um but first of all I need to do some emails I’ve got some deadlines I need to do some editing well Emmy bought me a milk frth so I did for his birthday I I think I might need a coffee to wake me up CHR and the new milk frother chren the new milk frother um make us both coffee yeah and then start my day oh it honestly just feels so good to be back in London I’m running some errands I’m going to pick Jess up cuz she’s got some of my stuff so I’m going to pick up my stuff I’m also taking her to an appointment and then I need to pick Charlie up and he needs to go to the dry cleaners and he needs to go pick up a prescription I need to drop off a vented parcel like all such normal things oh I’ve just missed my like normal life I love my life and I love going to Norwich and seeing my family and my friends and obviously I loved going to Disney World but there is just nothing quite like your own routine you know not that I really have a routine I’m actually absolutely terrible at having a routine but it just feels very nice to be like back in the life that I am building I feel like having moved from Norwich to London and like had to start from scratch the the life that I have in London is something that I have built so intentionally and I’m so like I love it and I’m so proud of it and I love all my friends and I love I love my odan Limitless membership and the fact that I can go to an odan Lux in London cuz o and Lux is a leite so I might go to the cinema later I wish everything in London wasn’t so expensive but I love having my own fridge and like my own bedding and just all the stuff that you miss when you’re away for a long time you know I really did not intend to be away for pretty much a full month just there and then I thought oh month’s not that bad you know and then I was like actually there’s only 12 of those in a year I’ve just been for a 12th of a year I’ve barely done anything at that time like I’ve been on holiday but workwise I’ve barely done anything so I’ve given myself a big kick up the ass today I’m doing quite a lot but it’s good I’m enjoying it I’m up for the challenge good morning what a beautiful day for a girly’s IRL meeting we try and do these meetings at 9:00 in the morning so that we get them out of the way before like any of us get any emails or get derailed in any way but that does also mean that most of the time we’re all either doing our hair or eating our breakfast I’m actually halfway through doing my hair this morning before the meetings even started so that is one up one normal I’m using these ghd cordless straighteners that my mom bought me for my birthday they are absolutely fantastic but they are slightly I think but they I think do have a slightly bigger Barrel than my normal straighteners so the curls look slightly different but obviously these are like quite fresh they’ll drop a bit but I really like it actually anyway let’s talk about some upcoming girl’s ey relevant shall we oh we’re in hello sorry I was just vlogging okay meeting done that was good I was talking to the girls about the meeting I had earlier this week for gir irow was that earlier this week yeah which was good and we were talking about some more theater club stuff by the way if you’re watching this um as sort of reasonably as it comes out if you didn’t know gires IRL theater Club are going to see Heathers on the 5th of June a Wednesday it’s only on again in the West End for 6 weeks and and also the tickets we’ve managed to get like I think it’s like a £25 discount on the tickets which is crazy because of because we’ve done it as a great booking so at the moment there are I think three tickets left although we did managed to get a couple extra so there might be four I’m not sure um so there’s not many but there are a few so if you want to come see Heathers with us then feel free it’ll be great I can’t wait to see one of my favorite shows and meet some new St you people and just have a really nice time we’re going to do like pre- drinks in the theater beforehand as well so for an hour so from 6:15 to 7:15 we’re going to be doing drinks in the downstairs bar so that everyone can get chatting get to know each other and then we’re all going to take our seats and it’ll be so ni and also so hope place I think it’s really cool because it’s the first purpose-built theater to be built in the West End wait not the first it is the only purpose-built theater in the West End to have been built built in the last 50 years um so it’s like brand new the toilets are lovely the bars are really nice like the seats are comfy it’s a really good one so if you’re on the fence come on down come see H with us it’ll be really fun but anyway we are going down to see Charlie’s family this weekend because obviously it was his birthday and and it his mom’s birthday as well so we’re headed there this afternoon but this morning I’m going to try and get through a load of work stuff I’m sort of going to be working tomorrow morning as well cuz I’ve had too much time time off this week so what I’m going to do is photograph all this stuff I’ve ented I’ve pulled loads of stuff out of my wardrobe and then take the photos with me so then tomorrow I can list them I try and list stuff over the weekend anyway like I said yesterday because I’ve been away for a while um and I didn’t have any of these clothes with me and I was still clothed every day and I didn’t even miss them really I didn’t even think about them I think that says that I probably don’t need them anymore and a lot of my summer clothes when I Was preparing for the Flor a trip I put them on and just realized they are just not my style anymore and like I think as I’m getting a bit older I’m going for things that are a little bit more simple I think my style is maturing slightly I say wearing a rodeo Romeo t-shirt that I will probably never get rid of so I’m not really buying anything new at the moment but when I do it tends to be like oneof items that I feel like really make a big difference fill a big hole in my wardrobe I’m actually really proud of myself that even when I’ve gone to like fancier event lately like when I went to the premiere the other week I wore a dress I already owned when I went to the wedding I wore a dress I already owned when I went to aby’s Bridgeton picnic I wore a dress I already owned I’ve definitely in the past been someone very guilty of like buying a new dress for every occasion and then this happens and I end up with just way too much stuff in my house but also I genuinely want to change like everything about my flat I want to change all my bedroom furniture cuz a lot of my bedroom furniture came from my family home when I lived there um and it’s never stuff that I’ve like actively Chosen and it’s lovely and I’m so lucky to have it but um I think now that I have lived in this flat for a while I just want to give it a bit of a spruce up you know and like the declutters were the beginning of that but they were only supposed to be the beginning like the idea with them is making space so that I can then like reshuffle things and move them around and try and like fall back in love with my space if that makes sense this dress is like a weird quilted texture and it’s really hard to show on camera but it’s a lovely dress but I remember when I received it it was not what I was expecting so I want to try and make sure that it is what they’re expecting I’ve actually been trying to think about what content I want to make for YouTube now that the Trip’s done I know I still haven’t posted some of the Vlogs um life’s just been crazy recently and you guys don’t really see it in these cuz obviously I only pick up a camera when I I’m like free to chat but I’ve got a lot of like I know I keep alluding to it I don’t want to be that person but like I’ve got a lot of like quite stressful family stuff going on behind the scenes um and so there are like huge chunks of my time where either I physically can’t do any work or anything because I’m busy doing other things or I feel mentally unable to because I am I feel like I’m absolutely at my like emotional capacity at the moment and editing those YouTube videos has just completely gone on the back Banner but I will do it this week I hope um now that I’m back in London I’m going to really try and get back into the swing of things properly sorry I hope you don’t mind I’ve got my back to you we’re just sort of catching up you know while I’m doing this you can feel free to do a little task as well we can sort of coexist for a bit but I was thinking of what else I want to put on my YouTube channel and I want to bring back those musical theater videos that I used to do where I talk about like the history behind the show like the true story that inspires different musicals I personally find that really interesting and I did one with Newsies and I wanted to do one with Bonnie and Clyde but I got my like wires crossed basically and they booked me in for an interview instead so then I ended up doing an interview backstage at Bonnie and Clyde which was also very cool but wasn’t the original video that I had planned but I really want to do them about six and I want to do them about loads of shows actually I’ve got quite a few on my list so let me know if there are any shows that you love that are based on like trueu stories or like have elements of Truth in them like standing on the sky’s Edge that’s not based on a true story but like it is in a certain place in a certain time and like the context of that does influence the show so I want to do more of those I know that they’re not like I know they’re a bit Niche but I think the people who enjoy them will really enjoy them and I will really enjoy them but also I want to do a series about decluttering on my YouTube channel so something that’s like genuinely going to be helpful for example I want to do a video about like how to ethically get rid of things I found lots of different apps and stuff like that that help me to get rid of the stuff once I’ve decluttered it so it doesn’t end up just going in the bin I also thought about doing like a tips and tricks for vintage sellers because I’ve been selling on Vintage for like over a year now um and I’d say I’m fairly successful at it you know I’m not saying I’m like the authority to listen to but I definitely like when I talk to friends about it have quite a few tips and stuff so I figured I might as well give those to you guys too and maybe like some more videos about like how to declutter or like the methods that I’ve used over the last year I’ve still got lots of my declutter wheel I’m hoping to do lots of those next week although I say that most weeks so I’m definitely not done but I have been doing these for nearly a year now I think I started them in I want to say August last year so I would really like to finish it by August cuz there’s I did not think it would take me a year to get through but turns out when you’ve been a bit of a hoarder for your whole life and you’re 27 now I’m 28 there’s quite a lot of stuff to go through I really do feel like it is making a difference to my um to my like everyday life cleaning is easier storage is easier I’m more likely to put stuff away because I’ve actually got space to put it so like the like messiness doesn’t get as out of hand and that’s actually what tells me that there’s still quite a lot to go because there are certain areas of my house like my wardrobe where it just feels like no matter how much I declutter from my wardrobe everything still doesn’t fit in so that tells me that I still need to declutter more basically because I keep ending up with floor drobes even though I feel like I’ve gotten rid of so many clothes I don’t know how on Earth I’m supposed to get rid of more but so yeah let me know if there’s any videos you want based around like decluttering as well I thought about doing one that’s like 100 things you can declutter cuz that’s also another thing that I’ve really throughout doing this series is that there are so many things that I didn’t even realize I should declutter like my Cutlery drawer for example if I was like oh I really feel like tidying something up today I would have gone here my bedside drawers or something but I never would have thought my Cutlery drawer but actually when I did do my Cutlery drawer I took loads of stuff out of it and now it’s so much more functional and there are so many examples like that that I just would never have thought before this so yeah I kind of want to take my experiences from the last year and turn them into useful content so let me know if that would be helpful to you and what you would like to see this drive usually takes less than 2 hours so far we have been in the car 3 hours we’re still an hour away I think I might we in this car because we haven’t come across a services in hours I’m just got ched away my bottle what well I can’t wear it anyway cuz I’m wearing a full body bodysuit under this hoodie well good for you well I can’t anymore cuz I cuz you throw it away cuz I throw it away so fingers crossed will come across the toilet soon if not we’re going to have to find a a car wash you don’t mind do oh Jesus Christ um I also really want some chips so hope a Services that’s got some snacking facilities your thing isn’t a snack I’m hungry yeah but what’s that going to do give you fur balls like a cat and this is what you get for trying to travel anywhere from London from London on a Friday afternoon it’s not worth it guys you either have to leave by midday or not until like 8:00 p.m. it’s not looking good guys it’s not looking good bro is not looking good I’ve just finished editing this Vlog and I’ve realized that I didn’t actually say goodbye so thank you so much for watching like we said earlier in the video please do let us know in the comments what you’ve been up to this week cuz I’m nosy and I want to know look at all the daddiy on the end of the sofa next week is going to be a big homy week I’m going to spend most of the week at home although I am out almost every evening but I’m hoping to get a lot of declutters done a lot of stuff done within the flat and I’m just yeah I’m very pleased to be like back in London gagging to get back in my room routine so I will see you well I’ll actually see you tomorrow but it won’t be posted until next week so um I’ll see you next week I hope you have a lovely week whatever it is that you’re up to see you later love you bye [Music] he


    1. Aw, another phenomenal weekly vlog, you gorgeous girly!! This was such an enjoyable watch, I always SO look forward to catching up with you online bestie (and Charlie too! ❤🥹🫶) and you certainly did not disappoint! And a very happy birthday to your lovely Charlie! He is just the sweetest, most wonderful man — all of us girlies need a Charlie in our lives!! 😍👏🥰💕🎀 xx

      And Charlie’s bromance with your old friend Charlie is also super adorable! 🥹♥️
      And highlight this week: Karaoke in the kitchen with my lovely cousins! Xxx

    2. So happy to have the weekly vlogs back as they always make me feel content and all wholesome – especially this week after doing my first 2 A Level exams – on the final stretch now of revision for my last three exams next week! I’m going to miss using the vlogs as a way to break up my revision – watching a day at a time in between each session! Already looking forward to the next one! 🤩🌻

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