Samuel wants the life any average 21-year-old desires, and he’s determined that his disability will not get in the way of achieving his dreams.

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    what’s up I’m Samuel khabib growing up my life was pretty awesome now I’m ready to date move out and go to college but it’s freaking complicated one minute I can be getting dressed for the day and the next minute I’m racing to the ER people talk down to me you are such a cutie kind of talking to him like it’s a [Music] 5-year-old the disability is not define who you are I can’t believe he stroked my face weird I need to talk to more disabled people who have navigated this stuff and are living badass adult lives what is the biggest risk you’ve taken in your life biggest risk I’ve taken in my life the biggest risk do you feel underestimated because of the way you talk never I ignore anyone who refuses to accept me you have to have Ninja patience if you have a disability sometimes my patience Runs [Music] Out me too do you have advice for me about sex yes I do if someone doesn’t want to date you because you’re disabled that’s not the person that you ever want to date ever one can be sexual without necessarily screwing and I’m glad my mother’s not hearing this discussion I don’t mind having a disability I just wish the world was wheelchair accessible hell yes I love who I am but I do not love oppression created my disability the work of Achi leing social justice for disabled people also means changing societal and cultural values what we’ve been discussing Samuel is allowing disabled people to feel proud about who we are we have a right not to be discriminated against I’m tired of being underestimated I want to find my way

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