Cowies are BACK on Fishergate in Preston with their family Fun Park for the holidays!

    This time… it’s a wristband fun fair! For just £12, you get 3 hours of unlimited riding on selected rides (see tour for what’s included) details of the times are featured below. What’s more, we have M&B attractions joining them with their brand new Sizzler, newly acquired waltzer, Extreme and star flyer, whilst Cowies bring their classics including the Rage Cage, Dodgem and that CRAZY Tagada!

    Open daily until Sunday 2nd June 2024
    1pm-4pm // 3pm-6pm// 6pm-9pm (except Sundays)
    Fishergate Car Park PR1 8HJ
    £12 for a 3 hour session
    Non rider with children- £2

    Check out the tour from the start of the vlog, to see what else is there!

    Brilliant fair, ran by brilliant people.

    Please note we use specific equipment to film on rides. We strongly suggest that you don’t use your phone on rides.

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    TikTok: @ptvlogs_uk

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    See our playlist of our home town of Blackpool 👇🏼

    #preston #funfair #funpark

    welcome back to the channel welcome back to another fun fair Vlog we’ve returned back to Preston for CO’s FF F say again in Preston yeah yeah we’re back in uh fish back at Fisher Gate Shopping Center they were here debuting the fair stop copying me they were here like last year end of last year in October debut in the fairground and the fair and the back for witson and the back for wi hey you don’t know what you’re talking about you don’t know what you’re talking about we’ll take you stop it we’ll take you we’ll take you for a full you’re ruining this we’ll take you for a full tour and we’ll take you on some rides as well including the old Robinson’s waler now under mmbs now we you’re not even copying me right anyway I’m Jo cop I’m join with the today hello I’m Jo with today hi how are you how are you how are you how are you stop it you’re a little wind up you are you’re a little you are yeah I look forward to doing this because I’ve not done this since last year or was it the year before I can’t remember obviously it was under uh Robinson’s who uh well used to travel the Yorkshire area nearly the uh leads area the lead area the last time I did it still he’s still mimicking me like I say I’ve not done it under the new ownership so it be interesting to see how they run it we’ve done uh Robin Robinson’s we’ve done wton is uh which is um Marshall Robin oh my L under Marshall oh my what is the matter with me under Marshall rington Marshall robton you’re putting me off you’re putting me off stop it stop it I’ll take you for the tour and I’ll tell you who the rides are if I can remember them and we Mr mimic down here make sure you are subscribed to the channel completely free to do so follow us on our social media platforms Facebook and Tik Tok you will have seen no no Instagram well there is Instagram you can follow us on Instagram I don’t promote it follow no one wants to follow you anymore stop mimicking me no want to follow you you can follow Theo um no want no I don’t I don’t really use Instagram anymore so stop stop yeah no it’s cuz you do you know why you don’t use it last time play fortnite yeah that but last time you really was active on it was when we went to km 2 years ago and you had your little man bag what did you do with your phone in your man bag you smacked it on the floor didn’t you only CU I wonder what this no I don’t think it has anything to do do with that yeah you just slapped it on the floor and Crack Your Screen well I did no you didn’t you know you were doing this and then he walked it down on the it was outside roll gaster yeah cuz I wonder what people is it give me a piggy no no like I say we we’ll have a little walk around and show you what is here we’ll start with this now I’ve been holding this off for a little while it has been out for a couple of weeks months now it was a bit delayed we was hoping to see it earlier in the year and it debuted in Yorkshire not long ago and uh yeah traveled around and I’d be meaning to catch it but then I got told it was coming to Preston and then I was like oh I’m going to wait until it comes to Preston now now what I do like about this is it’s very similar to Robinson’s which I’ve just mentioned about their Walo they’ve got a new Walo I’ll explain that in a moment is the this color scheme is very similar apart from they’ve got yellow cars and a green center this one’s a yellow Center and a green card if I get that right and and look at this tailored to the name and I really like that top sign it says m&b attractions on it so it looks really good though I think he’s quite a unique unique uh unique top sign and also the theman as well yeah mate I know what M say to the camera what’s that a yeah oh yeah so yeah under new Under sorry brand new this year I’ve not done it yet um I’ve not done Robinson’s either actually this year so we’ll be doing that this year this V I’m really sorry I can’t any new football shoes yes yeah need a new mouth make any sense on to the bit about Robinson also under mmbs is Robinson’s old walzer now Robinson’s now have a fair trade I think it’s the second gen fair trade with the out um with the cash box on the outside mmb’s fought this now they did hand over after Wakefield and leads was on if I remember rightly so they’ve had this for a little while we’ve not seen mmbs for a while which is why we’ve not done this and we’ve not seen Robinson’s for their new wer either so it’ be good to see this under um under the new ownership which is also mmbs uh as round Marshall wadington has their own Walter now if you’ve seen some of our vlog such as Sone um Bradford uh and that that little Park that shopping center that we did at Valentine some of the music that they’re playing on there is incredible and it also goes to Burnley for Burnley weights uh but this is uh Max and Bradley’s so yeah we’ll be doing that and seeing how it runs here we’ll see about that of course it is a car’s ground featuring some of how his rides including the Rage Cage now if I remember rightly last time I went on this was Rochdale also I said it’s one of the easiest um cages you can do and then I kind of ate my own words because it was actually a really tough one to do I don’t know why it doesn’t go very high uh but it spins quite fast now I don’t think it used to I think they’ve had some stuff on it I don’t know what we’re going to be playing that yeah you brought your money with I’m going to win some v-bucks can you win v-bucks yeah oh yeah you can another CO’s ride is a grand Fest Auto or o auto drum as it’s called this was at hinley H so it has featured recently it’s a dods and um it debuted at Rochdale earlier this year so they have bought they bought they they they’ve bought this ride earlier this year that’s it quite a nice looking it’s very flickery that’s not really flashy by the way just the camera does that it’s annoying H but we did this not long ago at hinley like I mentioned very classic very retro cars so there will be a dodging battle a little bit later just so you know it’s a wrist Bond event by the way details of the RIS band event pricing time dates I’ll put in the description below I believe it’s 3 hours uh for £1 so not bad at all considering the kind of ride you get here as well including the tagger a now story behind this tagger a this is the tagger a that built Theo’s confidence to get more tagers done um now there is another Co tager though which does feature in our whole Vlogs um I get I get yeah YouTube yeah hi YouTube PT vog sub yeah he on the back of his hoodie um there’s there’s James carrye and Jordan carry I really got confused Who’s Who uh but this is this is the one that Theo prefers cuz it’s a little bit easier to do so yeah he likes this this is the one that he did in um I think it’s like Warrington a few last year yeah he really likes it yeah that’s us thank you very much appreciate that so yeah tag got a tag [Music] uh there is also kids rid here you do have a fun house I don’t think that’s part of the wrist fans if I’m honest with you so uh that is an additional attraction same with the bungee trampolines what you want to what I’m okay you’ve got a little toy set here you’ve got chairs you’ve got a little coaster here you’ve got Ice Mountain uh again this went to hit as well there a little roller coaster for [Music] you yeah whatever they do have game stores here little hook a duct day there they have bung of trampolines that is an additional charge just so you know it’s not rist banded um but as you can tell as no as as you normally know they’re a bit more expensive normally anyway so it’s not uncommon to find them not part of the wristband so if you want to do them they’re additional charge they also have little uh food stores around as well more game stores we do have I’m not going to call it a free car because you can’t it’s not a kmg you can’t call a non kmg a free out it is called Extreme it’s also called X power now it’s not com folding group it is a Sheck check one check check com folding group is cck but this one isn’t quite com folding group when I say quite it’s not actually com folding group I believe there’s two in the UK um one further around the Midlands area and we did this at Heaton Park about a month ago when it was absolutely pouring down with rain and we went on it in the pouring rain do you remember that what we went on that heated Park when it was raining do you remember okay moving on nearly done we’re nearly done we’re getting some ride soon we have got a little all right music express like a m horn but M horn we saw that hinley actually that’s perfect for baby like you for you maybe H little jet plane ride more catering slush teacups and the boxes tour off we’ve got the sky swing it’s went to landed now bik it’s a shame the you you’re not a fan of Sky swings you can go it star flers what what do with you what do I do with you I think they what oh they got some sanitizer they yeah just going to say they do normally have toilets the toilets there and just want to point out not like it makes any difference but our logo for this year is actually from this ground now that’s harn’s Walter which was situated over there H that’s not here here on this occasion but our logo for the year features from this ground in case you didn’t know right we’re going to do the free out it’s not free out no we’re doing sizz no no no no no no right there’s a reason why we need to do this first right SI yeah it does no we need to just to make you more no me and Megan and you don’t know this we had a pizza hot Buffy with Margo earlier today oh yeah did I not go he was school it was holiday cloes shopping so we went to Pizza hook for a buffy now I’m feeling it what we’re going for Park yeah maybe not to film but yeah we are going we’re heading that way right we’re going to do this first get it out of the way cuz it does make me feel sick sometimes and then we’re going on twist to make you more sick okie dokie we’ll do that next it’s just me and Theo on this we’ve sat either side so you can see Theo in a more natural way so you don’t have to see my face all the time you see my face too often now just before we get proper high you’ll see the location of where we are which is on the car park of the fishing Gate Shopping Center there’s car park in here as well so just be aware of that cly easy to get to as well impressive put your arms in the air or not now these are very powerful rides I’d say these can become more powerful than a kmg we did that I think I said that in Wake field whoa get timing right you get some really good air time on this like Theo’s going to get a bit of air time here whoa waa you knew what that clanking is it’s the seat belt wa oh my life I just need to put it on me because of this this is what I like about this ride if you let yourself go right’s doing now you get some really good air time on it I’m not getting popping up it not getting it wo go t pull your arms out I already did that yeah but we’ve not seen it w that’s it t I think we’re going to appear on someone’s Tik Tok woo Tik Tok [Music] and if you wanted to for your wrist fand you could ride this for 3 hours nonstop I’m going to tell you not to because I Don’t Think You’d Survive 3 hours of this nonstop if I’m honest with you that’s why I’ve going it first cuz it’s a very forceful ride you get drip on [Music] and a y what a great cycle that was I’m not exaggerating when I say that the pull on it because there because because the ride isn’t quite that natural it has a pull down so when you ride in it it does pull you down and I love the air time you get on it I think it’s great yeah it’s got potential to be rid of the day when I said about you want to do the walls there okay and when I said about it can be more forceful than a kmg you’ve got to ride it to know what I mean it’s it’s a really good ride that I really liked it right what we doing [Music] now let’s see what this has got to give right here we go I mean there’s plenty of spinners on here Theo is mesmerized by the ceiling here we go bit fog lasers strobes music smooth car spinning as well [Music] oh yes we got two spin now ready te he shows no emotion whatsoever [Music] Go De boy woo woohoo look at that natural double top right in between the two spinners I’m just looking around and every car is literally spinning I tell you what I don’t think we’ll see night time on this Vlog but hopefully we do cuz I reckon this will look amazing [Music] no Spinners and we are still spinning [Music] yeah r that hopefully we see a bit of Darkness [Music] later just making sure I don’t fall I’m just trying to get there we go there we go I’m very particular about how I go in and out of rides I was trying to make sure I didn’t fall just before we go to the next ride I have to say that was running very very well our car was smooth and yeah they had they had the uh they had the lights on got well the lights going the strobes the lasers and the smoke three very strong criterias you need on a wal now they had the music they weren’t miking they can’t play Loud Music here unfortunately because houses are literally there so they can only play certain loud music they can only play music to a a certain level and I don’t think they can mic on it so like I said in a few other Vlogs With other walers it’ll be great to see that at its home own ground so later R in the year I’m sure we’ll catch an M andd mmb’s event I’m I’m I may as well stop talking I may as well write this off right are we doing the sizzle next huh we’re doing this next yeah now just before we go on it I just obviously want to see it in action that listen to that there’s some for on that I can hear it it’s sliding a little bit that red one get a copyright with that so I’ll keep that brief but yeah we’ll we’ll go on it and of course Very high off the ground as well that’s just simply because uh the leveling but yeah I’m I’m liking what it’s showman signs that do these and um what I like about it is they don’t make generic ones they they just make different ones every time and I’m liking that I remember seeing Pat collinses and they have Pat Collins on there so I like the way they tailor it to suit their own ride and I really do like that cop sign as well right I know seeing it let’s ride [Music] it get some pictures of this a little bit later looking very nice [Music] there’s not uh well the weather’s not been on anyone’s side this week we went to gang or I went to garang last night it was peing it down last night yeah went with Margo didn’t I while she was at football the bicyle kit you SC a bicycle kit oh okay B so it’s a little bit wet on the um check plate on this what I can try them no check plate not a seat he there is oh right yeah right let’s see what power this has I don’t I don’t know the lyrics I don’t know what this song is I can’t sing it do you know this song yeah oh here we go here we go holding grip quite well [Music] I’m feeling a little bit squashed Now we move that was incredibly smooth that did it go backwards no W be going backwards it’s another ride that I need to catch at their own uh ground I think I think that’s got real good potential at their own grounds ran fairs you don’t see massive potential of rides they don’t send them as fast as you do it pay for per ground so you have a real Plus at wristband fairs where you getting the cheap side of it you’re getting the value for money you don’t always see the Full Potential from a ride ER has got more to give just like this if a monit you now we started the Vlog with all mmv rides funn enough so we need to get on with the we still got the Rage Cage are we doing the Rage Cage we still got the uh Dodge him today and we still got the uh tag as a bit of the M horn this s that proper fast it’ be pretty good right looks like we’re doing the Rage Cage exciting times of a good friend I wish I really knew the words for this it’s a good song Whatever you agree I don’t know right Rage Cage the GU just said um to Theo that we he’s going to get a good cycle out of us and I said not too fast in I I said he going to give me a yeah so now I’m worried that he’s going to send it the fastest cuz I remember doing this last time and um yeah it went faster than I really remember I remember last time this one doesn’t go too high so it’s easy to do that’s as high as it goes oh I can feel the speed pick it up yeah no there you gone can’t feel my face anymore wishing we could lose this Crow maybe it’s better this way down what are you saying down sing round will be got no re yeah this is tolerable you’ll notice that we seem to be the only one on the rides and then the rides get a bit of a crowd after like a key for it now oh my God it’s going I’m sure he just went a little bit is this going out here it’s down I feel like it’s got off Down Still Holding I have a tolerance of 3 minutes of these unless it’s the one from M where you going oh yeah no no now we’re coming down I’m not going down oh I’m not coming down yeah just short of three minute that’s fine for me oh [Music] who the rage page now with neck a need a game time okay what have I said about games I only to get V maybe after cuz all they want is the botle pass right two more rides to bring here we got the dodging and we got the tager should we do the tag see it’s wa see as it’s just finished yeah and then we’ll do the dodging battle at the end yeah and the dodging battle I’m going to win he didn’t reply to me so I me you right time for the [Music] tager we’re literally missing all the crowds the crowd seems to migrate elsewhere oh here we go I’m sat on the opposite side of Theo so you can see Theo whoa oh my God as I was saying we can see Theo’s Master at work unlike myself I’m on the struggle here I’m literally all over the place and zoo I know he’s hold me on but this is all I’m doing I’m holding onto the seat oh not this again oh my God no I’m trying to hold on for dear life oh my God there’s no point trying on the he ain’t going to fall oh look at him he’s trying the height on that was incredible trying to get Theo off but it didn’t work Untamed Theo get him up get him up go on Theo get your arms up yeah on the other one get the other arm up now go on Theo that’ll be the funny thing though oh teters are so good oh my life [Music] this is oh my God this this is an ultimate struggle oh my God I’m going to have a bruise bom after that that’s for sure oh my god oh it’s this again it’s this look the O Theo’s turn and then it’s coming round to me no I will not be defeated ah no oh let me sit back down you laughing up look at them holding on if you hold on to the bars oh my God if you hold on to the bars you’ve got a good chance of staying on your seat Theo imagine if he wasn’t holding on right now he would be straight down the middle oh it’s not my turn is it not again no I came off lightly on that occasion I tell you what it gives us a good run and Theo is not faced at all I on the brilliant than my dad T you what I’m better than my dad T yeah listen I tell you what you do a Theo cam on it which means you only holding them with one arm then tell me how you did yeah yeah not yet yeah [Music] exactly another day it was here last time and only one side was working if I remember Riley next time I see you we’ll do it okay tell come in yeah next time you see it look that way for me oh you seen it oh you get a um yeah they’ve had a lot of work done on that I think we have seen that this year have you been that there see again in another we we saw it in rdale and and it’s running fantastically well to a point that it ran really high and got me off twice great T it right we do have one more ride to show you and then there might be some night life action because it’s only half 7 and it’s starting to go a little bit dark now I’ve still got photos to take um but I want to see uh the Walts are at night and they might get a POV or that I don’t know but for now we’re going to do the dodging [Music] battle whe on the tra here we go oh my God my wheel’s got to mind his own these do go backwards if I can get the car to behave itself as you can see there yeah got some speed in he Dodge him Theo does not care theyo should know the rules by now oh my God oh my God I think it’s cuz I got them before maybe get them back this wheel’s got a mind of its own tagging B in action oh my [Music] God the’s like probably go for these this is what’s really funny watch this Theo does not care look straight into the side it seems to be one of those tracks where the middle is a lot more powerful in the edge he just proper going for it you don’t want to know what she just said go on Theo she just said a little kid’s terrorizing it that’ll just make Theo go more on him I’m not even bumping anyone this is entertaining look at him she’s human do you know what I don’t even care for last one wins P that I don’t I don’t think she’s happy with [Music] you not fny that’s how you do it t it she just literally said that she’s being terrorized by a little kid May Theo is not a little kid oh you you don’t want to mess with you do he I tell you what I I know of a few of enthusiasts have met Theo obviously I heard the vi yeah you should you can’t say that um a lot of enthusiasts have met Theo and they’ve done dodging with Theo uh ultimately is the dodging battle and um I don’t think the uh back for you I I don’t I I don’t think the uh anticipate what they’re going to experience with the yes if you go in a Dodge him and Theo’s on it don’t go for Theo because Theo will get you back won’t you I’ll do Karma I did com them so what we’re going to do now if we’re going to break off not for you guys unless a random advert pops up if um we’re going to break off and we’ll show you a bit of night life it’s now4 to 8 so in about cuz this is definitely on till 9: cuz there a wristband they’re not going to close early so in about 45 minutes time in real life we’ll bring you back and we’ll show a bit of night action and hopefully see a bit of night action with this Walt there uh before we uh end the Vlog hopefully it goes a little bit darker [Music] anyway I think this is the darkest we’ll get it we’re back on the wal there for the final ride you on the W yeah we’re back on it right here yeah get your arms up literally could just chill on these cars all this is my sitting position we did car yeah know yeah 4 to six 4 to six to S eight eight oh in eight now [Music] right get your arms up there you go faster when your arms are up who I was not paying any attention get your arms up keep them hope double top now we’re getting the light atmosphere look at that can’t see one we need to have a Walter in the dark in the UK again that would be amazing there’s lights on the pay box no proper bright we got FL as well double up [Music] I can hear those Wheels rolling right yeah no expression at all this [Music] look at that sometimes I don’t know how the spin is do it really ins icle up [Music] the second cycle on the walzer is always the best cycle that was fantastic once again and it was great to be able to uh to do this under new ownership I think when it was with Robinson’s it was quite a good walzer anyway but yeah I look forward to doing it at one of their own grounds where they’re able to use the mic what happened there bik on theet okay you do um yeah it would be great to be able to do it at the uh one of the MMB grounds where they’ll be able to use the mic and uh a bit louder music as well but yeah they’ve got a lot going on what I didn’t Noti the first time around was if you look there they’ve got like flood lights that come on and they proper light up the front of the walls there especially with the uh the fog as well I like that touch there I’ll let John Collins know he might add one of them onto his but uh yeah we’re going to we’re going to box the Vlog off there it’s nearly 9:00 so the the fair we did get here for six uh there is this the session we’re doing is the 6 till 9 session we got here for six and we have spent the 4 three hours here as you notice it wasn’t Mega busy it means you can get on so many rides in that’s that time you know you could queue you could technically queue for a ride in a theme park for 3 hours or you can come to the fair ground The Wristband Fair Ground one moment for1 and get on loads of rides and they’re not just any rid they’re really good rides so very good event here in Preston details is fair are in the description below here in Preston Fisher gate car park yeah it’s not good buness so you just pck my air just to tell me that no h Theo how is your time here good good just good good okay ride of the day St with a g g starts with a g yeah what’s that then g t hey GTA Dodge him is that because you’ve been on it 10 times not everything we not everything we do we film See’s been see come here come here what stop kicking a thing around you went on the teacups didn’t you I mean not not all the big rides get rid and sometimes it’s a little ride too I want to see you on that if I’m honest with you I’ve already I’ve been on that before yeah okay he did go on the teacups he won’t do Star Flyers he’s not a starfly fan um I’d reckon it’ be a bit chilly up there as well um um he’s been on the Sizzler again himself uh he’s also been on the uh Dodge him several times literally play back to back 10 times why not e why not I hope you’ve enjoyed the Vlog make sure you leave a like and do subscribe if you haven’t already done so make sure you are following us on Facebook if you’ve seen this event and you’re like oh I missed it or I didn’t know anything about it do follow us on Facebook uh we do uh put the photos out before the Vlog goes out uh in case miss it but there’s plenty of time to get here anyway and as I say as I say 12 for 3 hours all you’ve got to do if you want to do it really on the cheat you got 12 rides which was easy for Theo to do here that’s a pound a ride it’s 2024 where are the 1 fairs any so BB fairs are really cheap if there’s A1 Fair let me know don’t there is what that’s closed now it’s closed now yeah last ride now mate ride of the day for me I’m going to stick to the uh the um free C make you sick no he didn’t make me sick this time but I will also very close to the tager there the tager there is absolutely amazing tonight was it yeah cuz you fell off no I didn’t fall off well all right I didn’t kind of well I did then you got this a help you taking the rck Army yeah what you what you what I tell you what anymore and you’re getting replaced by Margot and I still got the whatever hope you enjoy the Vlog we’ll see you in the next Vlog whatever that will be goodbye from me bye I’ve got a slow-mo and it’s of this of there you go there those big flood lines look at him little B I see all I want all I want you [Music] you so long so long why you keeping me waiting all I want all I want we are back you so long so long why you keeping me waiting [Music]


    1. Hi everyone, join PT and Theo, as they visit Cowies family fun park held at Fishergate in Preston
      Please make sure you are subscribed and your notifications are set to "ALL" so you will never miss a vlog from PT, Megan, Margo and Britain's youngest No 1 funfair vlogger Theo.

      Give us a like, share on your socials to friends and lets all help PT build the channel, already we are now up to an amazing 14.3 subscribers.

      Follow us on all the social media channels:
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      TikTok: @ptvlogs_uk

    2. Hello Paul and Theo hope that you and Theo and Meghan and baby Margo love your vidio Theo is very brave going on the adults rides my favourite is the doghms have a good bamkhoilday weekend best wishes take care stay safe ❤😅😅have you been to the one pound burger bar in dale street Chris higgot for your mail and gifts xx

    3. Was you tired on this vlog? 🤣 the dodgems and coaster where at Wigan DW stadium,it was Cubbins at hindley and the waltzer owned by waddingtons in Jason waddington who owns Lincoln gores old extreme Tagada and M&Bs have a supertrooper coming later in the year

    4. Hi Paul and Theo thank you for another great video as always looked an amazing fair lots of ride choices Theo is so cheeky lol hes great fantastic dodgem battle I hope that Megan and little Margo are well have a great great day😊

    5. Hi if your reading this I have a throat infection and I’m having tablets/💊 for my throat this it day 3 I have 4 more days to go and I can go to fairs and the hospital did tell me that I should take it for 7 day and now it’s 4 days to go soon I am going with my friends/wen am better and I have been getting better really fast too the hospital has gave me a stronger medicine so I get better because I was always getting sick before i could not speak and I didn’t eat because I can’t even swallow but now am taking my throat medicine it’s getting better now bye now

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