I join some friends for a cycle ride out to the East Coast leaving Clapham early on a Saturday to make our way over to Whitstable.
    We had an epic route which you can find here:
    Chrissie from F.C.Cycling and Minty made this an awesome day of just good quality fun cycling… all in the name of fish and chips on the beach.

    Find me on:
    ▶️ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/maxwilko/
    ▶️ Strava – https://www.strava.com/athletes/4322804
    ▶️ Zwift Power Profile – https://zwiftpower.com/profile.php?z=5246320

    good morning it’s Saturday May 25th it’s early in the morning just past 7:00 a.m. today we’re meeting with the girl gang do 140k ride out to the east coast wable and jump the train back we are leaving Clapham in a minute guys welcome back to the what life let’s roll so for me to make the start time for like a 7:45 8:00 a.m. start in London I have to get up at like 6:00 a.m. and then drive in jump on my bike cycle a little bit across London and then meet the girl so it’s a little bit of a faf but totally worth it on days like today we’ve got ride London tomorrow again a couple of the girls that we’re riding with today going to do that with us um and a couple of the boys that I know but this should be a fun one we’re meeting up with minty Emily half of FC cycling and I am looking forward to it going to let them do all the nav and just tag on for a be ride out to the east coast I never really head that way so it’s weird that I’ve got a weekend where I’m doing two rides uh East so ride London is now S6 and today we are going to go out Southeast through Southeast London and then head over to wit on the East Coast should be a fun [Music] one so I’m way outside clap from North Station I grabbed myself some breakfast I don’t know why I do this I’m early cuz I don’t mind being late I hate being late for a group ride can you imagine 15 minutes early but I don’t know why I got two quasons for breakfast I don’t want two I want one so I’m going to be Cy if you see me cycling through claen South London with a quas on with chocolate quas on my back pocket I’m having a good day it is also a beautiful day today so hopefully the girls are going to pick me up from here otherwise I’m going to have to go to wable on my own [Music] and because it’s ride London tomorrow I waxed my chain last night chef’s kiss like just changes the way that your gears shift it’s it’s beautiful I love it [Music] right this is our girl guy we are missing one but she’s not coming and we might pick up another guy next stop wable we’ve got lost twice between clap South and clap North [Music] this is s South London what do you think you live in South London don’t you yeah what do you think of these ends bit bumpy [Music] lumpy got a full we got our full Squad now Chris is and charge of Direction so we’re going to sit on her wheel next stop wi of all one coffee stop should be there in 4 and 1/2 hours easy easy 4 and 1 half [Music] hours so we finally made it out of London which is it’s an all right route out through dich and you’re straight away you kind of go London London London boom Countryside so this is nice guys we gone the wrong way oh we’ve gone the way we were okay and we’ve gone the wrong way again let me start that again you get dll you get City you get London and then we’re straight into this beautiful countryside and Chrissy’s now going to do the nav tons of cyclist early on a Saturday morning which is nice Hill number one done for the day it’s a bit of a rolling route what our 4,000 ft 1,200 m is so that’s quite fun nothing big but I think we end up on the North Downs it’s quite nice not knowing where you’re going at all ignorance is BL ignorance is bless you’re taking my winville virginity christe oh cute we’re making our way through some lovely little English Villages and I’m going to challenge you one thing here name me one thing better than the smell of freshly cut grass as you cycle through an old Countryside English Village past a pub with wooden oak beams built in simply the best thing you can do on a Saturday morning what’s Christy’s what’s Christy’s favorite thing to do on a Saturday morning go to the beach cish and chips and S [Music] [Music] time for the pocket quason who doesn’t get a second quason for breakfast it’s all coming good now M this is a glorious ride I highly suggest a pocket Pano shakala for your next ride little toilet break to the seaside with the gang having a toilet break and it’s turned into like a snack stop that’s what you said wasn’t it you were like I need to sort out my snacks for ride London how you feeling Christy pretty good milk but gagging for a o wi you canat how you feeling minty you know this really is sorted me out I was feeling good but now I’m feeling even better God it’s it’s beautiful around here I don’t know where we are we’re somewhere in Kent [Music] say proper Saturday um chill group ride it’s been lovely the Root’s been so nice so far I don’t know where we P the the rout from but it’s just all back roads so there’s no so few cars it’s been lovely but it has been does make the ampage speed a bit slower cuz it’s kind of not quite so nice fast Road oh my God look at this I [Music] want white chocolate rocky road I’m going to grab a coffee here and then um we’re going to have fishing ships when we get to wior sorry where are we West Ming West Ming so we’re we’re we’re in West Ming I just said it just said it out loud and then just repeat it 100% recommend what is it we’ve got a filthy Oreo flatty Brownie and you’ve got fruity Flapjack and what do you rate the fruity Flapjack um good moisture levels yes important and good taste yeah 10 out so 10 out of 10 eight I’m review and the dirty Flapjack FY dirty brownie also moist which again an essential part a good so what do we what are We R in this oh I gave this a strong eight strong eight yeah and that was like a weak okay yeah we eight all around two more climbs and then it’s downhill until [Music] where right we got 45k to go we’re coming into what either the last or the second last climb I think it’s second last climb and chance just to put some Watts through the legs nothing too crazy uh because we got ride London tomorrow so trying and keep it a little bit chilled we’re getting there 45k girls are good haven’t eaten anything other than my two Quest on this morning we good yeah clip um yeah but it’s been lovely so far chilled nice riding Countryside tons of cyclists I’m going to drop the GPX to this route down below cuz it’s a route that’s all B roads so it’s very out out the way of main roads he says while cycling on a main [Music] [Applause] [Music] road Last Hill done and dusted this isn’t a route that lends itself to Pace lines and just like hammering it it’s perfect if you just out on a group ride and you want to hang with a group have a laugh you want to hang with a group you want to hang with a group like have a good day out and just really enjoy it because a lot of the roads are like real B roads which make it hard to cycle on you know you got those typical country lanes with the mound in the middle of them yeah but it’s all been quiet roads just absolutely gorgeous I you know recommend it for a day out Che as we approach the seaside are we I’d like to be able to see the sea I can nearly see the sea the last one to see the sea is a silly [Music] sausage last 10k of the ride cuz we’re getting close to the coast it’s a massive headwind but it’s turned out to be a hell of a day not the quickest ride we’re finally on some natural a roads though which you can ride on but it has been so nice next stop is fish and chips in [Music] wible I can literally smell fish and chips [Music] job done all we need to do now is get some fish and chips like I said not the fastest ride cuz of the roads we were on but in terms of an adventure ride where you were on just like quiet country lanes it was really really nice so it’s perfect what we’re looking for today and now I don’t really know where we are but we’re on the East Coast somewhere in the UK we’re going to try and grab some fish and ships sit by the seaside [Music] 30 cotton chips and donuts there you are [Music] there quickly operation take them to the beach no faing operation no faf Beach [Music] all right time to eat this is this is literally what we’ve been waiting for I’m so excited for it the girls literally can’t speak they’re too [Music] busy what we rating the donuts then it just needs some Jam okay so I’ll give it a seven that’s a good donut like in this current moment it’s like a nine and I think if You’ given it to me you know Jam in the rain on the side of the road like I wouldn’t it wouldn’t like your it wouldn’t like my fire [Music] be okay the fish and chips was excellent probably rate the fish and chips like maybe an 8 8.9 the fish was just Exquisite that was really good the donuts on the other hand this is these are hitting the spot these are really hitting the spot freshly made there’s about a million calories in this so much sugar these are a 10 these are an absolute 10 are you happy ladies 10 out of 10 Pig and right any final words Christy um I really need the L we’re going to wrap this one up here guys we need to jump the train that takes an hour and 20 minutes from wior back into Central London then I’m going to have to cycle to my car and then drive home it’s not the most kind of environmentally friendly cycle trip I’ve ever been on but nonetheless uh a lot of fun thanks girls um 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    1. Nice ride, Max! Did you do a video of Ride London? Think I saw you at side of road at one point. Puncture? Quite a few in the bad weather…

    2. Think I can beat that smell reference. Sunday last weekend (19 May) when it was lovely and sunny too, I was just finishing my ride at around 12;30-1:00pm. riding past houses with that perfect blend of cut grass you already mentioned but then a Sunday lunchtime BBQ scent in the air. Was divine.

    3. Great video. Saturday was the day for it.. Hard to beat the coastal breeze or headwind as you say 😂. I live on the coast and its always a headwind home lol

    4. Thanks for dropping this video. My family live in Whitstable and have been planning a route just this weekend from london. This looked great so will now use this. Regarding coming home,did you have to go to canterbury or straight to London from Whitstable

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