If you’re looking for a great night’s sleep, then you need to check out the Eight Sleep Pod 3 Cover! In this one year review, I’ll show you everything you need to know about this amazing sleep pod cover.

    To buy your Eight Sleep Pod 3 cover, with a discount and also help support this channel:
    (Also, add STEVE in the discount code box for a further $50 off!)

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    This cover is a great investment if you want to sleep soundly and wake up feeling refreshed. I spent $2,000 on the Eight Sleep Pod 3 Cover and I can honestly say that it’s worth it! If you’re looking for a good night’s sleep, then you need to check out the Eight Sleep Pod 3 Cover!
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    00:00 introduction.
    00:45 How it works.
    01:45 Our Sleep Performance.
    05:15 Comfort.
    06:00 Noise.
    07:45 DISCOUNT CODE.
    08:20 Downsides.
    10:20 Subscription.
    12:10 Conclusion.

    I’m a hot sleeper my wife is a cold sleeper to make things worse for me we have a very nice memory Fame mattress which seems to absorb my body heat double it and then send it back up to me she snuggles up in bed all night I do a duvet dance poking arms and legs out just trying to regulate my temperature while I’m sleeping well that’s what it used to be like I’ve been using the Pod 3 cover for a year now and it probably took me about a year before that to actually comprehend spending $2,000 plus dollars on what is essentially a mattress topper so has it been worth it well in this updated review I’m going to talk about how the eight site works and also the pros and cons of using it for an entire year let’s get cracking so how does the Pod three cover work well you have a hub by your bed and then you put the cover on your mattress if you if you sleep alone it creates one big Zone if you’re a couple like we are you both both get individual zones tailored to you and then it adjusts the temperature throughout the night to help you optimize your sleep and optimize each of your sleep zones you can either set it in C Celsius where I am in the UK Fahrenheit if you’re in the US for instance or what I prefer to do is just use a scale of – 10 to+ 10 you set the temperatures that work for you I prefer to start off cold and get gradually warmer as the night goes on and then it will make adjustment using its autopilot feature if it feels that you might be slipping out of that sleep Zone that it wants you to be in and it helps you really just to optimize and maximize the quality of your sleep so how do we sleep since getting the eight sleep pod 3 cover in short like a log I would describe my sleep before getting it as maybe a six or a s out of 10 if I show you last night’s data here you can see that I got 100% for Quality 100% for routine and I got 7 hours and 51 minutes sleep but more importantly for this review is how has it gone over the last year well here is my sleep performance for the last year you can see it’s given me a score of 93% which is excellent if you look at the two tram lines at the top of the screen you’ll see that that’s the zone that he wants you to be in and the higher you are to the top purple line obviously the better and every month I’ve been well and truly in that tram line now my wife’s story is quite different to mine so she was a two out of 10 sleeper she’s a woman of a certain age menop and she’s also like she comes from a long line of nighttime thinkers let’s just say she takes a regular like 2 a.m. trip mentally to worry town so let me show you her results so last night you can see her sleep score was 97 her quality was 96 and her routine was 100 and she slept for 7 hours and 20 minutes but let’s look at her data over the last year on the face of it you can say her results aren’t as good as mine but remember she started from a much lower position she scores her own sleep score as 2 out of 10 before getting the eight sleep and her overall score is 85% and if you look at the last 6 months you will see that she has been absolutely spot on within those tram lines in an optimal zone for the last 6 months in October we had uh an acute Health scare and you can see the impact that that had on her sleep I think if you took that month out she would be an average of over 90% so I don’t really drink I’ve probably had a year or so not drinking and lately I’ve had a couple but I’m not I’m not really a drinker I just don’t feel great on alcohol the older I’ve got um but my wife does still drink and if I put her last week’s sleep score on on the uh screen here you can see the two nights that she had a drink can’t you it’s quite obvious so if you’re one of those people who think that alcohol makes you sleep then that might be a fantasy here’s my sleep stages from last night and you can see that uh the deeper the blue the uh the is the Deep of the Sleep basically so at the start of the night I was straight into deep sleep get straight off go to sleep so quickly with the eight sleep and then about 1:00 you’ll notice that Spike and that happens every night I’ve noticed is between like 1 and 1:30 and if you haven’t guessed what it is yet it’s the time that my middle-aged bladder has decided it’s had enough it can’t cope and I have to get up and go to the toilet however you’ll see that I go straight back to sleep which is something that I didn’t used to do before the eight sleep and then the rest of the night last night was made up of REM sleep and light sleep until we woke up at 6:00 a.m. this morning in short and my initial reluctance to get an eight sleep because I thought Thermo regulation while sleeping I mean I’ve lived so long without having it and was it overrated but I do think that since having the eight sleep this is the future of getting really good sleep if you’re in a position where you can afford to get one you can really make improvements to your sleep the next thing I want to talk about is comfort and it’s clearly the eight sleep PA three cover is not a static product because I’ve actually got two of them the original one I bought uh that is comfortable very very comfortable but it does actually firm up the bed slightly whereas the second eight sleeper ball that is much different so that doesn’t that’s got Perfect Fit technology as well it kind of goes over more like a traditional topper it feels more plush it’s more comfortable and it hasn’t changed the feel of our mattress at all in fact apart from the extra kind of like little bit of plushness you feel with the eight sleep you can’t actually tell it’s on there the next thing I’m going to touch on is noise and how noisy the eight sleep is after all it’s working next to your bed and if it’s going to be wakeing up at night is counterproductive to actually what he trying to do now I live in the UK and I live in a new build house typically I mean out of all my friends I only know one person who’s got air conditioning in their house I certainly haven’t got any and I would say I know one or two% of people here have air conditioning in their house and houses are designed here to keep the heat in to uh impact on that further my our bedroom is south facing so it gets the heat all day and typically by bedtime our bedroom is between 23 and 28° C in the summer I’ll put Fahrenheit on the screen here so it is a warm room and that means the hotter it gets ambiently the hot the ambient temperature is the harder the eight sleep has to work to actually fight that and call the bed down so in our experience and I’m I’m very noise sensitive so I can’t sleep in a room with a fan on uh we have an onsuite bathroom the when you turn the light on the fan comes on and then when you turn the light off the fan goes to trickle so I can’t sleep with that on either I can’t really sleep with airon on in a room if in a hotel uh I can easily sleep with the a sleep on because even in the summer when it’s working harder it does make like a h you do get a noise from the fan but it’s it’s like a white noise it’s quite soothing in fact I’ll probably say that that white noise is productive for sleep in the caller months when um it’s not working as hard you just can’t hear it it’s whisper cry you can’t even tell it’s on at this stage and you can probably tell I absolutely love my eight sleep have two as I’ve mentioned and if you’re thinking about buying one I’ll put a link in the description which will take you straight to eight sleeps website now they have ADD discount there as well in addition to that I’ll put a coupon code which means at checkout you put in this code and that will get you an extra $50 off as well if you decide to buy an asleep and that also helps support the channel so thank you very much before I finish the video let’s talk about the downside because there are a couple now one thing that it has which a feature which I thought I would love it has two alarm functions and we get woking up by an Alexa every morning sorry if I’ve set Yours off and um it’s just being like Snapped awake the as sleep has two functions you can either use a thermo alarm and how that works is it will either wake you it will either heat the bed or call the bed to gently wake you up this is nice for weekends I think or the other option is a vibrating alarm and you can set the intensity and you can set aside so if you get up before your partner to go to work for instance you can set your side to vibrate your partners doesn’t and you can quietly sneak out of the the bedroom and off to work however the only way to turn it off is with your phone so you’ve got this like quite nice vibrating alarm and you get a feeling that you’re waking up and you want to wake up but you’ve then got to find your phone to actually turn it off I would like there to be either a button or an app for your voice assistant where you could just say Voice Assistant turn off my eight sleep alarm maybe that will come I mean I feel like that’s just a software upgrade the other issue and this is very much a first world problem is it it just ruins sleeping anywhere else so we recently went on a road trip we went up to the North Coast of irland and then came down and we stayed at the Johnstown estate just outside of Dublin beautiful building we had a lovely accommodation very comfortable plush beds in addition to the EG sleep I also wear a whoop which is a used as a sleep tracker as well as a fitness tracker okay and you can see from my whoop scores the nights that we were away so the first night we were away I got 72% I then had four poor or average night sleep after that and then you can see the two nights of Tuesday and Wednesday how my sleep’s improved when we were back on the E sleep so I mean it’s I wouldn’t say it’s a buying Factor but going away to nice hotels will probably never be the same again for you the next downside is the subscription and people generally hate subscriptions but hear me out so it’s $29 my renewal was for the year which works out to be 57 cents a day which isn’t a lot if you if someone said would you pay 57 cents for a really good night’s sleep I think every day of the week my answer would be yes so I don’t feel like it’s expensive however I do think it’s odd to have a subscription for a product that helps you sleep that is something that’s kind of quite new to the market however what I’ve noticed over the last year is through software updates and Innovation my eight sleep seems to get better and better so it is slightly quieter than when I first got it it seems to have the autopilot functions where it adjust throughout the night are constantly improving so on the one hand people generally don’t like subscriptions however I want Innovation and I don’t mind paying a subscription as long as I’m getting lots of innovation to my product the good news is if you’re really anti the subscription after the first year you can cancel it you can still control the temperature of the the apod pr cover however you don’t get things like autop pilot the auto adjustments it’s just your adjustments and you don’t get the Sleep data as well so if after a year you don’t want to renew your subscription you don’t have to I mean I I kind of feel like you should factor in the fact that you might might want to to get the most out of your product going forward I just reduced our Netflix subscription by two levels not one person in the house noticed and it covered the cost of my eight sleep subscription in conclusion we spend a third of our day in bed don’t we and if you’re like me the quality of your sleep can very much dictate how your next day goes especially the start of your next day and when I buy fitness equipment I like to work how I like to look after myself I will spend a couple of thousand on an exercise bike a connected fitness exercise bike or treadmill or rowing machine because I very clearly have an advantage to my my health I feel fitter and better for using them if I had my time again before I bought that the treadmills Etc I actually think I would buy an at sleep before I then looked at buying treadmills and bicycles just because I think if if I’m a boxing fan and your jab is a fundamental punch in boxing everything comes off the jab and that’s the same as sleep for me anyway everything around my day is impacted of the fundamental thing which is my sleep the good news is that if you do decide to buy one they do have a really good returns process if you buy one try it decide it’s not for you you can just send it back to them and as I mentioned I’ll put a link in the description which will take you to their website where there should be a discount and in addition to that I’ll put a coupon code there which you can stack on top of that discount to get an extra $50 off too well I hope you found this video useful and until next time see you soon


    1. I've never heard of this system, but I am very intrigued. My sleeping is a lot like your wife's, and my husband is a terrible sleeper as well, so this might be something we should look into getting. My only quibble is the subscription. Quite annoying, after paying so much for the hardware. (I feel the same way about Peloton – buy the bike and then pay the membership on top still irks me😆).
      Thanks for a great video, Steve. I always trust your reviews because you do such a thorough job.

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