In this video, we introduce the Litelok X1, a revolutionary bike lock designed for ultimate security and convenience. Discover the key features of this innovative lock, including its lightweight and incredibly strong construction made from Barronium, a proprietary composite material engineered to resist cutting tools. Learn about the dual-locking system that provides extra security and flexibility, allowing you to secure your bike in various situations with ease.

    Neil Barron, the founder and award-winning engineer behind Litelok, brought his aerospace engineering expertise to create this groundbreaking product. Join us as we demonstrate how easy it is to use the Litelok X1 and keep your bike safe.

    For more details and to purchase the Litelok X1, check out the link :
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    TWO WHEELS GOOD is located in Hamburg, Germany and our passion are bicycles – for more than nine years now. We owned two bikes shops and since 2006 we focus on urban mobility as a bike agency.

    hello cyclists welcome today a super interesting very Innovative flock it’s the egg1 from [Music] lightlock first of all there is of course no luck that cannot be broken every luck can be broken it’s just a question of time and of equipment but there is something that you can steal from the thieves and that is time and there are locks like the X1 that make it very difficult and very timec consuming for thieves to break it and what I really love about the brand light loock is that the founder Neil Baron and his team really give a lot of thought into the brand and a lot of features even besides the lock for example the packaging there is no plastic it’s plastic free the box is made of cardboard and when you open it you don’t see any plastic but what you see and that’s something I really like is a letter from the founder and his team and he’s like grateful and sums up the most important features of this blck there’s more in the Box I’ll show you later but this DLo is very very safe but it’s also very heavy it weighs 1.7 kilg so if you you really have to love your bicycle especially one at super lightweight to carry an extra weight of almost 2 kog but there is a reason of course and the reason lies within the core and that is something very special and Innovative the core is made from attention Barum and Neil the founder did develop it with Specialists World known Specialists and what it does is it is angle grinder resistant so an angle grinder goes through the core but it takes a lot of time a lot of energy and a lot of disc that you have to switch within the process because they break so I’m not an expert and I don’t have the equipment but I did a lot of research watched a lot of videos and I will link a couple of videos below so you can also have a look CU it’s quite interesting to see how resistance this core is so the thing is even if you cut through the dck once which takes 2 3 minutes and like a lot of effort then you have to cut through it again because with just one cut through the D loock you won’t be able to get the lock out of the wheel so it took Neil a couple of years to develop this special material and as you see it’s not like the biggest luck but you really have to look cuz of course this lock can secure a bicycle but you have to attach it to to something that is really strong as well and they did develop the X1 which is this one and the X3 which is even stronger and you can use both logs for bicycles and motorcycles there are more special features for example The White Stripes you see they are reflective so they give you an extra secutive feature when cycling in the dark and that is something that I wish like every lock manufactur would integrate and not only angle grinders are like dangerous for locks but it’s also like the key cylinder and it’s also impossible to drill it and now let’s have a closer look in the box so there’s the package that looks a bit like coffee beans and there are the keys and there is an extra holder for the bicycle which is called twist and go and there are also keys inside and it’s super easy to unlock and lock the thing what I notice is you always have to insert and turn the keys uh when you have to lock it so it’s not just like putting the two parts together nope you have to turn the keys the keys also have individual numbers and what I highly recommend is the moment you get your bicycle lock register the keys CU if you lose the two keys it’s very easy to order new ones and what I do is like I set up new contact in my telephone which is called lightlock X1 and then I just take a picture of the number and then in case CU I’m sometimes a little messy and all over the place when I lose the two keys I can just easily add a new on online also inside the box is this little bag because I mean it’s quite nice the whole process how you um twist and go it’s quite nice but of course in my opinion sometimes it can really ruin the design of your bicycle so if you want to put the lock inside your bag if you have the possibility to carry it this gives you extra protection from the other stuff that is in your backpack and or in your bag the rubber outside of the DLo which prevents your bicycle from having scratches or being damaged is also sustainable so again for me another very nice feature where I definitely give my thumbs up what I also really like about lightlock about the brand is that they really communicate what they do for the community and also for the environment so I would highly recommend to have a closer look at their website to see to dive into the brand and how they strategically act which is in my opinion something a lot of lot of brands should do and now we go outside and have a closer look how to secure the [Music] bicycle lightlock was founded in 2013 By Professor Neil Baron and what you really see in every product is that he’s really passionate about cycling and about how to secure your bike and he offers many different products so I would really recommend like scroll over the website have a closer look at the brand and at the products I’m pretty sure if you’re looking for something special that helps you secure your bicycle you will find something this lock is produced in South Wales in a solar powered Factory so the whole sustainable thought and strategic it’s like you see it in every little detail of this brand like the plastic free packaging the EC rubber as an outside protection and the plant in South world so it is produced within Europe and the plant of solar powered which I think is really really cool so this lock is quite expensive it costs €170 but if you really love your bicycle and you want it really well secured then I think at the moment the X1 this doog is the choice for you


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