A Dystopian, Deserted South Shore, on a Monday Morning #blackpool, with a trip along Lytham rd, Waterloo rd, Bond st, Deen st, the south pier, McDonalds, to show the great access and entrance de derr fail, but overall pass! then back along Lytham rd and in to Home Bargains and on to Church st, where we find the man with sacks of phones again.

    [Music] hey what’s up guys Long Island AIT here back again with another video we’re here today as always to peacefully exercise our first amendment rights to film in public and publicly accessible areas to promote transparency and accountability within our government and to ensure that our public servants recognize our rights and treat us with respect let’s get [Music] into e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] morning everybody F Steve spice heads and we’re at the junction of Liv Road and water Road just going to take a little route down here it’s Monday the 20th of May it’s about 10:00 a.m. a hearing shop here that’s open car factory the mandatory bet Fred charity shop charity shop little Iceland shot floor this I think used to be a nightclub years ago actually it was a strip club at one time banan fish and chips crack converters it’s open and Cash Generator next door this wants driving Metropolis you two big markets over there which are no gone one’s like a smart car boot smart marks Essentials and uh just down here we used to have a post office F shop Trinity hospice and this was a busy driving post [Music] office and quite dead got the old Hearts Amusement there which was wwf’s years ago and uh what we have got open is the South Shore Pit Stop where I was a couple weeks ago so we’re moving on back up the other side it’s a Smart M it’s a better view of the post office over there the Old Post Office the Shop’s got all sorts of furniture in it and some clothing now never noticed that crafty bear smart boot more second on stuff probably the same people close shop still going mandatory War’s Amusement Pet Shop look at it it’s dead it’s 10:00 in the morning there’s nobody here and I’ve just come down Liv Road and I’ve not confronted or been confronted by one single fake homeless junky prostitute it’s uh quite unusual it’s probably too early for them all they all got the pit and they all smashed at all little rug shop European Superstar virtually empty so there’s one shop normally here that’s normally open and busy were um but Cottage Bakery this one nice sandwiches chickens and one shop in particular is this one where I normally get my HDMI cables and stuff like that from soell spones watches bits of all sorts across the road we’ve got um a second hand M shop that um sometimes get some bits and Bobs from around this corner got the mandatory pound Bakery huge Nail Bar chemists on the Lio Royal Cafe the look the bank Halifax well it’s a building Society but it’s there still here where we used to have a baths years ago I’m not sure what it is now I spoke too soon about the junkers and alcoholics oh look there Fat Steve Steve I’m here here we have the New Black Ru Enterprise center with meeting rules Virtual Office Space Net Zero for your business start to grow and the New Black R Enterprise Center helping to UNL Mark the entrepreneurial flare of business and residents so all can share in a more prosperous future as visioned in the resorts master plan for New Black providing space for pledging companies to flourish the center will be a key focal point stimulating the creation of a new generation of business jobs skills advice and ideas coordinated by a strong partnership with working ensuring OPP Unity for all so let’s do one last shot down um wasley road I’ll go down the middle and try and get both sides at once if you can hear some clanging it’s a a case of be out that I managed to get from B&M this morning that’s my drink for the next two weeks walking down the other side and as we come onto here I’ll try and go down the Road and then it should film both sides just about as I said before this was once a thriving metropolis and look at it now it’s 10:00 there’s hardly anybody about we got wor to come around the corner there traffic jum here where he doing the job R these what’s a shame what a shame now the family amusements is still here and shoe market and as we come to the end got ice cream and a big joke shop um Hearts this was W’s back in the day in Hearts it was like a Christmas shop and this is Bond Street this is just desolate and uh wind again I think it’s the 20th of May 10:00 remember this I filmed this a few weeks ago um that used to be a huge building that my cousin owned and I rented that in the ’90s and I made it into a market with 18 stalls and the rent was 1,500 a week it wouldn’t get £1,500 a year anymore from down here I don’t think i’ still only seeing one one uh Aly doing well want to come down here more often [Applause] I think it made me way to the South I don’t think I’ve ever been filmed so going have a lot if we don’t get a Splat GI Galore is a friend of mine and he’s normally open but it’s a little bit early yet so in the distance here we’ve got the sou Pier little Charity shop there Beach market closed amusement and Pablo’s Restaurant right let’s see if there’s anybody in there that knows where the ice cream factory used to be cuz I’m sure it were Pablo’s oh dear going have a l I’ll be back in a minute morning everybody this is sha Paul Rus Long Island Audits and I’m here to peaceably exercise my rights to film in public under the Constitution and I’m at the South pier in Blackpool in England W well we’ got this far we’re doing well got the Central Pier up there on the tower it’s 10:00ish it looks quite quiet here tight in dirts out so why is this so different at 10:00 in the morning to the Central Pier Manu it is Monday morning it was Sunday yesterday it’s got a few guys here having a Lo conference Wallings ice cream huge Amusement arcade we come get this side diving and jumping from this pier is not permitted offenders will be prose how can you prosecute somebody for diving off the Pier F’s gone out now so when when the people actually come here what this is weird looking deserted all these rides all this money s here I just can’t get around this I can’t this is just mind blowing and then the end bit here just fenced off [Applause] how Weir Big Spring things that bounce people up and down lovely Carousel sat in the middle just people sat around drinking I don’t know if they’re stuff fler beach in the background the water park sat there with bottles of alcohol on the table I can’t work this out so this is the South Pier 10:00 in the morning on Monday the 20th of May so that was a strange one a very strange one it’s just deserted out here deserted so that was a South peer folks bit of a disappointment strange one so I’ve swapped hands and we will show you how easy it is to get in here compared to that other sh all we that they’ve changed just for the uh just eat drivers so I’m in on one of the biggest scooters there is we still got a counter accessible still got a seating area in here a lot better than down [Music] there so McDonald’s s Shaw completely accessible the tills are accessible there is seating upstairs but if you’re in a Scoot and have issues so the electronic doors are working and we can get in and out quite easily I think so he says we strugles for this little last bit oh we’ve done it nearly nearly good God I’m I’m just saying how easy it is to get in and out here burn to down there it’s locked up the T oh Christ let me just turn this off so as you may have just seen I was just praising how easy it is to get in and out and uh I got stuck with that other door doors are working yeah the other door’s not opening but um that’s still a Pass Wind damaging yeah it’s still a pass don’t worry so somewhere to sit out here in peace that is mad down this end we’ got BS over there don’t know if that opens and we’ve got this J shop uh I come down here quite regularly got bits and bobs for me dolls and some of me crossbows so that’s got um replica repa Firearms crossbows knives all sorts of stuff in there the L it will probably be band soon I would think these Samurai SIDS got a Chuck in there like in my house and there’s that Adams there Adam SKS oh these are cute is that start see this right so we’re back down here now those North terar R can never pronounce it pretty sure and uh don’t don’t accuse me of this but I’m pretty sure because of 64 life 64 years life experience I’m pretty sure it will probably burn down before they do it all which is normally what happens to things in Black r that nobody wants so I’m back at the South Shore pit stop and the lady I was chatting to a few weeks ago is’s not here so I’m probably going to wrap it up here so I’m outside the Pit Stop Cafe on mle Road i’ about a truck down um living road to here been on the south Pier done a few bits and Bobs do some research on the Pablo’s Ice Cream Factory that I can’t find so I’m going to leave you all with that quite a calm one today only one guy I’ve seen with a can in his hand quite amazing so for now it’s SP Steve from Spice heads outside the pit stop Cafe on mle road catch you all later keep safe so I’m back outside William Hill at the junction of um wasley Road and Liv Road I’ve done a little trip around and uh I’ve only seen one guy with a c beer in his hand and then there’s a prostitute just walk past me apart from that it’s not been too bad down here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we couldn’t come in here without promoting it a bit because uh I visit Home Bargains either here or on to Road or cess nearly every day it’s a great shop lots of interesting stuff and well work well worth of luck it um always reminds me of the old [Music] Wars and uh I’m W whatever you want virtually you can get here normally she’s cute so I’m only going to go around the edges but the a up and down the got everything everything you need for the home home Garden [Music] toys and I’m looking for Pepsi [Music] Max Stu down for your dog I think oh all PS s pet beds dog food cat food all sorts of stuff so this is the biggest shop in the area but maybe one actually at South Shore I’m not sure at the uh one of the retail Parks I’m not 100% sure so I say I’m looking for Pepsi Max it should be around here [Music] somewhere yeah it’s down there I think I think this lady’s praying to all but she’s facing the wrong direction should be Facing East [Music] got the saxophone man [Music] again doing good today with his Pink Panther hi everybody we’ve got the saxophones man back in BPR and he’s play a request from [Music] [Applause] [Music] I bet you all know this [Applause] one and he’s even got the pink pamper down [Music] [Applause] [Music] there so this is Church Street and beautiful downtown black and it’s about steep from spaces C [Music] later we will take you you got to go


    1. That spiel on the sign at the Enterprise Centre, was the biggest load of shite I've ever heard.

      Somebody was actually PAID to make up that nonsense – there's the real crime!!!

    2. Its probably quiet because its a monday morning and the kids are still in school,wait till half-term,then the summer holidays and it will be pandemonium

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