Big Brother Albania VIP 3, një ndër formatet më të suksesshëm të Reality Show, një krijim i De Mol nën pronësinë e Banijay Rights, vjen në sezonin e tij të tretë në Shqipëri, pas suksesit të mëparshëm, prodhuar nga Top Channel. Personazhe e karaktere të njohur e të dashur të jetës sonë janë zgjedhur me shumë kujdes në bazë të profileve të tyre psikologjike e social-kulturore dhe do te jetojnë së bashku në një shtëpi për disa javë rresht. I gjithë votimi i personazheve vjen nga publiku dhe personazhi VIP më i admiruar fiton çmimin e madh.

    Moderator: Ledion Liço

    Opinionistë: Arbër Hajdari
    Ori Nebijaj

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    #BigBrotherAlbaniaVip #BigBrotherVIP3 #LiveBBV #Finale


    1. Egal doli nga shtepia e kthyt ju prap duke ja siguruar fitoren
      Vepruat kinse ishte e mbyllur ne dhomen e bardh kur ajo u pa rrugeve te tiranes
      Sa fallso qe jeni po kush votoi eglen kur akoma nje koment pozitiv per te nuk e pash

    2. “Gëzohem” që treguam se mbeturinat kanë mbuluar Shqipërinë dhe këtë e treguat me fakte dmth një sjellje e tillë përfaqëson rininë😢😢😢😢 që tani bllok Topit…

    3. Egla ceno je lojtare spektakolare e forte dinjitoze ebrishte evogel dhe e pafajshme eshte gje ebukur kur ka femra te tilla te lumte je zemer❤❤❤❤❤ karamele evogel

    4. E vetmja surprize qe mund t’i benin Meritonit ne finale ishte djali i tij. Mendoni cfare shikueshmeri do te kishte, nese djali i Meritonit vinte ne BB. Per produksionin kjo surprize do ishte nje miniere ari. Perse nuk ndodhi???????????? Meritoni mbeti pa kauze ne fund. Si mund te fitonte Meritoni?????

    5. Viewers Shocked at the CCP’s Atrocities

      In addition to the posters, in a separate room, visitors could watch videos detailing human organ harvesting crimes from living practitioners in China. People’s expressions turned solemn after learning the facts, and some were even moved to tears, stunned that such cruelty can still occur in this day and age.

      A woman in her 50s said, “I had never heard about this. It’s so cruel. I was so shocked that I couldn’t speak.” Through tears, she asked what she could do to help.

      A commentator told her that people could talk to their legislative representatives to pass a law to stop the crime and that some local councils had passed resolutions that they submitted to Congress. The woman said she would share the information with her friends and would bring them when the event returns.

      A teenage girl said that this was the first time she’d heard about organ harvesting from the living. “It’s very sad that so many people have had their organs harvested while they were still alive.” She wanted to do something to help, so she said that she would tell her friends. She also took photos to share online.

      A man came to see the poster exhibition with his high school daughter. “I saw the flier that said, ‘Silence means siding with the persecutors’ and felt that I had to come and learn the truth.” He also said that he would bring his friends when the event returns.

      A man in his 50s said, “Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to learn the facts. I didn’t know that the CCP was responsible for such evil. I don’t think Taiwan should become part of China. I will tell others I know what I saw today.”

    6. Ky ishte big brother i fundit qe shikoj ne jete time .. Production mashtrues .. Ja dhate cmimin nje femre ordinere .. Qe kaloj cdo limit njerzor per te arritur ne finale .. Turp turp turp tiu vi .. Juli Romeo do jene gjithmone fituesit e big vip 3..

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