This video marks the second part – and the second day – of the bikepacking adventure my girlfriend and I did, cycling from Lucerne to and around the lake Constance. On this second day we started from Arbon, Switzerland and cycled via Bregenz in Austria to Lindau, Germany and eventual to Constance. Hope you like the video!

    – “Journey To The Stars” by ‪@SavfkMusic
    – “Fire And Thunder” by @cjbeardsofficial

    Filming Gear:
    – DJI Action 4
    – Iphone 14
    – DJI Mini 3

    – Mason Resolution V3 own build
    – AliExpress Carbon MTB own build
    – Rose Backroad Ekar

    good morning today too beautiful sunrise looking us up so it’s ready to get up and uh make some breakfast and with that very tight version of myself welcome to the most beautiful day on the bike I’ve ever had as you can see the weather is calm and incredibly beautiful around here we are at the small city of abon from which we are starting our second day of our bike packing trip to and around the lake Constance on day one we have found this amazing shelter SL camping spot that even had a shower that we could use and we did today we will cross two borders going from Switzerland via Austria to Germany so before wasting too much time we are pecking our stuff and head out in the direction of Austria the first goal of today is to cross the Austrian border without problems hopefully fingers crossed and cycle towards Germany to a small town called lindow in order to have a proper second breakfast so without further Ado here we go it took no more than 10 minutes and we found ourselves at the edge of the lake no one around and incredible cycling infrastructure it was about 7:30 or so in the morning here the sun was out even though it was still pretty cold and we were excited for what’s about to come on this beautiful route from Arbon to constant pretty much only around the lake as you can see the planned route will span about 165 km which would Mark the longest ride my girlfriend has ever done to this day so let’s see how how she gets on with that in contrast to day one though today we should have very little elevation which is very much appreciated yesterday we had about 2,000 M of elevation which with all of the bike packing equipment it’s quite a bit yeah the first 15 km were a good mix of gravel and Tek going from completely empty city streets to just remarkable paths close to the water and after less than 20 km we have already reached our second country of the day cycling over this wooden bridge and the border between Switzerland and Austria [Music] in the distance we could already see the Austrian Alps and there’s no covered [Music] Peaks today was a bridge holiday as we call it in German which means the day between a public holiday and the weekend which many people will take off as well as to have a long weekend and it definitely showed on the road today there were many large groups of cyclists and bike tourist who enjoyed the first proper spring days of 2024 such as we did after about 35 KMS we have reached the city of breens also one of the largest cities on today’s route but that also meant our large breakfast Feast was not far ahead and we only had about 10 km to go [Music] on this route we went towards the inner city part of lindow which is apply named in as it’s a small island so [Music] yeah this was a real tourist hotspot though and the city seemed almost too crowded to enjoy so we just walked around the looking for a good Bakery there we had some cappuccinos sandwiches and a couple of pastries and before we knew it we were already on the road back towards the less crowded areas of the lake HT on the way out of the lindow region we came across many camping grounds such as this one on the right here and around those the cycling traffic got heavy and heavier which you can see here if you have watched the video so far please consider giving me a sub it really helps out the [Music] channel there was one section of road that wasn’t directly at the lake which was a bit boring I have to say but it was just about 10 15 km and then we got back to the lake [Music] side also it was slowly but surely time to take another break to refuel and rest a bit so not long after our prayers for a good rest spot were hurt and we found this shaded bench right at the lake so we grabbed whatever we had left in our pockets and hung out for the better part of yeah like half an hour or so [Music] creating routes with kamu can sometimes lead to some unexpected surprises such as this one here we were routed onto an area on which driving students learn about traffic rules so we had some fun riding a couple of circles around the around the course before heading on our actual route [Music] again at this point point we had about 45 km left to go cycling the last bit around the lake constants before getting to the actual city of constants um that from here on should be directly on the other side to our left if we were to look at it which we didn’t on video so before getting to the first last and kind of only substantial climb of the day we increase the tempo a bit as to make it before the Sun starts to go down [Music] but not long after we arrived at the mention climb at which we had to do around 350 M of elevation however was rather reasonable at around 7 to 9% still fueled from the sugar The Vibes were still high and we were able to enjoy the scenery a bit before starting to descend into the greater constants region what was great throughout this area was that the cycling Lane was always separated from the roads so we didn’t annoy the cars and the cars also didn’t bother us [Music] really though after some time we encountered some of the yeah rather rough gravel roads however luckily still my Continental gp5000 in the 13 mm variation did not puncture on this second day either so yeah knock on wood a couple of kilometers later we had our first major unintended detour however after some deliberation we decided to just go back and take a route as intended as to not miss some of the beautiful scenery that we had planned to go through [Music] and with that we have reached the outskirts of the city of constance so our last goal was to find the train station in order to be able to take the train back home to the CERN and here we are at the heart of constant right at the train station so last but not least this was our right by the numbers with all of the bike packing gear that we had to bring along this was quite a long day especially after yesterday already however in conclusion this was by far my favorite day on the bike yet and with that being said I hope you like the video and if so please consider liking or subscribing and in any case have a great week bye-bye

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