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    the Monument of ancient Rome with a venue for the 21st and final stage of the 107th jro Italia a pasarella as the Italians call it a procession an opportunity for the sprinters most probably to finish off this race Jonathan Milan the favorite tachar set to be crowned the winner of Theo 125 km to take on then at to the from the old Eternal City a turnaround at osta and back for local laps taking in all of the great and glorious monuments the Imperial for across and through TR Coliseum circus Maximus at all the rest it was pogus Maximus at the front in pink celebrating and winning tacha alongside the winner of the Maya Bianca was Antonio tii pelari was wearing blue on behalf of pogacha and already mathematically safe in the MAA chiclamino Jonathan Milan one by one teams came to the front who were successful and Victorious to have their family photos and there was even a moment to raise a glass or two to what their respective Riders have done the four jerseys together in ceremonial mode before things really got going along the sea got going a little early maybe too early for the likes of the the Elder Statesman of the pelan things calmed down a little pachad had a word and the Riders were on their way back to town a lovely moment then ensued equaling a record for 18 starts at the Jed Italia Domino poovo was allowed his moment across the line at his final appearance at the race and then the first attacks came Martin mareli was at the front the only Roman Rider on the start list alongside hor costu and bodha also a jeto debutant sprinter teams then controlled things there was a bike change in cycl Cross style for top Crosser Tim merer but there was a false start there thankfully he was back at his bike and on the way as it was hungry and thirsty work for Owen costu well in this year’s Italian gladiatorial Arena we have been entertained and the Breakaway put on that entertainment before being consumed Again by the pelan with one lap to go so to it for the sprinters then bell ringing and a nervous moment for Milan 8 and 1 half km remained and he looked out of the game as a mechanical problem forced a bike change would he get back on 43 seconds off 20 odd seconds off still with 5Ks to go and rampaging through the cars looking to get one final chance for what would be a fourth stage win his team are doing a great job bringing him back into position with three and a half KS to go but at the front Pacha was playing teammate he wanted his own Sprinter Molano to get his chance Le did take it up just over a kilometer in but again it was messy it was chaotic a couple of turns onto the cobbles and just as if he was at home in NOA Tim merer made it move but the surroundings here were rather more grandiose M at the front Milan trying to get around him eventually coming back but medier the man across the line to level up the score in terms of Sprint wins 33 between medier and the main man Milan so much chaos what else would you expect on Roman streets and negotiated perfectly by merer a second place for Milan on the day a Chino points Jersey win for Tim merer the man celebrating in Rome and every generation has a hero not many have a legend we can all say we watched Kad pachar Tim medle winning ahead of Milan Groves gavidia Fonda and anel kovski sudal quickstep having a wonderful J of four stage wins for them three to the man on your screen and for t pachad a third Grand Tour Victory a first at the jilo a pink party and a massive margin almost 10 minutes with Danny Martinez finishing on the podium for a grand tour Gant Thomas up there for a fifth time and a second successive year at the Cho the tro s saini belonging to T Pacha it’s back toback for Slovenia at this race and Jonathan Milan also going back to back the first Rider to take the chick lamino two years running for almost a decade Italian success cheered on well thankfully he’s been on the money throughout this not quite on the final Podium though that ail gachard was the best climber in the race he won the king of the mountains competition Julio pelari impressing in second kinaza finishing third as well as a pink Podium a blue Podium for pachad and the best young Rider comes from Italy Antonio Tiber on jeto debut impressing immensely ahead of time and ensman who finished at 1 minute [Music] 42 di at a des won the team classification and they won it by a long way inos graders in second UA third the French team winning two stages taking fourth overall with o Conor their best ever J they enjoyed it as well but all the glory going to T pachad winning the J what’s next though well the tour to France isn’t far off you better watch it on Euros Sport and Discovery Plus [Music]


    1. Thankyou for great giro highlights, was so keen to see this every morning or night from indonesia. Seeing Tadei just blast them all away by almost 10 minutes was incredible. I thought he might win by 5 but 10 is impressive. Looking forward to the TDF, i hope Jonas is ready to compete, would make it an enthralling race to see him and Pog do battle. Have Eastern europe cycle touring vids on my channel, have a look if interested. 🙂

    2. Well Merlier was my main pick and everybody was a Milan fan saying he's the best. He is FAST but I definitely don't believe he's the best sprinter in the peloton. It was an absolutely INCREDIBLE thing to even get back to the front but it cost him the sprint. I believe Merlier is a better sprinter than Milan. Milan counts on his pure strength and speed but he's not a tactician. It takes more than speed to be a great sprinter. Great sprint by Merlier!!!

    3. This is the most dominant GC win I have ever seen. Tadej is a generational talent, but UAE also had their A team here bc Tadej wanted the Giro this year. Visma will be much stronger and pressure UAE in TDF, even if Jonas is not on top form. Tadej seems unstoppable this year though.

    4. Watched this via Max (HBO) courtesy of Eurosport – we didn't get to see Tadej lift the trophy. Had to come to this YouTube channel to watch it…

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