Still on the sidelines but we still having fun. Big up to all of the finishers from Valleys!!

    Insta360 clips shot on the new X4!


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    Lee (STAN):

    I got a new Rider [Music] now I know how to get what’s mine CU I night so you body everybody’s making hi hi we’re back look we got a camera I’m nice as that look I do Sony they said have you told him that you’ve been a camera sat in Silence the last 40 minutes setting up all your buttons well yeah I only took out the box yesterday anyway we’re back we have a camera again thanks to that nice gentleman well I’m actually doing a bit of a assuming there that was a gentleman that nice human that stole my camera heading to Valley’s extreme which is the first round of the hard andjw World Championship where I would normally be lining up on a motorbike I got by leg it’s loud this van could just start this in 10 minutes would be there no but because people get perspective having a journey there I have [ __ ] my back’s in bits after done an hour in that driving seat well I’ll do another intro there you’re editing this Vlog anyway so you can choose the best one what what absolutely no why no way I quit this is we in the valley is now but don’t now I know that cuz his Road works are still here I think it doesn’t matter where you come from in the country the journey to get here sucks balls there oh that’s a good snack that that’s an elite snack it’s not a snack for driving though is it I think was is that you can do it driving well I’ll line it up for you only I’ve done it hard do the white cheese you just so that the pickle don’t fall off it don’t fall off I I have these every day I’m in England Roxy stock piles if she no she’s here on a 4 day trip she bu four the day she arrives I’m not happy the pack must have been open cuz the [ __ ] the crackers are soggy and the cheese was okay that’s never happened to me before but might get better as we go down the pile we not let that ruin out day we’re nearly there 14 minutes guys how we doing good morning morning how you doing the je Marie here it’s time for some hard and hello of course I have to watch my YouTube con I do apologize all right M here Siri what’s the temperature F it’s tropical that’s what it is that’s a nice t-shirt ready have one CS nice you do any stunts yeah on do whe like it you just watch this one nice one cover fella cheers mate happy reading covers you got you’ve got a better collection than my mother yeah well we’ve had a bit of a manic 15 minutes since arriving um and Ed’s refusing to pick me camera up well no I tried I don’t know how to turn it on cuz you don’t know how to work it for one and you set it up differently I learn how to use your camera oh all right well I know now out of the good all that’s a nice t-shirt better than his hat Oh Billy wearing he’s wearing orange and he’s eating salads happening here I’m CH man I got a new Rider now you got a new camera yeah been an expensive week money yeah I know where a car in London They smash the window and stole them F head sucks nice to see you pay attention to what goes on in my life sorry mate sorry it’s just so many things are going on in your life you know just traveling everywhere just living like your best get on your bike and go FAS I’ll speak to you later what do you do now then just go watch and then I’ll rush back to put his bike on the stand now you’re at the 10 go 12 that for sale that top after this week I’ve got to give it back he’s already for it back you must know me too well it appears you need a flag if you’re going to have a popup stand at a is have we got that yeah you’ve got one oh I’ve got one too I was about to say where missing out I didn’t realize we’ve got them about three people when I stood there com and asked how much things were and I just went I’ve got no idea I haven’t even thought about that for about 2 months bit behind the time I’m really feel Rusty you feel out of my depth almost who’s your favorite a thank you if you you can’t pick me who’s your favorite for today who’s going to win uh I think it’s going to be M that’s a pretty safe bet to be honest you’re a wise man you worst Mr whippy ice cream I think I’ve ever had in my life really going to put it out there one of the best it doesn’t even taste like I cream it’s F not my fault is it I didn’t me tell her take it back it’s blow that’s the second time I’ve done gender assumption in this Vlog sorry yeah all thieves are men and all people that s stuff my ice cream are birds I’m really I feel bad about that now how long does it do this race starts 30 seconds a little selfish selfish aaki is it yeah yeah go on get me red-handed come to do some work what you like us to do I’m sit in that chair for a bit you look rushed off your feet to be honest right I’m tired come to the ride nutrition chill out zone I’m going what we’re doing we’re going to test it and we’ll see if it’s chillable it’s not could do a parasol if that’s right Broly of some description look these bad [Music] boys lad while you’re at it look I get asked a lot for the 610 t-shirt to be back in stock in C I seriously do they’re all at ride nutrition look but they’re not actually on the ride nutrition be on Monday James will put them on won’t you James yeah I can send them to you no you could hey I’ll have them back for free they they’re not going on any website but any event that’s our nutrition’s at you can get a 610 t-shirt there right we’re going to go back to the hotel because it’s really hot and there’s absolutely nothing happening here um so rather than burning this sun anymore we’re going to the hotel warm this seat is your seat hot I want a heavy a dirty edit what the race the action footage like blobfish standard edit I know what not happening my days are being like blob man retired I’m done I can’t do I point the shoot now oh and you to walk up to someone on the start line and give it an ABC 1 2 [Music] 3 morning sports fans you’ve got the excitement of a breakfast review you’re not good I’ve kep me compression thing off my leg today cuz I was worried about uneven Tans across my legs too so my KN is going to be fat this afternoon YOLO YOLO remember that word Dy FR I like thank you forgot [ __ ] ketchup but that doesn’t look like H’s ketchup to [Music] me silly man [Music] not bad off this is the last minute plan yeah we’ve just abandoned store cuz we had a last minute idea hang on what I forgot we need to get something what that [ __ ] Sun cream yeah good thinking Edward but we’ve had a last minute plan to decide to take the ride nutrition Defender to one of the section yeah hi hi hello hi to one of the sections the parking on the side we’re going to stand on the roof play the music get the Vibes going have you got the cowbells yes that’s the most important thing we’re going to give out the cowbells and we’re going to get some Vibe going it’s all a bit rushed but I think actually from where we’re about to park it’s closer to walk to the start line anyway so yeah I have a go go cart in yeah we are sports fans I don’t know what this section’s called lazy noon isn’t it lazy noon right show you the line if it was hard hard that’s it that’s a nice t-shirt as well good store that design off a moff t-shirt we’re a bit premature down at the start I’m not going to lie like well I guess most of you have probably seen valy and do before cuz I’ve been here twice I raced once came as an injured spectator in January anyway weather’s not nor like this though my neck’s burning already not happening [Music] your’ll be fly you never gone so fast it tastes quite nice as well compl done with a rer can you just leave it in your helmet like this for the rest of the day no [Music] problem you sh oh [Music] I two trait in one shot what colors he wearing hey what you who you filming for you a SL the anyone gives you the sniff of a few quid and you both got half of timing Mr right we off again yeah nice inspiral inspirational sweating his NS off he’s are all quiet go grab him up then behind him you can do it this time this is either going to go really well or really bad I hope really well hey out come on let’s [ __ ] have [Music] [Applause] it is that all right that was brilliant that’s made my Mya that yeah why are you not ringing that cow bell come on sort yourself out don’t stop do not stop go [Applause] on side well 1 minute behind halfway through the second lap I think it’s halfway through is managing the lead relatively comfortably um well you’re going to know the results by this time any aren’t you well if you don’t know the results Manny could bad you have Mario together Journey just behind will about a minute behind and then I’ve Just Seen bright more bright more behind just going to try and get back to the Finish now but I’ve got a whole lap to get there so I think I should be fine cuz this is a further walk than I was expecting and I’ve lost my phone again for the second time today I’m hoping it’s on the Land Rover roof if not all right Paul um if not yeah I don’t really know what anyway Sun cell signing Life’s a dream hi but do wheelie hey man I’ve got cramping my coughs walking up this hill you ring today I got a bad leg oh man I can please I thank you very much I dig better look next time rocking oh my phone’s up here [ __ ] you beauty I haven’t take this one off me as long as you’re going to use it now because I’ve seen a lot of people with them not using them you got to shake it right so you take that one off my neck give me a kind of Pop look and say thank you m oh oh there miss some glasses they new you’re not allow them I’m make right rocket now okay have a nice day no problem at all no idea where Ed is no idea where jams is bued go lry it’s your job it’s my job yeah is this the last time you’re going to see him in this lap you’re going to see him somewhere else no somewhere else you walk in there yeah I’ll get I’ll I’ll Shadow you if that’s all right no it’s not all right I don’t know pressure oh there was aggression in your voice there wh big whip no whip keep hold of it wait yeah it come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] busy man you’re not filming much sat there how the edit gun going to be good no I’ve got 11 Clips useless I’ve couldn’t find the track I’ve walked around for hours well just the podium picture because we’re having an early D because miles this journey you’re about to drive the first half ah I I was going to start editing my Vlog you can do that later when the Sun goes down it’ be easier on your eyes I will drive I’ll drive until the food stop love you B hey anyway right that’s been the first round of hard end jural um Dusty wasn’t expecting dust I haven’t had a husky t-shirt on all week because I asked them to bring a coat and a jacket from Italy didn’t bring a t-shirt so being a bit uh being a bit rebellious and not represented the brands that support me which is naughty right there we have it anyway we’ve got a camera again we’re back in Action thanks for watching send b [Music]


    1. Yessss, love the non riding bike related videos .😂 (but I can’t wait to see you back on the bike).
      It’s a shame how they act at London, at least you got a new cam.
      Can’t wait to see you again 🤟

    2. Who's the driver …the tan cap…
      Tell him to back off the happy tabs…
      He has the potential to be miserable for a whole continent…

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