DATE WITH DANU | Harpo Gooneratne & Asherah Gomez

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    Hi!! TV: ► Dialog Ch. 22

    [Music] 28 it’s [Music] [Applause] [Music] time welcome to day with Dano right here on High TV your luxury Channel today we are all here to celebrate a father daughter love like no other let’s speak about it as we move on with the show hi I’m Hao hi I’m Asher and we’re here to go on a date with Dano I believe danu has got some award in India recently his head mass is so big he let walk sideways through the door his head won’t fit into the door and he’s laugh his laugh yeah he laugh is crazy well done great team yeah well [Applause] done welcome to the show and I would like to introduce the one and only Hao if you have not seen him you would have at least eaten him and we also have Ashu uh thank you for being on the show thanks D thank you for having us nice to have you both and to start things off you all have just become a union and completely dropped the mother in most of the pictures as well I know right happy maybe one one picture like one or like out of 10 there’s like one like even T and chandan are the same like I very rarely see like the mother in there that’s cuz the mother likes to stay behind yeah even even on the day you were getting married the picture was only with d yeah yeah she’s more behind the scene behind I think she enjoys it actually she loves she loves it yeah when we ask her to come for a picture she’ll just take one and she like now enough you do what you want do what you want now both of you all have the same jeans there yeah I guess yeah that’s right so tell me about this um you never wanted to have another uh another uh another too late no no I’m very happy with one one one was one lot of attention given and yeah that’s how it is you know easy as well yeah yeah probably she might say she wanted another but what to do I think by when I I kept asking skin but by 10 but you also sleeping in the middle then it’s not going to happen yeah of course always sometimes she comes and jumps yeah sometimes I still go there when I want to when I need some par and comfort but by the when I turned 10 I was just like you know what I don’t want another all the attention now I don’t need to have sharing is not my kind of thing right now but uh but this you know we have we have sort of moved we are moving into a place in Sri Lanka I don’t think it’s it’s happening so fast but we are trying to distance ourselves from our parents and trying to it’s a trend is starting and trying to creep in but you know our parents are very involved they want to know okay so that that’s there but your kids like is it still the same for you at home like just in their business but it comes from love yeah the thing is with me like everyone used to ask me why why are you still here why don’t you want to move away you know try you know go live somewhere else but for me I my main thing was I could never leave my parents like I was so close to them I’m still I mean I’m very much close to them that I just can never be away from them they have to be at least 10 minutes like literally they live 10 minutes from me so for me and I see them every single day if they don’t call me for the whole day I’m just like sometimes she might call the mother five times and they chat for one hour yeah then she the mother just left her house also and they come back they’re talking like they never met for 5 days that’s a mother daughter yeah I think they I mean I’m always in their face they’re always in my face and I think we enjoy it we love it like that and I would have it any other way definitely and it’s it’s always you know having that bond is is a gift 100% yeah I think it’s important that I mean if like for she like she like like rightly as she said like when we were being brought up by our parent by by my by my parents you know we we were very close and we are yet very I mean I’m very I’m very close to my parents you know and we never hid anything from our parents we we had a very open uh relationship with our parents you know and I think that was important that it goes down with to to Ashi and you know and that’s how it’s been you know so you just had to be open with each other you know and the understand is great you know that’s that’s like you said from the outset lot of lot of parents don’t have that you know and I think it’s very important uh that parents treat their kids like friends you know to be friends that’s very to have that relationship defitely and I think that’s what I’m learning to do with my kids as well I want them to be able to come to me for anything no matter and first and never yeah first and never be scared to you know share anything and that is something that I want just how I have it with them uh my mom always used to say even if you kill someone tell me for so my mom used to tell me the same thing too you know if you do anything if you like anything she just like just call me okay please just yeah and also they always said wear good underwear in case you die I always wonder why such a traumatic advice like he what if you die that’s class of all things they’re trying to say what’s his joa situation and if you’re dead that your girl what do you get I think she was more worried about the they’re like her son didn’t even have a prop under she always had that problem oh my God I’m sure if she’s watching from whatever she’ll have lots to say all right we have a segment and it’s called Hot Seat let’s get it oh my God welcome back to the show and it’s uh Hot Seat time made possible by our friends at Crystal luxury Wellness do check them out if you want to look some beauti the secret behind my beauty just say all right we have questions uh Harper because you know age before Beauty okay all right something about Columbo you would you could do without H what you could do without yeah I mean can do a lot with a lot of things know like I can do without Colo I can no I can do with Colo you can do do a lot of things without you know having so many things in your face and um yeah I mean shall I say gossip okay yeah that’s one if your name was not Harpo and your name had to be one of the following pick business to match the following names Sur we clearly can’t do Sur Pizza I was just going to say that man we call it lit pizza that’s lit is H his real name is l yeah thank God it’s l pasta uh ragav no I will go with sures no but I’m just saying if you were ravendran what would have you sold uh I would have sold uh some batteries and torches B yeah ra [Laughter] batter Adil Adil no no if you what would he sell if Adil was Adil will sell some bom sweets and things like ad pakoda ad Pak yeah Adil Paka that’s actually a good name there’s an Adil out there please start a Paka company uh mirang mirang will s will sell some ukti ball balance what in the world is Ting ball balance your underwear mother spoke about jokas Joker l l l baby L baby L baby l l but you would have done it in a better way like mang we care to every party we breed to your [Laughter] home uh a body part that you’re very proud of very proud of my stomach oh is it no not really ah right you know I always see Harpo and his little antenas pointed out always in his Whitey TIY t-shirts that he goes on his walk with yeah oh you do blinkers it’s all trying to keep the stomach put the blinkers out and the blinkers are always out it doesn’t have a weather issue right on cold days it has a bit of a weather issue but I’ve seen you mostly when you were when it was hot and I’m like uh okay what is the meanest thing someone has ever said about your food actually I mean no one has told me anything to my face yeah I’ll be very honest no one has I mean probably they when they go out but um know what actually I I can’t recollect anyone coming and saying hey your foood is man nothing never heard that if it could be invisible who would you like to stalk would I like to stalk I’d love to stalk you know the Indian Prime Minister I like he a you know yeah his thinking is also a bit whopped at times I want to know yeah he’s a cool guy man I like to say like what are what are you doing I want to know the secret behind his hugs yeah I know you know for me he’s a very the Hands-On guy he’s very with the people you know I think he’s a super guy I I this is my take interesting yeah that’s a yeah well done I must say Well done thank you Ashu if you wake up one morning and had turned into ranan Gomez what would be the first thing you would do what thing okay go to the bathroom and take a big [Music] dump it doesn’t go for him oh right okay I mean if I was ran Chang go I wake up in the morning that’s the first thing you would do one Millennial habit that you think you can beat an 18yearold today oh my goodness I feel old uh yeah I know right I was like weird that I can beat yeah o I will say you’ll do a better real than them a real yeah M maybe something maybe something funny yeah I don’t know funny real or something I don’t know I can’t even think of anything please not Shan’s jokes I know not she has jokes my God one best and worst thing about being haro’s daughter oh oh God uh the worst thing for me I just go start with the worst the worst thing would be is if I go partying and I’m like a bit tipsy and a bit drunk they’ll just be like UMO this is haro’s daughter look at how she’s behaving terrible that’s the only only thing and before you come home I think Texas might all the messages have come I saw a DA here I saw da saw this used to happen when I young I saw your dance daughter dancing at the Museum on the top of the table he’ll always get I think that would be the worst thing the best thing to be hara’s daughter is just yeah the way he the way he is with me the way he the love the affection the the amount of care and protection he has for me I think that’s the that’s something that you know don’t cry a what is your take in describing a good friend and do you think you have b a good friend as I’ve aged I’ve realized it’s a hard thing a good somebody who’s okay I think someone who will never judge you and you can tell them anything and they won’t go behind your back and talk about it and they would always support you no matter what you know I think that would be something and I have that definitely I have that you know someone you can talk to someone you can tell anything to they they’ll just sit and listen to you they won’t give you they won’t try to give you their two cents they just listen to everything that you have to say and maybe after give them give us a little bit of advice but I think it’s someone who will just sit and listen to you and just you know just anything you want to you know talk about just sit and listen that’s something that I think is a good friend for sure true if you were to wake up one morning with a body part missing which body part would you be happy to let go my nose whose nose do you have he nose excuse me I have your nose right I have big nose I will tell you the secret always put specks on it when you have nose like mine you got a nice nose an please have you seen it in reality my mom’s family some of them have their face on the nose not the nose on the face oh my gosh so thank God to my mom she had a bit of a smaller one otherwise God I would have taken everything into uh congratulations I must say Harper was very good at this of course yes he thank you congratulations you can be beautiful from today we’ll see you after [Music] break welcome back to the show and I have to speak about Haro going International with this brand which is amazing and it’s always nice to know that we are able to take something that belongs to Sri Lanka and our our Fusion our little flavors out there and you know India is not an easy market and you got yourself there which is amazing thanks yeah thank you D yeah it’s always been my you know dream to go take the brand overseas and you know work around and the first opportunity has been India but there are other places which we also hoping to go overseas this year India is a world of its own yeah it’s a it’s a different Market by itself absolutely you know and places like place like Bangalore you know is very much like Columbo and stuff like that and the you know it’s just a 1 hour flight and you know people are very much the same like what we are you know and and they have they like style they like the fness they like everything done up beautifully absolutely you and uh so I’ve been fortunate enough to to obviously have a good partner in India in Bangalore and um yeah we took a took the brand the Sri Lankan food you know and I think see a lot of people in Bangalore also know the Sri Lankan food because they they travel so often in and out of Columbo you know and uh so we do a Fusion take on Sri Lankan food there and it’s not a big menu it’s a pretty decent size menu and um we are just been a month since we open now for for this tomorrow actually and um uh it’s working well it’s working well and uh um the take has been people say wow it’s nice you know and uh being able to take uh our own people across there my shifts my managers my kitchen team you know giving them opportunity to also work overseas uh so they’re there oh yeah yeah so I got my entire team there and you know it’s it’s a so it’s a long haul which we are into in India obviously we into a long haul and uh taking our brand taking Sri Lanka across the shows are very very important you know and uh there are a few Brands which have done very well and who are doing very well overseas and uh Sri Lanka now very much the food is very much on the intern scene and obviously there’s so much of great talent outside Sri Lanka who are Sri Lankans who are taking the food overseas well you know so I think it’s a good opportunity and like I said you know India is a growing is going to be is one of the fastest growing economies or the third largest economy in the world and obviously it’ll be it’ll overtake China that what that’s what they say and the numbers are massive there you know and um so we are obviously like I said from the outset we are into a long haul and but getting it right that’s what’s important you know you can take things overseas and go overseas but you know getting that finer detail right and you know being handson and making sure that you know every customer walking in and walking out are happy people you know so that is the task which we are which we are you know uh tied down to and you know like I said I got a great team there and it has been good and uh we will only there to improve and grow further yeah and the competition is not easy in countries like that because the options are Limitless yeah and yeah especially Bangalore danu I’m sure you’ve been there you understand that Bangalore it’s it’s it’s a Party City great bars great restaurant superb uh you know everyone’s enjoying it it’s it City you know all the big guys are coming from overseas there Yas you know you name it it’s all there you know and the new Bangalore airport they say in 2025 uh they’re going to have something like 60 million people traveling through that airport and I’m just uh about uh 10 or 15 minutes out of the airport just open one of the airport man then you don’t need to go anywhere it’s beautiful 60 million people is good enough for you that’s what they’re predicting to to In and Out of the airport so so it’s a it’s a huge opportunity you know so I’m I’m very lucky I’m very fortunate to have good people to work that’s amazing so proud to see a brand there and it’s always nice like when when a SRI Lan my God that’s yeah we might not necessarily go inside and eat we like we have it had know but it’s know that it’s yeah and it’s it’s amazing how how people connect you know one day I happened to walk into a restaurant and um there were these few ladies having dinner out there hey h like what you know people had obviously come to one of my restaurants and they suddenly connected you know and it was nice and then then they asked me what I’m doing here and I said yeah we are setting up a restaurant here and they were so they were so happy you know so it’s actually it’s a very small world when you come to think about in India you just walking to restaurant and you have people recognizing you that’s because you have a very clear look not all of us are having our shades on our head that’s the brand yeah that’s the brand I didn’t realize you had it yeah it’s there it’s there so that’s that that makes it which is which is great all right we’re going to come back and speak more but right now we have a game and it’s made pass by our friends from MasterCard and it’s called tap and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go and welcome back this game is made possible by our friends at MasterCard as I was saying life is so much more easier transactions are great especially when you visit Harpo you don’t need to be like with your four cheese pizza melting away on one side you really don’t want to be searching for cash to pay just tap and go life is just easy yeah life is so much more easy all right so we have some very interesting question yes yes that’s my real card you can take it if you want to thank you tonight Friday evening just do nothing will happen after you tap and tap they’ll say now turn around I’ll go to the kitchen wash dishes uh okay so now these are very simple questions if you know the answer tap first the one who Taps first will get the chance if not I will have to go to the other person all right which ancient people invented the toothbrush Romans Egyptian Greeks Africans huh Greek wrong very convincing I say the Romans no Egyptians okay keep a note of all these yeah what did the ancient Romans use as a mouthwash salt water vinegar Vine urine vinegar no don’t tell me don’t tell me yeah Ser I want to know whether they use their own or yeah I have done it by accident can you give me [Laughter] your I want that I W that one that was too obvious when he yeah in the Pac-Man video game what is the name of the pink ghost Blinky pinky Inky slimy slly what is the name of the pink ghost pink ghost Blinky pinky Inky ah pinky yeah I pinky what vegetable was originally purple potato carrot onion cabbage potato cabbage no carrot actually I knew about this oh yeah yeah carrots were also like it used to be this small but now the carrots are at 2,000 Rupees no yeah that’s in our country crazy do you eat carrot at home now I put in the Showcase and look at it and wa it’s like a feature in the house carrot I said come come come see the carrots here it’s like a part of the Showcase you get the tea set get carrots they those they used to clean the skin [Laughter] do you all serve carrot Curry and all in Bangalore you can yeah yeah here you um how do you say the pizza in French La pza correct leza P Le P le pza la o le pza but is it LA or le la correct correct it’s two two if I’m correct you going to the same house each other’s face that’s true all right you win we’ll get into a break we’ll see you on the other [Music] side welcome back to the show so ho is also um he has created a new brand called the shoulder Shoulders by half there’s no the no the shoulders by half why couldn’t you choose any part of your any other part like hands elbows elbows like why why specifically shoulder and why was it given to your shoulder so actually when you come to shoulders you will realize that it’s all is Tiny it’s literally tiny the kitchen is maybe from there to about there it’s literally so like the staff the customers that come are literally rubbing shoulders he’s the one that actually came up with the name he was just like why not shoulders because we’re literally like this I think when you come there you will realize I better not have a lot of people coming I you might take the whole place up man it’s helpful he has to say something thank you yeah but uh yeah that is literally why it’s called shoulders because you’re literally in there rubbing shoulders the Benders the kitchen the waiter the customers but that’s nice very intimate yes exactly yeah yeah that’s good I think we should we we’re hoping to do a shoot there so hopefully at a time when nobody’s there to rub shoulders they’ll all hate us they were all over this place um as you know I have to ask you uh in terms of developing and creating an identity and and to become a part of the Sri Lankan fabric like you have been stitched in like uh it’s not an easy task like when you had your small steps in life a DJ going from one house to the other um of course you would have always had like the girls chasing you and all of those but to be someone who can be the reason for people to live lives to think of their future to have their gas burning at home like that’s a huge responsibility developing yourself to that was it something that you planned or uh you see I try to keep it short and simple but it’s not it’s something I I mean I loved I loved I love what I do and I and I think it it just it was in my jeans and music just came to me and I obviously played music made contacts went into Hospitality Hospitality entertainment are hand in hand uh worked for some of the corporate big hotels in Sri Lanka overseas came back uh it’s 19 years since I first started my first uh restaurant and uh um building that thing it it happened it’s not by me alone danu it’s it’s it’s the customers it’s the people who are with me uh you know you can’t build a brand on your own but you you know you need you need a good team of people and I think I’m very fortunate D know that I have a great team of people working with me and yeah we have lots of employees with us and as you know we went through a tough time over the years and you know from for The Last 5 Years Easter Sunday etc etc but uh what has been great about it is that um 99% of my staff have actually stood this Last 5 Years and uh you know we didn’t stop we kept growing we we’ve obviously built built built a new brand shoulder we just 4 months old and yeah like you said you know we have to keep the gases burning during all these times but you that responsibility is so much yeah but you know like I always say I’m very blessed and I always say I thank God for what he has given given us nothing is possible nothing’s possible you know it’s very important that you have to you know I I always say thank you for what you have done what you given us and it’s just it’s just not Hao Hao ha it’s it’s hao’s family when I mean family immediate family and and the team you know and uh yeah I always think you know you got to you you got to pass the battern on and and I think that’s where ASI is going to be taking on you know and I think uh she’s cut out for that if I if I’m to say so and you know for us we put our employees first as as much as we have to do that and you know and um that’s something we’ve I’ve learned as well from him it’s the way you treat people you need to treat them with respect and love and even when customers come and are Arrogant with them we’ve always told them don’t take that because you know you don’t deserve itre and we’ll all they always say you know customers are right but also the employee that works for you also can be right so you always have to listen to their side and I think that’s what I’ve learned from him you know you protect your own and I think that’s why they’ve stuck with him for so long I know I’ve seen people who have like retired as well yeah no so that so that’s been that’s been a Cornerstone of the brand Haro if you want to put it in a simple way that’s the Cornerstone danu of what what harpos brand is today which is remarkable and U like do you feel shy when it’s your name that’s put on all of these things uh initially yes uh when when they started branding saying Hao Pizza Hao name on motorcycles trucks Etc and I oh but then you know you just grow into it and just it just worked that way and you know and now you know you you just see it it’s kind of in your face but yeah I I’ve got used to it D and I’m fine with it must be a cool but yeah yeah but that’s what it is you know that’s what it is you know and that’s just uh you know I always wanted to have a Ashi bka day cuz I love my rice I was like can’t I just have a Ashi bka day yeah you should you know that would be super water drop are you sure about this you can put one on goish green yeah I would love it yeah yeah super that’s what’s missing now let’s get into a segment that we call yes or [Music] no and we have it’s a very simple thing you all have two sides of the book board show what’s relevant have you ever dirty danced at a club What in the’80s in the80s in the ‘ 80s do you lie about your age to seem a little younger to others are you extra like over the top no are you optimistic yes yeah okay is there anyone in your life that you just can’t say no to very difficult do you consider yourself to be a religious person do you struggle with your confidence at times yeah have you ever thought of running away through a different country no all right well done both of them we uh we don’t H sorry this gift is me we used to have a gift they have gone now I think sweet yeah but what to do so it’s okay but thanks for taking part yeah Breaky time Breaky time we’ll see you after the break do stick around [Music] all right welcome back to the show I have to ask you Harper your family and ful hamid’s family has bit of an issue siblings tend to look Alik mhm like F’s brothers and all look so much like I get confused every time I go there I’m like uh it’s the same with you yeah your brother looks so yeah yeah I know a lot of people say that can’t you ask him to like put a Alice band or something on his head so I’ll try he has no hair that’s the problem though yeah oh okay because from a distance you all an a yeah yeah no you’re right you’re right you’re right very much you’re right same face you don’t see and father oh that’s a problem they should have just jumped a f or too yeah jumped over the next problem yeah but yeah very much alike how like yeah a lot of people say that lot of people say hi Ravi excuse me that’s my brother oh I’m sorry you in fact yesterday or did for someone asked me that quick correct I met your brother once and I said h oh he must have thought such a rude person but you know working in family businesses are not easy no ASI how do you take it um initially I think uh we used to of course Bute heads a lot sometimes I don’t agree with what he says and which is okay I mean everyone has their opinion but but do you do like one of those Kim K yeah sometimes I’m just like okay you know you decide you do what you want yeah and then that always happen then later we send a message or something I’ll give a call I’ll always be the one you’ll be the one yeah that you know he know say sorry yeah yeah yeah but uh I think we get on we get on very well like I think initially we had to like obviously for me it was difficult to see each person’s boundaries yeah boundaries but now I think I’ve learned how he works and how it should be done and you know he learns from me as well definitely you know with every digital thing that is happening keep up day but I think uh we work well together and I I love it I mean learning from him is the best thing for sure and you know do what he’s doing is you know I saw the new pizza video of course I eat haros pizza of course I eat pizza I saw that one yeah it’s fun I always make sure when I go I get more fores than the other people right they you walk into the door they have to give more F this guy I tell you don’t know he very very comfortable I must say I have to say this is hands down the best milkshake you’ll get in this country is at Commons and that’s nowhere else they actually used to come there a lot I think after your line show then you do I think right we have no because at that time they only had this one glass they didn’t have this XEL size which was not introduced at that time because nobody thought any anyone could want to drink that that amount of milkshake later on there was there was iing please so then they had this big like a bucket and it’s so nice true now they have the bucket and the small size yeah the bucket is the best way to go that’s like y all don’t limit your ice cream and that’s what’s yeah and I think actually what you say a lot of people who come from overseas or sometime when you I’m sitting at the common you get a customer walk in say a double chocolate milkshake yeah and like it’s like yeah so you’re right you all should have like a milkshake count outside know so good it’s the best like it has it has all sometimes all my recipes oh my God I I just can’t believe the ingredients that go into it yeah but you should get the ratio right it’s it’s a huge task let’s get into this segment I love it it’s actually made possible by our friends at midnight Divas is so this is one of our favorite segments people do like they like oh my God D ask good questions but they all wait to see this only you know on YouTube you see the areas which has been watched more those questions tend to pop up and those are all popping up for these okay I know I’m not going to answer any of them these are innocent Kink question okay H are you ready are you okay with lves in the bedroom or do you prefer things to be more serious what in the bedroom laughs laughs I like laughs in the bedroom yeah yeah yeah kind nothing should be bedroom shouldn’t be too serious man true it’s a fun place I Tred telling this I also have bedrooms a fun place it’s not a serious place I know I have a bit of a coochie problem so I don’t know why I said that no I don’t know why I even share this information oh oh what do you feel about PDA me yeah uh not too much yeah just a little bit are you shy very shy very shy shy nothing okay would you want to play a dirty truth or dare play a dirty truth or dare now like what asking him now that what I like to play a dirty truth there you go Haro I’m very proud of you yeah okay I’m going to ask you the same question are you okay with laughing in the bedroom or do you prefer things to be more serious laughing laughing laugh good that is serious bedroom man wow that’s I want to give this to you a thank you you can laugh tonight yeah do whatever you want if nothing is happening for you to laugh self-help is also available That’s a classic yeah that’s a classic you can do it yourself let’s get into a break we’ll see [Music] I was giving tips on how to write this book y he should write a book uh right here is uh our segment it’s called what’s on your [Music] Facebook and we are back we have very few pictures one is because HAPO never figured out how to operate Facebook and Ashi was too smart to move away from Facebook and get onto Instagram simple as that very true yeah uh you’re not the greatest no it’s social media still no no no I’m not the greatest still teaching still teaching sometimes now his new thing is Tik Tok he wants to learn Tik Tok yeah he obsess with Tik Tok you get some lovely gospel music on Tik Tok which I which I listen to a lot you’re the only one who go but I like it yeah yeah for sure it’s good maybe anyway your algorithm I just create gospel music only so going to get on with the with your job please ask me what questions you have to ask me no these are just pictures what a beautiful photo I lovely one yeah you have like a moment like do you remember when yeah this is on a cruise I think about 8 years no how long 9 years ago been together man uh we’ve been to this year will be 18 years together yeah we’re young 15 it’s a long time I hope this is the right photograph oh that’s big mama yeah that’s my that’s my da are my parents and who are the two little that’s me and uh my cousin his brother’s son yeah oh God that’s you yeah that’s me you also had curly hair I act I but I straighten my hair but I would actually have an afro yeah if you just if I no now it’s straighten obvious kerene treatment and all but if I didn’t do anything you should keep the afro I know I just don’t know how to maintain just very simple just let it be but oh my God see now I understand how you you have like a proper mix of your dad and mom yeah he dides like a proper mix in the mix yeah your dad also has a look of MD G can we move on please MD going to say I don’t know please let’s you know when when you leave your mustache on your head there was a time W you left a small Bush on your head he used to go to phases this was his famous little uh this was uh dance some dance we had that’s some function no but you have been seen around in that this was this was many moons ago actually a little tough here that’s like the mouse bed that’s true they just pit you here to see if the is moving that’s the time I had the mouth yeah I think I think Mom Mom is the one who told you know just grow your hair right yeah yeah she said been embarrassing no and then she said she’s like I’m not going to cut it just grow it and then you start it for the most SP time on see I told you that I like very few pictures with the mother like none so that’s just the two of them y all just make her take the pictures yeah I remember this one yeah this was in Croatia yeah yeah yeah this was in Croatia long time ago uh about 5 years ago 5 years ago yeah about 5 years ago oh oh this is a classic actually this is him can this can you see the afro hair yeah yeah so this was a night I yet remember this night really well this was in 1986 uh at the galadari Meridian it was called the Columbo 2000 yes and it was a Sunday night and I was playing I was playing I was DJing there and it the song was Marin gay oh uh Sexual Healing yeah and I was dancing to myself there was nobody else in the bar on a Sunday and I was like I’m happy I gave you the S yeah yeah oh wow yeah that was my 21st birthday oh really yeah and I was uh playing I was playing music uh I was DJing and the guy next to me is Roshan actually and uh this is when I was living in Baska so it was my 21st birthday party and uh it was the late gabu piis who was my mentor who who said okay here I want to give you the equipment let’s have a party what in the’ 70s uh so yeah yeah yeah yeah because the sh no it was 808 no 81 82 or 82 yeah oh yeah no yeah you had me yeah it’s a Kur that the fashion yeah yeah the vi yeah this was the kuruta time yeah and I used to have a white sailor cap and when I used to play music uh which I got recently one of my friends gifted me a new sailor cap so I as to have the on and be full white because the ultraviolet light yeah will show you will show off on when you’re on stage you know and you have this thousand people dancing in front of you and UV on you so when did it move from House Parties to clubs uh so no actually it moved from clubs I was down south playing music in the 8081 how was the down south wide actually before the 83 riots broke out danu the South was like what is it now you know it was really pumping at that time you had the sherog you had the you had all the top travel companies coming there so I used to play music at Ben to the beach hotel the Neptune Hotel and every night was packed you know there’s lots of foreigners obviously lots of tourists coming in there it was before the 83 rats uh so yeah it was fun from there then we said okay let’s graduate to Columbo and start doing mobile discos and we to come and fix a mirror ball put some spots have a have a smoke gun there uh you know all done by yall yeah and we had a guy called Raja who used to come and all that for me and anyone who books me I say can I have a crate of beer if you want me and then we play music till four five and don’t forget down that time you had you know the riots were on curfew was on but still people parted people partied we had top entertainment coming into the country at that time insurance policies are very high but things are happening at that time even things are happening you know every every night every Friday night or Saturday night I would do a show for the rot act the rotary Leo Club some fundraising thing or someone’s house party so I used to play sometimes do three venues a night you know so that was the demand at that we actually living in a boring time yeah that time and we you know we didn’t have this social media it was just landline you know and you know you will show up no you don’t need to like lie and like you are there and we had our trail trail bikes and we used to go from place to place playing music you know it was fun times for sure you know great been a DJ great times at that time now of course they don’t look at is a DJ everyone’s a DJ is which is amazing yeah I actually it’s so interesting though to see like you know the young people and we used to play vile music records you know is which is now coming back yeah exactly which is really cool you know and we used to carry our records and I used to be on a push cycle in the South you know so so you lived in the South yeah so I used to do my hotel school and finish at 5:00 take the bus to alut G uh go have a shower go to a little card eat some Hoppers get to a push cycle with my have a second go to from hotel to hotel play music you know finish at 4 take the bus home get to school by 7 to sleep on the bus that’s how it was amazing good times to look back at these are for you oh thank you very much what am I to do with them man sweet man anyway I must say uh Harper always hold a very special place in my heart and he knows that um always being there for me like with no questions asked and that’s that’s I’ll always remember that till I go to my grave I don’t know I don’t think I have barrier space Sorry till I die but so no but you have always you know see what you see is what you get and that’s the way it should be yeah you see a lot of it no and for me it’s been you know it’s not only you d i i I’ll help anyone who’s genuine and who’s you know who loves what they’re doing is what’s important and I think you have I’m not trying to flatter you but you have built a great brand over the years and you know it’s impressive it’s it’s you you have recognized internationally which is a great thing and congratulations on that you know I think it’s a huge thing that way for a Sri Lankan TV personality to be recognized by a country like India especially with with so many things happening in India with so many stars so many like you said and uh that’s been your success and I think you are there’s more to go and there’s more things happening around and you’ll obviously grow grow grow bigger bigger bigger bigger bigger and uh you know God bless you thank you thank you so much thank you Ashi po thanks for coming thank you for having um and shout out to radika for this beautiful Dr Lis London love it on that don’t we to wrap things up thank you for joining us today we will see you again till then you keep smiling [Music] [Music] [Applause]


    1. Wow ! Oh what a show. Such great two personalities together. So much of experience behind Harpo yet very humble. Ashipooh has come along way so nice to hear you taking after your Dad's footsteps. Great show Danu. ❤❤❤

    2. Ashipoo ❤ We thoroughly enjoyed your videos n pls keep on posting more pleasurable contents. hope you have the potential to excel in the sri lankan adult entertainment industry🎉🎉🎉

    3. @Harpo Gooneratne, please open a sri lankan restaurant in Munich, Germany. at the moment there is not a singhe sri lankan restaurant, but there is a huge demand 🙂

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