I had a beautiful ride across Czechia today. I wound thru countryside and villages, farmers markets and small towns on my @AZUB recumbents #recumbenttrike Along the way I was joined by Honza and his family, and we had a lovely ride thru a forest gown upon ancient prehistoric sand dunes.

    Visit AZUB at
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    Check out https://www.recumbent.news/ for information from Honza about recumbents and the industry.

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    Watch me on my Everest summit expedition!

    Join me as I run a marathon in North Korea, DPRK!

    The precursor to my VLOGs, a cycling travel documentary series

    A series dedicated to the marine reef tank hobby

    JY_VLOG 1179 – Family and Czechia Dunes

    Travel Vlog

    #AZUB #recumbenttrikes #Recumbent #cycling #recumbent #recumbenttrike #liegerad #liegedreirad #velocouche #ligfiets #recumbenttrike #cycling #tifly #tiflyx #tifly26 #rohloff #rideshimano #recumbentbike #azubrecumbents


    1. Matt I have osteoporosis with spinal fractures and one in tailbone that’s healed
      I’m wondering what kind of bike I could try out to see if it works for me, the trikes seem to be bumpy which would shake the fractures and nerves attaches to them
      Any ideas?
      I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome with around 20 diseases and conditions, but I can’t keep being like this and need my mobility back, any suggestions or people You know who make bikes for disabled?

      Much Love and Gos Bless

    2. are they picky when it comes to cash? when I was in Ukraine before they would not accept any American money that had wrinkles bends or writing on them only new crisp $20's even the banks & money exchanges rejected my money

    3. The JaYoe Nation w Honza & Family 👪 Prehistoric Sand Dunes Dinosaurs 🦕 Czech Republic appreciate your videos Listening 🌟 from Mass USA TYVM 💙 JaYoe

    4. I've noticed the piece that is attached to the flag pole, is that a rechargeable light or just a reflector? I have seen rechargeable lights in red, white, and blue that attach to bikes using a rubber o-ring style fastener.

      Love the drone footage and am glad that you were able to find and retrieve it. Hope to see the new trike soon.

      Be safe and enjoy the journey.

    5. love to see you riding again Matt, and it is great to see families riding together also. Living the dream what an amazing time you are having. I took your video and put it on watch later so I can ride with you again during the winter months while on my trainer. Thanks again for bringing us all on a journey of a lifetime From Canada JaYoe!!!.

    6. Those flowered plants used in the food are probably "field poppies", which can have mild relaxing or sedative qualities as well as being known for soothing toothaches, sore throats and the like. Its more famous cousin is the "opium poppy", from which opiate drugs such as morphine and codeine are derived. Both plants have the characteristic pretty red flowers. I only just now learned of the two poppy varieties, as I was only previously familiar with the opium poppy. I had to do a search on it when I saw that it was being used as a food in the Czech Republic.

    7. Your cycling videos are soooo gooooooddddddd!!! …I just love them..it puts me in such a good mood every time!…Thank you for being so talented and motivating me to seize the day!! JaYooooo!

    8. Looks like your having a good time. Enjoyed your video. You make great video’s, can’t wait for the next one. Have fun, beautiful country

    9. Hello
      Matt I get soo happy when I see your videos it inspires me to continue riding my trike as a cancer patient it keeps me going and it makes me stronger to continue fighting thanks Matt jayooooee!!!!!

    10. I’ve done some biking in the Czech Republic and it is beautiful . The country and people of CZ are wonderful and very friendly. Watching is making want to go back there someday, and hopefully on a Azub. Enjoy!

    11. 7:58 I remember we used to have dinner around 4 pm in China. Only after moving to the states, dinner time changed to 6 or 7pm. It's healthier not to go to bed with a full stomach.

    12. This whole video is so cool! The scenery is beautiful and the family is beautiful! I am so impressed with anyone who can speak many languages.

    13. Iam pretty shure kind of poppy there dont produce oppium, its drowing for seeds which is used lot in varios food products. Opium is extracted from young plants long time before thei produce seeds.

    14. About Poppy,
      That bulb like thing you held there that is what produces the actual product, they run a blade down that bulb, not so deep, and the liquid that seeps out of that is collected and refined into Charas, Heroin, or Cocaine, depends on the refining abilities of the extractors.
      Never smoked/ate/injected them in my life but knowledge comes with the terrain.
      Never had any alcohol either in my 40 odd years of life, religious reasons. But that too would be just as addictive I guess.

    15. u get H out of poppy, but those grown here in CZechia are like technical weed from what i know so its like geneticaly modified to not have much of the chemical in it, we consume a lot of poppy seeds

    16. red: wikipedia A  is a flowering plant in the subfamily Papaveroideae of the family Papaveraceae. Poppies are herbaceous plants, often grown for their colourful flowers. One species of poppy, , is the source of the narcotic drug opium which contains powerful medicinal alkaloids such as morphine and has been used since ancient times as an analgesic and narcotic medicinal and recreational drug. It also produces edible seeds. Following the trench warfare in the poppy fields of Flanders, Belgium during World War I, poppies have become a symbol of remembrance of soldiers who have died during wartime, especially in the UK, US, and Canada.🌺

    17. Okay, so here is the vegan comment for ya:
      I have been vegan (no dead animals or things that come out of the bodies of live animals, including honey) for roughly twenty years, and while it requires some discipline and determination initially for a carnivorous eater, after a relatively short while, that aspect of the initial evolution totally disappears. At 72 years of age, I feel better than at any other time in my life so far, my physical biomarkers are superior (things like blood pressure, cholesterol, etc) to what they used to be when I was an animal products eater, and my prospects for a considerably longer and healthier life have been realized. I began studying human nutrition as it relates to maximizing my health and functional longevity more than 35 years ago, and I slowly (very slowly at that) began to transition from the belief that eating animal products was necessary for my health. I was a dedicated animal products eater as a bodybuilder, believing that I needed to eat animal body parts, animal ova, and animal lactation fluid products in order to maintain large and strong muscles for my competitions. I eventually learned that this was not the case, but our societal mindset is so entrenched in that dogma that I was very reluctant to make the changes, but I realized that my longevity and health were my primary goals, so I followed the path away from what is popularly accepted as fact. Years ago, I used to believe that vegans, and also vegetarians, were wimps and were physically weak, but my years of personal study and research has led to the opposite conclusion. Few people will put any legitimate stock in what I say regarding human diet, and few will believe that a vegan diet is "species specific" for us, but that is fine because for nearly 50 years, neither did I. I have no regrets, especially when I see more and more family and friends passing away from physical issues that have well documented origins in the eating of animal products. That's my story, and this manner of existence works extremely well for me (of course, most of my friends and family do not put any stock into these beliefs … the ones that are still alive anyway, hah). I have been on both sides of this topic, so I get it, and the reason I am taking the time to write this is in case anyone out there who is genuinely focused on living long and strong is "on the fence" about diet. See ya' …

    18. Hey Jayoe/Matt…I've been following you for years. Like you, I've lived and worked in China and had several relationships there and here in Australia with Chinese ladies. I love the Chinese culture and people as a result, of course..what healthy minded person wouldn't? However, I've always fundamentally disagreed with you re the impact/influence/nature of the CCP….I'm sorry to say, but those two guys constantly attacking you are right. Anyway, I've recently purchased a recumbent trike because of your related videos. I've enjoyed your videos in America and the current ones very much…keep up the good work. Your video editing is getting better and better and more entertaining….you are displaying your good nature, natural intelligence and lots of other good qualities as well….again, keep up the good work. I'm hoping you can join your family soon. Love your work. You inspire me…you communicate very well with people…jia you!!!

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