Chris Kamara is in the chair for this episode of Celebrity Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, where the money raised goes to charity.

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    now if you asked a child what they wanted to be when they grew up they might say a sailor or a footballer or a TV star well our next guest has actually done all three please welcome Chris Kamara welcome welcome there’s your seat still warm from the puddle of sweat I should imagine Joel has left um so you are Chris Kamara thank you former foot baller former manager pundit presenter um and you actually played for the Navy football team I did you’re in the Navy that’s how I got my big break I played for the Navy against Portsmouth scored a couple of goals and they bought me out for £200 it still goes down as the worst deal in the club’s history quid well let’s see if he can win more than that oh absolutely absolutely okay you know the rules cuz you’ve just been watching Joel really do well let’s hope you do just as well uh let’s play Who Wants To Be A [Applause] Millionaire okay Chris this is your question for 100 which of these is a London Underground line Emma line Jerry line Victoria line or Mel be line Victoria line final answer and the right answer that’s £100 thank you yes almost buy a footballer right2 200 question which of these is not one of the main Emergency Services reached by dialing 999 police fire and rescue ambulance or car breakdown D car breakdown Final Answer sorry the right answer [Music] £200 this is for £300 which of these UK cities is in Scotland Sterling Peterborough Swansea or Coventry I’ve never actually been there but it’s a sterling final answer and the right answer well done good right 500 pound question Madam to swords in London is famous for having what type of attractions dinosaur bones wax figures ancient artifacts or War memorabilia well is there a mannequin of you in manam 2 SS and that’s what I want to know um because it’s obviously wax figures B final answer the right answer well done the answer to your question is no there isn’t enough wax in the world to make a model of me um okay this is your last chance to go away empty-handed all right to do a Harry red this is the one this is your ,000 question which company the Galaxy range of smartphones Nokia Apple Huawei or Samsung I think it’s the Samsung but I’m doubting myself at this moment in time and could I go away like Harry without any money no I’m sticking by my convictions Samsung final answer your convictions are right you made ,000 you made first safety net well done well done um so which charity are you playing for tonight well marry cury is one of my Charities terminal illness care and I’d love to win decent money for them I really would we all would so let’s hope you do let’s hope you do um so we’ll plow on shall we up the ladder um would you like to set your safety not at 2,000 um if I was to say yes you would talk me out of it so no right yeah I would I would talk you out of it it’s quite low yeah so let’s see what question you have to win your £2,000 which word means taking someone else’s work or idea and then passing it off as one’s own patriotism pacifism pessimism or plagiarism it’s got to be the it’s got to be got to be got to be or is it oh God do I want to waste a lifeline on well you’re not wasting it if you’re stuck I will take a Lifeline because I don’t want to say the wrong answer so I will ask the audience okay audience on your keypads please let’s see if we can help Chris to get up to 2,000 this is the question which word means taking someone else’s work or right idea and then passing it off as one’s own if you think it’s patriotism press a pacifism is B pessimism is C and plagiarism is D and if you’d all vote now please well there we are look at that that’s um 98% have gone for um plagiarism I should have went with the gut from this start so Final Answer D plagiarism and the right answer well done thank you a audence right now would you like to set your safety n at £4,000 no definitely not this is is the question which of these is a well-known card game bat gamon suduku bridge or ponk well I’ve never played it Jeremy but I do know it’s C Bridge final answer and I know that you have just made it to £4,000 well dark uh and now I have to ask if you want to set your safety net at 8,000 no okay here’s your question the United States bullion depository which stores a large portion of us gold reserves is located where one Wall Street Manhattan Fort Knox Kentucky treasury building Washington DC or Chicago Board of Trade building it has to be B surely you can get in there that’s the thing you know it’s like fort kns in here so that’s the term that’s used I will go with B for KN Kentucky final answer and the right answer well done [Music] ,000 so you’re on £8,000 would you like to set your safety net at 16,000 three lifelines left so kick on kick on kick on okay here is the question which of these UK road signs does not feature a person zebra Crossing Road Works no cycling or school crossing Patrol my first thoughts are no cycling but that’s just a bike I think but I don’t risk it with the lifelines so I’m going to ask the one person who I know will know this perfectly and hasn’t got any problems whatsoever knows everything about cars roads you name it Jeremy I’m going to ask you okay here’s what I think I’ve got to be honest I’m slightly baffled I wasn’t aware that there was a road in Britain anymore where there’s Noy Ling aloud true I agree with you though I think it is yeah it’s it’s it has to be no cycling and that is my final answer you are a diamond Soul well we don’t know yet I’m convinced got feeling that it is C final answer jerem okay computer can you reveal the correct answer please there it is anyway I’m sure [Music] right oh that’s me out the way I can now relax you can’t brilliant and your first decision is would you like to set your safety net at £32,000 Jeremy if I took 32,000 to marry cury they would be over the moon so yes please okay can we set the second safety net then please at £32,000 that’s Now set now we got to get you there this is the question which hopefully will do that which Elvis Presley song was based on the popular Italian tune oo Mio All Shook Up Jailhouse Rock it’s now or never or Return to Sender Elvis fan uh little bit I like him I think I’ve got it I think I’ve got it but I need to go 5050 Okay computer could we take away two wrong answers please yes that help yes it does fingers crossed I’ve just worked it out by the tune it’s C it’s now on never final answer the right answer oh yes yes Chris well done that’s fantastic you made it to your thank you so much so don’t thank me you did all that work and that’s brilliant yeah 32,000 you now have a free shot at 64 and You’ still got a phone a friend left so you are in a very good placek very good place thank you I’m delighted would you like to see your £64,000 question yes pleas we all would I’m sure let’s have a look at it h since 2000 the Formula 1 World Championship has not been won by a driver representing which of these countries Finland Spain Netherlands or Brazil Brazil you an F1 fan not enough to know this way you should have saved me up really yeah I know gutted now have you got to phone a friend who I have but I’m not sure she or he would know this dear I risk it they I rescue pure guess pure guess but just in case she does know it I’ll phone Steph mcgoverin Steph yeah okay can we call Steph please oh it’s Steph M as in Steph’s Pat Lounge yeah exactly oh she’s a massive Formula One F fingers crossed hello oh hi Steph hello hi Jeremy Clarkson here from Who Wants To Be A Millionaire by love I’m very well how are you I’m good thank you good good now we’ve got Chris here needs your help um can I just make sure that we’ve got someone from our office there making sure you’re not online yes you definitely have good good okay here’s how it works Chris in a moment I’m going to hand it over to you and you’ll have 30 seconds to read out the question and the four possible answers leaving Steph enough time to have a think okay yeah ready yeah your time starts now Steph since 2000 the Formula 1 World Championship has not been won by a driver representing which of these countries Finland Netherlands Spain or Brazil oh gosh that’s a hard one um I would say Finland but I mean I’m probably like only because I’ve never I can’t think of like a Finnish driver in my head I said Finland as well so as we know you’ve nothing to lose I mean you’ve got 32,000 you’re definitely leaving with 32,000 if you get this right is right finish you can’t say no no this really would be this is well this would be right up my stream I found Steph and my first thoughts were Finland even though I’m having doubts about that so I’ll go a final answer please Finland just produced two of the greatest Formula 1 racing drivers ever really it might been Kimmy reiken and Mick hackin and did they when since 2000 I’m afraid yes they did riken and did for Ferrari I believe so that is the wrong answer gosh it’s um Brazil you know I didn’t read the question properly since 2000 yeah since 2000 Massa came incredibly close as I remember four Brazil and then leis Hamilton pipped him when Teo Glocks Toyota broke down on the last lap yeah um that’s the sort of knowledge that I carry around with me it’s a burden um I wouldn’t have said Brazil whatever no it is it’s Brazil they’ve come tantalizingly close but listen the fact is Chris Kamara you’re leaving here with 32,000 32,000 license delighted and it’s been a hugest amount of fun having you here seeing you calm not turning over your shoulder every two seconds to go Bradford has scored uh no great fun ladies and gentlemen Chris kumara thank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you okay here’s my final question would you like to see more Who Wants To Be A Millionaire videos then click subscribe and you’re guaranteed to win granted it’s not a million pound but it could be worse


    1. Senna was last Brazil champion. And he died 94.
      Easy if you know. Kimi 07, Alonso 05/06, Max Verstapoen is defending champ.

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