Here we go… time to push myself and see what I am made of! It’s been a long time since I done any sort of long distance ride, so I decide to tackle a 200km round trip to go see the world’s biggest waves at Nazare. I am completely out of shape at the moment, according to strava I am the most unfit I have ever been. I am out to prove a point that powered by sheer determination alone you can conquer anything you want to achieve. So let’s get out there and make it happen.


    Thanks for watching, please like, comment & subscribe!
    Thomas “The Cycling Tattooist.”

    ————– L – I – N – K – S ————–
    Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCyclingTattooist
    Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/thecyclingtattooist/
    Tattoo Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/martineztattooer/
    FAAST Crew – https://www.instagram.com/faastcrew/
    Strava – https://www.strava.com/athletes/thecyclingtattooist
    Zwift – https://www.zwift.com/uk/athlete/5aba3a63-716a-4bdd-9721-25b7bf9c7e62
    Email – cyclingtattooist@gmail.com
    ——– P – A – R – T – N – E – R – S ——–
    Maap Apparel – https://www.maap.cc
    Styrkr Nutrition – https://www.styrkr.com/thecyclingtattooist
    RCA Coaching – https://www.roadcyclingacademy.com/
    ———– C – R – E – D – I – T – S ———–
    Film & Editing: Thomas Martinez.
    Intro Music: Press 1, Lukas Got Lucky.
    Intro Film & Editing: Joe Simkins, Karl Kolecava.
    Featured Music:
    Up, Up, and Away – Ryan James Carr
    00:00 INTRO
    00:25 EPISODE 149

    it’s bloody wind make sure I charge my garment make sure I charge my lights make sure we get those bars in 10 miles and I’ll be more than starving nothing compared to the thrill under prepared for the hills I used to get wheels on air now I put air in my wheels change that tune train and cruise chains been L pace and moov stra stats give man a heart attack but then my Pace improves bars and Cades are strong now my legs up my G along it’s about time we do this sister cycle in tourist [Music] what is up guys if you’re new here then welcome to the channel and if you’re regular then welcome back now I am a firm believer in that if you have some sheer determination you can pretty much succeed in anything in life so in an attempt to prove that point this guy who is quite a bit out of shape at the minute is going to attempt to ride 200 km and I’m going to go see the world’s biggest wave [Music] so I’ve actually fast forwarded quite a bit of time we are 40K in and hour and a half on the clock now it has been very very windy and uh it’s been a struggle to actually hold on to the bars let alone try and film at the same time as I said this route that I’ve got planned today is over 200k it’s actually 208 km and a fair bit of climbing over 2,000 M worth and we’re going out to somewhere I’ve been wanting to go for a very long time and that is a place called nazer and it is famous because it is home to the biggest waves in the world and I cannot wait to see him [Music] so we’re 80 km in now and uh I’m feeling quietly confident at this moment in time but we have got a long way to go yet this ride is a bit of a double-edged sword in the fact that on the way out here I’ve had nothing but headwind and then when I turn around if we look at the elevation profile well it’s certainly lumpy on the way back so oh yeah looking forward to that anyways my plan of attack has just been keeping it relatively easy trying not to Surge on any of the hills and uh just trying to keep on top of eating that’s obviously very important on the topic of food here is everything that I’ve brought with me on this ride I’ve got four saes of the mix90 car powder then I’ve got two bar 50s and two jail [Music] 50s so I’m just heading up into the uh Center of nazara and uh then I’m going to be heading down towards the famous lighthouse out on the point where you can see some of the most incredible waves you will ever see I’m just hoping that I’m lucky today and I do actually get to see some waves because looking out of the ocean it looks rather still [Music] it’s bloody windy well we made it but as you can see waves aren’t particularly big today just my luck Rach is a bit gutted that I was coming here without her today so well I guess I get what I deserve for coming without her don’t I anyways utterly disappointed but I’m not going to hang around let’s uh get myself back up this hill and start making our way back [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we have a very Gourmet lunch of some ham flavored Ruffles a uh chocolate Quant a can of Red Bull and some water can’t beat a Pet Station lunch now I would usually stop for something a little bit more substantial but I’m worried that time is running away from me so I figured best keep this uh break as short as possible Chuck some food in the furnace and then uh hit the road [Music] man look at this beautiful beach this is absolutely gorgeous here this is what uh doing these sort of spontaneous Adventures is all about getting to see places you might not have stumbled across otherwise this place is called uh s Martino deporto something like that but it’s absolutely beautiful sorry R another place I’ve gone without you now I’ll have to bring you back here as well I’ll go on in just quick [Music] oh I mean come on oh look at this place un bloody [Music] real look at that [Applause] [Music] so we are 130 km in now the legs are starting to feel it but I’m still feeling confident I think we’ve got this don’t want to jinx it but as long as I maintain this steady pace and uh don’t do anything stupid I think we got this in the bag the ride has been made a lot easier by the fact I’m getting to see views like this yeah you can’t you can’t worry about how your legs are feeling when you get to look at that you know it just takes all the pain [Music] away this place just keeps on giving one minute I’m riding alongside some lovely water now I’m in the midst of a massive Forest it’s just oh man this place just blows me away since I keep banging on about how awesome this place is I figure i’ talk to you guys about something pretty exciting now I will do some sort of uh more official announcement at some point but I figure oh what the heck a bit of a spoiler alert incoming me and David are planning to go into a bit of business together and what we want to do is start sharing this incredible place to cycle with all you guys we want to put on some sort of training camp cycling holiday and uh you’re all invited now we are in super early stages of this new business idea of ours but having said that if there’s enough interest we would definitely like to try and do something this year probably towards the end of the season say around September time so if that sounds like something that you would enjoy then uh why don’t you drop in the comments or just uh check me a message on Instagram and we’ll have a chat about it but yeah as I say more of a proper announcement to come on all of that but if you want to be one of the first to come enjoy this incredible place with me and David as your uh friendly tour guides then yeah get in touch [Music] 170 km 6 and a half hours on the clock and yes I definitely spoke too soon it is starting to hurt now but we’ve just over 30 km left I can see the finish and that’s what’s getting me through that and the sheer determination that I was speaking about earlier if you manifest something in your head and you tell yourself you’re going to do it no matter what you will do it one way or another you will do it [Music] 192 km now and uh finally getting back on some familiar roads and uh I tell you what you can’t beat that feeling when you’ve been out all day long on an adventure and then uh you get back on some familiar territory it just feels great you just feel like you’ve had a proper proper day out and you feel like you’ve accomplished something I love cycling and I haven’t really said that in a little while cuz recently I haven’t haven’t been enjoying it much at all but I think this is exactly what I needed so good [Music] well what a day I am absolutely cream cracked so good morning it is the next day and feel like I’ve been run over by a train but I do think I managed to prove my point that even if you are out of shape just with sheer determination alone you can achieve the things that you want to achieve I managed to complete my mission and successfully ride 208 km yesterday with 2,300 M of climbing so what a day it was uh an incredible ride very painful but incredible nevertheless what I will say is when I say out of shape it’s all relative I know there’s probably going to be some people out there maybe comparing themselves to to me and saying ah you’re not out shape what are you talking about but it’s you know it’s you comparing yourself to yourself and uh me from say 2 years ago I would have absolutely smashed that ride um not you know not being a big or anything but I I would have been able to do that ride my eyes closed um and I could have probably got up the next day and done the same ride again but now it’s a very different story I’ve lost a lot of Fitness I am slightly overweight compared to where I would like to be but that’s not the main issue the issue is my fitness has just gone off of a cliff and uh I don’t usually pay attention to this but I just thought this would be interesting to throw in here if you look on straa it actually tracks your Fitness um again I don’t really believe it but it’s quite interesting because as you can see over the last 2 years yeah that Fitness really really has gone down a a significant amount but anyways I plan to do something about that very soon uh as I said in the previous video I’m going to get back into some sort of routine and uh start doing some proper training again so hopefully we should start seeing that coming back up anyways I just leave you with one last thing that ride that did yesterday it wasn’t just uh to challenge myself it was also because I wanted to see where I was with my endurance and uh that’s because in a couple of weeks time I’ve actually got something pretty epic coming and uh I won’t say too much but let’s just say the ride is going to be a fair bit longer and a fair bit harder than that one so yeah wish me luck and um look out for that one coming on the channel very soon I hope you guys have enjoyed this episode thanks very much for watching please like comment and subscribe and I see you guys next time [Music]


    1. For Nazaré to have the big waves, it needs particular weather systems out in the Atlantic. Normally found in mid Winter. Check the surfing forecasts for predictions. And yes, São Martinho do Porto is pretty stunning. As is Foz do Arelho and Peniche and the rest of the coast!

    2. Should have catch you on this ride. It's nice to see familiar roads on your videos. Hope you enjoyed our wind, always north always strong

    3. Going to be in Lisbon in two weeks, unfortunately cant bring the bike this time, hopefully get to on the next one! Cheers, love your content!

    4. Would love to come and join a tour, but you have to explain to my wife and kids why I'm going on holiday without them! 😂

    5. Cycling is not about the data.. Cycling is about being outside, enjoying the sun, the wind, the birds, the views, not being in a hurry, and the feeling of freedom. I enjoy cycling more now than when I was racing.

    6. Had the same idea 30 years ago as family village is 5mins from Obidos, but life got in the way!! Great idea some amazing rides all around that area and no shortage of coffe stops!.
      Just getting back on bike after along time so who knows may see you on the road.( Mantar as rodas a girar)

    7. Awesome! I seem to always let my bike fitness fall off a cliff every summer. Trying this year to keep it steadily going up. Love the content! The more exploration of Portugal the better. Even a trip to a restaurant for dinner would be entertaining!!!

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