Today’s mock test is with Junior, he passed his driving test a month ago and has not driven since1 We also have Rega who was accompanying Junior during his mock test today.
    Today’s mock test was recorded in Cambridge.

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    How to drive safely. How to pass:
    This video is filmed during a driving lesson. It is filmed for educational purposes.

    Throughout the video there are highlights to show how you should be driving safely.

    I hope this video will be useful! 🙂

    #driving #lesson #howtodrive #practical #test
    #hazards #roundabouts #London #drivinginstructor
    #pass #drivingtips #femaleinstructor
    #learn #dualcarriageway

    a pull and backk up on the left wait this is the right way right to put in thir but it’s [Music] hi guys welcome back to clear view driving my name is Amon and today I’m doing a mock test with Junior who’s already got a license how long have you hold your license um like literally just under a month okay we also have rer on the back she’s going to be spectating hopefully not helping out um so yeah how many hours of driving lessons did you do before your test um I say I did about 25 to 30 from a complete beginner yeah yeah did you practice with family outside of that as well no um I think I watched a lot of driving uh I like got interested in driving in 2020 okay so I watched a lot of you and dgn um literally and I sit in my living room just practice driving that’s the best way yeah and then you’re kind of putting yourself in that seat without being in the car yeah and then yeah just did lesson and I booked it in and just did it okay brilliant all right so do you know how today will go do you want me to tell you a little bit B yeah could you yeah so throughout the drive um just keep fing the road ahead whenever I needed a test I’ll tell you in plenty of time if I’m not saying anything it’s just straight I am going to get you to do a bit of independent driving which is where I’m going to give you some signs and directions to follow and we’re going to carry out one maneuver and possibly the emergency stop similar to everything you’ve already done in the past thank you all right so um before we get started a quick question about your vehicle and then one more to driving as well so if you’re tell me question could you tell me how would you know if there was an issue with your power steering my power staring yeah that’s like that you what I didn’t know um would it stare to one would it pull to one side when or it will feel heavy okay I think I forgot that’s Lally the only one I don’t know okay that’s fine all right for anyone that is new to watching these videos don’t forget to like the video comment down below subscribe if you’re new and select the Bell icon so that you get a notification every time that I upload I’m ready whenever you’re ready so just normal instructions to start a bit of independent driving in a little while okay okay so I’d like you to start the car make your way down to the end of this road and turn left turn left okay now here is a great example of what you want to do when you’re moving off from the side of the road Junior prepares the car looks all around and he’s about to move off and realizes he hasn’t turned his parking brake off so he goes to turn off the handbrake and as soon as he’s done this he then checks all around again as the road has now changed so be sure to look over towards the right as a final check when moving off from the side of the road Does it show the traffic lights turn left it so we’re in Cambridge today and I’m not familiar with the roads around here so hopefully we don’t get lost well it’s like a big c it shouldn’t be too [Music] bad there are loads of cyclists here is yeah yeah I think I think actually that helped me pass my test cuz I like scootering mhm so I um sorry so I um you go roundabouts quite a bit mhm and I think I that helps me understand the the perspective of a cyclist yeah you’re able to go up out and be on the road yeah so I just plus most of the roads are 20 by the looks of it yeah there are once you get out of cage a bit it does get [Music] all right so we’re going to start the independent part of your driving test now I’m going to give you um series of directions to follow okay at the first set of traffic lights turn right turn right and at the next set of traffic lights turn left [Music] okay feels good driving again yeah you haven’t driven at all since you’re L yeah a test yeah my friend some of my friends have a car and it’s just he paying for watching do but insurance is a bit oh Insurance yeah just makes it seem worthless to actually get a Carly you said turn right yes turn at the first lights turn right and then left at the next ones okay [Music] [Music] of a cheeky like this though yeah approaching this next traffic light left turn Junior nearly gets a serious fault with awareness and planning firstly we have this cyclist on the pavement who does come out into the road Junior does get a bit too close behind when you know you’re turning left you don’t want to get too close to the cyclist and you definitely don’t want to overtake just to slow down ahead of the cyclist to make the turn now Junior does stay back but he is a bit close the main concern is actually The Pedestrian that’s walking on the left hand side of the road and they’re a bit hard to see at this point with all the greenery on the left hand side but you’ll notice the pedestrian is just about to step into the road and glances right at the very end had The Pedestrian actually stepped into the road I would have had to use the Dual controls and this would have gone down as a dangerous fault so always watch out for pedestrians when you’re approaching Junctions [Music] okay I’d like you to now follow some signs towards Ring Road for now Ring Road yeah they problem [Music] want to put in that but it’s Qui up [Music] never before i’ be on a m test well after your actual test yeah I know yeah [Music] [Music] wait this is the right there right I think so [Music] all right would like you to now follow signs towards Park Street Park Street yes [Music] okay I came just read this is the first time I’ve been here actually really he’s not even not too far I was just about to ask if you if you drove here but obiously have you ever done the drive back and forth London n not yet can’t wait plasting music get your playlist ready no can’t now remember we’re following signs to Park Street at the junction ahead Junior gets a serious fault with Junction observation as we moved out he intended to get into the left hand lane and the traffic approaching was approaching in the right but due to the nature of the turn they’re bound to swing out so we should have just waited for the junction to be completely clear before emerging [Music] [Music] [Music] the silver car swings into the left hand lane and then goes back into the right hand lane so you want to make sure as you move out at any Junction you’re not causing the traffic on that new road any inconvenience so they shouldn’t have to step off the accelerator or have to break for you [Music] so Park Street again yeah yeah it’s on the right [Music] [Music] okay and left at these lights the signs just up there [Music] all right that’ll be the end of your independent driving we’re going to give you directions as normal from now on okay okay right J when it’s safe to do so I’d like you to demonstrate how you would wash the front wind screen [Music] okay uh it’s all right the roundabout we’re going to turn left we’ll get back to that later okay [Music] [Music] [Music] so to wash the front wind screen it’s the button on the end of the indicator wand you simply push it in firm okay thank you ahead of us we’ve got a hazard in front of us Junior does check his mirrors towards the right in order to move around the vehicle but it’s a good idea to signal in this case because we’re completely crossing over into the center of the road this will make it clear to everyone around you they’ll know exactly what you intend to [Music] do all right now at the roundabout like C ter right it’ll be the third exit okay [Music] [Music] well I know ahead it splits into one so I’m using my real knowledge to ex offend the [Music] rightly at this point Junior demonstrates really good awareness and planning as he knows the area well he he knows that the left hand lane is going to merge in towards the right so he decides to stay on the right hand lane and as he’s up to the speed of the road this is not [Music] concern so what’s new nice to do in um Cambridge being straight by the way straight [Music] um I don’t know me we just like go bowling we like to go on I think it’s cuz it’s a lot more quieter than London you can go out um more I think at night and there’s a lot more freedom so we just go like late night walks and oh that’s nice yeah it’s really nice honestly anytime I’m out in London I’m so scared yeah I don’t like it it’s so much different yes completely different but yeah cage is really nice just get some some desserts and then it’s a little Greenery no it seems really nice actually [Music] yeah make sure whenever you overtaking a cyclist that you’re leaving at least 1 and 1/2 M of space in the distance ahead Junior does get marked out down for his [Music] clearance okay we got two roundabouts fairly close together I’d like you to go left at the first one and then right at the next one okay [Music] [Music] o [Music] now this is one of those unusual scenarios where everyone turns up together so we’re looking over towards the right the people on the right are looking towards the blue car and the blue car is looking towards us but at this point you can see the blue car is actually hesitating and we actually need them to start moving so that we can enter using them as a blocker from the right hand side [Music] I like these little brides yeah there there’s a lot in there yeah the one we passed earli was quite nice oh wow this just completely changes the scenery yeah once you get out of K there a lot of greenery it’s [Music] beautiful okay now at the roundabout I’d like you to turn right second exit right second exit every time we slow down approaching the stop junior is using engine bres as well as foot brake so he goes down into a lower gear to slow the car down instead of just using the foot brake on its own it’s really good to do this this way your brake pads don’t get worn away as quickly but using engine brake to slow down the car in first gear can sometimes be a bit too powerful as it’s very difficult to smooth out so you can just slow down and stop in second [Music] [Music] and take the next Road on your left please [Music] [Music] [Music] trying to take Qui now if you could pull in and park up on the right hand side of the road please okay just in that space up [Music] there that’s great thank you right J I’d like you to reverse back for about two car keeping a reasonable dis from the pavement and try not to touch the curb but she carry out this exercise okay it’s um make sure when you’re doing any of your reversing Maneuvers that you don’t have a pause from the point that you look to the point that you actually started reversing if there was a pause be sure to look again now as we’re reversing back junior is mainly looking over towards the left hand side and you can see on the camera he doesn’t look over towards the right enough you want to make sure you’re checking over towards the right as it’s really easy to miss hazards that are on the pavement that might be in your blind spot and as we’re reversing back junior does gradually move further and further away from the pavement you want to make sure if you can see that the back of the car is getting slightly further away that you tilt the wheel back in so that you get a little bit closer as you reverse that’s right thank you and drive it when you’re ready okay remember when you pked on the right hand side of the road like this you want to start your checks from the right and finish towards the left as the road is now on your left so the important blind spot is always the one towards the [Music] road if you could pull Anar up on the left up on the left [Music] sorry just in that space there fine oh my gosh that be fine thank you that was horribly scill the car and switch off the engine thank you you can relax that’s the end of your test oh my gosh I think I was more stressed for this than my actual driver test how was your drive it was it was all right it wasn’t the best I feel like there was a few minners probably like one or two serious thoughts would you say that you would give yourself a pass or a foul for today oh I don’t know I think it’s borderline I’d probably say fail uh just when when I was following directions to I think it was Ring Road when we went to that giveaway line and there was the left and the right I did check my mirrors but it was just a bit a bit way you know how did you how do you think you did I think you did it okay yeah not too bad would you say pass or fail I think pass I think he’s a bit like harsh on himself okay well unfortunately you wouldn’t have passed and you had the nail on the head with the fault that you on about yeah it was a really nice drive okay he started off really well lots of really good things going on but when we were following directions to Ring Road and then Park Street yeah that first giveway yeah where we were kind of going onto a oneway road there was traffic approaching from your right and you kind of assumed that they were going to stay in the right hand lane you’ve come out there was a silver car to your right the golf I think it was he’s then trying to get into that lane you’ve slowed him down completely he’s then on your right and then eventually he slowed down and got him behind you yeah what should we have done there just waited for the chot to clear that’s it why did you think you you wanted to were you trying not to be hesitant yeah cuz I I knew it was uh a left only and a right only when I saw he was staying in the right lane I thought that um but that’s just like a massive roundabout isn’t it yeah I should have just taken the if if it was a hesitation it wouldn’t be hesitation though that’s the thing because look if you just imagine that’s like a massive roundabout really stretched out the cars that are coming around they’re not going to stay in that lane they could easily be spiraling to take the exit exactly what he was doing yeah yeah um just because of that proximity don’t want to bother with it you wouldn’t even get marked hesitation for that I L you drive there all the time as well so yeah when I was do my lesson so that bit there was a serious um besides that I didn’t like how we dealt with that second cyclist you know the man in the hive is just back there uh just now yeah a little while back man in the hi is cycling across your path we came up to the first round about where we were turning left you know he’s there you’re you’re giving way but you’re just getting way too close okay yeah I saw you almost I was like oh come on don’t make me break at this point sorry sorry um we had another encounter with cyclist earlier this was right at the beginning this was like your first fault that came in you remember when we started the Independent Drive it was a turn left turn right at the traffic lights and then turn left that first traffic light where we were turning left there were two things happen not even two there was like three things happening and it’s not your fault we had a pedestrian who wanted to cross the road at the junction then we had the cyclist in front of us who was going straight then there was a white car in front who was turning in and we were just getting a bit cuz the cyclist is going a bit slower we’re catching up to him okay you you were about to overtake but you’re like no no no overtaking but you’re a bit too close and then the car in front turns which ultimately slows down the cyclist slows you down and then the lady steps into the road and then steps back so it’s just like take seeing all of that I would have just G let me just slow down that’s yeah and then deal with it yeah um you know the bit where you went oh I want to go third gear yeah and I was thinking don’t do it yeah uphill D road traffic lights ahead um that’s just I don’t know La of presentation that’s all right you were overthinking it a little bit um reversing on the right very nice great control great observation um I would just be a bit wary of the distance yeah because initially when you parked you left yeah bit bit much but as you were reversing you maintained that you didn’t go any closer or further away I would have just closed it a little bit okay yeah yeah but you were dealing with all the traffic passing you very nicely um that was just a pothole yeah but just avoid it if you can I would just cleared the par cars avoid the pothole there was nobody in front um um the big roundabout where you said oh I’m going to use my my road knowledge because I know it merges in the distance well done okay there’s nothing wrong with it unless it was just the left lane people are going out of their way to overtake you then it would have been an issue but it was all right okay um anything else that I probably haven’t mentioned I don’t think so no you good she’s like no he’s a really good driver um okay a few tips this is from just how I’m looking at what you’re doing yeah as you’re driving um you tend to go back into first gear as you’re stopping at the end of a road T Junction traffic light wherever is you’re going back into first gear and bringing the clutch up using engine brakes did you feel that it was quite yeah sometime yeah a bit do you know why that’s happening am I too fast for first first gear is just really powerful so when using engine break when slowing down gears I would go 4 to 3 or 3 to2 or 4 to2 I really don’t go into first gear to engage the engine break because it’s just so powerful that you get that drag okay so sometimes it’s better just to slow down in second and just roll in second and then just pop it into one when you want to go okay yeah cool um the break was a little bit heavy at points just like nearer the end start started off really nice okay but I think you were maybe panicking a little bit yeah got you know back there we had that roundabout where it was a little bit busy we had to wait a little while yeah you were wait for the traffic on your right you did the right thing you weren’t hesitant okay because the traffic on your right just kind of one by one kept coming in yeah did you notice the lady in front she was actually hesitant the blue car I think it was the lady I think so so we’re waiting here and there was a was it the woman straight yeah the blue car straight ahead because now we need her to come in to create that the yeah but because she’s just sitting there we’re just like okay come on but um yeah it’s it’s just something to notice that oh if she moves I could go but she’s just sat there um and eventually they went but um yeah just with cyclist try and leave a bit more clearance there was one again a bit further down about 10 minutes back from where we are now yeah I just felt like we could have cleared the cyclist a little bit wider okay that’s it cool yeah that’s the end of that um any concerns any questions no I know everything think everything’s cool all right Perfect all right guys that is the end of another mock test video hopefully today’s video has been useful for you guys and you have learned a thing or two if you have don’t forget to like the video comment down below subscribe select the Bell icon and you know the rest thank you for watching bye [Music]


    1. Concentrate on the space around the hazard this will prevent you getting too close. Look at the hazard you will get too close. That's why you got too close the cyclist on occasions.

    2. do you post all of the mock tests you do with your students or is it just the ones that are suitable for 'content'? just curious

    3. 10:50 Man the Uk is funny. You were at the forefront of colonialism but yall drive like real wusses😂
      There’s ares of space there why is it a serious 😂😂

    4. I'm thrilled to share that I passed my driving test on the first attempt without any formal lessons from a driving instructor. The examiner even complimented me, saying I drove like an instructor, making only 2 minor mistakes must follow this channel very helpful learned a lot from this channel

    5. cambridge my best city in east anglia …but i hate cyclists there ….they think they own the road and they can do what they want 😡😡😡😡….are you from that area??

    6. 16:37 The clearance is bad enough but as a biker the thing that really scared me is him cutting on front of the bicyclists way too sharply and early.

    7. you did well Junior, but you're not driving so you aren't getting the experience that would sort the mistakes out. Insurance is appalling for young People. Hope you soon get access to a car and enjoy some driving, once you get in a car on your own that feeling never leaves you.

    8. Sorry for any ignorance, I'm a U.S. Citizen and absolutely LOVE your channel! My main question is: Do UK Learners have to learn manual? Or can they take a test/mock in an automatic?

    9. It was such a lovely surprise seeing where I live after watching your videos in London. Hope you’ll visit us more soon, and enjoy our lovely green spaces and pubs (:

    10. After passing driving test should you put P plates? As I’m not sure some people are saying it’s a bad idea as other drivers can be very rude to new drivers, how ever some people are saying it’s a good thing for safety.

    11. He didn't do too badly considering he hasn't driven since his test, the biggest issue was almost hitting the cyclist and the pedestrian 😬 should've just been more cautious.

    12. i wonder why so many ppl arent getting taught how to steer properly… just cross one hand over the other but instead they hysterically move theirs hands to turn the car..

    13. I learnt & passed my test (first time) in Cambridge about 18 years ago. Its very tricky there as its FULL of cyclists and buses!
      Well done Junior.

    14. If you had to use dual controls tho how would of been his fault if the pedestrian walked out of his light to turn left was green as long as he braked in time or went to brake as u use controls would it of been okay?

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