Bicycling through Northern Serbia to see the landscapes, learn the culture, food and
    cost of travel. Where you can find things to do in and things to see in Northern Serbia

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    a keg Oh Xavier here for hum of the earth signing in from the very southernmost part of Hungary and the very easternmost part of the chemin des gens own that’s right today we are leaving the European Union and heading to the heart of the former Yugoslavian empire called Yugoslavia that being the country that is today called Serbia and I’m actually pretty excited for this I’ve heard some really good things but the scenery the towns and cities and especially the people I’ve definitely encountered some nice people throughout Central Europe so far especially here in Hungary but I couldn’t really understand them but from what I have heard Serbia even though I am still practicing my Russian listening to my podcast lessons to do that went from what I understand a lot of people speak some English and there is apparently some great hospitality in Serbia so looking forward to that so apparently that’s only border for Hungarians and Serbians so I was denied entry which means that I have another 20 kilometers that’s just been added to my day here now I’ll have to head to Tompa and then go to Sobotka Maps me and Hungary of once again conspired to throw me a curveball for their own enjoyment but given that wasn’t a huge day to begin with we should be able to make it to subotica before dark that’s if the border crossing is somewhat smooth which I kind have no idea if it will be so more eventually on the horizon stamped out of the EU time to attempt to enter Serbia that was pretty quick and painless not one question was asked I think sometimes it helps when you don’t speak the local language this line of trucks here has been like over a kilometer long and it stretches as far as I can see must be some denied entries here and the problem with that is that now when transport trucks come from the other side that doesn’t leave much room for a cyclist on the road I’ve been relegated to this kind of rough sidewalk here but thankfully it’s only ten kilometers until sue Bautista and hopefully this line of transport trucks will eventually end maybe I’ll be able to get back on the road but I’m happy to be in Serbia so in a shocking twist of events my SIM card is actually working which will be useful for sorries concentrating here for finding hopefully an ATM that doesn’t charge any fees so we can get some so we can get some Serbian dinar so we can get dinner [Music] like staying in Tokyo [Music] you [Music] that was some good hearty Serbian food and for a serbian price so a hundred Serbian dinars about one u.s. dollar the dinners for the first meal that you saw was two hundred and seventy and there was a kind of all maybe not all you can eat but you could choose which vegetables and kind of salad you want it there so that’s two dollars seventy cents and then my breakfast this morning with the three eggs bacon coleslaw and bread was one hundred and sixty dinar so about one dollar sixty cents so that is quite a bit cheaper than any country that I’ve been in so far in Europe for food so I’m pretty happy about that and I am excited to check out subo Tisa today I’ve heard it described as the prettiest city that you haven’t heard of so looking forward to discovering it I think maybe I should start dressing up a little bit more a man just gave me some food I think he thought I might may have been homeless or maybe I just clearly looked like a foreigner and that was an example of Serbia’s hospitality in fact have already received some really great hospitality from the hostel I’m staying at Boots Valley she’s near the bus station the one of the owners uh Zoran it’s been super helpful in giving me information about the the city and Serbia in general which I know it sounds kind of silly because people that you’re paying to stay there usually will be accommodating hence the word accommodation but it’s just kind of a different level here so if ever you come to sublet ISA definitely check out the Poots valet hostel if you’re looking for a cheap place to stay what does it go [Laughter] at a really good time in Sulu Tisa checking out the prettiest city you’ve never heard of and hanging out with Frank new friends Oran really good time but B Road always called today the objective is to get to Novi Sad which will not be easy because this morning I had some difficulties setting up my Serbian SIM card which is a pretty good value for three dollars you get a welcome bonus of 10 gigabytes for 7 days but I had some trouble setting it up so I ended up leaving at about 9:45 so be a bit of a challenge to get there before we get started let’s see if we can make it I just stopped to offer me a ride I believe that’s the first time that’s happened in Europe yet so seems that’s so far what I’ve heard from the Serbian hospitality proves to be true decline the ride because I’ve actually been doing really good mileage like over 20 km/h it looks like we’ll make it and it’s not raining so I’m enjoying the day it’s quite the colour for a church so despite the fact that for a while I was questioning my decision of not taking that right to Novi Sad I did manage to make it here before dark and I found a room this is the kitchen that I have access to but that I don’t think I’ll really be using because I didn’t have to walk far before I found a pizzeria which there’s like almost one in every neighborhood in Slovakia and Hungary and seemingly Serbia’s from what I’ve seen so far so this pretty big pizza was 400 dinar which is less than four US dollars if we have a warm relatively and sunny day here in Novi Sad and I’m excited to explore and learn more about the city in 2003 the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which had now been kind of shrunken down was transformed into the state union of Serbia and Montenegro and then in 2006 these two states separated which left no beside as part of the Republic of Serbia and that has not changed until this date [Music] which doesn’t seem to be such a bad thing we’re in the main square of the city here as you can tell Serbians like to be outside especially when it’s a somewhat warm day cabbage and fried chicken can’t go wrong well actually maybe you can because I just got back to my room and there’s some Serbian guys stayin here or just came into town for work I guess and I just got and it’s one of their one of the guys it’s their birthday tonight and I was just invited to their birthday dinner and I noticed that there was a lot of beer in the fridge so should be a good time starting to smell cigarette smoke coming from the kitchen that means it’s time for dinner [Laughter] [Music] [Music] but before heading to the village we’ve stopped off in the town of San yanan because one of my new friends if I understood correctly is either visiting his significant other who’s in the hospital pregnant or if it’s his brother’s wife or something but either way they’re stopping in for a visit and then we’ll be heading to the village so we’ve made it to the village and of course first stop getting some beer some homemade a Kia and IKEA into the view boy a lake would this guy climbed a tree to get something else [Music] okay okay me the worst idea you want me to work at the farm you want me to work on the phone [Laughter] [Music] what do you want me to do do without you either more like you yeah you are going today yesterday okay thank you okay I’ll call you thank you thank you my friends ma nobody shoot possibility yeah what is that good [Music] [Music] ready okay I don’t yeah well it’s good that you’re alive it’s been peaceful for a while that’s good yeah Wendy stole type of planning this birthday no you should particular cost when I said to take much medication educating anyone ever become I had a really good time with my new friend Laden last night checking out all the hottest spots in the village there’s a lot of fun maybe even a bit too much fun so this morning Laden tells me that he has to go for a haircut it’s only gonna take five minutes we get there as long conversation with his barber and after that on the way back which is only like a two minute ride we stopped at like five different places and in every place he doesn’t pick up anything or anything he just has a la well just has long conversations with people seemingly therapeutic talking about any kinds of problems and stuff they might be having and yeah it seemed pretty pretty different from I think most people in maybe kind of north northern and western Europe and even in Canada we’re saying how are you is just a formality you’re expected to say good in you and the other person says good as to not waste anybody’s time but here if you ask someone how is it going you’re probably in for a 15 minute conversation that they enjoy so yeah things are pretty different here in Serbia or at least in small town Serbia today we head to the big city my bicycle is gonna stay in Ladin’s car we’ll be driving to Belgrad which is Serbia’s largest in capital city so I thought the plan was that women would get to Belgrad would go to that guy’s place who had his who invited me to his birthday dinner that night we all met in Novi Sad but I fell asleep on the way here and then gladden woke me up once we arrived in Beograd and then told me okay the the center of the town is over there you can bicycle there so maybe I had been rude by falling asleep in the car or maybe just realize that our time together I’d run its course because we could barely communicate with each other either way it was a good time and my social meter had been kind of drained from spending over 24 hours and kind of constant company which is not usually how I roll so I’m just bicycling the downtown Belgrad now finding a place getting some rest and then checking out the city in the morning [Music] yep Belgrad is a pretty cool city not that I was expecting otherwise from a country that I have so far really enjoyed visiting a lot of interesting history nice mix of architecture and great people easily the best hospitality I’ve had in Europe so far you might be wondering well where have you been in Europe so far well I bicycle through German Bavaria bicycles along the Danube River in Austria to Bratislava Slovakia where then proceeded to bicycle through most of the country going west to east that was a great time beautiful Slovakia and then through Eastern Hungary Oh even went the wrong way here then through Eastern Hungary down to Serbia where I then visited the Cities of Cibola teets ax and Novi Sad which is an easy day trip from Belgrad and a lovely town is definitely worth visiting all part of a larger journey bicycling through Central and Eastern Europe and if you’d like to support the hum of the earth you can do so via my patreon which I’ll be putting a link to in the description below the video and before this trip I bicycle from Cape Town South Africa to Nairobi Kenya so bicycling through half of Africa and before that a bicycle from Canada where I’m from all the way to southern Patagonia in Argentina and all those videos are available on this very same youtube channel hum of the earth and if you’d like to see an interactive map of everywhere that I went and everything that I got to see and do on this journey you can do so by visiting my website follow the hum of the earth calm where you can click on the different locations and see the various blog posts and videos that have made of these places and if you’d like to follow my continuing adventures once again bicycling through Central and Eastern Europe you can do so by clicking on the red subscribe button below the video and then clicking on the bell to be notified when new videos come out so that’s gonna do it I hope you guys enjoyed this journey have a good one


    1. Hey Xavier welcome to my town and country. I have followed and enjoyed most of your African journey. I hope you'll have a great time in Serbia, although things are very different now with the lock-down. I'll send you my contact via mail just in case you need it while in Belgrade. Cheers.

    2. Have you heard of the pandemic, and that the Serbian border was closed to foreigners circa March 19 onwards ? (Edit, okay, sorry, I see from your website that this video was apparently recorded in December 2019, then uploaded to Youtube only in April 2020.)
      By Shenshen Zone, you mean Schengen Zone.
      Are you going to Italy or Denmark in the future ?

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