Our Journey from Serbia into Hungary!
    Had to battle with a lot of wind this week so the sound wasn’t the best but going to get a new camera with a microphone in Budapest hopefully solve this problem


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    We’re Dean & Nala, and we’ve been best friends since December 2018. I was actually cycling around the world when I heard Nala meowing out for me somewhere in the Bosnian mountains. With no intentions of keeping Nala, I knew i had to save the wee kitten and take her to the vet – but I was well aware of the fact that it might be a bit of a challenge considering I only had a bike. However, despite my concerns, Nala quickly climbed out of the front bag on the bike handle and straight onto my shoulder. Since then, we’ve been travelling the world together. So feel free to tag along if you’re interested in following our journey and adventures around the globe ❤️


    BIKING CAT 😻 ⤵︎

    BABY NALA ❤️ ⤵︎




    #1bike1world #cat #fulltimetravel #travellingbybike #cutecat #adventurecat #catvideos #nala #travellingwithcat


    1. I've never seen such a bond between a cat and a person. Not sure who has the upper paw either – but I've a pretty good idea! Pure escapism – such a pleasure watching so many vlogs of two huge hearted individuals. My favourite YouTube binge watch – please keep them coming! 🐈🐈🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    2. The guest house just across the border into Hungary must have someone living there who likes to spin and weave. His room has a nice piece of weaving on a folded-up loom by the door and when he was walking back from checking on Nala behind the bar, I noticed a nice little spinning wheel, probably a flax wheel, to his right. I'm a spinner and weaver, too, so it's nice to see stuff like that occasionally.

    3. A friend (65 pound dog) has the philosophy: everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
      Maybe the ferry lady DID poop a hedgehog that morning.

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