#4k #mtb #gopro

    David, Edi, Filip & Me went for Ilirska Bistrica in Slovenia for a little adventure, just 45 mins from Rijeka!
    We in Rijeka don’t have flowy stuff like this and luckily Ilirska Bistrica is so close, so you have a feeling you barely left Croatia.
    It’s really worth to visit, if you haven’t already.
    Also we met other rider group from Rijeka and we rode together a bit.
    You’ll notice (AGAIN!) that the camera has a wrong setting again, which stayed like that since the last video, but it gets better a bit later, so don’t give up!

    Enjoy the ride!

    00:00 – Intro
    00:46 – Climbing up
    01:27 – Wrong camera mode on Borovci trail
    04:47 – Master Chef trail
    09:25 – Shuttling in the dark
    10:20 – Borovci with other Rijeka group
    13:22 – Discovering the wrong camera mode lol
    14:10 – Kozlek trail

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    🛰️The Ride: *no recorded session*
    🎥 The Video: *GoPro Hero 8 Black*
    ⬛ The Chestmount: *Stuntman*
    🚲The Bikes: *Orbea Occam H20*
    🚴The Riders: *Random Slavs*

    good morning party people we are here in Slovenia inab uh I said I will go to Zagreb but this came totally by random So today we’re going to ride in iLab new trails uh we have philli with me David there Eddie there so today there are some new trails which they built and we’re going to try that out I was here I don’t know like last year or two years ago I can’t remember but I have a video from Bor Trail but that was kind of the kind of the only Trail back then so yeah we’re going to check out what do they have on the road again see places I have never been it’s super chilly outside I’m kind of freezing thank God I have this long sleeves I’m sure we’re going to warm up on the way but man I’m I literally have no fat in my body nothing to protect me from cold uh coach okay let’s start thiso for oh video b w what nice I remember this Trail yeah woo whoa I didn’t expect that wa oh no I wasn’t ready for that woo nice no [Laughter] okay now we are at the top of this Master Chef Trail or we going to do it the whole one or are we going to uh connect on that b Trail because this one is marked for uh competition so we don’t want to destroy the track too much for competitors so we’re just going to try it out a bit and then you know go on a side on another Trail so we don’t destroy it so this should be like Ura Trail or something like that we’ll see okay let’s see nice what nice BMS yeah it’s very cool Trail I love it cool so cool I don’t have strength in my fist yeah all right Rock Garden nice this is nice this is very nice I love it oh no almost oh no my leg slipped oh I must put it back okay now it’s good woo just going to continue on Bor we don’t want to destroy it although I’m very curious what’s next on that trail yeah boy yeah woo oh bit too fast here time to eat [Music] shutl shutl shutl graas is I’m going like an illegal illegal pest woo dark shuttling in the dark wow it’s like a blind let’s go go keep it with yeah woo my rear wheel is dancing a bit gravel W woo a b tired met your probably troll many is [Applause] what I noticed just now unfortunately that my mode on GoPro was on standard and not on bike mode so I’m not sure if the footage will be how how I really want it to be I mean I’m sure it won’t but I hope it will be acceptable at least watchable ah we’ll see I guess now is okay yeah all right the pitch so Cole Trail I guess uhhuh okay let’s do this oh God yeah oh I didn’t firm my helmet I need to for my helmet okay my Feit again God damn it come on yeah oh yeah oh my feet are running off my pedals oh uhhuh to adjust my pedals okay a very nice Trail w who very soft dirt here nice woo God damn it my feet they’re slipping come on wa whoa whoa who uh-huh woo SH now we are on the way to one more Trail uh it might be the last for today we’ll see right let’s find that trail guess there is more a bit more uphill gy Philip is long gone I cannot follow that I’m just going to push a bit enjoy the walk man this ilist is really beautiful really good trails really good trails and it’s just 1 Hour 1 hour 30 minutes I don’t know from Rea amazing just in the neighborhood we in Rea don’t have so much flowy Trails everything is just rock garden so if you’re in search of slowness you can always come to if you’re in re super close by you can even take the train if you don’t have a a car or something some orange juice my feet are sleeping a lot today I can’t hold them oh God damn it got them feet okay oh [Music] nice start oh what the and I’m laughing that was even worse come on fit listen to me oh nice again I’m collecting these Stones they’re hitting straight to my frame oh God damn it oh my God my feet hurt God damn it come on I cannot just a second okay okay I guess I don’t know foree okay are skipping guess I’ll have to be slightly slower because I cannot use one gear oh nice rock garden h w W my front wheel was a bit slippy woo ah that was very satisfying oh yeah now I can go home with Calm [Applause] Mind for for [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] uh-huh [Music]

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