Vintage sweets and snack adverts from British TV, hand-picked for this compilation with cleaned-up audio & video. Check out the channel page for more advert compilations.

    Chapter Markers:
    00:00 Cadbury’s Whole Nut (Pinball)
    00:32 United (Extra Time)
    01:03 Bounty (Jet Skis)
    01:34 Monster Munch (Spokey Dokeys)
    02:05 Jaffa Cakes (Munchkins)
    02:37 Pepperami (Piranha Tank)
    02:57 Cadbury’s Caramel (Nut Bunnies)
    03:28 Golden Wonder Stix
    03:59 Black Magic (Love Is)
    04:41 French Fries (Not Small Fries)
    05:12 Biarritz (Blue Triangle Slow Song)
    05:34 Penguin (Multipack 7)
    05:45 Jacobs Club (Redneck Hoedown)
    06:16 Milk Tray (Private Jet)
    06:47 Quavers (Curly Art Gallery)
    07:19 KP Nuts (The Nibbles Will Strike)
    07:30 Crunchie (Pardon Me Boys)
    08:11 KP Skips (Melt City)
    08:52 Drifter (Surfer Dudes)
    09:23 Clorets (Hale & Pace Keep Fit)
    09:54 Boost (Old West Vic & Bob)
    10:15 Polo (Carved By Hand)
    10:36 Walls Magnum Affair
    11:07 Snickers (Mike Tyson Ears)
    11:38 Peanut Lion Bar (Naked Couple)
    12:10 End Links & Music

    well it comes on slow and then begins to grow it’s got me in the mood it’s so rich and smooth don’t bite it don’t bite it bite it takee the way that it’s going to be the dairy milk chocolate from Cadbury don’t bite it bite it Cadbury’s home don’t bite it P it they’ve called me out will they act to hear that shout but what’s got me excited new extra time United cuz it’s bigger new and chunky just like me we’re rent extra time this tension it’s a crime mind you I bet the other Bunch wish they had more candy crisp to Crunch onited has made the bounty hunters are here they’re searching for Paradise Bounty tender coconut moist with pure syrup lavish with thick chocolate Bounty gives you the taste of paradise our monsters are trying to sleep but this little Monster’s bike keeps waking them up he’s got monster spoky doys on his wheels they clatter like crazy there’s one free when you send in any single pack of monster Munch and in every multi pack there’s a free Mega Monster reflector there are four to collect uh-oh he can’t disturb the monsters now can he monster Munch for a smarter louder bike ready Spong munchkins they know only M fitties bake the terrific Taste of the original jaer cakes so that’s over the about them only MC Bitties bake the original Jaffer cakes let’s see what these piranha think of a few snacks beef flavor bacon flavor corn snacks and now pepperami a Tangy snack made from 100% pure meat well that confirms it meat lovers everywhere prefer pepperami to anything well almost anything get your teeth into a pepperami hey Mr hair why are you hairing around haven’t you heard of Cadbury’s caramel see how the thick Cadbury’s milk chocolate melts into smooth golden caramel you’ll just have to take everything really easy just like old tortoise here take it easy with CAD bre’s caramel and new nuts about caramel to prove that one bag of sticks goes further than any other snack we took two identical lines of people we gave sticks to these young men and Brand X to [Music] thism yes you get more bikes in one bag of sticks than you do with any other snack so when the others run out sticks keeps on going new sticks from Golden Wonder nothing Stacks up the sticks love is the sweetest thing what else on Earth could ever bring such happiness to everything as love is old story love is the greatest thing the old oldest yet the latest thing I only hope that fate may bring love story to [Music] you are your teeth getting in position we’re all ready for French Fri Mission the T rush out held scel no need a fall that shelter french fries Walkers french fries CR Expos like a big bombshell to those B when do you f right through your bones when your mouth is a french fries Z Walkers french fries Walkers french fries they’re small fries if they’re not french fries in the blue triangle everything seems strange in the blue triangle see chain to the penguin bu a pack of penguins get separate every time do the penguin penguin if you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club if you like a got a chocolate on your biscuit join our club Jacob’s Club all that real thick chocolate makes it well worth picking you like a l of Chate on your [Music] [Applause] [Music] and all because the lady loves milk [Music] tray boy boy that looks just like a Quaver hey this one this one smells like a Quaver I wonder if they taste like Quavers they are [Music] [Music] Quavers watch out girlly I now know who killed Madame M it waske [Music] me boys a crunchy in your she’s got that feeling she gets it every day I’ve got the crunchy feeling I’m frisky as a lamb she’s got that Friday feeling i’ rather eat a crunchy than play around the S swing baby swing that a crunchy I can SP she’s got that bright feeling and we can tell you why she gets Friday feeling when a crunchy comes away it makes it feel like Friday no matter what the day and crunchy it’s fiding so by KP skips the crisp that melts hey honey do you hear that a crisp that melts that ain’t natural weird City crispy things don’t melt they crunch fact of life what do you say criso crunch oh my beautiful home well just maybe frisly on my tongue wow melt City hey soften up up up yeah Li what eyes Li what eyes head up that Str Express coming through Godzilla stretch me out on Malibu Beach bro with breaker biggest condo Sally shaping and a full on double duel ganger catch my drift that’s a FR C rib oh shark attack oh B at 4:00 yeah did you catch the [Music] drift you can t up your muscles but don’t you forget if you want to keep your breath in shape you better use clarettes get axes are working on them with clct self neutralized nasty chew them to the right suck them to the left ain’t nothing tastes nicer than minty clet ready to go clubing run yeah clarettes great tasting regular or sugar-free mints and gum IND what are we going a opic they wouldn’t let it wouldn’t [Music] would C’s boost it’s slightly rippled with a flat Underside in the old days the words Polo on a cool refreshing minty Polo were painstakingly carved by hand these days of course it’s all done by a machine Polo the mint with the hole if hard and heart can be cold and soft and the wide and tender make the dark surrender have a magnum I feel it left in my way and I know Rich vanilla with dark thick [Music] chocolate come on out of there CH no come on out of there now no man I ain’t going out there to fight this guy man come on out of there those pay-per-view people they can just go find another sucker cuz I ain’t going out there Tommy he’s a changed man he’s had counseling I ain’t going out there man that guy eat me alive I ain’t going 6 weeks of training what you kidding me you got nothing to worry about what you mean I ain’t got nothing to worry about going to be getting hungry everybody’s waiting you’re hesitating think just find somebody else grab us snakers cuz nothing handles your hunger better come on out of there hungry why wait what do you think you’re [Music] doing you [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] peanut lion I’ve warned you two about this before it’s a totally different animal if you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club if you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our if you like a Chate your Club


    1. 8:30 loved that Skips advert but looking at it now, that guy was so incensed with rage with the idea of a melting crisp that he trashes his girlfriend’s living room. Weird city indeed!

    2. Great selection today, some here that I’ve never saw before. I remember Monster Munch spokey dokeys, my pal had loads as she was from a big family so they went through loads of packets of Monster munch.

    3. Wow, completely forgot about the Skips crisps advert. 😮 What a blast from the past.

      Drifter choccy bars were nice. Don't think they're made any more.

    4. It always makes me wonder why ads in Europe, the UK, and Australia use characters and imagery for selling a product when the product isn't actually sold in the place depicted by the characters and the characters don't exist in the country where the product exists to be sold.

    5. Every week I'm constantly smiling while enjoying these. Surprised by the lengths I used to go through to avoid adverts back in the day but these always bring me nostalgic joy

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