What are your thoughts on players qualifying to play international rugby based on residency? A question which bubbles to the surface again after rumours England are considering some potential South African converts.

    where do you stand on players playing International Rugby for a team that they qualify to play for on residency the that that residency is now five years you have to live somewhere before you can play for that country it used to be three years which led to loads of project players and World rugby rightly extended the rules and put an end to that however what do you think what what’s the principle of what you think on that particular subject and I bring this up again because of this story which has uh been in the news this week where apparently Steve bwick is I’m to look at four South Africans who would qualify either now or very soon to play for England on residency and I have two opinions on this topic overall and I’ll give my opinion please tell me yours in the comments down below give the video a thumbs up as well I’m Tim this is eggchasers and my thought on the matter is I don’t like it if I put my fan hat on if I think about the principle of international sport and what it’s meant to be about I don’t like it I just don’t like it and if I could choose I wouldn’t have players qualified on residency but at the same time I can also put my player hat on and I understand how hard these players work the sacrifices they make to to get where they get also just how easily their career can be ended by one injury and so I also at the same time is not liking it I also don’t begrudge any rugby player for achieving any success money that they can while they’re able to so if I were one of these players and I have the opportunity to play for England or another country wherever ever it is around the world I would 100% do it if the laws allow it do it so I canot like it but I can also think the player should go and do whatever’s best for them their family their legacy 100% I’ll be interested to know what you think leave your comment down below uh so the four players in question then a couple in the back row to start with and honestly how many players do South Africa produce it’s particularly props and and back rows it’s like well the rest of world rugby would have some issues if they weren’t able to pill for forwards from South Africa two more that that become eligible to play for England this year hanro lebenberg who came over in 2019 from the Bulls and has been a loyal servant for Leicester Tigers captain and if Razzi Rasmus wanted a a report on this player he could just ask hundre polard or yasp VISA and they’d have a glowing reference the problem is for hanro lebenberg um as a just mentioned if there’s one thing South Africa don’t struggle to produce it’s amazing back row players uh and he would be absolutely worthy of a place in an England squad I I don’t like it but if he got the opportunity and if Steve bwick wanted him to and I were hanro lenberg I would absolutely say yes and the same goes for Jac vuan hanro lenberg and jacqu vuan both about 29 years of age I think so slightly older age profile I actually don’t think either of these two will materialize they could do though Jac vuan also qualifies this year uh he came to ex to Chiefs in 2019 he won the double Champions Cup Premiership with them and Rob Baxter at exitor has let a load of his players leave but along with Henry slay Jack vanan is one of those key guys he has kept hold of because he recognizes and he’s right in just how good and just how important Jac vuan is he is brilliant and again if I was ja ver muan and I got a call from Steve borwick I’d absolutely i’ I’d be there in a shot do I want it to happen from from if for jacqu veran yes but generally no uh I don’t think either of those two back row picks will happen because of the age profile they’re they’re 29 now so they they’re sort of getting on a little bit whereas the next two I think if South Africa do not pick these two up they will be wearing England colors before long whether you like it or not uh Bernard yansy van rensburg Center Bristol formerly London Irish before they went kaput and in his time in the Premiership he has been outstanding I think he’s had three seasons now so I think it’s another year and a bit maybe the start of 2026 he would be eligible so still in plenty of time during this world cup cycle he’s 27 now so it’ll be 30 come the next World Cup prime age and he is absolutely class and to put this in perspective he’s been the best player in his position in the Premiership this season a Premiership which includes Andre Ester haen World Cup winner fellow South African and when you look at that South African Squad you look at uh lukano am had some injury issues how’s that going to play out Damian dende still class pushing on in years a little bit Jesse creel I mean the guy’s got the muscle tone of a chimp he’ll be around for ages Andre esteren he’s sort of a couple of years older than Benard janzi van rensburg there’s a good argument to say this guy gets selected for South Africa I probably would think about bringing him into the fold I think he is a class player 12 or 13 and um but if they don’t then rest assured he will be playing for England he’s already said he would love the opportunity to if that happens should he be picked for the spring box or do they not need him it’s an it’s an interesting one and what do you think about this this whole thing in general as I say that’s that’s the bigger question here as much as talking about any individual player it’s about the prince of it I think if I was a player 100% I’d do it as a fan really don’t like it the final one Tyrone green 26 years of age brilliant attacking fullback for Harley quins standout player in his position in the Premiership this season picked in the team of the season and with Damian VM are out for four months with vly Laro amazing player getting on in years how old will he be what what condition will be he be in by the next World Cup they will need to start looking at the the next couple of cabs off the rank they’ve got loads of options but should Tyrone green be one of them he’s a springbok under 20 but he qualifies to play for England in 2025 and I’m telling you if he’s not been picked up by the spring Box by then he will absolutely be an England player because this guy is Ace again if I were tyone green that’s what I would do do I like it no do you disagree with me on that let me know it’s the same and is this isn’t just about England it’s not just about South African players although a lot of them are the ones that get pilf fored because they produce so many but it’s the same wherever you look around the world when there was the three-year residency and you know for um for lener and con and for Ireland they they’ve had James low James and Gibson Park Bundy Yaki now all these guys have been amazing they’re just amazing blos fantastic guys they’ve been brilliant servants for Ireland great ambassadors for the sport and for Irish Rugby so I’m not knocking it and I wish them every success uccess and and they deserve to be playing on the international stage but the project Player thing had to close didn’t it it in my opinion it wasn’t right I’m delighted for the players it wasn’t right I don’t want to see England go too far down that path either um but I mean you can’t argue without just they deserve what they’ve achieved I would have liked them to have achieved it with their own country now Emanuel mayfu interesting one this was the first phone call that Eddie Jones made when he took over as Australia boss to to Manny went Manny mate any chance mate and he no I’ve already made up my mind I’m going to play for France he actually got citizenship for France as well I think that was a rule at least it might not be a rule anymore but it was the rule that you had to have a French passport to play for France they introduced they had like their own rules but they’ve just I think they’ve opened the floodgates a little bit Manny mayfu now a French International Paul VM was the same in a similar position and the thing is if you that this is the issue I have with players qualifying on residency it means that the richest Nations the the unions with the most money have the opportunity to take resources from some of the Nations which don’t have the same amount of clout or cash to push around and just look at the top 14 in France they’ve got a massive TV deal they’re the clubs that have got all the money they’re they’re massive attracting Force for loads of players from all over the world and JJ vanes at stad fron South African giant man 150 kilos he’s going to qualify and probably end up playing for France um oh I don’t know what’s happened to that picture but that is a picture of tavita tatfu a giant 150 kilogram prop from Bon uh uh tongen I believe and qualifies to play for France and Joel merkler uh who is is he got a weird one so is Joel merkler is German born Spanish International qualifies again to play for France I think in the next year and that’s just three there are loads like that so yeah it’s it’s an interesting topic to get into I don’t begrudge any player it’s what I would do I wish them all the best they should earn all the money they can and take all the opportunities that are open to them as a fan do I have to like it no I don’t do I want England to win the win win the next World Cup fan hat on yes would I want them to win that by picking lots of South African players no but at the same time I want those players to do the best that they can so it’s a there’s Nuance here is what I’m saying I’d be very interest interested to know what you think on this let me know in the comments give the video a thumbs up hit subscribe see you on the next one


    1. I don't think residency rules are the main problem (although I don't like them either). France produces a ton of talented players every year and yet none play for other countries. Why ? Great national competition, great clubs, and teams are encouraged to sign young French players and financially supported to do so.

      There would still be some marginal issues, like pacific islanders (seems like 90% of the physical freaks in rugby come from there) but the overall problem would be significantly reduced if players didn't feel the need to go and play abroad for a decent opportunity.

    2. As I see it, there are two optionns.

      You can only represent the country you were born in.

      There is a set of eligibility criteria that everyone adheres to.

      Option one is easy to understand, but if an international standard player was born in Nepal whilst mum was on holiday, he's stuck with trying to organise a game halfway up Everest.

      Option two seems reasonable, but the regulations have to be reasonable. Assuming I was good enough, I am eligible for England by birth. Ireland and Lithuania by grandparents. Previously, Nigeria by residence and currently Northern Cyprus by residence.
      Nigeria wasn't beyond the realms of possibility. I played in a final trial and proved to be the best hooker there but I would have been a one/two game wonder and i was more use to Nigeria as a coach and National Referee Development Officer. Which leads me to suggest residency is not sufficient qualification. I was there working (Headteacher) . The players mentioned are also in England working (rugby players).
      If you wish to represent a country, not of your birth or parental connections then citizenship should be the criteria, demonstrating your commitment to that country.

    3. Ireland do it but it seems to be overlooked because the plucky Irish are never to be criticised.

      They have four brilliant players from NZ and Oz, and nobody cares about their actual nationalities.

      But I personally don’t want to see this happen.

      The likes of Tuilagi and the Vunipola boys were here as kids and came through the English schools system. I’ve always found the residency qualification unsavoury. The RFU should say no! We have enough of our own to go at!

    4. South Africa do have a big pool to choose from and one the one end cannot accommodate all the players that is springbok material. I know it is unfair to the country but also unfair to those
      potential players to be given the opportunity to play on international level. New Zealand have only like 5-15% players from home ground and the rest from Fiji, samoa and Tonga.

      I would be rather supportive and glad that so many countries would want to use our players and also give those that may not have the chance, be given that opportunity.

    5. Looking at the last few Rugby World Cups, it seems that there’s at least one South African in every team. As either player or coaching/support staff.

      It must be a rule then that there must be at least one Saffa per rugby team 🙂

    6. What about having HOME GROWN talent! England following in the Scottish anf Irish foot steps…….SAD! So many English born players will never get their chance to play for England! 👀😐

    7. Absolutely superb news for all those England players who have stayed to play in a 10 team league that is dying on a lower salary that FR or JAP to remain qualified for England.

    8. I guarantee you based off of age old history because of what the British did, those Afrikaans players WILL NOT play for England. The hatred still runs deep, it’s amazing what concentration camps can do

    9. If people are allowed to move countries for work and qualify for residency and citizenship, it should be allowed the same as any other job. People move away to find better lives.

    10. 100% agree, no one can begrudge a player for doing what’s best for themselves, but “international” rugby is something that is special; because of its history and absolutely its ethnic component. No one who loves international rugby is racist but I want to see the very best Fijians representing Fiji, the best Samoans representing Samoa, the best Japanese representing Japan, the best Englishmen representing England and the best Australians or Aboriginals representing Australia and not hyphenated this and that, no!
      That’s crap!!
      ‘Rugby unions’ are taking away opportunities from certain people and we know who they are from international representation!!
      International rugby is losing its lustre in the modern age because of DEI and everyone can see it from a mile away!

      I love that smaller nations are supported from the richer nations to keep improving their player base, to a certain degree but if a player in Australia or Wales or Ireland or Scotland is losing an opportunity due to DEI or whatever then it has to be challenged and snuffed out and that means not supporting the game with your wallet and let them fail financially!!

      South Africa has some of the greatest rugby stock and because the world told them to give away their country they are now having to flee to other nations to get a chance at the level their forefathers dominated in.
      No more disgusting DEI at the international level!!

    11. England have the largest player pool in the world (by a long shot, like more than double what we in South Africa have) and they still wanna use our player. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic

    12. The qualification should be either country of birth or one parents country of birth end of .
      I have desire to see Gibson park , Lowe , van der merve playing for the British lions , they are not British .

    13. This exposes the eligibility rules that England employs. While these players are qualifying through residency they can still be called up by their country. The same does not apply to English players plying their trade abroad.

    14. Disgraceful you English have got enough player and don’t chose your better players anyways. Shocking behaviour and attitude to world rugby

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