The Cycling Farmer and the Forager link to donate

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    Life on Beef and arable farm in the uk.

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    [Music] morning Mr Fant hello and welcome to my daily blog of life and our beef for Aral Farm here in South Yorkshire fantastic day yesterday at the Harford CHP County Shore with Mr be had a really really good time um and you can check that out in in the previous video now I’m here really early cuz I’m wanting to get the dogs kicked off I did promise cron and um Rabbi and Nick Bragg who is going to be cycling a, miles with a crone forage Harvester and they’re heading to um fodder at uh at the York shround so I said that I’d go but that was prior to the heartfit thing and yeah I don’t know how much work we’ve got to get ticked off here on Sunday so right let’s turn in early and uh we’ll try and get everything done then we get to see a big crw on forage Harvester so stay tuned and hopefully we’ll get there yeah the forage Harvester would dwarf anything that’s in this shed right so first things first I’m going to put some straw around in different places we’ll jump on the 130 it’s looking reasonably clean is the 130 straws going out very nice some nice Bary straw we’ve got [Music] in yeah that’ll be nice and golden for these guys giving them their new bed we do this every single day here right I’ve sorted all the strawing that I can do without going into the pens so now we’ll jump on the TM and we’ll get everywhere fed round all that we can do before we going into the pens and when my dad’s up we’ll uh we’ll get them ticked off oh we’ll get these guys fed F little the troughs here’s some my up earlier we’ll get you guys fed cows are out there in the fields we’ll get blasted around here reverse it’s not exactly perfect weather to think if you were uh Nick brag riding a bike in this for I don’t know how many miles he going to have to do a day but it’s going to be a Fair View in it not like raining riding through rain is jeez right that’s everywhere that fed that I can so now I’m going to jump on the 9 M we got the mixer outside we’ll get a mix done so there’s something there for this afternoon when they need to do the feeding second time in a day need to get the uh windscreen wiper ordered this week so we can get that all replaced back up and running then so I’m just um I’ve already got the silage cut out and into the mixer but potential we might need to do another one later today so if I get it all grabbed out we don’t usually do this cuz I like to keep it super Super Fresh but this will just save me a little bit of time to be able to do some other stuff later we go I’m going bucket it up then bucket bucket it up not very do then I think so just getting the last few bits of molasses in that’ll do it the mix is happening now and I’ve swapped over back onto TM same we dad’s still not out that’s up we it’s uh qu 8 nor we start at 88 so that’s running away in the shed mixing just um blending all the feet together we’ll get this dropped off I’ve got some silage to fet around and a few bales of straw ready for tomorrow he’s still not here so we’re getting in here fed as you can see it’s raining a bit and then we’ll come in and straw these guys up this fell here won’t leave me alone will you hey trying to eat my cat you’re nasty more being F down here it looks wet wet wet out there well it’s good growing the grass and the crops can’t complain too much oh it’s wet yeah not fun to be on a bike today and hopefully it stops raining by the time we get what that inside um we’re going to get half this mix tipped off and then we can uh we’re getting towards getting more stuff done then so we’re just getting the maze that we chopped out earlier going to tip that into the mixer we go so I’m getting yet another mix done and then that’s one sorted for in the morning just to make Monday mornings easier cuz um we’re uh well we’re a bit short stff tomorrow to be fair cuz Noah’s going to is I’m going to say to TT but I think it’s TT qualifiers um with his dad which should be uh should be a nice little break through so it’s well I’m saying it’ be a nice little break he going on motorbike and it’s raining so I don’t know how good it’ll be hopefully it’s all right before I get set off to um the offshore ground we’ got to move some cattle cuz they’ve run out of grass so got to walk there as well cuz it’s wet here we are as you can see theyve really eaten this down there’s OD bit here but they don’t need letting into the other side now these two are having a bit of a tussle together there quite a few down here though there big drainage pipes AR massive so these guys in here are creating a habitat for the birds and the wildlife with the hoofprints and keeping the grass short and um fertilizing it as well lots of cow PS everywhere yeah so then you got the bugs that grow in them that then feed the birds kind of the geese flying over but um yeah they’re uh not got enough grass left to um keep sustaining them and keep them going forwards and that’s what we need because it needs to be um sustainable for the Wildlife here but it also needs to be sustainable as a business for us um putting weight on these cattle and keeping them growing they are starting to follow me now as well which is good cuz when we open the gate they’ll hopefully just come straight through yeah you see why some people get scared when they’re out in your Countryside and you think oh my God these guys are all following me which they are all following me um yeah if you’ve got a dog with you and this sort of situation happens let your dog off the lead he can run faster than you he can get out of the way and they’ll probably follow the dog just a bit of uh hints and tips well I think they’re happy with that um when we get this next one open move the electric fence we have to shoot this behind as you see cuz the Predator fence doesn’t work when the gate’s left open right look at all that grass they’ve got in there these guys are going to be happy with this come on there come on come on come on come on then like no I got loads of good grass here to eat come on come on boys come on I don’t want to shut gate that’s it it well I think they might be a bit happier in here eh see how hungry they are so that’s our rotational grazing that we’ve got that’s it job done all the black ones and one white one I’ve shot home lockal arrived wearing his grass I thought you were wearing Jo I would have got it we’re going to head up to Y show see this forer much doing it no w yeah well we had to stop Off Of You John de’s John de mix Mecca okay let get your little GE to or your big [Music] mower well that sounds a beast doesn’t it sounds a beast it’s a monster in it I can still hear it that’s second Lamborghini we’ve seen like not a Gumball Rally but some I don’t know any no there loads of tractors here anyway these AR no these W go this fast that fast it looks big for a55 doesn’t it big tires Massive Tires don’t mind one of them 69 in right at that yeah it’s nice for mikia 150 loader on FR all Ked up for you m every every optional extra some new rulers bit wider than mine it’s triples yeah yeah some creamers about as well that’s low it is is it is it the low they have like a little yeah it is if you have a you can have a higher cab and they put like a a step there’s just basically a block goes in there it’s the same cab on them both but it just lifts it up a bit this is lower you have that on yours level what a spirit level um I think there is one in it somewhere yeah like an electr um I think it’s you know what I’m not sure I think it’s like that yeah I think it’s like that M was saying there’s some of these one of so it must be on some smaller models is it smaller model I’ve always just been sort of reading it is the dashboard’s got the displaying for the satellite to tell you where the chap off auto steering that yeah actually in the dashboard on on the tractor like you said a separate screen like you good on your 25 yeah yeah it’s in the dashboard must be a smaller scale oh be interesting to see that then when that comes out it’s huge Cramer there is a big one 557 and then obviously the massive ones 250 it’s plenty in stock 140 there for you m yeah machine it look small well yeah well as is more like that side I think that’s 250 in it that’s a proper Beast yeah not a lot yeah is that 7,000 might it might be a 250 yeah load of brackets on right I’ve got a quiz question for everyone now Mick I wonder if there’ll be a lot of people that do get this right I think but there might be a few people that don’t know what this is so what is this for you don’t see many of these about anymore do you no so a lot of work yeah but there’s still a lot of work even when you’re using them is there so let us know in the comments what you think that is what’s I got you’ll see you’ll see in time some stickers there but that was a nice stop off at ripping see Pete and iing open car we’ll uh we’ll get on up to Harrier well we’ve got here to fodder at the Yorkshire Shor ground look at this all this Crown tent over there and then I’m guessing that’s where we’re going to be parking the forage Harvest so this is what it’s all about the farmer and forager 1,000 miles in 10 days so somebody’s driving forer I hope so Nick Nick’s pedaling the Thousand Miles it’s already done like 3,000 mil across Canada for Rabbi before before in past and um yeah he’s going from north um and Shore this is the first date and the last day is in Cornwall which will be in 10 days Cornwall show hopefully should go and meet him down there mck in Carwell yeah we hav got to Pedal our bike we yeah get you tandem we get Tandem and we’ll go down don’t set us up for next year tand from L A tand we should be coming soon anyway we’ll get try and get the Drone up and um and we we’ll yeah we’ll catch him so I’m here and I’ve met Joe oh yeah get it off like holding my arm I saying you’re doing the fashion fashion show yeah you’re on can’t walk ready we’re doing it yeah so I’m going to be in British wall is that right Tweed and stuff is it yeah yeah so what we do going to look like a she uh no you’ll being twet okay I [Laughter] mean now um so yeah what we’re doing is we’re teaming up with British war and designers um from across Yorkshire and we are putting our professional models and Joe seals in and our farmer models we’ve done a call out for volunteers go on the cat walk this year as well is there still places there no pass I’m afraid but um it’s all good from we trial it for the first time last year and it was prant and so yeah we’ve got you wearing Tweeds um various designs um but to really highlight the journey from the Sheep we see in the fields to the clothes that we wear and and to highlight that in a really fun and entertaining way British absolutely yeah brilliant right well I think I’m looking forward to it I you’ll be on at 12:00 on Wednesday on the sheet sharing stage Wednesday 10 see right so he’s on his way to so the the drones winner and we’re going to uh hopefully get some nice shots [Music] what what what [Music] [Music] so they’ve arrived the professionals are here as well look at this setup eh so look at this Beast you see them coming in and it’s all nicely sticking up th000 miles in 10 days 100 miles a day impressive on that even more impressive on a bicycle it’s nice is it 1180 and the ioo all stick it up as well weapon right I’m throwing gr and Chris under the bus here but what happened what do you mean what happened we got L bit of a technical hit with the GPS 1,000 miles in 10 days possibly 12200 a brilliant thing that you’re doing especially for Rabbi as well is it just your to driving at the moment we got change on Thursday we got one of one of our other chats coming up to yeah you’re not going to get on the bike either no definitely no no definitely not no so yeah brilliant well if if you want to donate I’m going to put a link in the description below and let’s help these guys get to 10,000 a Target isn’t it so we’ll have a quick look inside while we’re here this is going to be uh a well-lived in cab for the next 10 days I can tell you that to be fair though it’d be busy when it um when it comes to Grass season anyway look at that good visibility all right M you look up in here yeah it be all right this is like a it’s a giant straw blower isn’t it that’s what people keep telling me all right yeah yeah oh yeah it would do a job would it yeah that’s uh yeah probably drive itself and then you just use that to controller spout and where we go and they’ve got the uh the parrot in there radio CB CB so people be able to talk to him on which round about yeah it’s good is it good is that John oh yeah John screen it’s oh he spotted it he spotted it yeah John de screen got must be on green star then that must go on there front there look it’s got you can see oh yeah bracket for bracket yeah not need it will he Road shouldn’t do with his edging cook just in case uh getting under low low L trees spare bottle of water Airline it’s all uh Emily’s doing a real professional interview here behind the scenes so I’m I’m throwing these guys under the the bus but Marcus tells me it’s not a bus no for d d and here as well and what what’s your Ro then CLA what um I’m here supporting all the cyclist so I’m going to be meeting them every couple of hours with loads of food whatever kind of food that they want and it’s just to top them up to get them on to the next day just keep them going making sure that we’ve got accommodation pie see all sorting out the diesel for the the cyclist yes you can say that if you like yes sugers so um and with the crow um this Beast how much diesel is that going to use to I think oh yeah know much it would use on this normally you could be using 1,000 lers a day in work but obviously in on road only maybe a little bit less than that CU it’s not to harvest on the road so how many H power is that then that’s 1180 so 1180 FL so is that like a V8 or something it’s a V12 V yeah of course it is a optim on it does that mean it’s what what’s that part optim is part of the crop flow system for the when it’s harvesting maze uh to make sure that that’s because obviously that’s it’s biggest job it’s heaviest job for the car cracker and the the crop flow through that that Cracker out into the the trailer to make sure everything’s processed properly and the optimum quality of forage is made at the end the end of it yeah and so what um what sort of output would you reckon like we can get through that with got grass and what’s ask a lot better in terms they’re the ones you know probably got the facts and figures somewhere what it should do but they’re the ones who are driving it day and day out to know how many tons they’re getting out of it but that is the biggest one that’s the biggest is and it’s so that would be the biggest production for Harvest yeah it’s impressive machine very much so well thanks for thank you very much what what was that Claire you just said something about four middleaged friend in Lyra was it middle-aged friend in Lyra doesn’t take any attention whatsoever but that does it really does I’ve come back to the expert right how how much M and grass can you do with this how much or how many acres in a day yeah uh couple hundred acres I suppose in in Grass um mayze about 100 I suppose something like that maybe a bit more yeah we chop it very up to 3 mil for the bio plant so it slows it down quite a bit and it really zaps of power yeah and can can the trailer guys like R yeah we yeah yeah and the only trouble is cuz we chop it to free Mill it’s like water going in the trailers and it’s yeah you can soon overload the trailers it’s yeah yeah you get some weight in there yeah you’ll get some weight in there yeah so is it I’m guessing it steals itself does it it does I don’t drive it very much to be honest um I think Trish uses it on um the green star um and obviously got rinders on the The Maze header um we used to use um a maze header for doing whole prop as well and we do occasionally um we used to use a green St for that that’s why it was on there um but now I mow all the triple mowers it’s the trouble this thing with a disc header you can’t get enough in it with a with a disc header cuz of the width oh right yeah triple mow and then no no just group it yeah all right just the yeah is that on yeah oh all on brand all on brand yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah very good okay this they use Lor’s do you run your own Lor’s doing that yeah yeah we got three there’s two there was two then two there and we got another um nice yeah [Music] this is how they do the whole crop thought reflected your t-shirt on it so they’ll mow it down like that and then you just go straight behind that’s merging it in into the middle merging in the middle and with this header pick it pick it straight up nice so I’m here with marking Forum direct Dr magazine merched up here merched up what a setup you’ve got here by the way this is like next level stuff it’s not really it’s one of those all the game I day top events he’s had the drum up as well so where will people find this content so this will go onto the farming forum and it’ll be on the farming Forum YouTube channel um when I get around to EDI it tonight then guys tonight hopefully in the next day or so we’ll be no that’ll be good because he’s been doing some proper professional interviews and stuff in in front of the for we’re trying it’ll look it’ll look really sharp where mine’s been like really quick edited today by the way then uh Mark will be perfect so no nice to meet you though and local lad as well so not too far away down the road yes just outside lead corner of the rubar triangle so to speak there we go another yorkman brilliant so the cyclist are on the way in now after the 100 mile cycle today pedaling hard on the home stet here we go be ready ready for their big X Burger uh yra pudding Burger all right there we [Applause] go and you can all still walk that’s amazing I’ll be like this I want to know where your to’s lier is anyway that’s what I want Li [Music] yeah me and Mick now on with the big X Burger already been demolished here by the [Laughter] way yeah yeah what a small world so you guys are from tonish yes yeah yeah that way that’s yeah yeah but you used to work for my great uncle Willie good great Ben works for now yeah yeah and you used to live in h where I got married Willie willly Willie was at Berg Wallace yeah yeah B wace yeah Berg Wallace yeah and I was at hooton pagno home Farm Hooten pagno there you go we’re 30 years ago what a small world F pik’s being all cleaned off now so you’ve got to cycle 100 miles and then you got clean bikes as well [Laughter] yes we normally leave it to Adrian but doing ourselves so um yeah let’s help these guys out and donate to the link below how much we trying to raise Nick 10,000 10,000 so let’s get there let’s get there brilliant work guys now you’re all shattered so we’re by the cron products is this what you’re running around it is yeah Holly and myself uh going along the way in this trusty SE oh nice not on the bike you’re not getting in the lra uh not today but you never know so where can people catch um the cron going down south and he’s going down to Royal Corall but is there a way to like track him or yeah so we’ve got a m my ride there’s a link hopefully that’ll be on this video um and then we’ve got we’re actually going to a number of our dealers so we’re going to Grandam uh shans of Grandam where we got our JCB from we’re going to Compass tractors and we’re also going to Adcock agre oh nice so if you’re close to them then you can join in on the way get some pictures with the for Harvester and Nick and yeah cheer them on basically if you see them make sure you wave toot and donate y that’s it and if you like this video remember to press like And subscribe and we will see you in the next video you have to wear Emily thank you by


    1. Evening Joe, new to your channel from Olly, Charlotte and Tom's
      Currently working through your video history, Currently 2 years behind, you've done YAMS and Andy off to Devon with new rims, can I ask the significance of the different coloured ear tags, have spotted yellow, white, green and orange or is it purely preference of their previous owners
      Keep up the great content and your support in training Em

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