Jerry Lynn joins the Joes in StudioXI!

    we are alive we are alive I see you got the people’s eyebrow going on there that’s right I was not sober when that picture was Tak I did that he thought he was just looking directly into the camera that was that was an accident greatly enough he was also in cool world when that was Tak there was one year I was at a a rally manager confererence and then we have like you a bunch of celebrities come and and sign autographs and stuff and they give we have free beer so it’s just kegs you just stand in line you get two at a time I’m just double fisting just and um was it a hot summer day was not it was middle of January oh wow you would have thought it was a hot summer day based on the way he was pounding them down I bet yeah so I got pretty tanked and every picture I took with celebrity I gave them the people’s eyebrow and then in my class reunion they’re like they put the pictures up on the screen they’re like what does Travis think he’s doing he’s getting his photo with Richard Petty and he’s giving him the people’s ey you idiot like got a St gimmick that’s right you got to you got to that’s the great thing about Travis is he didn’t tie one own often but you can always tell when he’s tiing one on it’s like this is going to be funny oh that’s a true story well have a good time rise to the top man the cream Rises to the top that’s weird cream Rises to the top Yeah remember and get in you can’t say my name on the radio oh yeah are you wanted you can’t say his name not yet hold on you’ve already got us live so I can’t ask the question then you ruin I can’t even ask you the question yeah but we’re not well all this will be edited out but your legal name I mean I can say bull crap that is your legal name say whatever you can say whatever you want like that I mean bull you can you you can play play with whatever in you into I guess but I can’t use your Christian name your surname I understand that but I can say bull like from night night court bull oh yes he was my faor I just aged myself I love ncore big I even tried watching the reboot cuz John larette was still in it and I love John larette even when he did the John larette show I loved him I like the way they tried to tie in her being Harry’s daughter anyway I’m a big fan you’re not that old or I’m not that young I believe I’ve seen every episode of not Court when it was actually on air yeah we used to watch that at my house I love that he L The Velvet Fog The Velvet frog that’s great all right y’all ready to do this waiting on you Travis all right everybody Welcome to the a next episode of the everyday Joe show your host the Travis Reed you might have heard of me before Travis people have heard of you I’m tired of you even talking about it that’s how many people have heard of you well thank you sir I appreciate very welcome you made it I appreciate you appreciate me thank you you’re welcome you are a somebody I’m a somebody not very much of a somebody but a somebody nonetheless tooth yes that was a conundrum of words it was it was a lot how are you I’m not so bad how are you now not so bad good you I’m doing well thank you for asking that’s a Sprite I didn’t have anything I was in a hurry I was a rush I I helped a friend after work I took a little extra time then I got home and had to eat dinner and I was like I got no time to stop what is in the fridge Sprite no Dr Pepper not in small cans I had a Dr Pepper from the 2 L bottle well you brought a 2 L here before yeah I couldn’t do that tonight there’s too much left a I got you I got you I’d have felt like a glutton finishing off that much you should just bring it just not even bring a glass just drink it out of the bottle that’s what what do you mean is there any other way glass wasn’t an option no the only way it would come out of the house is in the bottle oh well okay well thanks for being here sir hey buddy thanks again for having me on you’re welcome Jerry L hey how are you bud hey good great good man good to see you here good to be here what you uh what you got to drink tonight well I started with some Yingling yeah and then you know got to represent so I went to Common John’s Clean Slate it’s a good beer is it it is light and not heavy and you can drink it all day I mean if you’re really wanting to kind of start over and and just forget your past and just kind of have a clean slate that’s the beer to go to like if you woke up at 11:00 in the morning with dry heaves you just start drinking that and probably cure what ailed you hey that’s like uh Colonel Parker used to say the the best cure for the com flu or the common cold is a case of uh what was the beer he drank back then PS Blue Ribbon closeit slitz Fall City oh what the heck was it now I can’t remember for the life of me I’ve been hitting the head lot too many bumps man yes oh my god well we appreciate you being here man well thank you yes sir Bradley Ramsey hello hello what are you doing buddy I’m I’m here you’re here hanging out yes sir well you got that big old blue thing again it’s filled with the usual nothing nothing new here H2O high quality version I flavored with a little lime and other natural flavors matches your shirt I um I’ve completed the trifecta today I had him in my office with Eli ker on the phone and now you’re sitting across from me so that won’t get any better it’s all downhill from here for me the Pinnacle has been reached that’s right you’re screwed yeah it’s like coming off the top middle Road look here we’ll have to tell you that story Mr jerryland oh no I can’t wait to tell you are you going to have to create create some new goals yeah I will tell you though that I I’m sitting next to my daughter’s favorite wrestler of all time ask her to this she’s nine ask her to this day her favorite wrestler is it it’s Travis Travis Travis Travis weed that’s undefeated Goldberg who listen man it’s hard to be defeated if you’ve only been in one match it doesn’t matter you go out on top baby that’s a 1,00 I’m b a thousand son son oh oh man you know once you become the world champion there’s only one way to go that’s D I’m staying up the whole time I’m already in the Tennesse All Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame and everything I’m really not there oh you’re there’s a Tennessee Hall of Fame there is now ter is the the inaug IND duct te that’s right who a member but he’s the president yes and Founders right Founders and the commencement ceremony was in this building and I was by myself he opened it added himself and then shut I wish you could have seen him walk down the aisle he only saw him walk down the aisle I had video cameras anyways anyway Travis thanks for being here what are you drinking U I’m having clean slate as well well what’s it taste like this evening Pinky’s out clean fresh and clean God dang but now let’s pretend for just a moment seriously let’s pretend you were trying to describe the flavor profile of Clean Slate to someone who was going to try it very light um easy drinking um not too hoppy at all um it’s one that you could sit out on a back back deck all day long during the summer and drink and be just fine thank you very much well I’m sold off the wag whoa wait a minute are they going to come out with some Nas cuz if they did then I mean it’d be right up Bradley’s alley I think there was talk about it about na uh in-house NA beer if I understand correctly LeBron told me that it costs more to make a non-alcoholic beer because you got to make the beer and then you got to drop all the alcohol out of it and so that’s why cuz I was grapping to when I man why did these cost as much as a regular beer and he started discussing the process you have to actually go through one more step to make it not I never knew that I’ve learned it just now so you have to add a whole another process to get rid of the alcohol just to live healthier well yeah cuz I’m I’m sure the alcohol as we all know is a natural process of the whole fermentation thing so you have to remove what you can’t take out of the process yes I get it I don’t like that that’s why on every canle say that there’s less than .3% alcohol because again you’re not adding alcohol you’re taking it out and so they have to put that on there because they’re not they can’t completely get it out can’t get 100% of it out but it’s it’s so little it’s like mouthwash or less so really technically I’ve only been like 99 seven seven uh% sober for 10 years but in the world we live in with rounding I mean that’s that’s 100% considered my last name I’m so R absolutely you are good now has Nicholas even had a non beer he tried it one time Nicholas’s response was that if uh he wanted to be bloated gassy with no buzz there was other ways to do that yeah sauerkraut I love sauerkraut I do too God it’s good nasty I love it I’m a fan SRA weenies some Cajun andoy and some have a little sweet flavor to it the best way I figured out how to eat that St the trash Kim my wife Tes you eat out of the trash she cooks hers with a little sugar to cut some of the acidic quality so it’s not quite as harsh but God it’s good man yeah hot out son I’m out you got problems Travis I’ve got a lot of problems geez uh Jimmy Newton here chiming in on the uh YouTube live uh old style that’s a good beer I’ve had one one old style Chicago beer I think it is natural light what colonel colonel Parker always drank natural light I knew it would come to me that’s what my dad used to drink I’m surprised there’s not one in the fridge right now honestly yes there was until big Tim Dr I was going to say I think there was one here not too long back 16 ooy yeah I was just visiting with somebody recently that was drinking natural light I mean if you’re big germ if you’re constipated or something it’s great oh yeah work that are some Bush L Latt I was say Bush laaser yeah you know what I missed what if we’re going to talk good beer yeah and you say what you want and give me all the hell you want to give me but I loved the Beast couldn’t beat it it was the best I love best oh dude you could talk about tying one on I Lov a good 12pack of the Beast I’d sit down my mom’s old man back in the day God we would hard straight up Milwaukee’s best or Milwaukee’s best life no it was straight up dude red m c yeah boy Budd the be like Miller High Life ah the champ my wife’s very partial to that for the man who will eat the last deviled [Laughter] egg yeah did you ever drink Milwaukee’s best probably I you you’ve been you years ago it’s like it’s funny watching over the years how many beers become the thing to drink I remember a while it was stros stros and I didn’t even realize that I I read an article stros won awards in Germany for Wow beer best beer and stuff I don’t think I’ve ever had a stros do you remember a red dog and there was that there was another one had a wolf it was uh I remember Southpaw Southpaw Southpaw okay that stuff was like 5.5 yep and I didn’t but it was cheap you can get a sixpack of it for four bucks that was the thing about the Beast it was cheap and it was loaded the the Beast then they come up with Milwaukee’s best ice which was just a terrible idea I seen William Harold take down and I think I talked about this month or so girl on the show took down a suitcase 24 Milwaukee’s best red and white can hot that’s when you know you got a problem yes uh years and years ago I played in an adult recreational soccer leag M and at the end of the season we’d have a tournament while one of the teams would fly over from Germany they worked for Lu tanza Airlines and they’d fly over to play in this tournament well they drink these little mini kegs of German beer with them but they were made to drink warm so after the last game of the tournament we’d all stay at the park and start drinking beer and it was warm but it was actually good but it was made to be drank it was weird the weirdest thing is that way as well they say most other countries when if you order a Guinness in a pub you get it warm they keep it at room temperature I don’t know about that Guinness I like it cold yeah dark beard there’s one a wise Acres Brewery in Memphis called got to get up to get down love that wife loves that yeah I love that beard God she loves wild Acer I like the uh tiny bomb okay they got and um there’s another one it thund I don’t know if they make the Thunder an or not I can’t remember those pink and black cans she keep them things what’s the name of the one in toah they [ __ ] they have a dark beer I like I can’t remember what it’s called now hot belly Porter yeah that’s not a bad one that’s a good one um I like their honey is it the Honeydew something pretty good um I I’m not a dark beer fan but like all of common John’s dark beer oh they’re yeah they’re I’m like all right I’ll drink it it’s really good and I’m that ain’t me I ain’t about that life straight into good beer territory I have nothing to add I know I know nothing no you’re uh Bud Light ice or butd ice yeah Bud Light man back in I was going to say all I ever remember seeing personally beer can wise was a Bud Light s but I wasn’t around as much as y’all were don’t get me wrong I would have rode the wave with him this last go around I would have never turned my back on him do you guys remember when you could buy a case of beer and it was the real I don’t even know what the cases were made of real thick hard cardboard you flip the lids open yeah be like 24 bottles of beer long necks my dad used to always come home with two of those after work and it’d be what was the one Buckhead he always drank the bucket the big deer on that logo or there was a stag St I don’t remember stag St it’s got a big old you did have a can I did have a can of it up there that Richie brought for me back from Illinois loud up there guess it’s not there anymore I do have a de leopard P up there and a Metallica beer have you tried Stone colds beer I haven’t tried I how is it it’s pretty good is it I haven’t tried it um when they first brought it to this um region of the country they’re doing a big push on it so he was like retweeting people and stuff like that so tooth and I were at Comm and John and I got one of them and we tweeted him and then just in case I added James storm on there just to say Hey you know I’m not some crazy dude Stone Cold retweeted us and me and Toth are just like celebrating like a little girl like yeah yeah but uh it’s pretty good beer though it is um K John used to carry it um for a while uh yes Jimmy Newton just chimed in again he said uh Heathen child that they have at the brewery is good darkness is Darkness calling is pretty good child that sounds familiar it’s a common John I think the last time my wife and I ate there we I tried that one yeah I think the last time I saw you there he had a dark a darker beer it’s pretty good like I’m not a dark beer fan there’s finishes so much so much better than than most of them so all right guys we’re going to take our first break we come back we’re going to talk to our guest Mr Jerry Lynn get to know about him and all his wild and crazy days in the ring oh boy oh boy if he can remember him yeah right yeah don’t worry I got video footage oh no I’m just kidding what you’re listening to the everyday Joe show Brew by the com John Brun company here on 939 the duck quack quack quack that’s what I do in the car with my daughter the duck the duck or I screw up and call it something else like the turtle the turtle turtle turtle turtle turtle so we got to be quiet for 10 seconds or what no that was enough all right guys welcome back to Everyday Joe show brw by the and John Brun company here on 939 the duck episode 338 to Jerry Lynn Bradley Ramsey me the Travis Reed and as I mentioned Our Guest this evening Mr Jerry Lynn how are you sir I’m doing great good man we appreciate you coming out and hanging out with us well thanks for inviting me yeah man by chance uh knew your neighbor and he’s like hey you like wrestling you know my neighbor and he told me I was like what he’s your neighbor I’m like yeah he’s like you going give on a show absolutely let’s go what are we waiting on yeah then Dallas hit me up oh D good old Dallas man he’s he moved didn’t he yeah yeah I just went and saw his new house I didn’t get a tour we were just Happ to drive by but uh man good old Dallas it was nice having him as a neighbor he was nice and laidback and oh yeah yeah he’s I hear he’s an exhibitionist you didn’t have to witness any of that no I didn’t see that well you you you you really dodged a bullet well my wife would probably say I am because I used to wear these daisy duke shorts mowing in the yard and even when I turned I’m trying to think yeah I was in my 50s still wearing daisy duke shorts to M the art and she’s like do you really got to wear those I go this is how I get my tan for work yeah you got to work yeah it just drove nuts but then after watching Reno 911 she started calling him my dangles he had the short short we got pulled over by dangle when we were in Nevada not not really but it was so funny we were in we were driving and my wife is like oh my gosh we’re getting pulled over and I had been on her already about speeding so we get pulled over and the cop comes up and he has got the shortest shorts on and he’s got a mustache awes and I was like over here in the pastor seat mouth shut just not don’t make eye contact don’t look over and he walks away from the vehicle with her license and when he walk start busting on the W we’re both in the car looking at each other rolling she’s like are we serious getting pulled over by dangle and I was like yes this is happening right now great so she would say do you have to wear your dangles I’m like this how I get my tan well one day they just mysteriously disappeared so I I got to jump back here it was dep it was bad she stole your dangles I think I don’t think she stole them I think she just threw them in the trash so you said when you were in your 50s yeah that’s what I heard and he looks like he’s in his 40s right now look at his face thanks wow no in a couple weeks I’m turnning 61 no you’re shut your mouth dude Dy man what a great like physique and like everything is very very young well that’s because mentally I’m still 21 yes there you go M I’m still like 17 I have to tell everyone I’m the most immature 60-year-old you’ve ever met in your life so You’ I mean you’re like the best age wrestler ever I don’t know about that so it’s not good clean living [Laughter] he heard about the daisy dudes not even close but people some of the resters ask me what do you think would happened in ECW if you guys had cell phones I said we’d all be in jail I could not even imagine uh so originally from Minnesota Minnesota when there’s something in the water in Minnesota like I didn’t drink no you got the you got the water on the other side I think it was yeah I got some maybe the Wisconsin water CU it’s pretty close to the Wisconsin border it’s pretty close to eastc Consin too you got watch out for East eastc Consin so you got Kurt H from Minnesota um Rick Roode Rick Roode um and they went to high school together right yeah robale yeah I I no I I would transfer if I was in their graduating class because I’m sure they probably beat people up oh wow they would probably like never know I don’t think I don’t think anyone would mess with them you you’d think but usually like I used to bounce and stuff and it’s usually the smallest drunkest guys who want to pick on the biggest guy they see and it’s like you idiot yeah that’s stupid then you got bar Aro from Demolition and the Repo Man yeah he was he and him and Wayne Bloom they held the tandem uh deadlift world record jeez how you know how many pounds that I can’t even imagine I can’t remember but it was up on I think on the wall at the gym and I mean I’m I’m 5’9 230 lbs and I I deadlifted over 5 00 those two guys are gigantic there’s no telling I I can’t remember how much weight it was but it was jez it was a lot so uh where did the love from for wrestling come in um I was adopted when I was six and that’s when I first saw wrestling was my adopted parents every Saturday morning it was roller derby and wrestling and I fell in love with it instantly that’s a good day right there oh I couldn’t wait I forgot all about sat roller derby the and the bombers and little Ralphie valadas just he was amazing man and I remember they had a manager on one of the teams I can’t remember which team but uh Georgia hos this old old bat I’ll be nice yeah but what a great bad person you know bad guy as a woman she was oh my God you hated her so much she was like the heel yeah yeah the scary she’s a great heel and I’ll never forget Georgia hos just one of the best heels and that I always loved even the The Penalty Box was a folding chair inside three pieces of wood that just were slotted together so always someone going through the penalty they just put it back together but no roller derby and wrestling I remember wrestling then I think you still had and that was the AWA I grew up watching AWA so it was um I’m trying to think some of the first wrestlers I saw was probably Baron B rashki and mad dog Bashan and The Crusher and Crusher and then uh they bring in then they in AWA they called him King Kong Brody but Bruiser Brody Bruiser Brody yeah and even some of the others uh well you had Ken P that dude was a beast Mass he was the first person to military press over 500 lb over his head jeez the guy was a monster well everyone back then pretty much was yeah that’s true that’s true but uh but yeah the first time I saw it I just fell in love with it man I just that was Saturday morning’s here but it was H we were talking before the show it was the Memphis stuff you know Jerry Lawler Jerry Jared Jeff Jarrett and Dutch Manel Billy Travis Billy Joe Travis I miss Billy Joe I loved him what a great guy I remember they uh he he lost like a loser leag Town match I know what you’re talking about and then so they had him off TV for a couple weeks think got arrested or something I actually got arrested on TV it was that was a real thing so he come back in a mask and his name was the BT BT Express like he fing nobody that was like when you had the yellow dog and the Midnight Rider everyone knew but that was the the great part of it is everyone knew but the heels just had to couldn’t prove it you know yes cuz even now I’m like you know I’m oh God I don’t know eight nine years old and watching my dad I’m like that’s Billy it’s Billy Travis he’s like you think yeah well he had that curly blonde hair and he’ get in the M theyd get to the match would start and of course after a while they’d get all that tugging on and that all you could see was popping out of the back and the sides of that Curly blond hair you’re like yeah dude got blonde hair that kind of looks like that but it’s not C Tommy Rich you know that’s that was but his was straight hair exactly now he was another one my favorites on was of kids Tommy Wildfire man he that dude was awesome awesome who was uh who was your favorite growing up I couldn’t pick a favorite no you just likeed them all I like yeah I like so many of them but uh when we first got cable and we could see every territory around the country could see Portland and world class with the V Erics and and the NWA and M and CWA and Georgia championship Florida I I couldn’t get enough I loved it all but one person who always stood out to me was Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert yes L Eddie Gilbert man I got on I went down some rabbit hole on YouTube the other day and and it was just old old promos it was local you know out of Memphis or whatever and there they played one of his and part of me was laughing with the other part of me still was like that is so cool like hot stuff and one of the biggest compliments in my career was he’s the one who got in touch with me and said you want to come down to Memphis and I’m like yeah absolutely so I was just so flattered that he saw something in my work even though it was only about two years into my career and I really didn’t know what I was doing yet right but he saw something in me and he brought me down to Memphis and then the next year he brought me and Sean down to Global to do her where were you at those first two years what just bouncing around around the Midwest working like right after I got out of Brad’s Camp uh me and one of the guys I went through camp with Tom Burton go get the ring from the warehouse bring it to the Rochester Civic Center do three squash matches tear it on the ring and bring it back for the AWA so that’s how you started back then pain you doing the ring and getting killed on TV for 20 months and then I did uh I think in yeah uh in ‘ 89 cuz I started in uh March of 888 is when I started Brad’s camp and it was three months long Brad and then Ringin Brad Ringin and in 89 I did a t first time I went and did TV tapings for the WWF and my first match there was a tag match against Big Boss Man and AEM oh my gosh and they’re both 6’6 over 300 lb and I’m just I look like a scared child I was like oh my God now how did those bits how did the uh the superstars treat like the the Saturday afternoon guys they were supposed to beat the crap out of that were never going to win were they cool with you guys or we all it depended on each person but most of them back then were cool with you yeah I’ll never forget um I’ll tell you this story this I’ll never forget this day when I first got there I walked in the locker room found a chair set my bag down cuz I was always taught keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut so I sat down and there is one man gang wearing shorts and a Mickey Mouse shirt playing with a yo-yo because there was no internet there was no cell phones there was no handheld video games nothing to do all day at the building and standing next to him waiting for their turn to play with that yo-yo was Rick Roode and Kurt Henning and they were big boys too oh yeah but one man gang he was 6′ six while in walked earthquake and typhoon and they made these guys all look small yeah then walked Big John Stud who was taller than earthquake and typhoon he was near 7t was oh he was and then the kudagra Andre the Giant walked in no and you know we always say TV adds size to you it didn’t do Andre Justice live he was like a moving building and I’m sitting there looking at all these guys and I’m thinking in my head I am in a room with the largest humans on the planet right now I was just so surreal wow but it was yeah it was I’m getting freaking chills over I’ll never forget that man that’s oh god dude that was but as far as uh I’ll never forget I CU I did a few tapings maybe just a couple TV tapings for WWF but I’ll never forget one time they had all of us jobbers in a room and the first two stars to walk in and come say hi to all of us was The Bushwhackers Luke and Butch and it was what what a couple of great guys they they knew we were scared to death and nervous and they came in you know Smile everybody anyone having a good time and they came around and said hi to everybody it was I’ll never forget that I still keep in touch with Luke to the stage is he the one that has a gym in Tampa I don’t think he does there’s one of them that did I don’t know if they I know one of them passed away didn’t they maybe which and my buddy lives in Tampa and he uh he went down to Hogan’s beat shop got me a bandana autograph of Hogan and then like one of their gyms is right down the road and he’s in there and dude takes selfies with him everything said he was just as nice as could be oh yeah yeah that’s the part you don’t see cuz those dudes were nuts on TV man well I was talking to him one time I said when they were the Sheep herters they were the most violent tag team I’d ever seen in my life and they and I said I hated it when Vince hired him and mate turned him into the Bushwacker he said but this is where we made all our money and that’s what it’s about it’s a business about making money that’s exactly right 100% I didn’t get paid the time I did it but I’ve never seen a team so violent as the sheepers sheepers man I don’t think I ever got to I heard stories I don’t think I ever got to watch them oh you got to look up some of their old matches so they would have fit into ECW pretty well then oh yeah yeah them Public Enemy going and or uh what was New Jack and oh new Jack and Mustafa Mustafa yeah natural Warr Killers was that was that there uh was it um I not they when they wrest natur Born Killer song played the entire time they wrest time yep new Jack’s bringing out Dam Nintendos microwaves you know what’s funny you meent when I was in WCW a buddy of mine who wasn’t in the business we’d get together at 2:00 in the morning I forget what night and we’d watch ECW and I told him I said is that is one company I will never work for because the fans are handing them like you said microwave ovens yeah video game frying pans yep over the rail and they’re clocking each other in the head with this stuff I said I’m never working theirs and then I’m watching balls and Sandman trade chair shots and the the chairs are all caved in the seat of the chair I’m like someone’s going to get a blood clot or an anism and drop dead oh yeah but dang but I ended up working there yeah you did yeah you did Never Say Never I guess no that that’s true um yeah it happens man um so a WWE or F at the time um early 90s you say yeah I was 89 when I went did the first squash matches that’s still baffling me that you’re I know man I’m sitting here like bro I was eight seven I was seven thanks a lot I was probably getting up watching something on TV about wrestling well that’s like when I do seminars now I right away ask him I go who here is familiar with my work and then I tell them I go well usually when people ask me who’ you work for I say all of them all of them yeah I went um cuz I knew you know you won you know ECW Heavyweight Championship you won the uh WWF lightweight so I’m looking and you got inducted to uh the independent Wrestling Hall of Fame couple years ago there’s been a few of them there’s uh the hardcore Hall of Fame at the ECW Arena in Philly and then there’s uh oh that the Indie one that gcw put on yeah and so I’m kind of like I was like well see and you did work for all of them yeah a lot of people don’t realize uh even when I was leaving Global just before I was heading back home cornette called me and asked me if I’d do his very first Smoky Mountain TV so I did a squash match against killer Kyle killer Kyle on the very first Smoky Mountain so I even work for Smoky Mountain dude then in Japan I did that Lucha style company WWF or something like that I can’t remember what it’s called and then when that folded the young boys from that company started up mitoku so I worked for moku and while I was on a a tour with them we did a couple combined shows with um onita fmw I worked for fmw yeah that’s the I worked Ricky Fuji one show and Sabu the second show and then I did a tour with New Japan and then 01 so I did a lot a lot of companies in Japan wow and then um my buddy Toby that I used to work with Toby Farley he just went to Japan doing some wrestling big thing for him well I didn’t realize how big a deal it was to that like how many wrest or spent time in Japan until Chris Jericho’s podcast he’d talk about that a lot of the guys he talked to would talk about their time in Japan I didn’t realize that was such a big deal in the in the trajectory of a wrestler app really good payday yeah it varies because I had some good ones and some not so good ones it depends on the company right cuz they got you know big companies they got smaller companies just like here in the states yeah they never asked me to come yeah and then when I worked with oh actually when I was here with uswa in Memphis we did we took two bus trips to Dallas and did two combined shows with world class oh co and that’s where I first met stone cold before he even went to WCW and became part of the Hollywood blondes he was still uh Steve Williams there and or I guess was I guess he changed the name by Austin by yeah he changed to Austin Dutch Manel told him to have get a name because you can’t be Steve Williams because Dr Beth yeah and then he the Dutch pel gave him his name Dirty Dutch pel lived in Murphysboro for a while matter effect oh I believe dir Dutch I learned a lot from Dutch in my TNA years so I just know when he would come out on uswa back in the on Saturday mornings when somebody was getting um roughed up in the ring and he was just fresh out of the shower that’s the hairiest back I’ve ever seen on a man in my entire life a permanent sweater oh my God sort of like uh what was name George Animal Ste exactly what I was thinking of yeah a guy like that yeah yeah bull bull the guy that just left yeah yeah we can’t me he he was name show not be spoken who sh be named I can edit it out all right guys taking a break we come back we’re going to talk some more with Jerry Lynn we’re going to um ask more nosy questions because I got a lot I got a lot of them not really you’re listening to the everyday Joe show Brew by the Comon John brew and Company here on 939 the duck my quack’s not good enough Travis go wow that was actually I do I do sounds so I was doing the quack I was doing intentionally yes so that it didn’t sound like anything like an actual dub but you know you can have it no I want I’m done with it I don’t want it never doing it again you about to cry yes I’m hearing up he’s a killer that fud round stuck I think look for this and you’ll know ah F drowns my my son loves them you got get the big ones small ones they’re the they’re FS they’re like the chocolate with a chocolate filling uh it’s little Debby are you using words things like the chocolate cake chocolate cakes with chocolate filling and then a drizzle of chocolate frosting over the top it’s chocolate with chocolate filling little diabetes makes them and they are delicious they’re the bane of my late night existence chocolate ganache cake at Publix just nothing it’s so good and now I’m a chocolate snob I like dark chocolate better than regular choc love dark choc I can’t do regular chocolate like the regular but I’ll eat the dark Jimmy Newton gz Travis you know a lot about wrestling this is true Travis knows a lot about wrestling You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet Jimmy he remembers more than I do I bet it’s it could be rivaling because he is just like a I call him Trav Almanac cuz he is an almanac sports trivia I don’t even remember most to my career now Tony KH on the other hand he’s the rain man of wrestling he’ll tell you what city what date the whole lineup of the card who went over he can I don’t know how he does it I have heard I heard that before aw was even a thing oh yeah all yeah he’s the rain man of wrestling yeah I’m not I’m not to that level that’s for sure all right guys welcome back to Everyday Joe show brw by the Comon John Brun company here on 939 the duck episode 338 to Jerry Lyn Bradley Ramsey me the Travis Reed so we were um talking a little ECW and I somewhere I I went to try to find them and then I was like no I don’t want to try I have I almost every ECW Pay-per-view on VHS really and I have I have a VHS player in the house bought it to Goodwill for $3.99 come on and it works um but some of my favorite matches of yours was with RVD and and in ECW and I was like hey man you do remember those you’re like man we were said you’re wrestling three times a week or more on the loops so you wrestled him so many times were they all that good like hardcore having was it 2 99 2000 yeah we weren’t letting up what you know what every ECW House show I would say would be pay-per-view quality cuz no one on the crew was we didn’t say oh this is a b show we’re going to take it easy MH everyone would can I say balls out yeah everyone balls out every show we didn’t look at any show as a be I I never looked at any show as a Bee show those people paid their money give them their money worth I like that yeah Rob and I we never let up we just went out there and did our thing yeah it’s um those matches I talk about never letting up but there you know those short people we watched wrestle that was the best wrestling of the whole night oh they never let up dude I took tooth to uh M it was yeah Lewisburg Armory been wanting to go see those man they’re worth the Prosper Mission cuz I was on a lot of shows with uh like the karate kid uh Lord Littlebrook uh way back in the day right remember Lord Littlebrook you used them a lot dude these guys we had real full on wrestlers going on and then end of the M end of the night it’s like we’re going to bring out the smaller people the little people whatever the political correct term is for these people so the bobbits come out and they’re going at it and they are going at it dude and I’m like nobody here has put this into it these guys yes are not holding back I wouldn’t have wanted to be in the ring with any of them I remember in TNA with puppet and Teo the hardcore I I hate the fact that we can’t say because they call themselves that right but man they those two the guys were awesome just to hang out with I hear um this and maybe true you would know way before I would that a lot of those the independent shows when the the micros are on there they get paid very well well they should they’re a big part of the show and they’re a draw yeah and there was somebody else on the card that night I won’t say his name crimson and um they don’t beat me up Mr subliminal yeah that’s me he uh they they blew everybody off that cart M everybody and this was when Crimson was he had just had his big long undefeated streak in TNA and which is great where I’m not talking trash about Crimson at all oh I love him um but you know he and he was he was pretty hot at the time especially in you know started doing more independent stuff but those guys I mean dude they tore the house down it was I told Travis that night bro I will come back any time that there are myros wrestling I’m in I’m in in in that was awesome it was that was first time I’ve seen him live I’ve never I’ve seen you know like was it WrestleMania 3 they had the mix tag match and then of course Dink and and Dink man Jerry Lawler had his little little guy but seeing him live holy cow well was Lawler’s little guy’s name uh I can picture him please say Min me I don’t I don’t remember if he called him Andy coffin that would be really funny that would um what I I did Jump Ahead a little bit what led you to to ECW how how how’ we get there well after I was done with w DCW I had a try out with WWF against taka moku and it aired it was supposed to be on for a raw but they had the Westminster Kennel Club dog show so I hated that thing when I was a kid they had it on the special Friday Night Show M while Paulie must have saw it and realized I wasn’t under contract anymore so he had Chris candido call me up one of my favorites of all time oh I loved Chris and it’s funny Chris says yeah Paulie wants to know if you want to come in for a couple shots and I said all right I go here’s how much I want and I said in one more thing and Chris goes what’s that I go I don’t want some idiot hit me in the head with a frying pan and he goes no we got our wrestlers and we got our Brawlers and so uh him it was my first match was in Waltham Massachusetts and it was uh Chris Shane Douglas and Bam Bam Bigalow picked me up at the airport triple thre it and as soon as I got in the car Chris turns around and goes by the way Paulie says you’re on everything here I was expecting just a triy out man right and I’m like you mean I have a job I was like wow all right but uh I I realized uh I guess it was a learning experience because I always compare wrestling to the X Games where the moves and everything get more spectacular and dangerous every year and the business continues to change and evolve and I realized then that the business continues to change and evolve and if you want to survive you have to be willing to change and evolve with it so I realized I was going to have to have get hit in the head with that Candlestick by just incredible I was going to have to get put through tables I was going to have to let Rob kick a chunk of Steel through my skull the V daminator so I realized how much of that especially with ECW I mean I we all are wrestling fans here so we know it’s real not real but like the really wild crazy stuff we would say on ECW with the thumb tacks and just some of the wild stuff how much of that is kind of planned out out do they have like you know I hear we’re going to do this but you know don’t do this or something did they have any back backstage when they were planning talking things through I can’t talk for everyone but if like if you’re going to do dangerous stunts like you know crazy stuff off a ladder through a table or something I would assume that you talk about it ahead of time and make sure everyone’s comfortable with it so nothing bad really happens and uh you know it just depends on each person cuz I know some guys you know were a little more Reckless and crazy cuz I did a lot I used to do a lot of iwa midell shows Ian rotten’s death shows and I’d be the only normal match on the show but I saw some of these guys I’m just like what are you guys thinking no but uh no it just depends on each individual so you were kind of able to set your limitation like look I’m willing to go this far but I’m not doing I did calculated risk so I always looked at all right what’s the potential outcome here what’s the worst that could happen and these bar and razor blade matches what’s the worst that can Happ or glass I always said I’m never going to mess with fire or glass because smart it’s just that was a good business decision he would never I’ve seen so many guys get burned I’ve seen guys get burned I’ve seen guys get gouges cut out of them with the light tubes and stuff breaking wrong it’s like well well that um I mean it’s very recent but you know David arette yeah he got cutting on the neck with one of those fluorescent lines even that Nick gauge when he got his artery cut on down here that dude’s but so I’ve yeah I’ve seen a lot of guys come out of there with like big flaps of Flesh then you know it’s like since you worked everywhere and based on the years of your employee you knew everybody that we that we could think of that we were growing up knowing you’ve worked with or at least that is phenomenal man and all the top stars now like it’s weird I I remember I probably in in TNA I had the big Feud with AJ Styles and that was when he was like 18 or 19 something like that and then years ago I wrestled uh Seth Rollins when he was Tyler black in Chicago for a a I think he must have been about 18 at the time something like that around there so all these top stars now they’re like watching my kids on the road grow up you know that’s crazy it’s got to be a good feeling though oh yeah to see how much they probably probably have improved pressed improved now I forget on my retirement tour I had a last double shot in England and the second night I wrestled this Noam Dar he’s in NX I don’t know if he’s in NXT or something he’s been there with WWE but they did the they were doing the in ring promos and I think they were listing off some accomplishments of mine but I’m I’m 49 years old and I’m standing and looking at Noom across the ring and he’s 18 and I’m thinking I have been wrestling a lot longer than this kid’s been alive I’m like what am I doing here retirement tour yes that’s got to be that’s amazing though and I talked to Trent in aew cuz I wrestled years ago I wrestled in uh nywc in Long Island I was there every month for a good year year and a half and that’s where I first wrestled Trent and I asked them at aew said how old were you when we wrestled in nywc and he said I 18 I said I mean I was beating up a child actually I was getting my ass kicked by a child catch a charge from CPS here in a minute right I was like oh that is crazy yeah that’s right man I mean I’m still baffled by the you know the story that you’re standing there and Andre the Giant walks in oh yeah that was I’ll never forget it and you know when you’re talking about you know his size and stuff I I’ve told the story million times um was it famous days barbecue in Brentwood and walk in see this giant tattooed dude and I’m like that dude’s huge I go sit down and I he’s two booths you know uh behind us and I’m facing him and it was Undertaker and I was like oh and on TV when they say he’s like 610 300 lb he’s oh yeah he’s 610 blows my mind though it’s like for me seeing the Undertaker on TV yes yes I know he’s big but seeing him like whoa yes whoa one of the biggest ones um now Big Show seen him he is big oh yeah but to me I was it it was like great clash of the Champions 90 s I think we might have been there Municipal Auditorium bones went with us um Kevin Nash come out and in his Heyday that dude was yeah he was a guy that again television didn’t seem to do him Justice cuz when you actually saw him you’re like oh okay I get it that’s that’s why they’ve got him in a show also got blown away by like what I would consider the small wrestlers in my head because I would see them like Shawn Michaels for instance I pictured him as a small person in in comparison to normal people he is not small well I’ve talked since uh gosh probably in the last 10 years when I do special appearan and stuff on Indies and stuff and I’ve talked to so many Indie wrestlers who didn’t realize how big Billy Gun is yeah but that’s because when he was in WWF he wasn’t a big guy right he he was small compared to what the big guys were but when you see him in person Billy’s a he’s a big boy but plus he also moved like a cruiserweight the guy’s an incredible athlete and how old is he 60 I think he’s around my age yeah I don’t want to say I don’t want to get heat I’ll take it he’ll never see it so when um he right after they got inducted to Hall of Fame DX did he did a u appearance at Tennessee ala wrestling storm was there with him Jame Cowboy James storm so I’m like well I’m going to go LeBron went with us the guy that owns Comm John and and his wife and so we went there and there’s like a $10 meet and greet afterwards you can get your picture to take him with storm and and Billy Gunn I’m like you know I I’ve hung out with storm several times had him on the show it but I’ve never met Billy Gunn you know I always been a fan even back in the Smoking Gun days you know and you’re right he and Storm’s not a small fell no Storm’s not either no and but then you see Billy Gunn’s a head taller than storm like this guy is a giant and the and like you said the way he moved is just insane yeah and but when you look back in the day he wasn’t one of the big guys no that’s why everyone’s so shocked at how big he is yeah and still going yes stupid have you seen him l mm I don’t I don’t think I have no he he’s in in just ridiculous shape oh ridiculous I’ve never seen him in bad shape always lean ripped rock hard he’s like a wall of granite and hilarious he makes me laugh oh my god dude oh yeah we we I I love talking with Billy so funny Billy s saves My Sanity on the road so how many days of a week are you on the road so your coach for aw now yeah it varies because uh like H when we just had Dynamite it was pretty easy schedule leave Tuesday come back Thursday or whatever but then they added Friday Rampage and then then they got the Saturday collision and stuff so then they tried to separate uh like production crew and so everyone didn’t have to be at every show and get burned out but uh um oh Dean won’t mind he was out for some medical thing for his Parkinson so I filled in for him and I was on everything which I didn’t mind yeah you know most of my life the road was home right that’s the way it’s gpsy life yeah right d minko yeah that dude could freaking go man oh I we used to it was like every Monday night he lived in Murphysboro I lived here we I drive to Murphysboro just to watch nro and roll and Tony always brings up he gets so frustrated with some of the wrestler he says I’ve seen you and Dean go out there and have 4minute matches that were great in WCW I was like well Dean’s a whole different he’s a machine it’s hard you’d have to try real hard to have a bad match with Dean we actually look forward to the de minko the Eddie Guerero the chiso matches more so than we did the main event cuz we knew it was going to happen to the main event especially you know pre NWO we we knew the dungeon Doom was coming out at the end we knew exactly what was going to happen but then you throw in minko and then Jericho of course J Jericho we called him jicho because we like who is this guy yeah and then Eddie Eddie ger called him Eddie Janeiro we like what is this and then they start wrestling we’re like I’ll take that back that was cuz we saw them at I think it was it was the class of Champions when we went they wrestled and W they stole the show I know best match of the night cool Ric Flair stories Travis is a big Ric Flair fan Ric Flair I never got to be on the road much with him probably better off probably yeah probably stayed out of a lot of trouble yeah do you have any ey course I listen to a world of podcast and read and I watch the dark side of the ring you always hear them talk about especially back in the day the smaller promotions and kind of the Shady figures that might have been behind those promotions you ever have any scary run-ins with maybe thinking ah these guys uh I better keep my mouth shut and that [ __ ] about my money I could wind up in a ditch or something no not really anything like that where I was worried about my Bradley life for my well-being but you know this business attract it’s like any other show biz it it attracts it attracts them all I’ll tell you everyone who’s on the take you know that it’s you know sure it’s different it’s like well it’s like any business even even the corporate suit and thae world if there’s money to be made there’s always corruption you know it’s is what it is but you can you learn real fast that’s one thing wrestling’s taught me is how to read people so you can learn you learned real fast how to read someone and tell if they’re full of it or not yes yeah I’m sure you’ve probably dealt with the like you said the Shady ones years like yeah no that guy someone brought up a guy’s name he was going to come to one of our shows I go he still owes me 80 bucks he’s the first first person to screw me on my a Payday still was G to ask I guess word would travel like hey man you don’t want to go down there and mess with will get around yeah oh man that is that’s crazy all right guys we’re going to take another break we come back we got the common John update a little bit later we got lunchtime theater music of the week and we got some burning questions for Mr Jerry Lynn I hope he has studied I hope you hope you drank that banana drink what you’re listening to the everyday Joe show Brew by the K John Brewing Company here on 939 the duck quack it out quack quack hey that was that was all right add a little flare to it yeah I like it P it all right I might go pee you ever hear that song Some comedian wrote about pissing outside unless you’re in Alaska where it’s better to go FAS because it freezes then you have to walk backwards when you’re pissing outs so I’m impressed oh my 10 miles after work today holy cow my legs remind me 47 10 miles that’s a really good juncture man it is very very good ride basically I go from my house cross over Rags Road and turn on Rock Road and go past my mom’s house down to my brother’s office come back back to my house it’s almost that’s dedication I like to ride bikes but I I do too it’s not um now I can make it very easy but the point of me doing is to get work so I’ll gear it up it’s a nice ride a they’re good I on the bike by the time get just all the please th me a water that’s where half of my hand sanitizer went on my leg you sure that was a sanitizer I’m not I’m not talking about that [Laughter] Jerry you don’t worry about it nothing to see here grab me that other water out of there what think I am you know what a fluffer is know he said Travis wrong Bradley J you want another beer sir I’m still working on my uh jingling now thank you though young switch the Old Faithful here Golden Top Golden Top I came man Bobby Martin little Bobby Martin fine pills and beer you know how I know it’s a fine pills Ander beer how say on the can say on the can they can’t lie about it it’s written speaking of rigged how about that fight in NASCAR they have all these different camera angles they knew it was going to what well the dude sit around for two hours didn’t he well he couldn’t leave there’s no tunnels well the the tendons is so low they got to start doing something so they’re stealing from pro wrestling now they are CU they never even used to let them cuss on the headset that’d be a huge fine now they’re all right we got ahead do something to draw some fans I’m telling you what I will never I go to many races I can go to I will never not go to a race and not have a headset for you you can rent them oh and I’ve never been to one I want to go to one oh nille I can’t imagine what so in WCW they started sponsoring the car and Steve Grom was driving yeah remember so they took us to Concord Motor Speedway and he took us for rides in the car for laps he says now I can’t go as fast on this track it’s small I can only go about 120 but it felt like the tires were about to let loose in every corner yes and then we got to drive the Legends cars on the smaller quarter mile track and that was fun those are I do those on those Legend cars on iRacing they are so much fun I got my pedals down here I did the uh Rusty wall driving I got to drive one oh yeah we would I went and I was driving one I was trying to find the line and and I was doing pretty good I was lapping some of the these weren’t weren’t racing Heats yet and then at night we got to race Heats and sting never let me live this town and our heat and I got the same car it was a really valuable learning experience I picked the same car cuz I knew it while I guess I didn’t realize it was at night and the temperature had dropped so the tires weren’t gripping so in the middle of our heat I can’t remember how many laps it was I started fish tailing and I spun and banged into the wall but we got to start out I was in first we got to start when we restarted I we were in the same position right and sting was breathing down my neck the whole time and I held him off and one and all these years he wanted to rematch but we never got to do it I can set that up I know people but uh we then they took us to we went to Charlotte Motor Speedway and he was going to take us in laps around that and there were four cars on the track doing classes and they were so loud I can’t imagine how loud 30 was 32 or 34 cars are on the track 36 now but so that’s on my bucket list I’m going to go to a NASCAR race and I want to go to an NH drag race cuz I want to feel those engines pounding on your ch it will shake your soul that’s what I want to do I want to go it’s just amazing how you can go Z to over 300 M hour in 4 seconds yeah I just can’t it’s hard to imagine like you I mean you literally blink and it’s over like it is yeah we got to go with Bristol in like 2002 is 2001 uh I knew the the pr director was Norton’s sister and um we got to go I got to meet John Forest Kenny Bernstein Warren Johnson and we got to St you know top of the Press Box in the pits and I was from me to that wall from John Forest taking off and it Ser my clothes were shaking that’s what I want to feel and the only the thing I this was way louder but remember we La of PL in ’96 Rage Against machine were up there playing my shorts I swear to you my shorts were shaking it was just everybody was jumping up and down they fix play Bulls on Parade it was loud we were pretty close and being that close to those cars taking off I mean everything was shaking it was PCT a pup ttin it was a very small pup ttin it was is a baby T that ra against Machine Show and people talk about you know being at being at a concert or something like I could feel the ground shaking that’s not a lie anymore because you could feel that I I swear that field was vibrating under you loudest show loudest show I ever saw was Rob hord’s fight oh yes I had to walk behind the glass in the bar it hurt it literally hurt it was so loud wow I went to that ey note and bust your eard drum oh man I went to a show um God masquerade a couple weeks ago and it’s about as big as common John like the main area and in Atlanta yeah oh yeah I went I lived in Atlanta for my WCW days I had lived there for a year that was my home away from home I saw a lot of shows there man I saw a slip knot there before they got their big push oh dude yeah it was great now did you go to see them or did it just happen to be you to see band that’s cool I think Kitty opened up for them Kitty Kitty’s reunited oh they every on oh that’s so cool wow I saw a lot of shows at the Masquerade there there’s this band called X cops it’s Gore without the oh really oh yeah X cops I forgot about that I saw gu I think at the Cotton Club in Atlanta oh wow they’re going to be at bonaroo this year yeah I saw cross the road at bonaroo oh okay it uh it was L I didn’t hear it was them uh Crobot and CKY and I didn’t hear a word anybody said all night it was so loud oh my was we were right there and such a small and I’m still I’m having PS PTSD now so bad all I can find My Notes they’re right there nope CU I expanded it there we go you know you just let him tell a story about racing sting off the air we wouldn’t back I know not back I thought we been back oh YouTube live heard it all right guys welcome back to the everyday Joe show Brew by the com John Brun company here on 939 the duck episode 338 tooth Jerry Lyn Bradley Ramsey me the Travis Reed now time for the common John update guys we’ll hit this quick because been talking about it a while next Friday night good friends Music Fest is taking place at common John our good friend steady rotation uh they’re not headlining this year they were here they were on the show last week um they’re not headline they’re gonna play second I believe and let other folks take the headlining spot because whenever they headline they don’t get to hang out and party so they’re like you know what we’re going to set the tone for this bad boy just like Opening match Opening match always sets the tone for the show Yep they’re going to do that set the tone and then they’re going to have a good time who’s headlining I can’t remember oh is this all local bands oh okay yeah all every band except for one is from Tennessee and they’re from Huntsville and that’s pretty much I was so mad I missed the queen tribute band I wanted to see that I didn’t even know about it I was probably out of town anyway probably it was it was fire I bet so and I know I told you about the 80s mixtape party yes yes man and you went to the first one it was awesome people out there riding skateboards and whatnot Jesus was on a skateboard that night Jesus was on a skateboard I think I’ve seen him at some wrestling shows probably at a interestingly enough oh I did I did the Jericho cruise this year and he was there that’s amazing uh the guitarist for fozy actually it might be rich Ward and I think a couple other members of the band they’ve got a 80s cover band called Guardians of the Jukebox if you get a chance to see them go see them it they sound like right off the radio it’s amazing and it’s all fun songs I was sore the next day cuz I was bouncing the whole time in F’s Bas player wasn’t his first P trickster PJ Farley is he I’m not sure dude if it was that to be go I know he’s at least toured with him because he’s been on Jericho’s podcast he always refers to him as I got my members from fzy here and he reads and then they always trickster was on the cruise this last time yeah oh trickster and Bullet Boys Bullet Boys yeah yeah they still sound good yeah yeah they sounded great cool good I was that was one those under it was a pleasant surprise cuz I never was a big Bullet Boys fan but when I watched their said I was like holy crap now it was good I saw you out there on stage what were you doing uh [Laughter] well yeah there’s video Buddy Rich I I saw actually we were talking about the Masquerade I saw stuck Mojo at the Masquerade years and years ago before fzy was formed right and that’s where I think I first met Rich Ward I watched he invited me to go to the studio while they were recording but uh so he always knows my love for extreme metal so he hit me up him and Chris hit me up a couple weeks for the cruise and Chris says yeah Rich has a really fun idea if you’re if you’re open to it and rich said he wanted me to do the uh the Agro vocals on one of their songs and I I was like yeah yeah absolutely so yeah so I just got to do some uh little backing vocal on the one part of the song it was fun it was a check off my bucket list I think you did a great job oh thank you I always said it people ask me what would you have done if you weren’t a pro wrestler I would I say I’d have been a singer in a death metal band so wow see and that’s the thing I’ll get back to the com John upd here in a second when I saw you at the um um the poison show I was like that’s Jerry Lyn and my buddy Craig’s like he looks like Jerry canra oh wow did you ever get that not him I did get buddy of mine had company tickets to the Timberwolves game one time so we were like two rows behind the bench and before the game started a Usher comes over and says uh those two people over there are wondering if you’re Sammy Hagar that’s another good one though that’s a cool one I yeah I think I’d rather be Sammy he’s he he’s lived life man yeah that’s for sure so guys don’t forget Friday night good friends Music Fest uh goes from 6:00 to 10: uh then Saturday from 2: to 10: at The Rotary Park uh they’ll be food trucks arts and craft vendors uh they’re going like I said they’re going till 10:00 St is not closing that night either they’re going to have a good time uh and there will be beer for sale at the rubbery Park this event yes sir so if you need to catch a buzz and catch some good music right there and this is all free admission is completely free to get into this it is family friendly is is of course common John’s pet friendly Ry Park pet friendly um bring the kids um it’s going to be a great environment there’ll be plenty of food uh plenty of arts and crafts and all these arts and crafts are hand made it’s not crap they bought off of uh of teu and and sold it there they all made them by hand so y’all come check that out um so I don’t want to hear there’s nothing to do there’s nothing to do in this town well yes there is we’ve just giv you something to do June 7th and June 8th go check it out good friends Music Fest I think the 7th annual I believe that’s huge man these kids are are 25 years old old and they’ve been putting on a music fest here in this town for seven years wow and it is it’s gotten bigger and better every single year well good so uh y’all need to go check that out uh also Bon coming up Comm and John has done a collab for a pretty lights beer Pretty Lights inspired Pretty Lights inspired yes um and and I’m not a big EDM fan but I do like Pretty Lights because it’s EDM music with live instruments oh drums and guitar car and stuff and you’re like this is a conundrum right here I don’t know what’s happening and you’re like confused I really was but I’m like no it actually rocks pretty good have you seen on social media this group that does EDM music but using like drumming on a tin can and when you guy uses a power washer power sprayer and oh I’ll send you it it’s hilarious that would be and it sounds great it’s amazing we we we’ll pop that out to boundary when it comes uh K John Derek Gallagher uh designed this can and this can looks phenomenal he did a fantastic job um Pretty Lights inspired Peach wheat L rainbows and waterfalls um picturesque can designed by Common Johns Derek Gallagher uh features some iconic bonaroo imagery as well as several Rue inspired Easter eggs uh I see one of the ferris wheel there Ferris there’s the clock nope that’s the arrow button I thought it was a clock H there’s the Unicorn the remember the unicorn on the piece of pizza yeah yeah there’s the Unicorn uh so y’all go check it out details will be released soon on how to get your hands on this bad boy um so y’all come check that out proud of Derek man he did a fantastic job on that amazing dude yeah he designed a t-shirt for them one time too for like a limited edition beer they were having the T-shirt was really cool oh the devil’s riff I think it was yeah he designed my uh everyday Joe Jack Daniels inspired okay yeah did good uh also uh as yall know Jerry and I just drank the last ones I had clean slate is back at common John Brewing Company better get it there before I drink it all um because I will do my best uh that is some good beer if you don’t do a better job about picking some up you ain’t going to have to worry about it guys you a wrong he doesn’t work right there or anything it’s the distance for him to get to Common John when he gets off work it’s the travel time he can’t make it that’s what I hear well I got home and I was like man I got to hurry up and get some games with MLB the Show in on PS5 then I got to take a shower I needed to eat at fudge round still want to Cohen’s launchables I had things to do sounds like a yeah full list like and on your way to do those things to get to your car what do you pass right by technically he doesn’t pass by it to get to his car that’s the problem yeah see you trying to bring he would have to go out of his way You’ have to go this way then that way he’d have to go out of his way long walk back to his vehicle and he’s not about long carrying beer you guys bringing logic into this conversation can just go on somewhere yeah I have the same big Saturday plans you know the Home Depot Bed Bath and Beyond oh yeah big big Saturday if if Travis would have driven the vehicle up to the concrete pad and up to the rollup door maybe then he would have successfully picked up some beer but still that would have taken longer than just it would have I had to to go how to go to the bathroom I just forgot it just I did I just forgot he got a course I got two at home it’ll be fine he left the brewery and then on the way I was like I’m forgetting something what did I forget before I left the Brewer what did I come in here for what could I a bunch from a brewery that I was meaning to Pi up um look what happened with oh I needed a new hat I got a new hat I like how you didn’t turn it around that was it make believe turned it no no see my B back there I was like what are you even doing that was all right so big stuff and don’t forget guys tonight as we’re talking on the radio if you are not at Comm and John in the nook listening to Todd Cameron you just missed out mhm Todd Cameron if they heard you say that MH then it’s impossible for them to have been at the N I know that’s what that’s what I’m saying I’m torn on what needs to happen here do we want continue I’m trying to give everybody some fomo do you remember Todd Cameron he was beautiful do you remember that’s a beautiful man right there there were more women chiming in that night than I’d ever seen on any show it was incredible ridiculous all the above and it was like from 20s to 40s maybe early 50s and they were all they all looked the same age yeah they every one of those ladies that did they all looked the same age whether they were 45 or 25 like all right if you break down our demographic it’s it’s like 51% male 49% female it’s almost even not that night it was seriously like 8020 normally our demographic is you know 5150 and it’s 51 did there Van Halen all right so that reminds me of uh the first time we went my wife and I were we married at the time I can’t remember went and saw poison at Starwood we’re in the third row center stage and she took her two nieces with too and the minute they came out it was like I was looking at a complete stranger they were all three of them jumping up and down screaming I love you and I’m going who are these people that must have been that night yeah it must have been you were with you were with a a lady well this man Mr is a ladies man it’s ridiculous so I’ve done told people I’m reserving seats in the front which I won’t be out in the food trip working so I’m not going to be in there I’ve already had two death threats can I sit in your reserve seat you sure can sweet yeah I told uh Stacy uh pross what if you don’t wreck the truck you get death threats M well because I won’t be in there cooking my fries and I’ll be in her seat because she wants to be front and center for to oh Goa in that case Reserve me a seat under your name I’ll sit in it this will be excellent yes I think so she will dog cuss you I don’t care you don’t you don’t care at all you don’t I don’t care that’s fine I’ve been dog cussed before by better by better better hope she doesn’t think you’re him be like a Lincoln thing I don’t could be the beauty is I don’t care what she thinks tra like I’m playing this the whole time that’s right yeah they playing this for years the 18 I love it when a plan comes together plan comes together oh Hannibal love it so guys common John Brewing Company got a lot of stuff going on y’all go check it out and don’t drink all my clean slate please period that’s what I’m talking about don’t do it don’t do it absolutely not there’s really some good merch right now the last few visits I’ve had there’s been some excellent merch I think you should definitely check it out if you’re visiting there for a clean slate I then got me a new hat in the last couple weeks I like the the white hat with like the the light blue and almost like a pink almost like a Miami Vice colored hat it’s a good looking hat but I I would get it so dirty cuz my hair is nasty I can wear the truck get dirty that’s for sure uh I got a question from Jim Jam from the uh the horror basement and Beyond podcast he wants to know if we heard of Falling in Reverse yes yes there we go thoughts sounds familiar but there’s a newest they have a very new release that’s being played on the buzz very frequently and I don’t hate it but I don’t love it but it’s grown on me it’s one of those that grows on you yeah they’ve had a they gosh what was the one song that they had they had one song that was really stuck in my head and I was but U yeah they’re hit they’re not a band that I i’ jump at uh there’s a new F and reverse release but when they pop up on they pop up on a lot of playlist that I’ve listened to and I never change them I’m always like yeah right on even the ones that I’ve not like I want to add this to my personal playlist which I’ve done a couple of their songs I’m still like heck yeah man they’re they’re they’re carrying the torch so I I respect it regardless uh Jerry uh before we go to break I gu just got a uh a question here via text message from one Philip noell um works for uh works for the Tennessee Titans uh he said at some point I’d like to know if you ever ran across of course you worked with new Jack um was he the most dangerous guy ever in wrestling it depended on which new Jack showed up that day you never knew which one was going to show up oh one of those yes I never forget in Cleveland Lance I think we got there early and then new Jack pulled up in a pickup truck I don’t know whose it was he had some girl with him and he was just checking in he said he was going to go to the bar so he left well he came back I don’t know two three hours later and uh he comes in the building with a chainsaw running chasing people wow so I just beine to the opposite end of the building I thought if he trips I was like so you never knew which new Jack was showing up I’m telling you man this this new Jack guy we’re talking about the um when he him and Mustafa would wrestle they play naborne Killers just watch one of their matches you’ll be entertained you’re like why what are you why are why are you doing that that’s a lot of the questions that I always had well he was one of those you could tell too when he talked something was off that oh you believed it yeah it was like there’s like this guy I yeah I this guy would kill me if he got the chance I that’s other the guys are like man he plays a good bad guy but that guy’s like no I think he’d really kill me yeah there is a a little something there yeah I guaranteed just like just what Bradley said that exactly and I always got along great with them thankfully I wouldn’t want to be on his bad side no and the thing is he’s like not that big of a dude but he’s good enough sized is he yeah I mean I think he’s a little over six foot tall six yeah giant to me five 5’9 58 depending on what gas station I’m leaving and what shoes I have on well it do you know like my Converse you know my flat fat footed yeah but if I got my like my Wayan Jennings Patrick yings on or my Jordans are a little taller you got a pair of wedges H yeah the wedges are in my shoes so I why is his ankle sticking so much how much that’s why wear high tops that’s right I wore my real high tops yesterday and I look re box no the uh the the David Robinson pumps I was like man looks like I have cankles cuz the high tops are so high it’s all you see is calf and then high top like that dude’s really fat isn’t he like Hillary Clinton oh thanks for the visual I hate it here oh that’s hilarious you look like Hillary Clinton walking away you a li tell Meg you got H Clinton this ain’t GNA be good on your part brother at all I’m just playing hey I got the laugh it’s all that matters all that matters oh God it might can’t be scared of offending that one person you got to make the rest of the group laugh man um big Jam uh Jim Jam said they they were playing uh their new song talking about um falling reverse voices in my head at um Sonic temple on the Pyro burnt the drummer oh no oh I saw that on social media yeah but they kept on going wow yep mean well after Dave Gro and the leg break you you cannot stop playing that bro pulled a stool out with a broke leg didn’t have what he have a doctor come on stage and said it I’m trying to remember but he stayed up there and played yeah somebody had to hold it that’s what I think had to hold it in place he was propped up on a stool and finished the show and then went and took care of his leg and it was full-on broke not a crack it was broken and now you know they got to follow it up you know you got Dave Gro you can’t be you know right and then they continued on with the tour he just built like a a throne and set on it and played for so many nights until he could actually put pressure on his leg saw great white years ago go he had a broken ankle or a broken leg and he’ sat on a stool front and center and they kept on touring man Great Wide I saw them they were I enjoyed them like some great white my dad bought me that se like one of the first CDs I own was great white they had like that the D I guess not the double album but it was like two separate albums at the same time kind of like use your illusion man I wore them things out constantly at my dad’s house Jack Russell’s great white is playing in Gatlinburg this summer there’s the what’s what’s the festival I you about 38 Special um be good to see be there Slaughter um who was the good Jack Jack’s going to be there oh gosh the Lis Tesla Tesla like a three night deal you may ask have to ask for a weekend off J I might yeah Jericho may come with you with all those B I’m lucky the night of doubler nothing cuz since we we’ll start earlier a friend of mine Jim Mills works for metal blade played records but one of their bands uh cattle decapitation playing so we’re as soon as I’m done I’m heading over to that show man where’s this at in Vegas Vegas okay yeah this coming weekend this coming Sunday so you go from poison to cattle decapitation you like well you know I like everything I even like Blass I grew up listening to well of course Bill Monroe Stanley flat and scrubs I mean everything and then I’d pull my dad’s albums out and i’ I grew up listening to like Chuck Barry Little Richard Jerry Le Lewis Fats Domino and then you know I I like a little bit of everything I love the blues I love Chris Duarte and uh you know of course Stevie Ron but uh even some other stuff Samantha Fish is oh amazing Joan Shaw Taylor a gal from England she’s a great blues guitarist and has the voice a little bit like Janice Joplin she’s amazing she’s on she’s touring like this country this summer growing up mot toown is huge at my house I grew up on course dad’s one of the biggest redneck shelter me but mtown old schoool Funk yeah years ago in the ‘ 80s I worked for a car dealership and I’d have to go downtown Minneapolis to the GM Warehouse to get parts and down around downtown Minneapolis there’s a radio station km OJ it was all old school Funk and I just loved it man that’s M I was talking about this I think it was uh did a show a couple weeks ago uh when my my dad we clean the kind of like tooth you know we we talk by this 100 times he’s cleaned the house on Saturday morning it was Queen and and uh an Murray and the meatloaf oh yeah bester bread you know my my uh dad would let me play like you know a Guns and Roses or some Bon joy and then it was his turn to play and it was just Chicago all day long which is fine Chicago was a fantastic band I they miss with the original Super group was Chicago and it was great but can we put on something else was that Chicago I mean I like Chicago I’d love to see the wife gives me a hard time I can only take Peter sata’s voice for so long and and the sappy love songs I’m like no she like sing this to me I’m like no no and my dad do at my cattle decapitation voice yeah right yes my dad you know he’s he’s po about 61 is um was a pretty big fellow back in the day and um you wouldn’t think he could sing like Peter but he can was kind of impressive I’m like dang man that’s that’s pretty good man you know he Prince no okay I even went I went to Michael Jack I saw Michael Jack on his Bad Tour no and I saw Prince on his Purple Rain tour and then the tour following that that was a little more Jazzy but uh I saw Prince in 2001 at Municipal Auditorium F best so I like a little bit of everything oh yours I was I was a big dvo Mark I saw dvo on there working in a CO T her it was amazing those guys are way ahead of their time dude and they were whipping it into shape that’s for sure oh it was they were there was no floor seating it was all open for dancing and of course everyone was on the dance floor and or on the main floor just waves of people just I always like I like d but I always like the Talking Heads too I was a oh yeah love the Talking Heads you don’t you’re communist I believe it that’s what I say but I’m a lot like you you named some stuff Beyond even me but I’m all over the place it is off limits I always tell folks that when they say I’m a metal head I said no I’m not a metal head I’m a music fan who doesn’t discriminate any genre and heavy metal happens to be a form of music so yes I listen to that also also one of the nights I came home from the show and K had Rook or something and one of the Rook ladies was might have been Hatfield’s mom I can’t one of the Rook ladies was like talking about oh your music’s at blah blah blah cuz we’re talking about the the toothpic m and I was like no there’s nothing on toothpic that is like that at all there’s not even any metal on there Noone I keep it off there for no no DEA tones According to some person none you like that stuff I said yes I like that stuff along with all the other stuff yeah it’s yeah I will have to say this is me personally but as I have grown so somewhere along the way whatever angst or anger or rage that was in me is not so even though I still hold a strong love for a lot of that music I find myself listening to it by choice less it is less frequent that I’m in I still do it and it’s hilarious if Kim’s with me and I’m doing she’s oh you’re in that mood you know you wake up some days and you realize like I’m a 47y old bank manager I’m not raging Against the Machine anymore I’m the machine they’re they’re raging against me now so it’s like yeah you know like you know Megan she’s U you know she loves country music and jery Lewis you know she likes that so we’re driving down the Daytona 500 back in February and she’s asleep dead asleep so I’m sitting man I a listen to you I’m a huge Metallica fan it’s like I not listening to them in a while so I just start playing just whatever just songs I you know songs like load and reload ones I haven’t heard in a long time so I’m playing it for like an hour straight you know just and she wakes up I have a dead sleep she go all right I’m Metallica out I cannot handle it anymore cuz she’s not used you know in Metallica you know a lot of the stuff I was listening to wasn’t the master puppets r l and you know the heavy stuff it was b b my favorit so you know and I was just listening like load and reload you know little bit of say anger thrown in just some stuff I hadn’t listen to in a while the list great stuff she had enough she’s like I that that’s it I’m I you woke up and chose VI she probably vomited in her sleep once or twice whilst listening to some of those albums those are great Al yeah I and I agree with you but well you know I get I get mine comes in waves like I’ll like I might go two or three weeks I’m listening to like Arlo McKinley and Tyler Childers or or you know my kids I’ve got a nine-year-old and a 13-year-old so they’ve got me you know a lot of modern pop they was like oh these guys aren’t too bad but one day I’ll go for a run or I’ll be on my bike and I’ll just pull up Metallica and hit Shuffle and I’m reminded it’s like oh yeah this is this is why I like this this is this is this is still my band I I get I get in the zone I’ll be doing yard work or something and I’ll throw on some kill switch or some mushroom head or something to get me going but it’s just less frequently is all I’m saying my favorite music to listen to when I mow the yard is the Eagles and I have no idea why I like stuff like I have a like black Blackstone Cherry stuff like that you ever hear monster truck they’re in that same vein monster truck’s amazing they’re Canadian band but in that same vein of Blackstone Cherry that’s my yard work music now when I’m in the gym it’s hate breed you know dying fetus and Blackstone cherries heard of that band actually yes Blackstone cherries coming around they’re gosh who are they come in with but I saw them they opening might be clutch like oh that’s what it is it’s um golly it’s um I think they’re putting together another tour I’m going to screw this all up it may be like clutch Black Label Society Blackstone Cherry but for some reason got I’m associating clutch with Blackstone Cherry but I could be screwing this all up I did see it on some lineup where they’re coming and it was like three or four artist they’re all good I’ll tell you something that I didn’t didn’t expect to happen recently uh you know I took some free gift tickets from some friends of ours the brewery to see the uh soccer team in Nashville at geodis Park it’s not a bad time and it’s really not a bad time I am going to have to be honest though the first half of our game nothing happened it was the most boring experience CU nothing was going on at all it was terrible however the experience itself outside of that little portion of the game it is an amazing experience it’s a great venue the Park’s awesome but they had some music as the opener and Alien Ant for was the opener I was like how cool is that and of course they did uh smooth criminal um and they did uh was it movies which was big back in the day and they’ve got new music out but nothing they played was bad and it was just cool to be like that’s awesome that was in my day and you’re not even expecting it you know you just get like hey guys give it up for Alien Ant Farm you’re like did I hear that right yeah I jammed out like six songs and they were done I was like that was cool awesome yeah it’s like I remember my uh um she was my girlfriend at the time of my ex-wife she took me we went to U Easter the Easter Sunday service at World Outreach and that’s back when we were just dating and yall know I was not the biggest church goer but hey I was in love let’s do this so got up after Jimmy Buffett concert hung over and we walk in the musical guest was the Charlie Daniels Band and I was like all right I’m here did I was there I’m glad I came I was there did they play the devil down Georgia used to go to World Outreach a lot if they didn’t play The Devil Went Down to Georgia the experience yeah that’s uh my fiance goes the experience yeah yeah that’s crazy yeah I saw Charlie Daniels play twice there me too I was at both of them and then they had what’s the band that sang um Creed no it was it was another band that had a massive country hit in the it was um Josh wasn’t it that Long Black Train was that the big hit he played there too I forgot his name well I’m holding up the show but they played one year and they played that song there was there was there was that every little thing that you I’m so in love with you uh every little thing that you do longar yeah if that’s who sings that that’s it yep I think I just made that up go too come on but they they they were there one year you’re doing a great job and I just sang I realized we’re live sorry people yeah it’s on the radio guest this week Bradley Ramsey I know I can’t see amazed I’m amazed amazed that’s the song I think by you yeah that’s all right guys taking another break we come back we got some lunchtime the music of the week some Travis talk actually be Jerry talk we’re going to ask more questions then we got some burning questions that are very important uh oh very important bring your penicillin guys I was say I got to need a shot hey it’s full did learn that today yeah you’re listening to the everyday Joe show Brew by the com John Brew Company here on 939 the duck crack here’s a concert I want to see Creator and testament are touring oh test would be good I saw them years ago in Minneapolis when Green Jello opened up for them good Lord Green Jello yes and that was before they had before they had to change her name green before they had to change that’s right that’s right when I when I met them as a band on TV or MTV it was green jelly not Green Jello when I was first opened up to their music The Three Little Pigs was green jelly Green Jello not green jelly oh yeah yeah yeah I remember okay I know he talking about nowz I’m like who and then there was the big thing and I had to change the name and they changed it to Green Jelly I was like this is one of the first like really metal cassettes I bought was a Creator and I can’t remember which one it was and it was just because of the cover I’d seen them in like the back of rip magazine or whatever and I was like huh that I was at The Sound Shop at U Hickory Hollow Mall and uh I I was going through all the types of NE that cover like I’m buying this this will be my introduction into now I know year old you mentioned Hickory Hollow Mall when it was still open oh yeah used to go there all the time that was the good old days I remember I used to always go to Hastings in Murphy’s bro could find hard to find CDS there I lived when I was living up there going to school the apartment that my brother and I had was just about 2 miles from Hastings and I had a I think it was Wednesdays where I had like a two and 1 half hour gap in between classes and if I didn’t go back to our apartment I’d go to hingson to sit and read Rock magazines for an hour and a half two hours and then go back to class yep I’d find whatever little metal fanzines to buy and that’s how I did all my research was that bull s all right y ready I don’t know yeah all right guys welcome back to Everyday Joe show Brew by the common job brw company here on 939 the duck episode 338 tooth Jerry Lyn Bradley Ramsey me the Travis Reed now time for lunchtime theater um I’ll take the first one since our normal person isn’t here um I watched there was this uh show popped up on the Netflix and Megan’s like oh oh I want to watch that sometime add it to the list it’s called baby reindeer I’ve heard about that it’s about a um I think Kim was Kim was all over a stalker um she stalked this gentleman and if you get secondhand embarrassment from anything do not watch this show I have never been more uncomfortable for the first three episodes of any show in my entire life than that show it and I couldn’t stop watching it I we we went through six episodes last night or however long the season was we’re like n got I I’m committed I was up till 2:00 this morning watching that thing I could not stop and then it got very weird um if Progressive things happening in movies and TV shows bother you don’t watch it it it’s kind of messed up but is it a true story it is based on a true story yes sir now is this a docu series or is it like a Reena like a a where it actors on the show okay well the guy who wrote it and I’m not sure I I went meant to do research last night after I went went to bed but I fell asleep the guy who wrote and directed it starred in it so my assumption was it was him that it happened to that’s is my assumption I don’t know um but man what a jacked up movie or show it well I’m in I’m uncomfortable talking about it like it was Kim was Kim was wrapped up dude and I know she was talking to you about it for sure it’s so weird so weird I did get to finish uh I watched ironclaw you watched it yet so I was waiting on Caitlyn so no good y I’m I’m a fan um watch have you watched it yet yeah what’ you think well it was I knew it would be depressing cuz i’ you know been I’ve shared locker rooms with Kevin and Carrie and I’m not sure about the younger brothers but David was already on but uh so I knew the story I knew it’d be wow depressing Sher locker room with Carri von Eric yeah and Kevin wow and I just recently we’ve used uh Kevin’s sons in tag team matches too so I got to meet them great kids great kids that um one of my um menu items the Texas tornadoes oh that’s that’s right yep is is after car von Eric yeah it actually is when my first uh post about the Texas tornadoes I took because I actually have Carri von Eric wrestling card from the early 90s or late 80s so I took a picture of it and put it beside the Texas tornado so we people were like oh Texas tornadoes oh I get it now so but I I wanted to see it anyway because when I started wrestling there was the territories were still open and I got to wrestle in a couple of territories and so I even love they see the whole series of tales of the territories yes I love those too because wrestling was a whole different world back then yeah even when I broke in cuz the curtain wasn’t pulled wide open yet so it was a whole different ball game I remember when my grandmother um and my mom told me wrestling wasn’t real you know it was predetermined I cried I lost my crap still real me you’re still real to me D I was mad because my grandmother had dated a a a wrestler a local wrestler back in the day in East Tennessee and she told me you know she I guess in in terms he smartened her up to the business because he was a heel and when they left every night getting beer bottles and whiskey Bott stone at them and stuff and um so when they told me what you know it was pretty determined I was what no no it’s not I was I was very upset as a child um is there is there ever even if it has been predetermined is there ever the didn’t go the way it was supposed to yes okay okay yeah I’ve um I I guess and not me I’m not please don’t I’m not a expert I know a lot about it you know I know about their real names and this and the other you’re an expert bro keep on yeah but you’ll see something like oh nope nope he didn’t mean to do that you know or oh yeah or well and uh I’ve had had ha I’m trying to think when I do seminars I tell all the younger guys I try and teach them I said uh you can’t insult the fans’s intelligence I said you got to I I tell them it’s it’s our job still to suspend everyone’s belief for a few hours yes and they want us to CU when they see something that looks so bad they go oh come on so even everyone wants us to suspend their belief for a few hours it’s like when you’re watching a good movie you know that’s what it is and a lot of them don’t even try anymore and I tell them it’s still our job and I’ve had it happen in my matches where something just doesn’t click or go right or something just does not make any logical sense and you’ll hear the whole building full of people do almost a collective Scooby and it’s not a good feeling to hear that in your match I would I would say it’s like when I keep referring back to the class of the Champions that we went to I can’t remember if it was Jericho or or Eddie gero that they went to jump up on the ropes and they one of them slipped but it was still a great match you I’m like cuz in my head I’m going I couldn’t do that I could I would have slipped every I would have never made it to that rope that he jumped off of I couldn’t climb so I give them you know kind of give them Grace if you will to say hey man it’s the athletic competition things happen speaking of giving someone Grace when Travis was in his match his one and only match he sent out now and I was I wasn’t at the match you know the group of people that he was talking with initially the majority of us had hadn’t seen the match so he’s telling us the stories and the highlights and he’s talking about how he came off the top rope somebody called him out and sent the video and he came off the middle rope so we have now since been top middle Travis is a top middle rope jumper oh I’m no I’m no Jerry Lyn yeah but you probably haven’t had nearly as many surgeries if I had either so you’re probably a lot smarter than me so hey all the matters is after that match there’s a nine-year-old girl out there who to this day says the Travis Reeds her favorite wrestlers middle row top rope Anna does not care and in my in my defense I’m the one who sent the video is the whole funny part about it or to me cuz I tell him I come off the top rope then I send him a video of me coming off the middle rope and I’m I was so keyed up I just forgot I don’t know if you know this or not but not too long back he was at a race and he sent us a picture to show us how close he was to Jordan so he said yeah man I’m up here Jordan’s here at the race and I was like oh that’s awesome dude how close are you and he’s like yeah check it out so he sends me this picture of this obscure distant box and there’s a guy in there and next to that guy there’s another guy and there’s Jordan is in there he is I don’t know if I photo bomb right from that distance oh that’s great what had happened was they showed Jordan we’re at Talladega they showed Jordan on the screen wearing this colored hoodie so I’m like oh there’s Jordan so I zoomed in a lot with my phone and circled it and said hey great so then fast forward the next year we go to Nashville tooth and Eli and myself we are camping at the for the race and somebody in this room got media passes so every I won’t name any names on this point and whistle so she’s walking uh in like the infield part from me to her from Michael Jordan legit she’s like oh here’s Jordan yeah there’s Jordan there’s wow yeah that’s a then same day or day day after excuse me tooth ey uh my myself and Eli walk in Eli has to go pee cuz he’s been drinking all day already and so me and tooth are standing there and this golf cart Rolls by and I’m like oh that’s Jeff Gordon well that’s Megan’s favorite uh race car driver so I text her hey just saw Jeff Gordon she’s like oh my God that’s cool that’s awesome 30 minutes later she sends me a selfie of her and Jeff Gordon see my life’s just shambles that’s her favorite Pride supporter yeah it ain’t me oh also back to lunchtime theater I I finally got to watch the roast of Tom Brady oh I haven’t seen it I want to I heard it was good oh there’s some good there’s some good spots what’s the blonded comedian Nikki Glazer Nikki Glazer karious but the guy whoes Cliff yeah he destroyed people it was fastic I I’m glad that comedy is done with the politically correct stuff it’s like comedy was no fun for years it’s like I felt bad for comedians cuz they couldn’t do their job they get cancelled yep even it’s just a joke that’s that’s the thing that’s and I think years ago Don Rickles could never do his shtick no he’d have been 10 minutes so many comedians years talk about it 100 times uh Archie Bunker you couldn’t have Jackie gleon you couldn’t have even The Jeffersons you couldn’t have on TV It’s Just Married with Children that would not that I wouldn’t fly today and I’m just surprised that uh what are the the two big cartoons now South Park I’m surprised they’re still going and they get away with it Family Guy Family gu I guess the right people aren’t watching those family gaers yeah I saw a clip today and I was like you know how do they get away you got to wonder man what is guys are all over the bus what is Seth McFarland got on the people in Hollywood because this dude is beloved I mean they love him it’s like have none of y’all watched his show he’s making fun of every like when he hosted the Oscars I was like he has skewed everybody in this room and Y knows where the bodies are buried he’s giv Standing Ovation got to absolutely um yeah Nicki Glazer does a great job in the Tony Tony hitch Cliff y destroy and was going to say Kevin Heart when it starts he’s like get ready to be uncomfortable get comfortable with being uncomfortable CU it’s going to happen and he said it several times I’m like good on you man good on you so there’s lunchtime theater go check them out baby reindeer remember Lisa Lampanelli yeah she was just oh she’s been bobing Tom all the time hilarious uh tooth music of the week what you got pardon me I have a song called Desert Song by by RC Drive who they already have some music on TWP um this will be their second entry u I recently stumbled upon it accidentally and love it I love them as a band so far um definitely check it out if you don’t know how to find to pics tell me let me help you out you could go to Spotify if you wanted and you could simply type in the search engine everyday Joe show to piics you could go to the everyday Joe show web page did you know everyday Jo and you can click the link that says everyday Jo show toothpicks and it will take you directly to that Spotify page that I just mentioned wow and if you like toothpicks you then will gain access to each week’s new song entry and you’ll be one of a handful or two dozen people who follow the page so Bradley’s the one I think there’s 21 people maybe yeah but listen 21 people are getting great music and they’re getting a new song every week so every Thursday be hey be part of the cool kids club that’s what I’m talking about I’ve mow I’ve was mow a yard it’s been the last couple of weeks and or I had several yards to Mo and I just put your playlist on and hit Shuffle and said let’s see what pops up I love being at com can I learn and it it it happens very frequently oh I’ll start seeing Oh every song it comes on it’s like this is my playlist wait this must be my playlist yeah this is the two picks all right so Desert Song Desert Song by RC drive RC Drive good stuff r c y d r i v e rc drive RC like Marcy without the M ah their parent spelled their name wrong a r c y RC that happens sometimes it does all right guys taking a break back we got Travis talk a little bit later we got some burning questions with Mr Jerry Lynn you’re listening to the everyday Joe show Brew by the common John brew and Company here on 939 the duck quack a good one I like your production earlier with the quacky quack whatever quacky quack that was pretty good that’s little stick Jerry this is Megan Megan Jerry my fiance happy hour at work oh oh okayish black smack smack everybody look here it’s I hate going downtown now I I’ll only go downtown for a concert and I had I had brownie points big big brownie points for my daughter cuz when we’re in the car she’ll hook up her Spotify and we’ll take turns picking songs right well one time she picked Smashing Pumpkins and I go I go you like smashing pumpkins she goes yeah I go well I know the singer I said they’re coming to town Monday you want to go I’ll give them a call she goes you know Billy Corgan I go yeah oh that’s right he’s tied in wrestling any he isn’t so I he got us on the guest list we were in the 16th row front and center and oh man are you kidding me right now you know Billy Corgan yeah so cool he owns n so I got big brownie points with my daughter but downtown on a Monday night was so insane and I just hate going downtown it’s easy to get in downtown leaving is is even harder yeah that was no problem getting in and the gos so we went there to at and then we went coming back was fine it was 8:00 like terrible back home and then I took her and a friend of hers and we dropped her off downtown for Taylor Swift oh God Saturday show I heard that was terrible so we we parked went stood in line for a half hour for Merch then walked I think we walked them to the gate they had to get in waited there for another half hour once they got in we went and put the merch back in the car then found someplace to eat then we went and laid on the riverbank opposite Nissan stadium and just laid there listening to the concert whatever we could hear and then got up when we figured it was almost over and walked to the gate they were going to come out and but it ended up being like a 13-hour day oh my God cuz we got there about 2: in the afternoon how old your daughter huh how old your daughter uh she’s going to be 18 in August okay so she’s graduating this year M just graduated last week so pollen count was really high that night get a little Misty yeah I did rag she’s graduating tomorrow night yeah yeah so all right guys welcome back to the everyday Joe show Brew by the com John Brew Company here on 939 the duck episode 338 tooth Jerry Lynn Bradley Ramsey me the Travis Reed all right Jerry usually do Travis talk here I’m going to I’m going to ask you a question oh boy favorite opponent ever in wrestling I can’t pick one can’t pick one no I there’s been a lot for different reasons what about Le favorite well I can think of twoo immediately but I’m not going to say but uh um you know what when everyone would say who’s your either your favorite or yeah you know what I can say who my favorite wrestler is whoever doesn’t hurt me that’s a good one but no I would e easily the best wrestler I was ever in the ring with was Brad Armstrong I’ve heard that about Brad that his M skills were just unbelievable well here’s the crazy thing behind the scenes one of the funniest guys you’ll ever meet in your life that’s what I heard but came from what if it was like Conrads or was a talking about it on on his show but but best wrestler I was ever in the ring with best mullet ever Brad Armstrong I don’t know Ricky Morton’s got an awesome he’s always had an awesome M he does that this guy Ricky how old Ricky Morton 70 close and he’s out there still doing it doing Canadian destroyers and stuff was about to say he wrestled at Tennessee All Pro did a Canadian Destroyer I’m like you know Ricky’s my one of my all-time favorites too dud was when I was on my retirement tour he was on a lot of the shows I was on near the end of my career and whenever he was out there I was watching through the curtain and when the bell would ring and he was done I’d turn around and go man I suck and then that’s not true at all sir oh not at all that’s uh yeah that’s what’s his famous saying the hanging from the rafters oh yes yeah should have been there every show from those two guys a rock and roll Express man that’s another one I saw one of their old promos that was one part of a rabbit hole that I went down the other night they’re like the wrestling version of Todd Cameron okay if if that gives you any kind of reference women oh my you can see it just watching it like a little you know where they did the uswa TV tapings it was very small room and it would be filled with 75% women when the rock and roll Express come out they would lose their minds it was like Elvis yeah it’s crazy cuz you know Ricky I mean they were both good-looking gu Ricky and Robert both very goodlooking guys Ricky had the blonde hair the mullet I mean and they just had the uh you know the like the tiedyed pants with the uh Fringe yeah had the had the the fres going on and then the uh the bandanas tied around cuz I would walk around my on Saturday mornings I had this lime green bandana and I tie that bad boy around my uh leg or my ankle or something I’m like yeah I’m rocking on Express right here son I always talk The Ultimate Warrior for I first saw him he like man you stole that from Rock and Roll Express and said I’ve seen that before oh man that’s uh that’s good stuff and um Robert was or Ricky was at Tennessee All Pro he had a slash t-shirt on and my daughter walked up to him she’s probably 12 13 and she’s like hey and she’s a huge Guns and Roses fan hey I love your shirt he’s like oh do you he literally took the shirt off of his back and gave it to my daughter oh I believe it I’m like yeah dude and he’s like ah I got more shirts in the back I’m like you can’t just give your shirt off your back to a kid he’s like she likes it okay oh Ricky’s awesome man so you know who else was a Bobby Eaton when I was in WCW I had that Mr jail gimmick with the hood yeah and I had a seam in my hood that was coming undone so I just asked in the locker room I said anyone to have a sewing kit Bobby says yeah I do so I went to go grab the sewing kit he grabs my mask and he starts sewing my mask for me I’m I’m just standing there going this legend in the industry is sewing my hood for me I’m like beautiful Bobby e what an amazing human being I love watching that dude work man oh amazing oh the the was was his fish with the Alabama Jam Rock Express man that’s great yep and they were on fire everywhere they went that is amaz insane yeah yeah the Alabama Jam order he did off the top rope the leg drop I blame him for my one of my hip replacements oh yeah cuz early in my career I did the top rope leg drop then about 10 years later go H middle R bre lot see then another 10 years eh from the map yeah I’ll do the Hogan one yeah we’ll do that yeah um do you ever have any interactions with Hogan oh throughout the years here there yeah just the best way I can describe him is a laid-back Stoner cuz it was amazing the thing that really taught me cuz when I first broke into wrestling I was so shy I couldn’t even look at the fans I could only look at my opponent and I wish someone would have grabbed me and shook me and said this is Showbiz you cannot be shy right but but I I I’ll never forget the first time I was behind the scenes it’s probably the first time I went and did I’m trying to think squash matches for WWF cuz he was there and I’ll never forget seeing him in the back and then I saw him behind the curtain as his music music’s hitting and watching him the minute he stepped to that curtain it’s like someone flipped the switch and he was on and I was I was just amaz then when he came back from the curtain it was like someone turned the switch off he wh from and it was just back to Terry it just made me realize this is Showbiz wow so he got it quick oh yeah that’s that’s pretty cool but so yeah just it just watching that experience taught me a lot right and um before we started the show we uh we we talked about chops a little bit and you don’t like chops and I don’t know if we talked about this in the air yet but tooth got chopped by one Cowboy James storm shirt on he wasn’t going to take the shirt off and I agree with tooth I don’t think it was 100% chop but I would want to take whatever percent chop he gave you it hurt and it left them Mar for days I mean it bruised and it’s not it’s not fake when they are chopping one another that is some serious conso in Memphis in uswa Monday night at the Midsouth Coliseum we had a Battle Royal and I got along great with Danny Davis nightmare Danny Davis nightmare Danny DAV and I even travel with with him a little bit he kind of took me under his wing for a little bit there and so I was just joking around in the ring in the middle of this battle Roy and I grabbed his arm and I turned him around I said where you been all night and everyone stopped in their tracks and backed up to the Rope so it’s me and Danny in the middle of the ring in the middle of this battle royal and I chop him and he chopped me so freaking hard I just went and I chopped him again and he lit me up even harder and I I was it hurt so bad and I looked at him and he kind of he got this grin on his face he giggled and he turned and walked away cuz he knew that was it and the next day my chest wasn’t blue wasn’t it was black oh and I think it was maybe last year or something someone on Twitter post posted the question who in your career has chopped you the hardest and I put Nightmare Danny Davis and even Stone Cold responded to my tweet and said I concur artist in in the very first World War III pay-per-view in WCW with the three rings yes oh yeah that night it was rib JL night it was Scott Norton and uh Hugh Morris took turns holding me in shopping another Minneapolis C Scott Norton yep and then who else it was uh I think it was uh Chris benois and um who else him and someone else took turns holding me and chopping me it was big rib Jerry night I was like but still to this day no one has ever chopped me harder than Danny Davis not Mar Danny Davis speaking of been W man when you’d see him on TV he just looks so much smaller than everybody else and when we saw him at uh he’s still short but good God man it’s just like okay yeah I still there’s no way I could take him it’s something like it’s like you and Jimmy were hanging out Jimmy L were hanging out by where they came yeah and Ben W went to get in his car and uh Jimmy’s like benw and he’d like turn around he went benw went just gave him this mean Scout threw the four up and Jimmy’s like oh my God not B just gave me the four Hors sign oh cuz we were huge benino marks back in the day just and I when he first came in and he was the you know they dubbed in the Wolverine he had the black and yellow tights and I was like something different about this kid he’s just intense as all get out and then he got the four hor I’m like okay you know in my mind I’m like there’s something to it if they’re letting him in the four horsemen they’re going to give him this kind of push this guy’s got it and then he just went up from there like I love watching that dude work you know cont you know whatever happened happened right you know I hate it that’s tragic but dude could work oh yeah he’s still folks asked me if I if I have to be honest like he’s my favorite or was top three anyway I just he right place right time when we were just getting back into it he was my guy yeah it was it was fantastic all right guys we’ll take another break with we come back we got some burning questions from Mr Jerry Lyn and then we’re going to find out what we have learned you’re listening to the everyday Joe show brood by the com John Brun company here on 939 the duck quack quack quackity quack there you go there that was that more a little more oomph at the end I like it all right my turn for pittsbur go right ahead sir I made it through this almost almost made it through the entire show without peeing me too not me I got again so I’m not drinking beer either so true hey girl we got to get this done I got to get home I got to be work at 6 tomorrow I’m tired I got to go to work at 6 in the morning Travis I just said hey oh okay I didn’t know I was like cuz I was trying to get your attention you weren’t looking up and I was like oh well I’ll just do this I was Ed my pictures so I can do real when I get back she messaged her is that how I should get a hold of her hey Megan hey girl I see you over there s oh he sees you sitting over there I can’t see you because of the TV screen’s blocking there you are hey Megan hey I see her now Travis right there she is but I see it now whoa little buddy yeah my last little buddy you with your feet Bud yeah hello buddy yeah hello buddy hello buddy hello buddy it was Lone Star by the way it was Lone Star look at there budy hello buddy hello buddy hello all right guys welcome back to the everyday Joe show brood by the common John brewing and Company here on 939 the duck episode 338 that’ be tooth that be Jerry Lynn that’ be Bradley Ramsey and I’m the Travis Reed all right Jerry burning questions buddy you ready you want good juicy stuff yeah one celebrity living or dead that you would like to hang out with oh wow holy I mean you’ve hung out with you caught me off guard yeah I mean that’s wow why why’ you CCH cuz I’m a jerk J prep me on these no that’s the gun of the head gun of the head questions I stole it from Jericho I can’t give you an answer right now damn it all right well we’ll go to the second question come the probably the the only markout moment I’ve had well there’s been a couple but the biggest markout moment I had in my life was this last fall when I got to meet Ellis Cooper wow so uh that was amazing and I it was me Jericho and Luther we went to see it was Alice Cooper de leopard and and mle crew and I went just to see Alis scoper because it’s a bucket lose we watched him so after he was done Luther says come on and I see it where we start walking to the front they go what’s going on he says we’re going to the back I said are we going to get to meet Alice and so yeah it brought us into the dressing room and well Chris knew him yeah so when he was and Alice was telling these stories about traveling with these younger bands now about how when they do me and greets all the fans walk past Alex and go to the younger you know younger guys and he says every once in a while he says I get that freak that’ll be Alice and so when he got done talking with Chris and stuff I went up to him and I said Alice I said uh I’m one of those freaks I said I bought his album I think when I was 15 and it was a live album called the Alice Cooper show I said I bought that with money I made mowing yards and he goes that was on the im8 tour I said yes it was but what a cool guy such a nice guy I I was I was so glad I finally got to meet I love excellent golfer from what I understand I love how every time he’s like doing a cameo he plays some really well vered super knowledgeable it’s he’s the coolest guy oh yeah he played bonaroo um it’s probably been six seven years ago it’s been a longer than that and have you been to Bono yet no since you liveed here um right across the road obviously I know it’s probably about just three miles from us bro I haven’t been to a bonoo in 11 10 years this may be the first year I’ve never been really may not I may not go this year but they put Alice Cooper it was about midnight I guess it was and they put him in a tent instead of putting them on like one of the main stages how many people you think were in that in that oh yeah I 10,000 why would they put them on the main stage that’s what we were wondering we’re like it was but holes in elbows dude I’m talking they’ve done that multiple times why I saw corn there last year same deal I mean it’s like you they were on this little stage and mid middle of the night and I just remember turning around looking And as far as you could see in that direction was just just was people and it’s like dude why didn’t you just corn well we were we got there early and we were up close close-ish and it was an awesome show and I was like man this is great we watched danzing that year too same year they put they put danzing same tent they put T pay in that tent they put um Zack Bryan in that tent two years ago like weren’t the Foo Fighters just there too yeah the Foo Fighters to be fair wow to be fair Dan didn’t Dan didn’t have the turnout that Alice Cooper had Danzig not I was the only person I love Danzig well yeah but a lot of you know who was it that knocked Danzig out when we were at the hangout a dude from uh yeah the B was Cobra um Cohan cry no there is Cobra was in there Cobra Kai something like that I I just saw there was a big baldheaded guy that knocked him out and I cannot think of the name of the band that’s going to bug me but a similar experience we were at The Hangout Festival and they had Motorhead playing and Motorhead played at 8:00 on this little side stage but I don’t think they were expecting that kind of turnout it was just cuz it bottleneck to get into it and so people were just standing out on the beach again as far as you could see just to hear most it’s what about that one was a couple years ago they did the all metal three-day metal F 111 yeah yeah that was awesome I I wanted to go but ticket prices were insane I got lucky and Verizon had a little like a a thing where you could like use a Verizon up award and I got a ticket for free oh wow and I was like all right cool and then I I think I bought my daughter’s ticket and we went of course you know see Slayer see Slayer um and she was this is going to sound funny because I’ve seen Slayer a bunch of times stuff but there was a few bands I wanted quite a few bands I want to see but I really wanted to go see Leonard skinnard dude Leonard skinnard is awesome if you’re from here and you haven’t seen Leonard skinnard something’s wrong with you cuz I saw him at the what was that Amphitheater Starwood yeah saw him there finally and I was just blown away it was and that was when the keyboardist was still alive Billy yeah and it was like I was watching watching a part of Americana oh yeah and it’s funny they wouldn’t let anyone bring in blankets cuz I guess the Leonard skard fans like the light fires with the blankets and stuff and fight and roll down the hill whenever was a hill at Starwood um but that was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen I I got to see them open uh Jamie Johnson opened up for him in like 2019 I guess it was and I was 11th row I think unbelievable man unbelievable love scard all right so this question have you seen the movie Dirty Dancing Yeah have you seen the movie Roadhouse yeah who would you rather be Johnny Castle from Dirty Dancing or Dalton from Roadhouse this is Dalton my man I Y my man that’s the correct answer sir no it’s not but that doesn’t matter but I still need to dance dancing your tights your gear isn’t that funny yeah say all these big badass guys yeah I wear tights when I would meet people that didn’t know what I did for a leer or anything and they’d ask so what do you do for leing i’ go well I get half naked and oiled up and I roll around with another grown man who’s half naked and oiled up in front of thousands of people and they look at you like maybe I don’t want him tell me what you do for living without tell me what then I tell him Pro resent oh okay got you you still got in your old gear left no I I oh the only thing I have left is I have an old long Bon Joy jacket from the hair metal days that I used to wear to the ring when I still had my white snake hair sweet and then I have a guy in Colorado a friend of mine wrestler he said uh if I get the outfits made will you tag with me and we’ll be team Ram Jam and so it was like Randy the Ram for the wrestler we had the white furry vests and these green tights with a little Rams Head on the sides yes and we had the white elbow pads the knee pads and stuff so we were team Ram Jam and that’s awesome so I still have that the vest and the tights but that’s all I have I te Ram Jam you ever break them out every once in a while but it’s funny the end of the match we both did the big double off the top and I think we we won we laid on top of the guys after the fin boom one two three we won but we just laid there like we died and laid there and laid there we told them wake us up you know get us tell us when all the fans are gone so we laid there and laid there and laid there all of a sudden I realized they’re taking ropes off the ring I’m going are the fans gone yeah no one told us we must have laid there for at least 15 20 minutes it’s like no one told us the fans were all gone oh they ribed you good yeah they did you don’t have the the J mask that go to no I I had three of those and one I just gave to someone and I sold the other two I just didn’t want to ever wear that outfit again yeah I know I briefly talked with you about that at the food truck and you I know Mr JL I kind of like the BT Express about I kind of figured it out pretty quick like that’s why does he have a mask on yeah well it was my idea because no one in the states had been us doing a mask gimmick and I had been do working for that Lucha company in Japan and saw a lot of cool gimmicks and and so as my idea and then WCW had said it’s exactly what they’ve been looking for what I ended up messing up my arm it came back8 weeks later and they had a dozen Luchador so a mask meant nothing anymore true plus when they gave me the name I was like this is the beginning of the end and I invested 1,250 bucks into getting that outfit made jeez and I was like so now when fans come up to me and go I didn’t know you were Mr JL I go that was juian liger juian Thunder lier I like that I like Jian Li oh yeah yeah he was awesome all right guys one last break we come back we’re going to find out what we have learned you’re listening to the everyday Joe show brw by the com John Brun company here on 939 the duck quacky quack quack quack quack yes all right guys welcome back to the everyday Joe show brw by the com John Brun company here on 9839 the duck episode 338 Deb be tooth that’s Jerry Lynn that’s Bradley Ramsey I me the Travis Reed now it is time time to find out what we have learned tooth what’ you learned that that’s definitely the coolest JL I know I used to know a cool JL this guy is cooler for a show just the coolest nerd that’s all coolest JL I know bro I promise a coolest dude that could go man I’m telling you that uh that match with you and RVD I sent him that I watched it four times over and over I’m so sorry I was like this guy’s going to be on so he’s wrestled with RVD that that’s a when uh Dallas yeah to hear all this now RVD is the least of the cool people he’s wrestling with yeah Travis sent me the video though listen this is kind of funny to me he sends me the video of you and he’s saying hey this is the guy that’s going to be on the show this week and he sends me this video and I respond back cuz he’s trying to tell me who you are and I’m like the one that’s not RVD and he was like yeah I figured you knew who RVD was I wasn’t sure and I was like well that’s good good call I loved RVD back in the day man D was I just remember you guys all the time going that was you I’ll never forget I was the one was only 2,000 people every night doing it man that must have been well because the crowd I mean ECW the crowd’s the crowd I mean it’s great crowd um every night though I and I don’t understand because and and the one time I got to work which you know it was just a stunt you know I didn’t take any bumps when I got home I could not calm down could not well I don’t understand how y’all did come I mean I do wind down well yeah yeah that’s why after every show is where’s the nearest bar yeah but then you know there weren’t cell phones back then or nothing that you didn’t want to sit in your hotel room and go stir crazy true but uh uh there’s just there’s certain nights when all of the pieces of the puzzle just fall into place and you take the fans on that emotional roller coaster ride and they’re going yay boo yay you know whatever and then on the Finish you either got them blowing the roof off the place for that baby face or booing that heel out the building those are the nights you can’t get to sleep till 5:30 in the morning cuz you’re so yeah because every Everything went perfect and they were there riding that tide with you and and in this business it’s a give and take relationship I can that’s a full-on experience it’s not oh no yeah and not every night’s like that it’s hard to that’s that’s the drug of the business that’s why you keep you chase is that Fe those nights like that and they’re hard to come by I know when I can’t you know I got you know I got the wind I jumped off the top middle rope with my Jordans on um and I got it and I pranced around the ring and one guy that was on the other uh other team was uh he was King Jimmy and I stole his crown and his cape and I’m walk I’m prancing around I’m just fired up and get to the locker room you know everybody oh man good job good job you did great I’m like yeah yeah yeah you know thanks and you know one of the guy got hurt in our match and I’m checking out you know hey man thanks for let me be part of it thanks for let me be part you know part of your world that the other thinking I’m going to calm down it come a just a terrible storm afterwards and I still drove 75 on the way home and I’m not a speeder I drive slow even I got a really fast Jeep stupid I drove I mean just let’s get home I get home first thing I do I seriously chug the beer and I’m not very good at chugging beer I can drink a lot of beer I cannot chug one I chugged it just trying to chill out couldn’t do it wracked another one open just half of it like 2 3 in the morning and all I did was just dance around for a few I’m like dude if I even on like what they you know the local stuff like that high is just so different I was I’d never experienced anything like it like my favorite match with Rob was uh a it was a TV taping at the ECW Arena and the story was the show started and they showed an ambulance pulling away and I had been jumped by the impact players and I was advertised to wrestle Rob right so at the end of the show it was I think Lance Storm wrestling Rob instead well then justincredible ran in and Rhino ran in and then I came running in with my ribs taped up and then they had another guy coming out number me and Rob and left us this land and they did their beauty shot and they left well then I rolled out of the ring and I’m leaving and Rob grabs a microphone and challenges me because the people paid to see Rob kick some butt and so I accepted the challenge well Off to the Races we went and um I think that this was my favorite match of ours cuz I even the opening spot was a double down right cuz we’ already been had the crap kicked out of us and then the so they’re going on continue on the match it was everyone’s going nuts going RVD RVD RV well we had a table spot then we had the timekeeper table right next to the ring so didn’t have I didn’t move it or anything we didn’t do no rearranging the furniture so no one saw this coming from a mile away we just did a thing where I opened over went to run his head in a buckle he blocked it and closed line me and I went right off the apron through the table so everyone was sh came out of the middle of nowhere then they sent out extra referees and people to help me up and start walking me back down the aisle and everyone’s clapping and you can even see Fonzy in the ring clapping and I stop and I turn and look and I push everyone off me and I go back limping back to the ring to finish the match and the minute I hopped on the apron Rob Drop Kick Me and off to the race as we were again and but after from then on it was all Jerry Jerry and got that baby face Sy sympathy from then on after every kickout you could no one was sitting at the whole place was on their feet the rest of the match and after every kickout you’d see people in a crowd like this and you knew you had them and after one of them we’re laying there and I can hear Rob we’re we weren’t too far from each other he goes effing awesome and I go we got him and that was my favorite man it’s still on peacock it’s I think the date is 918 of 99 on the on their ECW TV show watch it and watch the people you’ll understand that’s my favorite match of me and Rob because how we had the people that night and that was one of them nights couldn’t get sleep till 5:30 in the morning it was that was the drug you’re after yeah that is me Co was thinking about it all right uh J what’ you learn tonight um I learned about some more great beer from K John’s I like there you [ __ ] that’s a good thing to learn yes it is that’s an excellent excellent lesson it it is one of the best that’s and you know learned about the movie wraith yes yes yeah well we were we got a school before we started old 80s cheesy horror movies yeah have you ever heard of it why am I the only one ever heard of I never heard of it well I think I heard the name but I never saw it unless there’s a band named wraith then I you know which wouldn’t surprise me very true very true Bradley what did you learn I learned that you look like you have cankles when you wear your David David Robinson PumpUp shoes like Hillary Clinton that’s right like look like Hillary Clinton earlier I can hear Paris Hilton now that’s hot hey hey baby it’s hot girl sum I’m ready everybody wants a slice that’s right every want some of this fudge around huh come on oh man go the man I learned um a lot I learned this guy has pretty much known every person in the wrestling industry ever um just insane and and I didn’t even touch half the questions I wanted to ask you um that’s for sure um but I learned also that one of my favorite wrestlers Jerry Lyn actually came to be on the everyday Joe show and that’s huge thank you so much I appreciate that tell that to all the guys ah dude oh okay stor Storm’s listening to this cry right now I thought I was your favorite wrestler hey James that’s what you get you know you got me drunk that one night and I’m still hung over Cowboy you’re the only one to chop me that’s for sure no but it’s all I’ve always U there’s a guy at the gas station at the xon oh yeah Scotty he used to he Scotty the call him the hamster next time you go in there okay he’ll know it came from Tennessee All Pro um we I told him you know I got to got to meet you he’s like oh yeah come here but there’s a lot of people that know that you were one of my you know favorite guys my man recognize you at the poison concert Jerry Lynn Jerry Lynn and have somebody that you know I enjoyed watching and entertain me and you know give me that suspension of belief a disbelief um it’s awesome to have you here in the studio man it’s been been a pleasure great talking music next time we do a music episode oh yeah cuz these two guys here are the the music experts we’ll uh well I’m not an expert I just know what feels good yeah you know thank you that’s the answer because I talked to some guys about Metal I said I had mugas had a a four song EP called nun I loved it then they came out with destroy erase improve and it was You’ be jamming to the beat all of a sudden they’re offbeat and I’m just like come on stop it it’s like I call it mathematical metal it’s maal make it complex just make it feel good I hate headbanging then all of a sudden I’m offbeat no anyway sorry I went off Oh no you’re good man I would have to agree with that 100% yeah it’s just it’s supposed to just feel good yeah we can talk about Mich all that that’s good that’s why I never played guitar hero on Expert I just wanted to have fun and feel good doing it and kick my leg in the air and you know stuff like that Med was as far as I’d go I’m done with now medium’s in that’s why I play air guitar whatever you need enough time to sling that guitar around your shoulder I get that dud when I went to that show the dude from Crobot he did that no less than 8,000 times in a seven song Set it was impressive I think it was Cinderella’s we we started talking about Cinderella will end is the somebody saved me video that’s the first time I saw that every one of them would do it they’d spin that sucker around and catch it then go back to play I was like that’s just cool as the dude back there throwing his drumstick up and catching it never missing the bait and if you drop it you turn into Rick Allen so at that point Annabelle was little so I’d have to wait for them to go to bed to play Guitar Hero so it’ be like 10: or 11: at night and so I’d play and before I realized it’d be 4: in the morning I go I got to get to sleep well one time I left it on I was playing in the morning I left it on got out of the shower and I saw the TV was on so I walked out in the living room naked playing Guitar Hero and I didn’t know it but my wife took a picture of me from behind playing guitar naked so the next show I did I did a small Indie show at the stadium in downtown yeah oh the stadium in and I’m sitting there in the locker room and Jamie Dundee comes in a locker room met him in a strip club in Nashville and he he walks in and I’m just sitting there I’m I’m lacing up my boots getting dressed all of a sudden I hear Jamie go hey who here likes to play Guitar Hero naked I [Music] just I raised my hand and put my head down in shame I’m like she sent him the picture of me ah awesome oh that is great I told but hey you got two wah waah bars come on that’s that’s the wrong bar jeez sorry let take that for the volume it happens well to thanks for being here my man thank you like the toggle switch switches the pickup it’s a baby one it’s to Tiny Jerry thank you so much once again man thank you guys appreciate it Brad Ramsey yes sir thanks for being here man thanks for having me as always thank you for being here you’re welcome all right appreciate it guys aha

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