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    evidence from all the opinion polls which is the fact that it’s going to be an absolute Cheo in for the labor party so if he loses one here or there what Eves I mean an interesting point of this is Scotland has come into the four it’s interesting to note that that that in 2015 uh Scotland ceased to be a labor hland and the the SNP swept the board now the latest opinion pole suggests that’s now on its head and the labor party stands to gain perhaps as many as 40 more seats in Scotland also there’s quite interesting about the red wall the 45 seats there and um we we note that this controversy about whether Lord Frost who negotiated brexit is to be is to stand or not but the opinion polls again tell us that there’s quite widespread voter dissatisfaction if not necessarily with brexit at least with the terms negotiated I.E by Lord Frost and um remember that that Boris Johnson seduced these former labor voters into the Tory fold um on the basis of getting brexit done could be that they’ll go back so we’re looking at up to nearly a hundred new seats slipping into starmer’s lap lucky old starma yeah but before you you can’t just brush off the Corbin thing because you have to remember okay you can say oh it’s only one seat here or there but he was the labor party leader that sakir starm endorsed twice to be prime minister and suddenly he’s been swept out into the cold is this indication of yet more dramatic u-turns and flip-flopping or is it a case of here is a leader who’s actually getting the party finally in order here is a leader who has moved on very significantly and suddenly I find myself thinking about Michael foot and the sdp you remember he was that great left-wing socialist and the sdp said well up this will not put all the sdp the gang of four you may remember and so they flipped over and started a new party didn’t fat lot of good have did them in the end but nonetheless that point is worth making and indeed I have to say that if any of the opinion polls are anything like right we are looking at an utterly decimated Dory Party come July the 5th and one wonders to what extent they might start thinking look we we we’re we’re so we’re we have such an ideology Schism maybe now as the moment to fess up that that we don’t really function as a single party and that could indeed even be a split I mean look they trade as a broad church but frankly these days it is looking about as comfortable as that Temple incited in the Bible after Samson had done his stuff and ripped it apart excellent stuff as ever there biblical end your interview there Peter Spencer as ever Pretty in Pink in your kitchen there thanks for joining us always an absolute Delight now we will of course have lots more on the election campaign throughout the show I’ll be joined live by cabinet minister a member of The Shadow cabinet and the leader of Reform UK Richard Ty so stick around for all of that we’ve got tons coming up and there’s plenty of coverage on our website juven which you’ve helped to make the fastest growing national news website in the country so thank you very much now brace yourselves because it’s the Great British giveaway your chance to win £20,000 in cash taxfree in time for the summer what would you spend that wer on a dream holiday perhaps get the garden done or perhaps even treat the family well you have to hurry up as time is ticking out on your chance to make it all yours and here’s how it’s the biggest cash prize we’ve given away to date an incredible £20,000 that you could use however you like and because it’s totally tax-free every single penny will be in your bank account to do whatever you like with £20,000 in tax-free cash really could be yours this summer hurry you’ve got to be in it to win it for another chance to win 20,000 in taxfree cash text win to 63232 text cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to GB 05 PO Box 8690 dde1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 3 1st of May full terms and privacy notice at [Music] [Music] now some Grim news on the migrant front for rishy sunak today because GB news can reveal that more than 10,000 migrants have now cross the channel this year alone will’ll be in DOA to report on that soon I’m Martin dney on GB news Britain’s News Channel [Music] in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK GB news brings you accurate reporting of the day’s topical agenda when the news breaks wherever and whenever it’s happening we’ll be there this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel we’re proud to be GB news the people’s Channel and as you know we always love to hear your views now now there’s a new way of getting in touch with us at GB newws your by commenting you can be part of a live conversation and join our GB news Community you can even talk to me Beth Turner or any of the members of the GB news family this is GB news Britain’s News Channel the most sexiest man in the UK at the moment has voted for by dating website is that man on your screen Jeremy Clarkson I’m sorry Peter I know he’s a man of a certain age but I’m not getting this one are you not no this is another reason for an old wrinkley like me to be deeply joyous Hope Springs Eternal he’s grayhead he’s Bolding he’s got a bit of a pot belly he’s quite tall um you know I reckon I might be without for sh as long as only y bringing eternal love what do you make of this one yeah I agree with you uh the the a lot of guys watching this will really be a bit befuddled as to how he’s the sexiest I think it’s a sympathy vot no I get it I understand it but he’s got a sense of humor and he’s got plenty of money what’s what’s it to understand how is he the I’ll tell you why because he’s a and I say this as a bloke he’s a man’s man he gets stuck in he’s involved he’s practical he’s physical um does that make he’s got money I think men these days are if you ask me too effeminate and women don’t want that women well I don’t know what want go on just man to me what women want go um thank you very much no this is voted for by it’s an elicit dating website okay married women but Idis Elba came third I just think jez is he’s a man’s man he like I said he’s physical he gets involved he likes a beer um he’s got plenty of money how much did he get for the farm on that’s so silly so you’re implying women only go for men with money well no but they they and and no I mean he did didn’t he just said that yeah it’s got plenty of money sex it’s it’s normal for women to wants to be the man who can look after them no no will you stop man explaining what women want my M had an expression B she said when you find yourself in a house stop digging but trust me if inela gets himself a pair of Wellies he’ll be second next year every Saturday 10 to 12 we’ll bring you all of the news that you need to know we’ll also remind you that there is so much to smile about it’s my favorite time of the week I get to relax enjoy some lighthearted stories and let Ellie teach me about fashion too that’s Saturday morning live every Saturday 10 to 12 only on GB news Britain’s News Channel welcome back your time is 3:22 I’m Martin dley and this is GB news now later in the show I’ll discuss a story that has appalled me it turns out that more than 2third of boozers and bars are giving us short measures this must stop now moving on immigration is also a major talking point in this general election campaign of course and GB news can exclusively revealed today that more than 10,000 Channel migrants have now crossed illegally to the UK so far this year alone and this Grim Milestone figure was reached today after another 154 people arrived at DOA in three small boats this morning let’s cross the live now to DOA and speak to our home and security editor Mark White Mark welcome to the show a grim tally finally been achieved tell us more yes indeed Martin we got word from our sources that we were likely to pass the 10,000 Mark today so we jly came down to do and sure enough three small boats were pushed off from France uh early this morning the first one just after Dawn uh spotted in the English Channel the do Lifeboat picked up 43 migrants and took them here to the Border Force processing center at do Harbor then just a couple of hours after that another small boat was intercepted and 45 people taken here to do and then the final boat so far today was picked up just before lunch time with 66 people on board a total of 154 that have arrived so far today taking that tally to 10,036 for the year so far it is a landmark uh figure there is no doubt and we’ve achieved that figure a whole month earlier than we did last year it was well into June before we crossed the 10,000 Mark and so while the government was able Martin last year to trumpet the fact that small boat arrivals were down some 36% over the year and they claimed that was down to their stop the boats policy this year there has been a total reversal of that situation and one of the advantages I think for Rishi sunak in going ahead with that election on the 4th of July is that he will not have to suffer the surge during the summer months when on a flat cam day as you well know Martin more than a thousand migrants can come across on a single day I think it would be very difficult for him to go to the electorate to try to sell the fact that the government stopped the boats policy was working if we had another bump a year and that’s what’s being predicted by border Force officials and M white you called it very early on when the election was called the other day and that is Rishi sunak simply cannot stop the boats he can stop the boats no more than you can flap your arms there and fly to Cal you think he’ll realize that this was a statement he could never deliver on and that’s why just best to go to the nation early and just try and get this over and done with well it’s very tempting isn’t it for politicians to make these bold claims 3 or four years out from an election but as that election cycle grows ever nearer then you have to make good on that promise and clearly that was always going to be very very difficult for the prime minister to do because as we know as Keen Watchers of what happens out in the marine environment in the English Channel it’s on the days when the weather conditions improve the boats come mature as night follows day these boats come when the weather conditions improve and if you have a great year of weather conditions prevailing for the most part you have a bumper year as you did in 2022 it was pretty iffy for a large part of the year last year which meant we had that dip in the number of migrants coming but this year again so far there have been some pretty good days and with of course the summer months coming we’re expecting uh even more to come across the interesting thing of course will be Martin to see exactly what labor do if they do get in to power because the absolute headache that Rishi sunak and his cabinet have had to deal with in thousands of migrants coming across that English Channel will then be on the lap of secure stammer and his government is the promised hundreds of extra Law Enforcement Officers for the National Crime agency going to make all that difference at the end of the day is the plan to process Asylum seeking applications more quickly going to make all that difference at the end of the day perhaps but it’s going to be a difficult year ahead for whoever gets into office on July the 5th thank you M white excellent update there live from DOA as ever and we’ll come back to you later on the show for more thank you very much now for more on this topic I’m joining in the studio by Al Mt who’s the chairman of course of migration watch thank you for joining us in the studio a grim tally 10,000 has been breached and do you think that’s current Reckoning Al we’re on track for some kind of record here oh yeah yeah without a doubt not only are we ahead of where we were that last year but where we were at this point in the year the year before 22 when we had 45,000 more more than 45,000 coming in we are heading towards 50 60,000 at this rate and guess what what richy sunak try to avoid by going earli as as Mark implied that’s all going to happen in the middle of an election campaign now I I think it’s not only is our numbers going to go up but what is particularly depressing is that there’s no likelihood of anyone actually getting a grip whether it’s labor getting into office or the tourist coming back so long as the numbers that are getting into the EU now are able to make their way across Europe and to the shores of Cal then I’m afraid numbers will keep going up because no one’s going to send them back yeah and that brings me to my next Point Al the Rwanda bill was meant to be the big deterrent they’re meant to be the Line in the Sand a inly yesterday on the very first day of the general election Trail Richi tunak admitted there won’t be a single flight taking off before the general election what message does that send out to the people traffickers well the message it sends to me is that rich Sun suddenly decided oh dear this was a mistake let’s try and make the best and most of it there was never any chance of the Rwanda plan the Rwanda scheme actually working once they failed to introduce in the first instance and bear in mind we had three pieces of of legislation what they should have done was passed the final bit of legislation which should have included some sort of repealing or uh over overseeing the um the Human Rights Act the fact that they didn’t and the fact that they weren’t prepared to detain and deal with quickly and remove and that was never going to happen it meant that Rwanda was never going to work anyway can I ask you a very quick question Chris hope our political elor is on the campaign trail with Rishi sunk he asked him specifically today would you withdraw from the echr and he said you’ll have to wait until the manifesto do you think that Rich sunak has got the guts to put that in the manifesto pledge and if so do you think the British people would go for it um I no I don’t think they will but I think we should be careful as well pulling out of the echr in itself won’t be the magic wand the other things that need to happen as well and I just don’t think that Richi sunak or any other politician has either the guts or the will frankly to introduce the necessary legislation to do that okay always a pleasure to talk to you and we’ll be joined by an immigration lawyer in the next hour for his take on this story that’s captivating the nation now loads of more SS to come between now and 4:00 in a few minutes I’ll take a close look at another one of the big elections talking points and that is this the touris and labor today Clash on energy policy and the prospect of Cheaper household bills get on with it please first is your latest news headlines and it’s [Music] Ryerson James Martin 3:31 our top stories the Prime Minister says the lowering of the energy price cap shows his plan is working as both labor and the conservatives looked to make it an electoral dividing line Rishi sunak completed his tour of the nation in Northern Ireland and claimed the economy has turned a corner he also criticized the cost of Labor’s Net Zero pledges and said that he’ll be telling voters over the next few weeks how the conservatives plan to secure Britain’s future inflation has fallen back to normal levels the economy grew faster than all our competitors at the beginning of this year today we’ve had the news that energy bills are falling again and wages have been rising faster than prices for almost a year now and that’s why it’s the right time to turn to the Future and the world is sadly a more uncertain place than it’s been in decades and that’s why what the country needs is leadership that can provide bold action and that has a clear plan because that’s how we will deliver a secure future for everyone in our country well labor has confirmed it will pass the smoking ban if the party enters office with the conservatives having run out of time to get it through Parliament the labor leader has been campaigning in Scotland today where he’s pledged to bring down energy costs with a new publicly owned green power company labors hoping to win dozens of seats in Scotland after years of dominance by the SNP well GB news can exclusively reveal that more than 10,000 migrants have legally crossed the channel to the UK so far this year it’s a blow to Rishi sunak on his second full day of election campaigning after he promised that his government would stop the boats and finally the document filmmaker Morgan Spurlock has died at the age of 53 he came to prominence with his Oscar nominated film suiz me in 2004 which tracked his health while he ate nothing but McDonald’s for a month the film was credited with prompting a broad conversation about how fast food and Rising obesity was impacting Society Mr Spurlock passed away in New York due to complications from cancer well you’d like all the latest stories you can sign up to GB news alerts by scanning the QR code on your screen right now or go to GB [Music] alerts cheers britania wine club proudly sponsors the GB news financial report okay let’s take a look at the financial markets today the pound will buy you $1.27 to5 and 1.17 33 price of gold £ 1,836 82 per ounce and the footsie 100 said 8,321 points cheers britania wine club proudly sponsors the GB news financial report thank you Ray now I’ve got LM cover bridge on the general election campaign of course coming up in just a few minutes time and I get reaction to the shock news that Boris Johnson Allied David Frost has allegedly been banned from standing as a Tory candidate or the richy sunak is denying that but first there’s a brand new way to get in touch with us here at GB news and here’s Bev Turner with all of the details we are proud to be GB news the people’s Channel and as you know we always love to hear your views now there’s a new way of getting in touch with us at GB yoursay by commenting you can be part of a live conversation and join our GB news Community you can even talk to me Bev Turner or any of the members of the GB news family simply go to GB your [Music] say the latest GB news travel good afternoon anes Buckley qes for the M1 in a couple of locations on the Northbound side firstly oset at 40 to Cargate Junction 41 two lanes are ConEd off and qes due to a collision the earlier Collision northbound just after 298 B Ser is cleared but still very slow back to Junction 28 in the road works of course it also means qes on the southbound side as well two lanes were close up B down the m6 at the Croft interchange Junction 21A where me to the m62 so that breakdowns now cleared but congestion hasn’t qes East away from Swansea on the M4 on towards the Britain ferry bridge Junction 42 laye on out at the scene of a bump there queuing back to Junction 45 and the anticlock M25 at nfield 25 uh the ex of slip Road closed long delays before W for Mia 26 there’s a breakdown there you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB newws good afternoon Britain weekdays from midday well Welsh farmer Gareth wi Jones is a first language Welsh speaker and joins us now Gareth I mean a lot of people will be thinking hang on this guy is a Welsh te teacher he speaks English he knew what was on the uh what was on the parking ticket he’s just trying to make a point he’s being a pratt isn’t no hey come on mate I’m a first language Welsh it’s important that we watch after our language and you know that everything’s bilingual for us in Wales you wouldn’t go to France and expect your ticket to be in English would you you know in English is the most spoken language but let’s watch after these small languages um it’s part of our cult so you know I I take my hat off to the guy Fair place for him to go out and to fight this but what it’s done is put it onto the mainstream media and you’re talking about it even that you’re calling them that you know at least we’re having a discussion about it and it’s putting the Welsh language in the Forefront and you know speaking Welsh’s important yeah so Gareth this is a matter of principle is there a sense that the Welsh language is being eradicated in Wales is this something that the Welsh people need to rise up against well Welsh government are trying to you know bring a lot more well speaking into um our daily life and teach people how to speak wellsh well everything should be bilingual then and I think you know it should start with government so government should be putting pressure on these companies to make sure everything is bilingual so I get behind this guy fair play to him it’s a good good stance and it putes it in the public eye let’s have everything in both both languages especially Welsh because that’s my first language and I’m you know what if I was Welsh if I were Welsh I think I would agree with you I think I would agree with you depends it depends if you come from reom Welcome Back your time is 3:38 I’m Martin Dy and this is GB news now later in the show across live to a pub after the shocking and frankly grotesque news that more than 2 thirds of beer and wine served in British boozers is being served up short measured we must stamp this out now before that the average household could be more than 1220 better off each year from July that’s because off gem has lowed its price cap by 7% and this comes as energy becomes the first Battleground on the general election campaign with Rishi sunk and S sta pledging cheaper gas and electricity bills for voters well they would wouldn’t they well GB news as bu business and economics edor Liam hallan joins me now with on the [Music] money Liam it’s always a great Friday when you rock up to the studio let’s talk Dr myself out the pub come and talk to you you get short measure now talking to which now short energy bills are something everybody cares about and politicians know it but tell us first about the price cuts and why it’s good news before we get into the politics yeah I me back in the day no one ever asked me about energy bills or electricity generation it was all kind of nerdsville no you know it was it was the kind of thing that I wanged on about in newsrooms and nobody was interested in but now Energy prices are utility bills gas and electricity front and center of the cost of living crisis and front and center of this election campaign what’s happened today is the off gem which is the energy regulator they’ve announced their new price cap for the three-year period from July including August and September the last price cap came in in April and that price cap is meant to limit the extent to which your household bill can go up not the total bill because of course you pay use more electricity and gas you pay more it’s it’s it’s about limiting the unit cost of gas and electricity and then we look at the average household’s use and we use that unit cost to work out the the average bill so here are the scores on the doors let me show you the the numbers now the average gas and electricity built according to off gem will be1 15698 a year that’s combined gas electricity from July that’s down 7% on the current off gem energy price cap and that’s a saving per household of £1 122 a year on average but hold on to your horses because after the summer when the weather gets colder when geopolitical anks between Russia and Ukraine in the m Middle East could crank up again the off Jeb energy price cap is likely to go up again in October so that’s October November December and let’s just get this in context I’ve just told you that the average bill will be just over 1500 quid from July before the war in Ukraine so back in early 2022 before Putin’s invasion in February 2022 the average bill combined gas electricity was just over 1,000 1,084 so even at this lower offg energy price cap bills are still 50% higher than they were at the beginning of 2022 and I can’t see that changing and that brings us to the political Solutions the two parties are offering up the tour is CLA coutinho seems to have suddenly woken up that green taxes are a bad idea and the labor party meanwhile have something called the Great British energy plan tell us where you think the sense lies between those two approaches okay well it’s hard to tell because they’re both so vague I mean Labor’s plan is literally a slogan the Great I mean I know nothing more about it than that the Great British Bake Off very very little has been published by labor I mean you to be fair to them the election’s just been called but this is a key thing and it’s going to be very technical and those of us in the Press who follow such things should have a chance to look at it and then explain it objectively to a broader audience look let’s take the Tories we’ve been calling here on GB news for a long time that it’s unfair If energy subsidies to the renewable companies to build their wind farms to build their solar Farms if they’re paid out of electricity and gas bills because that’s disproportionately falling on the poor who pay more as a share of their income on gas and electricity than than than wealthier households there a bigger share same with with food so I think that’s unfair it should be come out of General taxation if they’re subsidized at all you know if it Stacks up in a business sense why does it need to be subsidized all this green energy that’s one thing so the Tories are now saying just as the elections called oh we’re going to get rid of these subsidies on your electricity bill for green energy you know I believe that when I see it to be honest with you I think that’s just an election weeed by the Tories but then labor they’re saying they want this Great British Energy company okay and that’s a slogan I don’t know what they’re talking about beyond that because no proper information has been published so we’ll have to see I imagine what labor are trying to do is trying to say that just with the railways if we nationalize it if we make the State more involved then it will be kind of cuddlier and better uh and the reason a lot of voters might go for that is because they’re young because they don’t remember what you and I remember Martin about the 70s and the 80s when you had statun organiz organizations look private sector trains they’re not perfect they’re often awful but they’re a lot better than they were when it was British Rail and there was absolutely no incentive by anyone in the company to actually make for a decent service because it was state run look these are Big ideological battles I see lots of broad brush political strokes and very little policy detail and I have to say Martin I think it’s going to stay that way for a lot of this campaign it will be all about slogans rather than actual details that we can get into examine and properly hold the respective parties to account great s Lian always full of energy and you deserve the partner for that and if I was a landlord I wouldn’t short measure you superb Ser as ever Hanan now moving on could the England football team play a decisive role in who wins the next general election well it’s not as far-fetched as it sounds I’ll have all the details after this I’m Martin dney on GB news Britain’s News [Music] Channel good afternoon welcome to your latest GB news weather update there will be some sunshine across Southern areas to end the day but for most of us it will stay rather cloudy and it’s going to be quite a cold night tonight as well particularly compared to recent nights drizzly rain is going to continue across northern areas that’s because low pressures still nearby and a weather front but through this evening that low pressure will gradually shift North and westwards taking with it that cloudier and slightly wetter weather and introducing much clearer weather the clearer Skies from the south this afternoon will spread northwards and that will allow for temperatures to dip down into single figures possibly low single figures across Southern counties there could also be some mist and fog around as well first thing but also quite a good deal of sunshine as well Saturday is looking like the driest day of the weekend and the warmest one as well so fairly Bright Start across the far north of Scotland still some lingering rain across the Northwest and the Southwest probably but for most of us it should be dry if not a bit cloudy across northern areas across Northern England much of Wales and England it should be a Bright Start temperatures will pick up quite quickly as the sun comes up so you’ll be into double digits at least by around 8:00 and there’ll be plenty of sunshine through the morning that mist and fog should clear quite quickly there a potential for a few showers to develop particularly across northern areas of England parts of Scotland as well could see some heavier showers on Saturday but most of us should stay dry and there’s just a chance of some rain clipping the far Southeast later on in the day but in the sunshine highs of around 22 degrees in the South into the High Teens across the north but there is a bit of a change on the way for Sunday as this area of rain from the south West will push northeastwards through the night bringing a spell of wet weather and once it does clear through we will see plenty of showers breaking out across the country through Sunday and Monday these could be quite heavy possibly thundery so it’s going to turn much more unsettled and a little bit cooler for the rest of the weekend GB news is Britain’s election Channel and when the big stories break we’re tackling them on Britain’s news room when we disagree and we disagree a lot it’s even li here than normal we don’t disagree that much we do his comedy though is revolting I knew her and unlike you that explains Beverly Turner’s temperament it’s a bit Frosty here isn’t it he’ll have one of me one day um for dark ball practice Britain’s Newsroom on GB news weekdays 9:30 a.m. GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel good afternoon Britain good afternoon Britain weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the United Kingdom and why it matters to you from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right we want to hear from you good afternoon Britain only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I’m Nana aquer this is GB news Britain’s News Channel welcome back time is 3:48 I’m Martin Dorney and this is GB news now 4:00 I’ll have all the day’s big election news as the bionic MP Craig McKinley announces he will bow out as an MP but before that liberal Democrat leader SED Davy has been campaigning in eastborn today it’s one of the many seats his party is hoping to take from the conservatives in the south of England and here’s what he had to say to the media earlier here in eastborn we’re really hopeful of taking this seat back it’s clear a real close battle between the liberal Democrats and the conservatives but it’s uh replicated across the south of England uh on the coast in places like chest and Lewis where we’re really challenging the conservatives but across uh Kent and Sussex and Su and Hampshire and and frankly all over the south east and south west it’s the liberal Democrats who are the challenges to the conservatives and we’re seeing the conservatives Running Scared today we heard John Redwood uh not standing again I think he knows that the liberal Democrats will beat him in woking him we’ve seen um Rishi sunak and K stas have found out across the UK instantly are we going to expect you to stick to the southeast of England Southeast South Southeast and Southwest where you’ve got the best chance no I’m going to go across the country as well um we’ve you’re right we’ve been in Sur uh the first day then in in cheltonham now here on the south coast seeing some of our best Target seats but we’ve got some great Target seats in Scotland we’ve got great Target seats in the north from from Manchester to Yorkshire so it’ll be across the country campaign for the liberal Democrats but you’re right to say that um in the south of England there are so many seats that have been traditionally conservative that the liberal Democrats are the ones who can take off them and increasingly in the southwest the West country which used to be a stronghold for the liberal Democrats we’re back there again we’ve seen that in the byelection victories in Somerset and Devon we’ve seen that in Council victories this year in Dorset last year in Devon the previous year in Somerset so across the south of England I think people realize now if they want to get rid of the conservatives they vote liberal Democrat if you do end up picking up these seats off the Tories you may put labor in a position where they don’t have enough seats to form a government what are you what is your message to voters about whether you will go into Coalition with labor you’ve already ruled one out with the Tories well um liberal Democrats certainly won’t push uh prep up the conservatives they uh need to to leave government they’re out of ideas out of excuses out of time and they need to be out of office they’ve undermined our country but liberal Democrats have a set of really positive ideas we call it our fair deal for people people who’ve been working hard paying their taxes playing by the rules looking after loved ones who just had a really tough time under the conservatives and I want to put the liberal Democrat ideas there because I think our ideas are fresh I think they would transform our country and actually transform our politics we’re very different from any other party notice you don’t want to talk about a coalition with labor I’m talking about this campaign when I’m knocking on doors what people say to me and say to other liberal Democrat canvases what are you going to do about the Health Service in our local area what are you going to do about the problem of the water company pumping their filthy sewage onto our Beaches into our Rivers what are you going to do about the cost of living and we are going to focus on that I make no apology for that it’s an election campaign and I want to tell people what liberal Democrats stand for now with all the talk about the election there’s one interesting factor that I want to look at now and could Gareth Southgate and his England team play a decisive role in hends up in Downing Street well in 1970 England were knocked out of the World Cup just four days before Labor and Harold Wilson were beat beaten Sorry by Edward Heath conservative party so with the general election taking place 10 days ahead of the Euro 2024 final got a good run for Southgate side help Rishi sunak win on July the 4th well I’m joined now by the sports journalist Ben Jacobs Ben Welcome to the always a delight this is a fascinating story it’s B based on some actual proper research from Stanford University that shows some interesting stuff talk us through it yeah this was back in 1970 when Edwards Heath’s conservatives were tipped to knock Harold Wilson out of Downing Street and there was a feeling back then that England and football had an influence on the election because played a quarterfinal against West Germany in 1970 in Mexico and that was just 4 days before the poll and they disappointed and it seemingly created a situation where the mood of the country turned and impacted the election and interestingly the same theory was actually there in 1966 when England won the World Cup the only difference is that one’s a myth because there was about three weeks difference there was 31st of March and then there was the 17th of July so a bigger gap between campaigning election and 1966 World Cup final but in 1970 they were so close together that there was genuinely a feeling at that time that football influence politics and Ben This research shows that the incumbent party gets a 1.6% vote shift uplift if a team does well interestingly July the 4th is the election July the 5th and the 6th it’s the quarterfinal which England are most likely going to make there could be something in this there could be as you say we don’t want to jinx England because first of all they’ve got their three group games against Serbia Denmark and Slovenia but then if they’re still playing you’ve got Buzz you’ve got feelg good factor and that is something that the incumbent would usually be able to dine off alternatively if people are sad they don’t like their football they don’t like their lives they don’t like the fact maybe they forked out money watching the football travel they come back election comes they want a change so logically an incumbent would get an advantage through inadvertent things such as a big football event right we have to leave it there Ben Jacobs richy will no that be hoping for any Driftwood can he say it was South Gate wat won it now 76 Tory MPS will not fight the next general election and that beats now the record of 75 that was set in 1997 all the t is heading for a Blair style Wipeout I’m Martin Dy GB news your weather with Annie shorth a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good afternoon welcome to your latest GB news weather update there will be some sunshine across Southern areas to end the day but for most of us it will stay rather cloudy and it’s going to be quite a cold night tonight as well particularly compared to recent nights drizzly rain is going to continue across northern areas that’s because low pressure still nearby and a weather front but through this evening that low pressure will gradually shift North and westwards taking with it that cloudier and slightly wetter weather and introducing much clearer weather the clearer Skies from the south this afternoon will spread northwards and that will allow for temperatures to dip down into single figures possibly low single figures across Southern counties there could also be some mist and fog around as well first thing but also quite a good deal of sunshine as well Saturday is looking like the driest day of the weekend and the warmest one as well so fairly bright starts across the far north of Scotland still some lingering rain across the Northwest and the Southwest probably but for most of us it should be dry if not a bit cloudy across northern areas across Northern England much of Wales and England it should be a Bright Start temperatures will pick up quite quickly as the sun comes up so you’ll be into double digits at least by around 8:00 and there’ll be plenty of sunshine through the morning that mist and fog should clear quite quickly there a potential for a few showers to develop particularly across northern areas of England parts of Scotland as well could see some heavier showers on Saturday but most of us should stay dry and there’s just a chance of some rain clipping the far Southeast later on in the day but in the sunshine highs of around 22 de in the South into the High Teens across the north but there is a bit of a change on the way for Sunday as this area of rain from the southwest will push northeastwards through the night bringing a spell of wet weather and once it does clear through we will see plenty of showers breaking out across the country through Sunday and Monday these could be quite heavy possibly thundery so it’s going to turn much more unsettled and a little bit cooler for the rest of the weekend that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB [Music] news the latest GB news travel good afternoon I’m Jules bu Le qes for the M1 Northbound first lead from AET Junction 40 up to Cargate 41 takes about a 15 minutes or so to get throughout the moment a collision is being recovered two lanes ConEd off a three M tail back big keys to Northbound for previous bump now on the hard shoulder it’s just before the M18 interchange that’s Junction 32 is queuing back to huel 27 for the best part of an hour queuing away from Swansea in South Wales for the eastbound M4 Junction 45 on his vgan heading down towards bagland 401 not help by a previous Collision there Northbound M11 struggling up to the M25 at 6 queuing back to Lon from an earlier Calis along long delays for the earlier breakdown clockwise M25 Leatherhead at 9 to Wizzle at 10 but again all lanes are back open and that’s the latest you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB newws [Music] £20,000 that you could use however you like and because it’s totally tax-free every single penny will be in your bank account to do whatever you like with £20,000 in taxfree cash really could be yours this summer hurry you’ve got to be in it to win it for another chance to win £20,000 in taxfree cash Tex prize to 63232 text cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to GB 05 PO Box 8690 Derby D1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 31st of May full terms and privacy notice at GB newws for/ win please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good [Music] luck in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK GB news brings you accurate reporting of the day’s topical agenda when the news breaks wherever and whenever it’s happening we’ll be there this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel we’re proud to be GB news the people’s Channel and as you know we always love to hear your views now there’s a new way of getting in touch with us at GB slay by commenting you can be part of a live conversation and join our GB news Community you can even talk to me Beth Turner or any of the members of the GB news family every Saturday 10 to 12 will’ll bring you all of the news that you need to know we’ll also remind you that there is so much to smile about it’s my favorite time of the week I get to relax enjoy some lighthearted stories and let Ellie teach me about fashion too that’s Saturday morning live every Saturday 10 to 12 only on GB news Britain this news channel [Music] ay very good afternoon to you it’s 4 pm and welcome to the Martin Dy show on GB News broadcasting Live From The Heart of Westminster all across the UK on today’s show with s John redward and bionic MP Craig McKinley the latest tour is to bow out of the election conservative Exodus is now 76 surpassing the Grim record of 1997 and does this signify a Blair style Wipeout for Richi sux conservatives next former labor leader Jeremy Corbin has dramatically announced that he will stand as an independent in his linkon North leaving cir starma no choice but to finally boot him out of the party now yesterday reforms honorary president Nigel farage dramatically stood down after Rishi sunak outmaneuvered him by calling a snap election with their Talisman heading to help Trump is the party over for reform and I’ll be joined by their leader Richard TI and there’s also the rest of the day’s news away from the general election as well and in the past few hours the 10,000th small boats migrants who arve this year alone has landed in Britain that’s all going now between now and [Music] 4:00 we got some breaking news for you in the last few minutes and there’s a big Pro Palestine protest at the last election event that rishy sunak is at today protesters of chanting free free Palestine we’ll have lots more on that breaking story as we get it and as usual I’d love to hear from you there’s a new way to do that send your views and post your comments by going to [Music] our top stories the Prime Minister says the lowering of the energy price cap shows his plan is working as both labor and the conservatives look to make it an electoral dividing line Richi sunak completed his tour of the nation in Northern Ireland and claimed the economy has turned a corner he criticized the cost of Labor’s Net Zero pledges and says he’ll be telling voters over the next few weeks how the conservatives plan to secure Britain’s future inflation has fallen back to normal levels the economy grew faster than all o competitors at the beginning of this year today we’ve had the news that energy bills are falling again and wages have been rising faster than prices for almost a year now and that’s why it’s the right time to turn to the Future and the world is sadly a more uncertain place than it’s been in decades and that’s why what the country needs is leadership that can provide bold action and that has a clear plan because that’s how we will deliver a secure future for everyone in our country labor has ruled out any deals with the SNP after the election even in the event of a hung Parliament saki starma has been campaigning in the east of Glasgow today which is one of the seats that he’s hoping to take from John sn’s party in July’s election sakir said the snp’s only ambition is to break up the UK and there would be absolutely no deal with the Scottish nationalists Jeremy Corbin has confirmed that he’ll stand as an independent candidate in the general election against the party that he once LED as a result he’s automatically been expelled as a member of Labor which suspended him in 2020 over his claims that complaints of anti-Semitism in the party had been dramatically overstated the former labor leader says he’ll run as a voice for equality democracy and peace labor leader sakir starma said he’s not worried about Corbin’s popularity and his linked to North which he’s represented since 1983 Jeremy Corbin will make his own decision I think he’s standing as an independent that’s his choice we will have an excellent labor candidate in his lingon North as we’ve got excellent Labor candidates across the country and the choice at this election is absolutely clear we’ve had 14 years of chaos and decline under this Tory government we cannot have more than that GB news can reveal that more than 10,000 Channel migrants have crossed illegally to the United Kingdom so far this year the Milestone figure was reached today after another 154 arrived in DOA having crossed in three small boats this morning it’s a blow to rishy sunak on his second full day of election campaigning after he promised that his government would stop the boats the former boss of the post office has been accused of living in quote La La Land over her role in The Horizon Scandal Paula venel again became emotional on her third day of giving evidence she admitted making mistakes and accepted that there was no one else to blame but claimed that she didn’t know why important information hadn’t reached her samstein casc described that as absolute rubbish and suggested that Ms venel had failed to ask the right questions because the risk was too great I worked as hard as I possibly could to deliver the best post office for the UK it would have been wonderful to have 30,000 post office branches that would have been the best outcome ever to have had more post offices in more communities what I failed to do and I have made this clear previously is I did not recognize the and it’s been discussed within across the inquiry the imbalance of power between the institution and the individual and I let these people down Theresa May hased urged Tori MPS to fight to reelect a conservative government in her farewell speech in Parliament the MP for maidenhead who served as prime minister between 2016 and 2019 said it would be a great wrench to leave the commons after 27 years her departure comes as 76 Tory MPS Ste down which is more than the number of those who left back in 1997 the documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock has died at the age of 53 he came to prominence with his Oscar nominated film Supersize Me in 2004 which tracked his health while he ate nothing but McDonald’s for a month the film was credited with prompting a broad conversation about how fast food and Rising obesity was impacting Society Mr Spurlock passed away in New York due to complications from cancer for all the top stories you can sign up to GB news alerts by scanning the QR code on your screen or go to GB alerts now straight back to [Music] Martin thank you Ray now we start this hour with some big breaking news and there’s a big Pro Palestine protest at the last election event that Rishi sunak is attending today protesters are chanting free free Palestine and we’ll have more on that breaking story as we get it now moving on because earlier Mr sunn said he was pumped up and enjoying himself on this election tour however the sists have been out in force after the PM and Northern Island Secretary Chris Heaton Harris spoke to the media outside the Titanic Museum prompting an influx of course of sinking ships and rearranging the deck chair comparisons online and the Grim tally has now been reached because a record 76 Tory MPS have now said they will not fight at the election on July the 4th and labor meanwhile has had its own battles after expelling Jeremy Corbin from the party for running as an independent and meanwhile reform UK are yet to unify on the role of Nigel farage well to discuss all this I’m now joined in the studio by the political editor at the mail on Sunday Anna meloa welcome to the studio Delight to have your company let’s start with this this Grim tally 76 has been achieved for today started off with sjn redwood then of course it was Craig McKinley BR returned to Parliament just this week then it was Greg Clark and there recently s David evett Beckley Heath a very safe healthy majority this is now looking more and more like a 97 repeat and the next question is does that mean we’re heading for a Blair star wipe out well I think look I mean in some respect uh at this stage in the political cycle it’s no surprise that some MPS want to stand down they they’ve had a you know they’ve been there for a long time but as you say it’s the surprising names I mean people like H merman for example who would have been a rising star any uh in any other context I I think two things are happening one you’ve got Richi Su so far behind in the polls but also a real problem of party management so you know there have been so many complaints from from from the Parliamentary party that number 10 for so long just hasn’t been listening to them hasn’t been reaching out to them properly um there allegations about sunak and the timing of this election that he just doesn’t care about the party is willing to take them to Armageddon and I think all of that feeds in to this element of Exodus I mean there are a lot of MPS who saying well why why do we want to stick around and some surprising names there so John Redwood I mean well that’s a historic of he’s of the thater that ear and he’s been around for so long so so yeah you’re losing a lot of Grandes and I think the big question is what is the party going to look like um uh after the election however many seats they win it it’s and this is what every every single potential rival who’s gearing up to replace rushi sunak assuming he loses um is trying to do they all meeting candidates they’re all reaching out to associations trying to shape the future of the party and that brings me neatly to my next question earlier on today we heard the rumor that Frosty had been frozen out Lord Frost of course missed the brexit the great Frost as Boris Johnson called him of course he’s in the Lords but you know for yourself he’s wanted to stand as MP earlier on today we heard that being blocked 93 vacant seats his name wasn’t on it Richi sunak said today on the campaign Trail that’s not the case but he’s precisely the kind of red wall brex red meat conservatives a lot on the right would like to see winning a seat to get them a a foothold to rebuild the party is there the rumor persistent rumor that people like him are being frozen out of the party well this is certainly a concern um David Frost there are so many people who want him to be an MP so many people who see him as a potential future leader even of the party just because he is a heavyweight um he has this uh already background in government and he has a lot of respect from people in certain wings of of of the party but you know yes he has been trying to get a seat and it looks like he hasn’t got it I don’t think he has been blocked as as sunak says but certainly they haven’t made it easy for him I think is probably the accurate way to put it um if they wanted to they would have made him a candidate for him it’s a big gamble giving up a seat in the Lord so he effectively has to know for sure that an association will will will say yes to him he can’t just be presented as a banded candidate and which is understandable and it sounds like down street just doesn’t really have an interest in making that happen and it’s worth Anna just talking people through the process so he’s currently is in the Lords he would need to surrender that position with the guarantee of being selected as a candidate and then he would still need to get elected to gain so it’ be a big outlay from him but it’s one that as you understand that he’s prepared to do and he wants to do my understanding is that yes um or you know whether or not he has taken the personal decision that this is not the right time as well because there are a lot of people who want to run but they’re looking at just like the people who are leaving they’re looking at the current state of the polls they’re looking at the state of morale in the party and thinking well maybe I’ll I’ll I’ll hold fire and wait and that brings on to the next question we’re talking about Bexley Heath there majority of only 12 a half thousand it’s been a t receipt since 2005 David evett stood since 997 he knows what it’s like to lose to Blair is there any such thing now as a safe conservative seat well um I I I mean that’s that’s what everyone says you know there is no such thing as a safe seat of course there are going to be safe seats and of course there are seats where um the vote will be split between labor and liberal Democrats uh or where reform won’t quite have a stronghold uh I think one of the reasons that Rishi sunak has chosen July is because he thinks he um reform wasn’t quite ready yet so it’s it’s a tactical move there so um but but no I mean and the problem is how is how how what decision is going to be made to actually what what seats is a conservative party going to focus on right now in defending can I ask you about the Reform Party we’ve got the leader of Reform Richard Tyson be in your seat there in about an hour’s time do you think that Richie sunak has outmaneuvered the party niga farage admitted that very thing last night 6 weeks not enough time for a small party to hit the ground then have a serious chance you think the part is over for reform do you think Richi sunak called the election everyone was scratching their heads on Wednesday why is he gone so early was it to cook the goose of Richard TI I I think it is I I mean I know from speaking to people around sunak that that was one of the calculations um whether or not reform would realistically have had much of a change in their fortunes um in the next you know given it three months more they could have taken a lot more they could have done a lot more damage and therefore made the the remaining conservative party after the election much more burnt to the ground I I think the issue is more the um the single issue that reform focuses on which is immigration so if they had waited till the Autumn what you would have done is you would have seen a lot more people come over some small boats so that would have of course given Rich Ty najra farage um Lee Anderson ammunition to hit the conservatives where it hurts so I think in that sense yes um uh but but of course has a very as a small new party in this effectively two-party system it’s always going to be very hard for a a small Challenger to come along and make a big dent and it’s an election Trail it’s an election that Richi sunak called he didn’t have to call it it’s been called the greatest gamble of his entire political career some are calling it a suicide mission Anna what’s the mood like within the conservative ranks at the moment is it the last days of of of the Empire is I’ve been in Parliament the last last few days and the mood in Parliament is sort of um a little bit sad for a lot of Tory MPS just because even the ones who knew they were going thought I mean they basically thought they had guarantees that they they would have another couple of months so it’s that human element of they haven’t had a chance to say goodbye they’re not going to have a chance to most of them make a um a last statement in the Commons uh and and and you know a lot of MPS are absolutely mutinous the red wall LPS feel they’ve been abandoned and I think that um there’s a perception that perhaps Downing Street does not care so much about the handling of those elements in the party Anna I spent a lot of time looking at what people say on the comments on newspaper articles on the mail on Sunday the telegraph GB news on your say I sense amongst your readers there is a lot of anger with the conservative party there there there is a feeling that they had an 80- seat majority seems so long ago now doesn’t it and they they have squandered it do you think that’s fair to say well I mean I remember when they got the majority uh everyone thought that you know politics would be back to normal after the years of um upheaval with Theresa May and and everything post the brexit vote instead we had covid there’s of course there’s a lot that can be said for mismanagement in the conservative party but also there was this absolute shock that came along two months into Boris Johnson’s majority term and I think any government with any majority would have struggled to deal with that okay thank you very much for joining us in the studio that’s the deputy political at the mail on Sunday Anna melen please come back join us again really enjoyed that we of course have lots more on the election campaign throughout the show and I’ll be joined live by a cabinet minister and member of The Shadow cabinets and also by the leader of Reform UK Richard TI and of course we have loads more on those Pro Palestine protesters who have recently targeted rishy sunak on the campaign Trail this afternoon there’s plenty of coverage on all of that on our websites GB and you’ve helped to make it the fastest growing national news website in the country so thank you very much now it’s time now for our giveaway and it’s the biggest cash prize we’ve ever given away £20,000 taxfree you can spend however you’d like it’s totally taxfree of course so you see every single last penny of it but you have to hurry up and get your entry in as time is ticking on your chance to bag the lots and here’s how you could do that the Next Great British giveaway winner could be you with a massive £20,000 in tax-free cash to be won imagine how you’d react getting that winning call from us oh my God are you joking not I never want a penny in my life I don’t know what to say to know what I’ve I’ve never won anything like this in my life oh my God oh God oh you Su me amazing for another chance to win £20,000 in taxfree cash text win to 63232 text cost2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to gb0 5 PO Box 8690 Darby de1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 31st of May full terms and privacy notice at GB newws win please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck now some bad news on the migrant front again for rishy sunak today because GB news can reveal that more than 10,000 migrants have now crossed the the channel this year alone I’m Martin Dorney on GB news Britain’s News [Music] Channel I’m Mark Dolan and this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel join me Neil Oliver every Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. on GB news and if an hour is not nearly enough for you go to GB news for special extended episodes online every Friday at 9:00 p.m. where we can truly get into the nitty-gritty of what’s going on GB news Britain’s News Channel this is GB news Britain’s News Channel so the UK’s most popular baby names have been revealed with Noah and Olivia again topping the annual list uh in at number two is Muhammad for boys list is on the screen here uh number three for boys is George uh then it goes Olivia then it’s Leo Arthur and so on and for girls so Olivia is number one then Amelia Isa AA Lily Ivy Freya there we go any of those names take your pick where’s dor by the way well yeah there’s on the on the telegraph website right there’s a really good way linked into this where you can actually put your name into the search engine and the these are names from 2022 by the way um and it tells you how common your name was and I did put dwn in it never been that popular can’t think why um and there were only five babies named Dawn in 2022 really it’s not full confession here right my middle name Mom I hate you is moring why is everyone laughing my middle name is Morin which is a good old fashioned eastn name and that has completely died out there were no babies named Morin well it’s interesting isn’t it names like that Keith for example Pizza would you call a baby these days Keith or Ian baby Ian without a doubt I feel like I’m in A persecuted minority you see because later on when I’m watching the boxing with Terry Steve Mick Phil and Kev right and and Peter there are no such names featuring in this list we are we are dying out our names will soon be gone forever and I feel victimized by it likewise I I should think we should start a campaign group and go on a protest March through London what do you make about uh Muhammad being number two for boys names you know I’m not going to comment on people you know they’re going to call what they want to call um what I find interesting is people that do double barrel because they can’t decide and you know a lot of people do that and that’s a bit difficult because I think you should just pick a name you know I tell you names are falling down the list though Harry and Megan we’re proud to be GB news the people’s Channel and as you know we always love to hear your views now there’s a new way of getting in touch with us at GB newws yoursay by commenting you can be part of a live conversation and join our GB news Community you can even talk to me beev Turner or any of the members of the GB news family I’m Nigel farage and this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I’m Patrick Christies every week night from 9: I bring you two hours of unmissable explosive debate and headline grabbing interviews what impact has that had we got death threats and the bomb threat and so on our job is to do what’s in the best interest of our country you made my argument for me guest and I tackle the issues that really matter with a sharp take on every story I’m hearing up and down the country that was a beginning not an end P chrisy tonight from 900 p.m. only on GB news Britain’s News Channel welcome back your time is 4:22 I’m Martin dney and this is GB news later in the show I’ll discuss a story that has absolutely appalled me it turns out that more than 2third of pubs and boozers are giving us short measures in our Pine glasses this must stop and moving on immigration is of course a huge talking point in this general election campaign and GB news can exclusively reveal that more than 10,000 Channel migrants have now crossed illegally to the UK so far this year alone well GB news’s home and security editor Mark White is in do Mark well that 10,000 total is a Landmark figure 10,36 to be exact it was reached today as three small boats made the Crossing from France the first of those small boats was spotted in the water just after Dawn the do Lifeboat picked up 43 migrants and took them here to the Border Force central processing center at do Harbor then a couple of hours later the Border Force vessel Defender took another 40 five migrants from another small boat that was spotted in the channel then that third small boat was spotted just before lunchtime and 66 people brought here to do Harbor 154 in total today and there’s no doubt that this 10,036 figure will be very unwelcome as far as the government is concerned and its Central message of stopping the boats last year the government was able to say that they’d managed to see a 36% reduction in the number of migrants crossing the English Channel this year that has been effectively reversed with 35% up on where we were at the same point last year with that 10,36 figure it was about 7,600 at this point last year one of the advantages I think for Rishi sunak in clearly going to the electorate on the 4th of July is that we won’t see the real summer surge that we get towards the end of July August and then into September where on a really calm uh day across the English Channel you can see sometimes more than a thousand people crossing on a single day and that would have been a very difficult cell to go to the country after a bumper year of arrivals and try to tell the electorate that your small boats plan was working so at least by going on the 4th of July the worst of the summer surge can be avoided thank you Mark and I’m now joined by the immigration lawyer Paul Turner Paul welcome to the show pleasure to have your company so 10,000 this year alone heading for a record breaking year on small boats we’ve seen a huge number of Asylum Seekers admitted 84 , 425 in 2023 another record the Prime Minister admitted on the first day of the general election campaign yesterday that not a single flight is likely to take off before the next general election Paul let’s face it the lunatics have taken over our Asylum system it’s completely unfit for purpose I would completely agree Martin it seems that the lunatics have been running the Asylum system for quite a while now um it is quite disturbing um that we’ve got to 10,000 already um I think that if the weather continues to be good then we are likely to see a record number of Crossings which does give the LIE um and I remember speaking about this only a couple of weeks ago after various ministers were saying that the Rwanda plan was working because it was acting as a deterrent and because some people were moving around in Ireland um sadly it seems to be that um it’s not working at all so what’s the answer to all this Paul we scratch our heads in wonderment all the time at these figures these dizzying Heights we seem to reach do you think the labor party has any answers what is the solution the solution is going to be I think quite unpalatable for some people which is we’ve already spent or we would have committed to spending half a billion pounds uh to Rwanda and I don’t think we’ll see much of that money back but the only way and this is the unpalatable truth is that they’re going to have to start processing the Asylum claims in the United Kingdom now there’s a problem because there are about 40 maybe 45,000 um Asylum Seekers that have arrived on small boats and have they had had their claims deemed inadmissible and therefore they haven’t been processed and they’re clogging up hotels at the taxpayers expense now what I think is going to happen is when the labor government if a labor government is elected is that they’re going to have um what will be seen as an amnesty and those 40,000 people and whoever make it over the channel in the summer are going to have their claims processed the problem is is that the home officer then going to need further funding and additional staff otherwise we’re going to end up where we were I think last year when Rishi sunak was talking about clearing a backlog and the only way out of a backlog is to have an amnesty but but Paul that would simply roll out the red carpet to those on the beaches of France it would roll out the red carpet to the businessman model of the human traffickers to say you’ll be processed in Britain when we have such a pitiful rate of deportation and return it’s like 1.3% of people who arrived by small boats from 2018 to June 2023 were returned from the UK during that period with odds like that people continue to make these life endangering Crossings because they’re simply never likely to be returned and to process them in Britain to process them quicker it means more people stay here surely well yes and no yes I completely agree with what you’re saying is that um it and it seems to me that sadly the the criminals that do the people trafficking um have a better grip of reality than than some of the politicians because they will be marketing their product evil as it is on the basis that there’s no real chance of you ever being removed um and once there is an amnesty and that then the people are taking into the system and Rwanda ceases to be a threat and I think it’s only fair to say that I have had other people contacting me and I’m aware of other practitioners who have been contacted by people who were frightened that they would be removed to Rwanda and were scared now that fear is just going to evaporate and then we are as you say going to be left with a huge number of people whose claims need to be processed and that’s going to lead to bottlenecks it’s going to lead to a lot of problems and the real answer is a huge amount of money and to affect some proper way of um returns agreement with countries the government succeeded with um Albania and and I’m puzzled as that they haven’t made such a big fuss about it because once they got their returns agreement with Albania and once young Albanian men knew that there was a good chance of them being returned they stopped coming they went elsewhere okay Paul turn we have to leave it there it’s always a delight to have your company on the show thank you for joining us and there’s loads more still to come between now and 5:00 and I’ll be joined live by government Minister and a member of The Shadow cabinets but first it’s time for your headlines with Ray [Music] Edison Thanks Martin half past four our top stories the Prime Minister says the lowering of the energy price cap shows his plan is working as both labor and the Tories look to make it an electoral dividing line rishy sunak completed his tour of the nation in Northern Ireland and claimed that the economy has turned a corner he criticized the cost of Labor’s Net Zero pledges and said that he’ll be telling voters over the next few weeks how the conservatives plan to secure Britain’s future inflation has fallen back to normal levels the economy grew faster than all our competitors at the beginning of this year today we’ve had the news that energy bills are falling again and wages have been rising faster than prices for almost a year now and that’s why it’s the right time to turn to the Future and the world is sadly a more uncertain place it’s been in decades and that’s why what the country needs is leadership that can provide bold action and that has a clear plan because that’s how we will deliver a secure future for everyone in our country Labour has confirmed it will pass the smoking ban if the party enters office with the conservatives having run out of time to get it through Parliament themselves the labor leader has been campaigning in Scotland today where he’s pledged to bring down energy costs with a new publicly owned green power company Labor’s hoping to wines thousand of seats in Scotland after years of dominance by the SNP GB news can reveal that more than 10,000 migrants have illegally crossed the channel to the United Kingdom this year it’s a blow to Rishi sunak on his second full day of election campaigning after he promised that his government would stop the boats and the documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock has died at the age of 53 he came to prominence with his Oscar nominated film super supercize me in 2004 which tracked his health while he ate nothing but McDonald’s for a month the film was credited with prompting a broad conversation about how fast food and Rising obesity was impacting Society Mr Spurlock passed away in New York due to complications from cancer well for the latest stories sign up to GB news alerts by scanning the QR code on your screen or go to [Music] thank you R now there’s a brand new way to get in touch with us here at GB news and here’s Bev Turner with all of the details we are proud to be GB news the people’s Channel and as you know we always love to hear your views now there’s a new way of getting in touch with us at GB newws yoursay by commenting you can be part of a live conversation and join our GB news Community you can even talk to me beev Turner or any of the members of the GB news family simply go to GB your [Music] say the latest GB news travel good afternoon to you I’m Jules Backle there some cues on the Northbound M1 now firstly before the M18 interchange Junction 32 a 6 Mile queue back to Junction 30 it’s at the scene of an accident that’s now on the hard shoulder also Northbound from 40 at oet up to Cargate at 41 that Journey takes about 20 minutes a 4 Mile Q two lanes are shut again a cesan being recovered there long qes for the Northbound M11 just after Junction six for the M25 queueing back to Lon Junction five not topped by an earlier cision delays back to Junction 28 on the M25 as a result and keys for the M4 in South Wales westbound slow Junction 238 to the bring glass tunnels a que eastbound two and heing to either side of Junction 41 at bagin westbound slow back to Junction 39 that’s your latest you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB this is GB news Britain’s News Channel have government done enough do you think to actually help them out I think there will be occasions where people have tried to run a venture whether it be a POA restaurant or anything sort of like that um in in in the hospitality sector and it hasn’t become commercially viable because of costs because of bad accounting or because of bad business people that’s that that is just a fact of life that happens in every sector so there will be publics that are closing because they’ve been poorly run but I do think um uh there will be occasions where people are forced out of the market so if local councils aren’t being able to pass on business rates for example maybe central government can do more it always tries to do more to cut uh beer Duty and things like that to keep pubs uh going um so I don’t think it’s necessary just as as plain as what James is saying is that you know bad pubs will just inevitably be fallen by the way the idea that you two gentlemen you raging capitalist support the government stepping in to protect pubs seems to me to be particularly peculiar if a pub isn’t commercially viable it has to be allowed to fail Sadi Khan you know he has a nighttime Zar that he pays well over 100 Grand yes and businesses are going under like you wouldn’t believe in London she’s a real nightmare what’s what’s your point well the point is that labor aren’t exactly helping out these businesses are they I’m saying pubs should not be protected by the state I’m all for a pub I’m not I’m not suggesting that we subsidize that has been suggested that’s what James May is railing against although have to say it’s all all very well for James May presumably is a very Posh gastro pub but if a pub is is not fit for purpose and may makes this point you know you got to have decent clean l and a clean Pub and also you realistically in this day and age you know times change you got to put on some decent grub as well if you want it to survive we can’t have the government stepping in to save our pubs and anyway my understanding over the last 10 20 years as a percentage we haven’t lost that many pubs so they’re not going under anytime soon welcome back the time is 4:36 I’m Martin dney and this is GB news now just after 5:00 I’ll be joined here in the studio by the leader of Reform UK Richard T and among the things I’ll ask him is this does he think his party will have any MPS after the general election now the ex poost office boss Paula venos has denied the company’s executive team which she led shielded the board from Dirty Laundry well that’s as she also denied trying to close down a review Into the software which led to the wrongful convictions of hundreds of sub postmasters I’m joined now by the business and trade Minister Kevin hauling rate Kevin welcome to the show always a pleasure um now before we move on to the general election Trail and all the latest let’s talk a little bit about paa ven’s performance this week she turned on the Waterworks a lot of people are saying um as far as that goes the sympathy is in the post can you hear me he can’t hear me yeah good clip by po El um um well I mean I’ve watched that evidence she she’s been giving to the inquiry I think it is ever more clear that the people at the top of the post office knew what was going on um as early well 10 12 years ago 2013 and you know you got to ask yourself why that wasn’t disclosed to the court so that’ll be a matter for obviously if that there’s been some something like pervers the course of Justice we know the m Po and police have got investigation into this and the crown prosecution service are there to assist them in taking forward charges where prosecutions can be taken forward and I said for some months I think I would welcome any charges uh brought forward this has been a horrendous scandal at billion pounds of cost the taxpayer in terms of compensation countless lives ruined divorces suicides homelessness absolutely horrendous what’s happened and somebody needs to be held to account for it this week of course in the evidence that came out was the the the allegation that she knew about this do you think in all likelihood that must have been the case when she was the head honcho she was in charge all of this happened on her watch is it conceivable that all this could have been going on without her knowledge well I don’t think that’s a question for me I think it’ been appropriate for me to comment on that’s any specific person but it’s quite clear that people in the post office knew what was happening knew there were flaws with Horizon didn’t disclose that and knew those flaws could have been uh if if they’ been known about by the courts um it may well have been those people would not have been convicted and that is horrendous and that’s why we decide to do what we’ve done only this week and with the prime minister’s support we have overturned hundreds of convictions probably around 700 convictions with the legislation we passed yesterday which will receive Royal Ascent today that means all those convictions hundreds of them around 700 will be quashed as of today which I think many people will welcome and of course that means compensation can flow rapidly to those people and their families yeah and that’s been a swift resolution along with the taint of blood Scandal um I was with people who’ve been in that inquiry today and they were actually very very happy with the political response to that so well done on that front too can I now talk to you about the general election campaign a grim tally has been reached today 7 six conservative MPS now won’t stand at the next election this surpasses the record it set in 1997 that begs the next question Kevin does that mean the conservatives are with an echo of History heading for a Tony blairy Wipeout no I don’t think that’s the case I don’t think you can connect those two things I mean see Greg Clark today for example he served nearly 20 years in Parliament that’s a long time in Parliament and John rward 27 years we have a lot of conservative MPS of course so as of proportion you bound to get quite a high number decide they’ got other things to do with their lives and I quite understand that but we’re really looking forward to working with a new cour of of conservative members of parliament who will bring a Fresh Approach to Parliament and that will be welcomed and Kevin would you like to see one of those new members of parliament perhaps Lord Frost Mr brexit who um we heard earlier on today was allegedly being blocked from the candidates list Mr Rishi sunak said to us today that’s not the case would you like to see people like him in government proper Tores with a record of delivering on things like brexit well I definitely want to see proper proper Tes and great admir of La Frost D Frost and if the relevant Association thinks he’s the right person to represent their constituencies so be it we need all the talent right across it’s a very broad Church in the conservative party we need all the talent and all our best people on the pitch good sir that’s a great endorsement there Kevin Holland rake thank you very much for joining us on the show always a pleasure to have your company thank you so that’s a conservative party’s Viewpoint well in a few minutes I’ll be joined live by Shadow Cabinet member Peter Kyle I’ll ask him if he’s worried Jeremy Corbin is going to beat labor at the general election in isington North what a world we live in I’m Martin dney on GB news Britain’s News [Music] Channel good afternoon welcome to your latest GB news weather update there will be some sunshine across Southern areas to end the day but for most of us it will stay rather cloudy and it’s going to be quite a cold night tonight as well particularly compared to recent nights drizzly rain is going to continue across northern areas that’s because low pressure still nearby and a weather front but through this evening that low pressure will gradually shift North and westwards taking with it that cloudier and slightly wetter weather and introducing much clearer weather the clearer Skies from the south this afternoon will spread northwards and that will allow for temperatures to dip down into single figures possibly low single figures across Southern counties there could also be some mist and fog around as well first thing but also quite a good deal of sunshine as well Saturday is looking like the driest day of the weekend and the warmest one as well so fairly Bright Start across the far north of Scotland still some lingering rain across the Northwest and the Southwest probably but for most of us it should be dry if not a bit cloudy across northern areas across Northern England much of Wales and England it should be a Bright Start temperatures will pick up quite quickly as the sun comes up so you’ll be into double digits at least by around 8:00 and there’ll be plenty of sunshine through the morning that mist and fog should clear quite quickly there a potential for a few showers to develop particularly across northern areas of England parts of Scotland as well could see some heavier showers on Saturday but most of us should stay dry and there’s just a chance of some rain clipping the far Southeast later on in the day but in the sunshine highs of around 22 degrees in the South into the High Teens across the north but there is a bit of a change on the way for Sunday as this area of rain from the Southwest will push northeastwards through the night bringing a spell of wet weather and once it does clear through we will see plenty of showers breaking out across the country through Sunday and Monday these could be quite heavy possibly thundery so it’s going to turn much more unsettled and a little bit cooler for the rest of the weekend GB news is Britain’s election Channel and when the big stories break we’re tackling them on Britain’s news room when we disagree and we disagree a lot it’s even lier than normal we don’t disagree that much much do his comedy though is revolting I knew her and unlike you that explains Beverly Turner’s temperament it’s a bit FR in here isn’t it he have one of me one day um for dark ball practice Britain’s Newsroom on GB news weekdays 9:30 a.m. GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel join me Camila Tomy every Sunday at 9:30 when I’ll be interviewing the key players in British politics and taking them to task this report basically says that he’s not fit to stand Tri with an upcoming election looming over Westminster now is the time for Clear honest answers I agree and that’s precisely what I’ll get is he indecisive incompetent that’s the Camila Tomy show at 9:30 every Sunday on GB newss the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel welcome back your time is 4:44 I’m Martin dney and this is GB news now let’s get more now ahead of the general election and sakir starm has been in Scotland today promoting Labor’s plans for a new body called Great British energy which he says would bring down household bills for good at the same time former labor leader Jeremy Corbin has revealed that he will stand as an independent candidate on July the 4th after he was expelled from the party what I’m delighted to say I joined in the studio by the shadow Secretary of State for science Innovation and Technology Peter Kyle Peter welcome to the studio thanks having me we’ve got to start with Jeremy Corbin um he’s the problem that won’t go away of course um he wasn’t kicked out of the party entirely for the shame he brought upon the party he was actually investigated for allegations of racism by the equality and Human Rights Commission that wasn’t enough to get kicked out of the party but only now has the party acted because he’s standing against you K sta prevented him from standing as a labor MP as soon as the ehrc report came back and Jeremy refused to endorse it then he was removed from the Parliamentary labor party and he’s not sat since this was uh nothing shows just how strident K starm has worked to change the labor party so now we are a change labor party that is fit for service once again and the fact that Jeremy Corbin is standing against labor tells everybody what you need to know the labor party is changed uh and we have a fantastic candidate there uh in is lingon North uh and then we will you know we’ll fight hard and I’m pretty sure we’re going to win it too but K did back Jeremy Corbin twice to be prime minister K let’s just be honest about this K did what it took to to save the labor party to fix the labor party and get it fit for service and he’s done all of those things now we are standing here now in an election facing the future the country has a choice we have a prime minister that says he has a plan but can’t even get an umbrella when he makes the announcement of a of of a general election I mean what does that tell you about his ability to to to deliver and to act Strate strategically and we have K starma that has rigorously changed the labor party come forward with six steps forward that we will immediately act on starting with a stable economy and then going right the way through our public services and of course the plan to uh to set up a border security Force so that we can tackle the small boats challenge so this is a set of first steps forward that the country can look forward to because comprehensively it adds up to not just a step forward for our country it will profoundly change people’s lives all right can you tell us about the Great British energy plan because we can’t find any detail um it’s great to say your bills will go down who doesn’t want that but how we got the conservative party today saying they’re going to scrap Net Zero taxes green taxes Ed millan’s idea he’s shortly to return to Parliament can we really trust the labor party on things like green taxation I mean you’ve done a u-turn on the1 18 billion pound cost of it already and the the net factor is the working class the working pool they’re the ones who hit hit the hardest by these these punity of green taxes so Great British energy is one of those six steps forward that we will take immediately should we win the election in 6 weeks time what we’ll do is set up a publicly owned Energy company that will invest in clean energy so this means that we can have finally a publicly owned body of significance that can invest in the transition and the new jobs of the future that can create that can support British Innovation so Kier announced this today up in Scotland with Anna Sawa the leader of the Scottish labor party the key thing about that is that all of the wind farms that are being built and have been built over the last 14 years in Scotland not one of them has any materials in it that was built and created in Britain we need to make sure the United Kingdom is investing in itself so we will have a British Energy company nationally owned investing in clean British energy and by doing so we will bring down bills but not just invest like Rishi sunak did to to artificially reduce bills for a short amount of time we will we will reduce bills permanently going forward by lowering the permanent cost of energy for our country it is a win-win for our country that could also be achieved if we exploited domestic resources not just wind and there’s a lot of hot air in politics as we all know Shale North Sea oil so K’s attitude towards North Sea seems to be just stop oil well the cheapest form of electricity right now is wind power so we need to make and the reason we don’t have more of it is because the conservatives launched three planning uh bills and didn’t get one single one of them through Parliament so we’ve had this kind of Hiatus in building clean power for our country we need to see where the energy Market is going we need a mixed balance of energy we need to invest in new nuclear which we will do we need to make sure that we get uh clean energy off the ground so with new Renewables for solar and for wind we need to invest in people’s households so we can get the energy bills down that way because we have an incredibly poor housing stock in our country and we need to invest in that as well now GB energy will invest in all of these things and it will take a holistic approach right across the board but crucially we will also be investing in the new jobs of the future you know those those energy uh producing uh ways that you just mentioned a minute ago from Shell gas through to North Sea oil you know this is not the future you know Britain needs to start facing the future and grabbing the opportunities of the future that’s why we’re so excited about this election because we got a chance to reorientate our country to where the skills are going to be the jobs are going to be the wealth creation is going to be for the future Rich soon is just niggling at the sidelines he is facing and investing in the industries of the past if we can harness the industries of the future support the Innovation where it is not only do we solve the challenges domestically we create great export opportunities for our economy in our in innovators and our wealth creators and the businesses up and down our country this is the opportunity we have and then we only have now a few weeks to decide whether we choose the change our country needs well Peter Carl you’re plugged in and full of energy thanks for joining us in the studio a delight to have your company please come back now it’s the 80th anniversary of D-Day in less than two weeks and the Commonwealth wargraves commission is continuing its lighting their legacy torch events in harate today school children have been hearing from historians and Veterans on the importance of commemoration and joining me now is GB news’s Yorkshire and Humber reporter Anna Riley Anna sounds like a magnificent project a magnificent day tell us more good afternoon Martin yes it certainly is we’re here at Stone fall Cemetery where the lighting of lighting their legacy event took place this is a commonwealth War Graves area one of the largest in the north of England with over a thousand uh Commonwealth Warg Graves from uh people from uh not from um Australia uh from New Zealand America Canada and this event is all about passing on the legacy of D-Day to the younger generation so Ken Cook one of the last remaining Yorkshire D-Day veterans was here to speak to local primary school children about his time uh in D-Day and this is what he had to say what was it like now there’s Lads of explanations of what what it was like for some it was terrible for some it was an adventure uh for me it was that kind of Adventure Like a Boy Scout Adventure never been on the beach before never seen a ship before because I was born in a mining Village in Nottinghamshire nowhere near the coast where I could go to go on a beach or whatever and uh I never seen a ship or a boat even a rowing boat I never seen so all this was brand new to me it was uh you know exciting in a way but uh otherwise you know it’s just something that happened I was there and in my mind it was a an adventure Ken was just 18 years old when he was conscripted to join the Army and he did his training in nearby Richmond so he was giving his account to younger people and passing on that Legacy to them he is one of the few surviving D-Day veterans that will be going over to Normandy on June the 6th and they will be taking that torch with them that they’ve been lighting around the UK across on the ferry to Normandy for that very important and special service that will be held how magnificent is that Ken Cook the very very finest generation and of course we’ll have massive coverage of dday 8th anniversary um coming up on the channel throughout fantastic stuff now don’t go anywhere because there’s lots more general election coverage coming up in a few minutes time I’ll be joined by the leader of Reform UK Richard TI after this week’s dramatic events with Nigel farage pulling out of the party I’ll be asking him is the party over I’m Martin Dorney on GB news BR News Channel not sure WEA and it’s Annie shorth a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good afternoon welcome to your latest GB news weather update there will be some sunshine across Southern areas to end the day but for most of us it will stay rather cloudy and it’s going to be quite a cold night tonight as well particularly compared to recent nights drizzly rain is going to continue across northern areas that’s because low pressure is still nearby and a weather front but through this evening that low pressure will gradually shift North and westwards taking with it that cloudier and slightly wetter weather and introducing much clearer weather the clearer Skies from the south this afternoon will spread northwards and that will allow for temperatures to dip down into single figures possibly low single figures across Southern counties there could also be some mist and fog around as well first thing but also quite a good deal of sunshine as well Saturday is looking like the driest day of the weekend and the warmest one as well so fairly bright starts across the far north of Scotland still some lingering rain across the Northwest and the Southwest probably but for most of us it should be dry if not a bit cloudy across northern areas across Northern England much of Wales and England it should be a Bright Start temperatures will pick up quite quickly as the sun comes up so you’ll be into double digits at least by around 8:00 and there’ll be plenty of sunshine through the morning that mist and fog should clear quite quickly there’s a potential for a few showers to develop particularly across Northern areas of England parts of Scotland as well could see some heavier showers on Saturday but most of us should stay dry and there’s just a chance of some rain clipping the far Southeast later on in the day but in the sunshine highs of around 22 de in the South into the High Teens across the north but there is a bit of a change on the way for Sunday as this area of rain from the southwest will push northeastwards through the night bringing a spell of wet weather and once it does clear through we will see plenty of showers breaking out across the country through Sunday and Monday these could be quite heavy possibly thundery so it’s going to turn much more unsettled and a little bit cooler for the rest of the weekend looks like things are heating up boxed boilers sponsors of weather on GB [Music] news the latest GB news travel hi good afternoon I’m Jules Buckley three issues on the Northbound M1 firstly Lane one’s ConEd off before the M18 Junction 32 slow going is at the scene of a previous accident also Northbound there’s a 4 Mile queue as a collision guest recovered now two lane to shut that’s AET Junction 40 up to Cargate 41 and there’s a breakdown Northbound at the M1 is from Hamil Hemstead Junction 8 up to redborn at 9 that’s causing cues a lane closure remains in place Northbound M11 queuing after Junction 6 the M25 very slow back to Lon at 5 again that follows a previous bump but all lanes are back open slow back towards 28 on the M25 and the M4 in South Wales really slow either side of the bring glass tunnels and it’s currently queuing two on the M4 either side of Junction 41 at bagin and that’s the latest you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB the Next Great British giveaway winner could be you with the massive £20,000 in taxfree cash to be won imagine how you’d react getting that winning call from us oh my God are you joking not I never won a penny in my life I don’t know what to say to know what I’ve I’ve never won anything like this in my life oh my God oh God oh you helped me amazing for another chance to win 20,000 in taxfree cash Tex prize to 63232 Tex cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to GB 05 PO Box 8690 Derby de1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 31st of May full terms and privacy notice at GB newws win please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck we’re GB news and we come from a proud tradition of British journalism that’s why I’m so excited to be here it’s something so new the first news channel to be launched in Britain in over 30 years launched to represent the views of the British people to go where other broadcasters refused to go how did you find out about the story in the first place launched with one aim to be the Fearless champion of Britain it’s an absolutely fantastic atmosphere here this is GB news people GB news Britain’s News Channel join me Camila Tomy every Sunday at 9:30 when I’ll be interviewing the key players in British politics and taking them to task this report basically says that he’s not fit to stand trial with an upcoming election looming over Westminster now is the time for Clear honest answers I agree and that’s precisely what I’ll get is he indecisive incompetent that’s the Camila tomin show at 9:30 every Sunday on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel [Music] hey very good afternoon to you it’s 5:00 p.m and welcome to the Martin dby show on GB News broadcasting live from the h of Westminster all across the UK on today’s show with sjn redward and bionic MP Craig McKinley the latest tourist to bow out of the general election the tally of Tory stand Downs is now 76 and that’s beating the record of 1997 does it signify a Blair style Wipeout for Rishi sunet and yesterday reforms honorary president Nigel farage stood down after rishy sunak outmaneuvered him by calling a snap early general election now with their talismanic leader heading to America to help Donald Trump is the party over for reform UK well I’ll be joined by their leader Richard Ty in just a few moments time and a sobering new trading standard report has discovered that’s underfilled pint glasses and wine cost British drinkers are staggering £114 each every year now purely in the name of research I’ll be sending a reporter to a Great British Boozer to demand topups for the Great British Nation that’s all coming up in your next [Music] hour a chaotic week in politics richy soon next 76 now have stood down and will not stand for the conservative party at the next general election that surpasses the Tony Blair tally 1997 a grim Landmark reached meanwhile Jeremy Corbin is set to stand against the labor party a former leader the sakir starma endorsed twice and also as we’re about to talk about quite soon Richard Ty is going to join me from reform Nigel farage admitted in this studio last night that Rishi sunak had outmaneuvered him by calling an early election now um farage isn’t going to stand as a candidate he will however commit to campaigning but he going to America to help Donald Trump I’ll be asking Richard Ty is the party over for reform UK that’s coming up in your next hour but first get in touch and it’s GB your say get in touch it’s your show but first it’s your headlines and it’s Ray Addison [Music] Martin thanks 2 minutes past five top stories this hour the Prime Minister says the lowering of the energy price cap shows his plan is working as both labor and the conservatives look to make it an electoral dividing line rishy sunak completed his tour of the nation in Northern Ireland and claimed that the economy has turned a corner he then criticized the cost of Labor’s Net Zero pledges and said that he’ll be telling voters over the next few weeks how the Tories plan to secure Brit ‘s future inflation has fallen back to normal levels the economy grew faster than all our competitors at the beginning of this year today we’ve had the news that energy bills are falling again and wages have been rising faster than prices for almost a year now and that’s why it’s the right time to turn to the Future and the world is sadly a more uncertain place than it’s been in decades and that’s why what the country needs is leadership that can provide bold action and that has a clear plan because that’s how we will deliver a secure future for everyone in our country Theresa May has urged Tor MPS to fight to reelect a conservative government in her farewell speech in Parliament the MP for Maiden head who served as PM between 2016 and 2019 said it would be a great wrench to leave the commons after 27 years her departure comes as 76 Tory MPS step down which is more than the number of those who left when labor swept to power back in 1997 well laborers ruled out any deals with the SNP after the election even in the event of a hung Parliament Zakir stama has been campaigning in the east of Glasgow today which is one of the seats that he’s hoping to take from John sn’s party in July’s election Sakia said the snp’s only ambition is to break up the UK and there would be absolutely no deal with the Scottish nationalists Jeremy Corbin has confirmed that he’ll stand as an dependent candidate in this general election against the party that he once LED as a result he’s automatically been expelled as a member of Labor which suspended him back in 2020 over his claims that complaints of anti-Semitism had been dramatically overstated in the party the former labor leader says he’ll run as a voice for equality but the current labor leader sakir stama said he’s not worried about Corbin’s popularity in his linked North which he’s represented since 1983 but Jeremy Corbin will make his own decisions I think he’s standing as an independent that’s his choice we will have an excellent Labor candidates in is lingon North as we’ve got excellent Labor candidates across the country and the choice at this election is absolutely clear we’ve had 14 years of chaos and decline under this Tory government we cannot have more than that GB news can reveal that more than 10,000 Channel migrants have crossed illegally to the United Kingdom so far this year the Milestone figure was reached today after another 154 people arrived in do having crossed in three small boats this morning it’s a blow to Rishi sunak on his second full day of election campaigning after he’ promised that his government would stop the boats the former boss of the post office has been accused of living in quote La La Land over her role in The Horizon Scandal Paula venel again became emotional on her third day of giving evidence she admitted making mistakes and accepted that there was no one else to blame but she did claim that she didn’t know why important information hadn’t reached her samstein casc described that as quote absolute rubbish and suggested that Miss venel had failed to ask the right questions because the risk was too great I worked as hard as I possibly could to deliver the best post office for the UK it would have been wonderful to have 30,000 post office branches that would have been the best outcome ever to have had more post offices in more communities what I failed to do and I have made this clear previously is I did not recognize the and it’s been discussed within across the inquiry the imbalance of power between the institution and the individual and I let these people down and finally the documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock has died at the age of 53 he came to prominence with his Oscar nominated film suiz me in 2004 which tracked his health while he ate nothing but McDonald’s for a month the film was credited with prompting a broad conversation about how fast food and Rising obesity was impacting Society Mr Spurlock passed away in New York due to complications from cancer well if you like all the latest headlines you can sign up to GB news alerts scan the QR code on your screen or go to GB newws alerts straight back to [Music] Martin thank you Ray now we start with the latest on a hugely dramatic day in politics and prime minister Richi sunak has said that he is PED for the general election campaign but the same cannot be said for lots of his conservative colleagues because 76 conservative MPS have now said that they will not be standing in the upcoming general election which is more than in 1997 when Tony Blair’s labor stormed to Victory well GB news’s political editor Christopher hope has spent the day with richy sunk and he joins me now from the West Midlands welcome to the show CH is a dramatic day on the campaign Trail can you start with a story we’re hearing about there was a pro Palestine protest attempted to hijack Ria’s campaign can you tell us more on the motorway traveling arrival there was delayed somewhat by protest um outside um the the building there was a a man Pro Palestine protester playing free free Palestine there was several people uh with free Palestine banners and signs there were school children Milling around but the PM to his credit said no I’m going to go along he was rushed in by police um the crowd ran back ran around and there’s some footage of this shortly be played out on GB news it was quite dramatic and it shows I think the tenor of what we’ll be seeing through this election campaign as the Gaza situation uh bubbles along we will see more and more of these protests I expect through the campaign against all the main Party leaders but to be the credit the PM there was an issue there the police are worried but the PM pushed through and did go and meet these six forers though the visit was curtailed somewhat and Chris do we have any idea of how many individuals were involved what the Potential Threat was and how close they got to the prime minister they certainly sured around the PM as he arrived that there was a long Cavalcade of of motorcyclist try to keep the protesters away from the Prime Minister but they surged towards him and he was us ushered in very quickly and they said the police and sat outside revving their engines while a man played very loud um free Palestine chanting music rap music at the building and school children M around and some people hell signs and some labor supporters turned up but the labor supporters I think of the of the the labor region we were in of the pre it was a bit tense for a bit but it soon Subs chis we see that footage on the screen now having some difficulty with your signal you of course are on the move with the prime minister’s battle bus that is a bunch of pro Palestine protesters on the prime minister’s Trail there they got very close to the Prime Minister police to their credit apparently got in quickly and put paid to this but gives something of a taste perhaps Chris hope what we can expect on this campaign Trail these Pro Palestine protests seemingly touching every part of British culture uh that’s that’s right we will see more and more of that think as we go on of course the whether the PM is any one time in the country has to be a secret to ensure his security and so when you’re part of his groups traveling with the Prime Minister we are told to keep his his his presence wherever he is um a secret he made very clear there on a flight back from um Northern Ireland we’ve been on a on a four Nation visit with the prime minister in 36 hours traveling hundreds of miles by train bus and and plane on the flight back from Belfast at lunchtime he did and damn right he’s going to win the general election he has had some issues in in Northern Ireland he was um interviewed in in what’s known as the Titanic quarter of course the Titanic went down with a thousand lives lost back in the early part of the 20th century so all this is symbolic and difficult for him sometimes but he’s pushing on through he thinks he can win the election he thinks he can win from 20 points behind in the polls but but the problem he’s got is some of his is senior tmps are quitting we heard David evet he became the record 76th Tory MP to leave um to to to quit the election beating the 75 record set in 1997 one of the 75th in fact was Craig McKinley um this rather Brave and heroic Tor MP who has had his hands and feet amputated after the Contracting sepsis we covered we ran um an important documentary about his recovery and and his return to Parliament on Wednesday when he was praised and cheered um to the rafters by by by MPS from across the House of Commons uh in tribute to his Public Service he has recognized that the timing of election uh is wrong for him he’s got to get better he’s working on his health he had planned to fight the election had it been in in November but a July election is just too soon for his condition okay Chris hope thank you for that update live from the conservative party battle bus some may question the logic of attending the Titanic site in a way they may question the logic of not giving Rishi sunk an umbrella on Wednesday thanks for that update there Chris and join me now in the studio is the leader of Reform UK Richard Ty and GB news political correspondent elivia Utley welcome to the show Richard it’s been a tumultuous week for your party yesterday um the only Topic in town great week well this week the only Topic in town yesterday was Nigel farage um being outmaneuvered he admitted ABS nonsense he’s actually what he’s confirmed is he’s getting in thrilled that he’s able to campaign with us for the first time uh for the next 6 weeks and I can tell you that it is going to be a busy period and he is going to get fully all engaged and we are going to be a serious part of inuring this is an immigration election and yesterday’s figures the mass migration figures complete betrayal by the touring party I mean catastrophic it’s one of the reasons actually why the Prime Minister bottled it because he was petrified of the growth of Reform UK in the polls petrified by the fact that he was sinking in the polls the fact that he chose the Titanic to have an event in confirms sadly that he is sinking and look we’re making progress and the polls out today since the announcement election show that actually there’s no post elction announcement Tory bounds exactly the opposite the Gap with us is closing Richard never mind stopping the boats has Nigel leaving your ship stopped the vote he hasn’t left our he’s joined our sh the fact of the matter is he said he would stand and every poster that we’ve had in the studio P worth there matal said a reform party with Nigel farage fully standing fully engaged will give you a Sixpoint boost that hasn’t happened a lot of people yesterday were sending their messages into GB news saying they felt betrayed by Nigel for not doing this do you feel betrayed by Nigel of course not I’m thrilled to bits that for the first time he’s able to join the party fully and engage for the next six weeks and that’s absolutely great and so yeah look we’re full on and I think the the reality is our press conference yesterday highlighting the complete betrayal the mass immigration numbers you’ve got a city the size of Birmingham arrived in 2023 they Revis upwards the numbers from 2022 and we’re going to make sure the British people understand that actually that mass immigration has huge extra pressure on housing rents that have increased by 20% on wages being depressed and also the pressure on our NHS the Whole Health Care system is being damaged by this Mass immigration that no one planned for and no one voted for the thing I don’t really understand is now farage has said that he’s not going to stand because he doesn’t have time to find a winnable seat he doesn’t think he can win a seat if Nigel farage the name that everyone knows the name behind reform can’t think he can doesn’t think he can win a seat then what chance does any other reform cidate oh we’re going to win seats absolutely no question at all and actually what experience shows is sometimes it’s more challenging if you’re trying to uh to both win a seat and C you know run a national campaign than actually just focusing on one or the other so you know got experience of that and so you know the conclusion was the right thing is campaign nationally help us win some seats and I’m very confident we’re going to do that in fact I’ve already started to win bets I said there would be a summer election and sure enough it’s a summer election why because they’re petrified of us they’re they know that Randa is not a deterrent and is going to be a huge asset and you’re going to see that over the course of the next week but hasn’t this early move I mean you know in that very seat in this very Studio last night Nigel Freud said richy sunak had outmaneuvered him by snapping the election early means there’s not enough time to build the base to fundra to get out there and that’s what the brexit party did so well before you need that time to build your base and that’s been snatched away now by sunak well iten it hasn’t been snatched away at all the reality is that there’s always a bit of tease and a bit of banter but the truth is we’re making great progress I’m thrilled to bits and I think you’re going to see over the next week we are going to make sure people recognize this is an immigration election it’s it it has so much impact on everything we’re pushing on hard and I’m thrilled onwards and upwards okay okay so you like making bets how many seats are you going to win let’s make a bet I didn’t say I’ll bet on everything um I will bet we will get millions of votes and the more people vote for us the more seats we get okay super let’s now throw to Chris Hope on the battle burst and you listening into that interview there Chris I wonder if you have any response or a question perhaps for Richard T back here in Westminster yes thank you and Richard hello from the the Tory battle bus here in West Midland a quick question to you um you were were you out outmaneuvered by this early call of elction if you were so certain on it being a summer election why didn’t you get a seat ready for your star candidate Nigel farage instead he was caught short and he pulled out rather embarrassingly I just agree there’s no commitment that Nigel was definitely going to stand you look at all options in any business any Walk of Life you look at a range of options and you decide what you want to do and that’s you know you make judgments and you want to say What’s the most effective way of achieving the objective and this is not a one election game this is you know we will get millions of votes at this election and then this is a medium-term plan and journey towards the 28 29 election when we will be the opposition the Tores might be in opposition but we will become the opposition I mean you’re quite a small party still obviously but already there seems to be some division in your ranks yesterday Nigel farage said that he was planning on launching his election campaign next week today Ben khabib said on GB news that’s your Deputy co-chair that Nigel farage uh didn’t plan to to run next week benhabib knew absolutely nothing about this and he called it Nigel’s version of events how do you explain that the whole point is if you’re if you’re looking at thinking of something and you haven’t confirmed it you keep it within a very very tight circle of it’s not even his Deputy lead you keep it you keep it in a very tight Circle okay we have to there Richard T the leader of Reform UK thank you very much for joining us great sport here in Westminster now we get lots more on the general election campaign on our website and thanks to you GB is the fastest growing national news website in the country it’s got the breaking news and all the brilliant analysis you’ve come to expect from us here at GB news now it’s the Great British giveaway now and your chance to win £20,000 cash in time for the summer and of course it’s all taxfree what you spend that wer on a dream holiday or get the garden done or perhaps even treat the family or the kids but you have to hurry up as time is ticking on your chance to make it yours and here’s how it’s the biggest Cas prize we’ve given away to date an incredible £20,000 that you could use however you like and because it’s totally tax-free every single penny will be in your bank account to do whatever you like with £20,000 in taxfree cash really could be yours this summer hurry you’ve got to be in it to win it for another chance to win £20,000 in taxfree cash text win to 63232 text Cost £2 Plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to GB 05 PO Box 8690 darb de1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 31st of May full terms and privacy notice at [Music] [Music] now the average house all B more than £1 1220 better off every year from next month and our economics and business editor Liam helan will fill us in on how I’m Martin doy on GB news Britain’s News [Music] Channel I’m Patrick Christies every week night from 9: I bring you two hours of unmissable explosive debate and headline grabbing interviews what impact has that had we got death threats in the bomb threat and so on our job is do what’s in the best interest of our country you made my argument for me my guest and I tackle the issues that really matter with a sharp take on every story I’m hearing up and down the country that was a beginning not an end Patrick chrisy tonight from 9:00 p.m. only on GB news Britain’s News Channel Britain’s Newsroom weekday mornings from 9:30 the Eurovision according to figures out the morning had its most dis disastrous night today because viewing figures are down by 2 and a half million so the BBC had a had a a drag queen on telling everyone that she was boycotting it um who was boycotting it someone called Crystal who was who came on the news night to say that she was boycotting her her North London uh party because of Israel so maybe that’s the that’s why the are down they canceled some Eurovision parties in gay bars in EXA so I wonder whether that’s what did it North London part think I think the whole of dolon basically not tuning in is what’s caused this massive drop in rating because of the whole contro controversy around Israel I have to say a lot of those performers needed to go and see a hygienist I mean that man who was the Irish entry who was sort of who supposed to be a satanic Witch she’s a she’s a we she does pop witch or something she screeched and she screeched a lot and then took her clothes off and then there was a sort of devil man who was daating around her who you know obviously hadn’t his teeth in years break that was the break but I went and I thought I thought the I thought the Israeli entry uh I I mean I didn’t really like the song I liked her dress I just voted for it I the the way she was besieged in her hotel room but I did also think that the Ukraine entry was quite interesting because I know that the Israeli entry got into trouble for referencing the October 7th attacks and she had to sort of rewrite her stuff because you’re not allowed to mention the war or anything like that which is fine but then the Ukraine entry was very War I mean they had sort of they had kind of gunfire coming in over her whole thing there was dou standards there was quite a lot of that mean the people outside the qu we going to carry on paying for it though because I mean the BBC pays the share of it that’s us and we do spectacular every year we’re GB news and we come from a proud tradition of British journalism that’s why I’m so excited to be here it’s something so new the first news channel to be launched in Britain in over 30 years launched to represent the views of the British people to go where other broadcasters refused to go how did you find out about the story in the first place launched with one aim to be the Fearless champion of Britain it’s an absolutely fantastic atmosphere here this is GB news the CH GB news Britain’s News Channel welcome back 524 is your time I’m Martin dney this is GB news now later this hour a story that has absolutely appalled me to the pits of my stomach because it turns out more than 2third of pubs and boozers are giving us short measures in our pint poxs this must stop moving on the average household could be more than £ 1220 better off each year from July and that’s because off J off gem has lowered its price cap by 7% this comes as energy becomes the first Battleground on the general election campaign with vishi sunak and sakir Stormer both pledging cheaper gas and lucky bills for voters well GB news’s business and economics editor Liam Hanan joins me now in the studio with on the [Music] money Liam double Delight to have you twice on a Friday it’s the economy stupid they all say and we know that a huge Drive where people are really feeling the pinch is in their energy cost so let’s start with the good news there’s a price cut from off Jim there is obviously this election campaign is going to be dominated by the economy uh and within that unusually everyone’s talking about energy prices for years people like me who’ve studied the energy sector closely no one’s been interested it’s it’s just for nerds but of course since war in Ukraine it started properly uh escalated in February 2022 energy pools have been very very high and that’s helped push up post lockdown inflation so you mentioned off gem what’s that that’s the energy sector regulator they set a cap on the unit cost of electricity and gas combined and households then benefit from that cap of course if you use more or gas and electricity your Bill’s going to go above the numbers I’m about to say but this is the average usage at the capped unit price so let’s have a look at some of the numbers the scores on the doors so the average gas and electricity bill the average usage will be £ 1,568 a year from July so says off gem that’s for three months July August and September that’s down 7% on the present energy price cap which was April May and June and that means you’re saving around 122 quid a year if you’re the average household now unfortunately Martin the cap is likely to rise again in October because wholesale gas and electricity prices are going up there’s still lots of geopol called angst in the Middle East between Russia and Ukraine which pushes up Global prices and let’s keep this in perspective because I’ve just said the average bill will be just over, 1500 quid a year the average bill before the war in Ukraine before February 2022 was just over ,000 a year so in other words electricity bills and gas bills combined even at this lower level are still 50% higher than they were back at the beginning of 2022 before that ghastly uh escalation of war in Ukraine and of course that is the thing that people care about the pounds and the pence in their pockets and you’ve been saying all along your dead right as usual it hammers the working classes the poorest the hardest because proportionately they Fork out more on the essentials energy and food that’s right if you’re in a lower income household you spend more of your income on food and energy so food inflation and energy price inflation which is where they’ve been the epicenter of this cost of living crisis they disproportionately impact you and that’s a problem and that’s why Energy prices are now going to be an election Battleground we had CLA coutinho the Energy Secretary uh outgoing if you like from the Tores on the radio this morning talking about scrapping the parts of our energy bills that go towards subsidizing renewable companies that make wind turbines that make uh solar farms and so on that’s a good idea because it’s unfair to put those costs on bills because the poor pay more to proportionately it should come out of General taxation if they’re subsidized at all good idea the Tores are now talking about it just before an election where have they’ve been for the last 10 years anyway that’s up to them labor in response they’ve got their Great British Energy company Nice slogan lots of flags the old bulldog on a lead but what does it really mean I don’t know because there’s no details so I’d like to give you a detailed analytical breakdown Martin which is what I do of Labor Great British Energy company and if it’s going to be any good for GB news viewers and listeners alas I can’t because there are no details there’s no meat on the bone and this is what this election is going to be about it’s going to be about sloganeering it’s going to be about trading words very little policy detail because frankly so many journalists seem uninterested in the policy detail even though it’s what the punters really really want to know so this is how this election is going to pan out lots of finger pointing about the economy very little detail and I I in that very seat Where You Are I had Peter Kyle he’s the shadow Minister for science early on he was talking about this plan and I said to him so so what is it and apparently it’s more Wind forms and that’s cheaper I said well what about what about shell what about North something you’ve been talking about for a has been energy Sovereign I pointed out K st’s policy seems to be to just stop oil they seem tied to this dogged nature of Net Zero and we all know as you keep saying that places more burden on the shoulders of those who can f it look the North Sea diminished as it is it still accounts for about 70% of our energy needs not 70% of our electricity generation but 70% of our energy needs if you include transport oil and Diesel and so on the North Sea is still hugely important Brit’s energy complex you go to abdine and tell people in abedine that oil and gas isn’t important yeah it’s massively important for the Scottish economy for the entire British economy our energy complex even the climate change commission the government’s own in-house sort of green conscience energy Watchdog says that even if we get to Net Zero by 2050 even if we do on massively um optimistic assumptions even then we’re still going to be using oil and gas for about 30 to 40% of our energy needs so if we need oil and gas let’s use our own and then we get the tax on that for our ex cheer for our schools and hospitals and we don’t have to spend lots of carbon if you like putting oil and gas on ships and importing it from around the world so very little sense is spoken about energy in my experience by politicians and I can’t see that changing soon as this election campaign cranks up Liam Hanan always on the money full of Common Sense he’ll never catch on thank you very much now loow more still to come between now and 6 o’ including the government he blaming pornography and gaming for a surge in young men out of work I’m me young man he’s got a very different take on that theory more on that very soon but first it’s your latest news headlines with Ray [Music] Addison it’s 5:31 our top stories Rishi sunak has been greeted by a group of pro Palestine protesters as he visited a college in the West Midlands this afternoon the situation was described as tense as the Prime Minister arrived at South staford College in canuk it’s the last stop on his UK tour police officers formed a guard for Mr sunak as his entry to the college was delayed and he was quickly ushered into the building as the crowd surged around him whilst inside activists with banners and flags chanted free Palestine Theresa May has urged Tor MPS to fight to reelect a conservative government in her farewell speech in Parliament the MP for May Aiden head who served as prime minister between 2016 and 2019 said it would be a great wrench to leave the commons after 27 years her departure comes as 76 Tory MPS step down which is more than the number of those who left when labor swept to power back in 1997 and the former boss of the post office has been accused of living in la la land over her role in The Horizon Scandal Paula venel again becoming emotional on her third day of giving evidence she admitted making mistakes and accepted that there was no one else to blame but she claimed that she didn’t know why important information had not reached her and finally GB news can reveal that more than 10,000 Channel migrants have crossed illegally to the United Kingdom so far this year Milestone figure was reached today after another 154 arrived in DOA having crossed in three small boats this morning now it’s a to rishy sunak on his second full day of election campaigning after he promised his government would stop the boats okay if you want the latest stories you can sign up for GB news alerts just scan the QR code on your screen or go to GB [Music] alerts cheers britania wine club proudly sponsors the GB news financial report bit of Friday Finance for you now the pound will buy you $ 1.2745 and 1.17 44 price of gold £ 1,833 23 per ounce and the footsie 100s closed the day at 8,317 points cheers britania wine club proudly sponsors the GB news financial report thank you Ray now there’s a brand new way to get in touch with us here at GB news and here’s Bev Turner with all of the details we are proud to be GB news the people’s Channel and as you know we always love to hear your views now there’s a new way of getting in touch with us at GB your Say by commenting you can be part of a live conversation and join our GB news Community you can even talk to me Bev Turner or any of the members of the GB news family simply go to GB your [Music] say the latest GB news travel good evening my name is Johnny Ratner with your latest travel news long qes heading north up the M1 through West Georgia Junction 40 to 41 near to Wakefield it’s the two left lanes of for that to close recovery Works underway following an accident on the m6 heading south just before standers Junction 27 grer Manchester the left Lane’s closed ran broken down long delays heading south down the M1 through Northampton sh from 177 to 16 towards daventry two outside lanes are blocked off where a Lori broke down there’s also an accident on that stretch qes on the m42 heading south through War sh from Junction 7 to6 between the m6 and the Coventry exit that’s where Lor’s broken down blocking the left lane and on the Kent stretch of the M25 two lanes is sh clockwise just before Junction 1B at Dartford at the scene of an accident of qes back over the city Bridge into Essex that’s the latest you can stay up to dat the day by visiting our website GB GB news breakfast every day from 6:00 a.m. if she has such Ambitions where does this leave Prince Harry I mean he’s obviously already resentful that he was treated as a spare back here in Britain but he would only then become even more of a spare if he were married to either the president or somebody who was uh clearly setting her sights that way and and taking various offices yes clearly this presents a problem for Harry because if you notice what their plans are and there’s Megan’s lifestyle blog American Rivier or Orchard an odd name I really rather ponderous I think hers could have thought up something better and then Netflix program on cookery and entertainment and so forth Harry is doing a series on polo which is a bit of an elitist sport actually but of course Harry has got Invictus and so they have to as they plan Harry must must be absolutely definite that Harry will be integral to the planning I mean remember he is very emotionally reli on her and therefore might be content in this context to be a spare even if uh many people would laugh but I certainly see remember you have to Begin by hard campaigning they’re only putting in a each for charity art well if they really do want into politics if that is her ambition then she’s I think she should make absolutely sure she’s got the ground rules of how you do this in America they’ve got to have a look at also whether they would wish to have their or keep their titles and even though they’re in a bance this too is a problem I mean if you’re really looking at a serious political career I don’t see it starting for what we know now GB news is Britain’s election Channel and when the big stories break we’re tackling them on Britain’s news room when we disagree and we disagree a lot it’s even live here we normal we don’t disagree that much we do his comedy though is revolting I knew her and unlike you that explains Beverly Turner’s temperament it’s a bit Frosty in here isn’t it he have one of me one day um for D ball practice Britain’s Newsroom on GB news weekdays 9:30 a.m. GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel welcome back it’s 5:38 I’m Martin dorley and this is GB news now the government is blaming pornography and gaming for a surge in joblessness amongst young men and figures from the on show there are 900,000 young people aged between 16 and 24 who not in education employment or training in January to March 2024 We join me now is Vincent mcgoverin he’s the author of the book called the war on dads and children and a campaigner on men and boys issue Vincent welcome to the show AB to have your company so the reports points a finger really at boys and it says they’re losers they’re dropping out of the job market because they’re watching porn and they’re watching games does that idea have any Merit or is there more to it of course there is Merit to it uh but the underlying reason why so much of this is happening is willfully ignored it is sickness to see the liberate discrimination being used against the most vulnerable members of society who are now far too often young men and so many Staples they are bottom of the line and they feel that the they hopeless future a lot of them feel genu feel of a hopeless future it used to be that uh in the old days until more recently a father could expect to have three or four children in this lifetime we looking after them family now the average young man A working class areas may have three or four fathers in his lifetime and he knows only too well the dentity the family courts The Narrative the schools I mean the mayor of lunus San was recently talking about how bu’s as young as four should be talk about toxic masculinity so from a very early age they are told you’re toxic you’re privileged yet all the see in as homeless men when they go anywhere shopping centers right else and uh if they going to a surgery GP surgery or else they see loads of posters about men of violent violence against Violence by men even though the greater killer of of children are actually mothers not fathers but boys are discriminated and the facts all the facts boys are the bottom of Education they have been for over 20 straight years they’re the least likely to attend University therefore impacts their ability to earn therefore is it any Wonder they’re dropping out of the job market all they’re unable to comp compete we’ve also seen immigration suppressing working class wages if they don’t have qualifications the net result is they’re getting left behind you feel they’re being demonized what can we do about this well it needs to be a desperate move to away from the gendered ideology the toxic discrimination against the male gender deeply mandric and that you need to have impartial professionalism among the services so that your guilt is not determined by gender it’s determined by action you look at the cour you look at the huge increase normalization uh orders they are just given willy-nilly with huge government funded agencies assisting mothers removing father from children’s lives and in education I mean I know from my own campaign there’s not a single campaign not a single policy out there to help boys they seem blind to the pl of young Lads this is a deliberate blindness and unfortunately I think it may will become worse if labor get in because K th originated the believe the victim which quickly became believe only the female and the involvement of the parental involvement is probably going to be removed as well in the next after next election you K St here to defend himself we we we don’t know for a fact that it would be worse under the labor party it hasn’t isn’t great as it is let’s face matters okay so in terms of you about a systemic issue here we’ve seen for example with with the post office we’ve seen with taint of blood we’ve seen huge sectors ignored do we have a similar problem do you think in this in this area it is a bigger problem because this is behind closed doors at least the post office and the infected Bloods horrific dware were in open scrutiny of people could about them but the whole situation discrimination against by the family course particularly the Gateway entries which are so discriminatory against the male gender that is the real problem that has to be addressed to benefit society and particularly young boys and to create a situation where Britain rep Britain has not the worst in Europe but head towards the best in Europe for young boys Futures and all of society and children’s Futures and we hear so often about toxic M but the work you’ve done in the past positive male role models who don’t get much of a thank in life you know active involved fathers your own story that you fought you went to the European Union and F to get father’s more involvement with their children because that have has more positive outcomes in life there’s no comparison between the EU average the oecd Nations and England England UK is bottom of all International statistics on this I mean at the moment 50% of children at the age of 15 aren’t having a regular involvement with their with the non-resident parent who is 95% fathers you’re on and unemployment and all the rest and all the other factors there is always employment in the working class areas for those who are unemployed it’s the dodgy work it’s the gray Industries it’s the crime that is where the real growth industry is in employment it’s not proper employment of course and then the vested interest there’s a huge increase in the prison population the young they’re now asking police to not harest people quite often because they can’t keep up with the prison population so there’s a perception among the younger men that you may as well you’re ready tox you already demonized you have nothing to lose Why Try to engage with society that rejects you your second class sobering words Vincent MCG thank you very much for joining us in the studio that’s Vincent mcguin um thanks for all your talk on that now let’s get we got to get something done about this Vince we got to get something done about it something I care about passionately myself now next up our pubs killing our Spirits ahead of the FA Cup Final and the Scottish Cup final this weekend find out why shortly there short changeing is I’m Martin dley on GB news Britain News [Music] Channel good afternoon welcome to your latest GB news weather update there will be some sunshine across Southern areas to end the day but for most of us it will stay rather cloudy and it’s going to be quite a cold night tonight as well particularly compared to recent nights drizzly rain is going to continue across northern areas that’s because low pressure still nearby and a weather front but through this evening that low pressure will gradually shift North and westwards taking with it that cloudier and slightly wetter weather and introducing much clearer weather the clearer Skies from the south this afternoon will spread northwards and that will allow for temperatures to dip down into single figures possibly low single figures across Southern counties there could also be some mist and fog around as well first thing but also quite a good deal of sunshine as well Saturday is looking like the driest day of the weekend and the warmest one as well so fairly Bright Start across the far north of Scotland still some lingering rain across the Northwest and the Southwest probably but for most of us it should be dry if not a bit cloudy across northern areas across Northern England much of Wales and England it should be a Bright Start temperatures will pick up quite quickly as the sun comes up so you’ll be into double digits at least by around 8:00 and there’ll be plenty of sunshine through the morning that mist and fog should clear quite quickly there a potential for a few showers to develop particularly across northern areas of England parts of of Scotland as well could see some heavier showers on Saturday but most of us should stay dry and there’s just a chance of some rain clipping the far Southeast later on in the day but in the sunshine highs of around 22° in the South into the High Teens across the north but there’s a bit of a change on the way for Sunday as this area of rain from the southwest will push northeastwards through the night bringing a spell of wet weather and once it does clear through we will see plenty of showers breaking out across the country through Sunday and Monday these could be quite heavy possibly thundery so it’s going to turn much more unsettled and a little bit cooler for the rest of the weekend join me Camila Tomy every Sunday at 9:30 when I’ll be interviewing the key players in British politics and taking them to Tas this report basically says that he’s not fit to stand trial with an upcoming election looming over Westminster now is the time for Clear honest answers I agree and that’s precisely what I’ll get is he indecisive in competent that’s the Camila tomin show at 9:30 every Sunday on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel we’re GB news and we come from a proud tradition of British journalism that’s why I’m so excited to be here it’s something so new the first news channel to be launched in Britain in over 30 years launched to represent the views of the British people to go where other broadcasters refused to go how did you find out about the story in the first place launched with one aim to be the Fearless champion of Britain there an absolutely fantastic atmosphere here this is GB news the people’s Channel GB news Britain’s News Channel welcome B time is 5:47 we’re on the final final furong of the week I’m Martin Dorney on GB news now a story very close to my heart are pubs killing our Spirits because punters are reportedly being overcharged around £114 every year by boozers who are short measuring our beer and our wine now according to research by the chared trading standards Institute seven out of 10 drinks in British pubs are being ped short with beer the most likely drink to be under poured this boils my blood let’s speak now to GB news as West bu’s reporter Jack Carson who at the Queen’s head Pub in Birmingham Jack oh you’re making me very with your cold Pine there s outside but this is something that really really bothers people beers pricey enough as it is they’re short changing us we got a big problem definitely I mean it’s a shocking statistic isn’t it really Martin to say um you know the 77 pubs that trading standards uh visited uh in this survey you know 96 out of the 137 you know servings that they got from from pipes of beer and and wine as well you know 96 that’s 70% were under measured and not really to the standard I mean you know the rules are that for a pint it should be 95% liquid 5% maybe a bit of a head or some froth on top I mean the likes of camera of course the campaign for real LS argue that it should be 100% uh liquid and should and that shouldn’t uh really count but you’re right I mean the price of of a pint of beer has gone up 5.6% in the last year that’s according to uh the ons so it really is you know people are already short changed enough and now they’re getting short changed even more when they’re going to and not maybe getting uh the specific measurement now of course um I’ve been here at the Queen’s head in Birmingham it was run by Davenport’s Brewery which is a local Brewery uh based in smic here in the city and they’ve been teaching me how to pour the perfect Pine I mean this is a pretty good example of a pine I have it a little sip so it’s not as full as it was a little bit earlier on but it’s all they were telling it’s all about the technique really and that when you become a bartender in the first place learning that technique of how to Pro uh port a proper pint and it’s maybe that standard that lacking across some of the hospitality uh industry but of course we know as well they’ll be honest that they are struggling with bills with paying their own prices as well uh so maybe that’s a factor that comes into it but while I uh start on this Martin why don’t you take a look at what are the some of the Great British public have been telling me in reaction to that survey how do I feel about well I think it’s a shame but I think it it happens um I don’t have the means of measuring my glass of wine when I buy it do I exactly um but uh does it shock you that that that that that pubs aren’t aren’t maybe going to the full amount of a pint or a full amount of a of a of a kind of serving of wine no why is that though why why are you not shocked maybe because I think uh there will be inaccuracies and they will tend to on on the side of economy from from their point of you well it’s not really good is it really you want to you want to go to a pub and you want you want your Pub you want your point to top you want it to be nice it’s just not right is it really I mean there’s a lot of money apparently being wasted by people you know that a lot of points in in the process it all adds up well as well I work up put myself and there’s a lot that gets put to waste and you know it’s it’s not really the best really so I mean do you think like you know how much kind of head are you looking for on a p are you looking for a nice a good kind of amount or you want to about that much really uh you don’t really want much more than that cuz it’s going to ruin the point but they shouldn’t be wasting it as much as they should we should be getting more uh if they don’t put you the right measure you say to them can you top that up please it’s as simple as that you don’t stand for a lower M Paint than what’s there yeah I mean have you seen it when you’ve been in into a pub you see it all the time especially when a Pub’s busy it’s the first thing they’ll do they’ll pull the P they’re busy they don’t have time to top it up so they just move on to the next customer you simply wait there until the next bar staff’s here and say excuse me would you mind topping this up and they’re more than obliging well there you go a bit of Common Sense uh from the British public there about how they want their PES to be right up to the top I mean we’re talking wasn’t I just there about you know how much whether the head should be included in the PIP whether it should be 100% liquid and not just 95% I mean part of this survey 35% of people found um that of course that you know it should be all the way uh to the top but you know it’s Friday afternoon Martin I’ve got to I’ve got to tuck in yeah Jack Carson I was just just noting there how you did a bit of Paul Daniels on that pint made half of it disappear just like that you know this is something that really really bothers me Jack because if I go into a boo and I get short measured I always always demand a toer it’s it’s it’s your right as a free Englishman Scotsman go on well you know this is it Martin I mean when you go to a pub you know a lot of the time maybe it’s busy maybe you don’t want to complain uh of course you know uh to to the bartender that’s maybe not exactly to your liking um but of course you know at the end of the day if you’re paying for a pint you know you’re paying uh for a p you know you look at some of the some of the stats and actually you know you’re losing about 170 a week if you don’t um you know ask them to get exactly what you’re given for and it’s astonishing Jack 86% of all beer ordered was short measured in this survey although on the bright side Jack Carson that’s the only time I cut down on my drinking thank you very much for joining us on the show always a delight now I always ask for a top up at the bar always in fact I’ll tell you this sometimes when they go to the till I’ll have a cheeky little tug on it I’ll put it back down I say can you top that up please guilty as charge but you should always always ask for a top up it’s your right there no point paying for fresh air no point paying for froth and they do try on push back when you push back you do get your little top up anybody else getting very thirsty looking at that now quickly got a load of emails sent in today from your say let’s read out a couple now on the topic of migrants of course the 10,000 Mark was pass this year a new record Erica says this how can it be right that everyone from anywhere can just decide to com to the UK and get looked after what is the point of going through the legal channels at Great cost why pay for passports the UK to me feels like the wild west now Bruce adds this you can see pictures there of those boats coming ashore and of that Bruce says this I want to know why border force and the rnli vessels are now providing a taxi service for these illegal immigrants now the rnli Border Force say that is unfair they’re simply doing their job lot of people do say that and quickly on general elections um Nikki says this maybe the Tes should ask reform to put candidates in the 75 seats where their MPS have quit and then ask reform for quid pro quo excellent sir well thanks for all of your opinions on the show thanks for getting touch this week it’s been a huge week in politics the general election broke on this show on Wednesday I was proud to cover it hope I did a great job I’ll be back on Monday um i’ also be covering for Nigel farage on Monday evening have a double whammy of me thanks for your company have a great weekend and how’s your weather with Annie shuttleworth a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good afternoon welcome to your latest GB news weather update there will be some sunshine across Southern areas to end the day but for most of us it will stay

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