BIGGEST SUCCESS! Ukraine wiped out the most famous Russian defense battery thanks to US!

    welcome to Oracle eyes as tensions in eastern Ukraine escalate rapidly the fighting particularly in the kke region is being watched with great interest around the world responding to Russia’s escalating ground in air strikes the Ukrainian Defense Forces are launching counterattacks targeting strategic points the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched a significant missile attack on the Russian S400 triumf air defense system deployed near the mosino airport in the donet region this attack was car carried out using atacms tactical ballistic missiles as part of Ukraine’s efforts to weaken Russian air defense capabilities video footage posted on the dosia shiona telegram Channel revealed the details of the attack the operation began at around 12:50 p.m. and targeted the S400 system with five aacms missiles the attack completely destroyed two s300 400 launchers and severely damaged another the system’s 96 l6e radar and the s 300 400 control Point were also destroyed severely limiting the operational capacity of the system the Strategic location of the mosino Airfield about 50 km from the front line was probably used by the Russian military for Attack Helicopters this attack shows that Ukraine is targeting Russian air defense systems not only in the donet region but also in other occupied territories for example earlier this month Ukrainian forces attacked another S400 system protecting the belbeck airbase in Crimea with AAC Ms missiles destroying a truck on the bz 6992 chassis and a 92 n2e multi-functional radar what are the potential effects of these attacks on the Russian military the S400 systems are highly Advanced Air Defense systems capable of protecting a large area against enemy aircraft the loss of these systems could create a serious Gap in the Russian military air defense network and make Ukraine more vulnerable to air strikes in particular these systems play a critical role in protecting critical infrastructure Logistics Depots and command centers the maintenance and operation of these complex systems requires significant logistical support destruction of these systems may require reorganization of local Logistics and maintenance Resources by the Russian military such a loss could also affect the operational plans of the Russian military as reduced air defense capacity would necessitate a reassessment of air superiority strategies the loss of the S400 systems could have a demoralizing effect on Russian military personnel and the general public these systems are considered one of Russia’s proudest Assets in defense technology such a loss could change perceptions of the course of the war and raise doubts about the overall effectiveness of Russian military forces the destruction of these systems could lead to the necessity for Russia to redeploy them this could dilute Russian military air defense resources in other regions and lead to significant changes in defense strategies it could also require redirecting additional resources and Investments to compensate for losses successful targeting and destruction of Russia’s modern Weapons Systems could affect Russia’s military reputation internationally this could negatively affect defense agreements with other countries and Russia’s arms exports it could also raise questions about Russia’s military credibility in the eyes of its allies Ukraine’s attacks on the S400 systems are considered a strategically important development that could affect the course of the conflict by exposing weaknesses in air defense capabilities these attacks may require significant changes in Russia’s military strategies the ongoing Russian offensives in the kke region have once again highlighted the seriousness of the security situation in the region and the dangers facing civilians Vladimir TKO the head of the carke National Police main Department announced that Russian forces carried out a deadly drone strike against the police department during civilian evacuations the attack took place in the town of vens and targeted a police officer who was on his way to pick up people waiting for civilian evacuations the officer was alone in his vehicle at the time of the attack and was targeted before he could complete his evacuation Mission the officer was injured in the explosion and received immediate medical attention and his condition was stabilized osko reported that the officer is alive and receiving treatment he emphasized that despite the attack evacuation operations continued and civilians continued to move to Safe areas Russian forces appear to be violating international law by targeting even civilian evacuation operations such attacks worsen the humanitarian situation in the region and increase the pressure on civilians the World Health Organization and the United Nations High Commissioner for refugees have shared serious data and assessments of the events of recent days and the humanitarian challenges they have created Russia’s offensive has displaced more than 14,000 people in a very short period of time these people were forced to flee their homes in the midst of violent clashes currently around 189,000 people live within 25 km of the border with the Russian Federation and face serious risks due to the ongoing conflict the attacks in the carv region have led to a significant increase in the number of trauma patients the growing number of wounded is placing an additional burden on Health Services in the region and further straining the already strained medical infrastructure unhcr spokesperson shabi am Manu expressed deep concern at the forc displacement due to new ground attacks more than 10,300 people have been evacuated from border villages in the car region While others have left the area on their own man to emphasize that many of the evacuees are extremely vulnerable individuals such as the elderly people with reduced Mobility or disabilities who previously had no opportunity to flee those registered at a Transit Center in the city of K were provided with basic relief items and information on accommodation options Mr Manu said that the vast majority of evacuees want to stay with family members or stay in rented houses and communal spaces in car noting that they do not want to move too far from their homes and want to return When the situation allows the United Nations humanitarian Aid plan for Ukraine for 2024 is set at $3.1 billion however un spokesperson Alesandra valuchi announced that only 23% of this funding has been provided so far this shows that there is a serious funding Gap in meeting humanitarian needs in the region and that there are significant challenges in the process of providing humanitarian assistance this highlights the scale of the humanitarian crisis in K and Eastern Ukraine in general and the challenges for the International Community to respond as attacks and displacement exacerbate the humanitarian situation in the region the acceleration and coordination of international assistance is crucial as a result of these heavy losses sharp decisions are being taken in the Kremlin the failure of the Russian army to achieve what it wanted on the front line has led to the top military leadership being blamed for the heavy losses suffered in the last two years in his new term Russian leader Vladimir Putin is crossing out some of the names he sees as close allies the most important of these names is Russian defense minister Sergey Shu Putin blames shyu for the heavy military losses in the war in Ukraine and accused him of being the architect of some irregularities and corruption in the country Putin made this clear by dismissing shyu Vladimir Putin chose to hold shyu responsible for the heavy military losses in the war in Ukraine and as the architect of some irregularities and corruption in the country Putin made this clear by recently dismissing Shu from his post for the new term the cabinet reshuffle comes as Putin begins his fifth presidential term and the war in Ukraine which began in February 2022 continues the dismissal of Sergey sh was announced by Kremlin spokesman Dimitri pesov so what will happen to Sergey Shu which position will Shu take in the future Kremlin spokesman pesov gave the answer to all these questions presidential press spokesman Dimitri pesov reported that Russian defense minister Sergey shyu will be appointed Secretary of the security Council by Vladimir Putin’s decision pesov suggested that shyu as Secretary of the security Council will also be the deputy chairman of the commission on the military-industrial complex and that he is deeply immersed in this work Sergey shyu will be replaced by civilian Andre balov a former deputy prime minister and economic expert pesov added the Kremlin secretary stressed that Putin appointed balov as defense minister because the ministry should be open to Innovations and advanced ideas shu’s dismissal sparked serious reactions in Russia Russian citizens and Putin’s opponents in the Moscow Administration argued that the war in Ukraine was going back badly and that Putin had therefore dismissed the defense minister another group in Russia which thinks differently on this issue thinks that Putin dismissed Shu who attracted criticism to make a gesture to the Russian people in fact this mindset is quite logical because apart from former Russian defense minister Sergey shyu there are many officials and military leaders who continue their duties when we look at the management team first of all we can see that Kremlin spokesperson Dimitri pesov Vladimir kolv the head of the Interior Ministry in the Russian government continues to serve Alexander kurov the head of the emergencies Ministry Sergey lavro the head of the foreign Ministry and Alexander chenko the Minister of Justice will also remain in their posts in addition Sergey nishin head of the foreign intelligence service Alexander bortnikov director of the FSB Victor zolotov head of the Russian guard Dimitri kochnev head of the Federal Security Service and Alexander lenit head of the main directorate for special programs will remain in their posts it is quite interesting that Sergey shyu was chosen as the victim among all these names so what are the effects of this change what kind of a cycle will the appointment of Andre balof as defense minister instead of Serge shyu drag Russia into first of all the reshuffle of key figures marks a shift in Russia’s approach to war reflecting both domestic military challenges and broader geopolitical pressures the replacement of Sergey Shu a central figure in Russia’s military establishment since 2012 with Andre balof an economist with no previous military experience is a striking departure from the norm with this unexpected appointment the Kremlin is indicating that it wants to integrate economic considerations more closely into its military planning possibly in response to the impact of continued mil milary intervention under economic sanctions but belousov may not have the expected impact on Putin on the other hand Serge shu’s new position as Secretary of the Russian Security Council guarantees that he will continue to influence security policy allbe it in a different capacity this transition is seen as Putin’s desire to better coordinate military and economic strategies as the costs of the protracted conflict in Ukraine continue to mount but shyu in his new role is also likely to influence the change Putin is planning in other words even if the Russian leader makes changes in the administration the effects of these changes may be negative and severe in the long run in addition to shyu Russia’s cabinet reshuffle also sees the removal of Nikolai patev a hawkish member of Putin’s Inner Circle as intelligence Chief a vocal supporter of Russia’s aggressive foreign policy and influential in shaping the country’s security apparatus patev has long been considered one of Putin’s most trusted advisers the current removal of patev as intelligence Chief is noteworthy because it signals a potential shift in the kremlin’s approach to intelligence gathering and Analysis so where will patev be in the future the Kremlin is keeping tight lipped about pev’s future role the Russian leadership has promised more details in the coming days but his dismissal is likely to have significant consequences for Russia’s intelligence community and its operations both at home and abroad another important aspect of the reshuffle is the promotion of pev’s son Dimitri patev from minister of Agriculture to Deputy Prime Minister this move shows a significant realignment of power at the highest levels of the Russian government and proves an interesting consolidation of influence among Putin’s trusted allies Dimitri pev’s rise to such an important position within the government is likely to have implications for Russia’s agricultural sector which has been affected by sanctions it could also challenge a broader reshaping of Russia’s strategic priorities with a greater emphasis on food security and self-sufficiency in the face of external pressures the timing of this leadership overhaul within the Russian cabinet is particularly significant as it coincides with a new Russian offensive against the strategically important Ukrainian city of carke the appointment of Andre balov as the new defense minister replacing Serge as well as the retention of key figures such as foreign minister Sergey lavro and chief of the general staff Valeri gasimov suggest that the Kremlin is seeking to balance New Economic strategies with continuity in foreign policy and military operations the retention of foreign minister Sergey lavro and chief of the general staff Valeri gasimov signals Russia’s desire for continuity in its foreign policy and military operations a seasoned Diplomat lavro has been key figure in representing Russia’s interests on the global stage and played a significant role in shaping the country’s response to the conflict in Ukraine his continued presence in the government ensures that Russia’s diplomatic efforts remain consistent even as the military leadership undergo significant changes similarly the decision to retain valer gasimov as chief of the general staff shows recognition of his experience and expertise in military matters in office since 2012 gasimov oversaw the modernization of Russia’s armed forces and was instrumental in developing the country’s military Doctrine gassim off’s tenure shows that the Kremlin Valu stability and continuity in the military’s top leadership even as it seeks to address the challenges posed by the ongoing conflict taking all these details data and assessments into account we come to the assumption that Sergey shyu is the biggest problem for Putin in the Russian military leadership and the Cog in the cab whatever the outcome the changes and their potential impact on Russia’s military strategy and operations in Ukraine will be closely watched by military analysts and experts around the world the inauguration of new Leaders with different backgrounds and perspectives coupled with the retention of key figures and critical positions could lead to a redefined approach to the conflict that takes into account the lessons learned over the past 2 years and seeks to adapt to evolving Battlefield condition this could include a reassessment of Russia’s military objectives in Ukraine and a greater focus on consolidating gains in key strategic areas rather than waging a broader campaign it could also lead to changes in the way Russian forces are deployed and used with a greater emphasis on the use of precision weapons unmanned systems and other Advanced Technologies to minimize casualties and increase Effectiveness but as mentioned we could also witness the opposite the replacement of shyu by belusa could be seen as a consolidation of power within the president’s Inner Circle as has happened over time with the removal of influential figures such as Nikolai petrusev and the elevation of those with close ties to Putin such as Dimitri petrusev while the consolidation of power is potentially aimed at further centralizing decisionmaking and tightening control over key institutions including the military and the security apparatus the changes as a whole could discredit Russia both on Ukrainian soil and in the international diplomatic and political Arena the changes in Russia’s military leadership Mark a significant shift in the approach to war reflecting domestic military challenges and broader geopolitical pressures the appointment of Andre baloa to replace Sergey shyu signals the need to integrate economic considerations more closely into military planning shu’s new position reflects a desire to better coordinate military and economic strategies however there is also the possibility that shu’s new position could influence Putin’s planned changes the dismissal of Nikolai patev signals a possible change in the kremlin’s approach to intelligence collection and Analysis his replacement by agriculture Minister Dimitri petrusev as Deputy Prime Minister represents a significant realignment of power at the highest levels of government these changes could have significant implications for Russia’s military strategy and operations in Ukraine Russia’s new offensive against karev comes amidst leadership changes the appointment of Andre balov as defense minister and the retention of key figures such as Sergey lavro and Valeri gasimov suggest that the Kremlin is trying to balance New Economic strategies with foreign policy and military operations the retention of Sergey lavro ensures that Russia’s foreign policy efforts remained consistent while the retention of valer gasimov as chief of the general staff provide stability and continuity in the military leadership these changes and their impact on Russia’s military strategy will be closely watched by military analysts and experts the appointment of new leaders could lead to a redefined approach to adapt to the lessons learned over the last two years of the war and evolving conditions of warfare this could include a reassessment of Russia’s military objectives in Ukraine and a greater focus on consolidating gains in key strategic areas it could o lead to changes in the deployment and use of Russian forces with greater emphasis on the use of precision weapons unmanned systems and other Advanced Technologies to reduce casualties and increase Effectiveness as a result these leadership changes and their potential effects could have profound implications for Russia’s military strategy and operations in Ukraine the appointment of new leaders and the retention of key figures could lead to lessons learned over the last two years of the war and a redefined approach approach to adapt to evolving conditions of War however the long-term effects of these changes will be closely monitored by military analysts and experts thank you for watching us


    1. i do wonder some times, if one particular side, is having a severe issue differentiate military from the civil, and just targets whatever moves. witch is horrible for everyone involved. and mostly for themselves…

    2. America can't even help their own people at home but they got to help other countries who are not even our allies we got homeless people and the United States don't give a f***just keep giving all our money away put us more in debt


    4. The first movement of Russia on nuclear weapons is turn into the hanger on Putin neck by ending in August this year. It is an award's gift from Putin for Joe Biden president to enter the Whitehouse in the second term.

    5. Putin will continue to put more young man in the war. He don’t care about human life, as long as he is a dictator, he will continue to send in more young Russians,, just 8 hours all the army will die..

    6. Brics countries who have subsudized fisherboats vacuum cleaning seabeds of africa coasts are angry the west has reached a level of tolerance that they dont want. They just want greed. And exploit and extortion. What they were taught.

    7. Ukraine will soon be stopped … then Putin should set his stats on all of the EU nations including France and Britain even nuclear if need to be Australia Switzerland Sweden even India if need to be

    8. yeah right that's why you're trying to get the Ute and other people join the Ukraine and military because you're losing the battle so you're trying to make it look like that they're winning what a bunch of propaganda crap we heard all this before little you little Israeli Hitler wannabes you want to be just like that Hitler Prime Minister Benjamin of Israel

    9. A twenty minute report on a single important military operation by Ukraine with no actual video of the operation proper and its results is such a waste of time.A five minute or less statement would have been plenty !

    10. Putiny doesn't see it yet but he is funding the Ukraine war effort.
      Sanctioned money from Russian banks are being transferred to Ukraines war chest!

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